- Hello and welcome to this month's Maggie Moment.
I have spoken before about how we get angry
and frustrated as a parent
and we can struggle with those feelings,
and I'll like to revisit that topic again today
because it seems to be really common thread
that I hear after seminars
and also on our social media.
One thing I wanna touch on you is our perspective again.
When we really are stressed and tired our self
we tend to run from our ego voice in our head,
which is the part of us
that seems to give us all the hardest of times
because we're not good enough
and I'm you know I'm a failed mother,
I'm a lousy parent.
So when that happens of course you're,
you're more likely to get more stressed
because you're hearing this sorts of thoughts
that don't allow you to calm down.
I was blessed in a way to have a near death experience
when I had three little boys.
And afterwards when I survived it,
I really saw it all very differently
'cause at that point,
there was a point where I was raced off almost
too ill to get to theater,
and I was wrapped in a lovely little foil blanket
because my blood pressure was so low and they really,
they were speaking in whispers
'cause I wasn't going to make it.
Afterwards, I remembered what it felt like,
thinking I was never going to see my beautiful boys again,
and I came back a very different person,
and I think sometimes we need to get a perspective
that having children is actually an incredible privilege
and that you have miracles in your house.
I know they drive you mad
but they're still miracles,
and not everyone gets them.
So try and hold that perspective in your head some days
and realize this is just a little thing
in the big blimp of time,
and this is quite normal in the parenting world.
The next thing I wanna mention is
when you're in that moment,
remember we are the parents who have prefrontal lobes
so we have a capacity to think
over the top of the very angry voice in our head.
However you have to take a couple of steps
to allow yourself to hear that.
So, I'm going to go through my parental-pause.
It's just a really simple strategy
that I know I've talked to a few parents
who are very cross who now find
that they hardly ever get cross.
So, just give a thought to an incident
you've had recently,
and then see if you can see it through the lens
of our parental-pause.
So you're at the moment,
there's something happening,
and you're about to lose it.
what we want you to do is pause.
Very important thing, pause,
and if you can bend your knees.
For some reason,
having your knees off lock
can actually help you become more grounded
and calm in an instance.
And I want you to take one big breath just for a moment
and see if you can go yep,
hang on a minute I'm pausing here.
And then you're looking at what's happening,
and remember the voice in the head is the chatter one.
What you wanna hear the voice from your heart.
So if you can I want you to put
your right hand on your heart.
Take another couple of really deep breaths
as you're watching what's happening.
You're watching, you're becoming present,
and if you can come a little closer.
Proximity and presence are really powerful
when your children are really losing
their what-not in front of you.
So again, we're just doing this very simple strategy,
you've come to them,
you've breathed into your heart,
you've calmed yourself down
and then I want you to pause again,
and have this thought inside your head.
Right now my child's not being naughty or bad,
my child is struggling to cope with their world.
Let me be what they need right now.
Let me be the safe base for my child.
I can guarantee that your anger will not escalate,
but that your love will escalate.
So again it's those moments,
pausing and not letting that ego voice in us
tip us over into a place
where you're really hard on ourselves
or hard on our children.
If you make this a habit
and sometimes I've had a few parents say to me,
"Maggie it's been a git. I love it.
Sometimes I just stand, bend my knees,
take a breath, put my hand on my heart,
and I've already changed the way I was going to react."
So again,
feelings are just feelings,
thoughts are thoughts,
and unfortunately our thoughts can trigger our feelings
and its the irrational feelings
that even us grownups sometimes struggle to contain.
So I hope that's given you another clue
in this amazing world called parent land,
that can give you a strategy
that can help you not be that angry,
horrible, ghastly parents
that some days you have been in the past.
So, taking those breaths,
hand on the heart, being centered,
and be what your children need at that moment.
If this has been helpful or useful for you,
please make a comment or share it around,
and if you've got any other ideas
on how you calm down as a parent
when your children are yucky,
please feel free to make a share
and comment on it as well.
So that is all from me today.
For more infomation >> Diffusing your anger as a parent.. the Parental Pause - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
DIY Crackle Using Elmer's Glue | Wine Bottle Craft | Decoupage - Duration: 10:10.
Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse.
DIY crackle using Elmer's glue & decoupage design.
Why isn't my glue cracking?
When do I put the paint?
Can I use Mod Podge?
Can I leave it clear underneath?
I'll be answering these questions along with giving you some tips to help you get
the kind of cracks you want.
All the materials that I used for this DIY are listed in the description below.
Let's get started!
To start off, make sure whatever piece of glass, you're going to be working on, is clean
and dry.
Using a pouncer brush and matte white acrylic paint, give the whole bottle a coat and let
that dry.
I set mine in front of a small fan so it can dry quicker.
you can use a regular paint brush if you'd like, I personally prefer a pouncer brush
as it covers better and doesn't leave any brush marks.
Saving you paint and time. and the matte white paint acts as a primer, so it also saves you
paint plus makes the color you put onto pop more.
Add a coat of the dark color that will be showing through the cracks and let that dry.
Can you leave it clear underneath?
Yes, you most certainly can.
Just skip the first two steps and go right to creating the crackle.
I'll get into more detail about the crackle later in the video but for now, this is the
basic process.
Brush the Elmer's glue on a section of the bottle.
Using a separate brush, place the paint on top.
I was just demonstrating on this bottle so I used a bunch of colors but it ended up looking
really cool!
Immediately after the paint is on, place it in front of a fan or use a hair dryer on the
cool setting and dry it.
The faster it dries the more cracks you'll get.
Continue this process until the whole bottle is covered.
This is what it will look like when it's all done and dry.
Add lights to this bottle and look how beautiful it looks.
I absolutely love how this bottle looks, this was supposed to be just an example bottle
but I'm totally keeping this one!
I just used a small flashlight I had but you can get battery powered string lights and
put them in the bottle.
Or buy a button light and place the bottle on top.
I think that's what I'm going to do.
Okay back to the first bottle, while the dark paint layer is drying, you want to start preparing
the paper napkin.
I used this pretty lilac with greens and purples in it.
I cut the napkin into fours…
then I cut out all the designs I wanted to use from each one.
I only cut three out of the four you see at first.
So I cut the rose,
then the butterfly, both using scissors.
I used scissors because these are nice defined designs.
Now you'll see me using a thin paint brush and water to get the rest of the designs.
I do this so it doesn't leave a solid line that will look awful once it's on the bottle.
Once you have all the designs you want all cutout, slightly wet your fingertips in water,
press the napkin in-between as you see here and, remove the plies of paper.
This napkin had two.
Now it's time to crackle this bottle.
Use two different paint brushes.
You see one is more soft and the other is more like a house painting brush.
when you buy a pack of brushes, look for one that has that one in it.
I find that that one works best for the glue.
Have your Elmer's glue and the paint that you will be using ready to go.
Using that bristly brush, load it with the Elmer's glue and coat a section of the bottle.
You want to do this process as fast as you can because you don't want the glue to start
drying before you put the paint over it.
I didn't put too think of a layer or too thin.
It was in between.
Can you use Mod Podge?
No, this will only work with white school glue.
It doesn't have to be the Elmer's brand but it has to be white school glue.
PVA glue.
I previously thought that the Elmer's Glue all was the only one that works but I used
both and they both cracked.
Depending on how thick you put this on, will determine how big, the cracks will get.
This is not necessarily a good thing.
If it's too thick the glue will take longer to dry so the weight of the glue will keep
pulling at the crack.
Leaving a stretched out crack
I did this layer in between thickness.
So not so thick but not so thin.
Take the other brush and load it with the paint.
The trick to this is I lightly laid the paint on the glue.
You don't want to press hard, Just let the brush glide.
You'll feel what I'm talking about.
When you feel like the brush is no longer gliding lightly, Load it up again.
Do not try and spread the paint like you would other wise.
Drag until, like I side you feel it's time to reload the brush.
You see that right there, that is a perfect example.
Do not overwork the paint and try covering the section in the least amount of storks
When you're done... immediately place in front of a fan, or use a hair dryer, on the
cool setting, to dry it.
This is the key to the cracks right here!
You must use something to dry it.
It will not work correctly just by air drying it.
If You're wondering why I never mentioned this before well, I didn't mention it because
I've always used a fan to dry my bottles faster.
So I never tried it with out it.
When people were telling me it wasn't working I was perplexed as it was working just fine
for me.
It only dawned on me when I was testing the other Elmer's glue.
The one labeled washable school glue.
I thought it had something to do with that.
I thought it could only be the Elmer's Glue All but that couldn't be farther from the
When I tested it, because I wasn't doing a project I didn't set it in front of the
I left the room and did some house work.
When I got back it looked a hot mess and I thought I had figured it out.
Well when I went to record and show you guys why it wasn't working for you, I used the
fan, except I was shocked because it worked!
So that's when I realized that it wasn't the difference in what bottle of Elmer's glue
you used, it was how fast you could dry it that did!
I apologize to those of you who tried and couldn't get it.
Please try it again the way I have shown you here and I promise it will work!
See I did this section with this one and now I'm going to do the other section with the
other one.
I went pretty thick in this section to show you the cracks you get with this thickness
of glue.
I'm not a huge fan of those giant cracks but I wanted to demonstrate them.
Now I'm going to do the last section using a thin layer of glue, let that dry and finish
the top of the bottle the same way.
This is the whole bottle done and here you can see where I went heavy with the glue versus
where I went lighter with it.
The lightest is my favorite one by far.
I like these cracks the best.
Note that you can't control all of the cracks, no matter how much glue you put, you might
get a big crack somewhere or not enough cracks somewhere else, but you can control it enough
that it gets the look you're going for.
Now it's time to decoupage the paper napkin designs onto the bottle.
Using Mod Podge and a brush, I placed glue on the section I was going to place the napkin,
place the napkin and using a crumpled up piece of plastic wrap, I lightly smooth out the
Cover that with more Mod Podge and always go from the center, outward.
Place all your designs where you want them using this same method.
If you are new to decoupaging, let each one dry before placing the next so you don't
mess it up.
Once they're all on, I used three paint colors that matched the napkin and randomly smudged
it all over the bottle to make the bottle look really old and vintage.
Let that dry and seal it with whatever sealer you like.
These are my favorites at this time.
I used the polycyclic spray for this bottle.
Seal it and let it completely dry!
And here's the finished bottle!
I hope that this tutorial was helpful and that I was able to answer some of your questions.
If you are one of the people having trouble with this, please give it another go, it will
It's really an easy thing once you've got the hang of it.
If you do try it please show me!
I really love seeing what you guys make.
I have all my social media account links in the description box below, tag me and speaking
of my social media accounts.
If you haven't gone over to my FB page for this channel, please go on over and like the
page if you want to stay updated on my channel.
That's where I can communicate with all of you and keep you posted on everything that
has to do with this channel.
Also, Let me know what you think of this see through bottle with the lights in it.
It is crazy beautiful right.
I think I like it better than the other one, go figure LOL!
Thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed this DIY please don't forget to thumbs up this video and if this is your
first time watching I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future video's and remember,
do it yourself, there's no need to cry!
True Story of Kangala Palace – Hindi - Duration: 1:38.
Friends welcome you once again on our channel.
In this video, I will tell you about the romantic Kangala Palace.
Kangla Palace is an old palace located in Imphal of Manipur.
This palace was situated on both sides of the river Imphal,
but now it is only on the west coast.
In the rest of the place, now only the ruins exist.
In Manipuri language, Kangla means happy land,
In ancient times, this palace used to be the residence of Manipuri kings.
In ancient times, Kangla was the capital of Manipur.
Kangla is the most important historical and archaeological site of Manipur.
The state of Manipur was established and developed in Kangla.
Its construction began in the 15th century, and it was expanded continuously.
Kangla is considered the most sacred place in Manipur.
It is believed that Lord Paktamba lives under Kangla,
And reign over the whole universe.
If our video looks good and do not forget to share it,
thanks for watching our video.
Home in My Heart - Duration: 3:11.
Around the country not just at your school,
homecoming is a big week.
And what usually happens, at least in America,
is we schedule this football game.
And there's a couple options how you can do that.
Number one is you schedule a cupcake team
that most likely your team is going to beat
and everybody is happy.
Option two
is you schedule a team
that's a little bit better than yours
hoping that the energy and all the things happening
during Homecoming week will make a victory possible.
That usually doesn't work.
Now the reason they schedule homecoming week
is as an adult if you've ever gone back to your school,
they want the alumni or
the former students to come all at once.
Because if you've ever gone back to high school
just on a random day, it's really awkward.
Have you ever gone to your elementary school just by yourself?
And you thought it'd be really cool and you'd feel great.
And it feels weird.
But if you go as a group,
then you feel cool,
and you feel like you're the upperclassmen
and everyone has fun.
Way, way better.
The same thing is true with these football games.
So they invite the alumni to go back to their alma mater.
Now you're probably wondering what's alma mater?
That is a Latin phrase that describes
your former school or university or high school.
And literally alma mater means, as you could guess,
nourishing mother.
The reason they probably say nourishing mother is
for many people they went to a place
and they matured and they grew
and they learn more and more at this place.
And to them, in a sense, it's home.
Now I want you to listen very closely to Ephesians
because here the Apostle Paul describes home
and you have to find out where it is.
He says,
Now it was a little tricky to find it,
but where did he say that Christ's home is?
It's in your heart.
Here's something to remember during Homecoming week.
Because Christ lived for you,
Christ lives in you
which means, in a sense, he is living in your heart,
working in your heart, encouraging you,
we could say nourishing you in your faith.
So this homecoming week,
you're gonna have all kinds of different people.
You're going to think about this during high school,
but your true home is Christ in your heart.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus
to not only live in our place perfectly,
but also to live in us through faith.
Please keep our faith strong
as we face many temptations this day
and help us walk with you in such a way
that the world can see
that you are a primary resident. Amen.
Today we talked about alma maters,
our nourishing mother of our home school,
but I think for a lot of us
our faith was nourished in our own home.
So what are some of those memories you have
as you were brought up in the faith in your own house?
We'd love to hear it.
Just comment below and share with your friends.
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