Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 28 2018

>Many Christian pastors and teachers these days

are predicting a dark future for America.

And I hate to say that because I don't like to predict darkness.

Our guest today is going to talk about the possible future

for America as it is enunciated in Scripture. He's

Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries and David Reagan it's

a pleasure to have you here. >>Thank you Gary. It's good to be back. Thank you for inviting me.

>And you know the subject that we have broached is a dark subject

there may be a bit of a bright side,

but God's prophetic voices here in America today are

talking about some pretty drastic changes.

>>Well in the book that I've written called "God's Prophetic Voices to America"

I start off by talking about the enemy. And the enemy

is a philosophy, but really a religion called "humanism".

It's a belief that man is basically good, that man can be perfected, and

that Christianity stands in the way of that.

And they are determined to do everything they possibly can to

stop the influence of Christianity in America and around the world. And this

is a group that is winning the culture war right now.

>And David Reagan's book is called "God's Prophetic Voices

to America" and like all of his books

I find that he's kind of a unique thinker and writer

because his books are linear, that is to say they lead you along

they're very clear, they have bullet points,

(chuckles) there's no mistaking what Dave Reagan is talking about in his book,

but in this particular book you have interviewed a number

of people that are well-known in America. >>Yes.

>And you've sampled their thinking. >>Also some that are already

did I've present the essence of their writings. >Yes. >>For example I start

off in there with a fellow that probably most American Christians are not familiar with today

and that's Peter Marshall. >Mhm. >>who until about 1945 was considered

one of the greatest preachers in America. He's an amazing guy,

25 years old he decides to leave Scotland I believe it was when he was 25

comes to the United States, digs ditches in New York. A friend says 'come down to Georgia,

better jobs.' He goes down there, gets a better job, starts teaching a men's Sunday School

class and the men were so overwhelmed by him they took up

a contribution, put him through seminary. Before he graduated seminary

he was such an eloquent speaker that big churches all over America were

trying to hire him out of seminary. He wouldn't do it. He went to a small church. But then within a few

years he went to the most prestigious church at that time

in America, New York Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. The

church of the presidents. And he served there until he died of a heart attack at a very

early age. But he also served as chaplain of the senate. And what I'd start off

with was an incredible sermon of his that was delivered in 1944

in New Orleans. The whole sermon is about

Elijah's confrontation with the prophets of Baal. And over and

over in that sermon he quotes those famous lines you know,

that you've got to make a choice, you've got to make a choice. And he talks about the

choice is that you've got to decide whether you're going

to follow Yahweh or you're going to follow Baal. And

then I listened to a sermon on audio,

I was driving down a highway when I was listening to it. And he gets to the

end of the sermon and he quotes it again but he says this:

"America needs a prophet who will hear the ear of America and say to her

now--who will have the ear and say to her now 'how long will you halt and

stand between two opinions? If the Lord be God follow Him, but if Baal be god follow

him and go to hell" and I nearly drove off the highway. >Wow!

>>I mean this was a

very--what he did in his sermon is he pointed out 'I can see trends int he

future. He said the moment this war is over there's going to be

a plague of materialism. People are going to go on a materialistic binge

and they're going to put God aside. And he said we also have to deal with racial

relations which we're putting off and putting off. And he pointed out the problems of America

and he said 'we need a prophet to call America to repentance'.

And what happened, that was in 1944 and thirty years later

in 1974 David Wilkerson who

was a Pentecostal preacher in New York City at that time

ministering primarily to gangs, he wrote a book

called "The Vision" in which he said 'God has given me a vision' and he began to outline

what he thought was the future of the United States. And he started off by saying

'I see not really a depression coming but a recession

of such magnitude that it will effect the lifestyle of nearly every

wage earner in America and around the world. And that recession came in 2008. >Mhm. >>It's

interesting that he had a lot of predictions about the future of the United States

about our immorality, about the flood of immorality coming through movies

and that sort of thing and he said 'I don't believe all these prophecies--

all these prophecies I saw in "The Vision" are going to be fulfilled during my lifetime.

He said I think I will die before that. And he did, he was killed in an automobile

accident in East Texas. >Hm. >>But there was one place in his book that

I underlined in red and I thought, 'I don't think this is right.'

And what he said was 'I believe we have passed a point of no return.'

That was 1974 that I underlined

it in red and put several question marks after it because I thought surely

we haven't reached that point. But-- >Now there is

a question worth discussing. And you address that question, >>Well

the interesting thing about it is that God began to raise up all these voices right at the same

time. First came Dave Wilkerson, then came Francis Schaeffer who had been

living in Switzerland, >Mhm. >>he was originally from the United States. But he had

a study place in Switzerland. He moved back to the United States in the mid 1970's

and he put out that tremendous film series "How Then Should We Live?" I'm sure you

saw it. >Oh yes. >>And it was all about humanism, the impact of humanism, how

we had to stand against it. >In my younger days his

voice rang out >>Oh, unbelievable! >like no other.

And I was challenged, and I was faced with a question: what's going to happen to

America? Are we going to have a revival and move back towards God or

are we going to continue drifting? We are still asking

the question. >>That's right. But we had more voices. For example in 1979

--1978, I'm sorry. Again, in the

1970's. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian author had been

kicked out of Russia came to live in Vermont. >Yeah. >>Nobody thinks of him as an American prophet but man

was--he was invited to speak at the commencement ceremonies at Harvard

University. He went there in June of 1978.

The place they had to hold it outside there were so many people because he was the

hero. They expected him to get up and denounce communism. He got up and

denounced what was going on in the United States. The humanism,

the emphasis on materialism, the rejection of God. They began to

boo him. By the time he finished he was no longer a hero, he was

a pariah. And what he said over and over again is 'folks, I can

sum up in one sentence why Russia went through what it did under communism:

"Men forgot God". And he said that's exactly what's happening

in the United States of America, you have forgotten God. >We have a g

generation now that has forgotten God. Just the

street marches absolutely blow me away. And I'm sure you've seen these

things. >>Yeah. >Our last election was shocking to me

>>Let's talk about that for a moment. You know when I

look at the future of this country I don't see much

hope for the country and it has to do with that election.

That election we had eight years of the most ungodly

administration in American history and yet Obama left office

with a sixty percent approval rating. His designated

heir Hillary Clinton got three million votes more than

Trump. And the millennials

from 18-28 supported an out-and-out socialist

Bernie Sanders and when he didn't get the nomination they voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.

That's the future of this nation. And something worse than that: The Barna

--the recent Barna poll shows that only

9% of Americans have a Biblical worldview. >Hm. >>And only

17% of Christians, who claim to be Christians have ea

Biblical worldview. >Let me stop you right there. Let's talk about

that. What is a Biblical worldview? >>Yes. >Somebody

is sitting out there right now with that same question. What is this thing called

a Biblical worldview? Because the Bible has been discredited.

in our era. >>That's true. >It's kind of old-fashioned. >>Old fashioned,

doesn't have any relevance anymore, >Yeah. >>that's the thing.

In the last chapter of this book I go into that in dome detail as to

what is a worldview because most people don't know what a worldview

is. But what the Barna association did was to put together I think it was

six questions, they went out and asked, now just not a

small number. They asked thousands and thousands of Americans these

questions. And he questions were things like, 'do the Scriptures

contain errors and contradictions?' >Mhm.

>>'Is there a hell?' 'Did

Jesus Christ sin?' >Yeah. >>Gary, evangelicals

were answering like 25%, 'yes, Jesus sinned'.

People who claim to be evangelicals. >Wow. >>If Jesus sinned we have no

hope. He had to be a sinless sacrifice. But these

are just basic questions. 'Do you believe that God is

on His throne and in control of this world?' and 9%

of Americans had a Biblical worldview and only 17% of

those claim to be Christians. >Hm. >>We've lost the Biblical worldview.

And the average millennial today knows almost nothing about the

Scriptures. Even Christians, I'm talking about Christians.

To them they can't understand what is all this about homosexual marriage? Why should

the churches be upset about that? They don't know the Scriptures.

>You know it strikes me as you're talking, I must be really

old-fashioned because I believe in the divine and full

expression of the Word of God. >>Absolutely, yes! >That is Scripture is god-breathed.

I beleive in the virgin birth of Christ. >>Absolutely.

>I believe in that Christ's

vicarious suffering on the cross is the thing that will enable me to

have eternal life and there's no other way that I can achieve that.

>>Andy you believe Jesus is coming back! >I do! I do, I

>>And you believe He lived a sinless life. >I do. >>You have a Biblical worldview.

(laughter) >But I feel as though I'm sort of out of step with today's

world. >>Well it is. Today, what Christians believe what was the center of

Christianity like 30 or 40 years ago, the fundamental beliefs and all, you hold all those today and

you're considered marginal, you're considered intolerant. >Yeah. >>You're considered

backward. It's really sad. America has

shifted that much and shifted very, very quickly. And that's

what these modern voices are talking about. The second part of

this book is talking about modern voices that are speaking out today.

And there's some--nine of them that I mentioned. People

like Donald Wildmon who most people know head of the American Family Association or was, >Right.

>>he's retired now. Erwin Lutzer who was

the pastor of the Moody Church,

and David Jeremiah, most people know him. >Oh yes. >>Bill Koenig who is a White House

correspondent, Jan Markell, and Albert Mohler. You know Albert

Mohler is an intellectual and most of his stuff

I have great difficulty reading. He is not easy to read, but we need him!

Because he speaks to intellectuals and he is a

man who stands for what the Bible says and so, you know we need him.

And then Franklin Graham who I consider to be on the cutting edge

of the war that's

going on in America today. In fact Gary I would challenge your

people to just go to Google and type in the name 'Franklin Graham'

and see what articles come up. And you will find that about 90% of

them are hate-filled calling him every name in the

book denouncing him saying 'oh he should have been like his father',

and 'he's gone off the deep end'. They hate him with a passion,

when he went out during the last election to all fifty states

and held a prayer conference in every state of the union

I prayed that God would protect his life because he was hated that much. And he

didn't go out campaigning for Trump. In fact he started every

speech with these word, every one of them. He said "I don't believe the Republican Party

is the hope for America. I don't believe the Democratic Party is the hope for America, there's

only one hope for America: Jesus Christ. We need to get on our knees and repent of our sins or we have

no hope whatsoever. I think that what he did there is one of the reasons

that Trump won that miraculous victory is because he went to every state and called

people to pray, not for Trump to win but to repent before the Lord

God. >Absolutely. And he was not cut out of

election. In other words he was included. Franklin Graham actually played a rather large

role. >>Well his father was one of the greatest evangelists that's ever

been around since Paul. But Franklin Graham was

not--is not, that is not his primary calling. His primary calling is a prophetic voice

and he speaks out against the sins of society and calls America

to repentance and speaks out against the sins of society

as his father never did because his father was an evangelist. But he is a true

prophet. And then of course I mentioned Robert Jeffress of First Baptist in Dallas,

who is an expert at sound bytes. They get him

on TV and he knows the power of soundbites. You can't just

go on and on and on. You've gotta say it short and simple if you wanna get on TV and he knows how to do it. >That's tru

Yeah. >>And he's very powerful at that, and he is one who

is warning America of impending judgment. And then finally Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan Cahn's a

very controversial with people. A lot of people have written him off, they say well

he's off and out and all--the one thing that

is, he's right on target about is his message about America. Jonathan Cahn's

message about America is that we have strayed from God's word,

we are in rebellion against God and we had better

repent or we're going to be destroyed. >Yeah, and that brings up a point, and I want to ask you a

question here. The prophets of Israel, the pre-exilic prophets

who going back to Hosea, for example,

before the Assyrian captivity in 722 B.C.,

that wiped out the ten northern tribes, you read the

prophets saying 'to Israel at that time, if you don't shape

up God is going to allow a-- >>Over and over and over. >a foreign nation

to come in and to wipe you off of the face of God's promised land.

>>That's right, true. >Over and over and over the prophets talk about this

and what happened to Israel in 722? They had not changed their

ways and the Assyrians came in and wiped them out. Such a thing

as could never happen, >>God did the same thing with Judah in the South.

Sent prophet after prophet. You know God does not pour out His wrath

without warning and usually what he'll do is send prophetic voices. If they don't pay attention to the

prophetic voices then He sends remedial judgments. And

we've had remedial judgments on this nation calling them to repentance. And if they

keep doubling up their fists and shaking it He'll finally

move them from judgment to destruction. I think two of the saddest verses in the

Bible can be found over in 2 Chronicles

chapter 36 verses 17 and 18. Listen to this, this is speaking

of Judah: "and the Lord the God of their fathers

sent word to them again and again by His messengers because He had compassion on His people

and on his dwelling place. But they continually mocked the messengers of

God, despised His words, scoffed at His prophets until

the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, until there was not

remedy." there is a point at which God will deliver you from judgment to destruction.

Jeremiah preached repentance, God will destroy this

nation if you don't repent, and what did they say over and over, the

temple the temple, the temple. And what were they meaning? God's Shekinah glory

is in our temple. Do you think for one moment God's going to allow somebody to

touch our nation and destroy Jerusalem and destroy our temple? You're crazy,

you're crazy men. Well today prophetic voices are speaking out and calling this

nation to repentance or it's going to be destroyed. People scoff at them and laugh at

them and say 'don't you know that this is God's favorite nation?' It's like

He sits on the throne wrapped in an American flag. Yes God loves

America, He used America mightily to send the gospel all over the world, to send

Bible translations all over the world. He has blessed us like no other

nation in history except Judah. And then we've turned against Him.

And we're shaking our fist at Him and we're violating His word. And I tell you

I just wept on the night that President Obama lit up

the White House with the colors of what I call

'the sexual perversion movement' celebrating sexual perversion. How

that must have --how God must have wept over that. I wept over

that. It just-- >It was in your fact. >>And here's the point,

several pastors in America who I highly respect

have been saying recently 'well we know it's bad, we know it's terrible,

but we still think there's hope for America because of the great revivals in the past.

They point to great revivals in the past and there have been. >Yeah. >>And they

say 'we grew cold in the Lord but there was revival. We grew cold but there was revival.'

But my point is we haven't grown cold in the Lord. We are now

in open rebellion against God shaking our fist at

God. The average American just doesn't stop and think about what rebellion we're in.

We're murdering over a thousand babies a day.

I mean every day in the name of freedom of choice for women. >Yeah.

>>The most sacred thing that you can think of beside the Lord Himself is a baby in

a womb! And we're murdering these babies. And we are

the moral polluters of planet Earth. We are the ones, everywhere I

go in the world I know if I turn on that TV in that hotel room

I'm going to see American movies and American television programs that are blasphemous,

violent, vile, vulgar. We are the moral polluter of planet Earth.

>Those movies are demonic movies now. >>Oh absolutely. >You watch those movies now you're seeing

demons in starring roles. >>Yes.

And we consume more illegal drugs

our nation does, than all the rest of the nations of the world combined.

>>Opiate addictions. >>It's just one thing after

another. And now the latest rage is everybody wants marijuana.

We've got the legalized marijuana, >Right. >>so we're going to be a nation on a high.

>And we still don't know what the social damage is going to

be. It's still experimental. We know it's not going to be good, but I think

it's going to be worse than anybody thinks. >>It's going to be a door into other drugs, is what it's going to be. >Absolut

I want to ask you a question. 2 Timothy 3

"This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.

And that word 'perilous' which i've done a word study on in the Greek

is 'halipas' and it means 'insane'.

This know also that in the last days insane times shall come for many

shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,

I'm not going to read the whole list, you've read the list, >>But it's like watching the evening news.

>And I want you to comment on that because it contains the phrase

'last days', which I find

--and when Paul wrote to Timothy he was

talking about the time in which we now live, 2 Timothy 3. >>Yes.

Yes, absolutely. The last days, there's a sense in which

we've been in the last days for the church ever since the church began. But the

Bible often speaks of the last days as the days right at the--leading

up to the time that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return. And I think that's what

he's talking about here. And he's just talking about society disintegrating

before our very eyes. And Gary you and I both in our

lifetimes have seen this happen in the United States of America. >Yeah, we have. >>We were talking about this before e

program. When we were born nothing was open on Sunday. >That's right. >>Sunday was a sacred

day. You did not schedule anything on Sunday. Today we

got golf tournaments, we've got football

games, we've got everything in the world going on. And Wednesday night was also--you didn't schedule anything

on Wednesday night because churches met on Wednesday night. >That's correct.

>>I could go--you know I recently spoke to a group of teenagers

and I told them about growing up and how we studied the Bible

all the time and went to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night,

vacation Bible school. We had things

closed on Sunday and we had all kinds of things that

expressed the Christian, Judea-Christian values. They thought I'd been dropped in from another planet.

They couldn't believe that America ever existed like that. (Gary chuckles) >You were a fanatic!

(both laugh)

>No you were not a fanatic! >>When I was going through school all the way through the 12th

grade we started every day with a Bible reading and with a prayer! Every

day! >When I graduated from junior high in the ninth grade

the Gideons were at the junior high school and they gave each graduate

student a brand-new

Bible. That's-- >>My literature reader in the 12th

grade in literature were Bible stories with a moral at the

end. Bible--whole book that thick and Bible stories. That's what we

studied in literature in the 12th grade. And today you'd be kicked out the door.

>You would. Well where are going? I mean somebody's

watching right now and saying 'you are such a pessimist. What

-- (laughter) Can't you get a little more optimistic?

I am very optimistic because as a Christian I am looking for my Lord.

On a moment by moment basis and I have

a, just a sense of the reality of His coming for His

people. >>Well I don't consider myself a pessimist I consider myself a realist.

And I think that based upon my study of how God deals with

nations I'm not a person with supernatural knowledge

I just take what the Bible says about how God deals with nations and I

know that He is dealing with this nation the same way. Romans 1 is a good example. Romans

1 says that when a nation begins to rebel against God, God will--and they

refuse to repent, refuse to respond to His prophetic voices

and judgments, He will step back and lower the hedge of protection.

And it says the first thing that will happen when He does that

is that there will be a sexual revolution. And that's happened in the

1060's. Then it says if the nation refuses to repent He steps back a

second time and lowers the hedge of protection and allows evil to multiply. And what

happens? A homosexual plague. Happened in the 70's, 80's and continues.

Then it says that if the nation refuses He steps back the third time

lowers the hedge of protection and delivers the nation to

a depraved mind. And I believe we are at that

third step right now where He is basically, He is pouring out His wrath on this

nation but He's doing it indirectly by simply just lowering the hedge of protection and allowing evil to

multiply. And we're in the depraved mind state. We're in the depraved mind

stage when the city of New York says there's 51 different genders

and if the employees of the city don't recognize those they can be

fired. I mean we're in the depraved stage when we're approving

marriage between people of the same sex. This is depravity!

And so I see the pattern, I see us following

that pattern and I see that we're headed toward destruction. And

but the thing that I want to emphasize is their

tremendous hope for individuals. There may not be much hope for America, but there's tremendous

hope for individuals. That hope is one thing only: Jesus Christ.

And the people watching this program need to get serious about Jesus.

today. What is your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you know Him

as your Lord and Savior? Are you simply a cultural Christian,

or a carnal Christian? Folks the problem is most Christians in America today are what

I would call 'carnal Christians' or they are cultural Christians. The carnal

Christian walks with one foot in the church, one foot in the world. He doesn't know which way really to

go. The cultural Christian is born into a Christian family, raised in the church. But he has

no relationship with Jesus Christ. He

has no relationship whatsoever. He is never reading the Bible, he is never praying, he's just going

through the motions. And our churches are full of this kind of people and we need to get

serious about the Lord because we're living on borrowed time. >And now is the time

to come to Christ. You know the Holy Spirit is

still here active on planet Earth. >>Yes. Absolutely.

>But when the church departs the Spirit is going to be withdrawn and you won't even believe

what the world will be like. My point is

you don't know when it's going to happen. It could happen this afternoon,

tomorrow, and suddenly you'll be plunged into a very very dark

world indeed. Today

you still have the opportunity to pray to the Lord

and ask to receive the blessing of eternal life

through Christ's finished work on the cross. >>And your comments remind

me of 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow about His

promise as some count slowness,"--the promise for the return of Jesus. >Yeah.

>>"But is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish,

but all should come to repentance". >Amen. Dr. David

Reagan, I'm going ot talk talk to you now about his books. We have them

right here in our online bookstore, Prophecy Watchers. We've

just been talking about "God's Prophetic Voices to America", we've barely

scratched the surface of this book. If you'd like to plumb the spiritual

riches of the great minds of great Christians, this is your book.

"God's Prophetic Voices to America". Also we

carry "Living on Borrowed Time". It's all about imminency,

imminency means the Lord could act as

prophesied in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye without any warning whatsoever.

And we believe that His coming was

imminent. Third book, "Israel and Bible Prophecy".

And this book I love it because it's very easy to

assimilate the details. They're factual,

in order. They're written in an entertaining style

and if you want to consume a lot of information

without struggling, and I think most people do, this is

your book. (chuckles) All three of these books by David Reagan

are available in our online bookstore

Click on the online bookstore, scroll down, you'll find David Reagan's

name or by the way you can call the

800 number on your screen. For a gift of $50, free shipping

anywhere in the United States. Dave's three

books not just good reading, they'll prepare you to go to the next

door neighbor and talk about Jesus authoritatively.

And you want to be able to do that. We've got just a few seconds left, I just want to tell

you what a joy it's been to have you here. >>Well thank you Gary, I appreciate it very much. I

praise God for your program and for the impact it's having nation wide. I just pray

the Lord continues to pour out His spirit upon you. >Thank you so much.

Dr. David Reagan. Pray for his work

as well. >>Yes please. >Because he is positioned in such a

place that only the Lord could have done. I'm Gary Stearman.

Thanks for joining us today and remember, keep watching everyone...

we are!

For more infomation >> David Reagan: God's Prophetic Voices - Duration: 28:32.


Photoshop Photo Effect - Light Effect Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 11:46.

What You'll Be Creating.

Hello again, Let's start.

Grab the Quick Selection Tool and select the girl

Switch between (+) and (-) Selection Tools using ALT key

Make sure to select the whole object. Don't worry about the extras from the background, we'll handle them later.

Click Mask icon to create a Layer Mask

Create a solid color with any color below our layer. that will help us to see our selection more clearly

Right-click Layer Mask and choose Select and Mask

Grab Refine Selection Tool

Start painting over edges to refine them

That's good. Increase Contrast a little bit

Select the Mask, then, grab the Brush Tool

We're now painting over the Mask (Not the layer) with a black color. In Masks (Black=Hide & White=Reveal)

Paint with white to Reveal the hidden needed parts

You can switch between your foreground and background colors with "X"

I'm painting now with black color

Switch to white color with X key

Let's Speed things up

Change the color fill to black

Apply Layer Mask

Increase the image height with the Crop Tool

Center it

Convert to Smart Object

Add a Gradient

Choose the foreground-to-transparent gradient

Change the Foreground Color to white

Duplicate it with CTRL+J

Change to Radial and increase Scale to 60%

You can move the gradient as you wish

I think it is ok here

Duplicate the Color Fill with CTRL+J, then, Rasterize it

Select the layer (Not the Mask) and go to Filter> Render > Clouds

Scale it a little

Change Blend Mode to Overlay, then drag it over the both gradients

Change Opacity to 30%

Duplicate "Image" with CTRL+J

Double-click the top image to open Layer Style window

Choose Inner Glow and add the given values

Right-click the "FX" then choose Create Layer

Now we have the Inner Glow in a separate clip masked layer

Add a layer mask to the Glow Layer, then, paint with a black brush over it to remove the unneeded glowing areas

Create a New Layer above, then, clip mask it to "Image" too

Change Fill to 30% and Blend Mode to Color Dodge

Start painting with a white brush over that layer to brighten more areas

Let's speed things up

Select the bottom Image layer and add a Gaussian blur to it

In my case I added 70Px of blurriness as I'm working on 4870Px width image

In my case I added 70Px of blurriness as I'm working on 4870Px width image

If your image is 1920Px width, use a small amount of Gaussian Blur

Add a New Layer

Hold CTRL and hover over "Image" layer, then click when your cursor turns into a something like mine

Change Foreground Color to white. Select the layer that you've created.

Press ALT+Backspace to fill the selection with the white color

Press CTRL+D to remove the selection

With the "layer 2" selected add a Gaussian blur to it

In my case I've used 30Px.. should be less if your image width is 1920Px

Add Brightness/Contrast

Add Levels

Add Vibrance

Add Selective Color

Target Neutrals

Add Color Balance

Add a Gradient

Make sure that the second color stop is Black

Change position and scale

Blend Mode: Screen

Duplicate with CTRL+J

Change Angle to 90

Change position and scale

Blend Mode: Screen and decrease Opacity to 60%

Press ALT+CTRL+ALT+E to merge all layers into a new one

Go to Filters> Other> High Pass

Radius: 2px if you're working on the 1920px image and 5Px if you're working on the 4870Px

Change Blend Mode to Linear Light

For more infomation >> Photoshop Photo Effect - Light Effect Portrait Tutorial - Duration: 11:46.


Alone at House a Short Scary DISTURBING story - Duration: 4:36.

I was at my house reading a book in pajamas and an old t-shirt with loose

elastic parents were out to attend a party they said they'll be back by

12:00 and it was around 11:00 so I called them they said they will be late

and I can go to sleep if I want I checked some of the unread messages and

then walked to my bedroom to sleep on reaching I realized I had forgot to

switch off the lights so I went down and switched off the lights turned back to

go up and the TV turned on automatically I thought I pressed its button while

switching off the lights so I turned it off and started walking back to my

bedroom I got a message from mom requesting me to check on our pet dog I went to the

main door opened it it was dark outside turned on the backyard light and went to

the doghouse with a torch in my hand just in case the light goes off my dog

wasn't there I called out loud for him searched a bit but couldn't find him I

was at the back of my house and through the kitchen window I saw something

moving I thought my dog had entered the house so I entered it through the

kitchen door I could hear some current noises as if 2 wires had touched each

other I followed the noise but before I could

trace it a small bursting sound made all the

lights of my house turn off I turned on the torch in my hand but couldn't I

thought its batteries had stopped working so I walked to the main room in

dark picked up the TV remote and took off the batteries in it to put it in the

torch then suddenly the TV turned on I

got scared so I ran to the kitchen where I realized that the lights were back but

how did the TV turn on when I had ensured that it was off I walked to the

same room the TV was still on

the button was on as well I realized that the button

I switched off was the wrong one so I switched off the TV again

I was already afraid so I decided to do the dog search next morning I just

turned off the kitchen lights and went straight to sleep my mom called me and

she asked me about our dog I replied that I didn't find him she asked me to

have another look I peeped through the bedroom window but couldn't find him I

decided just to sleep and then the message came which was by my mom

informing that they had left I heard barking noises from my main room so I

felt relieved that the dog was at house

the dog was continuously barking at something so I went down to check turned

on the main room lights and I tried to find my dog but couldn't I thought the sound

must be from outside so I turned back and when I was about to switch off the

lights I realized that if I switched off the wrong button the previous time then

how did the TV turn on

parents we're home and the dogs somehow turned up on the doorstep

years have passed but I still can't forget about the night especially about

the dog who died in the next 48 hours

For more infomation >> Alone at House a Short Scary DISTURBING story - Duration: 4:36.


Negative space die cut Cosmic Shimmer Ink spray & Pixie Powder - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Negative space die cut Cosmic Shimmer Ink spray & Pixie Powder - Duration: 4:29.


You Can't Fake Results | 2018 LIFE MOTIVATION (QUICK MOTIVATION) - Duration: 0:36.

There's one thing you cant fake and that's results.

Results are what seperates the talkers from the workers.

Those that talk about how hard they work.

And those who do work!

For more infomation >> You Can't Fake Results | 2018 LIFE MOTIVATION (QUICK MOTIVATION) - Duration: 0:36.


Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction - Duration: 30:01.

Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction

Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction

Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction

Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Video that You Must Definitely Watch till the End for Maximum Satisfaction - Duration: 30:01.


Never Use This Hairproduct! - Men's Hairstyle Pomades Review - Duration: 9:39.

Rasmus: Hello guys, I'm Rasmus and you're watching Slickhaar TV too. I'm here with Leo and today we're going to look at some pomades and

one Gel

Leo: Yes, and we're going to talk about the history of pomades

and we're gonna talk about everything about pomades. Rasmus: I´m looking forward for that because I know you did some nice research and

It's a pretty good story, so keep hanging on and we'll do also a few hairstyles, so it's gonna be good

Leo: Welcome guys welcome to my channel. No, no? it's still Rasmus and Emil?

Welcome guys to Slikhaar, tips, friends? let's call it friends. Today we are gonna talk about POMADES

POMADAS in Spanish POMADES in English, that's a big topic

There's a lot of people that doesn't know the difference between a wax. a pomade, clay, a cream and a gel...


Today we're gonna talk about POMADES why it's important to know the difference because you have to know what you're putting on your hair

it's very, very important


Actually the first POMADES came out at the end of 18th century the word comes from

Pomum that means fruit in Latin the first POMADES were made of animal fat and fruits

And they were use in everything also for the hair

and they were only used by the royalty and bourgeoisie. There at the beginning of the 20th century

we got some POMADES that the movie stars of that time started to use. Oh my God. They were like mute movies

And then in the 50s with the rock & roll

We got all the POMADES that were used for that classic hairstyle: pompadours

Flat top. I don't know how to do the flattop and duck tails

Those are the classic hairstyles from the 50s rockabilly you know rockabilly style

But those POMADES were oil based

but today we got a revolution

in the market: the water-based POMADES

the problem that we have with oil-based pomades is that they are very, very, very harsh and very hard for your hair

because they use in gredients based on petroleum as vaseline. There's some barbers

that are using it, and it's okay because you can get very classic look from the 50s

And it's very it's very hard for your hair to use oil-based POMADES, but today. We have a revolution

Nowadays we have two types of POMADES: oil-based pomades and water-based pomades. the water-based pomades

They're not so hard with your hair, and it's so easy to take them off from your hair

And that's something very important because as you must know you shouldn't wash your hair every day

But if you live in a big city as London, Delhi

Mexico City, Santiago

Leo: What's that? Arnau: Barcelona. Leo: I said big city. If you live in a big city

you need to wash your hair every day because you may be feeling that it's very greasy because you know the

pollution, the weather conditions make you feel the hair is very greasy

So you probably need to wash your hair every day. But remember when you wash your hair! You also have to use a conditioner

Did you ask me? What kind of conditioner? wow!

What a good question!

But first if you need to wash your hair every day, you should

definitely use a shampoo, a quality shampoo as DETOXX from By Vilain. I can just offer you guys the best

conditioner in the market the only one

By Vilain Skyline Cooling Conditioner. This is you know this is like food for your hair. Today in the market

there's a lot of different POMADES, for example you have this one

*whispers (smells very bad)

Arnau: what´s that Leo? Leo:oh, what a good question! This is By Vilian POWERMADE

It's a water-based POMADE, it is the favourite pomade of the house. I want to put on my head different kind of POMADES

Pomades is also like something people start to use after the gels. You know what gels are?

I can´t use gels

but I have to tell you I use to use them when I was a teenage

but I´m just going to show you. I'm just gonna wash my hair

do you like how I look without anything on my hair? okay? Now. I'm gonna use a gel

It is pink! now, I'm gonna use this... so many years -(smelling)- so, oh!

It smells to alcohol. I - I smell alcohol

Everywhere! and that's exactly the problem with these products it has so much alcohol in it. That is really ruining you hair

Really guys you shouldn't buy cheap stuff, it´s your hair, you know

feels strange

My hair is hard and

I don't know if I can...can I reestyle it? what?

I don't know. This is not good for my hair.

I can tell you that. I can smell the alcohol in it, and it gets very dry it's very hard for your hair.

gels... well now I'm gonna

I'm gonna go and shower my hair with DETOXX because I just want the gel to go off from my hair

I normally do like this

But it's wrong. According to Emil you have to do like this

And it's actually better for your hair

We're gonna try this very popular product. This is a water-based Pomade

You know? it looks a lot like

the gel from before. So it's another POMADE, water-based pomade. And we're gonna try it

I can feel it like it's drying on my hair...and just

it´s getting a little hard, but I can still

Go with my fingers through my hair, but

(whispering) what it´s this?

My God

Why are you laughing?

I´m gonna take a look

Don't know it's says that It's a super hold and

It's water-based pomade, okay

I will never never ever tell you to use a gel. You should´t use a gel because it's very bad for your hair

Something's wrong, but you know there's a lot of products in the market and

Maybe this is just not the one for me, but now, now we're gonna use By Vilain POWERMADE

This is the By Vilain pomade water-based. You can see the color. It's very smooth as all the pomades

Look at this

smells good

Now we're trying

By Vilian Powermade

you should always do like this, always warm the product specially when we are talking about a wax or a

Clay, you should always do like this

with all products... and now I'm gonna work out the product on my hair

Feel much better

This is actually an improve, can you see the difference?

It smells good. It's very easy to put it in my hair. It says that it's slight hold

I actually feel that I can rearrange or restyle my hair. Shall we test the hold?

The product doesn't feel sticky on my hand. Smells good, feels good, looks good. Oh my god. It's good

you can use Powermade to find the

style that you want, but I'm gonna use this to finish... do you know this product?

Don't look at it! write in the comments if you know the name of this product

Oh, this is a wax, and you should always, always

warm it up

Then it's like you have nothing on your hand, then you work

the product on your hair, give it some volume there

Thank you guys for tuning in in this episode of Slikhaar TV. I really hope that you like it

Let us know down in the comments what you think about it

We're trying new stuff, and we just need your feedback this was POMADES

and why you should´nt use gels

For more infomation >> Never Use This Hairproduct! - Men's Hairstyle Pomades Review - Duration: 9:39.


Why being politically correct is using free speech well | Martin Amis - Duration: 3:26.

I think it's indivisible, freedom of speech: I mean, either you've got it or you haven't.

And every diminution of freedom of speech diminishes everyone and lessens the currency

of freedom of speech.

But I feel nothing but unease when it's done lightly.

It has to be earned.

The controversial statement has to be earned.

It can't just be tossed off.

You have to be able to back it up.

So I would urge civilized standards of moderation on both sides.

It has to be understood that freedom of speech isn't just a sort of decadent frippery that

we gather around us like all our other comforts and privileges.

Democracy can't work without freedom of speech.

It's an absolute cornerstone of democracy.

So we have to be very responsible about this freedom but there's no giving it up or modifying

it, even.

I would say it's an offshoot of what's solidified under political correctness, and

I'm a fan of political correctness.

No one ever says, 'Oh, I'm very politically correct,' but, in fact, it's good that we

are—not the outer fringe PC, but raising of the standards about what can be said, and

exclusion of things you could have said and got away with it 10 or 20 years ago and now

seems discordant.

And who wants to go back to being opposed to gay marriage?

The ease with which that became the orthodoxy was, I thought, tremendously encouraging,

and the idea that Donald Trump has cast off these "shackles" and we can go back to

being brutes again is a terrible prospect.

PC has been an agent for certain sort of evolutionary acceleration towards progressive ideas, and

I think that's been very good.

I mean, when I look back at my very early fiction of 40-odd years ago I'm shocked

and made uneasy by some of the liberties I took that I certainly wouldn't take now.

It doesn't interfere with the freedom of writers, political correctness—it gives

you challenges every now and then, you have to sort of work around it a bit.

But I never resent that, and I think it's self-improvement on a general scale that we've

all responded to.

For more infomation >> Why being politically correct is using free speech well | Martin Amis - Duration: 3:26.


New Update 2018 How to get free itunes gift card codes 2018 free itunes gift card codes You Tube - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> New Update 2018 How to get free itunes gift card codes 2018 free itunes gift card codes You Tube - Duration: 5:02.


🎁UNBOX WITH HO #3 GOT7 EYES ON YOU - Duration: 21:30.

eh shit no battery



So today I'm going to

do another unboxing video

aiya actually u can see it from the title already



eyes on you album

i'm so EXCITED

ok so now i'm going to show y'all the

pre-order benefit

which is a look book

OH MY GOD (sneak peek)

they like uhm up their game already

Like from TWICE, it's used to be just having an extra set of photocards

to having their postcards (got7)

and now we have a look book

since you already have a sneak peek of the sticker photo strip

haha omg I LOVE

it's yugyeom again

not complaining

because he's my ultimate bias

like uhm the toughest ques- OH MY GOD

like the toughest question other than asking me if I would choose chicken or potato

it will be "Yugyeom or Taeyang"


let's get started

the first is here


then we have Mark

and Jic-Jeckso-Jackson




holy shit it look like magazine


omgomgomg look at this boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

and the code thingy

for the 2 other books will be the same

so let's just look at the stickers straight

the first one is


and omg JINYOUNG

ok moving on I'll start with

this "eyes" version of the photobook of the album

I'll just flip through

because I'm running out of time and i need to get out

it's my first time, EH it's not my first time

like first time unboxing an album

eventhough I always help my friend (to unbox)

but it's weird to hear my own voice i think

ok this is JAEBUM x4 omg jaebum


I'm trying to sound excited eventhough I really am but i cannot express myself :(


oh this editing is very good

like got the very

very tumbl-ish



let's move on I'm running out of time

more Jackson

more Jinyoung

he's like a PRINCE

wah he damn goodlooking


my bias wrecker AGAIN

I cannot tell if it's on focus or not

because i have bad eyesight

so i will just constantly focus it myself


my god THAI KING

omg look at his legs

look at his legs omg

dreamy boy

look like someone I like in my dreams

((yes i do dream about yug HAHAHA))

mark and jaebum


uhm this is Youngjae Jackson and Bambam

they will be super loud together

like all of them are LOUD



yep they have wasted another white page

this look like what Jaebum took photos of

he's like lowkey a photographer


Q: The moments in my EYES

i don't know what they are writing

I'll try to find their

like translation if can

uhm this is............

i don't know

I'll figure it out later

and yep this is the

phot- lyrics poster

and the photocards

I'll show y'all later

and this is the CD


i suppose that the others will have one being written "On" and another one will be "you"

and this is the sleeve

and the back

and now moving on to the second version

"On" version

this is the (cover)

this are those spoiler photos


as usual, Jaebum's first

this is like

very tumblr girl

like you will show your features and your accessories and all


oh where's the (4 grid pic)

why he don't have

it's Jackson now





omg this is uncalled for


omg Jackson

omg Youngjae




legs legs legs

again isn't it the same photo ?

omg this is so cute


Q: ON the scene with IGOT7

omg this should be very heartwarming but i cannot understand :(

this is so cool


Choi Young Jae

lyrics poster

shall not see the photocards first

and we have this



and omg OMG OH MY GOD



what to do sia OH MY GOD

I shall

i shall..

just move on

ok moving on to the last version which is the "you" version

it's blue

which is like Yugyeom's Adidas colour

omg this is rude


uhm something men we


*gasps* stop

oh this shirt, like their very first

like he wear this for his first performance I think

this is very easy to remember because of the red colour thing


omg I LOVE

love love love love love love love

love love love love love

legs again

legs again

legs again


((singing LOOK))

omg OOOOOH MY GOD he look so cute

omg ihndauihf they could have printed this

i think they did, i think they didn't, i don't know

holy moly

omg he look so happy

ok i think I like this version of the photos the best


oh my gad

oh sorry uhm fangirl voices are like that

omg uh this is so good

he is so good looking, everybody is so good looking

ahuia he damn boyfriend

i love youngjae

(lol sudden confession)

i love Youngjae

I love Bambam too


WHat iN ThE w0Rld

oh my gad-eu

oh this is like a blurred photo

is this omg (???) what is this

so cool everything is cool

OMG what is this

what is this

I can't tell through the camera who's who

I have very bad eyesight

Like uhm.. 1, 2



erm i cannot understand 1,3

4, 6 ??

isit uhm JB took all these? (IDK)

omg this is damn cool

this look like those erm

like those math question

1 triangle plus 1 circle = 4

then like you'll have another shape

ok nevermind it's confusing


OMG this is so cute


wow now they want to act cool

i mean they are cool

but they still act cool

I think they took photos of each other

Q: YOU & I, we GOT7 moments

cannot understand

so let's get through this

don't worry, I have already removed the poster

before any spoilers

and now we have this blue...

actally JYP's very good at

uhm anticipating us as a fan

for the album

because even their album sleeve have different member

this is "You" CD

K so now let's take a look at the sleeve

oh my god





and Bambam

I'm amazed

ok that's it for the

flipping through/ unboxing

and now you'll see

me reacting to the photocards right now

1 2

for this first version

for this one i got


my bias wrecker

this is the yellow version (Eyes ver)

we got 3 cards for every album

the purple one, the grey one and the yellow

for the other 2 album will be different colour

for this one it will be different

LETS start with the purple one

3 2


he's like the international favourite

like who won't like him ??

eventhough he's not my bias I STILL LIKE

so for this

grey version

3 2 1

Jaebum eh

这个是我的bias wrecker (this is my bias wrecker)

因为我以前不喜欢他 (I didn't bias him previously)

i mean like he's ranked- EH

shit why I talking chinese

last time I ranked him as the last bias in the group

then now he like suddenly.. i don't know what he eat la

don't tell me he eat rice

LOL internal joke HAHAHA


So the last one

which will be the yellow one

EH isn't this like already tell us the member



let's move on to the second one

which is "on" version

for their lyrics paper, I have

I can already tell

i can already that who this is


Also my second bias, placed together with JB

I wonder what they eat sia

Like suddenly so handsome


as you can see, this version is red now

I'll be

showing y'all the purple one first

1 2 3

*gasps* Choi Young Jae

for this grey one

1 2


Youngjae again


I'm blessed



for the last one which is the red one

this one neve- didn't tell you

the member name behind

1 2




i see what

i want to see his whole face T_T

我要看你的手指做莫(why would I want to see your fingers)

I can only see the eyes

OK IM RLY SATISFIED!!!!!!!!!! I don't really mean what I said!!!

hello you look so handsome but you only showed like 2/5 of your features

for the last one

which is

this "you" version

时尚one (fashion)

omg holy crap

I can already tell who is this

If i cannot tell, I really can kill myself


we got similar trait

like you see his eye mole here

ah here

ok then for the photocards

this is the blue version now

you can see its blue (obviously)

let's go with the purple one first

1 2


damn good looking

for the grey one

i think this is all the very polaroid polaroid feel

it's Yugyeom again

but then he look like he's crying in this photo

can you see

like he's crying ah

what you doing boi

ok so far

currently I got all yugyeom for this album

will my last photocard be yugyeom as well

aiya 是了啦我都看得到了 (it is him already)

can tell by the signature

lol his autograph

omg thanks

my yugyeom album

thank you so much for watching

and I will insert my friend's outro like




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and click here for more

For more infomation >> 🎁UNBOX WITH HO #3 GOT7 EYES ON YOU - Duration: 21:30.


30 DAYS 30 WAYS: WHITE ON BLACK | White Ink on Black Paper // Knoel's Nook - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 30 DAYS 30 WAYS: WHITE ON BLACK | White Ink on Black Paper // Knoel's Nook - Duration: 4:37.


Miguel Interview: "You Can't Be Your Best In Someone Else's Lane" | (Music Industry Advice) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Miguel Interview: "You Can't Be Your Best In Someone Else's Lane" | (Music Industry Advice) - Duration: 2:02.


summer dresses for beach | beach attire for female & Beach Outfits Ideas - Duration: 2:14.

beach clothes for ladies

summer dresses for beach

For more infomation >> summer dresses for beach | beach attire for female & Beach Outfits Ideas - Duration: 2:14.


I Am A Gifted Writer ~ Positive Affirmations For Writers 2 | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction - Duration: 31:05.

I Am A Gifted Writer ~ Positive Affirmations For Writers | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction

For more infomation >> I Am A Gifted Writer ~ Positive Affirmations For Writers 2 | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction - Duration: 31:05.


Eurovision 2018 -- Semi Final 1 - My 10 Qualifiers - Duration: 1:39.

Eurovision Song Contest 2018

For more infomation >> Eurovision 2018 -- Semi Final 1 - My 10 Qualifiers - Duration: 1:39.


Your 'Interstitium' is the Largest 'Organ' You Never Knew You Had - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Your 'Interstitium' is the Largest 'Organ' You Never Knew You Had - Duration: 0:50.


Things 2 Do B4 Graduation P2#17NTج2أشياء ضرورية تسويها قبل التخرج In English وقت_الدوافير# - Duration: 5:11.

Greetings everyone

Welcome to a new episode of "The Nerds' Time" with me your host, Fatimah Aljawi

If this is the first episode watching me, don't forget to hit that red button to subscribe to the channel!

and the notification bell to get notified by my weekly episodes

Yes, weekly episodes

As promised the previous episode,

in this episode, we will finish up by talking about the medical, routine and psychological steps

For those who are graduating and going back home

" The Arabic version of Coming Home song "

Let's get started

speaking about the routine, if you had a specific routine that you are used to it,

and from this moment, start looking for alternatives

For ex, if you are the type who wakes up at 4 in the morning for the gym

start looking up for a gym that opens this early where you are planing to move

Or, you prep yourself to change such a habit

another ex, if you had a specific type of coffee that only available where you go to school

start looking for an alternative or find someone who can deliver it for you

Honestly, speaking of myself, I cannot go without such a thing

Most important thing in life

the same thing applies to the services you need

meaning, if you need a high speed WiFi,

if you are the type who makes YouTube vid

and download vid

I am just giving some hints for my sake

You do not wanna me to retire from Youtube this early , JK

Medically speaking, collect all medical reports

for any doctor you have visited that you think it is important to have

for ex, X-rays, analysis , anything that matters

Dental related papers are highly recommended to collect or have a copy of

Let them know ahead so they either email you the reports or mail them to you

and those who has chronic conditions as well

Also, do not forget about prescriptions and so on


This could be the hardest that you deal with

but you should fight for it

The families who do not have an accommodation yet,

start looking for a place ASAP, or ask someone to start looking for one

The reason is, by the time you find a place, you will start settling down and feel more comfortable

and you will get yourself busy prepping the place and so on


Talk to your family/parents, if moving back to them

"Hi, I know that my room turned to something else"

"like the guests room or something"

Would be lovely to find a new bedroom set, new mattress, new stuff

Treat us Graduates just like newlywed


The most important to take from this episode and the previous one

that you prep yourself psychologically by yourself

meaning, have a talk with yourself

anticipate what's going to happen when you are back there like

the new environment, the culture shock, the people you haven't seen for ages


if you got a specific routine, it is cool to tell your family about

and let them know what you wanna

It could be something like

" Hey, I nap the afternoon so I would like it to be quiet that time, do not disturb, do not turn off the AC"

Just saying

or something like " I have my own hour that time" , " I need some time "

I find these stuff important coz..... you gonna know why

This sums up the end of our episode for this week

Smart people, go and watch the previous episode as well

and never wait to the eleventh hour before your, graduation, flight or trip back

and do the list, coz YOU WILL REGRET IT

who took notes since the previous episode and who did not?

Lazy ones who did not

I included in the description box a PDF that has a list of whatever I spoke about since last episode

Things that you gotta do before graduation


if you liked the episode, do not forget to give it a thumb up

and hit the sub button and

Don't forget to share this episode with anyone who's about to graduate.

coz they might send you some blessings since they will not regret

See you in the next episode, peace.

*Dramatic Arabic music*

For more infomation >> Things 2 Do B4 Graduation P2#17NTج2أشياء ضرورية تسويها قبل التخرج In English وقت_الدوافير# - Duration: 5:11.


Tvoja stvar #4: Urša Premik - a photographer - Duration: 8:44.

My name is Urša Premik, I live and work in Ljubljana.

I am 24 years old and I'm a photographer.

In the beginning, the theme of the photos was related to the childhood anecdotes.

As a little girl, I went everywhere with a camera.

I shoot everything and everywhere, especially on the family parties.

And in the elementary school, I knew that I will one day become a professional photographer.

Because of that, I try to find a high school that fits for me.

I applied and finish media school.

Now I am a student of photography in Ljubljana.

And that's the story of how I become a photographer.

I need to say that my parents supported me at everything.

Even when I told them that I want to become a photographer, they gave me a support.

Yes, they were a little bit concerned how I will survive as a photographer.

But also the most important thing for them was that I am happy and that I fulfill my dreams.

In Slovenia is possible to live from a photography.

The truth is if you want to become a professional photographer you need to sacrifice a lot.

You need to adjust yourself and to be patient.

The real success doesn't come thru the night you need to build it slowly.

Yes, it's hard.

Yes, I am convinced that you can live from as a photographer but you need to work hard also.

I do not have idols.

As I am related to the photography I couldn't tell who can it be.

If I will look at somebody it will be someone who knows me, to whom I am related.

And because of that is hard to say that I follow someone or that I have idols.

I am interested in people, they inspired me with their carachter, presence, karma.

The most important thing for me is to know who is that person who I am shooting.

Who is that person?

Is it easy to read them?

I wanted to have a special connection with a person who I am shooting.

I wanted to know him, I don't want to just come and make the shooting and go away.

The person who I have in front of me I want to use on a way to listen to him and know them.

Yes, I am interested to know people and for me, photo is not interesting without them.

I do not care about the pose and how they are standing.

It doesn't have any sens.

I am waiting that they move and then I am trying to catch the right moment and shoot.

So I am working on catching those true moments.

I don't know how to puts people in front of me.

And that's my way of working.

In the end, I want that the person to who I am shooting is satisfied.

The final photo needs to be fulfilled with trust and pleasure of person to who I shot.

That story it needs to have sens because if both sides aren't happy the job is not done.

I am not interested in an outside look, beauty.

I always love their character and inner beauty.

Very often on the shooting, I have a fashion model and there I always notice some facial expression that every person have.

As a different proportion of a cheek.

That special charm that every person have it.

I think that beauty is overestimated.

Italian Vogue has a platform for the young photographers, they can send their work.

From Monday till Wednesday, you can apply two photos every day.

I said to myself that I will try it and maybe they will publish my photos of grandmother.

It's totally different beauty than they usually show.

Without any expectancy, I send the photos and they published it.

They show to others that they do not look just a classical beauty but that they also appreciate another view of beauty.

I started to shoot my grandmother 4 years ago.

The idea was that the hardest photo shooting is at home.

Everything you know and you don't have any inspiration.

I said to myself that I should tray, just by curiosity.

The approach was documentary, I followed her everywhere every day.

Grandmother wasn't been thrilled about my idea.

In the end, she cooperated.

She handles it in a supportive way.

Because she is my friend and photo connected us much more.

At the end of a week when I finished all my job obligations for me is a pleasure to go home and shoot her.

It is my ways to relax.

My grandfather was an analog photographer but he never shoots my grandmother.

So I had the honor to open her the photo world.

I am working with the analog and digital camera.

If I work for the commercial purpose I shoot with a digital camera.

Because there is lack of time and money.

All the private projects I am shooting with an analog camera.

In that way, I need to take a minute and think about the photo that I will take.

At analog photo, you get something that is in my opinion impossible to get with the digital camera.

My opinion is that critics are great because that is the only way that you can grove.

And they needed to exist because without them is no good.

We are young and every day we are learning and trying to make progress.

And you need a good, constructive christics.

That is the best thing that someone can give you.

And if they give you critics and you see that it stand up then you can set right the mistake you made.

And, yes, I think that critics are good.

My motto is that you need to work with a heart.

You need to be happy.

And the results will come.

But first, you need to be happy and satisfied with a job you are having.

That's my biggest motto.

For more infomation >> Tvoja stvar #4: Urša Premik - a photographer - Duration: 8:44.


You will never regret - Presidency promises as Nigeria marks third year of voting for Buhari - Duration: 2:00.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 marks the third year that Nigerians voted for Muhammadu Buhari in 2015 to lead the country at a time the citizens had become impatient and desperately needed to see a change in the system.

Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC) defeated the sitting president and candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) thus ending the 16 year rule of the political organisation that prided itself as the biggest in Africa then.

Three years down the line, the presidency, while celebrating this feat achieved by Nigerians, has said the people of the country will not regret their collective decision to vote for the Buhari.

It also expresses optimism that the president would be re-elected if he decides to run for another constitutionally-guaranteed term of four years in 2019. Meanwhile, various politicians and organisations have variously called on the president to seek another term in office.

we earlier reported that a former governor of Abia state, Orji Kalu, recently disclosed that the All Progressives Congress (APC) will force President Muhammadu Buhari re-contest election in 2019.

It was reported that Kalu said President Buhari will run for re-election going to run and if he says he is not running the member of the APC will force him to run.

According to him, President Buhari will run for re-election, not a must but he is going to run. He has to run (and if he says he is not running), we will force him to run.''.

For more infomation >> You will never regret - Presidency promises as Nigeria marks third year of voting for Buhari - Duration: 2:00.


2 Strange Tricks To Trim Dog Nails - Duration: 3:29.

- If you feel like clipping

your dog's toenails is a major chore,

then I have a couple great household hacks for you.

It's gonna include this bag of oranges and your cell phone.

I'm Ken Steepe, and welcome back to McCann Dogs.

(acoustic guitar music)

(dog barks)

If this is your first time on the channel

and you consider your dog a member of the family,

then hit that subscribe button.

We publish new videos every single week

to help you spend some quality time

with your four-legged family member.

Now I need to give some credit where credit is due here.

One of our instructors sort of put me on

to this idea with the oranges,

and I really appreciate those sort of tips.

And I'm sure you guys will appreciate them as well.

So this first tip is great for you guys

who have a dog who has hairy toes.

Sometimes it can be really challenging

if you have a dog that has excessively hairy toes

trying to clip around that hair.

You're constantly trying to move it around

and see where the toenail is,

and see where the quick of your dog's nail is.

This first tip is for you.

So I want you to take that bag of oranges that you've got,

and dump all of the oranges out.

We're actually just gonna use the bag

for this household hack.

We're gonna use the little holes in the bag

to go around Slam's nails,

and it's gonna actually hold the fur on his toes back

just enough that we can really see the nails really well.

So I'm actually gonna bunch this bag up a little bit,

and you could these tiny little holes are perfect.

I'm gonna take Slam's foot,

and I'm just gonna slip his toenails through.

Oh, you can see actually Slam's,

Slam needs a bit of a toenail clipping.

But at this point, I wouldn't even worry

about getting all of the toenails through,

but just keep them separated enough.

And you could see that that bag

holds the fur back really well,

and we could very clearly see

that Slam is due for a clipping.

Now that we've got Slam's toenails exposed,

another great household hack is your cell phone.

Now every cell phone seems to have

a flashlight on it nowadays,

so we're gonna turn on that flashlight.

I'm gonna set it on the ground

with the flashlight facing up.

Now all I need to do is hold Slam's toes, toenails,

over top of that light.

And I can very clearly see where Slam's quick is,

and that way, I can avoid cutting it.

Now look at how easy it is to see the quick

in Slam's nail there, and it makes it a lot easier

to make sure that we're not clipping that quick.

(clippers click)

And you know the darker spot on his toenail

will be where the quick is,

and we're gonna try to avoid that as we're clipping.

Slam isn't really the kind of dog

who loves having his toenails clipped,

so anything we can do to make this experience

just a little bit easier is absolutely worth it.

You see the nail really highlights that nail,

or the light really highlights that nail.

Now if you have the kind of dog

who just doesn't like having their feet handled,

we've published a video not that long ago,

and I'll link it in a card above,

that'll make your dog a little bit more comfortable

with having their feet or any really body part handled.

If you have a dog who has furry toes

or if you have a friend who has a dog with hairy feet,

this hack, this orange bag hack, is perfect for you guys.

And if you have a dog with darker nails,

be sure to use that cell phone light trick.

It's really nice to be able to visualize the quick,

so that you don't end up cutting it

when you're trimming their nails.

Now if this is your first time on the channel

and you consider your dog a member of the family,

make sure you hit that subscribe button.

We publish new videos every single week

to help you spend some quality time

with your four-legged family member.

See that playlist beside me?

That's actually a playlist of nail-trimming videos

that we've published earlier,

and they may make your nail-trimming experience

with your dog just a little bit easier.

On that note, I'm Ken, this is Grand Slam.

Happy training.

(upbeat electronic pop music)

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