In the event that successive migraine assaults pound your head, you are in for a damnation
fixation, center, and security go for a hurl.
The agony singing through your head
hinders you and influences your life to grind to a halt, and this is not something you
Imagine a scenario in which something as clear and characteristic as breathing can take care
of your concern.
for all time?
Here are seven diverse ways that can enable you to do as such.
The present video will examine 6 Amazing Breathing Exercises To Treat A Headache.
Breathing Exercises For Headache Healing,
Discover A Rhythm,
Avoid short and fast breaths � they will do you no great.
Have a go at taking profound
breaths, checking up to 10 while you breathe in and another 10 while you breathe out to
your breaths are longer than regular.
Take after this mood and watch how your body reacts
to this profound and moderate relaxing.
It will unwind your nerves and diminish the force of
the cerebral pain.
Inflatable Technique,
Here comes an astounding breathing activity for migraine.
Rectify your back, think about a
spot underneath your navel and relax.
Inhale till you think the air has achieved the spot
you thought of.
This will top off your stomach area.
At that point, let the let some circulation into like how an inflatable
empties � gradual.
Proceed with this method of breathing in and breathing out for some time
to influence your cerebral pain to vanish.
Imagine Your Breath,
Sit serenely and think about the air you are breathing out.
Envision it going down your
windpipe, into your lungs and augmenting them.
Feel as though you are taking in all the peace
furthermore, quiet you require and envision pressure leaving your body as you breathe
Do this a couple
of times to keep migraine under control.
Helpful Music,
Locate an agreeable and positive space and play relieving music while you do profound
centered relaxing.
Ensure you pick state of mind elevating tracks.
The music quiets you down,
revives your body, unwinds your muscles, and melts away your cerebral pain.
Exchange Nostrils,
Taking in and out through exchange nostrils is called Nadi Sodhana in Yoga.
popular practice is useful for the general unwinding of your body.
Take in through your
left nostril while you cover the correct nostril, and inhale out through your privilege
nostril while you cover the left nostril.
Rehash the other way around to treat your migraine.
This procedure includes 10 speedy breaths took after by one long breath.
Sit in the Lotus Pose
or, on the other hand Vajrasana and apply power and speed while breathing in and breathing
out through your nose.
chest zone must go all over rather than the guts.
Do 5 inward breaths and 5
exhalations, trailed by a full breath.
Rehash the procedure for no less than 5 minutes to
stimulate your psyche and keep cerebral pain under control.
The breathing examples specified above scarcely take whenever and push to do.
All it
takes is some teach to rehearse them consistently to fathom the issue of cerebral pains and
How you treat cerebral pain, Let me know in our remark area underneath.
For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of A Bad Headache Without Medicine Naturally & Fast | Emma Skin Care - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
Here's My Canada: Freedom to be Who You Are - Duration: 0:11.
What I love about Canada is the diversity
and the culture and just the freedom to be
who you are
How to Create a Hotel Booking App? - Duration: 4:49.
Hi everyone!
That's pointless to deny that a modern world lives in a hurry.
Everything is done on the go from reading the news to booking a hotel room for upcoming
Since we cannot change our reality, there should be a good and reliable way to make
our everyday routine easier.
Here help our mobile devices!
We are going to discuss how to develop a deserving hotel booking application from scratch not
to get lost among all undeniably great hotel booking services on the market.
Let's get it started!
Well, present-day travellers strive to be independent.
It's a right approach actually, because you yourself can organize the most incredible
vacation ever by choosing a hotel, buying tickets, planning travel routes, etc., on
your own; on the other hand, you are the only person to blame if something goes wrong (but
nobody's going to do so, right?).
As you are here, we can assume that you might be a hotel owner catching up with the latest
technology tendencies, or a generous entrepreneur who wants to help other people to make their
business stronger, or just a crazy enthusiast who dreams about changing the whole world
of travelling; after all, you can be just a curious reader.
Regardless of your intention (undoubtedly great), you need to know several things about
the building of hotel reservation apps.
So let's find what they are!
Travel applications can be conditionally broken down into two groups:
last-minute booking applications beforehand booking applications
Another interesting moment is an area your application will cover.
The perfect way is to make an application collecting accommodation offerings around
the globe.
On the other hand, it's OK if you launch a local hotel booking app first.
For instance, the HotelQuickly caters Asian countries travellers only, providing tourists
with the best last-minute hotel deals around.
Being focused on one area at the start can give you a competitive edge since you can
perfect your app and make it the most required in this area.
Talk about intention, you need to define whether you're going to develop a classic hotel
booking application or something unusual.
Airbnb has recently turned the idea of travelling upside down by allowing tourists to immerse
in a foreign culture by hiring locals apartments.
Backtracker is a product where users can plot their journeys, upload photos, and share their
Another popular service mostly focused on travellers reviews is the TripAdvisor app,
where you can find the most attractive place to go on the basis of other travellers reviews.
So you should decide what your should bring to people.
Let's stick to the idea of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) while making a hotel rooms reservation
Why is it beneficial for you?
You always need to consider that there are a lot of rivals in any industry.
Nobody knows if an app will become popular.
So, your application should have a set of basic features to:
save the time and money (in case it won't catch on with users)
focus on them only and polish the app operation to perfection (to get a positive user experience)
MVP features are the following: #1: Hotel search and reservation
#2: Users personal account #3: Notifications
#4: Settings #5: Payment gateway
If you want to know more about MVP models, you should watch the following video
If you want your hotel booking application to mutate into a travel application, then
you need to know possible ways to help it.
You should add following features: #1: Flights search and reservation
#2: Car rent #3: Where to go
Making the MVP, as we already pointed out, can prevent you from losing your precious
time and money.
Thus, you can launch an app having all the basic features to satisfy customers needs.
Collecting users feedback, you will have an idea how well your app does and how to improve
it in the future.
Its vital to take into account all possible scenarios; so in case the application fails,
you won't lose your shirt (completely) and can start another project with the money saved.
There is one essential thing every person engaged in the mobile development should be
aware of permanent market analysis that makes you a strong player.
Download new applications and watch them for innovations as often as possible to know how
to improve your own product.
People now see the rise of travel applications which makes it difficult for a newcomer to
stand out in the field.
You shouldn't give up because you always have a chance to surprise the world by improving
existing solutions and making up with something new.
Thank you for watching our video!
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[DIY] How To Make A Cute Icing Royal Cookies | Amazing Buttercream Cake Decoraing Ideas - Duration: 5:23.
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8 Easy Dessert Recipes - How To Make Dessert Recipes - Duration: 10:42.
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Hope you have a great time
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ACCA F7 Exam question: Conceptual framework (Answer to the Specimen exam 2016 MCQ 10) - Duration: 1:48.
So which of the following is not (IS NOT) a purpose of the conceptual framework.
OK, so we've learned about what it is and how it works so just be
comfortable and just think hmm you know is this a purpose or not. Try and forget
your textbook. So, to assist the IASB in preparing and reviewing new standards.
Yes, definitely, because it's a foundation, isn't it. It's the foundation of theoretical
principles that allow us to build new IFRS and to review whether the
old ones really good or not. To help auditors to form an opinion on whether
financial statements comply with IFRS. Again that is true because when you
comply with IFRS you're trying to look at are they are they following not only
the rules in the standards but are they following the principles are they
following the the spirit of the rules and the conceptual framework will help
us with that. Does it help us in assisting in determining the treatment
of items that aren't covered by IFRS so maybe you've got a specific something
new that's happened on the new to do with technology and you can't find any
reference to it in IFRS then you would go to the conceptual framework so it
looks to me like the answer D. Otherwise they are all right. Let's check to be
authoritative where a specific IFRS conflicts with the conceptual framework
and what that means is in a conflict the conceptual framework takes over the IFRS
and that is not true. It doesn't. It's not a standard if there is a conflict then
the IFRS the standard itself wins. OK, so the answer is D my friends.
Amazing Cakes Decorating Tutorials 2017 - Most Chocolate Cakes Decorating Technique 2017 - Duration: 10:27.
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6 Hidden Google Games You Can Play When You Are Bored - Duration: 5:22.
Hi this is Phil from Make Tech Easier and welcome to six hidden Google games
you can play when you are bored.
Are you bored? Do you like playing games?
Does the prospect of playing games sound like a cure for your boredom?
Luckily for you Google has your back. The company whose name has become a verb for
searching things on the Internet is known for their love of Easter Eggs, as
evidenced by playfully trolling users with the definition of recursion, for
providing the answer to the ultimate question, Google likes to play around. It
should come as no surprise to find out that Google actually has a number of
games hidden within its products. Whether you are procrastinating at work or bored
out of your mind in class, follow these instructions to access hidden Google
games. Flight Simulator (Google Earth). It's been around for years but Google Earth
is still kind of mind-blowing, letting you whiz around the planet and zoom in
on just about anything anywhere in the world . . . well, apart from military bases,
North Korea and the usual sketchy stuff. Better still Google Earth has a built in
flight simulator that lets you travel around the world using an actual plane.
You can even choose whether to fly an SR-22 or F-16 jet and play using a
joystick if you have one. Our advice is to turn on 3D buildings as well, which
means you'll get to experience cities like San Francisco in their murky,
textured but nontheless 3D glory. To access it you need to download and
install Google Earth on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer then from the menu
click tools -> enter flight simulator at the top. T-Rex Run (Google Chrome browser)
Google knows that the absence of the Internet can make people lose their
minds. Luckily Google hopes to stave off violent reactions with this cute and
addictive game. One of the more well known hidden games
this one requires Google's Chrome browser. Starring a lone T-Rex in 8-bit
glory you jump over cacti and evade flying pterodactyls in this endless
runner. To play shut off your device's Wi-Fi or fire up Chrome when you have no
access to the Internet. When presented with the unable to connect to the
Internet screen (featuring the afore mentioned T-Rex) hit the spacebar or tap
on your screen if you're on a tablet or phone. Get ready because the deceptively
easy game is about to begin. Just keep hitting that spacebar to jump.
Zerg Rush (Google search). Referencing the seminal realtime strategy game Starcraft, Zerg
Rush is a little simpler than Blizzard's seminal game. For those who have never
played Starcraft the Zerg are a race of insect like aliens. Performing a "Zerg
Rush" requires a plan to quickly amass a large army of weak units and use them
to overwhelm an enemy. Search Zerg Rush in Google and prepare yourself as Google
O's swarm in from all corners of your screen. Eventually the O's will destroy
the search results, but you can eliminate them by clicking on them with your mouse.
How long will you last? Pac-Man (Google search). This custom Pac-Man game appeared
as a Google doodle on May 21st 2010. This playable version of Pac-Man was made to
celebrate the 30th anniversary of the incredibly popular arcade game. To start
munching on pac dots, simply Google "pacman" and you can get down to the
timeless business of avoiding Inky, Pinky, Blinky . . . and Clyde.
Snake (Google Search). Prepare to feel like Marty McFly and go back in time. The
Google Doodle commemorating the 2013 Chinese New Year features a classic game
from the Nokia era mobile phone dominance. That's right a version of
Snake is playable within Google's search engine. To play punch in Google Snake
Game and click on the top result. Breakout (Google search) Breakout is the
1972 arcade game developed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Players control a
paddle that bounces a ball into bricks arranged at the top of the screen. The
goal is to volley the ball back forth between paddle and bricks
until all the bricks are knocked out. To access this classic type Atari Breakout
into Google's image search. All of the search results will morph into bricks.
Control the paddle with the arrow keys or your mouse.
Honorable mention: SixDegrees of Kevin Bacon. In a 1994 interview with Premiere magazine, actor
Kevin Bacon made an offhand comment about how he had worked with everyone in
Hollywood, or someone who's worked with them. This spiraled into a game
based on the "six degrees of separation" between him and other actors. This
concept suggests that any two people on Earth lost six or fewer links apart. In
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon a player names any actor and attempts to connect
him or her to Bacon in six or fewer people. Google technicians must have a
lot of free time on their hands since they integrated the game into the Google
search engine simply type in any actor's name followed by "Bacon Number" to see how
far removed the actor is from Kevin Bacon. Bonus challenge: can you find an actor
with a Bacon Number of four or above? If so post the actors name in the comments
and revel in your mastery of Kevin Bacon related movie trivia. Ok as always thanks
for watching and please subscribe and add your comments below.
See you next time!
You will NEVER guess how much money Donald Trump's wife Melania's wardrobe is worth - Duration: 3:18.
How To Get A Loan - Real Estate Taxes - Q&A #10 - Duration: 15:54.
Kris Krohn here with Limitless TV and today we're going back to some Q&A.
I cannot believe how many incredible questions you guys have. You're inspiring
new videos, new topics, and it is important for me to get your questions
answered. So today, I'm gonna handle about a dozen of them and get you the answers
that you've been looking for.
Alright let's get started. First question today comes from James Bicklebut. James,
thank you for this question. James asked, he says, ok Limitless TV super inspiring
Kris, I got $100,000 of equity in my home and right now I tried to get a home
equity line and they are they're offering me a thirteen percent interest
rate or I can take my four percent loan and do a cash out refinance between four
and a half and five percent. What do you think I should do?
Oh my goodness, you've got three options right now and I'm going to give them to
you right now James. Number one is, I don't know what is happening with the
bank you're talking to on a home equity line of credit but a home equity line
of credits are usually cheaper than a cash out refinance. So please go talk to
a couple of different banks. The only reason why they'd be quoting something
higher is that they're a non-traditional bank, or you're talking to a hard money
father-in-law kind of person, a loan shark, something strange is going on or
you don't have good credit but I'm thinking you do have good credit cause
your second option is you're thinking, oh man Kris do I really want to pay for a
cash out refinance and go from an awesome juicy 4% rate to maybe a 5% rate?
That's not a bad option. Remember it's all about the arbitrage. If I get let's
say of the hundred, thousand let's say I get fifty thousand out, can I place my
fifty thousand dollars somewhere that makes up the difference in that 1% cost
of increased rate on the rest? And with me of course you can. There are plenty of
options. We'll talk about that too. So this is a really great question. Right
now you should be able to secure a home equity line and it's gonna be between
three and four percent. If for whatever strange bizarre reason that doesn't work
then I want you to go to the cash out refinance at 45%. And if you just head all around bad credit
James, sell the property. I know you're thinking, wait Kris, I have a home. Why
would I sell it? You got a hundred thousand dollars of equity, Go take that
money and put it into three properties. If you want help knowing how to do these
things then click the link below and in the notes section make sure you tell me
James, maybe with your real name not picklebut
exactly what you want to do, what you have available, and I'll have my lending
team jump in. Give you all your options and we can even talk about me supplying
you with properties to help you actually get that moving forward. Fantastic
questions a lot of people in your situation.
In fact, if you're watching this video and you've got equity that equity doesn't
mean anything unless it's working for you. So if it's equity in a home, it's
doing nothing losing at the rate of inflation. But if it's equity an
investment property, how do you, how do you put that into another property and
start working almost infinite returns by velocitizing your money by having the
same dollar that was sitting here now sitting in two places.
Alright, next question comes from Eric Boyd. In a previous Q&A you said that you
prefer single family homes over condos because they generally appreciate in
value more. He said, this makes sense. Do two or three or even four family homes
appreciate similarly to a single family house in the right market. Okay hands
down across the board Eric you're gonna see single-family homes are going to
travel better than townhomes. They're gonna travel better and appreciate
better than condos and they're also going to do better than multi-family
homes when you're talking about duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes. Single family
homes? it is a sweet spot below the median and 3 bedroom homes and greater.
Ok next question comes from
silent gamer. Not so silent today. Hahaha. What do you think about the idea, I can
be such a nerd in my head you guys make me so happy. I don't even know if you
know you're doing it. What do you think about the idea of buying a rental and
pay as least as possible towards the mortgage and keep whatever is left over
from monthly rent and do the process over again. Okay
silent gamer has a fantastic question. Basically says, Kris, when I buy a house
I could I could do a thirty-year, mortgage I could do a 15-year mortgag,e I
could do a like an interest-only mortgage. What should I do? and I want to
tell you something that as long as it is not a negative amortization mortgage,
they don't even exist anymore that was an '05, '06, '07 product but
they may come back so you gotta be super careful. I'm dropping it for you. The
the question is, should I try to get the lowest interest rate? and instead of
trying to pay off the house put it towards my next investment? Yes
silent gamer that is exactly what you want to do. Snowball
I was just sitting now with one of my clients they had bought four homes with
me and we had partnered on some stuff and they were making $80,000 on each one
of their homes. So think about that. 4 homes times
$80,000. They were doing pretty well. Over $300,000. Nice. And I went back and I
said, what do you want to do now? they said, Kris, we wish that we had bought 10
homes instead of 4. And silent gamer, that's what you're talking about. More
real estate done the right way is always more better. And it's also more funner.
Next question comes from Country Living. We're selling our home in West Virginia
we want to move back to Pennsylvania but we can't get a loan
however, we own our home outright. What are our options? Ok this is a fantastic
question. Option number one, sell the house. Homes that you've been living in
and our owned paid off outright don't always make the best rentals. Especially
if you're moving out of state. I do not like owning out-of-state property if I
only have one home out there because I've got no loyalty with the property
manager. I'm worth a hundred bucks a month to them. You do not buy loyalty for
$100 a month. So number one option, sell the home. And my advice is, sure you could
buy your house paid off in Pennsylvania but frankly it might be better to put a
20 or 30 percent down payment and have the rest of the money sitting in
investment properties producing more cashflow and building more equity than
paying off the house itself.
Country Living, those are your two best options
because if you can't get a loan then selling it and placing it that way is
something that will help you. You might be saying, but Kris if I can't get a
loan then I have to use the money to pay off my home in Pennsylvania. This is not
true. If you can't get the loan you have other options. You can cosign, there are
credit partners. I invest, I have my partners all the time come to me with piles of money. They want
investment properties, they want retirement income, but guess what? They
don't have the credit. So you know what I do? I rent somebody else's credit, safe
and secure and it works. You got options. If you want to pursue any of those, click
the form below and let me know and I'll have my team be in touch with you. Next
question comes from Joe Mar Johnson. He says, Kris in one of your videos, you
talked about buying a primary residence with 3% down but if you do this aren't
you going to have homeowners insurance and mortgage insurance? Well you're
always going to have homeowners insurance. Mortgage insurance is usually
what you have on a property until it's 20% paid off. And you know what? It is
cost of doing business in real estate. It's not always avoidable. But I'll tell
you what, I would rather have mortgage insurance and put 3% down and walk into
a Pirate Booty of equity rather than waiting to have a 20% down payment which
might take me a lot more time in many many more years all because us trying to
avoid perhaps a hundred or two hundred dollars a month on the mortgage
insurance. It's not a deal-killer. Okay next question comes from unsought bar888
What taxes are you responsible for when renting out your
property? This is a fantastic question. If you're renting out a property that
already has a mortgage in place, you might have already wrapped in your PITI.
Principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. So generally the landlord is responsible
for all those taxes. I'm not really aware of a landlord that ever went to attend
and said, hey this is what your rent is but then you also got to pay extra for
taxes. It might exist but in my hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands
of homes, I've never actually encountered that. So generally, all that's on you and
it's not on your tenant. Okay Eddie Cervantes great question he says, do you
think investing in commercial property is more profitable than investing in
homes? Eddie it absolutely can be. It's just that
commercial usually takes a lot more money. Now I don't get interested in
commercial generally until there's a lot more money that needs to go into it. I
was sitting down with some of the other that are like, Kris why aren't you doing
just one big commercial project instead of five hundred little baby houses?
Because I have a system in place, I love the diversification of five hundred baby
houses. I've, this last month I sold five houses. I did not put any money in these
houses years ago. My partner's got their downpayment back and then we each got
ten to twenty five thousand dollars on every one of these homes that we sold
and so if you think about it, those homes I got great diversification it's easier
to liquidate. Lots of different little assets. Some people will argue it's a lot
of extra work. I don't think so if you've built the right team. I will look into
commercial. I do commercial deals especially when they have really
compelling ROIs.
If they're just comparable to my single families I don't
touch them. And then real estate where I'm averaging
ten to twenty percent a year on my single-family homes,
there's not really much reason to go into commercial. Sometimes commercial requires
a lot more money and it can be a lot more extra money and don't ever put all
your eggs in one basket. Because if it was scraping everything together to do
the commercial deal, I would say no bueno. I want you to go back and I want you to
do a pile of single-family homes. You're ready for commercial when you got a
massive chunk you can put in but it is only a minority of your total asset base.
Fantastic question. Okay from Derrick C. Can you explain how you use an LLC to
mitigate your risk as an investor?
You know, it's interesting. An LLC has
protected me from time to time but in the end I don't want you to think that
it is this crazy bulletproof system. There are some things out there that are
crazy bulletproof like life insurance. I stash lots of money in life insurance
because you know lawsuits can't get to it, governments can't regulate it, they
can't get their hands in that cookie jar. What an LLC does is it tries to create a
bifurcation between your personal and your business and you're only going to
be able to protect what you put in the LLC. I would never for example take my
art business of things that I paint and my real estate business and commingle
them. Because if I have a problem in one business it bleeds into my second. So I
will use as many LLC's as it takes to create separation in my different
business endeavors. There are LLC's out there called series LLC's. These are
proven to create a single entity LLC but with individual protection for property
so it's like an LLC with corporate veil protection between all the different
properties. They're more, they're more money to set up and so I don't
set them up because your likelihood of getting hit is very very small. When
someone has an issue on a house they're not trying to attack all your assets.
Generally, they're attacking the house and the house will take care of most
things. Remember you got homeowner's insurance and you have to have that it's
super important. That'll take care of 99% of problems that happen less than 1% of
the time but should it escape and go outside of that? It could hit the other
assets in the LLC so it's meant to create a corporate veil of protection
between assets. This video is going long but I got six more questions so now I'm
going to revert to my short quick answers okay? First one
comes from Jesus Jimenez. He says, hey Kris not sure if you can if you've answered
this question but basically my parents used my credit to buy their house and
now they don't want to refinance it but I want to buy another house so what
should I do? Fantastic question. You're wondering
whether you should put more money down on the next house? but I tell you this
put your parents on title and then have them do a rate and term refinance. What
that means is, you're not trying to pull money out you're just trying to shift
control so that it comes off of your credit. And that kind of refinance the
only reason why they wouldn't be able to do that is if they don't have the credit
to be able to refinance. If they do and if they can, they should. And a
refinance is easier than a purchase. So make sure that they are reflected on
title and a refinance is gonna be way easier because they're already owning
the home. So do that.This next one comes from Gabey. Kris, love your questions
I've got a question. I own a duplex with a partner. I was the
hard money, it's gone up $50,000 in value. I was the hard money lender but now my
partner wants to buy me out. And the question is, should we split the equity?
The answer is yes you split the equity. So you get your money out and if there's
$50,000 of equity, a true fair buyout at fair market value would be you getting
25 of the $50,000. Now sometimes, we're not acting at fair market value and
sometimes partners will be more conservative and your partner might say
hey I only think that thirty thousand of that is fair. Let's split at
fifteen thousand fifteen thousand. But either way, you should get credit.
Shellfish. When, renting out a house should report it on my taxes? Yes do this.
Maria Quint, Quintanilla. Maria Quintanilla. Hello, I
love your videos they're very motivating thank you I got a question. I got eight
thousand saved up but tons of money in my 401k. If I pull it on my 401k there'll
be taxes and penalties should I do this?
Maria, yes this is actually what I
specialize in. I get really fired up about 401ks and
IRAs and these ridiculous vehicles that are my money that ugh! I'm not gonna
start. Go watch one of my videos I'll rant on it.
Here's what I'm basically saying, yes use your 401k, your money sitting in real
estate will do way better for you than sitting in your 401k. Is it
worth it to pay the tax and penalties? Always. Why? because until you wait to a certain age
all you're gonna do is avoid the penalty. You're always gonna have to pay your
taxes. So you know what? Take the tiny hit and get your money working for you. If
you have questions on how to do that or if you want to partner do a pile of
deals with me I want you to click down below, hit the link, and put that in the
request and my team will contact you and get some basic information and we'll be
able to share with you specifically all your options of what you can do. RT
happens. Love your videos, tons very useful. Question, Quicken Loans or not?
Answer, depends. Is it a good rate? If it's not, don't do it. Is it a bad rate but you
have an investment that earns you a high profit margin? Maybe it's worth it. It's
all opportunity cost. If you can qualify for Quicken Loans you can probably
qualify for some others as well. Okay John Burgoody. Once the house is acquired
what is the best way to get the house rented out? John, hire a property manager.
That is your, have them do it. They're gonna charge you 8 to 10% of the gross
rent that they collect and it's their responsibility. Go with a successful firm.
Go with the firm that has lots of houses. They're getting lots of calls and they
can refer people to your specific house. If you want to do it yourself go to my
lease option video where I'm gonna show you how to put obnoxious bright neon
colored signs in the lawn and trust me it's going to pick up the attention of
people that may want to do a rent-to-own. It'll mean self-managed, it'll mean more
cash flow also me in down payment. I'm a fan of that. If you got a little extra
time, that's the way to go. Okay friends, thanks so much these are fantastic
questions. Thank you for watching today's video and if you have more questions be
sure that you respond below. If you're not a member of our tribe then go ahead
and subscribe and post your questions so that we can make more videos and more
Q&A videos to make sure you got everything that you need to succeed for
real estate investing to having a powerful rock-solid mindset.
Old Salt Union, 'You Can Call Me Al' Music Video [Exclusive Premiere] - Duration: 1:56.
Old Salt Union, 'You Can Call Me Al' Music Video [Exclusive Premiere]
Old Salt Union's newest music video might just be one of the silliest, most nostalgic music videos on the web.
The bluegrass-y band is premiering the video for their take on Paul Simon's 1980s classic "You Can Call Me Al" exclusively for readers of The Boot; press play above to watch.
Dressed in their '80s-inspired finest, Old Salt Union's Rob Kindle, Ryan Murphey, Jesse Farrar, Justin Wallace and
John Brighton opted to recreate Simon's now-classic "You Can Call Me Al" music video to go along with their cover; the original clip stars Simon and actor / comedian Chevy Chase.
As in Simon's "You Can Call Me Al" video, the Old Salt Union members are seated in chairs next to each other, and make frequent departures from the frame to introduce new players …
instead of, you know, just having one of them come back each time.
Based in Bellevue, Ill., Old Salt Union offer in their music an updated take on classic bluegrass — it's, as they call it, "newgrass" — with plenty of Americana influence.
The band formed in 2012 and has since performed at a number of prominent music festivals, including Stagecoach, Bluegrass Underground and LouFest.
Earlier this year, Old Salt Union signed with Nashville's Compass Records; they released their first album with the label, a self-titled project, in August.
Old Salt Union, the band's newest album, contains their cover of "You Can Call Me Al;" it's available for purchase via the band's official store.
Fans can visit to learn more about the group and their upcoming shows; they began a lengthy tour, which will keep them on the road until late October, earlier this month.
Amazing Cakes Decorating Technique 2017 - Cake Style - Chocolate Cake Decorating Tutorial 2017 - Duration: 11:27.
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Listen While you Plan Announcement - Duration: 1:09.
Hi everyone, Dr. Tiffany Carr here from Joy and Teaching. I won't take up more
than a minute of your time today, I just have a quick announcement that I think
is pretty exciting. As a veteran teacher I understand the intense schedules of
educators and that on a typical day it's often difficult to find time to sit down
and eat lunch let alone to hop on the Joy and Teaching website and read an
article about teacher resiliency. I also know that a lot of teachers like to
listen to something during their planning time, whether that be the radio,
a podcast, or a TED talk. Well starting today Joy and Teaching has a brand new
feature called Listen While You Plan. You can now listen to all of Joy and
Teaching's blog posts via SoundCloud and you can access these free through the
Joy and Teaching website and you can also access them
through SoundCloud at This is yet
another way of us being able to join together because now more than ever is
the time to reclaim the joy in teaching and save the teachers! Have a great day.
Swan Architecture - Love Where You Live - Duration: 3:22.
My number one goal is to make clients happy.
To see that look in their eyes when they see their
dream being realized and helping them realize
what their dream is.
Every project evolves around a different person.
Everybody's different, we're all made differently.
We all have different aspirations.
We all find joy differently, so it really starts
with the interview.
She truly listened to our vision.
She takes the time and puts in the interest in how we live,
what drives us, what'd we want and then she tries
to bring that to life.
We really try to make each home reflect
the individual spirit of that client.
Sometimes they'll come and say, love what you did there,
can you do something similar for us.
We would never replicate what we've done for a client,
but it's a really good starting point.
We start from there.
We talk about why.
We talk about what makes them individual.
In fact, I really felt like all
of my ideas were celebrated.
With that, there's encouragement to keep dreaming
and you end up creating exactly what you want.
What an honor it is to be able to sit down,
talk about one's personal life, things that matter
the most to them.
You know, whether it be cooking or their children
or their dog or, you know, whatever it is
and just take those passions and cultivate
a home for them that they get to thrive in.
You don't really get to do that in anything
but single family residential, I found.
This apartment hadn't been changed since the building
was built in about 1985 and it was very dark
and it was gloomy.
One of the first things I did when I saw it
was to call Andrea Swan to see,
could this apartment be saved.
And, she said, yes.
I think an architect brings a special skill to help you
realize what you'd like your living space to be like
so that you can love where you live.
I think it's pretty clear that she wants to be
the boutique firm that does a spectacular project
one after another after another as opposed
to a firm that is going to just churn out
more and more homes because she has the capabilities
or the reputation to allow her to do that.
It's not just hire us, work for 12 weeks and then out
the door you go.
We really do enter a relationship.
If we were larger and we were just taking on more work,
we wouldn't be able to get to know you on that level.
We were looking for somebody who would fit with what we
wanted and put us first and it's nice to see that
and I think that anyone that works with her
in the future will experience that same thing.
You know, you go to a tailor and you want something
that really is you know, fitting you and nobody else.
We are hired to create one of a kind pieces
that truly do reflect you know, the homeowners.
Hurricane Harvey's Impact on Your Supply Chain - Duration: 3:19.
Hi this Mike Regan with TranzAct's Two Minute Warning for the week of
August 28th and this Two Minute Warning were focused on those impacted by
Hurricane Harvey and what it could potentially mean for you and your
This Hurricane Harvey continues to wreak havoc in Houston in Southeast Texas. Our
thoughts and prayers are with those individuals and families affected by
this disaster. I call the friend of mine Ed Emmet.
Ed's title is the Judge of Harris County and along with the mayor of Houston, they
are responsible for directing the on-the-ground relief efforts. Ed had
a couple of thoughts that he asked me to share with our Two Minute Warning
audience. First, prayer. Nothing can take the place of prayer and Ed emphasized
we need a lot of it. The second thing Ed emphasized is this is going to go
down in his mind is one of the greatest natural disasters in the United States
of America in our lifetime. When I asked him about Katrina he says it'll be much
bigger than Katrina. And Ed emphasized the fact that while a lot of
well-intentioned organizations are out there soliciting donations, he encouraged
our audience to keep their powder dry because what they are doing is
organizing a more systematic effort to funnel the donations where it can have
the maximum impact as they rebuild in Houston. Ed shared with me that he'll
pass that donation information along as soon as it becomes available. Now one of the things
that we've also have gotten are questions about how supply chains will
be affected by this disaster. And Ed emphasized a very important point:
everybody and that is everybody in the United States of America will ultimately
be touched by Hurricane Harvey because it's going to have a significant impact
on infrastructure and how we move goods throughout this country. You think about
some other statistics, for example 16 percent of our nation's refining
capacity has been impacted by Harvey and we presently have about 2.5 million
barrels of fuel offline because of this disaster. The list could go on and on--I
can share with you various articles and the people at FTR and Noel Perry
and other friends of ours, John Larkin and others, have shared some thoughts
about the potential impact, but folks to be candid with you at this juncture we
really don't know what kind of fallout we could see. We are expecting fuel
prices to rise over the next four to six weeks simply because of the reduction in
refining capacity. I saw another article that indicated
that this could take off or affect as much as 10% of the trucking capacity in
the country as resources and assets are dedicated to the relief efforts. Know
this, we will keep you posted. Now if you have any questions though that you want
immediately answered, simply give us a call or send us an email, because with
each and every Two Minute Warning we're here to remind you: we are on your team,
we're here to help, and we're passionate about seeing you be successful. Thanks
for your time.
Princess Diana Remembered On 20th Anniversary Of Her Death | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.
How to Place Text Behind an Object in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 4:41.
Hello everybody dewhyne here and today's video is about creating an image over text in photoshop.
So when I talk about creating an image over text, I am talking about dimension.
The main important thing for this to work out is that your image should be having dimension,
it should be having several layers.
So the image I have chosen it has around 5 layers.
Wall 2.
Couch 3.
Pillows 4.
Upper half of the person 5.
The legs So if you have layers in your image, i.e.
your image is dimensional and if your image is protruding outside then you can easily
add text anywhere you want to.
You can add text behind the couch, behind the pillows, behind the head or behind the
So, I have decided to add my text behind the legs of the person here and looking at this
image the first word that came across my mind is sneaky so, I thought of using the word
"SNEAKY" and there's one little tip I wanna give to everyone watch this video and that
is whenever you are editing stuff that includes text, try to give a layer for a character/letter/alphabet
because then you will be having much more creative freedom to arrange the alphabets
any way you want to.
The letters can be scattered around, they can be angled, they can just be however you
want to (Sorry!) you are not binding them together they are free and independent (Yippee!!)
That's my little not so helpful tip but for this tutorial I have placed the alphabets
in a straight line ( Because I want them to be disciplined :P
In order to create the 3D effect what you are gonna do is basically erase the part that
is over his leg, i.e erase the part of the text that is over his leg (DUH !!). You need
to take a hard round eraser brush and reduce the opacity of the text layer and erase everything
that has come over the leg.
Hard round eraser is a must because if you use a soft round eraser then you won't be
having these sharp edges and without the sharp edges the image won't be having a 3D effect
or the same (Duh !!I am repeating myself like crazyyyy!!)
Just make sure to use the hard round eraser brush and erase everything patiently (Don't
get sick though).
It's easier if you have a graphic tablet, but if you are using a mouse then I pity you
and it will definitely take longer but there are many graphic tablets that are way too
cheap and they are really handy at times like these ( And I repeat again)
Also make sure that the placement of the text should be in a way that you can understand
what the text actually is.
If suppose you used the alphabet "I" and you cover it behind completely then there's no
way in hell that by looking at the image you would be able to tell what exactly the word
is and that will make your image lose what it is supposed to do so the placement of the
alphabets/letters is really really important.
So even though I have placed the letters "e" and "a" you can understand that the letters
are "e" and "a" and nothing else.
Once you are done with everything just merge it into a single layer save it as a png, but
if you are not happy with the way it looks then adjust a few things here and there until
you are a happy flappy bird.
Please do like my video, comment down below what tutorials you would like to see and also
subscribe to my channel.
And also do tag me if you try this tutorial.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Roger Federer Surprises Fans In New York's Central Park | TODAY - Duration: 1:57.
How to Get a Job in Dubai - Everything You Need to Know - Duration: 7:08.
So Hana is out for this weekend, meeting up with her friends in Portugal
That's why I decided to take advantage of the situation.
No, not in that way.
But actually by making an informative video
which she doesn't enjoy as much sometimes because
as you know she prefers shooting more prettier stuff around.
anyway let's start right into the subject; how to get a job in Dubai.
This is actually a question that I received from many of my friends after we released the video
7 reasons why we live in Dubai. Because supporting yourself financially
aside, to be able to live in Dubai, you actually need a residency permit, which
comes with the sponsorship from your employer. So in this video I will try to
cover step by step, the process of getting a job in Dubai and some do's and don'ts.
Alright so there are two ways to get a job in Dubai. The first one, which
is preferred by many of us, is to apply online and secure a job, before you actually move here.
which was the way that I came to Dubai back in 2013.
But unfortunately the things are maybe not as easy as it used to be back in that time.
Because after all, Dubai has been really popular over the years.
So eventually there's already quite much of talent accumulated in the local market.
That's why employers and recruiters prefer first to check the
options available in Dubai and UAE, before they actually consider moving in
someone from overseas, because at the end of the day, bringing in someone else from
overseas is not only costlier but it actually carries higher risk, because the
person that will come here maybe for the first time in their life may not adapt
as fast or maybe not at all due to any particular reason.
Are you gonna miss your mom?
or maybe the person is actually considering the company as a first
step to move to Dubai and then once they arrive, they start looking for other
opportunities in other companies and leave after maybe 3 or 6 months.
And that's actually a massive risk and a cost for a company that's actually
taking care of all of your on-boarding to the country. This might be a reason
why you will apply from overseas and never even receive a call, because many
employers are actually filtering out your application based on your country of residence.
However that doesn't mean that there's no way that you will not be able
to get a job by applying online. That's why I am actually leaving a link in the
description below, for all the major search engines that you can use to look
for a job here. And by the way, if you're coming from a background that's actually
really rare to find like a nanotechnology engineer or maybe you're
speaking specific languages this company actually really needs.
Then you would get a job from anywhere!
Screw this! I'm going to Dubai.
A more feasible way getting a job here from overseas
is to actually get one of your friends working here
to refer you to a position available in their company.
This personally worked out really well for us, we get to move two of my best friends
here via this option, however this actually takes a lot of time.
For instance my second friend had to wait three years for the right position to
come up in Hana's company and luckily it was a great match, so they get to move
him from Turkey to here, but again you know like this takes time and like trial
of many opportunities. And of course the best way for any of us to move here with
a job secured is that maybe your current employer has an office here in
Dubai and you ask them and they move you here for a vacancy that's coming up.
Hey! Can you guys relocate me to Dubai?
Alright! Let's say you already tried
everything that's possible from distance, and still not getting so much attraction
eventually this means that you actually need to come to Dubai, and start looking
for a job like everyone else does here. Which was by the way the option that
Hana followed and she got the job in around two months or so.
And of course right now you're thinking okay it sounds great, but am I just walking into the
country without any visa or so? Well maybe you won't believe this, but there are
actually 55 nationalities that can walk into Dubai with a visa on arrival and
I will be leaving a link about this from Wikipedia on the description, so check it out.
Also you will see in that link for anyone outside is 55 nationalities,
you can actually apply to a 90 day visit visa
via an airline or a travel agency. I will be leaving another link relating to the
details of this kind of visa, but I would recommend you to actually
Google 90 days Dubai visit visa with your nationality next to it, so you
will get specific details about what you need as a document and conditions
regarding to your specific case. So once you're all set and ready to come to
Dubai and give it a shot, I would first recommend you to start applying to jobs
online a month in advance. So once you arrive here, actually you will have a
pipeline already built. So hopefully you get to start to do your interviews right
after you arrive. So now that you're in the country, it's time to take advantage of it.
You should, right after, contact all the
recruitment agents that are relevant to your field and try to build personal
relations with them, but make sure that you do not actually spam over calls or
emails, because there is nothing wrong with showing that you are motivated and
you're interested with a job, but don't forget the fact that these people are
actually making money by filling up positions with people like yourself that
are looking for a job as long as you're a good fit for the job. And if you are
not for this position this doesn't necessarily mean that they do not like
you for another position. What matters is that you keep a good relation with them
in long run and believe me like in every country recruitment agencies are very powerful.
So it's really important to be on the good side with them.
I won't be actually leaving any links to any specific recruitment agency in the description.
Because after all, there are so many of them and they are specialized in
different industries, so it depends on what kind of a field that you're interested
to work in. So it's better you actually go google the specific field that you
want to work in and write Dubai recruitment agency.
And after doing all of this during your days, if you still feel like you have some energy left in you,
then in the evenings, you can actually try to attend to some
networking events of course, but keep in mind that people who are going into
this kind of events are mostly there to promote themselves and also their
business, so they're not necessarily looking for a talent to just show up out
of nowhere and they will just give you a business card, but of course you never
know you may end up meeting the right person that can give you a job.
By the way, talking about meeting the right person. Just make sure to check the
details of the networking event and the credibility of it.
Because there are many people that are going to this kind of events to meet
the right person. But sometimes for other reasons.
Well I guess then it might be good for me
to actually
leave some links in the description for those
more credible networking sites and the events that are related to business.
Alright! So this is more or less pretty much all from me. I hope everyone enjoyed the
video and hopefully it will help you to get a job here. And maybe you never
know we will meet each other here after this video. So if you want to hear more
about Dubai and the life here, check out our other videos and Subscribe to
our channel so that you will get to see the new videos when they are released.
And until then, take care and good luck with the job hunt!
Amazing Cake Decorating Tutorials | Cake Style 2017 | The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video Ever - Duration: 12:43.
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