Hey guys, today we are making an easy and delicious roast chicken,
that's really simple because the main ingredients are just lemon, garlic and thyme
and from then on you can customize it with whatever you want, with spices,
you can add some mustard on top while you're baking it,
and it's also great for leftovers, because you can use the meat for sandwiches,
salads, and you can even put it in pasta.
And when it bakes off, it also leaves some juice, and I use that juice for a bunch of sauces as well.
So, to get started I am going to mix my spices.
And I'm using some smoked paprika,
some coriander - dried coriander,
and turmeric, and I'm also going to add in some salt and pepper to taste.
So, I'm adding in my smoked paprika.
And this is really good because it tastes kind of like bacon.
Some dried coriander.
And turmeric, this adds wonderful flavor and color to your chicken.
To that I'm adding some salt to taste,
I'm using fine salt, but you can also use coarse salt.
And, I'm going to put some freshly cracked pepper.
And I'm just going to give that a stir, just to combine.
So once you've mixed in your spices, I'm going to get to dressing my chicken.
And I'm going to bake it in a 9x13 glass baking pan,
but you can also use a ceramic pan, or a metal pan, whatever you have.
I'm also going to be wearing gloves, because this makes it less messy.
So, just take your chicken,
and remove the string that it came with.
And this is a kilo and a half chicken,
so it will bake for about an hour and a half,
at 425ºF, which is 220ºC,
but if you have a bigger chicken or a smaller chicken, you might have to adjust the times.
So, I'm first going to start with my spice mix.
I'm going to add a little bit inside, because this is what's going to bring out the flavor,
and I'm also going to stick in my lemon, my thyme, and my garlic inside as well,
to release all of the wonderful juices and flavor.
And just rub that inside of your chicken to get it everywhere.
I'm going to add in a lemon,
my fresh thyme, this is about 15-20 sprigs.
And if you don't like thyme, you could also use fresh rosemary, that works very well,
just use slightly less, because it's a bit strong.
So, add that in.
And the other half of your lemon.
And make it nice and snug.
I'm gonna flip my chicken over,
because the wings take less time to bake, and if they're on the bottom they'll bake faster.
So, you want the legs to bake first.
And now I'm just going to rub it with the rest of my spice.
And if you want you can also add in some onions
which is what I'm going to do, this is optional.
It just adds some baked vegetable to your dish,
and it releases some juice as well so it adds more flavor.
Going to add them next to my chicken, and I've reserved a little bit of my spice,
and I'm just going to sprinkle them with some as well.
So, once your chicken is spiced up and ready,
it's going to go into the oven, that like I said it's been preheated
to 425ºF which is 220ºC,
And I've positioned the rack in the lower third of the oven,
so you want it to be a notch under the middle rack.
And it's going to bake for about an hour and twenty minutes,
and if you have a larger chicken bake it for maybe
bake it for another 15-20 minutes extra,
if you have a smaller one then bake it, again another 15-20 minutes less.
So, I'm going to put this in the oven and I'm going to show you what it looks like when it's done.
Okay, so my chicken took exactly an hour and twenty minutes to bake.
And right after it's done baking, you're going to want to cover it with
some aluminum foil for about 10 minutes,
just to seal in all of the juices and make it really moist.
And after that you can serve it with rice, mashed potatoes,
steamed vegetables, whatever kind of sides you like.
So I hope you enjoyed this recipe, and I hope you make it.
Thank you for watching, please like and subscribe and I'll see you next Thursday!
For more infomation >> Roast Chicken Recipe - with lemon, garlic and thyme - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
How to change the gmail profile picture using iPhone or iPad - Duration: 2:33.
Hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel and in this video today we will see how to
change our gmail profile picture by using our iPhone.
Now for that one what we will do is we will go ahead and open safari.
Then we will go to mail.google.com.
Now I have already signed into my google account.
So, this is how it looks when you sign into your google account or gmail account.
Now you have different tabs here and let me go to the google+ tab.
Now what we will find is on the bottom there is one option here profile.
Select it. and then tap on "Edit profile" here.
Then tap on this picture here right and then select "Upload photo".
Now how you want to upload the photo, you want to take photo or video or you can select
the photo from photo library or you can select from iCloud drive.
For me I will go to Photo library.
Then I will select the photo.
The photo starts to upload.
So, you can adjust the photo.
Then after that select "done" and then select "Save".
Now if you see the profile picture of the google plus it changed.
So, once the profile picture in google plus is changed, so it will change the profile
picture in all of the google account whether it may be YouTube or it may be google plus
or it may be gmail account.
So, this is how you can change the profile picture of your gmail account by using your
Metisa: Insights Report Tutorial Part 1 - Duration: 4:43.
Hi there and welcome to this tutorial as brought to you by Metisa.
Metisa helps ecommerce stores maximize sales
and convert customers with intelligent product recommendations,
automated email campaigns and predictive marketing insights.
We are essentially your on-demand data scientist.
You can find out more about us at askmetisa.com.
Today we are going through the acquisition and retention tabs in your insights report.
Let's start by going through the acquisition tab.
Here you have your acquisition tab.
Where you can see data about monthly new customers, customer lifetime value,
projected sales from new customers and acquisitions by channel.
For example if we take a look at monthly new customers,
you can move your mouse over the graph to see how many new customers you acquired month by month.
As you can see here there was a spike in September 2014.
The most important statistic in this tab is customer lifetime value.
Just a quick refresher.
CLV is the sum of future sales expected from a customer discounted to the present value.
Our predictive model is based on your sales history
and takes into account the nature of your industry
as well as how your customers shop.
Usually the goal is to maximize CLV of your existing customers.
This is done by focusing on key lifecycle transitions,
such as converting a one-time customer to an active customer or winning back an at-risk customer.
The more active a customer is, the higher his or her CLV.
You can also investigate your data by Channel easily by the acquisition by channel section,
which presents data to you in easily accessible charts.
You can also hover your mouse over the question marks to investigate further,
if you need a refresher on what specific terms mean.
Now that we've gone through acquisition,
next up we have the retention tab.
Let's start off with the lifecycle section.
As you can see there is a bar at the top.
This bar is a graphical representation which shows the percentage of your customers in different life cycle.
It is color coordinated to make it easier to navigate,
So for example if you hover over the one time button,
you can see that you have 570 customers that fall under this category
and if you go to the corresponding blue bar above,
you can see that 66 percent of your total customers are one-time customers.
You can investigate further by clicking into one-time.
Here you can see the list of all your one-time customers
and figures such as CLV, what cluster they're in
and if you scroll sideways over, even total purchase value and number of purchases.
If you want to delve deeper you can create your own filter by clicking create filter
As you can see, you can toggle between quite a few options
including age, churn rate, description, points etc. etc.
The churn rate is probably of greatest interest here so let's just have a quick refresher on that.
Churn rate is the probability that a customer will not make a purchase in the next 24 months.
Values near zero means that the probability of a customer leaving the store is very low.
Values near one means that the probability of a customer leaving the store is very high.
We classify customers with a churn rate
between 0.5 and 0.9 as at risk
and greater than 0.9 as lost.
Once you're done filtering through the data,
you can export the data as a CSV file for future reference by clicking the arrow toggle over here.
If you're done filtering through the data you can go back to the retention tab
to investigate your conversion data and repeat orders and bestsellers very easily.
Just click here.
All the data is broken down into charts and graphs which makes it easy for you
to identify trends and analyze the data at a quick glance.
Once again all of these are interactive,
so you can just hover your mouse over them to investigate further.
Lastly if you have any queries, you can always leave us a message
by clicking the green message icon on the bottom right corner of your screen
and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
So there you have it.
You now know how to expertly navigate your insights report
to investigate your acquisition and retention data in depth.
Thank you for watching we hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you have any questions feel free to let us know in the comment section below,
or via our website at askmetisa.com.
25 Unbelievable Shadows You Really Need to look at to Understand - Duration: 2:30.
25 Unbelievable Shadows You Really Need to look at to Understand
10 Photos of Red Velvet Seulgi's Surprisingly Sexy Hands You Need To See - Duration: 1:55.
10 Photos of Red Velvet Seulgi's Surprisingly Sexy Hands You Need To See
Red Velvets Seulgi is gaining quite the attention for her beautiful, sleek, and sexy hands.
While many fans have swooned over male idols masculine yet beautiful hands, Seulgis hands may take the cake.
Fans claim her long, slender fingers, healthy cuticles, oblong-shaped nails, and thin palms make her hands look especially feminine.
With such effeminate hands as Seulgi, its just a matter of time until she starts modeling jewelry and accessories!.
She and her hands would definitely be the perfect model!.
Check out more photos of Seulgis gorgeous hands below:.
True Love Will Find You in the End (Cover) - Jonathan Regier - Duration: 3:00.
True love will find you in the end
You'll find out just who was your friend
Don't be sad, I know you will,
But don't give up until
True love will find you in the end
This is a promise with a catch
Only if you're looking can it find you
'Cause true love is searching too
But how can it recognize you Unless you step out into the light?
Don't be sad I know you will
But don't give up until
True love finds you in the end.
True love will find you in the end
You'll find out just who was your friend
Don't be sad, I know you will,
But don't give up until
True love will find you in the end
True love will find you in the end
True love will find you in the end
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