The 1960's were a dark time.
As some of our more panicked pundits look at our modern era, they see parallels, and
they try to take it further.
They see the outlines of a new American civil war in this troubled era.
This week we're showing just how ridiculous this civil war talk is, by taking a look at
Today we take on the 1960's.
It may be fading a bit now, but throughout my life the 1960's have been a dominant
part of US mythology.
It's a baby boomer epic of sex drugs and rock n' roll.
It features strife and suffering, the evils of Nixon and Vietnam, and the redemption of
greater rights for African Americans and the success of other liberation movements.
Elements of this mythology are very true, but the actual history has been forgotten.
Panicked pundits of today imagine that we're in a similar time of struggle and uncertainty
That's where a lot of the civil war talk comes from.
It's nuts.
In truth the 1960's were a lot worse than we remember, and we are in nowhere near that
much trouble today.
The confusion starts with the fact that when we talk about the 1960's we're not actually
talking about the years between 1960 and 1970.
The Civil Rights movement expands far back into the 1950's, and the anti-war movement
extends into the 1970's.
Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court's landmark decision against school segregation,
and Nixon's resignation form decent book-ends to the era.
We remember some of the horrors of this era, but the bigger ones have been forgotten.
I began this video with a Neil Young song about the killings at Kent State.
Four white kids were killed by National Guardsmen at a protest gone wrong on a university campus
in Ohio.
When I talk with older friends and family about how the 1960's were much more violent
than today, this is the main thing they remember.
Kent State was horrible, and I don't want to minimize it, but it's easy to imagine
it happening today.
We were one jammed gun away from the same number of deaths in Charlottesville earlier
this month.
The 1960's were so much worse than Kent State.
Your urban real estate agent can tell you about it.
Neighborhoods in multiple American cities were destroyed.
We're not talking about the broken windows and spilled trash cans of an Antifa protest,
we're talking about entire city blocks burning down.
Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington, DC, Chicago and as many as a hundred other cities had
serious riots.
Many of these cities experienced massive property destruction, and some riots featured dozens
of deaths.
According to one historian, Newark, New Jersey was particularly horrific, featuring gangs
of cops running around shooting black people at random in retaliation for the death of
one of their own.
The death toll there came to 26.
Yet outside of the big assassinations, the main deaths we remember are those four dead
white kids in Ohio.
For a while I thought this was an artifact of my affluent, suburban upbringing, but it
goes farther than that.
There's a similar issue with Chicago.
Everybody remembers the fact that cops beat up some white kids outside of the Democratic
National Convention in August 1968, killing nobody.
But the riots that killed 11 people in Chicago earlier that year are mostly forgotten.
This makes the need for a Black Lives Matter movement pretty clear doesn't it?
The fascination with rich white martyrs has become the official story, well outside of
the affluent suburbs.
Last week I was watched an episode of Dave Chappelle's new Netflix comedy show.
If I remember it correctly, he too references Kent State, rather than Newark, or Detroit
or Watts.
We pretend that we're living through a new 1960's today because we're not remembering
the 1960's accurately.
We focus on the fact that there are wars in both eras, but we ignore the fact that at
the height of the Vietnam war, US soldiers died at the rate of an entire War on Terror
every six months or so.
This sort of thing is dangerous.
We are nowhere near there yet, but if we keep telling ourselves we're in an unprecedented
crisis, we could very well build one.
Donald Trump was elected because people managed to convince themselves we are living in a
time of crisis.
We're really not.
History is important
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and you might also want to
sign up for my e-mail list.
If you do, you'll get a free essay!
For more infomation >> 4 Dead in Ohio, Our Selective Memory of the 1960s | Civil War II - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
15 Things You'll Notice When You're In The Presence Of An Empath - Duration: 8:00.
15 Things You'll Notice When You're In The Presence Of An Empath
Always remember that being an empath is more valuable than anything you could possibly hope to achieve.
"As much as we notice, consciously or subconsciously, there are some things you'll notice about us too."
I remember an instance when I rang the cable company to ask about upgrading my service.
After some time had passed, the man I was speaking to had basically poured his heart out about his wife's battle with
I never found the information I was looking for, but it wasn't that important any longer.
I had given someone comfort and reassurance- even if they had no idea why they felt the need to tell me this stuff in
the first place.
A very similar situation happened when I was out at a restaurant with my niece.
I ordered my drink and the next thing I knew, our waiter was asking me how to handle leaving their spouse.
There are countless stories like this for me, but I want to know how many you have.
Marshall Rosenberg, author of Non-Violent Communication, defines empathy as this:
"In empathy, you don't speak at all.
You speak with the eyes.
You speak with the body.
If you say any words at all, it's because you are not sure you are with the person.
So you may say some words.
But the words are not empathy.
Empathy is when the other person feels the connection to with what's alive in you."
With empaths, as much as we notice, consciously or subconsciously, you'll notice a few things about us too.
15 Things You'll Notice When You're Around an Empath
We are accused of being "too sensitive" or "too emotional."
Empaths are not "too" anything.
They feel things deeply- both positive and negative.
They are in touch with their emotions, and yours.
Though it might be harder for an empath to operate in a world designed for less-sensitive people,
being an empath has several positive aspects.
We can't stand being lied to.
All it takes is a simple glance in your direction to know you are lying to us.
A lot of people don't realize this, but being lied to really sucks for an empath.
We feel it ooze into every aspect of the relationship…and it usually ends them.
Negative media images directly affect us.
It's hard, almost impossible, for an empath to "unfeel" something.
We avoid the news, and if we see something upsetting, our emotions are a mess for quite a while.
Imagine feeling overwhelming sadness and suffering every single time you saw something violent or upsetting on the news.
That's what it is like for us.
Crowded places overwhelm us.
Empaths exist in all personality types, including introvert and extrovert,
but even the outgoing ones are easily overwhelmed in crowds.
The sheer force of energies and feelings you absorb is exhausting.
You might like going to concerts and sporting events, but once there, you can't wait to leave.
We love to heal.
Empaths want what is best for you and your wellbeing.
Of course, as with all of our advice, it is only helpful if you actually implement it in your life.
We are sensitive to stimulants and medications.
Coffee, certain teas, energy drinks, soda- anything with caffeine makes us more anxious and agitated than the rest of
the world.
And, when it comes to medications, we try to avoid them as much as possible because of the myriad of side effects we
We can only be us.
As far as honest people go, empaths are the truest friends you could ask for.
We know who we are and we embrace it fully.
It's other people who seem to have an issue with our sensitive nature and honest attitude.
We experience what you are experiencing.
If someone we are close to is ill, depressed, or agitated, we display those same symptoms.
We are so connected to what you are going through, that we go through it with you.
We don't like animals, we LOVE animals.
Empaths don't have pets, we have family members.
When we see an animal in the wild, we see a soul…perfect and pure.
We talk to them in various ways just as you would your best friend, and guess what…they talk back.
Tired, exhausted, and fatigued is normal for us.
Because we absorb so much from others, we don't just deal with our own emotional and mental drains,
we deal with everybody's.
If we give advice, take it.
If we take the time to listen to your dilemma, and give you heartfelt advice, just listen to it.
We know what we are talking about and if you ask for our advice and ignore it, well,
let's just say it kinda annoys us to no end.
We are easily distracted.
Perhaps it is due to our heightened sensitivity to everything around us,
but empaths are easily distracted and tend to lose focus.
It's not a bad thing, we are simply enjoying all the small things you might not notice.
We can't stand narcissism.
If you are head over heels in love with your reflection, your money, and your ego- just stay away.
We really can't roll our eyes any harder.
Certain sounds really bother us.
But it's not just sounds.
Certain textures, fabrics, bright lights and loud noises can really get to us.
The polar opposite is true as well.
Soft sounds, gentle caresses, and delicate tastes are also highly noticed, but in a pleasant way.
We are great listeners.
It's true.
You can tell us anything and everything about your life and we will listen.
We will take that journey with you and experience all the highs and lows contained within.
And what's even better, is that we hold no judgement over what you tell us.
We are there to help you, not to hurt you.
How To Put On False Eyelashes For Beginners | In-Depth Tips & Tricks | #BeautyBite - Duration: 7:38.
what's up guys welcome to the cult curator where I help you navigate the
overwhelming world of beauty one tutorial at a time my name is Sonya and
in this week's Beauty bite I'm showing you how to apply false lashes like a pro
if you're new to false lashes the process can be extremely frustrating
which is why I'm going to break it down for you in this step-by-step tutorial
alright so you just need three things when you're applying your lashes the
first thing is the lashes your choice whatever lash that are comfortable with
or that you prefer to wear the second thing is a lot blue and the last thing
is a way to apply the lashes so either your fingers regular tweezers or a la
shop locator so if you're new playing false lashes and you struggle with
applying them the first thing that I recommend is choosing an eyelash that
has a very thin watch band so you can see I'm the one that I'm going to be
wearing for this tutorial it's a clear very thin watch band and the style that
I'm using is Andrea number 92 and just for comparison these are the House of
lashes iconic and you can see that this has a very thick lash band that's gonna
be a lot harder to work with the next thing is lash glue my favorite is the
Revlon precision clear lash adhesive this is really nice because it comes
with a little wand like this which makes it really easy to just apply directly
onto the lashes duo is another popular lash glue that a lot of people would
recommend I personally don't like it and I find that it's a lot more difficult to
work with you have to it doesn't have a little wand like the Revlon one so it's
just more frustrating to work with in my opinion so if you're beginner I would
definitely recommend the Revlon precision lash glue the last thing is
the way that you apply your lashes you can use your fingers but my fingers are
very short and stubby and I don't have long nails so it's difficult for me to
apply lashes that way the next thing is to use regular tweezers that you
used to pluck your eyebrows those when I use them I always end up hooking my
eyelid and it's just painful and frustrating for me to do what so I don't
use that my favorite way to apply lashes is using a la shop locator like this I
find this just easiest because it's made specifically for applying lashes you can
see that it looks like a pair of tweezers but the ends aren't pointy and
they are a lot longer so it just really does a good job of applying lashes in my
opinion it makes the whole thing a lot easier step 2 is to take the lashes off
of the container you want to be careful when you're pulling lashes off of the
plastic because it is glued on see the plastics and you can rip the lashes if
you pull too hard so it's important to be gentle alright - step 3 is to cut the
lashes so that they fit your eye typically when lashes come out of the
package they're going to be longer than your actual eyes so you want to measure
by placing the watch on your eye to see where you need to cut it another note is
to make sure that you don't cut off too much of the lash it's better to cut off
in small sections instead of doing a whole chunk and realizing that the lash
is now too short before you apply your lashes you want to make sure that you
curl your natural lashes and add some mascara this will help them blend into
the falsies a lot better and make it look a lot more natural I like to curl
them not everyone does this but I have very straight lashes so I feel like
curling them makes them blend it a lot it's better and you can use any mascara
that you want it really doesn't matter because it's not going to be really
showing up that much but I'm using the Milani lash trifecta alright so when I'm
applying logically onto the lashes I like to take the lashes on the
applicator like this and I'm just going to take the wand and run a thin coat
along the lash band you don't want too much product you just
want a little bit just enough to coat it and for the inner and outer corner I
actually like to apply it a little bit more like a little kind of bubble of
glue not too much but just like more than you did on the rest of the wash
because those areas tend to lift up throughout the day you can see that
there's a thin layer of lash glue and the ends have a little bit more lash
glue now you just want to wait a couple of seconds for the lash glue to dry up a
little bit that way it gets a little bit tacky and it doesn't slide around your I
love it so I know applying falsies I like to tilt my head back a little bit
and look down my eyes are still open and I didn't see myself in the mirror
perfectly but I like to do it just enough so that my eyelid is increasing
anymore now when I'm applying my lashes I like to hold it on the lash itself not
the band because that's where the glue is and when I'm taking it onto my eye I
like to bring it from above and then drop it down onto my lid like that it's
important to do that instead of coming straight on like this because then I
brush my lashes I end up with glue all over the place it gets stuck and it
doesn't sit on the lid as nicely so now I'm going to go in and apply the lashes
and at first you just want to kind of rest it
it's not applied onto my lid yet but it's just kind of sitting there so that
it makes it easier for me to move it around and I like to work with the outer
corner and attach it with a lock shop locator I like to push the falsies into
my lash like this so I'm just going along and pushing them together and as
this is drying you want to kind of push the lashes upwards like this so that
they sit up I don't know if you can see this on camera but now there's a little
bit of lash glue residue on my applicator so before I move into the
other eye I like to actually take a makeup wipe or some makeup remover and
clean it off that way the lash applicator doesn't stick to my other
lash now I'm just going to apply the other blush onto my lid you want the
lash on your skin and not on your actual lashes because when you pull it off that
will take your actual lashes off also and once you do that you're all finished
and that's how you apply lashes alright guys that does it for this tutorial I
hope you enjoyed it just remember that when you're applying lashes for the
first time or even the first few times that it's going to be frustrating and
it's going to be messy these are normal experiences that most people go through
so you're not alone and don't feel discouraged because with practice and
these tips you'll be able to start applying lashes like a pro so if these
tips were helpful if they were and you enjoyed this video don't forget to give
it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel and you love makeup don't forget
to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of my tips
tricks that you can easily add to your makeup routine that deserve for this
video but I post every Tuesday and Thursday so stay tuned for the next one
How to install the kiwimana buzz Application - Apple/IOS - Duration: 3:24.
*MUSIC* Welcome to the kiwimana buzz
Hi it's Gary here from kiwimana buzz the beekeeping podcast all the way from
New Zealand, where we discuss tips and tricks and interviews of beekeepers from
around the world and we've launched a new app for the Apple devices or the iOS
devices this has includes your phones your
tablet's, so all kinds of great stuff and we've got a little bit of a little video
here just to show you how to do it and the app is going to be great for when
you would listen to our podcast offline when you're like walking on a treadmill
or driving to work in the car or even making beehive frames that
exciting tasks that everyone every beekeeper has to do so just we download
this application everything gets done for you so here's how you do it
okay the first thing you need to do is find a application called the "App Store"
click on that now this is where you'd install your applications for your phone
or tablet search here for 'kiwimana' and click the enter key over and that will
bring up our app now there's a little cloud with an arrow down click the
cloud and that will let download the app and the app is
totally free!!!
okay that will install and then once it's finished we'll come up with an open
button that's still installing, now click the Open button
and the device will start loading, look at that amazing artwork from Margaret
okay now the device/application has started and this is showing you all
the recent podcasts so you click on that it'll load the artwork for the show and
that little square with an arrow down pointing down at the bottom that's how
you can download the podcast to listen offline by default it streams off the
internet see what it does. If you want to download one to take away in the
car click that square with it with the arrow pointing down, okay you can see
it's got all the past shows all the way back to episode 1 and you even see
there's even an alarm clock so you can even wake up to the kiwimana buzz
so I hope we hope you enjoy this app and that's how it looks like on your on a
template there okay I hope that makes sense so the so the app is now installed
on your iPad or your iPhone or if you've got an iphone or you can even use it
on I think even some cars have Apple devices on them but you're not our cars
but this people have them so I hope that video
makes total sense to you I hope you enjoy the show and we'll talk to you
later....See ya
What Should You Deliver Next? - Duration: 1:15.
- So what should you deliver next?
You know, it's a question that I get a lot of the time
when people have an awesome success on a product delivery.
They always wonder what does the client want next?
Now, as you know through life,
it's a natural progression.
We start off as kids, we go to school, we progress to
you know, primary school then high school,
then on to college and university.
This is the progression that you need
to take your clients through in your product range.
Products should
deliver their initial results.
Solve an initial problem that they have.
You know, provide that solution,
then it should open up an opportunity
for them to grow further, and then your next product
should deliver that promise.
You know, deliver that solution for them.
And it's a natural progression,
just the same way as we move through schools,
and primary, through to secondary,
and on to college and university,
your products need to be able to do that same thing.
They need to be able to deliver
the next step to someone's success.
This is James Klobasa, check us out
on YouTube, subscribe there or join
us at
15 Everyday Things You've Been Doing Wrong All Your Life - Duration: 10:34.
Brainy Dose Presents:
15 Everyday Things You've Been Doing Wrong All Your Life!
Following a daily routine is something we all have in common.
The method is different, but our commitment is the same.
Many of the things we think we're doing correctly are actually not the best ways to do them.
This includes basic, everyday things like sleeping, brushing our teeth, or the way we
use the toilet…
Luckily for us, we can change that right away and start doing things correctly from now
Oh and before we start…
If you like these kind of videos, please consider subscribing to our channel.
This not only helps us out, but you will also get to see more awesome videos from us…
Ok, let's take a look!
Number 1 - Sleeping
Do you ever wake up and still feel tired, even though you sleep like a bear, right through
the night?
Well, the problem's likely not the number of hours that you sleep, but it's rather
how you sleep that's wrong!
First off, the best position to sleep is on your back, with one pillow under your knees
or if that's uncomfortable for you, try sleeping on your side with a pillow between
your legs.
Both of these positions will help your spine stay aligned.
Secondly, keeping a set bedtime will help your body learn when to shut down for the
night and when to wake up.
Also, try to keep as little light in the room as possible.
Although it's tempting, don't watch TV before sleep, and certainly don't go on
your phone in bed.
The blue light that's emitted from these devices will actually mess up your sleep patterns.
If anything, try to expose yourself to warm, dim light before sleeping.
It'll help you relax and have sweet dreams.
Number 2 - Holding a Drink
You probably hold a drink like a beer, by its body.
Which makes sense, right?
It's the most comfortable and that's how you've seen all your friends do it.
But surprisingly, that's not the right way to hold a drink!
Your hands conduct heat, and this affects the temperature of the beer, warming it much
quicker than if you were to hold the bottle by the neck, which is what you're really
supposed to do.
A similar rule exists for holding a glass of wine.
It's best to hold the glass by the stem or flute.
Especially, if you happen to be drinking sparkling or white wine.
In addition, warming wine or beer actually changes the flavor, so don't cup the bottom
of a wine glass or squeeze the sides of a beer bottle!
Number 3 - Saving Your Phone From Water Damage
Ahh, we've all been there.
When our phones take a bit of a spill into the bath, or worse, into a toilet; the common
remedy is to dunk it in some rice, and wait a few days for it to start functioning again.
But who has a few days to wait for their phone to start working?
Well, there's a faster way!
The next time this happens to you, try putting your phone in a Ziploc bag with a few of those
silica gel packets.
You've probably already seen these before, when you popped open a bottle of vitamins
or bought a new pair of sneakers.
Silica gel packets are added to many products for a reason!
It's because of their incredible ability to absorb moisture!
Number 4 - Peeling a Banana
Considering the large consumption of bananas worldwide, it's surprising that so many
people don't know how to peel a banana.
And if you're like most people, you likely open your bananas from the stem!
While sometimes it might go totally smooth, more often than not, you probably struggle
with it or end up mushing up your banana.
The trick is to actually open a banana from the opposite end.
Just pinch the top end of it, make a quarter turn and gently pull back to peel the skin
And voila!
You've got a perfectly peeled banana.
And, in case you were wondering… yes, this is exactly how the "pros" are doing it
as well!
Number 5 - Packing a Suitcase
Whether you're a frequent traveler or not, you'll find this trick extremely useful
when it comes to packing your suitcase.
Most people leave their packing to the very last minute and then end up doing a half assed
job throwing their clothes and things in a suitcase.
Yes, some people who have a little more self-control, will take the time to fold their clothes,
but nonetheless, piling folded garments on top each other is not going to make the most
use of space either.
The correct way to pack a suitcase is to roll your garments.
This will prevent them from getting wrinkled and you can fit many more items.
This useful life hack works great with a variety of clothing including pants, shorts, shirts,
tights, panties, boxers and even blankets and towels.
And another great thing…
It's much faster than folding each piece of clothing.
Number 6 - Storing Ice Cream
You probably keep your ice cream in the freezer because that's where it belongs.
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you that you should be storing it in the cupboard
or anything like that.
But I'm sure you've noticed that it doesn't take long for your ice cream to get freezer
This can be totally avoided.
The correct way to store ice cream is to put it in a large Ziploc bag before putting it
in the freezer.
This will help keep the ice cream soft enough to scoop and freezer burn will be a thing
of the past!
Number 7 - Brushing Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth seems like a no brainer, but there is in fact, a proper way of doing
it that many people are unaware of.
One thing you might not realize is that you're probably using way too much toothpaste.
It only takes a small dab - about the size of a pea to get your teeth clean.
Secondly, and most commonly, you're probably brushing way too hard.
You may think the harder you brush, the more stuff you get off your teeth, but you're
actually wearing away your tooth enamel by doing this.
Finally, despite what you may have learned growing up, brushing your teeth immediately
after a meal will actually do more harm than good.
Since the acids and sugars in food weaken your enamel, brushing right after eating can
actually damage your teeth.
It's best to wait about 30 minutes after eating before you brush.
Number 8 - Wearing Earbuds
I'm guessing you wear your earbuds the same way that most people do, straight into your
But that's actually wrong!
The correct way to wear earbuds is to loop them from behind, so the cord runs over your
This will stop the cords from being pulled out of your ears when they sway too much or
get snagged on something.
It might feel odd at first, but trust me, listening to your favorite Taylor Swift songs
without your earbuds falling out is worth it!
Number 9 – Peeling a Mango
Mangos are delicious, but if you're like most people, you dread peeling them.
You end up with a mushy mess, and not much left to actually enjoy.
But don't worry!
There are two correct ways to peel a mango without wasting any of this tasty tropical
The first approach is to get a sharp knife, and cut the two halves of the mango from both
sides of the pit.
Then cut a crisscross design on each mango half, as close to the skin as possible – without
actually cutting through it.
Then, you just have to use a spoon to scoop out the perfectly cubed bits!
The second approach is more of a life hack for lazy people….
And it doesn't even require the crisscross design.
Simply use the rim of a glass as an alternative to a spoon to scoop out the flesh of the mango
Number 10 - Clipping Your Nails
Nail clippers offer a quick and easy way to cut nails, and that's probably why a lot
of people like to use them.
However, they can damage your nails!
With a one size fits all design, it's impossible to get your whole nail in one clip, and using
clippers actually deforms the structure of your nails, and they end up peeling and breaking.
The correct way to clip your nails is to leave them a bit longer than you need to, and then
shape them down with a nail file.
Number 11 - Cooling a Bottled Drink
On a hot day, when there's nothing cold to drink, most people just throw some bottles
of beer or soda in the freezer.
And wait, and wait, and wait…
But this is actually a huge waste of time.
There's a better way to get those drinks cooler, faster.
Just wet some paper towels and wrap them around the bottles you want to cool, before popping
them in the freezer.
Doing this will usually cool your drinks in less than 15 minutes!
Number 12 - Listening to Music On Your Phone
Nowadays, pretty much everyone listens to music on their cell phones.
But when you play music through the speaker of your phone, it usually sounds like crap.
There's no way you're gonna push that heavy drop in your favorite EDM track on that
tiny little speaker.
The correct way to listen to music through your phone's speaker is to amplify the sound.
This will give you a more in depth and satisfying listening experience!
Simply put the phone in a cup or bowl, and you'll immediately hear a difference in
Number 13 - Hulling Strawberries
Strawberries are tasty, and most people love them!
Plus, these summer berries can be used in a wide range of recipes.
The annoying part is actually hulling the strawberries!
Chances are, you use a knife to cut around the stalk, and end up removing bits of the
flesh along with it.
The correct way to hull a strawberry is to use a straw.
Push the straw through the strawberry and remove the leafy part.
That's all there's to it!
Number 14 - Pooping
You may want to sit down for this one, because it's a big one…
You're pooping wrong!
If you're like most people, you just sit on the toilet seat to do your business.
But that position is not ideal.
Our bodies are actually designed to squat while doing a number two!
If you think about it, it actually makes sense.
Before the invention of the toilet, that's how people went, essentially hugging their
knees, the way that you would if you had to go in the forest.
Don't worry, I'm not suggestion you start going to the forest to take a dump…
But, here's a simple trick for you!
Try placing your feet on a stool with your knees higher while sitting on the toilet.
This will position your colon properly.
And, not only will this more natural stance make the movement faster and easier, but it
will help prevent colon disease and hemorrhoids.
It's a win-win!
So stop straining, and let gravity do the work instead!
Number 15 - Peeing While Standing Up Let's face it guys, our aim isn't always
accurate and we've been doing it wrong the whole time.
The correct way to pee is to sit on the toilet.
This will not only be more relaxing but it will also avoid the mess we often create when
standing while peeing.
Plus whoever cleans your bathroom will praise you for your great effort.
When it comes to everyday things you've been doing wrong all your life, the list goes
on and on!
Wouldn't you say so?!
Which of these surprised you the most?
Let us in the comments below!
Thanks for watching!
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And if you want to see more videos from us, hit the SUBSCRIBE button!
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How Interest Rates Affect Your Mortgage | Toronto Real Estate - Duration: 4:09.
Hi everyone Vlad here today we're going to talk about five reasons why recent interest rate increases may hurt you
and a few tips on what you can do about it a lot of you are asking yourselves a question of whether we were
or still are in a real estate bubble
and my simplistic and intuitive definition of a bubble would be if we had increases in housing prices that were in
double digits over an extended period of time followed by a very sharp decline over a few months then yes
Most likely that would be a bubble to me looking back at the events of 2017
they fit my simple definition of a housing bubble very well so my opinion is that yes we were in a
housing bubble and it's now burst as many of you may know in 2009
the Bank of Canada decided to drop interest rates to below one percent
and that started with the economic crisis the United States nearly brought world economies to a screeching halt what
followed in Canada and special in G.T.A.
Is that housing prices started growing at a tremendous pace far outstripping average household income the current rate
increase is from 0.5 to 0.75 on the surface it seems insignificant in fact it should be almost
negligible but
when you look at the effect on the psyche of the market participants it's quite dramatic prices for real estate in some
pockets in the G.T.A.
Have dropped by as much as 25% to 30% so let's talk about those five reasons that are promised if
you guys own a house and depending on the type of a mortgage you have whether you're on a fixed
or variable situation would be different if you're on a fixed you have obviously nothing to worry about for the term of
the mortgage if you're in the variable most likely a monthly payments will not change in that year ratio of payments to
words or contributions rather towards the principle in the interest may change
but the payment will remain the same for those of you on a different contract which is less likely
or you will encounter less often is that the monthly outlay.
May actually go up a little bit number two if you have a lot of debt
and not a lot of savings what a lot of people believe is that the announcement in July was the beginning of a series of
interest rate increases in this is correct that over the next few years we'll see interest rates of a much higher mark
than they are right now so what that will mean is that it will make it more difficult for you to make your mortgage
payments if you have other debt. so get rid of it if you can for the next year
or two. Now I want to address the younger generation for the younger generation this is really the only reality that they've
known in the last seven to eight years in that the money was almost free
and the housing prices were out of control look back at what happened in the G.T.A.
In the last ten, twenty and thirty years
and you can calm yourself things will change in the years to come first all real real estate prices always go up over time
and this pattern has been evident over the last forty to fifty years so take a look at it there's nothing to worry
about. Things will change
and things will change for the better next point student loans if you guys carrying a student loan again depending on
whether it's fixed a variable.
Your situation will be different for fixed you have nothing to worry about the variable variable your monthly payments
will go up unsubstantially but that will go up and lastly I want to say that try
and keep your credit score as high as possible in respect to what's happening with the economy with a real is the point
that you will afford yourselves best the best rates whether with the five Canadian chartered banks if your credit
rating is above seven hundred keep it at the mark
or above if you can that's it that's all the material I wanted to pass on to you thank you
and as always we transform dreams into reality through strategic homeownership
and real estate investment please look up information on this topic and many more on our website
or feel free to reach out to us directly at 416-835-0038. Buy for now!
SSB4 - Luke VS Leeria | Let's see how far you've come. - Duration: 3:27.
HEY! Yeah! This time, I'll be using Subtitles to display key thoughts.
If you're wondering why there's no music, it's to avoid having to hear the victory theme.
Less stocks means a head start on aura!
Yes, that's it.
Why did I think that would work? XD
Come ON already! GRAB HER!!
THERE you go!!
BOOM! Shaka laka!
Gotchya bitch!
Okay? How did I land that exactly?
AND that?
Wow. Usually, I'M the one who ends up taking the damage.
OH CRAP! Gotta end this RIGHT NOW!
Now the game will allow me to post this on Miiverse, and more importantly, YouTube!
Thanks for watching!
Columbia Real Estate: Should you list your home this fall? - Duration: 2:33.
- Hi folks, it's Brent Downing with
The Downing Group at Century 21.
This week we're going to talk about
should I try and sell my home this fall.
(upbeat music)
Hi, we're here again this week.
Welcome to our episode regarding
should I sell my home this fall?
So, there's a lot of pros and cons on this subject,
and I hear it all the time that
maybe we should wait until next spring to sell our home.
I can tell you this, from my personal experience
demand remains strong throughout the fall
and even in the winter.
We at The Downing Group do a lot of business
during the fall and winter.
Basically if you have your house on the market
in the fall you have a lot less competition out there
because a lot of people buy into that myth.
But, you know, yeah, our people who are moving
during the summer to make sure their kid's in school,
are they moving then?
No, but, there's still the corporate relo,
the people moving up,
the people moving to the area not related to school.
So, I would say it's a great time to list your house.
And right now inventory is at an all time low nationwide,
and it's low here in the Columbia area also.
Of course with the V.C. summer layoffs recently
inventory in the Chapin area,
in that $200,000 price range is up about 25%.
So if you're in that category and you don't have to move,
maybe you wait a little while,
and let that all shake out.
But then again, if your home is priced properly
and in great condition, it'll sell.
The buyer pool is still out there.
The first V.C. summer employee's homes
that we listed,
I sold the first one in one day.
It was a beautiful house, priced right,
and these people they bought it brand new last year.
So, I would say if you're considering selling,
the fall and winter are great times to sell,
just, we need to price it right,
and make sure it's in great condition.
So, if you would like to talk more about that,
feel free to call us or email us
or send us a direct message on our Facebook page,
and we'd be glad to help.
Have a great week.
(soft music)
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