From fashion to furniture
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European design is everywhere And all around us
From the Golden Ratio to linear perspective Europeans haven't just done design.
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For as long as Philips has been around Design and a fascination with light's potential
have defined who we are.
A philosophy embodied in Ambilight The definitive immersive viewing experience
Now its time to bring Ambilight and European design to our new range.
Meticulously crafted
Gorgeous new materials
Debuting the all new P5 picture processor, built for the age of viewing on demand
For explosions of color Luxurious blacks
Extended dynamic range Smoother, glorious motion
And, of course Ambilight: extending design beyond appearance.
Led by the all new 65" OLED 9 series.
A sweeping range of stunning new models Because looking better never went out of style.
For more infomation >> Philips TV. Looks Better. - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Natural Home Remedies for Obesity and Weight Loss - Health Tips - Duration: 5:09.
Home remedies for weight loss obesity offers overtime when you eat more
calories than you use the balance between calories in and calories out
differs for each person factors that might affect your weight include your
genetic makeup overeating eating high fat foods are not being physically
active first home remedy green tea green tea is a popular natural remedy to
promote weight loss a study revealed that EGCG a compound found in green tea
helps slow down weight gain by limiting fat absorption and increasing the body's
ability to use fat green tea is packed with nutrients such as vitamin C
carotenoids zinc selenium chromium and other trace minerals drink about three
to four cups of green tea daily to combat obesity second remedy aloe vera
aloe vera and her Bell King is also useful in treating obesity because it
stimulates the metabolism increases energy consumption and met melissa is
unused fat in the body it contains natural collagen proteins that make the
body work harder in order to observe the proteins in addition it helps remove
toxins from the digestive system and colon for this we need aloe vera and
orange juice take two fresh aloe vera leaves and scoop of the pulp put it in a
blender along with one cup of orange juice blend it for two to three minutes
and drink this daily for one month by following regularly you will notice your
body weight loss third remedy apple cider vinegar apple cider vinegar is
another popular home remedy to reduce excess weight it helps break down fat
and hence prevents the accumulation of body fat mix 2 teaspoons of raw
unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water drink it daily in the
morning before meals you can have up to two tablespoons of
apple cider vinegar in a day do not exit this amount as it may reduce your blood
potassium levels over time and lower your bone mineral density be mobis
increases your risk of diabetes heart disease stroke portraitists and some
cancers if you were a base losing even five to ten percent of your weight can
delay or prevent some of these diseases chaudhary home remedies for weight loss
the fundamental cause of overweight is an energy imbalance between calories
consumed and calories expended and increased intake of energy dense foods
that is high in fat and an increase in physical inactivity causes obesity here
are top three home remedies for obesity one lemon juice lemon juice is one of
the best home remedies fighting on obesity it helps improve digestion and
aids in detoxification healthy digestion is an essential prerequisite for weight
loss as it helps your body get the nutrients required to burn fat mix three
tablespoons of lemon juice one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water drink it in
the morning on an empty stomach do this daily for at least three to four
months you may see the results within few weeks if you follow regularly to
curry leaves curry leaves cures in digestion problems effectively chewing
few curry leaves is the best home remedy for obesity patients mild herby flavor
naturally present in curry leaves suits intestinal walls and also helps for easy
digestion eating curry leaves for weight loss excellently promotes a healthy body
and helps to lose weight faster research shows that curry leaves contain Mohini
bang an alkaloid that has anti-obesity and lipid lowering effects thus it helps
lower body weight and reduces total cholesterol and triglyceride levels
three cabbages Furman 18 cabbage may increase some nutrition
values and may even help weight loss formulating uses bacteria in the process
that are considered probiotics when we eat foods with probiotics this bacteria
then take up short term residence in the digestive tract and may offer additional
health benefits fresh cabbage juice gives effective results for ovae's by
drinking in the morning for preparation of cabbage juice at home click below
link in the description and follow the procedure thank you for watching the
video like and subscribe for more videos
5 Cool Magic Tricks You'll Love To Perform - Duration: 6:00.
I'm sick today. :|
Desperately Seeking Semen | Sex Map of Britain - Duration: 19:45.
The best moments of Elizabeth Liones in Anime Nanatsu no Taizai!! - Duration: 20:02.
Drive #12 - Are you listening? - Duration: 4:34.
Hello myntnation this is Chad Mottice coming to you with a "Drive to Move your
Number Today" Volume 12 and today we are going to talk about the art of listening.
Listening is an important skill and it's hard to teach and it's easy to
understand but hard to put into play whether it's in your professional or
personal relationships listening is an invaluable tool very few people do it
well and those that do that well impact their relationships and
business in such a positive way is immeasurable let's talk about three
pieces to having listening be a strong skill in your toolbox that will help you
become an instantly better listener and you'll have many people that you come
across say wow you do a great job of listening there's three things to the
listening process first one is to hear the message that's pretty specific but
that's what most people will stop that they just let their ears do the hearing
but there's much more to that you hear the message that you're getting from
somebody step two is to then reflect back what you heard now it seems
monotonous and when you try it it's going to seem like you're doing a some
level of a technique that may sound rigid at first but if somebody tells you
that they are angry about their job your first reaction can't be to give them
input or give them any kind of resolution before they know you've heard
their situation you need to capture the emotion plus the meaning in that message
so if somebody says man I really hate my job if you reflect that back by saying
so what I'm hearing you say is you've got some frustration at work that you've
got some difficulties going on there if you've reflected it
positively if you've done it in a correct way that person will say yeah
exactly...and as soon as you get to that yeah that
means you have heard with your ears you've reflected with your mouth the
third thing is then you can now communicate what you believe next steps
or what you want to try to portray to the person too many times somebody
expresses frustration or expresses some level of difficulty and we go into the
shotgun approach of just trying to give them feedback and give them answers
without them feeling like we understand you have to treat that conversation as
if I need to make sure that they understand what I'm doing so I can get
them off play and put them on receive so they'll hear the message that I need to
give them or would like to give them next so again those three steps hear
their message reflect back what you heard the conversation and telling them
what you heard and then the third step is then try to give their answer give
your input and give your feedback the real the realization is one somebody
figures out that you're listening and that you've captured their situation
they're going to be willing then to listen to what you have to say to them
and you will be seen as a better listener which is our goal to move our
number today in the area of listening I want to thank you so much for watching
our video today please take time to catch us on facebook at the
myntindustries page and follow us there... don't forget to subscribe
right after I give you the "Move your number today" you'll go to a screen that
you'll see a picture of my head with a red background you can click on that to
be able to subscribe...Take an opportunity if you have a business or service that
you would like to have its number move today check us out at
...look forward to talking to you real soon...comment / like us / share us get our
message out comment things you'd like to have us talk about
we'll look forward to talking to you real soon and as always
You Are My Pet (Aka: 너는 펫 ) - Deleted Scene - Duration: 0:44.
I have always loved you.
Let me say this:
I have paid attention to you
for a very long time.
Are you saying, that you are not
interested in me at all?
Improved subtitle of Kiyoshi Ryota by Manvagtoo (on
Mind Blowing Car Concept in the Future | YOU MUST SEE - Duration: 3:51.
Never Forget to Hit the SUBSCRIBE button
Never Forget to Hit the SUBSCRIBE
Finger Family Octopus | Finger family rhymes | Sea Animal Finger Family Nursery Rhyme | Kids Song - Duration: 1:18.
Back to School Car Servicing in Maidenhead – Harper Motors – 01628 500999 - Duration: 1:03.
5 Reasons Why You Should Watch Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:59.
5 Reasons Why You Should Watch "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon"
First off, lets just take a second to appreciate how Park Hyung Sik looks so lovingly at his co-star, Park Bo Young. Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is the new JTBC drama that airs every Friday and Saturday.
Its a drama that perfectly ties off a work/school week, and if youre looking for a light-hearted drama to watch, you should definitely check this one out. Keep on reading to find out why!. The superhero-esque female lead.
Park Bo Young plays Do Bong Soon, a girl who possesses the unique gift of having super strength.
Although she doesnt actively go out to fight crime or bad guys, she does do her best to stick up for those who are taken advantage of.
If you like superhero and action type genres, then this drama has pretty much got every aspect of that covered. Theres a crime to be solved, a creepy villain, and a superhero-type figure as the main character.
And the fact that the superhero is played by a female is pretty badass. Despite Bong Soons superhero strength, shes a character that a lot of us can relate to.
She has had a hard time trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life and it doesnt help that shes pretty lazy and not the most driven person in the world.
Shes also got some issues with her mom constantly pressuring her and shes really just trying to figure out her place in the world. These dilemmas are all aspects that make Bong Soons character real and relatable. .
Its also pretty satisfying seeing her stick up for other women and herself when shes getting picked on.
After a long or stressful week, everybody needs a little light-hearted humor. I know that when I turn on this drama, I dont have to be worried about having to use my brain or focus too much on it.
I found myself chuckling many times throughout the series so far, especially at the poor men Do Bong Soon accidentally hurts.
Theres a fair share of slapstick humor throughout the series so far: men flying into the air, cars being flipped over, guys getting knocked unconscious from the flick of Bong Soons finger — its all really in good humor, and youll enjoy it.
If anything, you should watch it just to see Ji Soo dress up as a woman because its hilarious. Park Hyung Siks undeniable charm.
Was Park Hyung Sik always this charming, because dang…. If you liked Park Hyung Sik as Yoo Chang Soo in High Society, then youll definitely love him as An Min Hyuk in this drama.
An Min Hyuk plays the CEO of a gaming company, Ainsoft. He has a hard time trusting his family and he seems very distant from them.
He also seems like a rather lonely character who does not spend a lot of time with other people.
Instead, he likes to hid in the confines of his home, where he has it decked out with pretty much any game you can think of; its basically any gamers haven.
I was actually really impressed with the fact that I could see this seclusion and loneliness in Park Hyung Siks acting. There seems to be a bit more depth to it than meets the eye.
Although the character of An Min Hyuk is pretty familiar to Park Hyung Siks other roles, Im still enjoying his unique and energetic charm — its hard to miss! Not to mention his chemistry with all his co-stars is undeniable. .
Ill try my best to put aside any biased opinions I have about this REALLY fine specimen of a man.
Ji Soo plays the tough and rugged cop, In Guk Doo. Hes Bong Soons childhood friend, and she also happens to be head over heels in love with him — JOIN THE CLUB.
If youre a fan of Ji Soos tough and angsty roles from the past, youll be in for a treat in this drama because not only is he tough, but hes got a protective aspect to his character, especially for Bong Soon, who he worries constantly about.
Although the chemistry between Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik is cute, the chemistry that is shared between Park Hyung Sik and Ji Soo is on fire.
Once you watch them together in this drama, feel free to watch some behind-the-scenes clips and interviews of them together because they really are so adorable together. Their bromance is serious enough to even make Nam Joo Hyuk jealous!.
A Simple Question - Just a Minute! - August 31, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.
The conversation started with a simple question.
Will you give me a drink?
It ended with a great many people believing that Jesus was and is the Savior of the world.
What happened?
Jesus met a woman who had a dry, thirsty soul.
That's what happened.
She had been trying to quench that thirst through her many relationships but to no avail.
Of course, Jesus knew what she really needed.
So he offered to her that one thing that could truly satisfy and refresh her soul — living
water, water that wells up to eternal life.
Water that once you drink you will never be thirsty again.
Water that you want to give to others.
And she did.
If your soul is thirsty today, ask Jesus and he will give that water.
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