(light guitar music)
(light upbeat music)
- [Melody] What happens when your life
falls completely apart, but you can't fall apart
because you're the one left holding everything together?
- [Marq] What if you worked hard building
a fairy tale life with blood, sweat, and tears,
and overnight it was gone,
and a life you didn't recognize took its place.
- [Melody] Maybe there's something in our story
that will help you through your story.
We are telling it for the first time,
not only to you, but to each other.
- [Marq] Fourteen years into our marriage,
I had an accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury.
I turned into a completely different person.
It took years of recovery, and over those years
we lost everything we'd built,
but we found things we never could have found otherwise.
- [Melody] This is a rough story.
It's the story of a family.
It's the story of a marriage.
It's the story of two people who had to figure out
how to make it on their own so they could find
the strength to bring it all back together.
- [Marq] We went to the forest to make these videos
because it was time to talk to each other
about what had happened and about what it did to us,
because once the hell was over-
- [Melody] We just moved on and we never talked about it,
believe it or not.
It was just too painful.
So we set up our camera phones in the forest,
and just talked, and we talked,
and we talked, and we talked.
- [Marq] We're bringing them to you
because we made it through that hell,
and we want you to know that you can too.
- [Melody] We hope you tune in, because sometimes,
when you're at the end of your rope,
someone might just throw you one,
and we want to throw you a rope.
- [Marq] We are Marq and Melody Ross,
and this is The Forest Conversations.
(light upbeat music)
- So I just want you to talk a little bit
about where you came from and your,
like if you and me were just meeting.
- You want me to tell you, or do you want me to tell them?
- You can tell them.
- My background is the grandfather and grandmother I knew
on my dad's side came from families of hard-working farmers.
My grandad had some different businesses
as well as ranching and farming.
But I grew up right next door
to my grandfather and grandmother.
I loved the farming life, so that's kind of
what I did growing up, along with, well,
like all kids do, a lot of playing.
But hard work was definitely ingrained in us.
I loved being around equipment, running equipment,
being out in the dirt and those types of things.
Some background with cattle and ranching some from them.
So I would consider myself kind of very salt of the earth,
do whatever it takes, use what you have around you
and what's available, and find joy in that.
- What were you like as a little kid?
- [Marq] How little?
- [Melody] Like five.
- I played with a lot of girls and Barbie Dolls
when I was five.
There were really no boys where we lived.
So yeah, I did that.
But I think that helped me have a feeling side
for women and girls, and trying to understand them
a little better, even though it was
my sisters and their friends.
But then I had a sandbox and played trucks.
Dad had set me up a basketball hoop,
and so I'd go out and play basketball
out in the back on the dirt.
There was no concrete, no blacktop, none of that.
I loved playing.
Learned to ride a bike.
Tried to be Evel Knievel.
I would set up the Tonka trucks from-
- Who's Evel Knievel?
- The first and most well known motorcycle stunt man.
Let's call him that.
- A daredevil?
- Very much a daredevil.
- I think you did become Evel Knievel.
- Whatever.
- You go by Pompy now as your grandpa name.
- Yes.
- And that is after your Pompy, right?
- That's right.
My grandad, my dad's dad, his first grandchild
was my older sister.
She couldn't say Grandpa.
It came out Pompy.
So he forever was known as Pompy.
He passed away just before we had our first grandchild,
and I wanted to keep that as a tradition, and as a memory,
and as an honor to him to still have a Pompy.
So that's me to our grandkids.
I am Pompy.
- I came from a big family, nine kids.
I was the sixth.
My parents are both musicians.
My dad was an electrician by trade,
but he was also an amazing singer and a guitar player.
I think he played some other instruments.
What's funny is there's nine kids, and I got named Melody,
because everybody's really into music,
but I chose a different path because I was rebellious.
I was just kind of the wild kid in the family.
I always just was a free spirit.
Just growing up, I just always figured out a way
to do everything I wanted to do.
Even though we didn't have very much money
and there were so many kids,
I just figured out from a young age,
you can find things, even just junk on the street,
you can make stuff out of things.
You can rig things up, kind of like we just did with this.
If you guys could see our tripod,
we just stacked up a bunch of rocks
because we decided to do this while we were up here
and we don't have the right equipment.
But always just figured out a way
to make what I wanted to make and to do what I wanted to do,
and that has really served me well.
My grandparents also were farmers.
I think that's one of the things that kind of
sort of drew us to each other, I think,
is we both grew up in Idaho,
and hard-working people who loved the land,
and loved the outdoors, and loved to work.
- She says that, but it was my hotness that got her.
- Yeah, it was your hotness.
- It was the hair back when I had it.
- Yeah, the mullet.
- I didn't have a mullet, not when you met me.
I did have a mullet before that.
- [Melody] Yeah, so we should talk about that.
How did we meet?
(light guitar music)
For more infomation >> Forest Conversations Ch 1 - This is Us - Duration: 7:41.-------------------------------------------
FDA Approves First US Gene Therapy To Fight Childhood Leukemia | TODAY - Duration: 2:01.
5 squishy back to school supplies to do when you are bored¡¡ - Duration: 8:35.
Hello everyone in today's video we will do
school supplies with squishies, these first squishies are purchased
but we have made others in the channel. for example, we made these two
two different methods. I leave the video information
Original but I want to see a little What methods they are in both cases
We use a sponge sponge bath
sponge cut to shape in this If we will have a little bird can
let more and a bit like peak and Now what we did was sponge
pink cover with elastic mass This is the method being used
youtube now for Kitty viral and other later if you
we remaining and smooth on the part above 36 we have no more than cover and
decorate and say that I leave the video information
as well as other squeeze and me seems much simpler it is to use
only sponge even hit see different parts of the sponge
it did in the video decoration watermelons see in this case always used
this luxury creative glue that It serves to porous surfaces because it is
elastic and when used for squeeze and then not continue to be limited in
center Today watermelon did the same but in two
sponges of different colors and so had to paint less because then
acrylic painters squeeze or permanent While we will then see another
Home Let's start making a pen with two of these kittens
we saw the other day on video skis certainly on that video and
a draw from eight countries who have just morning and although the
exception the link where I bought these
kittens and other suisse Well we have chosen the white cat
and take them more or ink about the size of cat and now
we're going to do is do a little rigid because if there is no sanction to
Kitty also be flexible and not I can write to make it rigid
putting a soda straw man taking care that we
walks to the page so you do not drain or use
I use the same cap that came the beige pen
Now what do fill the part of the silicone cap is better cold
that for the ink hot volleyball it does not spoil and now I have mine
I love volleyball min although I know mine just to take points for
understand Now I have nothing to stick both
kittens next to each other He cut a little ink on care
that there is always some air ink because it is now slipped
I used to glue parliament Catheters eyes and glue it that we
because it is waiting for another rifle type by using another or even silicone
hot then you try joining me well both halves so that they fit well
and I have it stuck the truth is I'm flying at school
I heard this pen fix loe ceilings look good and also
Lee squirms pachorra everything want because the glue that is
flexible Well we will continue the following
cannes have estimated air is a notebook set to make also welcomed
emoji is a stress ball and a cúter what I'll do is separate
two thousand parents fijaros in touch is a sponge
parecidísima to which we had before when we have done our
first squeeze the bird and watermelon
Now I know that cholo was whether the two parts now what I do is catch and
hot glue and I'll put a rubber coating eva this former country and
it is harder to not know that sponge he loaded very pressed now
with the two halves and cut once which has now cut drying not we
remains is to get some sheets put inside we can use a notebook
notes I like the idea of using and post beige cut and postín as
I member and is but good and will put in this case leaves normal position
and cutting the leaves of a blog I have and when the amount of
blocks I want it leaves the I a paste for lateral
put on top of each other give them all the same way of saying
and he equalized and stuck by the side
so that later will look side He touched the glue I'll put a
Eve a little eva rubber rubber land there to cover and now I have no more
to glue the two halves baseball academy booklet using this
booklet it hit my two parts the two sides of the ball
since it is already fixed this emoji notebook so cool and eye stress not you
think that I'll throw what you have clipping left'll do a mini
notebook for a new canal project that I have and I'll tell
Well let's go let's do Now you set that's easy
squeezy entities is exposed to save my pencils pens
he took good month as he tried to a cutter cutting is impossible
materials it is like a sponge bit or curious but fixed had to take
scissors to cut or why I say it's like a sponge curious
because Carlos will go slowly I will teach shortening is a
I'll sponge watched on video the other day has a property that is
returning to his being becomes aa his original size
And now pachorra but then another once again it is normal then
It is not so easy to cut to cut baseball and go slowly opening a
hole to stick pencils Sasieta here so once
meto ended pencils and markers what I want and you're
iu this simple simple and looks great because as soon as I get stressed fas the
following this easier route because It is the same with other physical type
sponge I'll make a pencil sharpener for that only
needed scissors sharpener and parliament because I do me
I make a hole with scissors like before because such material itself
and now once I have the woman or exxon size of pencil sharpeners only have
to adjust the fine sharpeners and paste the sides stick well on the sides
to make it as disguised possible
the aim sac
good and be very careful because this squeeze and sharpener will be the one
We all are going to ask at school You do not tell me it's not a joy to
Once you get bitch before these were going to her latest
day as we will do in this If we make another sharpener with
a sponge and then we will take Using hot because silicone is fijaros
very easy to do and what we have done in another video so that other video you
I leave this model and others but do what
we need only sponge Sharpener then hot silicone enamels
painting course scissors Let's start at the beginning we saw
let's cut the sponge to give our desired shape and form I
Desire is a donut I say that with these techniques can
do everything and from that we after facts we have to
do is decorate and put inside our school supplies
we will shape it and you see once that we
what we do is the icing on the donut using hot silicone
I'm slowly putting all part above with hot silicone and that
Silicone has cooled what I do is paint with enamels
so leave and if we put sharpeners we must avoid a piece
sponge and stick and thus sharpener so easy it is to squeeze for
Back to school because if you liked this video to me
like big we are in the next tutorial
It's not I like you! _[Animation NOT FINISH]__(Ato×Manga😏) - Duration: 0:44.
Have You Seen This Yet - EP 12 - Duration: 1:12.
(Laughing) Some of this isn't formed by real life.
Do you ever look around and see lots of wasted
surface area
and think, geez if climate change were real,
we wouldn't even have to worry because we
could literally put solar panels anywhere.
(aside) Do you think they'll know I'm joking?
Like, everyone agrees on this climate change
thing right?
I mean, rooftops are the obvious place for solar panels
But what if, like, your window blinds were too?
I think you know where I'm going with this..
solar blinds exist.
These lil cuties generate solar electricity
so you can power things in your home.
Your coffee maker..
LED lightbulbs..
all those chargeable devices you charge every day.
The maker, SolarGaps, says they can produce
about 100 watt hours of energy a day if mounted outside.
And 50 watt hours a day if mounted inside.
Plus, they move with the sun.
So, in the event of global warming we officially
have nothing to worry about.
I'm kidding, we're doomed.
How to know if a woman is in love with me - Duration: 4:04.
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (James Bond Style Cover) ft. Kenton Chen - Duration: 4:09.
I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie
You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do
I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast
The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
(Look what you made me do) (Look what you made me do)
(Look what you just made me do) (Look what you made me do)
"I'm sorry, the old Kenton can't come to the phone right now."
"Oh, 'cause she's dead!" (ohh!)
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me ...
Get your tickets to see Postmodern Jukebox
Get your Postmodern Jukebox tickets at www.pmjtour.com
Creation Club: BETHESDA BANNED ME for this Video! - That is what you get for trying to HELP! Lol :D - Duration: 7:01.
creation club
"Will you still love me tomorrow" Amy Winehouse (cover) - Duration: 3:58.
Do you want to appear in the video?
- There at the door... Is that the Bible? - It is.
Have you finished the video?
I'm going to appear on the computer
An then we are going to watch this video
All together!
You cannot make any noise now.
It's all gone...
It's the last time Tomás.
7 Wine Hacks: How To Open A Bottle Without A Corkscrew And More | TODAY - Duration: 5:02.
Overcome Your Circumstances - Duration: 0:20.
Life is full of ups and downs.
And when you're in the valley you have to remember that you will get through it.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Don't ever left your sense of self-worth be defined by your down times.
The bad times are only temporary and they will pass.
Stay focused.
Stay determined. And know that you will overcome your circumstances.
Always remember that.
SWAG ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 👽 license free music for videos - Duration: 16:47.
This is best electronic instrumental music of this month, swag license free music for videos for you. VJ-animation.
For using this electronic instrumental music just subscribe and give credit to the author in your description.
In Harvey's Wake, Here Are Tips On How To Avoid Charity Scammers | TODAY - Duration: 3:17.
How to Draw Fruits - Peach for Kids🍑 Step by Step Drawings. Art Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 4:03.
How to Draw Fruits - Peach for Kids🍑 Step by Step Drawings. Art Coloring Pages for Children
Ribbon and Fabric Dying with Sherry Canino - Duration: 9:02.
everyone I'm sherry canino and today I'm gonna share with you how I dye my ribbon
and fabric that I use on my art tags and in my artwork
so starting off typically what I do is I pull out a bunch of different yarns and
ribbons and fabrics that I want to utilize and I dye a whole bunch at a
time so I've got some like cotton yarn and sorry ribbon and some of the crinkle
ribbon from Tim Holtz and a variety of different fabrics as well and you'll see
as we go along here so what I used to dye my living and one of the kids
tie-dye kits from tulip and I bought this kit a long time ago I think it came
with like ten or twelve colors and it is lasted it seems like forever because you
honestly really don't need all that much when you're dyeing ribbon so I mixed up
a little bit in a bottle and I dyed some ribbon and I saved the rock I don't mix
it to what it says because I'm not washing these fabrics so the intensity
is really just gonna be how much you know how much I saturate the ribbon
and also depending on the fabric and how well it takes them as you can see I have
rubber gloves on or hands are gonna be really super safe so that's probably a
key and I like to just use baggies it makes it easier a little less mess
and I dumped some in there the color in there and I throw my fabrics and my
ribbons in there and I just keep going until I feel like I like what I see when
I take them out you see me stretching them a lot it's really just to move the
dye around in the fabric some fabrics and some ribbons will die faster and
easier and some take a little bit more I'm sure the cotton ones
are the ones that diamond more readily I also like to rip my
fabric as opposed to cutting it I love the phrase edges and I just feel like it
gives it a little bit more fun I don't know thanks G boho look again I
also like to take the fabrics out or the ribbons out and lay them on top of each
other and let those colors seep a little bit into each other I usually have a
couple of larger pieces of fabric on hand that I can wave up spills with and
stuff like that that also will be a great dyed fabric in the end as you can
see some of them when I feel like they're a little too saturated I take my
fabric and try to just you know squeeze it out a little bit and some of them
will actually lighten up a little bit you know it depends on again I don't mix
the powder properly I just pour a little in the bottle
add some water
it's fun to use multi colors on them and make kind of a tie-dye look as you can
see with this one particular fabric that's kind of what's happening also
crinkling them a lot and just getting the folds in there while you're moving
the dye around that helps a lot too just to give it a little bit more like
visual texture and you can always continue to add more color or you can
leave some of the you know the wha fabric you know either waiter you know
and also do not forget that even if you have colored fabric you can dye that I
do it all the time like take a green and add some glue to it or you know whatever
obviously depending on how dark the color of your fabric is gonna depend on
how well the other color shows up but it's still also gonna have this same
concept so like you know the yellow and blue make green
the same color properties are going to appear to die
it's fun to experiment with different fabrics and different ribbons and lathe
and just to see you know what color combinations you can get this Lac back
here if anybody who follows me on Instagram
these this fabric and this are these ribbons that I'm doing these are my
mermaid ribbons so I used a really cool combination of green a blue and
turquoise and I think I actually even threw in a little bit of purple and it
really was that's all it made me think of was
mermaids it just had that nice really pretty mermaid color and I used them for
the mermaids head that I had and I'll put a link below in case you're
interested there's still a few downloads left that if you wanted to purchase the
mermaid tags that I created you can get that so I'll leave a link in the
description box below
once Maya finished drying I take the different colors and I wrap them around
some tags that I get from the office supply store I store my ribbon on the
tags in my wire basket which I put on my shelf and so they're really easily
accessible to grab and I can find the color that I want quickly but also they
look beautiful displayed thanks so much everyone for watching and sharing your
time with me today if you liked today's tutorial please
give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel see you guys
next time bye
Our Biggest Steals And Deals Ever: Burt's Bees Baby Clothes, Suitcases, Makeup! | TODAY - Duration: 3:05.
9 FASTEST RWD Cars on the Nürburgring - (production cars only) - Duration: 7:00.
Today on the Car Truth Report we are analyzing the 9 fastest Nurburgring lap times by a rear
wheel drive production car.
The Nürburgring is a 12.9 mile racetrack that contains 150 some corners and was built
between the two world wars.
It is considered by most drivers to be the most difficult and complicated circuit on
the planet.
It should be noted that we are not including track cars like the Radical SR8, Donkervoort
D8 or low production cars like the Gumpert Apollo on this list.
It should also be noted that there are some cars that are out right now that do not have
established ring times that would likely appear on this list, such as the 2018 911 gt2 RS,
new Ford GT, and the yet to be released Corvette C7 ZR1.
Also be sure to watch through to the end, because at some point in this video we will
give you our prediction for the car that we think will take the #1 nurburgring time in
the near future.
Starting out the list at number 9 we have the 2015 Ferrari 488 GTB with a 7:21.6.
The $249,000 Ferrari is powered by a 3.9L Twin Turbo V8 that puts its 661 hp and 560
ft/lbs of torque through a 7 speed dual clutch transmission.
With a curb weight of 3362 lbs. the Ferrari 488 GTB has a power to weight ratio of 393
Hp per ton.
The Ferrari is definitely the nicest place to sit out of all the cars on this list, and
is also arguably the best looking car as well.
Coming in at number 8 we have the $110,000 2012 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 with a time of
7:19.6, which puts it a full 2 seconds ahead of the Ferrari.
The Zr1 is powered by the 6.3L Supercharged LS9 V8 that made 638 horsepower and 604 ft
lbs of torque and utilizes an old school six speed manual transmission.
At 3333 lbs, the ZR1 made 382 horsepower per ton.
Lucky number 7 ironically goes to.
the 2010 Porsche 911 GT2 RS, aka "The Widowmaker", with a 7:18.
Like the ZR1, the $138,000 GT2 RS also utilizes a 6 speed manual gearbox.
However the GT2 RS puts its very different Twin Turbo 3.6L flat six in the trunk, instead
of in the front like the ZR1, or the middle like the Ferrari 488.
Even though the GT2 RS has the smallest displacement engine on our list, the 2010
GT2 RS has the highest power to weight ratio of 410 hp per ton.
Just missing the top 5, we have the beastly 2018 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE with a 7:16.
The 6.3L Supercharged LT4 motor, borrowed from the Corvette Z06, makes 650hp and 650
ft lbs, which is good because the ZL1 1LE, like most americans, weighs in at the top
of this group at a massive 3873 lbs, which puts this goliath at 338 hp per ton.
How was a $70,000, nearly 4000 lb manual rear wheel drive muscle car able to put down such
a good time on the green hell?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Our best guess would be that it's massive sticky tires, and what at least looks like
the second most aerodynamic bits in the group surely didn't hurt.
We should also note that the ZL1 1LE was rumored to have done a 7:13 after official
timing was over that day, but since it isn't official, we are going with the 7:16 for now.
At number 5 in the pack, we have a car that contains the name of the track, the Lexus
LFA Nürburgring Package with a 7:14.6.
337 hp per ton is achieved with a glorious sounding F1 inspired 4.8L Naturally Aspirated
The Lexus LFA is the most expensive car on our list at $445,000.
In at 4th place, with an impressive 7:12.7, the second 911 on this list, the 2018 Porsche
This 911 differs from the 2010 911 GT2 RS in a few key ways.
The 2018 GT3 utilizes a 7 speed PDK, or a 6 speed manual, though we are assuming they
used the PDK to get their 7:12 ring time.
The new GT3 also employs the same 4.0L naturally aspirated flat 6 that is used in the Porsche
GT3 Cup racecar.
At 3153 lbs and "only" making 500 hp, the GT3 makes 317 horsepower per ton, the
lowest overall power and to weight to ratio on our list, proving there is more to a great
ring time than just brute force.
The Bronze medal goes to the 2010 Dodge Viper SRT-10 ACR with a 7:12.1.
The 8.4L Naturally Aspirated V10 is the biggest engine on our list, and made 640hp
in the 2010 model.
Even with it's big V10 up front, the 2010 ACR came in at a reasonable 3190 lbs, and
was good for 401 HP per ton.
The 6 speed manual is making another appearance on our list with the 2010 ACR.
Coming in at number 2, we have the third German car on this great German track, the 2017 Mercedes
AMG GT-R with a 7:10.9.
At 3428 lbs the twin turbo 4.0L V8 AMG GTR makes 336 hp per ton.
The AMG GT-R is the only car on this list that compete with the Ferrari as far as interior
and exterior styling goes.
Before we get to the current fastest RWD car on the Nurburgring, let's give you our prediction
for the rear wheel drive car that is going to take the overall Nürburgring record, once
it comes out.
The mystical machine that we are talking about is the Aston Martin Valkyrie.
At a reported 2200 lbs and with over 1000 hp, this car will have the power to weight
category in the bag.
Power to weight is not the Valkyrie's only ace in the hole.
The Valkyrie is also going to make more aerodynamic downforce than any other car on
the road, and is reported to make 2.5 G forces in the corners!
We have already done a whole video on the new Aston Martin creation, the link will be
at the end of the video.
Now to the champion, the current fastest RWD production car on the nurburgring the 2017
Dodge Viper ACR with a blistering 7:03.5 around green hell.
That is a whole 7.4 seconds faster than the second place car on this list the Mercedes
AMG GT-R. The story behind this amazing lap time could be a whole video on it's
Unlike all the other times on this list, which were achieved by factory sponsored efforts,
this time was achieved by Viper owners/enthusiasts, and with internet crowdfunding.
Hopefully this is a model that could be picked up by enthusiasts of other cars, so
we can get even more awesome ring times, when the factory isn't willing or able to run
a car on their own.
And before you go screaming in the comments about the McLaren P1 LM, we didn't count
it's amazing 6:43.2 because a production run of 5 does not meet our classification
for production car.
Though one would presume the vanilla P1, Koenigsegg One:1, and LaFerrari would surely
be on this list, they currently don't have any official Nürburgring lap-times that we
can find at this time.
The next video we are doing is follow up to this one, where we delve even more deeply
into this list and compare these cars stats and attributes even further, so please be
sure to click subscribe and the notify bell.
Also just another reminder that we are giving away a leather jacket at 1000 subs, subscribe
and leave comments to enter!
How Do I Protect My Startup Idea? - Duration: 3:07.
Execution is everything
You know you might have an idea that you think is really unique the idea for your business or the idea of
how to actually go about executing and doing the marketing strategy and it may be
But at the end of the day if you're not able to take steps forward because you're worried about other people
Finding out your idea or you're worried about someone else copying you. It's just gonna hold you back
It's gonna hold you back more than it's gonna help you. Of all the people that you're gonna cross paths with and all the people
That are gonna hear about your idea or see what you're doing like 90 something percent of them
I'm not even interested in what you're doing.
It doesn't matter how good they think your idea is they are not interested
And they're not interested at the level that would allow them to actually pursue what you're pursuing
Anyone who's ran a business before or is doing that right now
You guys know how long it takes to get something off the ground
It's not like you have an idea one day, and you're making 10 million dollars a month later
That's gonna take years to get to that point and to have that dedication and the passion that's gonna allow you to sustain
Working on the same thing for years. You have to really love it
So a lot of people just don't care enough about what you're doing. A whole lot of other people are working
they have a job, and they're not going to be able to just work as hard as you are on what you're working on and
Also, you know, a lot of people, they're not good. You know like they're not good enough
They're not going to be able to put forth the effort and the ideas and everything that you are able to do
So you know for all the people that you're worried about maybe taking your idea
There's a whole lot of other people like 10x the amount of people that you're missing those interactions with. So often I have people that
Will say you know "Oh Kim, I heard about what you're doing let me introduce you to this person" or
I hear about like this idea
I know the perfect person that you need to meet and a lot of those connections happen when you are open about what you're working on
They're not gonna happen if you keep it all like closed off
with my previous business, before I was working on this startup I had an idea and
I was in that position like I was terrified that someone else was gonna
Copy my idea or that someone else was doing the same thing I was doing
and I would literally go to bed every single night
Looking through the app store for anything that looked like the app that I wanted to build
And if it's not anything even remotely close I wouldn't even be able to sleep
I'd have so much anxiety I wouldn't be able to sleep and
That's a horrible feeling. It's a horrible feeling to just be so worried that someone else is just gonna be able to
Run up on you, and take what you have. So whatever you're working on
Just you know you really have to believe that you are the person that can make that happen that idea is
Coming to you, through you, from you, for a reason and you are the person that's going to be able to move that forward
better than anybody else
So if you truly believe that you just have to take the actions and then
You know there will be some people that are like. Oh, I heard someone's doing the same thing. 9 times out of 10 they're not
really but any even if they are there's room for everybody
Like I can't think of many industries, I don't even know if I can think of one, that has zero competition.
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