hi guys welcome back to my channel. it has been a long time and I was meant to do do this review a few weeks ago
so turned it into six week
review. so if you have already watched my hard to grow ridiculously thick
eyelashes just click up here to watch that video first and if you haven't
watched how to grow every trick wonderfully full thick brows click up
here too to watch that video so as I said earlier today I'm just gonna do a
six week with you to see how I Presley went with these two products because
these are products that people have mentioned on the market that work and
have created amazing results for them so it's been six weeks for me and I've been
using the products consistently as per the instructions that came in the
packaging so it's been six weeks now and I can honestly say that it didn't see
any difference in my lashes with extra lash so I wouldn't say spending a
hundred pounds for a product like that that doesn't actually work is beneficial
so I wouldn't recommend the extra lash to grow ridiculously thick lashes and I
am going to experiment with other services that people provide and
products to see what actually truly works and if there's any natural
alternative to growing thicker lashes when it came to the high brow gel that
was to condition my brows to get thickened fuller I did not see the
difference there either it was really frustrating because I was combing my
brows I even decided to just get them threaded a little bit to get shape so
right now the kind of grown out but even though I did that I coated my brows
religiously in the morning and in the evening and I didn't see anything my
brows didn't get any thicker they getting longer nothing changed so using
both these products the extra lash and the high brow I saw no difference in my
lashes or brows so even though I was really excited to see how these products
go I don't think I would recommend them to anyone to spend the heart and money
on this because it's just a waste of time you're busy painting your eyelashes
hoping that something will grow and meanwhile nothing hatched but maybe I'll
keep using it for a little bit longer to see if anything changes but it's been
six weeks and nothing has changed for me and then with the serum it's it's just
literally a brush it just brushes your brows and does nothing and I didn't see
any any big changes so I hope this this review has been informative in in some
way I was really really excited to use these products because you know when you
go to beauty shows or go to product launches sometimes they do sell you a
big dream you can achieve all this if you use this product and I feel like
I've used these products and nothing has changed my brows look exactly the same
as they were before and nothing's changed about them and my lashes look
just as thin as before I know my lashes look different right now but I went and
got some extensions done and I will do a review on that a bit later because I was
just really frustrated that it's already spent six weeks on a product that you
know I thought was going to do something and didn't do anything for me
so if you're out there thinking about investing in in products that you think
might grow your lashes would grow your brows
my suggestion is don't don't spend your money on it because it's just going to
be a product that's going counter or when you make a bag or just
in your bathroom doing nothing when you don't see any result and that's money in
somebody else's pocket and I'm a big believer in saving money and buying
products that's actually work and I wouldn't want to recommend products to
anybody that I feel don't work as I said I got those products with me and even if
I paid for them I would be really upset because I would have spent like a
hundred and thirty pounds or so on two products that don't do anything for
me and we live in a world where we want to have beautiful skin look lovely and I
want to pay for something that works I want to give someone my money to create
what I want and I know it's true it it it works it gives me the satisfaction
that I I truly deserve because I paid for it so I guess this is the end of the
review and if any of you have any questions about how I went on with these
products please drop them in the comment section below I do respond to to anyone
who comments so if you have questions about the products or how I went on with
them how many times they use them what if you think I use them completely wrong
and I'm talking a whole bunch of crap just you know comment below I would love
to hear from other people who've had success stories with these products it
could just be me I could just not be well suited for these products and
there's other products that might do better for me but anyway guys I want to
say thank you for watching and please stay tuned for more videos I am planning
a very fun-filled schedule of videos so I know this one's a bit of a boring one
but I honestly wanted to give my honest feedback about what what some of these
products rave on about and how I feel and what they did for me so that is the
end of the video guys please do comment in the section below
don't forget to like please do you like it does help me a whole lot it doesn't
make me any money but if it does helps get my video out there into the YouTube
community and don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned to more exciting funnel
filled videos for me if you like my content and I will see you in the next
one bye
For more infomation >> Xxtralash & Hi Brow - 6 week review | K A N I - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
Zoo - How Are You Here? - Duration: 2:26.
Handy Variety in Watertown, Massachusetts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 4:18.
Handy Variety in Watertown, Massachusetts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
$758.7 million Powerball winning ticket was sold at Handy Variety in Watertown, Massachusetts, the Mass. Handy Variety is a small convenience store that's about to get a lot of attention. Here's more about Handy Variety and the winning ticket.
UPDATE: It turns out that the Lottery Headquarters were wrong about where they originally said the winning ticket was sold. It was not at Handy Variety. The ticket was sold in Chicopee, Mass.
Handy Variety Is a Small Convenience Store Near Boston with a Homey Feel.
According to Handy Variety's webpage, Handy Variety is a convenience store established in 2002 in Watertown, Massachusetts.
Groupon describes Handy Variety this way: "No matter the craving, Handy Variety's fantastic convenient store has the goods to satisfy in Watertown. Drive to Handy Variety and find parking in the area.
This convenience store has every odd and end you need. Stop by Handy Variety today.". The little convenience store currently doesn't have any ratings on Yelp, but that might change soon. View image on Twitter.
Watertown, MA is part of the Greater Boston Area.
where the convenience store is located, is part of the Greater Boston area. The population was 31,915 as of the 2010 census.
Technically, it's called "The Town of Watertown" and is one of only 14 Massachusetts municipalities that have been granted city governance but still have "the town of" in its name. It's located six miles northwest of Boston in Middlesex County.
This Was the Single Largest Winning Ticket Sold in North American Lottery History. View image on Twitter. This was the largest jackpot won by a single ticket holder in North American lottery history.
The reason the $1. 6 billion Powerball isn't the largest single ticket, even though it was the largest jackpot in Powerball's history, is because that Powerball jackpot was split among three winning tickets.
It Could Be a Long Time Before We Learn the Winner's Name — If Ever.
Massachusetts gives its lottery winners a full year to come forward and claim their winnings. Some wait this full length in order to let some of the hype calm down and to get their finances and paperwork in order.
Those who want can create a trust and have a trustee — typically an attorney — claim the prize.
If they got this route, then the identity of the winner may never be known.Massachusetts gives its lottery winners a full year to come forward and claim their winnings.
Some wait this full length in order to let some of the hype calm down and to get their finances and paperwork in order.
Those who want can create a trust and have a trustee — typically an attorney — claim the prize. If they got this route, then the identity of the winner may never be known.
Lego STAR WARS X-WING FIGHTER Creation FREE-BUILD with Enje CC - Duration: 1:40.
( Rock music playing )
Hey guys!
I'm ENJE from Kids Playing Learning…
and today I'm at the park to show you guys
my LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Fighter CREATION.
Now, let's check out my X-Wing Fighter.
( Rock music playing )
At the front of the ship, I put a bunch of slanted pieces
to capture the sleek design of the X-Wing Fighter from the movie.
( Rock music playing )
On the cockpit, I have a window that can open and close.
( Rock music playing )
On the back of the ship, I have four wings that can move up and down.
The cool part is that, each pair of wings can move up and down at the same time.
( Rock music playing )
On the middle of the wings, I have circle pieces to represent engines.
On the ends, I have laser cannons.
I have one,
and four laser cannons.
( Rock music playing )
On the bottom of the ship, I have landing gears that can move up and down…
up and down…
( Rock music playing )
And, there you have it…
my LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Fighter CREATION.
Thanks for watching!
I hope you like this video.
Remember…Keep playing, keep learning!
This is ENJE from Kids Playing Learning!
Signing off!
Fist bump!
See yah later!
( Rock music playing )
Force Friday II: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 15:55.
Force Friday II: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
new Star Wars movie is hitting theaters in December, so you know what that means. New toys! The products for Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be available at stores across the country at midnight for Force Friday II.
Although there was a Force Friday last year for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Disney has been marketing this year's event as the second one.
Plus, they aren't counting all the previous "Midnight Madness" events we all went to for the prequels and other product launches.
Disney tried to keep and extremely tight lip on Last Jedi products, even though plenty of figures and LEGO sets have leaked. They even threatened a YouTuber with a legal action because he posted video reviews of the LEGO sets.
Here's what you need to know about Force Friday before you head out to stores tonight. Hasbro's Action Figure Gimmick is a 1999 Throwback With the 'Force Link' to Make Figures 'Talk'.
With each new Star Wars line Hasbro has to include a gimmick, be it plastic coins to collect or little film frames.
For Rogue One, we got QR codes that unlocked sound effects in an app to help us make our own movies. For The Force Awakens, we got useless add-on weapons. For The Last Jedi, there's "Force Link.".
As CNET explains, you'll be able to buy a Force Link wristband. When you put a figure next to it, the device recognizes the figure and you'll hear lines of dialogue or sound effects that go with the toy.
The $25 starter set comes with the wristband and a Kylo Ren figure. You can also get the wristband in the $200 BB-8 Star Destroyer playset, which is the only way to get a Supreme Leader Snoke 3.75″ figure right away.
This should all give Star Wars fans a bit of deja vu. Back in 1999, the Phantom Menace figures had a "CommTech" gimmick.
They each came with a little stand that had a chip inside. When you waved the chip over a Commlink reader, you heard sound effects and dialogue. You Have to Go to Walgreens to Get the Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi.
If you haven't been following Star Wars toys for awhile (or any action figure line for that matter), you might be surprised to hear that Walgreens will carry an exclusive figure.
Yes, while you pick up your prescriptions, you can also drop $20 on a toy.
iO9 got the first look at the exclusive Black Series 6″ figures that will be available this fall. The line-up includes a Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi figure that will only be available at the pharmacy.
He's the same figure as the previous Black Series Obi-Wan, just cast in a translucent plastic.
You'll also have to go to GameStop if you want a figure of Supreme Leader Snoke, the main villain in the sequel trilogy. Since the figure comes with a big throne, he'll cost $35.
Amazon will have an exclusive variant of the Elite Praetorian Guard. They're Snoke's version of the crimson Imperial Royal Guards we saw in Return of the Jedi.
There are at least four different versions of the guards, with unique helmets and weapons. One of them will be available at all retailers, while the one carrying a giant blade will only be at Amazon.
A third Praetorian guard will be available in an $80 four-pack exclusive to Barnes & Noble, GameStop and Disney Stores.
Rather than being a convenient set with all four Praetorian Guards, this is a "Guardians of Evil" pack that includes other Royal Guards from the Star Wars saga. Porgs Will Be Everywhere.
Remember how BB-8 was everywhere in fall 2015? Well, this time it's going to be Porgs. These are creatures that we'll meet on Ahch-To, the planet where Rey (Daisy Ridley) met Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) at the end of The Force Awakens.
Writer/director Rian Johnson insists that this was an organic idea he had, but you can't help but feel Disney pushed for them because of the commercial potential.
A 3.75″ scale Porg will be available with the Chewbacca figure. Hasbro is also releasing an electronic Porg, which "waddles" just like the ones in the movie. And if that's not enough, there will be a Porg backpack!.
As for the LEGO porgs, they will be available in the monstrous Millennium Falcon Ultimate Collector's set. That one will set you back $799.99, and is the largest Star Wars LEGO set ever made with 7,541 pieces.
Campbell's Soup Will Let Us Learn What BB-8 Tastes Like.
145 Views 0 Shares 0 Comments. Levine. Published Aug 31, 2017 at 2:06pm. Like Us on Facebook!.
Loving Heavy? Follow us on Facebook!. Force Friday II, Force Friday II exclusives, The Last Jedi toys. Getty. The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson at D23.
A new Star Wars movie is hitting theaters in December, so you know what that means. New toys! The products for Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be available at stores across the country at midnight for Force Friday II.
Although there was a Force Friday last year for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Disney has been marketing this year's event as the second one.
Plus, they aren't counting all the previous "Midnight Madness" events we all went to for the prequels and other product launches.
Disney tried to keep and extremely tight lip on Last Jedi products, even though plenty of figures and LEGO sets have leaked. They even threatened a YouTuber with a legal action because he posted video reviews of the LEGO sets.
Here's what you need to know about Force Friday before you head out to stores tonight. Hasbro's Action Figure Gimmick is a 1999 Throwback With the 'Force Link' to Make Figures 'Talk'.
With each new Star Wars line Hasbro has to include a gimmick, be it plastic coins to collect or little film frames.
For Rogue One, we got QR codes that unlocked sound effects in an app to help us make our own movies. For The Force Awakens, we got useless add-on weapons. For The Last Jedi, there's "Force Link.".
As CNET explains, you'll be able to buy a Force Link wristband. When you put a figure next to it, the device recognizes the figure and you'll hear lines of dialogue or sound effects that go with the toy.
The $25 starter set comes with the wristband and a Kylo Ren figure. You can also get the wristband in the $200 BB-8 Star Destroyer playset, which is the only way to get a Supreme Leader Snoke 3.75″ figure right away.
This should all give Star Wars fans a bit of deja vu. Back in 1999, the Phantom Menace figures had a "CommTech" gimmick.
They each came with a little stand that had a chip inside. When you waved the chip over a Commlink reader, you heard sound effects and dialogue. Read More From Heavy.
Porgs: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. You Have to Go to Walgreens to Get the Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi.
If you haven't been following Star Wars toys for awhile (or any action figure line for that matter), you might be surprised to hear that Walgreens will carry an exclusive figure.
Yes, while you pick up your prescriptions, you can also drop $20 on a toy.
iO9 got the first look at the exclusive Black Series 6″ figures that will be available this fall. The line-up includes a Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi figure that will only be available at the pharmacy.
He's the same figure as the previous Black Series Obi-Wan, just cast in a translucent plastic.
You'll also have to go to GameStop if you want a figure of Supreme Leader Snoke, the main villain in the sequel trilogy. Since the figure comes with a big throne, he'll cost $35.
Amazon will have an exclusive variant of the Elite Praetorian Guard. They're Snoke's version of the crimson Imperial Royal Guards we saw in Return of the Jedi.
There are at least four different versions of the guards, with unique helmets and weapons. One of them will be available at all retailers, while the one carrying a giant blade will only be at Amazon.
A third Praetorian guard will be available in an $80 four-pack exclusive to Barnes & Noble, GameStop and Disney Stores.
Rather than being a convenient set with all four Praetorian Guards, this is a "Guardians of Evil" pack that includes other Royal Guards from the Star Wars saga. Read More From Heavy.
Ron Howard & Han Solo: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Porgs Will Be Everywhere.
Remember how BB-8 was everywhere in fall 2015? Well, this time it's going to be Porgs. These are creatures that we'll meet on Ahch-To, the planet where Rey (Daisy Ridley) met Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) at the end of The Force Awakens.
Writer/director Rian Johnson insists that this was an organic idea he had, but you can't help but feel Disney pushed for them because of the commercial potential.
A 3.75″ scale Porg will be available with the Chewbacca figure. Hasbro is also releasing an electronic Porg, which "waddles" just like the ones in the movie. And if that's not enough, there will be a Porg backpack!.
As for the LEGO porgs, they will be available in the monstrous Millennium Falcon Ultimate Collector's set. That one will set you back $799.99, and is the largest Star Wars LEGO set ever made with 7,541 pieces. Read More From Heavy.
Star Wars 40th Anniversary: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Campbell's Soup Will Let Us Learn What BB-8 Tastes Like.
StarWars.com posted a look at some of the stranger items you'll be able to find with the Star Wars logo on them. Campbell's Soup is even getting in on the game with Last Jedi-labelled cans.
The cans will have the Praetorian Guard, Captain Phasma, Rey, Finn and BB-8 on them. Hopefully the soup inside doesn't taste like bantha poodoo.
At Nordstrom, you can find cufflinks with the Rebel/Resistance logo and porgs. Disney Parks will have an exclusive "Premium Rey Lightsaber" that lights up and includes a removable blade.
Disney Stores will also have the die-cast 6″ Elite Series figures. It really doesn't make sense to continue this line, since previous figures have sat at Disney Stores collecting dust, but they stay alive somehow.
The first Last Jedi wave will include Kylo Ren (unmasked), Rey, Luke Skywalker, First Order Judicial Stormtrooper, Praetorian Guard and a giant, out-of-scale R2-D2.
There's plenty of other stuff that will be available from companies, like bed sheets, shirts, rugs and even pet toys. Did you think Disney would deprive your dog of a stuffed porg to chew on?.
Sphero Is Finally Releasing an R2-D2 to Go With Its BB-8.
Before The Force Awakens came out, the cool BB-8 toy everyone had to have was the Sphero robot, which moves and sounds just like the droid in the movie.
If you've ever wanted an R2-D2 that works like that, Sphero has finally granted your wish.
Gizmodo noted in its review that the Sphero Artoo even has a retractable third leg just like in the movies. Unfortunately, he costs $180, $30 more than the suggested retail price of the BB-8.
Sphero is also making BB-9E, the new BB-series droid used by the First Order in The Last Jedi. He looks just like a black BB-8, except he has a rectangular head like the R5 units from the Original Trilogy.
Devy Saldivar & Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 11:15.
Devy Saldivar & Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
fore Devy Saldivar and her family vanished in a van into the Houston flood waters, she repeatedly expressed anxiety over Hurricane Harvey on social media.
In one post, shortly after she saved a pair of kittens from the storm, Devy, 16, wrote, "no sleep & anxiety, please let this pass sooner.
Six members of the Houston Saldivar family – including Devy, two children and another teenager – are now feared dead in the floodwaters of Tropical Storm Harvey, according to KHOU-TV.
On August 30, horrifically, authorities announced they had found the Saldivar family van and could see bodies inside of it:.
KHOU-TV reported that the family is believed to have drowned "in a van on Sunday, August 27, 2017" and consisted of Manuel Saldivar, 84, his wife Belia, 81, and their great-grandchildren, Daisy Saldivar, 6, Xavier Saldivar, 8, Dominique Saldivar, 14, and Devy Saldivar,.
Houston police Chief Art Acevedo told the AP initially that he had no information about the report by KHOU-TV but was "really worried about how many bodies we're going to find" in the Houston floods. Here's what you need to know.
Devy Expressed Fear on Social Media About the Storm & Rescued Kittens From It.
In a series of now heart-breaking tweets, Devy Saldivar expressed fear about the storm. On August 27, she tweeted, "Don't want to sleep but I'm so tired.".
That same day she wrote on Facebook at about 5:30 a. : "no sleep & anxiety , please let this pass sooner. " She also shared a Facebook post in which a man implored, "pray for Houston.
On August 26, she saved a pair of kittens she found under her car.
In the midst of it all, she took time to post about the Floyd Mayweather fight. Her page says she went to Pasadena High School (Pasadena, Texas), lived in Houston, Texas, and was from Houston.
She responded to a tweet from a person expressing anxiety to say, "Same man my friends are helping me calm down tho I appreciate them so much.
Chillingly, she wrote that same day, "Almost died trying to bring a ladder back to my house from my grandparents house , wow. " She added, "And this is only the first day of it. On August 26, she wrote, "Staying inside.
The Family Is Feared Dead From Flooding on a Bridge Crossing While Trying to Escape.
The Associated Press wrote on August 28: "BREAKING: Report: 6 family members feared dead when van swept away while trying to escape Harvey floodwaters.
According to the KHOU-TV report, the "victims include four children (all 16 or younger) and their great-grandparents. The driver of the vehicle (the children's great-uncle) managed to escape before the van went under water.".
The television station reported that "the van was driving down Green River Road in Greens Bayou when it hit high floods after crossing a bridge.
This caused the van to be swept up in the current, and the driver then crawled out and told the children inside to try and get out through the back door.
They were unable to do so." The driver escaped by hanging onto a tree, KHOU-TV reported, adding that no bodies were recovered and first responders were "in the area" but didn't have time to rescue the family.
According to KHOU, the Harris County Sheriff's Office has spoken to the driver. Samuel "Sammy" Saldivar who "told them he was driving eastbound on Green River Rd.
near John Ralston Rd. Sunday when rising water in Greens Bayou overcame the van." Officials have not confirmed the deaths as bodies have not been recovered, the television station reported.
The Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said in a press conference on August 30 that deputies could hear someone screaming and spotted a man clinging to a tree.
They were able to use a rope and "performed a heroic effort to get him out." The rescued man said he was with several family members in a white van that had submerged into the water.
The van was at least four feet under water. The water was traveling 7 miles per hour, and it was too dangerous to stage a rescue.
On August 30, the water went down somewhat. Authorities briefly looked into the van and saw at least two bodies inside the van. Because of the angle, authorities couldn't tell if there were more bodies inside of it.
A chaplain was arriving at the scene. Gonzalez said authorities were trying "to offer words of comfort" to the family. He said the van had traveled a ways. "It was a miracle the one driver was rescued.
Unfortunately, they just couldn't get to the rest." He said the van is resting at an angle in a muddy area with dark and grimy water.
The sheriff said authorities are also "heartbroken" by the situation, especially because "children are involved…unfortunately, it seems our worst thoughts are being realized. " He said it appeared that an adult female was in the front of the van.
Buzzfeed spoke to Ashley Hiser-Jackson, a relative who lives in California. She told the site, "They haven't located the bodies but from what my aunt has said the car is still in the water.
I don't know if the uncle who went to go get them saw the van get swept away. But where the vehicle is, there's no way to get to it unfortunately.".
A GoFundMe page has been established for the remaining family members. "As all of Houston is aware of the devastation around us, let us be aware of a particular sadness- the passing of 4 children due to Hurricane Harvey.
Devy (16), Dominic (14), Xavier (8) and Daisy (6) Saldivar have all been called home," the post reads.
"I've known Virginia Saldivar for 6 years, and if anyone knows her OR her family, they know how precious they are all to each other. The Saldivar's are seeking prayers and assistance in this awful time.
The time and date of memorials are unknown at this time. Please cover this family in prayers, and, if able, monetary donations. Please share this message and help love on this family.".
Virginia Saldivar posted her own plea for help on Facebook on August 28, writing, "If anyone has a boat that can come rescue us on Talton St please come.
This is getting so scary with the water rising." The woman who created the GoFundMe site wrote that Virginia is the children's grandmother. Loved Ones Took to Social Media to Look for the Missing Family.
A woman named Jessica Rivera posted a heartbreaking missing person's post on Facebook for the family. Looking for 2 older adults in their 80's with 2 younger children.
They were in a car last seen at Hopper Rd. Originally they were stranded on 59 near there. The car got swept away and hasn't been seen since. Names:.
UPDATE: Last Seen Greens Rd and John Ralston in a Van. There is NO Confirmation they have been found. I have been in Contact with the extended family.
Tragically, family members have now told two news outlets that the family has died, although, again, authorities have yet to confirm those accounts as they are still trying to get into the van. Friends Filled Devi's Facebook Page With Memorials.
A woman wrote, "i love you. we'd always talk about our lives and what we would do after high school was over.
i'd come crying to you and end up feeling a million times better after our talks. you mean the world to me and i love you. i'll never forget all the things we've done.
Another woman wrote, "RIP BEAUTIFUL , we didn't talk much in high school , but we did at queens , I can't get the image out of my head seeing you in the halls you would always see you laughing & happy as ever ! YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE , I can't believe this , it feels like just yesterday , you'll never be forgotten ! My condolence goes out to your family ! WE LOVE YOU & WE GONNA MISS YOU !.
Improve your Mid-Court Drop Volley with this Easy Drill - Skills and Drills - Duration: 1:31.
-RUSTY: Hi, it's Rusty from Pickleball Channel. I'm here with top Pro, Scott Moore, bringing
you Skills and Drills. Scott, what are we showing them today? -SCOTT: Today we're going to show a drill
utilizing a ball machine to help you hit a drop shot from No Man's
Land. -Rusty: So, let's check it out.
♪♪ techno music ♪♪
♪♪ techno music ♪♪ -SCOTT: So, to set up this drill,
the ball machine is placed on the baseline delivering a lower ball with some pace to drop
mid-court. The spot you want to hit to for this drill is preferably
right at your opponents' feet, making your shot unattackable. Always remember,
practice with a purpose, which is why we're using targets which could be anything
like a towel or hula hoop that you have around.
When you're stuck in mid-court, hitting a drop volley can help you transition
effectively to the kitchen.
♪♪ techno music ♪♪
♪♪ techno music ♪♪
-As you get better, you increase the speed to make it more difficult.
♪♪ techno music ♪♪ -RUSTY: So, that's your drill
for today. Scott, thank you so much. -SCOTT: My pleasure, Rusty. -RUSTY: And remember, if you want to improve your
skills, you've got to do the drills.
♪♪ techno music ♪♪
♪♪ techno music ♪♪
♪♪ techno music fades ♪♪
Medicines with Codeine - what you need to know - Duration: 1:56.
I wasn't aware of the risk.
Not to the extent of how it affected me.
I knew obviously from what you reads in the news about opioid drugs and how addictive they can be
but I never saw myself as that person, as being in that category.
I never envisaged that I would have to be on those drugs for so long, that it would
get to the point where I considered myself an addict.
But looking back I was. I was sitting there clock watching.
I was starting to shake.
I was becoming emotional. I was desperate for my next fix.
The change from over-the-counter codeine to prescription only codeine are going to have
several effects on doctors and patients.
Doctors will need to talk to patients about the possibility of dependence on codeine,
if people have been taking codeine for a while from pharmacies and that will need a conversation
about how the dependency can be treated.
Patients may notice when they can't buy the codeine that they will have symptoms of withdrawal
and they will need to go and talk to their doctors about that to see how that can be delt with.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration, the government regulator, recently decided to change
availability of low dose codeine and that's because low dose codeine is not an effective
pain reliever but it can cause harms.
So we will not be able to buy low dose codeine products over-the-counter from the pharmacist
without a prescription in the future.