Want to see a castle, medieval swords and armors and learn how beer is made?
I know that's exactly what you wanted to see.
Let's go!
It's the Castle Otočec. It's actually a hotel now.
The castle was first mentioned in 13th century.
and it was built on a small island of river Krka.
In Slovenian language "otočec" means "little island".
Ready to go back in time when you were the coolest guy if you had a sword, armor and a horse?
We were lucky enough to visit the knight Janez Kamniški, who has a museum
full of medieval objects in Šentrupert.
If you are ever in Slovenia and you're into history, he's the guy to call.
Various symbols have been used to represent individuals or groups for thousands of years.
In his museum, we first walked through the heraldry hallway which represents all the
coat of arms of the Slovenian lands.
He also explained how the coats of arms were made.
Janez made us a coin which is a replica of the original gold coin of the legendary King Matjaž.
And the most fun part was when we could learn everything about medieval armor and weapons,
from swords to arches and crossbows.
We also tried on knight helmets and swords.
What an amazing experience.
350 years old.
And that's not all.
Janez also has a medieval printing machine where he can make books exactly the way they
were made in the old days.
He has many other interesting stuff but we won't reveal everything in this video.
And what did the knights drink?
Beer is one of the oldest beverages humans have produced, dating back to at least the
5th millennium BC in Iran.
We went to Berwolf Brewery to check how craft beer is produced nowadays.
Berwolf is a Slovenian craft brewery and we've met their amazing team Matevž, Marko and Žiga.
Their business idea is simple: they make customized beer.
You can choose one of their standard beer flavors and they'll design the label for you.
Just like the one we got here.
So it's official: TheFelpers have our own beer.
Do you want your unique beer flavor?
They'll do that too.
So if you want your own beer for your wedding or party, they will brew the beer of your dreams.
Marko explained how beer is made.
You need four basic ingredients to make beer: barley, water, hops and yeast.
Barley is heated, dried and cracked to isolate the enzymes needed for brewing.
This is called malt.
Usually you can buy malt and it looks like this.
Malt is then steeped in hot water for about an hour which activates the enzymes and produces
sugar as a result.
This process is called mashing and mixture is called mash.
In the next step malt is filtered from mash and remaining liquid transferred to the boil kettle.
This liquid in the boil kettle is called wort.
Wort is then boiled for about an hour while hops are added to the mixture.
Hops define flavor, bitterness and stability of the beer.
At the beginning, hops are added for bitterness, approx. 20 min before the end
hops are added for taste and the last five minutes they are added for aroma.
The more the hops boil the more bitter our beer is.
After boiling, the mixture is cooled down to 20 degrees Celsius and transferred to fermenters.
Here we add yeast, close the fermenter, then the beer ferments for approx. two to three
weeks, depending on the kind of beer.
Fermentation simply means that the yeast eats up all the sugar in the wort and produces
CO2 and alcohol.
Every beer ferments in about 10 days but it's left there longer so the yeast eats out all
the by-products that can affect the taste.
And the color of the beer?
Well, that depends on the malt.
Voila, our beer is born.
Wooow, that was a lot of stuff today, right?!
Thank you guys for watching.
If you like this video, give it a big thumbs-up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
We upload new video every Wednesday.
For more infomation >> CRAFT BEER and MEDIEVAL TIMES | Visit Slovenia Vlog - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
Ocean Medallion Moments by Princess Cruises: Hallway Struggles - Duration: 0:16.
WOMAN: Oh don't worry. The wife and I can handle it.
WOMAN: It's not too much stuff.
WOMAN: You guys just head on out and get us a seat.
(Man laughs)
(Sound of door unlocking)
MAN: Guess I was right. We could handle it.
NARRATOR: Vacation easier.
With Ocean Medallion.
Getting to know the CSUDH Library with the Education Librarian - Duration: 1:23.
[music begins]
Getting to know the CSUDH Library
with help from your librarian!
Studies suggest that students who use library resources...
have higher GPAs have better research skills can evaluate many different information sources save time and energy on their assignments
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Contact Wei wma@csudh.edu (310)243-2085 Lib South 2037G
[music fades out]
Why do you mow my lawn in a different direction each week? - Duration: 1:02.
Hello. My name is Chester Brzezinski. I'm the founder of big lakes lawn care and
the question is, why do you mow my lawn in a different direction every week. The
reason we mow your lawn in a different direction every week is to avoid rutting.
If we run our mowers the same direction week in and week out across your
property, ruts will start to form. Another thing
that happens is the grass starts to lay over and it doesn't stand up straight
for a nice crisp cut. It flattens out because we keep running it over in the
same direction. This could happen if you're mowing your own lawn too. It's a
common problem. A way to avoid it is to change direction every single week when
you mow the lawn. Now, another benefit to us mowing the lawn in a different
direction every week is that it gives you that awesome checkerboard pattern
that everyone's going for. This works especially well if you have a side lawn
and a Kentucky bluegrass side lawn is probably the best lawn for us to stripe.
We'll make it look like a golf course for you and it comes out just awesome, So,
if you are mowing your own lawn, make sure to change direction every week and
that will ensure that you have a beautiful pattern and you avoid forming
any ruts. I hope that helps and have a great one.
Getting to know the CSUDH Library with the Humanities Librarian - Duration: 1:16.
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Contact Fobazi fettarh@csudh.edu (310)243-2062 Lib South 2037O
[music fades out]
No one but you / Никто кроме тебя - 3 episode - Duration: 22:07.
I'm glad I'll come back to Jiu-Jitsu in a few days! I can't stand it any longer, man! - Are your shoulder better? - Yeah, it's better...
It wasn't serious... And, I'm really feeling like wrestling, man! What about you? When will you join me there?
- I don't know. I've looked at my school schedule, but I must confess I don't wanna feel ashamed there...
Because, I'll get there and you guys will be experts on it and I'll look like a fool! - It's easy, man! - Easy for you, because you've been practicing it for a long time!
- Come here! I'm gonna teach you some blows! - Watch out! Don't break my body! - I won't... Lay down here.
- Like this? - Come a bit more to this side.
Now... Raise your legs, close your defense... - Like this? - Yes!
Here is your attack, right?
- Henrique, what's that?...
- Mrs. Conceição... This is not what you're thinking... I'm just teaching a Jiu-Jitsu blow to Henrique...
- My flair is right: Very weird things are taking place at this house!...
Alexandre, I can't find this normal! Two men wrestling, embraced in the bedroom... - Oh, mom... What's the problem?
João practices Jiu-Jitsu. Maybe he's teaching Henrique some blows... - But, as far as I know, this is not a wrestling ring and your cousin is not a Tarzan!
And this João? Can't he go to other place? Now he's here every other day!?!
- Mom, Henrique must have some friends. You don't want him to get to your age, being an expert only in breaking dishes, right?
- Henrique's friends are the doctors, the ones from college! Not the boxe fighters! - Jiu-Jitsu!... - Jiu-Ji...
Look, don't you think you can fool me with those strange words!... I've got my eye on your cousin!
- Don't worry, mom. I've talked to him. I already told him to bring here his college colleagues. He'll make you a surprise one of these days. You'll see!
- Come on, Dulce. Eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day. - I don't feel like eating. I just want the tea, thank you.
- Daughter, you have to feed yourself, otherwise you'll get sick. - Do you want me to prepare you something, daughter?
- But, what are you guys doing? She's not sick!
- But eating something would be good for her, right? - Mom, cheer up! - She just needs to react! How's it gonna be, Dulce? Will you be depressed or will you react?
- Oh, don't you come to me like that too! - But, can't you understand that Luísa's goal is exactly that: To put you down? - Did you hear the awful things she told me?
- Of course I did! And you're starting to play her game! - I have no reasons to be happy! At all! - But, who spoke about "Being happy"? I'm only saying: "Go ahead"!
- Oh, girls: Don't start it! - If you let yourself be affected like that, you're admitting that Luísa is right! We are what we do with our lives! Therefore, you have two options:
You can either react and keep on your battle! Or you can stay there crying and feeling pity for yourself.
But, remember: We always pay for our attitudes, so don't you come to us complaining later!
- Leave me alone! It looks like suddenly I became everybody's target! I wanna be alone!
- And then, you guys say that I'm the one who needs to go to the therapist! - Oh, Jaime! - Ok... I can't open my mouth!
- João, take Jaime there inside for a little bit, please. - Sure! Let's go, Jaime! - I could predict this! It looks like the problem is always me!
- My mind is going is circles, but I can't understand this attitude from Luísa! This can only be due to the divorce! She's disturbed!
- Luísa has always been disturbed! - She's an evil person! But, some people don't wanna see that!
- What crossed your mind for you to make all of this? - Mom, didn't you sleep? - I spent the night working! - Wow! Who's birthday is this for?
- Nobody's. - Then, what are these desserts for? - You're looking at my business! - "Business"?... Oh, I see: Like father, like daughter!
- Watch me making money with this! - What do you mean? What will happen with the desserts? - I'm gonna sell them! - Sell them?
- Yes! - To whom? - To whoever wanna buy them! I've been depending on the others all my life. Now, that's over! I'm gonna make my own money to be independent!
- But, have you talk to somebody about the desserts? Are you sure people will buy them? - There's no doubt: You came out from depression to get into madness!
- "Madness" why? Because I've decided to have a path in my life? I know very well that I can't go to the streets looking for a job, because I don't have any experience.
But, if there's something I know how to do very well, is cooking! Everybody says that my desserts are great! Therefore, they might be a sucess at restaurants!
Today and for now, I'm gonna deliver them as a try out! Let's wait and see, then! And now, let me pass, because I'm gonna put my products in the market!
And wish me luck, guys! - I'll help you! - Thank you, João! Yes, help me! This one here...
- You finally came to try out Jiu-Jitsu! - I just hope I won't end up making a fool of myself! - No, way! You'll like it! You're in good shape, you've got good muscles...
What would you be ashamed about? - About everything! I know nothing about Jiu-Jitsu! - Don't freak out, man! Everything's gonna go well! I just don't know where Nuno is.
He always comes. If he's not coming, something serious may have happened. He's like me... - I know: a Jiu-Jitsu fanatic!
- Not "fanatic"... You mean "lover"!... Oh, the coach is here. The class will start! Let's go!
So, man? Did you enjoy the class? - Yes! I wasn't that bad, was I? - Of course not! Now, you could start doing this every day! - I can't, man: I have the college classes.
Oh, I forgot my shampoo... Did you bring yours? - Sure! Take it! - Thank you.
- Think well, man: If you liked the class, you could enroll yourself here... We would fight together...
- Yeah, I liked, but I don't have much free time and it's a bit violent to do this every day.
I just came to try it out and to please you. You were being so persistent! - It's up to you. - Now it's your turn to get some time to introduce me to some girls, man!
Until now, I've met none of your female friends! When will you introduce me to your female friends?
- One of these days. - Blondes or brunettes. I don't care! They just have to be pretty and sexy! - Ok... - João...
- Tell me. - What's your problem, man? Don't you look at me? I'm talking to you. - I'm getting dressed up, man! - I'm talking to you for ages and you don't even look at me.
What's your problem? Haven't you ever seen a naked man? - You're asking for girls. So, I'm thinking to see if I can recall of any. Do you even want me to look at you?
If you upset me a lot, I'll get you a toothless old lady! - The toothless old ladies are for you! - And the one-eyed ones are for you!
Hello! - Hello! - Sorry, I'm late. I went to take a coffee with Henrique.
- Pedro, do you mind to wash the dishes, while I'll go to the grocery? I'm gonna need this bowl to put the mousse.
- But, what's going on here? - It's your mom: Now, she turned into a confectioner! - Pedro, what's the problem? It's a job like any other!
- Why are you so disturbed? Just because mom got a job and you didn't? - Ana, don't start it! - So, that means you'll keep on doing sweets for the restaurant? Great, mom!
- And this is only the beginning! Soon, Mrs. Dulce's desserts will be known all over the country!
- Great! - Some people, get down to business! Other, just complain about life! - Look, do you think I'm unemployed because I want to?
- Can you two stop that fight? - Damn! You look like kids, always picking on each other! - João, serve yourself and eat. And you two, stop fighting! I can't stand it! I won't be long.
- Mom, is feeling useful. Why don't you encourage her, instead of being discouraging her? This can even be the beginning of a good business!
- That's true, dad! Mom, cooks so well, that she may end up making a lot of money with this! - Sure, you guys must know a lot about life, right?
Well, for your information, there's nothing worse than creating illusions, like you're doing to your mother.
Because, when one creates an illusion and then sees the reality... One gets down... Loses hope... And gives up on everything...
- Hello, mom! - Hi.
Alexandre... You won't believe about what I'm gonna tell you. - What happened? Don't we have any more dishes for dinner? - It's Henrique!
- Oh, mom... What's the gossip of the day? - I do tell you he's acting weird, but you don't wanna believe me, right?
Today, I went to clean his room... And...
...I found this!
- Mom, this...
...It's a Jockstrap: A genitals protector! - Oh, my God! But, to protect genitals from whom?
Oh, don't you tell me that your cousin got in trouble... With some girl! - What a nonsense, mom. This is used by...
...Sportsmen and dancers... To protect... The so called "thing"!... - Oh, well, well, well...
- Aunt! - Yes! - How many times have I told you not to clean my bedroom? - Oh, son... But, it was so dusty, that one couldn't see the color of the furniture!
- I told you: I'll clean it! Don't worry! - Well, once you're studying to be a doctor, you should know that dust has those bugs who are bad for health... - Yes, yes... The...
Mites!... - Yeah, that's it: Mites! Actually, they were so many, that I guess your bedroom was their summer camp!
- But, aunt... I've got my disorganization very well organized! You go there and clean it all, and then I can't find anything there! - Oh!...
My mom found something on your bedroom...
Is this what you were looking for? - Henrique, you won't try to convince me that you use this... In your medical classes, right?
So, Henrique... Are you gonna answer or not? - Yes! - Then, speak! Where do you use that?
- It's to protect my... - I already know that part! - We wanna know where and why do you use this.
- Speak, Henrique! - It's for sports, aunt! - But, what sports? You're studying medicine! - But, I go to the gym at the college!
Damn! You look like you're cops! - And you look like you're a criminal! You're always mysterious!...
Then, do you want us to be suspicious about who? About the parakeet that we don't have? - I don't like when people mess with my things! That's all!
Invasion of privacy it's a crime! Did you guys know?
- Oh, this boy is getting more and more mysterious!... I really have a bad feeling!...
- Yeah... But, lies never go too far... Sooner or later, the truth will emerge!
- Did you spend all night in the kitchen? - I had to finish making the sweets! But, they look delicious, don't you think?
- Oh, this is going well, I can see. - You'll have to help me delivering the sweets to the restaurant! - You must be joking, right?
- Humm... It smells so good! Am I dreaming or today's breakfast is something special? - Your breakfast is going to be a nightmare! I didn't had time to prepare anything.
But, don't worry: I'll clean the kitchen when I come back. - Are you going out leaving the kitchen in such a pandemonium?
- If eating cookie cake for breakfast is a nightmare, don't wake me up, please! - No, no! Take your hands off! - Come on! Don't even think about it. - Good morning!
- Good morning! - This smell of sweets early in the morning makes me nauseous. - I'll have to deliver the fudge separately. It can't be at the flan's top, while it's still hot.
- Mom, there's no milk.
- Cheesecake! May I have a slice? - I already told you: no! - Can someone tell me where the milk is? - If there's no milk in the fridge, it's because I've used it all.
Today, you guys will have to take breakfast on the street, at neighbor's house or wherever you want! I still have to change clothes to make the delivers at the restaurants!
- Mom is freaking out! She didn't use to be like this. What happened to her? - I don't know what happened. But, will things change in this house? I'm sure of that!
- Yeah, I'm also sure about that. But, things will change for worse!
- Henrique, what are you doing here? - I came to meet you and to have some company on the boat.
- Really? It will take me some more time... I have to take a shower. - No problem, man! I'll wait for you.
- Then, go to the bar. I'm gonna meet you there. - But, hurry up! Don't take half an hour, like a girl! They take 3 years to come out from the shower!
- I'm not like you. - No! I'm like that, only when I'm with someone. Otherwise, I'm really fast! Come on: Be fast! I'll be waiting for you at the bar, ok? - Ok!
- I don't know what's happening with Nuno. He enjoys Jiu-Jitsu so much, but he doesn't show up for so long. - Do you know those two girls over there?
- No, I've never seen they're here. - Besides being pretty, they're flirting with us! The one on the right side is exactly as I like!
- Are we leaving? - "Leaving"? Are you freaking out, man?!? I haven't finished my juice and she just smiled at me! Let's go there and sit on their table!
- I'm not going anywhere, man! Do you wanna lose this chance? We have two beautiful girls looking at us! You're acting weird today!
- I'm not going there! I don't know them from any place! Maybe they're fooling us. You'll get there and then, they'll dump you!
- You're too demoralized [discredited] for my taste! Let's see which one of us is right!
Hello! What's up? May I sit here with you girls? - Sure! - So, do you girls come here often? - Yes...
- No. He's nice, but today is not a good day for him.
- Well, man: I'm gonna leave! - Stay a little bit! We've got time! - No, I've got some stuff to do! I can't stay here.
- Don't be like that! Stay for a little bit! - Are you deaf, man? I won't stay here! Ok, then: Ciao! - João!...
What's wrong with you? What's your problem? - I don't wanna stay there! That's all! - One of the girls is interested in you!
- I couldn't care less about the girl! Screw her! Are you staying? I'm leaving! - What's your problem? Don't you like women?
Where have you met your ex-girlfriends?
- I haven't met them. I never had a girlfriend, Henrique. - Are you kidding me? You never had a girl? - That's right...
- Why, man? Do you have any problem?
- João got home very weird... Something has happened... It smells me like girlfriend...
- Well, instead of being there making the tenth chocolate mousse, why don't you go and talk to your son yourself? - And why don't you go?
It looks like he only has his mother! Besides... That's... A men's conversation...
- I don't see why... If João's problem is a woman, nothing better than another woman to help him solving the problem!
Oh, God... We'll never understand what's going on in a woman's head! - We're complicated, but you guys are so predictable, that it's even annoying!
Your son is in his bedroom and he's needing you! You could play the father figure for at least five minutes! You can go back to doing nothing, after that!
- Is it written somewhere that the fathers are the ones who have to go to the sons when they have problems? If João has a problem, he can come to talk to us!
- Pedro, João is sad, in his bedroom... - Sadness is a part of life. João has to learn dealing with it on his own. We can't protect him always and forever!
- I got it... You don't wanna bother... Then, you'll complain that your children don't respect you!
- Mom, there's no use in telling you that I'm not upset, because you won't leave me here alone... So, I'm gonna answer your question!
"João, why are you upset"??? Yes, mom: I'm upset!
Today I found out that Santa Claus doesn't exist and Easter bunny got retired. Are you happy, now?... Now, let me be here alone.
- All of that to tell me that you had a fight with your girlfriend? - "Girlfriend"?... Only if she's the invisible woman!
- João... You may disguise it as you want to... But, you can't fool me... Oh, dear: it's natural for people to suffer due to love.
Besides that, you're so handsome... And there's a lot of girls out there...
- Yes, mom: And the sky is blue, has stars, the meadows are green, the little birds sing in the spring... - João, João, João!... I can see clearly that you like someone.
...And you don't have to be ashamed of that!
To fall in love, is part of life!...
So, do you like someone or not?
- I don't know, mom... I guess so, but I'm not sure... - You see? Was it that hard to say it out loud?
You have to learn how to speak about your sadness, João...
Because... It's bad for us to keep our sadness inside ourselves... It's bad... Ok? Good...
I won't upset you anymore, now... I'll leave you alone...
João... Whenever you need me... I'm here!...
João... - Mom, not again! - Relax! I didn't come to disturb you. But, you have a guest in the living room.
- I don't wanna talk to anybody! Make some excuse! - João, it's a friend of yours! - A friend? What friend?
- Oh, it's you! - João, I need to talk to you! It's important.
- Well... I'm going to the kitchen, so you guys can make yourselves comfortable.
- I guess there's something we need to make clear. That's why I came. - What do you want? - To talk to you, man! I've told you! But, quietly!...
- I've nothing to say to you. - Stop that! Are we friends or not? - I thought so!
- Stop being a fool! We're friends and I wanna talk to you! - What for? For you to upset me? This afternoon was enough! - João, please!...
- Hurry up! I've got more things to do! - You seem like a kid! I wanna talk to you! If you don't want to, just tell me! Stop all the drama!
- Not here... Let's talk in my bedroom...
Getting Started with the FamilySearch App Gallery - Duration: 1:58.
The App Gallery is something really
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Breast Reduction St Petersburg FL - Duration: 0:55.
Are your big breasts causing unwanted attraction?
Are your big boobs causing you back pain?
Josua Geenen - Please Say That You Care (Audio) ft. Todor Gadjalov - Duration: 3:13.
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
Chatting online is different, you know I want to see you for my own
It's time to face reality Don't be shy, go on a date with me?
'cuz I want it now, I can't wait no more I want it now
You are what I'm looking for
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
You should know I'm crazy about you You're not here, but I'll wait for you
Think about the places we'll go They're endless, I think you know
'cuz I want it now I can't wait no more
I want it now You are what I'm looking for
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
We'll build our love Even if it's hard
We have waited long enough I want to be a part yes
I want to be a part of your heart
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
How to Make A Business Website Using WordPress & Elementor 2017 - Duration: 3:10:41.
ZoomBeatles - P.S. I Love You (Subtítulos) - Duration: 2:07.
Breast Reduction Orlando - Duration: 0:56.
Are your big breasts causing unwanted attraction?
Are your big boobs causing you back pain?
Josua Geenen - Please Say That You Care ft. Todor Gadjalov - Duration: 3:29.
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
Chatting online is different, you know I want to see you for my own
It's time to face reality Don't be shy, go on a date with me?
'cuz I want it now, I can't wait no more I want it now
You are what I'm looking for
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
You should know I'm crazy about you You're not here, but I'll wait for you
Think about the places we'll go They're endless, I think you know
'cuz I want it now I can't wait no more
I want it now You are what I'm looking for
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
We'll build our love Even if it's hard
We have waited long enough I want to be a part yes
I want to be a part of your heart
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
There's nothing wrong To be a little scared
Want you for my own Please say that you care
For me now, yeah For me now, oh
ховарин - Die For You - Duration: 1:18.
Do More with Family Tree Apps! By Jennifer Davis - Duration: 1:50.
FamilySearch doesn't have the corner on genealogy.
And that's why we rely on our partners to help us.
On the App Gallery you'll find over 120 apps--two-thirds
of them which are free of charge--that will help you do
your family history faster, more efficiently,
and in a way that might be more fun than you're usually used
You can access all of that on FamilySearch.org.
You find that by going to the home page of FamilySearch
and scroll all the way to the bottom,
and then click on App Gallery.
There's all kinds of apps for all different kinds
of cool things.
Especially, we have a lot for memories.
This is an art project that my son did in preschool.
It's my very favorite one, and I have kept it all these years.
It's a turkey for Thanksgiving.
It says, "Eat potatoes instead."
What I did to preserve this is, I pulled out my Keepy app
and I took a picture of it.
And now I can preserve it for generations to come.
His own kids will have a digital copy of this.
And I don't even have to keep this if I don't want to,
but I just might.
A lot of the apps that we have are FamilySearch-certified,
which means that somehow throughout there, they can
tie back into the Family Tree.
And so you can do what you're doing on the app and then
upload to the Family Tree.
Nikki Reviews The Incredible Jessica James | Watch & Go - Duration: 5:58.
- Hey Naturally Curly World, I'm Nikki,
and welcome to another episode of Watch and Go,
the series where we review things
while we do our wash and go.
For the next few Watch and Go's
for the month of August and September,
you'll be seeing brands that are featured
in our Texture on the Runway show.
It's a hair and fashion show that's held in New York
during New York Fashion Week.
I'll also be styling my hair using
the Mielle Organics products,
using the moisturizing avocado hair milk,
the white peony leave-in conditioner- you've seen this
a lot, and the Mielle styling gel, honey and ginger,
I really do like the styling gel.
On this episode, I'll be reviewing
the movie The Incredible Jessica James.
(upbeat music)
- I didn't realize my feelings weren't as valid as yours.
- Jessica, I really like you.
- Of course you do, everybody does, I'm freaking dope.
- [Woman] What is your name?
- My hair is already pretty clean,
so I'm just gonna be styling my hair with this wash and go.
I am going to wet my hair so that I can work through it.
So I'm gonna wet this to get my wash and go texture back.
I'll be back.
Okay, so the Incredible Jessica James
stars Jessica Williams from The Daily Show
and from 2 Dope Queens.
It also stars Chris O'Dowd from Bridesmaids
and Lakeith Stanfield from Get Out.
And it's a story that you've heard before
and you've seen before, 'cause it's,
you know, nothing unique there.
It's about a girl who went through a break-up recently
and she's trying to, like, get back on her feet
and she's a playwright, she's an artist,
and she's been going on dates.
She meets a guy, he also went through
a really tough break-up.
The guy is Chris O'Dowd.
They like each other, a love story forms.
That's pretty much the entire movie.
The rest of it is Jessica Williams adding to the character.
Unlike other rom-coms, Jessica's sort of goofy.
The first, like, couple minutes of the movie,
she's, like, dancing around, there's this whole dance scene
that I don't know what's going on,
it's just, she's dancing for a smooth three minutes
in the intro of the movie.
And I'm just like, "Okay, what is this about?
Whatever, I'm gonna give it a chance 'cause I like her."
And I think the movie's great,
I just think it's about nothing.
I really enjoyed it, I just can't put into words why,
I think it was 'cause Jessica Williams
and Lakeith Stanfield.
The storyline wasn't anything that I hadn't seen before,
I hadn't seen on Hallmark.
It's a little better than Hallmark
'cause the characters are hipper
but it's the same old rom-com, break-up, meets a guy,
likes the new guy better than the old guy,
moves on with your life kind of thing.
I didn't laugh a whole lot in this movie,
I wasn't, like, dying from laughter.
I don't know, she's a comedian, I expected a little more.
I had a lot of high hopes 'cause of the actors.
And the actors are great, I love Chris O'Dowd,
I thought he was so cute and adorable,
he has this adorable little puggy face,
that makes you, like, wanna just, like,
squeeze his cheeks or whatever
and, you know, he was kind of the same character
that he was in Bridesmaids, you know,
he had this sort of, like, dopey adorableness to him.
So, I guess if you're coming to this thinking
it's gonna be a refreshing rom-com,
I don't know how refreshing it was.
I mean, I watched it, I liked it,
I'd probably watch it again if somebody was like,
"Hey, do you want to watch this movie?"
- [Evelyn] Would you?
- I would watch it again if, like,
that friends hadn't seen the movie and I had seen the movie
but, you know, I had time and I wasn't watching
anything else and they really convinced me
that they wanted me to see it, I would be like,
"Cool, I'll watch it again for you
and try not to ruin it, but, like."
It's kind of one of those movies where,
you know how you watch Hallmark movies,
and it's like Hallmark Christmas Specials,
where it's like a love story and you already
know how it's gonna end like two seconds into it beginning,
that's kind of how this was.
Acting-wise, you have these names, these well-known names,
like, people know who Jessica Williams is,
people know who Lakeith Stanfield is, and Chris O'Dowd,
like, you know who these people are,
and so you kind of expected there to be, like, great acting,
and the acting was, like, all right.
Again, like, she threw me off balance.
I don't know, sometimes she just wasn't convincing.
Like she seemed like she was kind of
bored being who she was.
I was like, "You created this character."
Lakeith Stanfield didn't have facial expressions,
so when he would talk to her, he'd be like,
"Oh, hey, I missed you.
It's nice to see you. You look like you're doing so well."
I'm like, "Are you just reading from the page?
Did they mean to put this in?"
I'm gonna put some of this hair milk in.
Y'all, I'm just layering products. I don't even know.
Now I'm gonna put this gel in,
this is one of my favorite gels.
At first I wasn't sure about it,
but when it dries, girl, yes.
The show was good but it was about nothing
and it also felt too long to be what it was, like,
I felt like y'all could have gave me
this entire thing in, like, half the time.
It could have been a short, a short story
instead of, like, a feature film.
I'm gonna go dry my hair and I'll be back with my rating.
Okay, so I'm gonna give this movie a three out of five
because I loved the actors, even though
I don't really feel like they showed up the entire time,
and I thought the movie was, like, sort of chill.
It wasn't forced upon me, it didn't give me stress
like Game of Thrones, so it was like an easy Saturday,
you know, evening movie to watch with your friends
and not feel pressured.
- [Evelyn] Why are you lying? "It was a great movie"?
- Wasn't a great movie, it was an okay movie.
It was one of those movies where you're like,
"I'm scrolling through Netflix for so long,
I might as well watch this one."
Thanks so much for watching,
please let me know what you think of the movie
and if you tried any of these Mielle products,
let me know what you think of them.
Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe,
we make videos every Wednesday,
so I'll see you next Wednesday, bye!
Getting to know the CSUDH Library with the Business Librarian - Duration: 1:14.
[music begins]
Getting to know the CSUDH Library
with help from your librarian
Studies suggest that students who use library resources
have higher GPAs have better research skills can evaluate many different information sources save time and energy on their assignments
[mouse cursor selects Research, then Article Databases from the drop down menu]
Find material in all subjects Nearly 150 databases
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Wendy Vermeer Business Librarian
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I can help you...
find company & industry research
find business cases & company histories
discover statistics &data, especially demographics & market research
find government information, laws, and their impact on human resources and public administration
Contact Wendy wvermeer@csudh.edu (310)243-3134 Lib South 2037K
[music fades out]
Getting to know the CSUDH Library with the Natural & Physical Sciences Librarian - Duration: 1:16.
[music begins]
Getting to know the CSUDH Library
with help from your librarian
Studies suggest that students who use library resources
have higher GPAs have better research skills can evaluate many different information sources save time and energy on their assignments
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Mary-Michelle Moore Natural & Physical Sciences Librarian Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science & Geography, Mathematics & Physics
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I can help you...
navigate SciFinder, BioOne, and other science databases
find primary research articles
develop research questions
cite sources in CSE, ACS, APA, and more
Contact Mary-Michelle mmoore135@csudh.edu (310)243-3279 Lib South 2037I
[music fades out]
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