Disney Cars 3 Hulk Funny Wrong Heads Baby Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery for Kids
For more infomation >> Disney Cars 3 Hulk Funny Wrong Heads Baby Learn Colors Finger Family Nursery for Kids - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Command-line completion (tab completion) - Duration: 3:58.
In the terminal, when you type a command you can press the Tab key,
and the terminal will autocomplete that command.
It simplifies the use of the terminal a lot.
In this video you will learn how to use the tab completion and how to enable it.
Hello everyone, It's Average Linux User
helping install, configure and use Linux.
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You may have seen that sometimes when I or other Linux Youtubers type a command
or a file name, then press one key and the terminal auto-completes the word.
To make such auto-completion, you need to type a few letters and press the tab key.
If there is only one possibility for auto-completion, it will be auto-completed.
If there is any ambiguity, you will be offered a choice.
For example, if you want to change the directory to Downloads and you type D o and press TAB,
you will see the two options Downloads and Documents.
When you add one more latter, there is no ambiguity anymore, and the folder name Downloads
is auto-completed when you press the tab key.
This auto completion is enabled by default in the most of Linux distributions.
Try it on your distribution.
However, sometimes it doesn't work, or works only partially.
For example, in Arch Linux if I type pac and press TAB, it works.
But if I do the same with sudo, if doesn't work.
I press tab now, but nothing happens.
If your tab auto-completion behaves the same, you can fix it by editing the .bashrc file.
In one of my previous videos, you learned how to edit the .bashrc file
to make the output of your terminal colorful.
I recommend you to check that video.
I explained there that the environment you see in your terminal is called Bash.
So, to adjust the behavior of your terminal, you need to edit the settings of your BASH.
You open the .bashrc file
and add this line
Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+x to exit from nano.
Restart your terminal.
Try to run the auto-completion with sudo again.
Now, it works.
If your bash auto-completion doesn't work at all, you need to install the package bash-completion.
Installing bash-completion also fixes the previous issue, so you can just install bash-completion
and you don't have to edit your .bashrc file.
If you are on Arch Linux run, sudo pacman -S bash-completion
if you are on debian or debian-based distros, run sudo apt install bash-completion.
After the installation restart your terminal.
It would be even better if you log out and login.
Auto-completion should work automatically after the installation of the bash-completion package.
On debian and debian-based distro, it sometimes doesn't work.
So, you need to check your .bashrc file.
It should have this content there
If it doesn't have it, add it at the end of the file.
I copy it to the description.
Then restart your terminal, hopefully the completion works after this.
If bash-completion just suddenly stopped working, for example, after you updated your system.
Try reinstalling it.
I think this tip is well known for experience Linux user,
but if you are new to Linux, this should be very helpful.
Was it helpful for you?
Please, leave a comment below.
Thank you for watching.
How to Play the Getting to Know You Jenga Game | Sophie's World - Duration: 7:30.
hi I'm Sophie and welcome to my world and today is a very extra special day
because not only do I have my fabulous friend Frankie but I have her little
sister Dani is joining us today so guess what we're gonna do today guys we're
gonna play a game really yeah and it's called
Jenga it is Jenga but it's called getting-to-know-you Jenga so what the
girls don't know is that before they came in I actually took this pre-printed
set of questions and I cut them out and I put them on these little Jenga tiles
and there's a question on each side you play like regular Jenga right and I
don't know how to play Jenga oh okay well this is good okay so
don't you like take one out and then try to put it on top without making it like
spill over- when I was on a trip with my family like I saw people
playing Jenga yes exactly well you're exactly right so
what you're going to do and you can you can give a little tap to see if you can
find one that'll actually come out Dani but so you can see you can slide it out
and then your job is to put it on top but before you do that you have to
choose between one of these two questions to answer so I'll start
because I just removed one right and it says on one side it says would you
rather be hot all the time or cold all the time and on the other side it says
would you rather be three inches taller or three inches shorter okay so hmm I'd
rather be three inches taller you would like to be three inches taller taller
because then I can almost sit in the front right then you can almost sit in
front of what the car without a car seat you mean yeah well you actually got your
wish because she is actually standing one what we call an Apple box so that
she can be as tall and you actually are three inches up from what you normally
are so anyway would i but here's my question
would I rather be three inches taller or three inches shorter and I actually
believe it or not I would like - shorter - really you think I would want to be
shorter really you are tall already I know I'm tall already but I think
I'd like to be six feet tall I think that'd be fun
so I'm five foot nine so if I would 3" taller I would be six feet I
think it won't really fun to be exactly six feet tall and although it be hard
to find like overalls in that size I have to have high waters so anyway then I
put this on top here and now it's your turn so who is going to go next
Dani you can go okay so you can give it like a little poke Dani and see if you
can find one that works oh try that one excellent
okay and this one oh this one if you had to choose an animal to force into
extinction what would it be
I don't get that so do you know what extinction is?
that's when an animal is no longer like like the last of its race like the
dinosaur right like the dinosaurs it dies out which means that there are no
more of that animal so this is a hard question so if you had to choose any
animal and you had to say no more of that animal ever again what animal would
I'm between two sharks and alligators because those are like the ones
that are very painful snakes fine snakes I choose mosquitoes Oh
or spiders I hate spiders spiders like like some of them are dangerous
but then there are also sharks and alligators but they are in the
waters what about snakes okay exactly so so what what's your
choice I think actually I guess the mosquito is actually a bug but
technically but well so what would your choice be? can I pick two
sure you can pick two Tarantulas and like other black widows and like dangerous spiders
and snakes I think that was more than two but ok - two of them were
both spiders that counts as one
it's your turn Frankie so you guys get the idea I have a template on my web site
sophie-world.com you can down load this one or make your own - you could even do truth or dare Jenga
when we started it sounded like we were playing truth or dare
okay I think I'm going to do this one okay yes if you could have three wishes
what would they be no wishing for more wishes that's hard
for me I would I would do probably that's hard that's hard
three wishes are hard this is one of those things that kind of gets you thinking
I know mine, I was going to say I bet she knows what her three wishes are well a unicorn
said that I wouldn't have to walk to school or drive to school because unicorns
are magical and they would just give me what I want
so a unicorn you want to have a unicorn what else? to live in a haunted
mansion with my sister a haunted mansion no like a mansion yeah like a big
mansion because we planned one out like our dream like house so I would want to
live there with my sister my cousin and my other cousin okay okay so you've got
a mansion filled with your favorite people it sounds like uh-huh a unicorn
and what's your last wish probably to have all four of our pets like we can
all have the pets that the three pets that we wanted Wow okay so a house full
of magical pets and very good friends like our three pets that we want
so each of you get to choose a pet three three oh you just get to choose three
you're gonna live in a zoo! I picked um a cat a dog and then a teacup pig
a teacup pig wow there very cute I would like it I would like a pig that
could fit in a teacup - they're snuggly well we're gonna let Frankie answer her
three and you guys get the idea that this is just a game that gets to know you
it's great for starting school it's great for when you're starting a new
club it's great for like a family vacation you know you can always learn
something new about friends and family more great ideas check us out at
sophie-world.com and if you like us do what give us a thumbs up and yeah give us a thumbs up and make
sure you subscribe and you'll be the first on the block to see our newest
video and we're going to find out what does Frankie want with her three wishes
oh I'd love to have like a ton of money - to by slime and then you
would get probably have like a huge mansion and you'd probably have so much
like money for slime what that is what I was guessing
(Lyric Video) Animals - Maroon 5 (Zoo Series) - Duration: 3:50.
*ThanhTuanStudio *
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
So what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you
Yeah, you can start over, you can run free
You can find other fish in the sea
You can pretend it's meant to be
But you can't stay away from me
I can still hear you making that sound
Taking me down, rolling on the ground
You can pretend that it was me
But no
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
So if I run it's not enough
You're still in my head forever stuck
So you can do what you wanna do
I love your lies, I'll eat 'em up
But don't deny the animal
That comes alive when I'm inside you
Yeah, you can start over you can run free
You can find other fish in the sea
You can pretend it's meant to be
But you can't stay away from me
I can still hear you making that sound
Taking me down rolling on the ground
You can pretend that it was me
But no
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
Don't tell no lie-lie-lie-lie
You can't deny-ny-ny-ny
The beast inside-side-side-side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
No, girl, don't lie-lie-lie-lie
You can't deny-ny-ny-ny
The beast inside-side-side-side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Whoa... Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yo... Whoa...
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Just like animals (yeah...), animals (yeah...), like animals-mals (yeah...)
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
Don't tell no lie-lie-lie-lie
You can't deny-ny-ny-ny Don't tell no lie-lie-lie-lie
You can't deny-ny-ny-ny
That beast inside-side-side-side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
No, girl, don't lie-lie-lie-lie
You can't deny-ny-ny-ny
That beast inside-side-side-side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Does Accountability Make You More Successful? - Duration: 9:53.
Produk baru - Opsi Klasik di Platfrom IQ Option - Duration: 2:07.
we have made it our mission to provide the most convenient and simple access to
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