Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 28 2018

Both large in terms of population and size, Texas and California have not only driven

the US economy since records began, they are both also among the largest states in term

of population and land mass.

But when you put these two giants head to head, and with all else being equal, just

which state edges it as the most super powerful awesome American State.

In the red corner, we have the lone star state, famous for its once independence, as well

as its massive land mass and oil producing mega power.

And in the blue corner, we have California, land of movies, magic, technological giants,

and fine wines.

What happens when we match up these two powerhouses?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of The Infographics Show - Texas vs California.

California, the Golden State, with a population 34.9 million, is the most populous state in

America and, to put that population into perspective, almost 1 in every 8 Americans is Californian.

Texas, on the other hand, is the second biggest state geographically with a 268,601 square

miles land mass, and if it were a country, Texas would be the 40th largest in the world,

just after Chile and Zambia.

Texas has the second highest population after California and was its own independent nation

from 1836 to 1845.

The Texas Lone Star Flag has three colors.

Red to represent courage, white for liberty, blue for loyalty, and the white star added

during the battles between Texas and Mexico during the 1830s, for purity.

After Texas was annexed as an independent nation in 1845, Texans retained the right

to fly their Lone Star flags at the same height as the national stars and stripes.

California has more national parks than any other state, with 9 of the total 59 national

parks falling within the state's borders.

It is also home to the world's tallest trees, the Hyperion, an 800 year old redwood that

is an impressive 380 feet tall (115.54 meters) and is estimated to contain 530 cubic meters

of wood.

Austin, Texas, meanwhile, is home to North America's largest urban bat colony with

over 1.5 million of the creatures roosting under Congress Avenue Bridge, and eating around

20,000lbs of insects every night.

And if that's a lot of bats flapping around in the city, check out Bracken Cave, also

in Texas, where over 20 million bats live, which is about the same number of bats as

people living in Bangkok, Thailand, one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

California became home to the world's first McDonald's restaurant in 1940, after brothers

Richard and Maurice McDonald opened the first branch in San Bernardino.

Now McDonalds has over 36 thousand restaurants in 120 different countries serving 68 million

customers each and every day.

Not to be outdone on the world mega-corp stakes, Texas's Exxon Mobil is the world's largest

publicly traded oil and gas company and the world's 10th largest company by revenue.

In 2014 Exxon was the Fortune 500's 2nd most profitable company with a daily production

of almost 4 million barrels of oil.

And as we all probably know, the world's largest movie industry (by revenue) is based

in California.

How much revenue?

Well, with a global box office forecast to increase from 38 billion dollars to nearly

50 billion dollars in 2020, Hollywood is set to see a healthy future indeed.

Hollywood is home to the Oscars, however the award statuette was actually named after the

Texan Oscar Pierce, whose niece worked for the award committee, and when seeing the award

for the first time said, "That looks just like my uncle Oscar," and so the statuette

was named.

California is the world's fifth-largest supplier of food, with over 90% of the USA's

supply of raisins, pomegranates, rice, peaches, plums and pistachios coming from there.

It also exports tons fruit juices and wines.

Texas is all about petroleum, and if it were an independent nation, it would be the 5th

largest oil-producing nation worldwide.

Just 34 of Texas's 254 counties are without natural gas, and the Gulf of Mexico is one

of the largest offshore drilling regions producing 463 million barrels of crude oil in 2012 alone.

California has the fourth-highest cost of living at 132 percent of the national average,

while Texas has the second lowest cost of living at 90 percent.

California has a minimum wage of $8 while Texas has a $7.25 minimum wage.

California was the first state to become a trillion dollar economy, and if it was a country,

it would be the sixth largest in the world, surpassing France.

Texas is home to the bowie knife named after Jim Bowie and designed by his brother Rezin.

On the subject of self-protection, in 2015, the Texas legislature passed a bill to allow

concealed handgun permit holders to begin to carry handguns openly, and in Gun Barrel

City, Texas, whose motto is "We shoot straight with you," citizens are encouraged by legislation

to carry a firearm.

By comparison, in California, the gun laws are among the most restrictive in the United


The gun death rate for California in 2013 was 7.89 per 100,000 citizens, compared with

Texas at 10.5.

It is still a hanging offense in Texas to steal or put any kind of markings on another

person's cattle.

It's also illegal to strip naked in front of a dead body, or to let a camel run loose

on the beach.

And in Los Angeles, where sunshine is guaranteed to the masses, it is illegal to throw a Frisbee

on the beach without first having sought permission from an official lifeguard.

So, which state would you rather live in?

Texas or California?

Let us know why in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Donald Trump vs the Average American!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Texas VS California - How Do They Compare? - Duration: 5:36.


🔴 Subnautica | Missing cyclops piece | live stream - Duration: 1:45:53.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Subnautica | Missing cyclops piece | live stream - Duration: 1:45:53.


Enhancing Your Backdrop With Instant Buildings Part 02 - Duration: 15:42.

here we go with part 2 of instant buildings so let's get going with this

right now

we had so much footage to cover on this project right here so I had to cut it

into two videos so this is the second one let's get going this is the results

of it right back here right that's the last one that one that one that one that

one and that right there that's all of them I cut the last two in

half in fact that one with the this one right here is a smoke staff that is half

and that is the other half right there not sure if I'm going to keep that there

but we're going back to metro trains and hobbies this Thursday and I think I'm

going to get the cityscape one that matches this one here they got the

instant buildings this is the industrial district I think I'll get the city ones

to continue it back over on this side right here and I'll probably do that

sometime in when is it next month April after some of the Arduino stuff so let's

get going with part two right now we're gonna trim this down

I got a smaller scale right now and we're gonna trim this down as close as

we can get this to the building I'm gonna start right here

I think I'm gonna change my blade it's about time thinking about this is gonna

take a lot of blades all right now let's get back here

I'll bring you some here and we'll trim these grasses later

okay what I'm going to do here is gonna cut across the top of this cold pow

okay that's all the straight parts right there I'm going to have to get the

little piece right there

okay now we work on the coal pile here and this is all going to be freehand

and on the back of this right on the edge where we see the white right there

we'll go over that with a sharpie so you can't see the white edges even if you're

looking at it like on an angle like this so you know the fun part

take this right here

okay this is gonna be fun I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get something

this skinny but what I might be able to do I'm gonna leave it like a throw right

now or I could put a tree back here and paint that green and have a tree in the

background and we'll see what we could do with that but anyway here is this one

this one was the easiest one because there wasn't that many outcroppings this

is the only one right here now these the other ones have chimneys and water

towers and cooling towers and events everywhere and overhangs this is gonna

be a little bit more difficult because we're going to have to cut straight and

then cut on an angle on this cooling tower right there and cut around that

with a small antenna it looks like right there and that pill aster right there

and at pilasters right there that one's gonna be the fun one right there along

with this one right here because you see you got these braces right in the middle

but I think I'll paint this blue like the background

but this is this one right here that doesn't look too bad I have a sharpie

and we'll just take the edges down did right there already you can see the

difference I just slide it along the edge just to get all the weight off of

there what I decided to do was cut that piece off right there because that's

gonna be nothing but a headache something that's small

I think what I'll do on that on it foliage right there it just takes some

green and dab it along the side of it

instead of trying to do the black I'll find some green that looks pretty close

to that you have the green on there have you even put a green on the side of

it too

just look at the back and see if you could see any white in there anywhere if

you can on the edges just try to fill it in and this is background so you're not

gonna see that much detail in it even though they like to put detail in there

there you go right there

that's what we used in this part okay and extra blades there we go

here's a few shots of how it looks on my layout now I may not leave them there in

that exact position I may put them a little bit closer together

whenever I get more of the cityscape background I cut all the white part off

the bottom except for on the coal mine because on the coal mine right there I

have it propped up against part of the layout my layout is freestanding so it's

not attached to the wall so there's maybe anywhere from a quarter to three

eighths of an inch gap between the surface and the wall so I have spacers

underneath the background so it will hold it up I also used about a half an

inch of transfer tape on each one of the buildings to hold them up against the

wall and on the last building I moved it even further away from the wall to give

it a little bit more depth these can also be used with instant horizons to

give it a more dramatic effect don't forget to hit that subscribe button and

while you're at it ding that Bell so you could be notified when I have more

videos coming out and speaking of more videos I have the Arduino video coming

out Saturday so be sure to watch that one that's gonna be interesting so we'll

see ya

For more infomation >> Enhancing Your Backdrop With Instant Buildings Part 02 - Duration: 15:42.


What Do You Know About Vitamin D? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


- Well, well, the sun, but you can get it from the sun.

- Well I feel like solar powered,

like I get it from the sun.

- I've also heard that it helps with your mood.

- You know, like, I don't know.

I would want to say maybe, no that's maybe E for burns.

- Honestly, where it comes from, where it originates from,

no, of course I have no idea, like let's be honest.

For more infomation >> What Do You Know About Vitamin D? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


What Do You Know About Probiotics?| Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


- Uh, it's some sort of healthy bacteria.

- Get the good stuff in when the bad stuff's been taken out.

- Mm.

- It's really good for your digestive system.

- I personally don't take them in yogurts

or anything like that, but I take it as a supplement.

- Honestly I have no idea.


For more infomation >> What Do You Know About Probiotics?| Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


An introduction to Istio - Duration: 10:41.

[developerWorks theme music playing]

Hello! This is Doug Tidwell, finally getting a much-needed haircut, thanks to my friend Anne Fairchild.

I was recently sitting in my corner office,

admiring the scenery through my floor-to-ceiling windows,

when I received an email from microservices architect Shelly DeVille

of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Shelly writes:


Istio. Please discuss.

Anxiously awating your response, microservices architect Shelly DeVille, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Shelly, thanks so much for that conveniently open-ended email.

The Istio service mesh is one of the hottest topics in the world of containers and microservices,

so it's about time we talked about it. We'll spend at least two mailbags on the subject, maybe more,

so today we'll cover the basics and look at an example.

But why does Istio exist in the first place?

A common architecture these days is to have some microservices,

each deployed in a Docker container inside a Kubernetes cluster,

then have those microservices work together

to do something formerly done by a monolithic application.

And that works great, but as with any new technology,

it's fun for about 20 minutes before someone asks about security and management.

You want to control how, when, and if your microservices interact,

which is where Istio comes in.

So...our starting point. We assume you've deployed a Kubernetes cluster,

you've logged in to the IBM Cloud via the Bluemix command,

and you've set up the kubectl command.

There's a mailbag video on Kubernetes the covers all these topics if you need a refresher. []

Now, go to Find the download

link at the bottom of the page and get the zipfile or tarball for your platform.

Unpack it at the command line, then update your PATH to include the /bin directory,

the directory that contains the istioctl tool.

You'll also be adding that to your container toolbox today.

Switch to the install/kubernetes directory and type kubectl

create -f istio.yaml.

This creates a basic installation of Istio inside your cluster.

You'll notice there are other scripts and directories, but we'll deal with those another time.

The YAML file tells the IBM Cloud to deploy the publicly available Docker images

that contain Istio, so you don't have to copy those images to your private repository.

When the Istio install is done, type kubectl get

svc -n istio-system.

Istio installs itself in a separate namespace inside your cluster,

so you have to specify the namespace when you're looking for the Istio components themselves.

You should see istio-ingress, istio-mixer,

and istio-pilot in the list.

A bit of background before you start deploying your sample application to your cluster.

One of the major concepts in the world of Istio is the sidecar proxy.

Based on the Envoy project, the sidecar sits beside your services and deployments

and monitors all the traffic that goes in and out.

And, as you would expect, for security or policy reasons,

Istio can block or reroute that traffic as well.

You'll create some deployments and services inside your cluster over the next few minutes,

but you'll use istioctl to inject sidecars as you go.

Now let's take a look at our sample.

You'll be deploying a horoscope service.

What you see here is a lovely Angular 5 front-end to that service.

There are five different horoscope applications.

Each one will be a Docker container running in your cluster.

They all implement the same interface, but they deliver different results.

Here's today's horoscope for Capricorn. First, the Optimistic service,

in which the stars say you should treat yourself to a lavish dinner tonight.

Next, the ominous service, which adds the phrase, "As if it were your last meal."

The Kafkaesque service always says something depressing,

followed by the line, "Your life will be bleak and miserable."

And there's something we call the Planetary Motion service,

which determines your fate from the movements of planets and constellations.

In this case, it's a disturbing message from Mercury.

Finally, there's a horoscope written by noted astrologer and developerWorks

editor John Swanson. We'll take an in-depth look at that one towards the end of today's video.

If you clone this github repo [], you'll get all the code you need.

That includes the five implementations of the service,

the YAML files to deploy everything to your cluster, and the Angular 5 application.

Take a look at the README file for a complete discussion of everything you'll do here.

To save time, I've built the five Docker images and pushed them into my account at Dockerhub.

That means you can just use the horoscope.yaml file to deploy the five Docker images

and create the service that sits in front of them.

You could run kubectl create -f horoscope.yaml,

but that wouldn't inject the sidecar proxies along with your new services and deployments.

What you'll need to do is type kubectl create -f

less than, left paren, istioctl kube-inject -f

horoscope.yaml, then a right paren.

The kube-inject option on the istioctl command

modifes the YAML to include the sidecars.

Now you're all set...except you're not.

The last thing you have to define before you can start using your service is an ingress.

We'll take a quick look at the YAML file that defines the ingress.

This file tells Istio that traffic coming in to the path slash horoscope

followed by anything should be routed to port 8080 of the service named horoscope.

Without the ingress, Istio doesn't let any traffic in to any service that it controls.

Use kubectl create -f

ingress.yaml to define the ingress.

With that done, type bx cs workers Mailbag

(or whatever you called your cluster) to get the IP address of your cluster,

then kubectl get service istio-ingress

-n istio-system to get the port of the istio-ingress controller.

Use curl with that address and port followed by slash horoscope slash sign

to get the horoscope for a particular sign. If you run this several times,

you'll get results from several services. Even better,

if you edit horoscope-service.ts in the Angular application,

you'll see the horoscopes in a modern UI.

Before we go, we'll look at one more feature of Istio.

We mentioned managing services earlier. Istio lets you define route rules.

Look at the file route-optimistic-ominous.yaml.

This tells Istio to divide the workload evenly between the optimistic horoscope

and the ominous one. 50% for each.

kubectl create -f with that file defines the route.

If you test the service now, you'll only see horoscopes from those two services.

If you type kubectl replace -f route-john-swanson.yaml,

now the John Swanson horoscope gets 100% of the traffic.

As you can see, that horoscope tells every sign to avoid Geminis,

with the exception of Gemini, whose horoscope is, "You will feel lonely and abandoned today."

kubectl delete routerule horoscope restores everything to the original configuration.

That's as far as we'll go with Istio for now.

In future mailbags we'll look at using the Grafana graphical dashboard to monitor the service mesh,

and we'll look at some of Istio's security features, but that's plenty for today.

In the meantime, Shelly, I hope that introduction to Istio was what you were looking for.

And we'll see you again soon with another episode of the developerWorks Mailbag.

[To Anne] Isn't this fascinating?

[unintelligible in the background] I just, well, the problem is I don't either, so that'll come through.

But I'll be clean-shaven by the time this is over.

[developerWorks theme music fades out]

For more infomation >> An introduction to Istio - Duration: 10:41.


Why Are You Following Me? - Duration: 1:47.

Hey man.

Sorry to bother you.

It´s just that I´m thinking of buying one.

Can you recommend a specific model or...?

Well, this is a Panasonic Lumix with a Canon lens.


How much?

The prices vary.

But they´re really expensive, aren´t they?


Do you think I can find a used one too?

Yes. It´s possible.

Yeah, of course. And you can find one in good condition.

Cool. Thanks man.

Yeah, no problem.

Peace bro.

For more infomation >> Why Are You Following Me? - Duration: 1:47.


Spackling Compound - How To Spackle Like A Pro - Duration: 2:12.

How to Spackle Like a Pro

For more infomation >> Spackling Compound - How To Spackle Like A Pro - Duration: 2:12.


5 Ways to Help Him Last Longer in Bed - Duration: 6:18.

5 Ways to Help Him Last Longer in Bed

Its no secret that many men have an easier time reaching orgasm than many women.

That, coupled with the fact that premature ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder in men under 40, means you may frequently find yourself unsatisfied once hes finished.

It can be a real let-down to realize his fun is over before youve hardly started.

While you could get him to finish the job by some other means, another solution is to help him last longer in bed.

Here are five methods to try.

1. Take it slow

To get your guy to last longer, have him start slow, Mens Fitness magazine suggests.

Tell him to aim for one thrust every few seconds, then gradually (like, every two minutes) take it up a notch, to the point where theres a thrust every second or so.

If he feels like hes going to come, he should stop thrusting and wait a few seconds until he can control himself and start up again.

2. Do it again and again

A round of vigorous foreplay before sex can work wonders, according to Cosmopolitan magazine.

Not only can you orgasm, which might make you more likely to come again during sex, but getting him to ejaculate before the main event should delay the finish line.

For many guys, it takes a certain amount of time to recharge, which means you should have plenty of time to be satisfied.

3. Try pelvic floor exercises

Youve probably heard of Kegels, which are exercises that help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and improve your chances of orgasm.

It turns out, these same exercises can help treat premature ejaculation in men.

Research presented recently at the European Association of Urology in Stockholm found that simple pelvic floor exercises improved premature ejaculation rates after 12 weeks in most men.

Try doing the exercises together for maximum benefits.

4. Use a condom

Ask a guy who doesnt like wearing condoms why he feels that way and hes bound to tell you, It doesnt feel as good. Sex with a condom definitely feels different, and you can take advantage of this to get your guy to last longer.

The sensations on his penis will be slightly weaker with a condom on, which might translate to longer sex sessions.

5. Switch up the position

If your guy has a go-to move that always gets him off, switch it up.

Cosmopolitan suggests missionary or girl-on-top, which can help many men delay the finale. (Skip doggy-style.).

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Help Him Last Longer in Bed - Duration: 6:18.



Hello my name is Mari, and I will give you six reasons to learn the new language

So if you are wondering if learning another language

Could be any good to you. You think you already speak English that should be enough, but let me stop you there

There are plenty of good reasons for learning a new language, and I'm going to give you some of them right now

Learning a language helps you not only to understand

foreigners in a linguistic way

But to understand their culture and their perspective on things the way they see

Life in general it is a mind opening experience and it can help you

understand better other cultures have more empathy

towards others and

Find new ways to live your life

When you travel to a country and speak the language

Locals love it normally they feel certain pride that YOU someone that comes from far away

someone that

Has never been in the culture is actually speaking their language and

They take it as a compliment

It's not like you're honoring JUST their culture, but in some ways you're honoring them as people

by learning language their language

So they get all excited and start showing you things that

You will never see, or you will never experience if you they don't speak the language

Because maybe there are some traditions that you have to understand what they're saying so they invite you to go and check out that


maybe they

They can share with you

you know one of the places the local go to eat where it has like the best food so learning the language of the

Country you're traveling to or the place you're traveling to can be

An amazing experience and can give you many many opportunities to discover any new culture

When we speak other languages sometimes we change our personalities

and this is because the way we

Express ourself changes because in some languages there might be more words or more ways to express

Your feelings so it's more of an emotional

Language there are some others

more technical of more right to the point so in some languages you may be like really straightforward

Even if you're not in your native language

So even makes you more of an extrovert even if you're an introvert

And I've experienced this and suddenly we just are more open to speak and talk and some other some

More, shy and has nothing to do in on whether I speak the language well or not

it's it's something related to the language that I can't explain, but

It's a fun journey to find these little pieces of yourself that maybe were hidden and to know that

You can adapt to many circumstances

And it's an experience that I have find that only languages give me this experience of

changing bits of myself

In different situations, and it's very funny to discover that part of yourself

We live in a globalized world

I don't have to tell you that so so it shouldn't be a surprise that

employers everywhere are looking for people that speak multiple languages because

They need this to

make deals with the rest of the world to interact with the rest of the world and

Now even more with social media if you want your product or your service to go international

You needs to have people that speak other languages and that know how other cultures work

When it comes to languages

you're in a constant stage of learning which means that you are in a consonant state of improving and growing and

it helps to keep your mind sharp and active all the time because you're constantly picking up on words and

expressions and phrases and cultural stuff

Your mind is always working in that way


Last but not least

Yes, speaking multiple languages makes you way more attractive

language learners are


they're full of empathy, they have a lot of

Patience they're multicultural, and they are always looking to learn something from others

honestly I

I really I don't know what else you need and

Also, you're not (to meet)only restricted to the people that speaks your language you have more people to choose from

because you speak another language

So you have more ways to approach people

Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you did, please give it a thumbs up

Last but not least yes, it makes you WAY MORE attractive language learners are


Also learning language can be really fun

There are tons of fun shows and movies you are missing out right now because you speak a foreign language

go learn now

Ok bye



We have a question for you and we answer a couple as well. - Duration: 7:42.

hey guys welcome back to the lazy tech guys today I just wanted to go over a

couple questions that I've been getting and I got a question for you guys at the

end in this video so please watch and answer my question I'd greatly

appreciate it anyway couple quick questions that I've been getting one is

why are my comments not showing that and so that one the comments have you come

back they are showing up what's going on is we have every comment set to be

approved what that means is when you make a comment we'll come in and we'll

check it and then we'll approve the comment now why are we doing that it's

not because you know we're not just not approving comments I think just about

everybody that has made a comment has been approved what we're looking for is

two things one is we want to see the comment as they come in and we want to

be able to respond to those comments and we check comments several times

throughout the day myself and my team we check those comments pretty regularly

and so we're able to approve and in reply to those comments usually you know

within a reasonable amount of time so that's the one thing is we want to build

we don't want to miss a comment we want to respond to them as possible so they

just super crazy we don't have time to respond but at least get it approved the

other reason is we don't want how do I want to say this we don't want a lot of

cursing and things like that in the comments not really that we mind that

it's more of of you know name-calling things like that you know if you don't

like something that we're doing we're totally cool with that and you can leave

constructive criticism all you want we don't have a problem with that we'll

approve those in a heartbeat whether you agree with us or not what we don't want

is you know you F in this you could F and do it this way or whatever that's

not cool we won't approve something like that but if you have something that you

know this is better than you XYZ constructive

criticism it's awesome and we really do like that

the other thing against the block all the spam a lot of people will throw in

their spam stuff in there and we're just not going to allow spam if you want to

put a link in for some reason you need to contact us through the messenger here

on YouTube you know Twitter Facebook one of those places somewhere and let us

know what you want to do and we will let you know hey that's cool or hey no we

don't want that but you know just throw in a link in and leaving we're not gonna

we want to prove those comments we had one of those today that's what kind of

prompted this real quick impromptu video on that the other thing that we had a

question on is links and wire links not in the descriptions why are there's no

affiliate links and all that stuff well I don't know if you guys know but

YouTube changed the rules a while back a month or two or whatever ago didn't

really matter and we are not monetized so we cannot buy their Terms of Service

we cannot put affiliate links in unless we're monetize that we can check that

box at this house a you know I'm feeling it and all that good it has a what a

sponsor and that's what I was thinking for an affiliate link well since we

don't have that we can't put the affiliate links in so that's just one of

those things you know we can't do that now there is some internal debate here

on what kind of links we can to you to outside sources inside a video

description if it's directly related there's some debate though yeah we

should be able to do that we're trying to mud through those waters I'm with

their Terms of Service we've emailed YouTube things like that try to get some

answers and we think we can but we're not going to until we know for certain

because we just don't want to get the account banned we don't want to get this

channel you know banned through YouTube and then well that's all for naught we

can't you know continue to do this so that is the reason why the links are not

there right now now we know we can do YouTube video links that's an easy one

yeah because they don't mind us linking off to their videos but in the

YouTube descriptions and stuff they are very picky and that's just you know just

for good reason YouTube you know doesn't want you to leave Yujin they won't just

stay here so that's that's the deal so once we get through those waters and we

figure that out then we can adjust accordingly but that's what's going on

so for you guys that know so the next thing or the next item my

mind went blank there for about 30 seconds ah is the other day

there's Saturday if if you knew it was late because we were running late we did

a live stream and just a live stream Tech Talk member you know subscriber

hangout this is what we did and I'll leave a link link link event giving a

link to the top right on that if you're interested in what's in that butter my

question is are you know is are you guys interested in doing that are you

interested in having some live hangouts where we can all get in and just chat

and share you know our knowledge on phone farming XYZ and anything tech that

we don't care tech related whatever you know just have an open chat on that on

that end so we were curious if you guys are really interested in doing something

like that if you are you know we need to nail down Pacific's and we're looking at

doing it you know as often as once a week or twice a week or once a month you

know kind of what everybody's interested in we're thinking more like either twice

a week or once a month is what looks like to probably be best right now and

then maybe doing those you know eight nine o'clock either Monday Wednesday or

Friday you know we've got some options and open but what we're looking for from

you guys is you know you know what would be good for you and so we can kind of

weigh that out what would be the best for everybody whether there's current

subscribers and we can get that kind of rolling if you guys are interested if

you're not interested no way don't you know not interested you know we don't

want to do that that way we can kind of weigh the option is because if there's

not enough we'll interested in doing this then

we're just not gonna do it well I won't say that if we have one person that's

interested in doing it it's gonna show up on a regular basis we're probably

will I mean we don't we don't mind talking to one person as long as you

guys don't mind talking to us yeah so anyway I just let us know just make some

you know just drop those ideas and comments down below on you know when

times how often what your thoughts are if you're interested or not and that way

we can make a decision and what you guys know in advance what we're gonna do what

we take into account what's gonna work for you guys and what's gonna work for

us so you know guys that is my question so from there that's it that's all I've

got for the day I appreciate you guys watching and remember that is what you

make it so let's make it a good one


For more infomation >> We have a question for you and we answer a couple as well. - Duration: 7:42.


ShareBED: The newest innovation in the sharing economy - Duration: 2:33.

Thanks for letting me stay!

Host: You're welcome!

The sharing economy has exploded over

the past few years.

These days people share houses,

cars, and even pets.

But how can you profit off this sharing economy?

Thanks for the ride

Driver: yeah

The average human only uses about

40% of their bed when they sleep.

So what happens to the other 60%?

unfortunately for most people just goes unused.

But now with Share BED by Lucid you can turn it into a business opportunity

and it's as simple as one, two, three

Step one -create your listing

Step two - set your rates

Step three -get paid.

When you use share BED

you'll meet people from all walks of life.

Maybe he'll meet a Yankees fan.

A Hockey player.

A LumberJack

Or A hockey playing lumberjack.

ShareBED is completely safe!

And with our rating system share BED ensures a compatible experience for

hosts and guests alike

As a host you can provide more than just a place to sleep.

You can provide a five-star experience

*Phone Ringing*


Good morning! This is your 8:30 a.m. wake-up call just a reminder your

checkout is at 10 o'clock.

Thank you

And if your bed doesn't share

the title of a monarch.

Worry not!

ShareBED has the answer.

Share BED lite

Living in a dorm? no problem.

Prefer the great outdoors? That works too!

Still finding your path in life? We support you.

No matter where you sleep,

don't let your 60% go to waste share your B-E-D today and make money

while you sleep

For more infomation >> ShareBED: The newest innovation in the sharing economy - Duration: 2:33.


What Do You Know About Vitamin C? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.

- I am 100% sure that I have heard of vitamin C before.

- If you haven't heard of vitamin C,

you been sick for a long time.

- C, I always take 'cause of cold and flu season.

- And I take a lot of it.

I take two or three, four.

- Sometimes, you know, a panic mode sets in.

You're starting to get sick,

you're like, oh god, what am I going to do? Vitamin C!

You just take like, 25.

- Well, it comes from a lot of different citruses, right?

Like, any, I mean, I think, I don't know which has the most,

but I know limes, and lemons, and oranges,

and all kinds of stuff, and yeah.

For more infomation >> What Do You Know About Vitamin C? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


Maker Spaces: Ceramics Studio - Duration: 1:10.

The Ceramics Studio is a place where all the students

can come to work on clay projects of their own design.

We're an ancient technology and

everybody makes everything here.

There's a thrill in learning how to make something.

You can literally make anything here.

It's awesome how you can see your improvement so clearly.

Every single person who works here is just so willing

to help you out whenever you need to and give you advice

even if you have no clue what you wanna do or if you're just

beginning you can always get help from someone.

Just making something simple that you can use

I think students really appreciate that.

I think it's so important to work with your hands

and just do something outside of your school work.

That's why I try to come in here so much because it really

just gives me a space where I can completely get that

out of my head and focus on creating something

with my hands.

For more infomation >> Maker Spaces: Ceramics Studio - Duration: 1:10.


You Are The Reason - Calum Scott | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:37.












































For more infomation >> You Are The Reason - Calum Scott | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:37.


A little cutie「Pokemon Ultra Moon NUZLOCKE: Bounded 💀💀 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:43:01.

For more infomation >> A little cutie「Pokemon Ultra Moon NUZLOCKE: Bounded 💀💀 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:43:01.


Personal Financial Management - Duration: 1:01.

Financial planning made simple.

With our quick step-by-step process, you can achieve your personal financial goals.

Begin your financial journey by first answering some questions to get started.

You can then dive into each of your goals to build out your personalized financial plan.

Click the buttons at the bottom of the pages to move through the different sections.

Once you've completed the questions and added goals, you will see an overview of your current

financial picture.

The "What If" button allows you to assess how your progress will be impacted.

For instance, assess what your retirement income will be if you retire at age 67 rather

than 65 by toggling to 67 years of age.

There are question mark icons throughout the tool you can click on for helpful tips.

You can access your plan at any point to monitor accounts and track progress.

Your information will remain completely secure so you can manage your goals with peace of mind.

For more infomation >> Personal Financial Management - Duration: 1:01.


5 Ancient Tibetan Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day To Stay Young And Healthy - Duration: 7:11.

5 Ancient Tibetan Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day To Stay Young And Healthy

It�s no secret that a long life starts with your daily habits.

Many people chase youth and health but have trouble to committing to these healthy habits.

If you don�t know where to start on your journey of wellness, try the Tibetan 5 Rites,

which are easy to do and don�t require much time.

Best of all, they�ll leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed!

The 5 Rites

The Five Tibetan Rites is a yoga routine suitable for people of any age that�s based on a

ritual of exercises done by the Tibetan Lamas, believed to be the root of their longevity.

It also only takes about 20 minutes to do and has been practiced for over 2500 years

(1).This daily ritual is believed to help manage stress, tone the body, increase focus

and mental clarity as well as improve digestion, blood flow, and immune function.

It�s also said to improve the mind-body connection (2).

It works on the belief that the body contains chakras or centers of spiritual energy.

These 7 chakras are situated along the spine, from the crown on your head down to the tailbone.

They are described as the swirling wheels of energy where matter and consciousness meet

and through which prana (life energy) flows (3).

Each of the seven main chakras contains nerves connected to major organs.

They are also said to be responsible for our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states

of being (3).

Peter Kelder, author of the book �Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth� describes

the chakras as such:

constello-bracelet �The body has seven centers, which, in English,

could be called Vortexes.

These are kind of magnetic centers.

They revolve at great speed in the healthy body, but when slowed down � well that is

just another name for old age, ill-health, and senility.

These spinning centers of activity extend beyond the flesh of healthy individuals, but

in the old, weak, senile person, they hardly reach the surface, except in the knees.

The quickest way to regain health, youth and vitality is to start these magnetic centers

spinning again.

There are but five practices that will do this.

Anyone of them will be helpful, but all five are required to get glowing results.�

THE 5 RITES ROUTINE This routine requires no equipment, no sweat

and will increase energy and flexibility.

Within a month of everyday practice, you�ll notice incredible results.

Keep in mind that the rites should be performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

If you�re feeling stressed, take a few breaths and ground yourself before beginning.

Lastly, keep in mind that the rites should be performed in sequence, with little time

in between each movement.

The key is not speeding, but rather focus and consistency in your movements (4).


You�ve probably seen children doing this motion before.

It�s actually meant to increase energy, tap into your natural youthfulness and help

speed up the 7 chakras.


1 Stand straight with arms stretched out parallel to the earth.

2 Starting turning your body clockwise, with your left foot leading as you pivot on your


3 To avoid dizziness, find two focus points or Dristhi � one in front the other behind


Spin your head quickly to focus on these points as your body moves.

4 Take deep breaths and enjoy the movement.

5 Rest in mountain pose, samasthiti or Tadasana, with your eyes closed.


This site is designed to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, heal the digestive system and

tone the abdominal muscles and core.


1 Lie down on your back with arms stretched out beside you and your legs out in front

of you

2 As you exhale, bring your legs up and towards your core, making sure to keep them straight.

3 Bring your head towards your chest as you do so.

4 Make sure to take deep breaths throughout the exercise.

5 Rest when you need, hugging your legs into the chest and rocking side to side to soothe

the back and pelvis.

6 In preparation for the next Rite, relax in savasana pose


This rite is good for the throat chakra to stimulate the pituitary and thyroid glands.

It boosts positive mood and increases spine strength and flexibility.


1 Close your eyes

2 Rest on your knees, standing tall.

Your knees should be at hip�s width apart.

3 Rest your hands on your lower back or just below your buttocks for support

4 Bring your hips forward as you lift your chest upwards, tilting you head back int he


5 Release and stand upright.

6 Rest in child�s pose.


The fourth rite works on the sacral chakra to awaken sexual energy and strengthen clarity.

It also tones the arms, legs and gluteus.


1 Sit with both feet firmly on the floor at hip�s width apart.

2 Bring your hands just behind you, with your palms firmly ont he ground and in line with

your shoulders.

and finger tips faced forwards.

3 Inhale and bring your hips up as high as possible, tilting your head back int he process.

4 Exhale and come back down.

5 Rest in savasana.


This final rite is designed to stimulate all chakras and tone the entire body.

It also relieves fatigue and increases blood flow.


1 Start in a plank position with your hands and feet shoulder and hip-width apart.

2 Keep your elbows and knees loose and flexible.

3 Slowly move into a downward facing dog or adho-mukha svanasana.

4 Return to your plank and bring your hips towards the ground to ease into an upward

facing dog or Urdhvamukhasvanasana.

5 Rest in savasana for as long as you need to recover.

As you get better, begin repeating each rite 21 times.

As it becomes a daily ritual, you will feel more and more connected with your body and


For more infomation >> 5 Ancient Tibetan Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day To Stay Young And Healthy - Duration: 7:11.


What Do You Know About Fish Oil? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:31.

- Uh.

(warm music)

I'm not a marine biologist, but

I'm pretty sure it comes from fish.

- Helps with the brain, that's what I heard.

- That can like, you know, it's gonna make my hair shiny.

I'm just gonna be shiny.

- If you're getting all creaky and,

inflammation in the joints, maybe it'll help with movement.

- I think it tastes disgusting.

- But it doesn't, I'm sure, it probably tastes like nothing.


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