I decided to go off to college because I have always been academically inclined.
I'm a giant nerd and I love school and so when I knew there was an option to keep going
to school after high school, I knew it was for me.
I wanted to further my education in mathematics and the sciences because that's what I was
interested in.
I started dancing when I was four-years-old and I actually started with the Maine State
So, I've been with the Maine State Ballet my entire dance career.
I've gotten to dance all of these amazing roles and learned from world-class teachers.
It's what I love.
I'm very passionate about it.
I originally planned to go away for college.
I wanted to leave the state.
I wanted to pursue academia and then I decided to continue dancing for the Maine State Ballet.
So, I only applied to three schools.
I applied to Bates, Bowdoin, and USM. And I got into all three.
When I came to Accepted Students Day at USM, it was all about what USM could do for me
and how they could help me on my path to a brighter future.
That was much more appealing to me than being part of a big name.
The one thing I would want other people to know about coming to USM is that it's not
a safety school.
It's a school that's full of hard-working, intelligent people who have made a smart financial
decision and still want to get a high-quality education.
For more infomation >> Choosing the right college for you - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Jay King Kaleidoscope Misty Tourmaline 183/4" Necklace - Duration: 3:27.
Prediabetes: How Much Does The Medicine Cost? - Duration: 3:46.
Hello, I am Ty Mason of thediabetescouncil.com, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.
I want to emphasize that my perspective is coming from one with Type 2 and not Type 1.
Our channel is primarily for those with Type 2 Diabetes and PreDiabetes.
Today I want to answer the question Prediabetes: How much does the medicine cost??
After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new
This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.
It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800
calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.
There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!
With this question you may have hit a nerve with your health care provider and researchers.
The FDA has not (as of the date of this video) approved a drug for use in those with prediabetes.
However, in 2008, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) began recommending the drug metformin
for some cases of prediabetes — specifically, for people under age 60 with a very high risk
of developing diabetes, for people who are very obese (with a body-mass index, or BMI,
of 35 or higher), and for women with a history of gestational diabetes.
The ADA also said that health-care professionals could consider metformin for anyone with prediabetes
or an HbA1c level (a measure of long-term blood glucose control) between 5.7% and 6.4%.
But according to a recent study, metformin is still rarely prescribed for prediabetes.
The study, published in April of 2015in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, found
that only 3.7% of people with prediabetes were prescribed metformin over a three-year
period, based on data from a large national sample of adults ages 19 to 58.
According to a Medscape article on the study, 7.8% of people with prediabetes with a BMI
of 35 or higher or a history of gestational diabetes were prescribed metformin — still
a very low rate for the highest-risk groups, in which evidence for the benefits of metformin
is strongest.
It appears that most doctors simply aren't following the ADA's guidelines or aren't
aware of them, as they relate to prediabetes.
This despite a 2011 study that showed a reduced rate of 31% of those with prediabetes who
took Metformin.
Now, I know you didn't ask about all this, you wanted to know the cost of medication.
I did all this to show that if you have prediabetes, you may not have any cost, because you may
not be prescribed any.
However, the most common prescribed oral medication is Metformin which helps your body produce
and use insulin better.
The good news?
If you are prescribed Metformin, it is available at many pharmacies for about $4 for a month's
Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos
like this one in the future.
Thanks for watching.
I am Ty Mason.
Funny Quotes And Sayings ~ Get Free Online Quotes ~ funniest 10 Funny Quotes of all time [#vlog 20] - Duration: 1:31.
"Dogs have masters. Cats have staff." ANONYMOUS
Content Marketing | Are you a Facebook Marketing Failure? by Mark Mikelat - Duration: 1:49.
Hi, this is Mark Mikelat from Building Aspirations with some quick tips about your marketing
on social media.
The granddaddy of them all right now, the number one, numero uno, the 9,000 pound gorilla
is Facebook.
Facebook is becoming a common and foundational way for us to communicate in the United States.
Some people just go to work, log onto their computer and they bring up their Facebook
account, and that may be on their computer all day long.
Or, people may have it on their phones, and they are on their phones all day long.
Instead of quick emails with people, you might have quick messages on Facebook.
This means that this is a phenomenal marketing opportunity for you.
You need to engage with your target market and you need to have a presence on Facebook.
Now, what should that presence look like?
What should you Facebook page look like?
How often should you post?
How should you engage?
Those are some heavy questions, and I address those questions for you in the Social Media
Marketing Success Kit.
There are 20+ hours of instruction, of expert, best case scenario advice that I provide you
to be more successful in your social media marketing.
You can click on the link at the top of this video, or there is also a link below this
video, where you can learn more.
I want you to be more successful in your social media marketing including your marketing on
So, I encourage you to invest in the social media marketing success kit today.
This has been Mark Mikelat from Building Aspirations.
Thanks for listening.
Pythagorean Memory Technique - Ancient Technique to Hack Your Memory - Duration: 3:45.
"Memory" is our ability to retain and recall information we've been exposed to.
Not only [Think these help to keep the reader engaged]is the strength of our memory the
foundation of our intellect and our intelligence,[I noticed that when slides ended in a comma,
it made me really engaged and excited to read the next slide]
but it also has a big influence on every aspect of our lives...[Think we should reserve ellipses
for something like this (where it would be a parenthesis on another slide)
OR In place of a comma as a hook
I think that using it in slides 6-8 takes away from it's power a bit ]
our careers, opportunities, friendships even our romantic lives.
Imagine if there was a technique that would help you remember significantly [My bad, this
was one of the earliest articles I wrote…
I've gotten better.
If I say 50%, I need a source or study (even anecdotal) to back it up.
I didn't and don't have that (need to check to make sure I said that correctly in
the copy)]more?
Or help you recall more of the names or facts that you hear?
What if the technique not only improved overall memory,
but also increased memory recall/retrieval speed, helped you sleep better, and even
made you more present in everyday life?
And what if it only took five minutes each day?
Sounds like something only a genius could come up with?
Well, one did.
And his technique can be used by [What do these mean?
As a sort of bolding?
I think we should reserve the highlight for this]anyone!
Today, we're showing you the incredibly powerful Pythagoras Memory Technique.
Before we give you details, meet Pythagoras of Samos
the father of philosophy and the inventor of geometry.
Remember the Pythagorean Theorem?
Yeah… that guy.
This [Nice hook in]ancient Greek put an extremely high value on building and preserving his
So… he developed a simple technique to maximize it.
The technique is actually quite simple...
Every night before you fall asleep The exercise is basically like fast-forwarding
a mental video recording of your daily activities.
You visualize yourself ([Can we use parentheses instead?
I've never understood these – (so we've never used them in any of our stuff)]through
your own eyes) going through each moment of your day.
What did you first see?
Was it your significant other?
The clock?
What's the first thing you did?
Did you put on your wedding ring?
A pair of slippers?
Continue visualizing the events of your day in sequential order.
What was the first thing you saw when you left the house?
Who was the first person you talked to?[I love consistency, so I cut the second question
(as you didn't have one for the first question)] What was the weather like that day?
At first going in sequential order will be challenging.
The first few times, you may only remember major events,
[This felt jumpy to me.
It went from: 1.
sequential order/difficulties when starting 2.
To summary of the technique 3.
To practicing at night 4.
Back to sequential order/difficulties when starting
Then back to practicing at night I just moved them all to their own section,
and not only do I think that this helps make it more concise, but also more cohesive and
punchy] But if at first you can't remember a lot
of detail, don't get discouraged.
Many see a considerable improvement after only three or four days.
Pythagoras and his followers did this first thing in the morning,
but many find doing it right before they sleep easier.
It's relaxing, and it has the same results, And it seems to improve sleep almost as much
as it improves memory.
Not only does it help you fall asleep, but it helps you fall into a much deeper sleep
After only a month of using the technique, many experience these 5 powerful benefits:[Leads
5 powerful benefits when we've only talked about 2-3 (memory, recall speed, sleep)]
1) DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED GENERAL MEMORY But it's also a lot easier to retain information
like people's names or birthdays.
2) INCREASED MEMORY RECALL/RETRIEVAL SPEED After only a month, your brain can recall
all kinds of information considerably faster, or who won the championship 3 years ago.
3) NOTICEABLY IMPROVED SLEEP A lot of us [We're of course a site for
men, but with topics that are not-sex-specific, I try to avoid saying men or women (so both
can benefits/feel connected to the content) Conversely, if it's a topic specific to
guys (how to ask her out, best underwear for men, etc.)
I find that using these, and making it specific to guys, helps it be more relatable]have trouble
"shutting off their brains" at night.
With this technique, many fall asleep faster, and fall into a deeper more restful sleep.
4) YOU BECOME MORE PRESENT After regularly practicing this, many find
that they are simply more present in their day.
This may have to do with the technique being based on a kind of "mental unpacking".
The brain is more relaxed, and able to focus on the present moment,
because the subconscious doesn't have to worry about forgetting something important.
It knows it did all that unpacking last night, so it can just focus on the here and now.
5) HELPS YOU APPRECIATE EACH DAY Time and life move quickly.
By recapping your day each night you realize how much you do in a day.
This really puts things into perspective and helps you value and enjoy each day more.
That's how to hack your memory using the Pythagoras memory technique.
If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and don't forget to click and subscribe.
And while you're here, why not check out these other powerful videos?
Thanks for watching!
How Long Should You Try Before You Quit? Entrepreneur Advice - Duration: 6:58.
So the other day towards the end of one of our free freelance or group coaching
calls came up the question around how long should things take and it's a
really interesting topic and I want to broaden it a little bit here today to be
but how long does it take just to succeed at whatever that goal is you
have and the first interesting thing about this is that people are terrible
at perceiving how long things should take in NLP they talk a lot about
perception of time right we all have different world views around time for
some people a long time is a week like if you have to take a week to do
something that's insane for other people a long time is five years we can compare
myself to one of my friends back home we will call him double-double planned his
trips years in advance last year he told me that he'll be in Europe next year so
that's a two year gap he's like don't worry I'll be in Europe maybe I can come
see you for a few days I don't know where my trip in September will be yet
and it's mid-august we have different ways of planning the
future in perceiving time is one of us more accurate than the other not
necessarily it probably depends what we're planning what we're trying to
figure out what we're needing to account for this is the first thing to think
about is generally our basic wiring is not great for timing now if you're
thinking about like your business let's say you're working on a project starting
your new business and you're thinking okay how long is it gonna take until I'm
you know successful until I have enough money coming in whatever you think it
will take for you I'd probably double it to be safe and probably double it to be
accurate as well I've heard this advice for many people and it's what I've
experienced myself as well now whatever you think it takes someone else to
succeed right let's say you're watching someone on YouTube or reading a book
about someone it's like wow they seem like they succeeded really quick
whatever your perception is I probably times that by about 10 so if it seems
like they got where they were in like three months
probably took them about three years something like that right that's the
first thing so here's why this can be a serious problem is if we think we should
achieve a goal in three months but it actually would take us
six guess what happens around three months we generally quit or we
reevaluate our strategy so what often happens is we get started down a path
and we're going and we're like okay really excited like I'm gonna do this
this is gonna work right but to three months in we're not nearly as far
towards the goals we thought we would be so rather than doubling down on our
efforts and just keep going and maybe increase our frequency of work or how
much we're doing or whatever it is we tend to look at our strategy and try to
change directions well this isn't getting me where I should be so I should
probably change what I'm doing and then we reset and we try something else and
you can imagine how this ends up right some zigzag in life we never really get
where we want to go and a big reason this happens is because we had an
unrealistic expectation when we started out so fear can play a big role here
right the way it sometimes works out too is I've seen this in people where they
start on a strategy and they're they kind of believe in it they kind of
believe in themselves as well but as they're going maybe a weekend they
should not have seen any results yet right the strategy should take at least
a few months over but a weekend they start second-guessing themselves maybe
they feel insecure maybe fear comes up and they start changing their strategy
in freelancers this often looks like redoing our website or deciding to focus
on a slightly different customer or something like that when really what we
were doing was fine we just needed to keep doing it rather than changing
direction so I have two really quick tips to do a little better in this area
the first is improve your perception of time right so like I said it's usually a
safe bet to double whatever length of time you think it will take to do
something double that the second thing is well let me add to that actually you
can double it you can also check with someone who knows what they're doing
who's done it before or who knows you really well right so check with a mentor
check with a business consultant or someone and say hey here's my plan and
your experience how long would this actually take and that's another way to
get a better perception right so if you don't have that maybe just double it but
if you can get outside feedback that's another way to do it as well and outside
feedback from someone who has done it if you ask your friend who's at the same
level as you how long should this take they're
gonna have an equally inaccurate answer right so that's the first thing figure
out how long it should take secondly while you're doing it focus on the
progress you're making so even with this new perception of time let's say you
decide it's six months instead of three it might actually take you eight months
or ten months and if you want to keep going rather than quit the best way to
maintain that energy that motivation is to focus on the progress you've made
so if you keep looking at where you're trying to go in the mindset of I'm not
there yet why aren't I there yet it's going to make you think you're doing
something wrong it's going to erode your confidence and you'll probably change
direction but if you keep looking backwards and saying hey look how far
I've come hey this is really cool like I've made
all this progress remember three months ago I was here and now I know so much
more I'm doing so much better if you take that approach you're gonna
end up maintaining that momentum if anything you'll build your confidence
more you're building momentum more and then if it does take you know three
times as long as you thought it would take you'll still be able to keep going
right because just because something takes longer than you think it should
have does not mean you're doing it wrong or that it's the wrong thing to do
sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't and unfortunately especially when we're
starting out in business or we're doing something alone we don't have the
knowledge to assess whether or not we're following the right strategy necessarily
whether or not we're going down the right path so if that is your
circumstance and you don't have the ability to figure out you know like have
a mentor or figure out are you on the right path then I would say you're
better to stick to that path about twice as long or three times as long as you
thought you should and just give yourself a chance to succeed it's much
better than quitting early of course ideally find someone to sort of give you
that bird's-eye view perspective and say yeah you're on track right now you're
doing well and keep going and that's gonna be the best but if you don't have
that then just keep going until you find that person to give you that advice that
would be the most important thing I can say is focus on the progress you've made
and then just keep moving forward and you will get to your destination and
then it will be awesome and then you can pick a new destination thanks for
watching this quick video here if you've enjoyed it and you're not already a
subscriber do subscribe to the channel interact with me below in the comments
and I'll catch you next time
That Single Girl Who Practices Gratitude - Duration: 1:38.
prepping for winter weather - Duration: 2:12.
prepping for winter weather supplies to stockpile for winter storms emergency prepping for winter prepper stockpile supplies for emergencies
winter storms power outages emergency survival situations fires civil unrest earthquakes tornadoes hurricanes depending on where you live
hi it's AlaskaGranny you may think it's August but it's still time to start
prepping for winter I went to my local Walmart today and they already had a
huge assortment of winter boots available and ready it may seem like
it's too early to start thinking about winter weather cold stormy days darkness emergency survival situations
but there's no escaping the fact that time marches on the seasons are ever
turning and it's time to start prepping for winter if you live in the cold
northern region it won't be long until the reality of winter is here so be
thinking ahead of what you need plan it out stockpile the things that you need
winter storms power outages emergency survival situations fires civil unrest earthquakes tornadoes hurricanes depending on where you live
none of us can live without water and it doesn't matter what the emergency is
you're going to need fresh drinking water you need to make sure that you're
gathering food begin with easy to grab and go food canned foods things you can
just open and eat have a simple way to warm food up even if it's just a camp
stove or a little emergency candle stove most of us have a nice selection of
flashlights headlamps are always a great idea oil lamps light from an oil lamp is
far brighter than a candle glow sticks should be a part of your emergency
lighting option prepping for power outages the basics of first-aid emergency add in the medicines supplies things that you
feel would be most important to you in a medical first aid emergency and make sure you include the things supplies medicines that
are specific to the first aid medical needs of your family always make sure you have plenty of
water food first-aid supplies sanitation toilet paper and all the things you need to stay warm and
comfortable no matter what the winter weather brings emergency survival situation
winter storms power outages emergency survival situations fires civil unrest earthquakes tornadoes hurricanes depending on where you live
take a wake-up call from the last frontier winter's coming start getting ready
learn more at alaskagranny.com please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel
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