''No more putting makeup on the corpse!''
''Don't try to make it up,
as it won' t be hidden six feet under,
because you're the one who starts to rot!
And the makeup just won't work.''
That's how Jesus's words might be summarized.
Well, it turns out those who were most zealous in some respect ,
of law enforcement, legality,
devoting a lot of time on the analysis of Scripture,
They watched no little detail was exceeded in this law,
it turns out rottenness appeared in them. What of? Rottenness of contempt for people.
And the rottenness can't be stopped by anything but the profound resurrection
from the death, just like Jesus raises Lazarus.
Whenever I catch up on the fact my heart is full of contempt
it means I' ve already been rotting,
and this can't be hidden by makeup, don't try to cover it up telling":
"Oh, I do apologize, I might' ve used a word far too strong."
about leftist moonbats, libtards, 'mohair beret' bigots, bishops, priests, the rich, whomever,
women and men.
If there's been contempt in you,
It means you've been rotten.
Don't cover it up with makeup
of confusion and apologies.
Please, ask for a very deep healing,
as it's the most terrible disease,
which can destroy even the most educated, hard-working
heroes of various activities.
Let God be healed from contempt, because otherwise you'll rot.
For more infomation >> August 30, 2017 - (MT 23:27-32) - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Huyền thoại Honda CBR 929 bản độ nắng mặt trời rực rỡ - Duration: 10:57.
The Untold TRUTH Behind The SOLAR "ECLIPSE" 2017! | TRUTH DETECTORS - Duration: 5:57.
[Twilight Zone theme]
Narrator: You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension.
A dimension of sound.
A dimension of sight.
Clem: Welcome everybody, all the Truth Detectors to our channel
We're just doing a little intro here.
This is Cletus, I'm Clem, and behind the camera is Clare (Clare: hi)
So we'll be tracking the progress of the eclipse as it gets progressively more black and white.
As you know, when the first eclipse happened, the moon scraped blue off to the sun.
That subtracted from the white, created yellow,
Those combined to make green
Check out our other videos if you need further explanation.
Cletus: Don't forget to like and subscribe.
Ah yes, don't forget.
This eclipse, the moon will be scraping off the colors from the sun,
and it will turn to black and white light.
That black light will be very dangerous,
so we will be needing to more and more #moonblock as it goes on.
So thanks guys and enjoy the rest of the video.
Clare: Don't forget your #moonblock, you'll regret it.
Cletus: Well, as you can see, we have one cookie here,
This is the sun.
And then this cookie is also the moon.
And the the moon goes in front of the sun,
and then you can't see the sun anymore so you won't notice...
That it's missin' a bit.
Well, the sun right now looks a bit like this.
A bit like that, see.
Clem: Yes, yes.
And slowly, slowly,
Clem: Um, and can we edit in black and white here?
Um, who's editing -- Clare are you editing these?
Clare: Uh, yes I think so.
Clem: Um, do you know -- what -- um --
What are we gonna edit -- how are we gonna edit black and white?
Clare: As you can see here we have a prime example
of those who have fallen for NASA's trickery.
They've seen us -- Abort!
Clare: ... landing was faked by NASA,
but, what few know is that the "moon" that we see here today covering up the sun,
was in fact also planted, by NASA,
in an attempt to COMPLETELY obscure color from this earth
and in which case keep us low-lifes, us mortals, down, and living
in -- in a world of darkness!
Clare: Update on the, um,
government infiltration: You can see NASA
has sent their drone.
Excuse me maam.
Hey guys, we've been out here
43 minutes
since the start of the eclipse
The shadows you can see, looking -- looking a little blacker
Other things looking -- I think my teeth
looking a little whiter.
So we'll check back in in a few minutes.
Clem: Lunar panel voltage.
As you can see the voltage
is at 16 volts.
and the uh -- whoops -- uh ...
dropping drastically
to a
a very low 35 Fahrenheit here.
But that's all signs of the fact
that we're losing color in the moo -- in the sun.
The moon is scraping off the color.
As we all know as the moon covers the sun it will give off harmful electromagnetic rays.
You gotta be safe and cover yourself with #moonblock
You never know what's going to hit you with these NASA scientists.
Clare: Just checking in at 58 minutes
to say the whites of my eyes are noticeably whiter.
Clem: Sir, sir!
This is your last chance to buy #moonblock before the moon
scrapes the color away ...
Bystander: Will the son ever come back!
Clare: Alright truth detectors we got 2 minutes till totality
so kiss you favorite color goodbye.
[Bystanders wondering at this feat of "nature"]
Clem: It's ... the moon is disappearing!
Woah! Yeah!
Woohoo it's gone!!!1111
Oh, wow!
Clem: The color has been completely scraped away!
The color is gone!
All that's left is the black light.
Now it's a good thing I have my #moonblock on.
I'll check back with you guys in a few minutes.
Clem: Footage ... of the world without color.
[Ain't no sunshine plays] The moon scraped away all color from the
sun, and it is now emitting
fully black and white light.
See the trees
no longer have their lovely green that we are so used to.
They're fully black and white.
Birds are fleeing from the devoid of color,
as birds are colorful creatures,
not used to the black and white world.
And as you can see, the stars are no longer yellow,
they're completely white.
These previously yellow mints are now white.
They still taste like bananna,
cause taste hasn't been scraped away yet.
Clem: Alright, that's it for this video.
Go remember to support us on our kickstarter. If you donate $5,
we will send you your very own lunar --
sorry, uh, #moonblock.
If you donate us $100,
and we will send you your very own
lunar panel, which will collect those rays and convert it to electricity.
Clare: Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Clem: We'll check back with you later in this new black and white colored world,
Cletus: My friend forgot to mention that
for $5 million on our kickstarter campaign
you can buy the last remaining food dye in the entire world that still has color.
In a bunker, where we've been keeping it for the past five thousand years.
Clare: The color is muddy brown.
Cletus: Muddy brown, yes, muddy brown. You won't see it anywhere else.
Clem: Just note -- we also carry it in lime green,
and construction orange.
Alright that's it. Thank you guys for watching.
[Ain't no sunshine plays]
To get to the life you want you may have to embrace the suck - Duration: 7:11.
Hi everybody, this is Gerdi Verwoert
at DareGreatlyCoaching.com.
And today I want to talk to you about embracing the suck.
Now, would it have been great if I were to have
the one who had come up with that expression,
but unfortunately I didn't.
I can't quite remember where I read it, I think it was
on LinkedIn in an article, but apparently embrace
the suck is what rookies have to do during
Navy Seal training and I think it quite nicely covers
what I want to talk about today as well.
Because once you've figured out or really admitted,
you knew this already but once you really admit it
to yourself, that you hate the life you're living,
you hate your job, your career, it may be that
you then come up most of us do actually, lots of us do.
You then come up with two attitudes
towards this realization.
One, you wallow in self-pity, thinking there is no way
I can go and live my life as I want to because I will
head for financial ruin, emotional ruin, relational ruin,
any kind of ruin.
And the other one is you moan a lot.
You moan about how you're not living the life
you want to live, how you're not living, working
the career you want to have, the job you want to have,
but if only you knew what it was that you wanted
to do instead.
And I'm very familiar with that one because I did that
for years, sometimes I'd moan, mostly in my head
and I kept telling myself I didn't know what
I wanted to do.
Until that is, I realized, I was actually in a luxury
position and if you have chosen either one of these
attitudes, you are too.
Because you have the opportunity to use the relative
safety of a job that you perhaps may not like, but still
the safety of a job and a steady paycheck to figure out
what it is you want to do with your life, with your career,
with your job.
That's what I did, once I realized.
It took me a while to get there but once I realized
it I thought this is actually pretty good.
I have a steady paycheck, I know what it is that I'm
supposed to do and I didn't have any, (Hey Sashka!)
I didn't have any further ambitions to go places in
that job but I was comfortable at the level I was at
I knew what I was doing and I didn't have to worry about
furthering my career there.
So what I did was I started taking time to figure out
what it was that I wanted to do.
I sought help, I found myself a coach and therapist
and whatever else I needed and I started figuring
out what was really important to me.
So instead of wallowing in self pity, instead of
moaning to everybody who wants to hear and most of all
yourself, about what it is that you would like to do
if only you knew what it is that you would like to do,
would want to do, what your dream job was,
your dream career, your dream life if only,
if only, if only.
Stop doing that, kick yourself in the butt.
Suck it up.
Lean into it, whatever you want to call it.
And start figuring out what it is you want to be doing
with the rest of your life.
Get with it, get with the program.
Start taking control and be the master of your own fate.
Now this is full of platitudes, and cliches but they
are platitudes and cliches for a reason.
They are true.
You are the only one who has the power to change
your life. You can sit around and wait for, I don't know,
divine intervention, God, the Universe, whatever higher
power it is you believe in.
If that happens, you are one of the very very very
very very very very few that is lucky enough
to have that happen to him or her.
Most of us don't have that luck, don't get that lucky
so take control, start taking control of your own life,
your own destiny.
If you hate your job, if you hate your life, start using
the time you have to figure out what it is that you want
to do and I can tell you from my own experience,
when you do that, you get a boost of energy because
although you're still not exactly where you want to be,
you are taking steps in the right direction.
So, go there, start moving, start figuring out what
things you want to do and if you want some help,
go to DareGreatlyCoaching.com and whatever it is
you want to do, find yourself a coach.
Find yourself somebody to talk to that will help
you figure things out.
You don't need to be Einstein to do this.
I know because I'm definitely not Einstein.
(Although, I do sometimes, I'm very forgetful sometimes.
I always say that I'm in good company because
Einstein was brilliant and brilliant people have that problem.
But that's beside the point.)
So I hope this helps, if you're still in the job,
career, life you don't like, perhaps even hate.
Use it, use that time to start figuring out what
it is you really want.
You can do it.
If I can, if I could, you can too.
That's it for today.
Have a great day.
That's right Sashka, we're both brilliant, you
and me both.
So that's it for today.
As always, go Dare Greatly, have a great evening,
have a great day, whatever, wherever you are.
Enjoy life to the max.
Bye bye.
Live Inspired. Vlog Episode #137: You Have No Idea (Standing Up to Bullies) - Duration: 4:41.
Well, hello my friends!
This is John O'Leary.
And what a joy it is to be with you on this gorgeous Wednesday morning.
Today I want to talk to you about standing up to bullies.
This will be a message that may be appropriate for your kids in grade school, middle school,
high school, or college might receive.
And I think it's one that each and every one of us at any age in life, regardless of the
opportunities or challenges before us today might also benefit from receiving.
When I was in high school, pretty normal life, but there was one guy- pretty big, tough,
mean, football player- who loved to make fun, of all things- ready for it?- my hands.
For those of you who don't know my story well, I'm 9 years old when I get burned on 100%
of my body, and one of the things that was taken from me were my fingers.
And this guy, junior year of high school, decides to make fun of my hands.
Not once, or twice, but day after day.
Then week after week.
Then month after month.
And no one does the right thing.
No one with love and compassion stands up and takes a stand.
And then one day, in history class junior year- Mr. Sutherland's class- the smallest
kid in our entire class stands up.
You never know who's going to be the one, do you?
The smallest kid stands, he walks back, he points down at the big tough bully, and then
he says these words (listen to them):
You have no idea what this kid's been through.
Shut up!
Shut up!"
When the big dude, this big muscular football player, the popular guy, heard what the little
guy with very little muscle tone and very small network said, what do you think the
big guy did?
When I ask kids, when I speak to audiences made up of kids, they almost always say, "I
bet the big guy punches the little guy."
But my friends, what the big guy did is almost always what they do when they see examples
of real courage, real compassion, real grace, real love around them.
Almost always.
What the big guy did is he put his hands together on his desk, he put his head down, and he
never once said a negative word against me or anybody else in our junior year of high
school or anybody else for the remainder of our time in that school.
During these days that are full of some bullies around us in schools, in our work environments,
in our healthcare systems, in our communities, in our global marketplaces, what is so important
I think is not to shy away from it, it's not to bury our heads in the sand,
I think it's to actually have the audacity to stand up, to make a stand, to do the right
thing, to walk to the back of the classroom, to point down, and to speak truth:
Shut up!
Shut up!
You have no idea what that kid has been through.
Shut up!"
It takes courage, it takes understanding, it takes compassion to speak these words,
and yet my friend, I think it also sets free not only the person who decides to boldly
share them, but also the one lucky enough to hear them.
Let's make sure we say those words (maybe not verbatim, shut up!), but that we speak
them in tones that are loving, and full of compassion, and full of truth, full of ways
to wake people up so that they can understand they don't understand, they can't comprehend
what someone else has been through.
But they can choose today to seek, to place their feet in two shoes that are different
than their own, into lives, into skin tone, into racial and political and geopolitical
systems that are different than their own in order to wake up from their own perspective,
in order to take on the lens of someone else.
I think what we need is a coming together, and what better opportunity is there than
right now, TODAY, on this Wednesday morning.
So my friends, for this time and until next time,
Wake up!
This is your day.
Live Inspired.
ZoomBeatles - Baby It's You (Subtítulos) - Duration: 2:42.
Squatty Potty Adjustable Natural Squat Toilet Stool Set - Duration: 11:48.
4 Tips to Build Leadership Credibility - Duration: 3:52.
When you are a leader it is really important that you have leadership credibility.
When you have leadership credibility, those you lead will follow you to the ends of the
earth because they trust you, your decisions and your ability to lead.
This credibility is very hard to gain.
Leaders constantly face the challenge of gaining leadership credibility from their followers.
Additionally, their followers try to test their leader's leadership credibility.
Followers want to know if their leaders are really qualified to be their leader.
They also want to be sure that the leader knows what they are talking about.
Leadership credibility is not something that can be gained over night.
It is developed by consistent ethical and moral behavior.
There are four characteristics that leaders should develop to build leadership credibility
with their followers.
First, is integrity.
Leaders must be honest with their followers.
If you tell lies, you will immediately lose the trust of those you are trying to lead.
They will discredit what you say in the future and won't believe you.
They will also have a very hard time following you.
To build leadership credibility, leaders must show their integrity by doing what they say
they are going to do.
This means being upfront, transparent and consistent.
The minute a leader does one thing for one person and something different for another
person, he/she loses trust with the followers.
The followers see the inconsistency and question how the leader will respond to them.
The second is competence.
Leaders also gain leadership credibility through their competence.
New leaders must know what they are doing.
To be competent doesn't mean the leader has to know everything or have all the answers,
but they do need to have a basic overall understanding of the big picture.
Above all, the leaders must know how to lead and manage their followers.
The leader must have some experience and expertise, but they don't have to be the expert in
Part of the competence of the leaders comes from their ability to know how to leverage
the strengths of all their followers for the greatest overall good for everyone involved.
Third is inspiration.
Leadership credibility can also be gained by your ability to inspire your followers
to do their best.
When you can inspire everyone to get onboard with the organizational goals, you will be
able to motivate people to do their best.
You can also inspire people by providing a vision of the future for them.
Help them to see the success that they can have in their future it they take the appropriate
And fourth, is Drive.
Leaders must have drive.
They must be driven to work very hard because the leader sets the example for the followers.
When the leader is driven to work hard, it helps the followers know what is expected
of them.
A driven leader creates trust with the followers because they know the leader does not expect
them to do anything he/she is not also willing to do.
Now, just to recap, leaders gain credibility by having integrity, competence, inspiration,
and drive.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you enjoyed it and would like to watch more great videos just like it, please subscribe
to the Leadership Done Right YouTube Channel and check out LeadershipDoneRight.com.
Also, please like the video and share it with others!
Well, until next time, go and be the best leader you can be!
How to make buttermilk - Duration: 0:26.
Making your own buttermilk couldn't be easier!
Start by juicing one lemon.
For each cup of buttermilk you're making, stir one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice into one cup of milk,
then set aside to thicken for five minutes.
It really is that easy and perfect for baking, batter or salad dressing!
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