Your feathers off. Ok. Ready? Clap. We're starting now.
Don't say clapping. You don't say anything. You be still for a couple
seconds. Ok wait a minute.
Jim I read this article this morning that got me thinking about that concept
that we always talk about kind of the segmenting of worlds. And it was a real
interesting story this guy who's 53 he'd been working for Nike up in Portland for
a while he was in some part of the digital side of it. And he decided at the
at the time of the American elections a year and a half ago
2016. He decided he was going to do something called the blockade. And he
completely cut he he completely cut himself off from all media. News,
newspapers everything and he moved to Ohio and started a pig farm. And so this
article was an example of somebody who really said that's enough I don't want
to have all this news, international or US news, in my life. And one of the things
he he discovered he said I'm experiencing an emotion that I haven't
felt in decades. And it was boredom yeah and he said and it doesn't bother me
yeah. So it got me thinking of that separation couple things that separation
we talked about and also the idea that boredom might possibly be the transition
between what I have to do and what I want to do. Yeah that's a good
observation. It just got me thinking. So this space we talk about often
about you're starting to shift, segmenting in the kind of two
Earths. One basically going in a direction different than the other. We
have this experience with a lot of the students in Mastering Alchemy so you
start to have the tools to begin to step away from my noise, my emotions, my
baggage that kind of a thing. And often is particularly about halfway through
the Level Three Year One people say gee I'm losing my goals, I'm losing my
interests I'm feeling a whole lot better about my state of being. But I'm bored
yeah and they'll use that word bored and every time I'll ask the question well
how is that for you? Virtually every time they say it's really pretty good -yeah
just like his dad -I kind of like it. So boredom in a way is not a problem
necessarily it is clearly different. It is a space where I'm not engaged with my
conscious or unconscious motion. Or maybe I'm not engaged with something I've
always done before. Yeah and a lot of that is just unconscious habit yeah. I I
do this, I go here, I expect the world to be this way or that way. And in that
process I start to begin to recognize that's noise. It's a positive
noise but it's noise, it's motion, it's leaning into things and very much it's
an unconscious movement through time. I remember I don't think I've ever
experienced boredom. There's always something I'm doing yeah.
But I remember as as as a kid and also parents nowadays the kids will come up
to the parents and say I'm bored tell me what to do yeah. Is that that seems like
a different kind of boredom. Well I think that is different too. Because a lot of a
lot of kids and younger people, and particularly I think some of these kids
that are Millennials, maybe in the 20 to 30 range one of the things that was very
prevalent in 80s 90s maybe into early 2000s is
parents wanted to make sure their kids had a great experience. So they took 'em
soccer, they took 'em tennis, they took 'em to gymnastics, they put him into dance. They
basically completely gave them a lot of things to do.
Filled up their life. Filled up their lives and now at 20-something years old
they're not having their lives filled up. They're on their own.
And when we talked to some of these kids they don't know what to do mm-hmm. They
don't know how to initiate on their own, activities. And so that may be kind of a
boredom too. But pretty much that's a disconnect from how do I engage. But I
think this particular part of boredom that we're talking about is is actually
really important. We can call it boredom for a label for the purpose of this. But
I am disconnecting from a lot of my unconscious and conscious habits. I'm
starting to notice myself in terms of how do I observe and then choose. And a
lot of people, like all ages haven't really chosen before. We move along, we do
what we're supposed to, we get our job we have our two point three kids, we live in
the house we mothers are -play the game- supposed to fathers are supposed to. So when you
start to watch this now, people disconnecting from the game, if you would.
The disconnect for a lot of people in Mastering Alchemy particularly a lot
of people who are beginning to become conscious of being conscious. They're
starting to be aware also of some other set of choices. So a lot of times those
choices are I want something different there's a better or a different way of
doing this. But that better different way is not how they have had their
experience today. And in that boredom period of time is the time where we've
let go of our old reference points but we haven't found our new reference
points. Yeah so it's that period of time where we're kind of empty or
-and that's a good word for it too we've heard that expressed. So empty I don't know
what to do I I don't know where to go I know what I wanna feel and so. And I know what
doesn't work for me -and I know what doesn't work for me.
But I don't have a place to go. You know I I find myself sometimes saying in my
reality I I want to have an experience that says do do do do accomplish. And I
built the house, I built the shed, I did something. And in my reality even though
with tremendous satisfaction and all the work that's being done and watching
people shift. Sometimes there's a space where it's like I don't I don't know
that I accomplished. I feel disconnected from my sense of either doing or
accomplishing. Now that's not a problem and I- well it's different than boredom too- well I but I've
been in that space of boredom and we're talking about. And what I watched as I
went into that is I'm in transition. I'm not doing the same things that I used to
do. And I think that's this segmentation beginning to formulate, beginning to come
into a place. And when you talk to, again let's use a Mastering Alchemy group, if
you say well what do you want. A lot of times they say I don't know but in in in
the case because this is part of our scripting is well let's define it as
well-being. Would that be something you want? And people go oh yeah. And it feels
like this and words like integrity and enjoyment and appreciation and ease. You
know they run out all those words and everybody goes yeah that's what I want.
But if you listen to the words ease, respect, appreciation there's not a doing
right attached. There's not a I went to the store, had coffee,
I watched the football game, I had an experience. There's a shift between
emotions into feelings. And feelings in this case are lighter and
have less attachment to them less drama to them in some cases. And I think
that's what people are defining is boredom. Particularly this guy he
basically said I'm going to not deal with news and noise. And he did an
interesting thing where he had to tell all his friends don't talk to me about
this. He goes to his coffee shop every day, he has this same coffee, he puts in
his earbuds and he's blocking out all the chatter in the coffee shop. So it's
really he's really orchestrated a life. Yeah yeah and he's not in reactionary
avoidance. He's choosing to not be connected to that. So that's a real
different place than I'm pushing yeah against. I think this place of boredom too is if
when we find ourselves in it if we can not push against it and just say well
this is an in-between place. I'm moving toward something bigger, better,
satisfying, all those good words. Rather than having that experience and being
errrr what's wrong with me. Yeah and I think a question you start to ask is
what would I like. Now and expect no answer. That's I think a really
important. Expect no answer there's no oh I want to do this. Because that's part of
the how the scripting has been. So what would you like to feel? How would you
like to feel? And where do you experience that feeling? And so in a way it's nature
comes up for a lot of people. I'd like to go for more walks, I'd like to go for
a hike, I'd like to do. What and there are people many people all the world that
are stepping into this exact space. So what would the World look like if you
had engagement in well-being? And how would you live in your own house? What
would your house look like? As simple as could you rearrange the furniture to
create a different feeling in the house. Clean your garage you know or do
something that creates maybe a sense of accomplishment in orderliness. Because
orderliness is one of those words that really comes into this place of I'm
aligned I'm present here I am . So there is a shift so if you
hit that space of boredom it's not a problem it's a transitional phase into
something that I would like to accomplish. But as you said the reference
points aren't fully in place yet and I don't know what this feels right like I don't
know how it's not tangible. It's like wanting a food and you keep and I can't
find that but I know it exists. Yeah so but yeah this is a this is an important
step I think in terms of watching this Shifting unfold. And the Shifting is
accelerating so they're getting disconnected from things is accelerating
consciously or unconsciously and the new reference points are starting to show up.
So enjoy that period of boredom boredom instead of pushing against it and know
it's it'll pass. Yeah and it will step in to evolve into
something else yeah and it's not a problem. Not a problem. So something worth noting. Yeah good. Good.
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