Hello this is Tony Tornado if you like my video give it a thumbs up
don't forget to share it around with your friends
and most importantly leave a comment down below I wanna hear what your thoughts are
Hi guys I got another keyboard
I went to goodwill and got one and Tony thinks he smashed my keyboard
i got the keyboard
what are you doing playing with the keyboard
Samantha what I said no
I said no I said no hey
why you do that cause you don't listen
I said no keyboards
why are you being psycho
I said no keyboards stop raging
stop being a raging brother
what did I say to you what did I say
what did I say you said no keyboard
I said no keyboard so why do you have another one
that wasn't the same keyboard
you said no keyboard
I wasn't referring to just the crayola keyboard I was referring to all keyboards I said no keyboards hey
you psycho raging brother shut up
shut up
stop being a crazy brother you know what shut up Samantha
I've had enough of your insults okay I've had enough of it stop being a crazy brother I've had enough of it shut up stop being a crazy brother
shut up I said shut up and I mean it shut up
you destroyed the floor no I didn't yes you did no I didn't look at it
cause your a crazy brother
shut up Samantha stop it I'm sick of you getting laughter out of this it's not funny
go away
and clean this up you hear me
and throw that in the trash and no more keyboards okay
you know what you know what the next thing you will lose is your laptop no the next this you will lose is your laptop no you hear me no
don't even think about it again don't I'm not playing around with you I'm done
For more infomation >> CRAZY BROTHER FREAKS OUT AND SMASHES NEW KEYBOARD! - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
President Trump to flood victims: We are here for you - Duration: 3:03.
7.15. Don't Let the Ideologues Push You Out! - Duration: 4:45.
In the previous video, I encouraged you to keep believing in the things you believe in—
even as you become more open-minded and humble about what you think you know,
and less dependent and absolutely obedient to the belief systems on which you rely the most.
I encouraged you to change how you believe, not what you believe.
But just as importantly, I want to encourage you to stay in your communities.
Don't stop hanging out with people who have similar political, philosophical, or religious beliefs,
just because they're more extreme and rigidly committed to them.
This is really, really important—one of the most important, practical things you can do to advance social change.
The reason it's so important is because, as I explained in another previous video,
when groups feel threatened, the first thing the leaders, elites, and diehard believers do
is put pressure on the rank-and-file.
They throw down the gauntlet.
They turn the threat into an absolute, us-versus-them challenge.
They rant and rave and tell you you have to believe certain things, and you have to reject certain people, beliefs, and causes,
in order to be a good conservative, liberal, Christian, or whatever.
They try to swell the numbers of diehard, totally committed believers by forcing the masses
of more open-minded, less committed believers to make a choice:
either get with the program, or get out of the group.
The temptation, when you're in a group that's pressuring you like that, is to leave.
I mean, why stay if they make it clear you aren't welcome anymore?
But that's precisely the wrong thing to do!
The reason ideologies tend to become more extreme over time is because they regularly purge themselves
of all their moderate, accommodating, level-headed members—leaving behind only the diehard extremists.
Once you leave the group, you've lost the opportunity to influence the group for the better.
Now you're one of "them."
Now you're the enemy.
But if you stay in the group, dig in your heels, and say, "Hey, who are you to define what it means to be a good believer?
Who are you to decide who gets to be included?
I'm a believer too.
I deserve a voice, too.
There are many of us more moderate believers—and we aren't going to let you push us out,"
then you have an opportunity to change the group from the inside.
Then you can move your community in a more tolerant, collaborative direction.
Communities of believers that have become too rigid and uncompromising need people like you.
They need you to show them how to believe—that it's possible to be a strong believer
while still admitting limitations, and acknowledging the value of other belief systems.
Communities of believers that have become too rigid and uncompromising can't be changed from the outside.
Then it becomes an us-versus-them thing.
Then there's no face-saving way to back down.
They can only be changed from the inside, as they confront how out of step they are,
as the more reasonable people model for them how to believe without being so stubborn,
and refuse to let the extremists totally run the show.
So don't let the ideologues push you out!
Stay in your groups, and steer them in the right direction, to the best of your ability.
SnackFever Korean Snack Box Unboxing - Duration: 2:30.
Hi guys, it's ToYume and for today I'm going to be doing an unboxing video of this box
that SnackFever sent me and it's just a box of Korean goods
and I'm just gonna show you what's in there and try some snacks out!
What we have...
Oh, it came with some stickers.
Word of the Month poster.
The word of the month is "daebak"
Cola Coola candy
Cola-flavored snack
It's pretty good. I think...
...if you're an avid coke drinker, you would probably enjoy this one.
Shrimp-flavored chips
So this is a, a soft sort of chip. So it's not crunchy like Lay's or Ruffles
but it's like, softer.
I love Milkis
I'm gonna save this for later.
This one came with...
a SnackFever fidget spinner!
Yeol Ramen
This is a Custard
So this is what this one looks like.
It's just like a little cake with custard cream inside
It's really soft
I think a lot of people will like this one
Silicone phone wallet
It not only comes with snacks but it also comes with a couple of goodies, too.
So like, originally it was Choco Heim, which is just chocolate flavored, but this one looks like a
white hazelnut wafers
It's not too sweet, which I really like. I don't think I've ever tried the white ones
so I'm excited to try that
Se Kom Dal Kom
It tastes like a Hi-Chew, like a Strawberry Hi-Chew
Milk caramel
There's a Korean lollipop, I guess?
Vanilla chocolate
Of course it comes with a Pepero
And one last thing, it comes with...it came with a fan
Which is very useful because it's really hot right now.
It's summer and I live in Arizona so this is pretty useful.
So these are the kinds of snacks that SnackFever will send to you if you subscribe to their monthly boxes.
Your box will be something that might be completely different, but it'll still have a lot of content, regardless.
I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time.
What are the Different Types of Overhead Cranes? | Cranes 101 | Ep 2 - Duration: 8:42.
Hi! I'm Chris Whitney with Progressive Crane. If you're wondering about the
different types of overhead cranes and what applications need them, you've come
to the right place. Welcome to Cranes 10.
If you've done your research or watched our previous video "What is an Overhead
Crane" you've already learned about what an overhead crane can do to increase
productivity and safety within your plant. But with so many different types
of cranes you may find yourself struggling to find out which type fits
your application at your business. That's where I come in. Since no two cranes are
alike, we'd like to use our 40 plus years of
experience to help you choose the appropriate crane for your application
to help your business. From the high power Bridge Crane, to the every man's
Work Station crane, we'll discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of each type. We will also discuss the differences in common types
of cranes: Top Running versus Under Running, Single Girder versus Double
Girder. And how each one suits certain needs. Our goal is to help establish a
deeper understanding of overhead crane so that you can use that information in
choosing an Overhead Crane that will Benefit your Business. Are you ready?
Let's go!
So, What is an Overhead Bridge Crane? If you remember from our last video, it's that
machine you keep losing money on trying to win your date a stuffed animal, or
the machine that Sid from Toy Story used to win a rubber alien. The Bridge
Crane system consists of two overhead rails connected by a single or double
girder bridge. The bridge is supported by End Truck that rides on top of the rails and
moves your bridge from one end of the runway to the other. So, let's start by
unpacking the Single Girder versus Double girder argument. So, why use one over the
other? It really depends on your application and your budget.
A single girder crane consists of a single beam with a hoist trolley riding on
the lower flange. Typically these are less expensive due to lower freight
costs, easier installation, a more simpler hoist design and also allows for a
lighter runway beam. The main reason you would want to upgrade from a single girder to a
double girder crane, is that the capacity you're lifting is over 15 tons or you
need to have a higher hook height within your existing space. If you wanted to,
you can engineer a single girder crane to go to a higher capacity or for a
wider span, but the higher you go the less cost effective it is to use a single
girder crane and you'll want to pursue a double girder. Double girder systems use
two bridge beams instead of one typically you'll see a double girder crane used
for higher capacities, wider spans, and also higher duty cycles. In addition if
you have specialty equipment or need a service platform, you also want to take a
look at a double girder crane. On a Top Running design, they also provide a better
hook height since the hoist is running on top of the beams instead of on the
lower flange.
Okay. So, do I need a top running or an under running crane? Again,
what's your application? Top Running cranes have no limited capacity. They can
be used for very small loads to very heavy. They're ideal for heavy lifting
applications. Under Running cranes otherwise known as under hung cranes,
ride on the lower flange of the runway beam.
These types of cranes are typically designed for lighter capacity and
lighter duty cycle. However, they're designed to maximize your building
spaces as they're hung from the ceiling and don't have any column that reach the
floor. In addition, the hoist can travel further across the bridge and also along
the runway which gives you a greater hook travel. When we talk about under
running cranes we have two different types of bridge girder beams we can
use. You have structural steel shapes and
then you also have patented track. Structural steel is rolled from a
softer mild steel. Is typically used for lighter duty cycle applications. Patented
track however is engineered and built from a stronger steel and is used for
higher duty cycle applications. So enough about the beams, let's get back into the
cranes. Do you need a process crane or do you need a modular crane?
Process cranes are built for a specific need. Typically, they're in a higher capacity, in a
steel mill or container yard. And you see those lifting 10 to 20 lifts per
hour at 50 to 75 percent of the rated capacity. CMAA
typically rate these at a Class D, E, or F. A modular crane or more commonly known
as a kit crane, is typically used in a machine shop or a small mill environment.
These types of cranes are more economical and affordable. CMAA rates them
at a Class C or below because they're only used five to ten times per hour and
have roughly forty percent of the capacity of the crane. If needed, extra
engineering can bump it up to a class D. So bridge crane doesn't sound right for
you? Lucky for you we've got other options.
Gantry cranes are similar to an overhead bridge except they don't have overhead rails to run on.
They have two legs that run on embedded rail on the floor or can also run on top of the concrete.
Gantry cranes are typically used in an outdoor environment at a rail yard or
shipyard where overhead supports are not available in addition they can be used
inside when overhead obstructions prevent the use of an overhead crane
First type of gantry crane that I want to talk about it as a portable gantry.
It's typically used in the maintenance or warehousing application where there's
lifts required in different areas of the plant. There are two types of portable
gantry cranes. You have adjustable and fixed. first time adjustable allows you
to raise and lower the boom, depending on overhead obstructions in a certain area
of your plant. In a fixed height gantry the boom is in a single position and does
not move up or down. The other type of gantry crane is track mounted
gantry. This is similar to a bridge crane in that it only moves in a single plane.
Again you'll have a hoist trolley that is mounted on there that gives you the
same types of motions but it is mounted on the floor. In addition to portable and
track mounted gantry's, I also want to talk about engineered gantry'a. These are
a more permanent fixture in that they have rail mounted to the floor and
can also be tied to a overhead crane runway.
Monorail cranes are used in an assembly line of production line.Typically these
are used when you don't need any side-to-side motion and you just want to
stick to a single plane. In addition they can also be used to move materials from
one Bay into another by way of a track switch. These are perfect for when a full
blown overhead crane is not needed.
Jib cranes come on a number of different types and sizes. They're typically used
when an overhead crane and runway system is not available. You have a
free-standing or you can have one mounted off of a column. These come in a
number of different capacities and spans depending on your need. A jib crane can
also give you a range of 180 degree rotation to 360 degrees.
Not sure if a jib crane is the right application for you? Consider the
following. What kind of floor space do you have? What is the capacity and the
usage? Can we mount it off of a column? What other special options or
considerations are required? What is your budget for the project? The more
information you have the better suited you are to make a decision.
Work station cranes are designed for an individual user. They can be ceiling hung
or free standing. With a rated capacity of 250 pounds to 2 tons, the key here is
that the user can ergonomically move a load from one end of the system to the
And that's it! It's up to you to consider the following:
how many cranes do you need? What is the capacity of the crane and the hoist?
How many lifts per hour? And what percentage of the capacity are each lifts
being performed? Also, you'll want to consider; span, hook height, existing
runway, operating conditions for the crane, or any other special
considerations. Progressive Crane is a leading manufacturer of world-class
overhead cranes. With over 40 years of experience, we engineer and build
customer solutions using all the cranes that we discussed. Our capabilities range
from light duty light capacity applications, to high duty cycle high
capacity overhead cranes. If you're interested in learning how overhead
cranes can increase the efficiency and safety within your facility or to
schedule a crane consultation, please contact us and we will get you in touch
with one of our crane specialists. For all of us a Progressive Crane, I'm Chris
Whitney. Thank you for watching Cranes 101
KMN Home FingerMitt and Trivet Set - Duration: 7:05.
How to Integrate Your WordPress with Google Analytics - Duration: 13:33.
Inspiring SUCCESS TIPS From a Hall of Fame NFL Legend - Duration: 6:00.
Hey, Everyone out there.
It's coach Dan Long with Get Lean in 12,
and yes this is a helmet, and yes it's
autographed by someone famous.
And I want to tell you all about him.
I used to work in the restaurant industry,
and one of the most amazing things that I ever experienced
was working for a gentleman named Lee Roy Selmon.
This gentleman, his number was 63,
used to be on the Buccaneers back when I was a kid.
He became a Hall of Famer on the worst team in the NFL.
Now, I'm sure you're probably wondering
just like I was, how in the heck does someone
become a Hall of Famer on the worst team in the NFL.
Well, I am going to tell you because I
asked him that question.
I want to say God bless his soul.
Unfortunately Lee Roy Selmon has passed on,
but he is not passed on through some of the things
that he has shared.
And I'm going to share one with you today.
I asked him, how did you become that man on the worst
team in the NFL.
This is exactly what he told me-- and I got
three gold nuggets I got out of this that I want
to make sure I share with you, that you can carry on
in life just like I have to make you successful.
He said that the day that he was drafted onto that NFL team,
he went out there for the first practice.
He knew nobody.
He's standing next to a gentleman,
his name was Jimmy Jiles.
I'm sure some of you know who that is.
Jimmy Jiles was standing next to him,
and the coach looked at everyone on the team
and said "Okay, you're going to run 20 yards,
and you're going to hit the bag, do a spin 360 degrees,
and then you're going to sprint towards the end zone,
and you're going to reach the goal line.
You're going to turn back around and jog back into line,
and you're going to do it again.
That's your practice. " So, everyone in the line did
exactly that.
They went 20 yards, did a spin around the bag, went down
and they hit the goal line, and came back.
Until, Lee Roy was up.
Lee Roy's first day, he ran the 20 yards, he sprinted,
turned 360, ran to the goal line and didn't stop.
He kept running for another 20 yards.
And then he kept running for another 20 yards.
Then, he turned around, and then he got back in line.
So then everyone in line, he told me,
was asking him-- hey man why are you doing that?
You weren't asked to do that.
And he just didn't say anything.
The next time he was up there, he did the same exact thing.
Guess what happened.
Within two practices, every single person on that team
was running the extra 40 yards.
Now, what do I get out of that what do you get out of that?
The reason why I want to share that with you
is because that's powerful.
When you do something that is more than what you're
asked to do, that's completely over delivering
and what does that do.
It makes people wonder why and it also
inspires them to want to do more.
Lee Roy was that guy, he live this way every single day.
This man played every single game
like it was the Super Bowl.
He had a mentality that is the most humblest person
in the world.
But, when he hit that field he was aggressive,
and he came out to play and make sure that he
made a name for himself.
Now, what's incredible to me is leading by example--
the three things I got out of this--
he led by example.
And before you knew it he affected the entire team of all
of those players, To be better than they already were. ,
So leading by example is huge.
He rose above average.
He rose above average, because what does average do?
Average does exactly what you're asked to do
and no more than that.
So, what was he doing.
He was over delivering by running an extra 40
yards in a sprint, and then making it
all the way back in the line.
And doing it again.
That's absolutely incredible.
Now, the last thing he chose to do was be different.
He didn't want to just accept the minimal.
He wanted to accept the fact that you could always do more.
So, when it came to his workouts,
and when it came for him to do all the things that he
was doing to be the best guy, to become the only man to make it
in the Hall of Fame out of those Buccaneers.
It was incredible to see this guy triumph.
So, what did he do.
He really led by example.
He a rose above average.
The third thing that he did is he chose to be different.
And it changed the team, it changed the mindset,
and it changed everything in their workouts.
Now, speaking of workouts.
Just for you being here today, I hope
you take some of that information
and you apply it to your life, and I
hope you get better at what it is that you're doing out there.
And so, just for being here today,
I have something special for you.
I actually have a free gift.
So if, you'll click on the link that's
right above here, or on the side,
you're going to get that free gift that's there.
It's called the Stubborn Fat Sequence.
It's a 12 minute metabolic workout,
that is absolutely amazing, that will
help you achieve greatness, that will help you shed the fat.
Now here's the most amazing thing,
it's actually specifically designed and geared
to people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s
that have to move different.
Lee Roy was moving at 40 and 50 like a 20 something year
old because of moving differently.
So, I had that free gift here today,
just because you stopped on this feed
and you took the time out to listen to my video.
I want to thank you for being here with me today.
Don't forget, please click that link right above.
So you can get your free gift, okay.
And don't forget, also to hit a like,
maybe hit the heart, right, hit a share.
And then, also make a comment down below
and let me know what you thought of this video,
and how it can impact you.
And, let me know who you are and where you're from.
We always love to hear from all of our people
who are following us.
Again, please let Lee Roy and myself be an impact to you.
I want you to have an amazing day.
DIY - LEGO Tissue Box (Dutch subtitles) - Duration: 4:04.
Commercial Cleaning Services | Janitorial Services - Duration: 2:19.
What do you need to do when a cleaning service is unprofessional?
IWC Cleaning satisfied customers know who to recommend
Does Accountability Make You More Successful? - Duration: 9:53.
Good Advice Bad Advice - Duration: 2:03.
What are three words people hate saying?
I don't know.
If you ask a friend a question, they're going to have an answer.
Now, part of that is probably ego, but the other part is they genuinely want to help
But, unfortunately, this is a problem, when it comes to problems about money, because
you can be strayed into the wrong direction.
When you ask a co-worker or a friend a financial question, they're likely going to tell you
(1) what they did and couch that as the truth, or (2) what they heard.
And bad advice travels fast, so you got to be careful here.
So, what can you do?
Who do you go to when you need an answer to a money question?
Let me give you a few tips on how to evaluate a friend, or even a professional, that's giving
you advice.
First, do they ask questions?
Find someone who's going to ask you questions before just jumping in with an answer.
Do they really have an interest in your situation, or are they simply just trying to be right?
Secondly, how do they make money?
Now, it's not bad if they make money, you just need to know the source.
Let's say all their money comes from sale of insurance, you're probably going to hit
the insurance conversation quickly, and you need to figure out whether they can go beyond
Third, can they do the math?
Let's look at insurance again.
It's easy to say you need this type of insurance because this major catastrophic event could
happen, but can they do the math to show you the probability and the expected value of
that policy?
You may say, "I don't even know how to do that and I'm not sure I can get that."
It doesn't matter.
Make sure they can do it and explain it to you.
Lastly, are they willing to say I don't know.
Not every advisor is going to know everything about everything.
Do they know their limitations and are they willing to go out there and get the answer.
Remember, with money, it's critical to evaluate the source of the advice, as much as it is
the advice itself.
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