- So what should you deliver next?
You know, it's a question that I get a lot of the time
when people have an awesome success on a product delivery.
They always wonder what does the client want next?
Now, as you know through life,
it's a natural progression.
We start off as kids, we go to school, we progress to
you know, primary school then high school,
then on to college and university.
This is the progression that you need
to take your clients through in your product range.
Products should
deliver their initial results.
Solve an initial problem that they have.
You know, provide that solution,
then it should open up an opportunity
for them to grow further, and then your next product
should deliver that promise.
You know, deliver that solution for them.
And it's a natural progression,
just the same way as we move through schools,
and primary, through to secondary,
and on to college and university,
your products need to be able to do that same thing.
They need to be able to deliver
the next step to someone's success.
This is James Klobasa, check us out
on YouTube, subscribe there or join
us at jamesklobasa.com.
For more infomation >> What Should You Deliver Next? - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Sir David Attenborough on Museum Collections - 360 - Duration: 3:31.
>>SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: I've been fascinated by animals for as long as I can remember.
And if you're fascinated by animals, you want to know more about them, and the great place
to know about them is, of course, museums.
Walking into a great collection like, like this does a number of things to you.
The first of all is that you realize what an enormous variety of animal species there
are in the world, and you know this is only scraping the surface, anyway.
And the second thing you think, recognize is that actually, this is the basis of all
zoological science.
If you want to research an animal, you have to know—the first thing, first question
is: what animal is it?
And that's not as easy to answer as you might think.
Of course, if you look at an elephant, yes, I know it's, well, an elephant, and is either
an African or an Indian elephant.
That's easy to settle.
But if you've got a little fly, which might be very important from a health point of view—it
might carry disease, for example— it's essential that you know what that is.
So where can you discover what it is?
And the place you need ultimately to go to is a museum where they will have a specimen,
which is called a "type specimen," which was the one which was described when they decided
that this was going to be given this scientific name.
That is the basis of all zoological science.
So institutions like this are the very foundations of all zoological knowledge.
The library associated with these great museums is almost as much greatly important as the
objects themselves.
Unless you know what here it came from exactly and when it came from exactly, you are missing
a lot of very, very important information.
And that can come, of course, not from the object itself, but from the circumstances,
the documentation, that should accompany every scientifically-collected specimen.
One of the huge changes in the natural world over the past 1,000 years happened within
my lifetime, or perhaps a little earlier.
Suddenly, human beings started to increase in number, and not only increase in numbers,
but increase in power in the things they can do to the natural world, not only mechanically,
but chemically, for example.
And sometimes it's what we wish to do, and sometimes it's a byproduct and we didn't realize
we were doing it.
So the natural world is changing, and it's changing by becoming poorer and more damaged.
Now, if we want to prevent it becoming continuing being damaged, we have to understand how it
works, and we have to understand what it is that we're doing that may have an effect on
the natural world, and that is perhaps the most important thing that's facing humanity
If we want to preserve the richness of the animal world, we have to know how it works,
and these are the places that tell you.
Rise Of The Reds 1.86 C&C Generals Zero Hour - GLA Mission Splinter Cell - Duration: 14:48.
Rise Of The Reds 1.86 (or just simply ROTR) is probably one of the best known mods for the Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour.
This Fan Campaign adapts vanilla Generals campaign to the Rise Of The Reds mod with some small twist.
As for the fan campaign
You must place each map in a specified folder in your Documents /Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data/Maps/ directory.
Then in the game, take skirmish and choose UNOFFICIAL MAPS.
Main File - Rise Of The Reds 1.85
Patch File - Rise Of The Reds 1.86
Fan Campaign - Converted vanilla campaign for ROTR 1.86
UI - Widescreen UI for Rise Of The Reds
Cursors - Cursors from Command & Conquer F2P
Cameos - Classic Cameos for Rise Of The Reds
If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it.
Infectious disease doctor shares health hazards to be aware of after a flood - Duration: 0:46.
Steal The Styles Of Celebs Like Heidi Klum For A Fraction Of The Cost | TODAY - Duration: 4:41.
H5P Tutorials: What is H5P? - Duration: 8:48.
Hey everybody! My name is Oliver and you're watching the first of hopefully
many videos about H5P that I am creating and today I'd like to answer the
question: "What is H5P?" So, if you already know the answer to that feel free to
skip this video, but if you don't, hang in a second - well probably 5 to 10 minutes -
and we'll see. So, what you see is the website of H5P that you can find at
h5p.org and it says: create, share and reuse interactive html5 content in
your browser - which is pretty abstract, right? Luckily, there's a section
called "examples and downloads" and I can use it to show you what H5P is instead
of answering the question what H5P is. It looks like this and contains a list
of so-called content types which together form H5P, and I will not show you
everything in detail, but I'll have a look at, yeah, probably 3 content types and
we could start with "dialog cards" maybe. This is it.
Um, if you learn a language you will probably know the technique of using
flashcards where you write a word on top of a flashcard and the translation
at the back side of the flashcard and then you have a look at the word and try
to guess or to know the correct translation. And you can do that as well.
Maybe you're a teacher you could create a deck of flashcards here, but you have
many many more options in contrast to paper flashcards. So, as you can see, you
can add an image which is pretty nice, and we also have a button which can play
a sound sample. So, if I click it, it should read "Arándanos azules" I
don't know, I don't speak Spanish. Let's hear ... OK, not even close, but luckily
I know that those are blueberries and we can turn the card ... and they are
blueberries. And you can go over to the next card and the next card ... And as
teacher, you could for example create a deck of several cards that your students
can use to learn a language. And if you wonder: "Okay, I can't award points
and students don't have to enter the correct translation." - there's also a
content type which can do that which is called flashcards. And I invite you to
have a look at that yourself. I'll head back to the list of content types.
And which should we have a look at next? Yeah,
let's take "image hotspots". This one which is probably my favorite content type
although it's pretty simple actually. You can add an image in the background and
then you can you define some hotspots over here. And if you click on them you get
some more information. Right here, a window swipes in from the right and
contains some text. Oh, yeah, this is better. Yeah, so as you can see these windows can
also contain videos and you could also put more text on top if you like to - or
maybe images. That's possible and you can really use it, this content type, for
giving great presentations which is really cool. Well let's head
back to the example page ... and now we'll have a look at the most famous content type
which is called "interactive video". Let's have a look. If you've taken some
online courses lately, you'll probably have seen something like that, but maybe
we should just hit that play button here below and see what happens. The video
starts, of course ... Something pops up but I'll skip that.
I'll wait for next one ... which says multiple choice quiz. And obviously we can put
multiple choice quizzes on top of videos with H5P. So, there's a
strawberry. We can check that and it's correct.
Let's continue. And we can jump to the next one
actually. It's similar, like a multiple-choice quiz, I guess. I can see
blueberries and I know that was a strawberry before, so it's probably
correct and it is and we can continue ... and we can also jump to the third one
which is called "fill in the blanks" and that's a cloze. So we have to type in
the correct solution which will be blueberries in this case and we'll, yeah
we'll stick with that. We check. As you can see we could try again because the
solution was not completely correct and we could have a look at the solution and
as a teacher, we have many options that we can configure to adapt the content type
to our needs. For example, what should happen if I answer incorrectly? Should I go back
to the start of the video? Should I go to a different position? All that's possible.
Well, I guess that's stuff for three other videos which I might creat, but not
right now. So, we were ... Let's stop that. And, oh, maybe we could go back to this page
just to see the examples. So, now you've seen what H5P is, but why should
you use it and what are your benefits? And I can only give you my top five
reasons. Other people may have others, but yeah, let's let's go. First of all, it is
really easy to use. As a student I don't have to read a manual to interact with
those content types to answer the quizzes and questions. And also as a
teacher I don't have to read a manual to create those. It's really really simple ...
most of the time. H5P is free to use, so you really don't have to pay anything -
not even as a company. You can create stuff with H5P and include it in your
products and you don't have to pay royalties or anything like that, which is
probably pretty cool for you if you're a company. Then, H5P is not only free to
use, but it's open to use, because it's open-source software. So if you could
code a little bit like myself, then you can have a look at the source code and
change it to your needs, and you can also contribute to the development of new
features and content types which is really nice because it makes H5P kind of
a community project and, yeah, that differentiates it a little bit from
commercial products, I guess. Then, my reason number four is: You really don't
have to install any special software on your computer. You just need a browser and
this is valid for desktop systems and mobile systems as well. So, you can use
maybe Chrome on your desktop browser and you can also use Safari
on your iPhone or whatever and it works. So, you can create content once and it runs
anywhere which is pretty cool. And finally, my reason number five is:
You can take H5P where you need it. So, you can create stuff here on this
website if you like to, but you can also get a plugin for a moodle, WordPress or
Drupal and install it there, you can use it there, and it doesn't matter where you
create content. You can embed it elsewhere, so you can create it here for
example, and take it then to an HTML page and embed the stuff there, so you
don't even see this page. And you can download the content, maybe from this
system and then you go to your moodle system where you have the plugin, upload it there
and use it there. And you don't have to change anything which is really great. So,
um, I think I'm close to my my ten minutes limit, so let's wrap it up for
today. I hope you like H5P, um, maybe you just head over here to h5p.org, give it a
shot, and yeah, that's it. And also, if you like, you can watch my videos, maybe
subscribe to this channel. I'm going to create some more tutorials and, yeah,
related videos and stuff. But anyway. Enjoy H5p! Take care. Bye-bye!
hey everyone welcome back if this is your first time welcome for the first
time my name is Shalayna Janelle I'm a preacher singer songwriter and author
but today I want to talk about my testimony of living and walking by faith
okay and so I want to give you a little bit
of backstory okay when I was 18 years old
I moved to Los Angeles California I'm originally from the Northeast
I am from Massachusetts and I moved straight out of high school to Los
Angeles California because it was always in my spirit since the age of four
probably even before to be a singer songwriter and an actress and to be an
entertainer and so I moved to Los Angeles and I began to act and so I was
actively acting in commercials and doing some commercial modeling as well but
mostly acting and stuff like that um I was not really in the modeling thing
that was never really what I was about but acting in commercials and in film
and so God had blessed me with many opportunities in the entertainment field
and in the entertainment environment and that was what God has called me to do he
called me to be a light in Hollywood and to minister to those in Hollywood in to
those who are in the media and in the arts and I absolutely love doing that
and so that's basically part of the back story for me I moved to Los Angeles
California with basically nothing and I knew nobody I had never been to
California before I didn't know I just didn't know anybody so hopping off the
plane I was I guess you would say surprised as if you would hop off the
plane and go to anywhere you've never been before right and so I hopped off
the plane it was extremely hot I am NOT a hot weather type of girl I like the
snow like the fall I like the winter I do not like
heat and so thank God I get to go to heaven right and so praise the Lord and
so yes I moved here and I was acting and stuff like that and working with my
agent I had been doing it for some years since I had moved to Los Angeles
California but when I first moved to California I didn't just hop off the
plane and start acting I had to work my way to that point to even be able to get
agents to be able to you know start being seen in front of even little
casting directors and then the bigger casting directors and stuff like that
and so it was a process and so that was even living by faith because it's a
constant not knowing what your next job is gonna come from not knowing where the
next thing is gonna come from because us actors don't have a job unless we have a
job you know we're auditioning and then we booked the role that's our job but
once that job has finished filming that or finished shooting then off to the
next job or off to finding the next job and so many people would never want to
be in that position they wouldn't be able to handle it but I actually do love
the acting world so that doesn't bother me but it was definitely a constant
living by faith because you don't know what your next thing is coming from and
so as an actor in Hollywood especially a Christian you have to pull on God and
believe that God is going to provide number one for you in general but also
provide the opportunity and opportunities in work for you as well
and so let's fast-forward I started getting to audition for some bigger name
casting directors so for people who like Catholic shows that you've probably
heard of before and so I started to get into rooms with them and this is years
later okay my whole process of I moved to LA in 2009 when I graduated high
school and then gradually I began to progress okay when acting really started
kicking off for me that was about
I would say four or five years after I have moved to LA I started getting in
better audition rooms getting you know meeting more people and stuff like that
and things just started to be good to go uphill and so I've always loved acting
and entertaining and desiring to pursue a career in that ever since I was about
like four years old it could have probably even been way before then
because I was singing since I could make noise and so I always had some form of
wanting to entertain just within me and that was obviously clearly a god-given
thing and so I'm in LA God sends me out here to LA and as I'm auditioning God
will have me minister to people at auditions as I'm at events God will have
me ministering to people at events as I am on sets God will have me ministering
to people on sets and left and right I'm able to minister to people in Hollywood
where me from four years old up until 16 I knew I always wanted to be a singer an
actress and an entertainer at that age I was not saved yet so all of these dreams
and hopes and aspirations they had absolutely nothing to do with God and to
then get saved at 17 move out to LA less than a year later and all of a sudden
God is saying I want to use this and use it for my glory and I find myself being
trained by God in the spirit him really molding and shaping me and doing all
types of things and now I'm able to pursue my dreams and ministering to
people on sets that was crazy for me and so I wanted to give that back story
about me moving to LA and be being an actress and entertainer because I wanted
this actual particular testimony that I'm about to tell you to make sense to
you because if I just tell you the particular testimony that I'm about to
tell you it would probably not make sense to you and you'll be like
what is she talking about I don't even get it it has no impact so um I had to
give you that back story of me moving to LA at 18 years old I had only been saved
for less than a year and I moved to LA never having been here before I moved to
LA on a whim on a hope in a dream and because I knew that God was still
sending me here contrary to what everyone else was saying okay and so
fast forward to December of 2015 by that time I'm pursuing acting on a level I
have never been pursuing it before by the grace of God and so I remember all
of a sudden I'm now auditioning and I'm booking in I'm getting into bigger rooms
and when we say rooms we're talking about casting director rooms and I'm
just like wow God you are blowing my mind right now you're blowing my mind in
this season and I remember I was in a room with one of the casting directors
from Empire and then about two weeks later I was in a big-name casting
directors room as well and when she was looking at my audition because sometimes
the most of the times they have a camera and they're taping your audition and
they're looking at you through a computer screen through a monitor screen
and they're not physically looking at you sometimes and so this particular
casting director was looking at me through the monitor screen and I
remember I finished my audition and she's dead silent and I'm dead silent
cuz I'm waiting for her to speak I'm waiting for her to say thank you leave a
boy for her to say something and then she goes oh oh I'm so sorry
watching you was like watching TV yeah I'm sorry I got I got distracted you're
really good you're a really good actress and so remember I had just been in an
audition room where one of the casting directors who cast Empire and then about
a couple weeks later I'm in this audition room now
it was right at that time where the Lord says I need you to stop acting right now
I need you to focus on something that I'm about to show you it is full-time
ministry in a different capacity than you've ever done it because you have to
understand while I was an actor I was preaching I have put out a gospel EP so
I was doing ministry at that time as well as at auditions
on set at events I'm telling the world about Jesus I'm that bold girl that
people know she's for real about God that is a worshiper of God that is
someone who lives holy no matter where she's at even in closed doors in the
dark at her house she's living home and so God says I need you to stop acting
right now because I want to bring you into something different and I remember
when he said that I was like okay God because it's it's funny how things
started really rapidly going well and things were taking off on a deeper level
in the career that God actually told me to pursue and then he said stop which
means quit your job acting was my job I was not working a computer job while
pursuing them and so quit my job quit my job and so for me in particular this is
not just a regular quit your job scenario this is a quit your job and
quit your career something you loved and knew you wanted to pursue since you were
4 years old you know what I'm saying and so it wasn't like oh I'm just gonna work
at this office space for such-and-such a time to accumulate a certain amount of
money you don't really care about that and this has been something since four
years old I knew I was gonna do what everyone told me I
I should have been doing all types of other stuff and so when he says leave
I said yes Lord yes Lord that was my first reaction yes Lord because I'm a
yes Lord Kanha karai I'd like to submit to the Holy Spirit because he knows
what's best he knows what's best beyond everything he knows what's best and so
I'm like okay Lord okay Lord and I remember he gave me confirmation upon
confirmation and so that in fast-forward full-time ministry had started in a new
capacity because like I said I was already preaching I had online ministry
as well as well as um ministering while I was acting out focused on ministry in
a different capacity and so I'm like okay Lord and so I was walking by faith
before believing God before and that that
testimony I I may if the Lord leads me do a testimony about my journey as an
actor and about how living with faith was implied with that as well but since
this testimony is not about me being an actor I just had to give that back story
so that this part makes sense but I made to a video as well cuz I know some
people will be blessed by it and so he pulls me into full-time ministry in this
new capacity I remember when he when everything really started to take off
and whatnot and all of a sudden he began to put books in my spirit book after
book after book and I had never considered writing a book like writing
books like come on now uh y'all know me for those of y'all
y'all y'all Cemi- know me, Cemi- know me okay you
don't know me know me but you Cemi- know me
Oh through my videos I don't I don't look at me as I'm that bomb girl I'm
that bomb girl that's not how I look at myself and so I'm bomb I'm a write book
and you gonna read it and you're gonna read it everybody gonna read it that's
not how I look at myself okay I look at myself as a servant of the holy God
okay and so I remember he began to give me all these book ideas I'm starting
writing books and things are just popping off and then he as I'm writing
these books because I began to write I think it was one and then in the middle
of that one he shifted me to writing another one which you guys now know as
the gates access to the throne of God because it was the first one I ever
released because he wanted that who releases that my people need to know
about this topic and so at your leisure you can look up the gate access to the
throne of God and so this was so awesome how he began to shift me into this
season of writing I call you to be a scribe a prophetic scribe to the
nation's and so I'm like I I knew I was called to the nation's even while I was
acting but um write books okay this is awesome this is different this is more
pulling on God this is more trusting in God and remember I don't have a job so
trusting God once again like I was doing my whole entire walk with Him and so
this is a different phase of trusting the Lord this is lower no type of income
you know um bills still have to be paid but I believe you can pay my bills cuz
you've paid them before all right all of this stuff you've done before God has
supernaturally provided for me so much even while I was an actor
and I needed provision I needed things I needed resources I needed money I needed
food the Lord gave me so many supernatural permissions and I'm
probably gonna do a separate testimony video about supernatural provision as
well because I know that that will boost the faith of many people but back to the
story I never once questioned whether God was going to provide it was never a
question of was he going to provide because he he is a provider he has
always shown himself to me since I've known him as a provider and so you know
I submitted to the will of God the Bible says that if any man wants to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ he must pick up his cross and follow Jesus he must deny
himself pick up his cross and follow Jesus and see many people they don't
want to get to the point of denying themselves and so this particularly
reminds me of Acts chapter 16 where Paul was on his way to one place doing his
missionary works and doing preaching the gospel and ministry doing all those
things and then the Lord shifted him to go to a new place and so the Lord had
him moved from one direction to a new direction and that is exactly what the
Lord did to me because the Lord actually had me on a
certain path and then said okay now I need to draw you back right now for you
to go do this endeavor that I'm telling you to do and so even with Paul Paul was
not doing some random thing he wasn't going on random missionary trips and
just pulling cities and countries out of a hat he was going places where the Lord
gave him unction to go but at this particular time when he was on his way
to go to this new place the Lord said okay well I need you to go here instead
and that's why we have to be so willing to follow the Lord wherever he leads and
don't get so caught up on what we think we should be doing or what even you want
to be doing it's definitely not about what you want to be doing and so Paul
and switching places and many people came to
the Lord many people got saved it was conversion because of his his obedience
to the unction and because of him truly following Jesus because his ministry was
truly about ministry Jesus and souls it wasn't about his own self and filling
a roster and all types of stuff like that and so he was able to move when the
spirit told him to therefore he was able to see Holy Spirit results and that's
what I'm about Holy Spirit results and so I shifted to where God told me to
shift to and all of a sudden I began to write books which like I said it was
nothing I had ever said god I want to write books never said that before if
anything the only book that I could have ever imagined myself ever writing was if
I ever became a super super super famous actor I would write a memoir when I
became like 80 you know um there was never a book where like I'm gonna write
a book because I'm gonna write books for people continuously God put that in the
plan for my life God put that in my path he shifted me into the right place and
I'm so blessed to have been able to write these books and he's been giving
me supernatural provision 2016 when things really took off 2016 was one of
the best years of my entire life I got the opportunity to go to Paris and all
my goodness the Lord's hand mood so mightily in Paris it was it was a wreck
it was off the chain out there in the parish streets and so God's hand moved
and I just love seeing the work of God you know like the book of Acts that is
the real church that is how we're supposed to always be operating like the
book of Acts that's not some "Woop Woop" Wonderland type thing that is real deal that's what
we're all supposed to be operating like operating in the fivefold ministry
operating in the prophetic operating in the gifts of the Spirit operating like
geez he said he has given us power to take up
serpents to trample over serpents to cast out demons he has given us those
power that power from on high to do those things and I believe been walking
in those ways every day and so 2016 was a awesome year and this is to where I am
now this leads me up to where I am now continuing on in doing this new new
season even in this new season God has blessed me with opportunities to be able
to be on TBN as a television host and also TBN's young adult network
JUCE TV as a television host and I'm also working on another project as a
television host and so God is flourishing and bringing my life to
where it should be at this time the desired place that he wants me to be in
this time and so I was taken out of one way to get put into another sector and I
I I just love what he is doing and I was blessed to be able to be afforded the
opportunities and blessings that he has given me even when he maneuvers people
some transitions and some shifts can be temporary and some could be for ever
meaning long-term forever and it's not up to us that's all up to God and so
when God said I want to shift you it's been a blessing for me and that doesn't
mean that God may not ever have me act again it just means that he had
something that I needed to do and so shifts can be temporary seasonal or
long-lasting they can be for a lifetime but that
not up to you that's up to God and so when God shifts you somewhere he could
literally shift you in three months later shift you back because that
assignment was only for three months or he may shift you and it is a
permanent shift of taking you out of somewhere it's only up to the Holy
Spirit amen and so you just have to be healed dating just led by the Holy
Spirit any man desires to be a disciple of Jesus Christ
he must first deny himself pick up his cross and follow Jesus
that's the separation when Paul said all right this was on the plans this was on
the list to go to such in such a place but the Lord is shifting us in this
direction that was denying himself picking up his cross and following
literally following the unction and the moving of the Holy Spirit of Jesus
Christ and so even with my situation I choose and everything I do to follow
Jesus no matter what it is no matter what it looks like even if it looks
crazy to other people could look crazy to Christians it could look crazy to
friends family whatever the case may be I'm gonna choose what Jesus wants me to
choose and so I truly live by that scripture that if any man wants to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ or called himself a disciple of Jesus Christ he
must first pick up his cross or deny himself pick up his cross and follow
Jesus and that's where many people they they hoped at they're like okay well I
want Jesus I want the benefits of Jesus but they don't deny themselves pick up
their cross and follow Jesus and why did I even tell this testimony because I
wanted to tell this testimony because God how they Mia he has such an awesome
plan for your life will things be hard yes they very very well may be hard
well things go your way no they probably won't go your way unless you are totally
lined up with the Holy Spirit and you want to do what the Holy Spirit wants
you to do which I encourage you to line yourself up with the Holy Spirit and
desire to do what the Holy Spirit wants you to do and so you're gonna sometimes
face obstacles those are to build your faith
sometimes have to let things go sacrifice some things by no means is God
telling everyone to quit their jobs no he's not doing that and so this is not
an advertisement for anyone to quit their job ok so don't say she'll why
didn't told me to quit my job no no let's simmer down simmer down ok he will
begin to Jesus Christ and that's what my testimony is it's just fearless and
fierce obedience to Jesus Christ why was it fearless and why was it fierce
obedience it's fearless and fierce because a dream
that I had since I was 4 years old I laid it down for the sake of a
transition that the Lord wanted me to go on and I could have easily if I was in
the flesh I couldn't easily said well Lord you called me to be on set and to
minister to people while my mom said I could've easily said that because he did
call me to be honest a minister of people on set but one thing I know is
that I know how the Lord operates and the Lord shifts and the Lord operates in
seasons and so if you didn't know that know that the Lord he shifts things and
he operates in seasons and so where you are right now may not be where you're
gonna be even tomorrow or a month from now God shifts things okay there are
some people who at one time were attending a church next thing you know a
year later there a pastor of a church God shifts things okay and so understand
that things don't always stay the same will that be uncomfortable for you maybe
so but it's God's will does it mean that much to you does God's will mean that
much to you in your heart because God's will should mean so much to you that
you're willing to go through the fire when you're willing to go through the
uncomfortability I just want to encourage you by my life and by my
testimony I have not denied Jesus no matter what I've had to do no matter
what I've given up no matter what I faced I've continued to stay on the
course that God wants me to be on I'll continue to if God said let this go I've
let things go if God said I need you to do this thing I've done
things there was things I had to do that I had never done before but God was
functioning me to do them and so it's not always that he's telling you to
sacrifice something sometimes he's telling you to do something okay and so
you just have to listen to the Spirit of God I want to encourage each and every
one of you to listen to the Spirit of God be yielded to the Spirit of God and
most of all be obedient to the Spirit of God he has great plans for you Jeremiah
29:11 says that he does the thoughts and plans he has for you plans of peace to
give you hope and a future he doesn't want to harm you and so he wants each
and every one of his sons and daughters to tap in to those plans that he has for
us it is when his sons and daughters do not tap in to those plans that he has
for them that things go haywire and people end up going in cycles for years
and years and use the same cycle and never get anywhere and then they're like
but God you promised this and God you promised that yes God did it God did
promise something but you promised you would be obedient
aren't you being obedient that's the key I just gave you a key to the kingdom one
of the keys to the kingdom be obedient that's a wisdom key be obedient
obedience will unlock things that knowledge can never unlock obedience
will unlock things that even sometimes favor will not unlock obedience will
unlock things that jomama the person up the street the President of the United
States of America cannot unlock but your obedience can unlock it there's a reason
why the Bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice there's things
that obedience will unlock that sacrifice will not unlock be obedient to
God be obedient to God if he's telling you to sacrifice then your obedience
would be to sacrifice but don't sacrifice something and then be
disobedient to what he's telling you to do it's like because then he's gonna say
I told you to do such-and-such and you gave up something
obedience okay and so I want to encourage your spirit to let you know
that God number one is a provider okay he's provided for me since 2009 I moved
here September 18th I believe it was 2009 September 18th and I'm here right
now it's almost I think in what two or three weeks will be September 18 again
which will mark eight years God has provided God is a supernatural provider
and so I would encourage your spirit if you don't believe God will come through
for you with any form of provision he will I'm a living witness he is provided
for me supernaturally some people look at me crazy because of it so be like
some people are jealous because of it why does God do this for her why does
God give her supernatural finances and listeni than that because I'm in the
perfect will of God to what he's calling me to do amen being the perfect will of
God for when he's called you do so God will always provide Bible says he will
supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus his
riches in glory are infinite he created everything he owns everything the Bible
says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness there he owns everything he's
got your back okay and so I also want to encourage you those of you who are
struggling with walking by faith living by faith this whole walk with God is by
faith the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight it's not about what you
see it's not about what you think it's not about what you learned in school
it's about the Spirit of God and walking in living with the Spirit of God it
takes faith to even be saved okay and so you have some type of faith all
right you're not faithless right now unless you do not know Jesus and so you
have some type of faith but now exercise that so it will grow don't despise the
process the testing and the shifting because it's the process the testing and
the shifting that will grow your faith the Bible says we go from faith to faith
and so if we go from faith to faith how is that by being tried in our faith okay
when your I in something there comes a verdict
okay what's your verdict can be that's your faithless or that you are faith
full meaning full of faith and faith full literally being a faithful type of
person and so you want to be exactly what God has called you to be and I want
to encourage you and every one of you to be in the timing of God and that's
pivotal the timing of God cuz when he told me to shift I shifted at the right
timing and when he said to do it and so we as believers need to be so keen in
the spirit and obedient to God amen and so I pray my testimony of living my
faith has blessed you I would give up everything for the sake of the gospel
again I would give up everything for Jesus again I commit my life as a living
sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God because it is my reasonable service and
I encourage you to shift your mindset to have that type of mindset as well that
is the way God desires you to walk that's the mindset God desires you to
have that is a pure Kingdom mindset totally for the glory if you have any
questions you can feel free to put questions in the comment section email
me questions as well this particular video was done by the unction of the
Holy Ghost because he wanted me to talk about this particular situation okay
until I couldn't give my life testimony in one video you see how long this just
section of something that happened in a short period of time in my life took a
long space of a video and so yeah this video is done all in obedience and by
the unction of the Holy Spirit and so I pray it has bless you I want to pray for
each and every one of you guys that you will walk by faith live by
faith totally trust and be yielded to the Holy
Spirit and that you will just even know his voice and heed his voice even more
okay so let's pray father God in the name of
Jesus I just asked that you just begin to go within the hearts of each and
every one of your servants or God I ask right now that you deal with the faith
of each and every one of your child if they feel like their faith is failing
then God pick up their faith God pick up their faith from off the ground God and
restore it replenish it and stir it up in their belly God Lord even stir up
those rivers of living water God that the Holy Spirit will be so predominant
in their life that they will yield to him in ways that they've never yielded
to him before Lord I pray right now in the name of Jesus that walking and
living my faith will be the portion of each and every one of your sons and
daughters Lord God and Lord in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask that
you rise each and every person up in the spirit to be the men and women of God
that you've called them to be to be the obedient servant that should called them
to be Lord God that when they hear your voice that they hear your instruction
they will follow it and that they will not follow the flesh they will not
follow the ways of the world nor the enemy God Lord I pray right now in the
name of Jesus that you begin hallelujah God to allow each and every one of your
children to know that you have their back no matter the circumstance no
matter the situation that you are a provider you are a deliverer and that
when you shift you shift for purpose God and we thank you Lord God that you have
purposed each and every one of your sons and daughters and I ask that you instill
such a trust within each and every person Lord God they will trust you like
never before Lord God all the days of their life not just in particular
seasons but in every season god from here on out God not just when things get
hard but from here on out God there will be the people who say yes Lord they
won't people be the people who say I trust you because I know you
Lord let them have the spirit that job had
where he trusted you beyond circumstances he trusted and knew that
you are God for your scripture says hallelujah we can trust and know that
you are God Lord I pray that each and every person will just trust and know
that you are God the God that created them before their parents even knew them
the God that created them for a specific purpose to be fulfilled on this earth
you are the God who loves them you are the God who has restored them and who is
even restoring them right now god I thank you for the restoration that you
are even giving your children right now Lord God I thank you for the stirring of
the Holy Spirit in their belly God that you are giving right now hallelujah god
I thank you that you are doing a complete turnaround in the lives of each
and every one of your children then that thing will be faith Walker's God from
here on out faith Walker's God faith walkers faith
walkers I speak right now in the name of Jesus that each and every one of you our
faith Walker's not will be faith Walker's but our faith Walker's
hallelujah for God ordained it before the foundations of the world he knew you
he knew you you know what I pray that each and every one of your sons and
daughters come in agreement with this prayer and live it out and I seal this
prayer in the matchless name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth it is so it is
finished it is finished in Jesus name Amen my god God is so faithful and I
think you guys off for tuning in and I truly pray that this has blessed you if
it has please like please subscribe please share this on social media share
it all over the whole world and you have a blessed and prosperous rest of your
day today in Jesus you have a prayer request feel free to leave a comment
below or you can send your prayer requests to Prayer@ShalaynaJanelle.com
and you will be interceded for throughout the week
Digital Eye Strain: How To Prevent It And How To Treat It | TODAY - Duration: 4:28.
🎼 Purp Dogg x Cashy Kesh x Xavier Wulf Type Beat | Mad Mind 🎼 - Duration: 2:49.
Xavier Wulf Raider Klan type Beat Instrumental
Purp Dogg Cashy Kesh type beat instrumental
Lil Ugly Mane type beat instrumental
Dark Weird Rap Beat instrumental
Purple Six Beats
Grant, Anevo & Conro - Without You (feat. Victoria Zaro) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.
I'm painting the sky with a candy green And the clouds with silver lines
I will never say what you meant to me When you ask what's on my mind
I'll cover it up with the dust that settled down after all this time
Every bit of love's turned to rusty metal From all the tears I've cried
You took over my brain Made me feel insane
Tryin' to relate to ya
But everything has changed I am not the same
Baby I can see through ya
When you hurt me See my world revolved around you
But I'm learning That I'm better off without you
Yeah I'm better off without you Yeah I'm better off without you
Yeah I'm better off without you
(Without you)
So I'm painting the sky with a candy green And the clouds with silver lines
Forgettin' the time you were holding me And you told me that you were mine
You took over my brain Made me feel insane
Tryin' to relate to ya
But everything has changed I am not the same
Baby I can see through ya
When you hurt me See my world revolved around you
But I'm learning That I'm better off without you
Yeah I'm better off without you Yeah I'm better off without you
Yeah I'm better off without you
But I'm learning
That Single Girl Who Practices Gratitude - Duration: 1:38.
How To Put On False Eyelashes For Beginners | In-Depth Tips & Tricks | #BeautyBite - Duration: 7:38.
what's up guys welcome to the cult curator where I help you navigate the
overwhelming world of beauty one tutorial at a time my name is Sonya and
in this week's Beauty bite I'm showing you how to apply false lashes like a pro
if you're new to false lashes the process can be extremely frustrating
which is why I'm going to break it down for you in this step-by-step tutorial
alright so you just need three things when you're applying your lashes the
first thing is the lashes your choice whatever lash that are comfortable with
or that you prefer to wear the second thing is a lot blue and the last thing
is a way to apply the lashes so either your fingers regular tweezers or a la
shop locator so if you're new playing false lashes and you struggle with
applying them the first thing that I recommend is choosing an eyelash that
has a very thin watch band so you can see I'm the one that I'm going to be
wearing for this tutorial it's a clear very thin watch band and the style that
I'm using is Andrea number 92 and just for comparison these are the House of
lashes iconic and you can see that this has a very thick lash band that's gonna
be a lot harder to work with the next thing is lash glue my favorite is the
Revlon precision clear lash adhesive this is really nice because it comes
with a little wand like this which makes it really easy to just apply directly
onto the lashes duo is another popular lash glue that a lot of people would
recommend I personally don't like it and I find that it's a lot more difficult to
work with you have to it doesn't have a little wand like the Revlon one so it's
just more frustrating to work with in my opinion so if you're beginner I would
definitely recommend the Revlon precision lash glue the last thing is
the way that you apply your lashes you can use your fingers but my fingers are
very short and stubby and I don't have long nails so it's difficult for me to
apply lashes that way the next thing is to use regular tweezers that you
used to pluck your eyebrows those when I use them I always end up hooking my
eyelid and it's just painful and frustrating for me to do what so I don't
use that my favorite way to apply lashes is using a la shop locator like this I
find this just easiest because it's made specifically for applying lashes you can
see that it looks like a pair of tweezers but the ends aren't pointy and
they are a lot longer so it just really does a good job of applying lashes in my
opinion it makes the whole thing a lot easier step 2 is to take the lashes off
of the container you want to be careful when you're pulling lashes off of the
plastic because it is glued on see the plastics and you can rip the lashes if
you pull too hard so it's important to be gentle alright - step 3 is to cut the
lashes so that they fit your eye typically when lashes come out of the
package they're going to be longer than your actual eyes so you want to measure
by placing the watch on your eye to see where you need to cut it another note is
to make sure that you don't cut off too much of the lash it's better to cut off
in small sections instead of doing a whole chunk and realizing that the lash
is now too short before you apply your lashes you want to make sure that you
curl your natural lashes and add some mascara this will help them blend into
the falsies a lot better and make it look a lot more natural I like to curl
them not everyone does this but I have very straight lashes so I feel like
curling them makes them blend it a lot it's better and you can use any mascara
that you want it really doesn't matter because it's not going to be really
showing up that much but I'm using the Milani lash trifecta alright so when I'm
applying logically onto the lashes I like to take the lashes on the
applicator like this and I'm just going to take the wand and run a thin coat
along the lash band you don't want too much product you just
want a little bit just enough to coat it and for the inner and outer corner I
actually like to apply it a little bit more like a little kind of bubble of
glue not too much but just like more than you did on the rest of the wash
because those areas tend to lift up throughout the day you can see that
there's a thin layer of lash glue and the ends have a little bit more lash
glue now you just want to wait a couple of seconds for the lash glue to dry up a
little bit that way it gets a little bit tacky and it doesn't slide around your I
love it so I know applying falsies I like to tilt my head back a little bit
and look down my eyes are still open and I didn't see myself in the mirror
perfectly but I like to do it just enough so that my eyelid is increasing
anymore now when I'm applying my lashes I like to hold it on the lash itself not
the band because that's where the glue is and when I'm taking it onto my eye I
like to bring it from above and then drop it down onto my lid like that it's
important to do that instead of coming straight on like this because then I
brush my lashes I end up with glue all over the place it gets stuck and it
doesn't sit on the lid as nicely so now I'm going to go in and apply the lashes
and at first you just want to kind of rest it
it's not applied onto my lid yet but it's just kind of sitting there so that
it makes it easier for me to move it around and I like to work with the outer
corner and attach it with a lock shop locator I like to push the falsies into
my lash like this so I'm just going along and pushing them together and as
this is drying you want to kind of push the lashes upwards like this so that
they sit up I don't know if you can see this on camera but now there's a little
bit of lash glue residue on my applicator so before I move into the
other eye I like to actually take a makeup wipe or some makeup remover and
clean it off that way the lash applicator doesn't stick to my other
lash now I'm just going to apply the other blush onto my lid you want the
lash on your skin and not on your actual lashes because when you pull it off that
will take your actual lashes off also and once you do that you're all finished
and that's how you apply lashes alright guys that does it for this tutorial I
hope you enjoyed it just remember that when you're applying lashes for the
first time or even the first few times that it's going to be frustrating and
it's going to be messy these are normal experiences that most people go through
so you're not alone and don't feel discouraged because with practice and
these tips you'll be able to start applying lashes like a pro so if these
tips were helpful if they were and you enjoyed this video don't forget to give
it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel and you love makeup don't forget
to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of my tips
tricks that you can easily add to your makeup routine that deserve for this
video but I post every Tuesday and Thursday so stay tuned for the next one
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