>Many Christian pastors and teachers these days
are predicting a dark future for America.
And I hate to say that because I don't like to predict darkness.
Our guest today is going to talk about the possible future
for America as it is enunciated in Scripture. He's
Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries and David Reagan it's
a pleasure to have you here. >>Thank you Gary. It's good to be back. Thank you for inviting me.
>And you know the subject that we have broached is a dark subject
there may be a bit of a bright side,
but God's prophetic voices here in America today are
talking about some pretty drastic changes.
>>Well in the book that I've written called "God's Prophetic Voices to America"
I start off by talking about the enemy. And the enemy
is a philosophy, but really a religion called "humanism".
It's a belief that man is basically good, that man can be perfected, and
that Christianity stands in the way of that.
And they are determined to do everything they possibly can to
stop the influence of Christianity in America and around the world. And this
is a group that is winning the culture war right now.
>And David Reagan's book is called "God's Prophetic Voices
to America" and like all of his books
I find that he's kind of a unique thinker and writer
because his books are linear, that is to say they lead you along
they're very clear, they have bullet points,
(chuckles) there's no mistaking what Dave Reagan is talking about in his book,
but in this particular book you have interviewed a number
of people that are well-known in America. >>Yes.
>And you've sampled their thinking. >>Also some that are already
did I've present the essence of their writings. >Yes. >>For example I start
off in there with a fellow that probably most American Christians are not familiar with today
and that's Peter Marshall. >Mhm. >>who until about 1945 was considered
one of the greatest preachers in America. He's an amazing guy,
25 years old he decides to leave Scotland I believe it was when he was 25
comes to the United States, digs ditches in New York. A friend says 'come down to Georgia,
better jobs.' He goes down there, gets a better job, starts teaching a men's Sunday School
class and the men were so overwhelmed by him they took up
a contribution, put him through seminary. Before he graduated seminary
he was such an eloquent speaker that big churches all over America were
trying to hire him out of seminary. He wouldn't do it. He went to a small church. But then within a few
years he went to the most prestigious church at that time
in America, New York Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. The
church of the presidents. And he served there until he died of a heart attack at a very
early age. But he also served as chaplain of the senate. And what I'd start off
with was an incredible sermon of his that was delivered in 1944
in New Orleans. The whole sermon is about
Elijah's confrontation with the prophets of Baal. And over and
over in that sermon he quotes those famous lines you know,
that you've got to make a choice, you've got to make a choice. And he talks about the
choice is that you've got to decide whether you're going
to follow Yahweh or you're going to follow Baal. And
then I listened to a sermon on audio,
I was driving down a highway when I was listening to it. And he gets to the
end of the sermon and he quotes it again but he says this:
"America needs a prophet who will hear the ear of America and say to her
now--who will have the ear and say to her now 'how long will you halt and
stand between two opinions? If the Lord be God follow Him, but if Baal be god follow
him and go to hell" and I nearly drove off the highway. >Wow!
>>I mean this was a
very--what he did in his sermon is he pointed out 'I can see trends int he
future. He said the moment this war is over there's going to be
a plague of materialism. People are going to go on a materialistic binge
and they're going to put God aside. And he said we also have to deal with racial
relations which we're putting off and putting off. And he pointed out the problems of America
and he said 'we need a prophet to call America to repentance'.
And what happened, that was in 1944 and thirty years later
in 1974 David Wilkerson who
was a Pentecostal preacher in New York City at that time
ministering primarily to gangs, he wrote a book
called "The Vision" in which he said 'God has given me a vision' and he began to outline
what he thought was the future of the United States. And he started off by saying
'I see not really a depression coming but a recession
of such magnitude that it will effect the lifestyle of nearly every
wage earner in America and around the world. And that recession came in 2008. >Mhm. >>It's
interesting that he had a lot of predictions about the future of the United States
about our immorality, about the flood of immorality coming through movies
and that sort of thing and he said 'I don't believe all these prophecies--
all these prophecies I saw in "The Vision" are going to be fulfilled during my lifetime.
He said I think I will die before that. And he did, he was killed in an automobile
accident in East Texas. >Hm. >>But there was one place in his book that
I underlined in red and I thought, 'I don't think this is right.'
And what he said was 'I believe we have passed a point of no return.'
That was 1974 that I underlined
it in red and put several question marks after it because I thought surely
we haven't reached that point. But-- >Now there is
a question worth discussing. And you address that question, >>Well
the interesting thing about it is that God began to raise up all these voices right at the same
time. First came Dave Wilkerson, then came Francis Schaeffer who had been
living in Switzerland, >Mhm. >>he was originally from the United States. But he had
a study place in Switzerland. He moved back to the United States in the mid 1970's
and he put out that tremendous film series "How Then Should We Live?" I'm sure you
saw it. >Oh yes. >>And it was all about humanism, the impact of humanism, how
we had to stand against it. >In my younger days his
voice rang out >>Oh, unbelievable! >like no other.
And I was challenged, and I was faced with a question: what's going to happen to
America? Are we going to have a revival and move back towards God or
are we going to continue drifting? We are still asking
the question. >>That's right. But we had more voices. For example in 1979
--1978, I'm sorry. Again, in the
1970's. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian author had been
kicked out of Russia came to live in Vermont. >Yeah. >>Nobody thinks of him as an American prophet but man
was--he was invited to speak at the commencement ceremonies at Harvard
University. He went there in June of 1978.
The place they had to hold it outside there were so many people because he was the
hero. They expected him to get up and denounce communism. He got up and
denounced what was going on in the United States. The humanism,
the emphasis on materialism, the rejection of God. They began to
boo him. By the time he finished he was no longer a hero, he was
a pariah. And what he said over and over again is 'folks, I can
sum up in one sentence why Russia went through what it did under communism:
"Men forgot God". And he said that's exactly what's happening
in the United States of America, you have forgotten God. >We have a g
generation now that has forgotten God. Just the
street marches absolutely blow me away. And I'm sure you've seen these
things. >>Yeah. >Our last election was shocking to me
>>Let's talk about that for a moment. You know when I
look at the future of this country I don't see much
hope for the country and it has to do with that election.
That election we had eight years of the most ungodly
administration in American history and yet Obama left office
with a sixty percent approval rating. His designated
heir Hillary Clinton got three million votes more than
Trump. And the millennials
from 18-28 supported an out-and-out socialist
Bernie Sanders and when he didn't get the nomination they voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.
That's the future of this nation. And something worse than that: The Barna
--the recent Barna poll shows that only
9% of Americans have a Biblical worldview. >Hm. >>And only
17% of Christians, who claim to be Christians have ea
Biblical worldview. >Let me stop you right there. Let's talk about
that. What is a Biblical worldview? >>Yes. >Somebody
is sitting out there right now with that same question. What is this thing called
a Biblical worldview? Because the Bible has been discredited.
in our era. >>That's true. >It's kind of old-fashioned. >>Old fashioned,
doesn't have any relevance anymore, >Yeah. >>that's the thing.
In the last chapter of this book I go into that in dome detail as to
what is a worldview because most people don't know what a worldview
is. But what the Barna association did was to put together I think it was
six questions, they went out and asked, now just not a
small number. They asked thousands and thousands of Americans these
questions. And he questions were things like, 'do the Scriptures
contain errors and contradictions?' >Mhm.
>>'Is there a hell?' 'Did
Jesus Christ sin?' >Yeah. >>Gary, evangelicals
were answering like 25%, 'yes, Jesus sinned'.
People who claim to be evangelicals. >Wow. >>If Jesus sinned we have no
hope. He had to be a sinless sacrifice. But these
are just basic questions. 'Do you believe that God is
on His throne and in control of this world?' and 9%
of Americans had a Biblical worldview and only 17% of
those claim to be Christians. >Hm. >>We've lost the Biblical worldview.
And the average millennial today knows almost nothing about the
Scriptures. Even Christians, I'm talking about Christians.
To them they can't understand what is all this about homosexual marriage? Why should
the churches be upset about that? They don't know the Scriptures.
>You know it strikes me as you're talking, I must be really
old-fashioned because I believe in the divine and full
expression of the Word of God. >>Absolutely, yes! >That is Scripture is god-breathed.
I beleive in the virgin birth of Christ. >>Absolutely.
>I believe in that Christ's
vicarious suffering on the cross is the thing that will enable me to
have eternal life and there's no other way that I can achieve that.
>>Andy you believe Jesus is coming back! >I do! I do, I
>>And you believe He lived a sinless life. >I do. >>You have a Biblical worldview.
(laughter) >But I feel as though I'm sort of out of step with today's
world. >>Well it is. Today, what Christians believe what was the center of
Christianity like 30 or 40 years ago, the fundamental beliefs and all, you hold all those today and
you're considered marginal, you're considered intolerant. >Yeah. >>You're considered
backward. It's really sad. America has
shifted that much and shifted very, very quickly. And that's
what these modern voices are talking about. The second part of
this book is talking about modern voices that are speaking out today.
And there's some--nine of them that I mentioned. People
like Donald Wildmon who most people know head of the American Family Association or was, >Right.
>>he's retired now. Erwin Lutzer who was
the pastor of the Moody Church,
and David Jeremiah, most people know him. >Oh yes. >>Bill Koenig who is a White House
correspondent, Jan Markell, and Albert Mohler. You know Albert
Mohler is an intellectual and most of his stuff
I have great difficulty reading. He is not easy to read, but we need him!
Because he speaks to intellectuals and he is a
man who stands for what the Bible says and so, you know we need him.
And then Franklin Graham who I consider to be on the cutting edge
of the war that's
going on in America today. In fact Gary I would challenge your
people to just go to Google and type in the name 'Franklin Graham'
and see what articles come up. And you will find that about 90% of
them are hate-filled calling him every name in the
book denouncing him saying 'oh he should have been like his father',
and 'he's gone off the deep end'. They hate him with a passion,
when he went out during the last election to all fifty states
and held a prayer conference in every state of the union
I prayed that God would protect his life because he was hated that much. And he
didn't go out campaigning for Trump. In fact he started every
speech with these word, every one of them. He said "I don't believe the Republican Party
is the hope for America. I don't believe the Democratic Party is the hope for America, there's
only one hope for America: Jesus Christ. We need to get on our knees and repent of our sins or we have
no hope whatsoever. I think that what he did there is one of the reasons
that Trump won that miraculous victory is because he went to every state and called
people to pray, not for Trump to win but to repent before the Lord
God. >Absolutely. And he was not cut out of
election. In other words he was included. Franklin Graham actually played a rather large
role. >>Well his father was one of the greatest evangelists that's ever
been around since Paul. But Franklin Graham was
not--is not, that is not his primary calling. His primary calling is a prophetic voice
and he speaks out against the sins of society and calls America
to repentance and speaks out against the sins of society
as his father never did because his father was an evangelist. But he is a true
prophet. And then of course I mentioned Robert Jeffress of First Baptist in Dallas,
who is an expert at sound bytes. They get him
on TV and he knows the power of soundbites. You can't just
go on and on and on. You've gotta say it short and simple if you wanna get on TV and he knows how to do it. >That's tru
Yeah. >>And he's very powerful at that, and he is one who
is warning America of impending judgment. And then finally Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan Cahn's a
very controversial with people. A lot of people have written him off, they say well
he's off and out and all--the one thing that
is, he's right on target about is his message about America. Jonathan Cahn's
message about America is that we have strayed from God's word,
we are in rebellion against God and we had better
repent or we're going to be destroyed. >Yeah, and that brings up a point, and I want to ask you a
question here. The prophets of Israel, the pre-exilic prophets
who going back to Hosea, for example,
before the Assyrian captivity in 722 B.C.,
that wiped out the ten northern tribes, you read the
prophets saying 'to Israel at that time, if you don't shape
up God is going to allow a-- >>Over and over and over. >a foreign nation
to come in and to wipe you off of the face of God's promised land.
>>That's right, true. >Over and over and over the prophets talk about this
and what happened to Israel in 722? They had not changed their
ways and the Assyrians came in and wiped them out. Such a thing
as could never happen, >>God did the same thing with Judah in the South.
Sent prophet after prophet. You know God does not pour out His wrath
without warning and usually what he'll do is send prophetic voices. If they don't pay attention to the
prophetic voices then He sends remedial judgments. And
we've had remedial judgments on this nation calling them to repentance. And if they
keep doubling up their fists and shaking it He'll finally
move them from judgment to destruction. I think two of the saddest verses in the
Bible can be found over in 2 Chronicles
chapter 36 verses 17 and 18. Listen to this, this is speaking
of Judah: "and the Lord the God of their fathers
sent word to them again and again by His messengers because He had compassion on His people
and on his dwelling place. But they continually mocked the messengers of
God, despised His words, scoffed at His prophets until
the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, until there was not
remedy." there is a point at which God will deliver you from judgment to destruction.
Jeremiah preached repentance, God will destroy this
nation if you don't repent, and what did they say over and over, the
temple the temple, the temple. And what were they meaning? God's Shekinah glory
is in our temple. Do you think for one moment God's going to allow somebody to
touch our nation and destroy Jerusalem and destroy our temple? You're crazy,
you're crazy men. Well today prophetic voices are speaking out and calling this
nation to repentance or it's going to be destroyed. People scoff at them and laugh at
them and say 'don't you know that this is God's favorite nation?' It's like
He sits on the throne wrapped in an American flag. Yes God loves
America, He used America mightily to send the gospel all over the world, to send
Bible translations all over the world. He has blessed us like no other
nation in history except Judah. And then we've turned against Him.
And we're shaking our fist at Him and we're violating His word. And I tell you
I just wept on the night that President Obama lit up
the White House with the colors of what I call
'the sexual perversion movement' celebrating sexual perversion. How
that must have --how God must have wept over that. I wept over
that. It just-- >It was in your fact. >>And here's the point,
several pastors in America who I highly respect
have been saying recently 'well we know it's bad, we know it's terrible,
but we still think there's hope for America because of the great revivals in the past.
They point to great revivals in the past and there have been. >Yeah. >>And they
say 'we grew cold in the Lord but there was revival. We grew cold but there was revival.'
But my point is we haven't grown cold in the Lord. We are now
in open rebellion against God shaking our fist at
God. The average American just doesn't stop and think about what rebellion we're in.
We're murdering over a thousand babies a day.
I mean every day in the name of freedom of choice for women. >Yeah.
>>The most sacred thing that you can think of beside the Lord Himself is a baby in
a womb! And we're murdering these babies. And we are
the moral polluters of planet Earth. We are the ones, everywhere I
go in the world I know if I turn on that TV in that hotel room
I'm going to see American movies and American television programs that are blasphemous,
violent, vile, vulgar. We are the moral polluter of planet Earth.
>Those movies are demonic movies now. >>Oh absolutely. >You watch those movies now you're seeing
demons in starring roles. >>Yes.
And we consume more illegal drugs
our nation does, than all the rest of the nations of the world combined.
>>Opiate addictions. >>It's just one thing after
another. And now the latest rage is everybody wants marijuana.
We've got the legalized marijuana, >Right. >>so we're going to be a nation on a high.
>And we still don't know what the social damage is going to
be. It's still experimental. We know it's not going to be good, but I think
it's going to be worse than anybody thinks. >>It's going to be a door into other drugs, is what it's going to be. >Absolut
I want to ask you a question. 2 Timothy 3
"This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.
And that word 'perilous' which i've done a word study on in the Greek
is 'halipas' and it means 'insane'.
This know also that in the last days insane times shall come for many
shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
I'm not going to read the whole list, you've read the list, >>But it's like watching the evening news.
>And I want you to comment on that because it contains the phrase
'last days', which I find
--and when Paul wrote to Timothy he was
talking about the time in which we now live, 2 Timothy 3. >>Yes.
Yes, absolutely. The last days, there's a sense in which
we've been in the last days for the church ever since the church began. But the
Bible often speaks of the last days as the days right at the--leading
up to the time that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return. And I think that's what
he's talking about here. And he's just talking about society disintegrating
before our very eyes. And Gary you and I both in our
lifetimes have seen this happen in the United States of America. >Yeah, we have. >>We were talking about this before e
program. When we were born nothing was open on Sunday. >That's right. >>Sunday was a sacred
day. You did not schedule anything on Sunday. Today we
got golf tournaments, we've got football
games, we've got everything in the world going on. And Wednesday night was also--you didn't schedule anything
on Wednesday night because churches met on Wednesday night. >That's correct.
>>I could go--you know I recently spoke to a group of teenagers
and I told them about growing up and how we studied the Bible
all the time and went to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night,
vacation Bible school. We had things
closed on Sunday and we had all kinds of things that
expressed the Christian, Judea-Christian values. They thought I'd been dropped in from another planet.
They couldn't believe that America ever existed like that. (Gary chuckles) >You were a fanatic!
(both laugh)
>No you were not a fanatic! >>When I was going through school all the way through the 12th
grade we started every day with a Bible reading and with a prayer! Every
day! >When I graduated from junior high in the ninth grade
the Gideons were at the junior high school and they gave each graduate
student a brand-new
Bible. That's-- >>My literature reader in the 12th
grade in literature were Bible stories with a moral at the
end. Bible--whole book that thick and Bible stories. That's what we
studied in literature in the 12th grade. And today you'd be kicked out the door.
>You would. Well where are going? I mean somebody's
watching right now and saying 'you are such a pessimist. What
-- (laughter) Can't you get a little more optimistic?
I am very optimistic because as a Christian I am looking for my Lord.
On a moment by moment basis and I have
a, just a sense of the reality of His coming for His
people. >>Well I don't consider myself a pessimist I consider myself a realist.
And I think that based upon my study of how God deals with
nations I'm not a person with supernatural knowledge
I just take what the Bible says about how God deals with nations and I
know that He is dealing with this nation the same way. Romans 1 is a good example. Romans
1 says that when a nation begins to rebel against God, God will--and they
refuse to repent, refuse to respond to His prophetic voices
and judgments, He will step back and lower the hedge of protection.
And it says the first thing that will happen when He does that
is that there will be a sexual revolution. And that's happened in the
1060's. Then it says if the nation refuses to repent He steps back a
second time and lowers the hedge of protection and allows evil to multiply. And what
happens? A homosexual plague. Happened in the 70's, 80's and continues.
Then it says that if the nation refuses He steps back the third time
lowers the hedge of protection and delivers the nation to
a depraved mind. And I believe we are at that
third step right now where He is basically, He is pouring out His wrath on this
nation but He's doing it indirectly by simply just lowering the hedge of protection and allowing evil to
multiply. And we're in the depraved mind state. We're in the depraved mind
stage when the city of New York says there's 51 different genders
and if the employees of the city don't recognize those they can be
fired. I mean we're in the depraved stage when we're approving
marriage between people of the same sex. This is depravity!
And so I see the pattern, I see us following
that pattern and I see that we're headed toward destruction. And
but the thing that I want to emphasize is their
tremendous hope for individuals. There may not be much hope for America, but there's tremendous
hope for individuals. That hope is one thing only: Jesus Christ.
And the people watching this program need to get serious about Jesus.
today. What is your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you know Him
as your Lord and Savior? Are you simply a cultural Christian,
or a carnal Christian? Folks the problem is most Christians in America today are what
I would call 'carnal Christians' or they are cultural Christians. The carnal
Christian walks with one foot in the church, one foot in the world. He doesn't know which way really to
go. The cultural Christian is born into a Christian family, raised in the church. But he has
no relationship with Jesus Christ. He
has no relationship whatsoever. He is never reading the Bible, he is never praying, he's just going
through the motions. And our churches are full of this kind of people and we need to get
serious about the Lord because we're living on borrowed time. >And now is the time
to come to Christ. You know the Holy Spirit is
still here active on planet Earth. >>Yes. Absolutely.
>But when the church departs the Spirit is going to be withdrawn and you won't even believe
what the world will be like. My point is
you don't know when it's going to happen. It could happen this afternoon,
tomorrow, and suddenly you'll be plunged into a very very dark
world indeed. Today
you still have the opportunity to pray to the Lord
and ask to receive the blessing of eternal life
through Christ's finished work on the cross. >>And your comments remind
me of 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow about His
promise as some count slowness,"--the promise for the return of Jesus. >Yeah.
>>"But is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish,
but all should come to repentance". >Amen. Dr. David
Reagan, I'm going ot talk talk to you now about his books. We have them
right here in our online bookstore, Prophecy Watchers. We've
just been talking about "God's Prophetic Voices to America", we've barely
scratched the surface of this book. If you'd like to plumb the spiritual
riches of the great minds of great Christians, this is your book.
"God's Prophetic Voices to America". Also we
carry "Living on Borrowed Time". It's all about imminency,
imminency means the Lord could act as
prophesied in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye without any warning whatsoever.
And we believe that His coming was
imminent. Third book, "Israel and Bible Prophecy".
And this book I love it because it's very easy to
assimilate the details. They're factual,
in order. They're written in an entertaining style
and if you want to consume a lot of information
without struggling, and I think most people do, this is
your book. (chuckles) All three of these books by David Reagan
are available in our online bookstore prophecywatchers.com.
Click on the online bookstore, scroll down, you'll find David Reagan's
name or by the way you can call the
800 number on your screen. For a gift of $50, free shipping
anywhere in the United States. Dave's three
books not just good reading, they'll prepare you to go to the next
door neighbor and talk about Jesus authoritatively.
And you want to be able to do that. We've got just a few seconds left, I just want to tell
you what a joy it's been to have you here. >>Well thank you Gary, I appreciate it very much. I
praise God for your program and for the impact it's having nation wide. I just pray
the Lord continues to pour out His spirit upon you. >Thank you so much.
Dr. David Reagan. Pray for his work
as well. >>Yes please. >Because he is positioned in such a
place that only the Lord could have done. I'm Gary Stearman.
Thanks for joining us today and remember, keep watching everyone...
we are!
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