looks like we got ourselves a little icebox watermelon hey everyone its rob
the backyard gardenerr and I've got some fantastic news for you... you'll recall in my
last Kiwi update when I was training and trimming the vines I had made a
statement that I'd like to go ahead and propagate a few of those vines and I was
gonna chop the vines into segments in sections put it in some water put it in
my house and give it some time to go ahead and see how it goes long story
short it's been about seven weeks and I've kept true to that propagation
method I was showing you and I want to share the results with you we're gonna
start first and foremost by showing you the video from a four from the last Kiwi
update just to kind of refill your eyes you with what I did and then we'll go
ahead and jump forward to today and I'll show you where the Kiwi vines are at
well as much as it pains me to cut off of anything we're gonna do it I think
what I'll do though is I'll try to propagate this guy I'll cut it in a
couple sections and see if I can get it propagated. so there you have it guys I'm
really not sure if this will do much but I'm willing to give it a go
I'm gonna take these indoors in my indoor grow room so they're not in any direct
sunlight. we'll give it a month or so until they die or they produce roots and
if they do produce roots then we know the propagation method works. I'll keep
you updated on the next kiwi update on these to see if they get roots may not may
just be a waste of my time but I just didn't want to discard them for nothing
if there's a chance they could reduce additional Kiwi vines alright so now
that you had a look back I want to show you where the Kiwi vines are at today I
noticed there's been a lot of progress in the last week after four to five or
six weeks of really not a lot of progress still super exciting let's go
take a look right now so July 4th was when those
cuttings were taken in place into this jar I know it looks green guys it has
had some algae but I I've been changing it out every single week
but I've been feeding it just a little bit of nutrients. it's been in here
almost two full months now but let me show you what's going on if you look in
here at the at the base you'll see that it's really putting out a lot of root
nodes and so so it's sort of doing this about a month after I cut it off the
plant and I decided then that I would inspect every single one of the stems I
know it's hard to tell but you can see just at the base of this one there's
just starting to get some roots so on these thinner ones it's taken a lot
longer for anything to happen we get another example in here but on these a
little bit thicker branches you can see that it really wants to start rooting
and give you the best example in here I went ahead and pulled this one out the
other day and sure enough we got roots so what happens is it's taken about a
month for it to get these little bumps and then it took another month to get
some of these roots that you see here now not all of them have the roots some
are still just getting the bumps in there and but what I'm pointing out here
is that it looks like it's working guys I mean at the end of the day if it gets
roots it's gonna be able to support the structure and once it got the bumps and
it got the roots it put on some new foliage as you can see here again
they're sitting in water it was full algae or it's constantly got algae and I
constantly have to change the water so I don't know how much nutrients they're
really getting being in this this pitcher here
but this one back here had the best roots that it had and it had put on
enough foliage that I decided to go ahead and repot it or replant it to
transplant if you will so I cut off all the dying leaves that like these it
didn't look that healthy or the spotted leaves like these that are kind of
crunching up and I kept solely the leaves that looked the healthiest
obviously the new growth and the reason for this is I only removed it because I
think there's enough surface area on these leads to support getting enough
nutrients to feed the growth of the root system and I've buried this guy all the
way at the bottom I've used a very good moisture retaining mixture of peat moss
perlite and compost so it's should be pretty good to go he's been repotted for
a couple of days there shows no sign of any problems so far he actually looks
great I've got another one I'm gonna pot up the one that I showed you but let me
go and get this guy potted up and we'll show you what they both look like okay
so now we've got both of these in their new pot I was gonna cut this leaf off
because it's not that healthy but I just I'm not confident that these leaves are
good enough green enough healthy enough including the new buds to support what
it needs to do here now this leaf was shielding these and I kind of twisted
them around so that those now can be exposed to more light so maybe these
will green up plus he was in the water not in the soil so maybe he'll green up
now and these leaves once these leaves get a little bigger this one opens up
and we get another shot or shoot out from here then I'll chop that one off
like I've done this one I wanted to show you look at the coloring of these leaves
they're green but they're velvety and they turn red and white at different
angles this is the same as the ones outside I absolutely love these Kiwi
vines no great for just being ornamental if you wanted to they're aggressive
but anyway I do love the way they look and outside at different angles the
light catcher catches them so differently in their white red it's so
great anyway bottom line is it's almost been two months till they
developed roots I've got to to have roots I've got a whole bunch more here
that have again you can see the bumpy root nodes that are populating all over
the stem here they're not looking good as far as the tips on most of these ones
I'm not sure they're gonna make it but I will show you looks like this one might
because we've got a little node popping up here leaf no popping up so again I
only did a couple of vines that I chopped into sections what I'm thinking
is if this method ends up working I can go out there and I trim the next set of
vines I'm gonna bill to propagate a whole
bunch of more Kiwi vines and have a ton of Kiwi vines to grow or give away so
anyway bottom line is they're looking pretty good I'm pretty happy overall I
just wanted to show you guys that even a rudimentary way of sticking some
cuttings into a pitcher of water and changing the water out weekly in a
matter of seven weeks produced potentially two or more vines that might
take root and grow into be big Kiwi trees one day what there you have it
everyone the early results are pretty amazing in my opinion I didn't think you
could propagate Kiwis from just cuttings and it looks like they can again they
need to take root in the soil and produce more foliage and more branches
before we go ahead and give it the old thumbs up in the A+ effort here but I'm
pretty optimistic it looks pretty good I will plan on probably updating you on
another video and 2 or 3 weeks from now and we'll see how they're doing
if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for
For more infomation >> Propagating Kiwi Fruit Vines - It Works? - Duration: 8:23.-------------------------------------------
2017 08 20 - How Hidden Are You ? - Duration: 2:20:00.
Four Reasons to Use a Trust - Duration: 5:17.
Four Reasons to Use a Trust See important information at the end of this program. Recorded on 6/10/2014
Hi I'm Andy Friedman, principal of the Washington
Update and I want to talk to you a bit about preserving, protecting and controlling your
assets for members of your family.
If you and your spouse's assets are approaching $10 million, it's important to have a comprehensive
estate plan to minimize your federal estate taxes.
But even if your assets are below $10 million, it may be useful to have a trust to make sure
those assets remain and ultimately are distributed to your family in the manner that you wish.
There are 4 reasons why you may want to use a trust in these circumstances.
Providing for Family First is to make sure family members are taken
care of in accordance with your wishes.
For instance, you may have children who are too young to inherit your assets or too inexperienced
to manage the assets.
In that case, you might want the assets held in trust with professional management and
then distributed later on in accordance with your wishes, perhaps when a child reaches
a certain age or when he or she accomplishes a certain goal such as graduating college
or law school.
Second, if you were to pass away and leave your assets solely to your spouse, he or she
might remarry and then distribute the assets to other people, people you would not normally want
included in your estate plan.
By using a trust, you can make sure that your spouse receives income and assets as necessary
to maintain their lifestyle, and yet keep the residual assets solely for your children.
The same question can arise where you have a second spouse.
You want to make sure that on your death, your second spouse receives income and assets
to maintain his or her lifestyle, but you also want to make sure that upon the second
spouse's death, the assets go to your children, not to his children or her children.
A second reason to consider using a trust
is incapacity your incapacity.
By putting assets in a trust and proscribing the tests for incapacity, you alleviate the
need for your family to go to court.
Then, when you become incapacitated, your assets can be managed by a professional manager
and be distributed later on according to your wishes to family members.
Third, creditor protection
If you are in a profession where you might be subject to lawsuit down the road, perhaps
a doctor or maybe a lawyer, by putting assets in trust, in a proper structure at the proper
time, you can make sure that creditors are unable to reach those assets.
A trust can also protect the assets in the event of a divorce.
You want to make sure, for instance, that should one of your children divorce, the assets
continue to help your child but not his or her former spouse.
The final reason to put assets in a trust
involve charity.
You may want the bulk of your assets to go to a charity or various charities you designate
upon your death but you want to also make sure that spouses and family members are taken
care of.
A charitable trust allows you to provide income to designated family members but still provide
assets to meet your charitable wishes.
These are just some of the reasons why you might want to use a trust to preserve, protect
and control your assets for your family and future generations.
Kevin Hindman I'm Kevin Hindman, a Managing Director and
the National Trust Executive at Merrill Lynch.
I want to thank Andy for that discussion of the reasons you may find a trust useful.
Trusts can be a flexible tool in providing for the people and causes you care about.
I hope you find Andy's discussion useful as you think about your own needs and goals.
We want you to know that through our affiliate U.S. Trust, your Financial Advisor can introduce
you to a broad range of trust services to help you address the issues that are most
important to you.
U.S. Trust is one of the largest managers of personal trust assets in the United States.
I urge you to talk to your Financial Advisor about your goals, what you want your wealth
to achieve and the ways in which a trust may help you provide for the people and causes
you care about.
Your Financial Advisor, along with Trust Specialists at Merrill Lynch, can help you explore and
address your unique goals.
Important Information Andrew H. Friedman is the Principal of The
Washington Update LLC and a former senior partner in a Washington, D.C. law firm.
He speaks regularly on legislative and regulatory developments and trends affecting investment,
insurance, and retirement products.
He may be reached at www.TheWashingtonUpdate.com.
Opinions expressed herein are those of the featured participant and neither Andrew H.
Friedman, nor any law firm with which Andrew H. Friedman may be associated, is providing
legal or tax advice as to the matters discussed herein.
The discussion herein is general in nature and is provided for informational purposes
There is no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness.
It is not intended as legal or tax advice.
Individuals should consult their own legal and tax counsel as to matters discussed herein
and before entering into any estate planning, trust, investment, retirement, or insurance
Copyright Andrew H. Friedman 2015.
Reprinted by permission.
All rights reserved.
All guarantees and benefits of insurance policies are backed by the claims-paying ability of
the issuing insurance company.
Policy guarantees and benefits are not backed by Merrill Lynch or its affiliates, and none
of them make any representations or guarantees regarding the claims-paying ability of the
issuing insurance company.
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch,
Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S), a registered broker-dealer and Member SIPC,
and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (BofA Corp.).
Trust and fiduciary services are provided by U.S. Trust, a division of Bank of America,
Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC and wholly owned subsidiary of of BofA Corp.
Investment and insurance products: Are Not FDIC Insured
Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value
Are Not Deposits Are Not Insured by Any Federal Government
Agency Are Not a Condition to Any Banking Service
or Activity Insurance products are offered through Merrill
Lynch Life Agency Inc., (MLAA) a licensed insurance agency.
Bank of America, N.A., MLAA, and MLPF&S are wholly owned subsidiaries of BofA Corp.
ARL5YBJY | 102553PM-0315.
Extended in 2017 at AR3S65GX
5 Future Concept Cars YOU MUST SEE 2018 - Duration: 10:08.
Mercedes - Maybach S600
Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know - Duration: 3:49.
Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know
Alaskan Bush People has been a hit on The Discovery Channel for years. Viewers are simply taken with a family that lives essentially off the grid, relying on one another for food, shelter and other basic life items.
Amidst new outcries over the show being fake, however, heres a rundown of a few facts, tidbits and stories about the Browns that this family may not want you to know.
The Show is Based on a Book Billy Brown published One Wave at a Time in 2007, after which his family spoke to many producers, negotating for the book to be made into a show.
According to Capital City Weekly, the Browns returned to Alaska with a production crew to recreate the journey described in the book..
From One Season to. Who Knows? Meant to be a one-season-only documentary, Alaskan Bush People was repackaged into an ongoing series.
Which doesnt mean the whole thing was fake. but it does mean the family plotted all along for their adventures to be documented on television.
They May Have Lied About Their Cabin During the first season, Billy said the government burned down his family's cabin because it was in the wrong location on public land. But theres no evidence this happened and Brown changed his tune on season two, simply saying the cabin burned down when he wasnt home.
About That Isolation? Neighbors actually complained to the Alaska Dispatch-News about the production of the Browns during season one, that's how close by they were, while the family's supposedly remote compound was down the street from a pizza restaurant.
Was It Ever Really BROWNtown? According to a former employee of the U.S. Forest Service, the Browns didnt actually own Browntown. They were leasing it via a special-use permit.
"They have a 7 year lease on the PRIVATE land; which is, in fact, owned by relatives of the mayor of Hoonah," writes an Internet user named Tim as a comment on a Channel Guide Mag article.
Remember Chichagof Island? At one point, the Browns relocated to Chichagof Island, which The Discovery Channel described as deeper into the wilderness. However, Chichagof Island is actually a popular destination spot that can be found on the marketing site Travel Alaska and it boasts the worlds largest and highest zip line, as well as a museum, local arts and crafts shops, restaurants and a mid-1930s cannery line display..
Serene House NoSpill Wall Plug Wax Warmer - Duration: 6:50.
Farming Simulator 17 MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as pack - Duration: 15:03.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as pack.
MAN TGS AR 3 Engine Setup 4 Chassis Setup 5 Wheel Setup For Each Chassis Colorable Body And Rims 6 Design Setup
Register Truck LEFT CTRL And Y KEY
MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as Pack Implements
ZunHammer 22.5 Ar Slurry Spreader 22.500l Capacity 14.8m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed You can select with Hydraulics For ZunHammer ZuniDisk Or Not
ZunHammer ZuniDisk 6.2m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed ZunHammer Vibro 6m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Both Have 2 Design Setup
Garant Kotte Garant TSA 22.5 AR 22.500l Capacity Colorable Body
Fliegl ASW AR 35.000l Capacity 2 Back Door Setup Design Color Setup You can select for Manure Spreader Or Tipper Cover
BRENDAL K165 AR Solid Fertilizer Spreader 22.500l Capacity 36m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Colorable Body
And last LIZARD Service Container Colorable Body This is for noobs or lazy Farmers
In this pack you will also find the Fliegl Trailer Ar 2 Wheel Setup Colorable Rims
In this video I will only use the Garant Kotte Garant TSA 22.5 AR to transport some slurry and ZunHammer 22.5 Ar Slurry Spreader with ZunHammer ZuniDisk to Cultivate and fertilize a field
With Garant TSA 22.5 AR You cannot overload other Implement only fill them from it
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Exactly 4 years ago, on a sunny August morning, two
months after graduation, I went to work for the first time. My career story began at a
small footwear factory in Binh Duong, I was interviewed for a Tooling engineer
assistant position that didn't feel I had enough experience for but I had no
choice then. It was a challenging time that I'll never forget it.
Fortunately, I was hired for the job, not because of my study or my experience, but
because of my foreign language ability, incredible! I was really happy then,
thinking 'oh I got a job, but there was a doubt that it wasn't related to my study, so
just thought it was a temporary employment but it remains until now,
unbelievable. 4 years is both a long time and a very short time for me, through the ups
and downs. I have worked for three companies with three sport shoe brands,
and with many supervisors, my coworkers and friends. I am grateful to the
Footwear Industry for an opportunity for my career development and I want to
give my special thanks to you, my colleagues and friends. Together, you give me a chance
to be here today and celebrate my first four year anniversary. Thank you again
for the remarkable career of warmth, friendship, and support. Although the career
path ahead is still long and full of challenging, I will try my best to conquer it, I'll
never give up and never back down from what I believe in. The last thing I
would like to advise young students, don't make a fuss about your dream job, because
lives are always changing, so you may not have a chance to do the dream job but
you have to respect the job that nourishes you. Thanks for watching,
everyone, and now goodbye.
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