As Content Creators we often have a lot of decisions to make! What type of
content we should create should we go with video or audio or perhaps the
written word then we have to think about platform what's the perfect platform
should we use Facebook or Instagram or a podcast or YouTube if you find
yourself confused and having some of these same challenges I want to recommend a book
that I've read well this book was written by my friend and very successful
entrepreneur Dan Norris it's called create or hate successful
people make things it talks about imposter syndrome and also those outside
forces that are gnawing at us in the back of our mind telling us that we're
not good enough and that our content doesn't really matter or make a
difference I found the book extremely helpful also has a lot of fantastic
reviews over on Amazon but it definitely will help you sort out some of the
things that are going on in your head as well as external factors that might be
preventing you from creating Dan gave me permission to read a little excerpt from
the book so here we go we know that we're all creative that in each one of
us there's a creator someone who wants to use their head and their hands to
make the story better it's been that way since the dawn of civilization it's been
that way for you since you were a kid gleefully discovering the world and
learning by trial and error that you can impact it
a magical way but there's also a force called HATE which will work against your
creativity hate stops you from making things hate wasn't there at the start
it's been given power over the years and is now equipped with an arsenal of
weapons designed to stop your creative self from making things hate doesn't get
joy from stopping your creative efforts it just does its job yet hate can be
controlled managed and overpowered if you know how so that was just a little
taste of create or hate and to get your copy go to
For more infomation >> Book Review - Create or Hate by Dan Norris - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Being Selfish When You Live with Bipolar Disorder - Duration: 1:38.
Hey guys. it's Hannah.
Being selfish when you live with bipolar disorder
actually is not easy.
I mean I live with bipolar 2 disorder.
I have extreme empathy
and it's really, really difficult for me
to say "no" to my friends, to my family,
to really anybody.
I don't know what it is
when you live with bipolar disorder.
Maybe some of you can help me out there
by commenting.
It's like I'm trying to compensate
for this internal struggle that I feel sometimes.
I put my mental health in my needs to the side;
always trying to do for others.
I can never say "no".
And I overdo it with people.
I say "yes" to things
that I really don't have time to be saying "yes" to.
And really things I can't accomplish.
And the other day, it was brought to my attention
that sometimes in your life
you have to be selfish.
You have to put yourself before everybody else.
And that's really difficult for me.
It's something that when you have extreme empathy
and you're really concerned
about being there for everybody else.
You feel really terrible and guilty
doing things for yourself;
like taking care of yourself.
And I don't know if this is something
everybody else struggles with
that lives with bipolar disorder
or any mental health conditions.
So I look forward to seeing your thoughts
and hearing what you have to say.
I'll see you guys next week. Bye.
The Domestics – How Tea Is Made | Samsung Home Appliances - Duration: 4:09.
How You Can Make #EquityStrong - Duration: 3:08.
Hi, I'm Kate Shindle, President of Actors' Equity. I'm speaking to you from
Seattle's beautiful Fifth Avenue Theatre. A few months ago in another video I
introduced you to Equity 2020. In this video I would like to discuss an
important next step in our campaign to build a better union and deliver more
opportunities for our members. On July 17th, our National Council voted to
recommend a modest dues increase. Equity has not asked you to increase what you
pay in dues since 2002 – five years before the first iPhone was introduced. Quite
frankly we are struggling to run a 2017 organization with a financial foundation
built well over a decade and a half ago. We cannot run the kind of member-focused
organization we envision for 2020 on 2002 dollars. Like the council, I support
this dues increase and I hope you will as well. In the first year basic dues
will increase by just $50 – that's a little more than four dollars a month.
For most working members, working dues would increase less than $19 in the
first year – less than $1.60 a month. This is less than what most of us
pay for a cup of coffee. The details on the proposed dues increase can be found
online and also will be sent directly to you. With this new revenue we will be
able to have more resources to better serve members and more tools to help
organize members outside our office cities. We will be able to build a
stronger and more modern organizing department with research capacity to
organize more theaters under the Equity banner. And we will be able to afford new
communications tools such as text alerts and virtual town halls. New funds will
allow us to create more video communications, helping to educate
members about Equity contracts and how Equity works. And we'll make these videos
available for members all around the country. We've already made great
progress in our drive to create a more activist, aggressive, inclusive and
responsive union. We've become more aggressive by taking a strong public
stance on the need to maintain federal funding for the National Endowment of
the Arts. We've also become more aggressive at the bargaining table. Work
weeks and wages are up. We signed a historic five-year Off-Broadway contract
last year. And, I'm very pleased that recently our members
ratified the LORT agreement with 72 theaters across the country that
contains wage increases ranging from 16 to more than 80 percent and more
contracts in every category along with other improvements. I would like to think
we've become more responsive and inclusive as well. Not only are we using
videos such as this one to communicate to members we've also revamped our
website and boosted our social media presence. We want to keep this positive
momentum going. We have so much more to do, but we need your help and we need it now.
Watch your inbox for a ballot in the coming weeks, where you will get a chance
to vote on this important next step. I'm voting YES to make #EquityStrong I hope
you'll take that step with me. Join me at to learn more.
Sridevi's Daughter Khushi Kapoor's SHOCKING Transformation Will Blow Your Mind !! - Duration: 6:04.
Sridevi's Daughter Khushi Kapoor's SHOCKING Transformation Will Blow Your Mind
HSN | Jewelry Clearance up to 60% Off 08.31.2017 - 07 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.
Propane Torch Build (Grant Thompson Version) - Duration: 7:27.
Alright Guys Today I'm going to show you how to make This propane torch
For Your metal Melting furnace i got the plans for This from grant Thompson the King of Random
I'll leave a Link down in the description if you Haven't Seen his Channel before. To construct the propane nozzle you'll need an 8-Foot
propane hose with three-Eighths inch flare fittings a
3/8 By quarter-inch 45 degree flare fitting a
Quarter-inch Ball valve a
Quarter inch Pipe Nipple
a quarter-inch steel coupling a
Quarter-inch Brass Plug and a 0.6 millimeter welding Tip
You Will also Need Teflon tape a list of Everything Needed to complete This project Will be included in the description Below
First You want to apply Teflon tape to all the appropriate fittings
Once done It Should Look something Similar to this for the Next part you will need a six millimeter tap
0.6 millimeter Contact Tip and The brass Plug
Using 1/8 inch drill Bit drill a hole Directly in the center of the brass Plug
you then can Add Threads with The six millimeter tap
After Adding Teflon tape The contact Tip Should Fit Securely in the plug
Now using a metal file or belt Sander
file down all four Sides of the Steel coupling as Flat As possible it's important to get These flat
Because These Will be the contact Points for Holding The Tube and Nozzle Together
Once Flattened The still coupling and brass plug can Be Combined
to complete the Jet Tube you will need four socket cap Screws a
One and a Half inch Still reducer coupling a
Six inch Steel Pipe and
The quarter-inch Steel coupling from before
first You want to file down all four Sides of the still coupling once again You want to be as precise as you can
Using An eighth inch drill Bit
Now drill four Holes in the reducer two opposite each Other Just, above where the reducer starts to slope down
Then Drill Two Holes opposite each Other Just Below The top i
Use the pipe and a Level to make sure i was Feeling perpendicular to the surface
Then That Threats Each Hole Using an M5 0.8 tap
Now screw in the four socket cap Screws
The Screws Should Meet somewhere close to the Center Now
combine The reducer and the quarter-inch steel coupling by using the screws to suspend the
Quarter-inch Coupling in the Center of The Reducer tighten each One
One At a time Until the coupling is centered
you can Tighten each One With a Wrench but Be Careful not to strip out the threads
Next to create the air regulator Get a tuna can lid and Cut Out a Design Similar to this
This is What It Looks Like When you're Finished
Now it's time to assemble the propane torch
Connect The Pipe With The reducer
Then Connect The ball valve and 45-degree fitting
Then Screw The Pipe Nipple into the ball valve
Place two half-inch Washers Over the pipe nipple and then Connect the Jet Tube
Using a Wrench Tighten All the Fittings
The air regulator Will fit Snugly Between the two washers
to attach Your blowtorch, to propane you will need a pol valve a
and pressure gauge
an Adapter for Your Hose - your Regulator
After Applying Teflon tape Attach Your hose to your regulator
Then Attach Your blowtorch to your hose
Attach The regulator to the propane tank and then tighten It with a Wrench
Open Up the propane tank and then open Up the regulator to 30 psi
before using the blowtorch You want to check for leaks
You're Now ready to use your blow Torch
To use the torch Slightly open the valve and light the flame
continue to open The valve until fully open and then Adjust the regulator
The more the regulator's open the bluer the flame and the more Oxidizing
Just Shut off the valve when you want the flame to go out
The Torch Can Easily Be Added to your metal furnace i use this wood block to support it
Thanks for Watching Please see the subscribe button Below if you liked the video Hit the like button and if you have any tips or
Suggestions leave a Comment
Labor Day Sales! Smart Shopper did the work for you! - Duration: 1:43.
What to do in a bad day | Qué hacer en un día de bajón - Duration: 5:32.
No, I don't see the difference
Now, much better
Now at least I seem human ... not a lion
Well ... to the subject
In today's video I bring 8 "tips"
elevate the mood in those days of "slump"
those sad days
we don't know why, but we all have them
the first one (tip)
you are lazy, you don't want to do anything
then what you have to do
It is go to the shower, yes
but not with hot water, no no no
the hot water does not help
because it relaxes you. So you have to showering with cold water
it wakes you up
it gives you... "deep breathing"
* Freshness / desire to live *
The second
Take off your pyjamas (pajamas)
pajamas .... depresses you
totally. This works
you have to dress
with street clothes
as if you were to go out ... although then you don't go
the step 3
and the previous eh ..... join
You do not wear pyjamas
eh don't walk around buck naked
therefore you dress. 2 in 1
Go for a walk
Get outside, go buy something
"I do not need anything Laura"
Doesn't matter. You buy a bottle of water
you go out, you feel the air,
see the light, you see the sun ... the birds
for me it is difficult to do this
because ... when you're feeling low
you don't fancy going out
but as you've got ready ...
and you've dressed
and you have makeup
girls, put your makeup on...
It is important, ah?
I am very hard to translate ... really
I mean ... I try to speak ... easy
to then translate everything
but I am very hard
I'm sorry, I can't
I mean...
I will do what I can
but ... is that ...
it is not the same
It's really complicated
Fourth step
Talk to someone ...
you trust
a friend, your brother, your father, your cousin
I dont know. Whoever you want
Put on your favorite music ...
enough high
that it doesn't let you think too much
because you're going to think "negative"
I mean... you're going to think sad things
because you are in a vicious circle of ...
negative thoughts
step six
Do something productive
I mean... so you don't feel like
you've wasted your time
For example, you can watch a movie or
read a book
but mostly play it safe
make sure it will be a
movie you like or a book you like
Do not take risks
and seventh
that I have repeated it but it's the most important thing
You do not think too much
think of something else
Distract yourself
listening to music, playing a video game it's also interesting
My sister is saying "asshole"
I think she's playing something so ... well
She'll be playing LOL
League of Legends
She has shut up
At least it happens to me
If I start thinking
everything is negative and I get even sadder and ...
Do not think ...
it is bad
Do not think at that time
on that day.... so
here are my 7 tips ....really
That's all for this video
I hope that
the advices serve you.
put them into practice, please also the shower
because is good.
So I see you in the next video.
What the fuck is that end?
because I don't have an end
hala! "there you stay".
Give a thumbs up if you liked it
don't forget to follow me on Twitter!
BlogBites | How to Increase Organic Search Traffic to Your Website - Duration: 4:14.
Hey Everybody! And welcome to BlogBites!
The show where we break down complex
marketing concepts into bite sized pieces.
Today we're going to go over three ways to increase
organic search traffic to your website.
Step one: Write relevant content
A few years ago, Google may have preferred keyword focused
content, but recent data from Backlinko
and the Search Engine Journal suggests that the algorithm
now favors relevant content.
Relevance is determined by how helpful Google finds your article.
AKA if people are clicking on it and linking to it.
Successful articles usually provide a deep dive into one topic,
and are written in language that is both simple and concise.
This means you should focus on a few topics that are most relevant to your audience,
write longform content, and include images and graphics
that will help guide the reader through your article.
According to Google, nearly 60% of search queries in the United States
come from mobile devices.
So, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise
that the search engine heavily favors mobile sites rather than desktop sites.
Now, there are two different kinds of mobile sites:
mobile dedicated and responsive.
Mobile dedicated sites are built separate from your desktop site
and are designed specifically for your smartphone
Responsive websites on the other hand
adjust the layout of the page depending on the device you're viewing it on.
Mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.
If your site is neither mobile friendly, nor responsive,
you're going to have a really hard time
increasing your organic search traffic and page rank.
So, now might be the time to start thinking about a redesign.
If you do have a mobile friendly website
we would recommend using a few different tools
that will help you identify ways to improve the mobile user experience
on your website.
Resources like Page Speed Insights, Gmetrix, and Pingdom
will give you actionable steps to improve the load time of your website,
while resources, like the Google Search Console
can help you identify and mobile usability issues.
If you follow these steps, you should be able to
improve the mobile user experience on your website
and improve organic search traffic.
Though the relevance of your article is still important
there are some traditional SEO strategies that are here to stay.
For example, you're still going to want to do competitor research
and identify keywords that are common in your industry.
We'll do a deeper dive into SEO strategies later in this episode.
Keywords, for those of you who are new to SEO,
are those terms that are being typed into Google Search.
A keyword might be hamburger,
while a long-tail keyword might be, "best hamburger in nyc."
These terms are usually more relevant to your audience
and easier to rank for.
You'll want to mention these terms a few times in your content
and in your H1 tags as well.
We recommend using a few variations of the keyword
since the exact phrase won't always flow well in sentences.
Remember, you're writing for an audience
not a search engine.
At the end of this video, we'll provide you with an SEO Checklist
that you can fill out to make sure you hit all the fundamentals.
On that note, let's wrap up!
Here's a quick refresher on all the things you need to do
increase organic search traffic quickly.
Step one: Write relvant content
Select a few terms that you can branch off of
- go longform
- and don't forget images and graphics.
Step Two: Be Mobile Friendly
Make sure you have a mobile or responsive site
- follow recommendations from PageSpeed Insights,
Gmetrix, Pingdom, and the Google Search Console.
Step Three: Get technical
Pick keywords that are relevant, get plenty of traffic, and
are easy to rank for.
And lastly, follow our checklist.
If you follow the checklist,
you should be able to optimize your website,
and increase organic search traffic to your website.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we'll get right back to you.
See you guys next time, on the next episode of BlogBites.
Hotel Ankara in San Luis Potosí, Mexico (North America). The best of Hotel Ankara - Duration: 5:12.
How to Make A LOUD Water Drop Sound! *With Your Mouth* (Water Drop Sound Effect) Water Drop Tutorial - Duration: 2:42.
Hey guys, it's courtney and today. I'm going to be showing you how to do a water drop sound with your mouth like this and
I already did a video like this, but the thing was it wasn't that great in quality
And I think I can do a much better now. Take a look at this and I'll show you what I mean, just watch this
Hey guys, this is courtney today. I'm going to show you how to do the water drop
I'm going to show you how to do this in three easy steps all the videos
Nevermind that video. Let's just get started today
I'm going to be showing you how to do a water drop sound with your mouth and three easy steps
Step one you want to form your lips like you're going to whistle but don't actually
Whistle or breathe during this step so just do this
first step two you want to take step one and apply it to this so basically act like you're going to whistle like this and
flick under your chin and
It'll have a sort of hollow sound do it first step three what you want to do is blow air out with your tongue
so like this
So as a recap for step one you want to form your lips like you're going to whistle
For step two you want to flick under your chin and for step three you want to push air out with your tongue
when you put it all together it should sound like this and
by the way
I'm not gonna put up with it. I'm drawing the line in the sand no, okay
Don't get discouraged if you can't do it the first try because it took me like two weeks to do it
And I still have trouble with it sometimes
Please like comment and subscribe because now my subscribers are going have opportunities to win stuff
I'll put the link to my Facebook in the description so go check that out if you want to win stuff
I hope this video was helpful, and I hope you learn how to do the water droplet sound
So other than that
See ya next time!
Things you should know your first week - Duration: 1:56.
We also have a clinic on campus located in
room G-23 of the SSR Building
Call at 705-673-6546
to book an appointment and make sure to bring your
health card with you
A couple doors down from the clinic is a dental hygiene clinic
You should also know about TechHub
located in the Arts Building
You can borrow equipment such as cameras
projectors and other electronics
The staff at TechHub can also help you with your damaged electronics
The gym is place you should definitely check out
It offers a 50-metre Olympic-sized swimming pool
a 200-metre track, we are free to use the gym
Two squash courts
Two climbing towers and a bouldering cave
A fully equipped weight
and cardio room
Locker rooms, showers and saunas
And finally, it's the home of the Voyageurs!
The campus beach is only a 5 to 10 minute walk away from the gym
so don't forget to bring your bathing suits
On campus we have three ATMs
One in the entrance of the Arts Building
The other one on the main floor of the University College Building
And the last one is at the Fraser Building
The Pub Downunder is a cozy bar located in the basement
of the Great Hall, where you can kick back and relax during the day
They also organize night-time events such as
Country Pub and others
Feel free to contact SafeWalk at
705-562-5456 if you need someone to walk you to your car
or to your home
7 Balance Exercises You Need to Know Feldenkrais style - Duration: 6:38.
so you want to improve your balance where we want to improve balances at
this moment and gate whenever one leg is starting to swing forward and the other
leg has to be a standing leg that's what we're mostly after now if you're going
to walk tight ropes or you're going to be doing parkour or other high
performance sports definitely you need to be doing some very interesting
balance challenges but for the majority of people it starts with some things
that are very simple so balance improvement number one go barefoot
listen if you don't ever go barefoot if you always have on really high tight
shoes your ankles do not get all that they do not get all the wiggle and
jiggle and balanced recovery that you need coming from the ground up all those
26 bones in each of those feet they need to be stimulated the muscles need to be
stimulated go barefoot frequently can't go barefoot or maybe you don't want to
go without socks we're toast ox I know they seem goofy but the good news is you
don't have to go out and really five toed shoes if you don't want to you
probably are familiar with by now but wearing toes box makes a big
difference for lots of people and going along with that wearing a wide toe box
shoes that you chose really have room to spread out so those are some simple
things that you can begin to do okay well next what could you do well you
could practice walking a line so you have an imaginary line and you start to
walk that line as if you can put one foot in front of the other it really
doesn't matter whether or not you are able to actually cross over but as you
practice that going forward and backwards you will in fact get better
that's tip number three tip number four practice walking an imaginary line that
is a two-by-four okay so you actually say to myself I have a two-by-four on
the ground there's a two-by-four there really call it forward in your
imagination when you think that you have a
two-by-four there you will really feel differently if you've got a two-by-four
by all means think about pulling it out if you don't use your imagination
when you become safe enough to walk an imaginary two-by-four then you can walk
an imaginary two-by-four tip number five with your eyes closed
hmm yeah now we're getting into something interesting aren't we so
walking in a marinara line and we're walking an imaginary 2x4 with your eyes
closed forward and back okay so those little moments like that a
balance challenge they're golden don't be embarrassed by them you don't want to
fall but you do need to challenge your balance okay let's see we have to number
six I think we're up to number six actually a little nice practice is to
learn to wait shift off of onto one foot you pick up the other foot you land on
the foot so that your knee is bent and then you press up through it okay
so it goes like this now why is this important it's important because if I
get pushed instead of trying to grab for myself that way if I get pushed and want
to be really good setting my foot down so this is straight out of Ruthie Ilan's
movement intelligence work bones for life got to give her credit she's got
some great stuff so practice just getting that weight up ways getting that
weight up the foot stomping okay but I like actually you know I'm starting to
play now with getting straighter at my stomp but I actually like playing with
following pretending I'm really falling over really falling over and then really
want to be sure I don't come down on a straight leg to land on a bent leg and
push up from there
I wanted to make it even a little more challenging I could actually get myself
next to a while and actually start to let myself fall
all the way into the wall whoa okay let myself fall over into the wall
get that foot back down okay I think you'll like it so that's tip number with
f6 tip number seven I'm going to actually say get up and down from the
floor how many different ways can you find to get up and down from the floor
so many of us are just married to going down on one knee coming up on the other
knee but you really want to have more than one way to come up and down to the
floor one that is kind of nice from again Ruthie Allen's work is a spiral
just hitch and a spiral to span and this is get you ready in the event that you
would fall to get used to folding and rolling spiraling up and down kind of a
nice little collapse instead of bracing and I don't know we might have one more
that we could do and that would involve someone actually pushing me and seeing
if I could learn to recover my equilibrium that way so we'll wait for
that one for another time because I'll have to find someone who's willing to
push me and of course it'll be very difficult to find someone who will
push me around but I'll try so I have many more ways that I can help you with
balance if you need help with balance please find out for a free consultation
with me I'll help you get organized into Skype sessions with me private sessions
or classes or some kind of combination thereof so don't continue to feel like
you could fall at any moment and really hurt yourself
let's see if we can turn that situation around I believe we can very quickly
Melting Aluminum Into Ingots - Duration: 5:47.
in this video I'm gonna show how I melted down these larger aluminum ingots
into these smaller muffin sized ones I had to do this because as you can see they
don't quite fit in my crucible and the smaller ones are just much easier to
handle and they melt faster as well to do this obviously you need some aluminum
you need a muffin tray after doing some research on the internet I found that
cast iron is the best probably I tried the cheap Walmart ones first and as you
can see that did not work and you also need a crucible a metal furnace and I
use tongs to get the crucible out so you need something to do that I use tongs
because that's the only thing I have so let's get started the first step is to
put your aluminum in your furnace and turn it on I have a propane torch and a
trash can lined with kao wool both of which I have builds for and I'll leave a link
to those videos in the description
now if you haven't noticed I'm new to YouTube and metalworking so if you have
any tips or suggestions please leave a comment below also if you liked the
video please hit the like button and if you're new to the channel hit the
subscribe button I'll be posting a video every week after five minutes you can
see that molten aluminum is forming on the surface of the bar now when melting
aluminum you don't want to check too often because every time you open the
lid heat escapes
after a little over 10 minutes the aluminum is completely melted
here you want to scoop any dross off the top there wasn't much in mine so I just
let it be you can also add flux to decrease dross and increase fluidity
now it's time to pour the metal I use tongs to move the crucible but plan on
making something better in the near future
after 15 minutes I removed the ingots by tapping on the back of the tray over
some water for some reason I've struggled with this part more than any I
think if I let the aluminum ingots cool down longer they may have shrunk and
would come out easier
and that definitely wasn't supposed to happen I guess that's just a perfect
example of why I need to find something better than tongs to use but in the end
it all worked out and no harm was done
thanks for watching please hit the subscribe button below if you liked the
video hit the like button and if you have any tips or suggestions leave a
Beginner Arabic: OPPOSITES || Hot Cold, Big Small, Tall Short 🔥❄️ - Duration: 6:34.
Hello and welcome to a video which
is coming to you from Arizona
when you're in scenery like this
it's a shame not to share it and I thought
why not make you all a video which just teaches you all a few basic key words
so the title of this video is opposites
and I'm gonna teach you ...
hot cold, long short, big small
I'm in Arizona, huge state
America's a massive country
I'm not too distant from the Grand Canyon
in Arizona
which is kind of a huge big dip in the ground
this is like the beginning of it here
and as for today's lesson
I'm gonna go straight in and give you the key words
so the word 'big' in Arabic is this: kabeer
and it's spelled, kaf, ba, ya, ra
kabeer, means big
if you're using it to describe something which is a masculine noun
then you leave it as kabeer
if you're using it to describe a feminine noun
it's kabeera, so the adjective matches the noun
for example
the big man
the big car would be...
the big car
so it matches the noun whether it's masculine or feminine
just gonna switch this over to the other ear
it's just so you can hear me better with the mic that's' all
what else... small
again, it matches the gender of the noun you're describing
so, i'll use the same examples
that means the man is small
the small man is ...
i'm taking the al which is defining it and they're what we call
sun letters which means that rather than becoming
al-rajul it becomes ar-rajul
you can watch the alphabet lesson on that
so big, kabeer,
small Sagheer
and the S in the small is the big Saad
whereas if you're describing a car, as-sayaara as-Sagheera
the small car
let's do hot, i'm not even kidding it's 40 degrees
it's really hot, it's off the chain hot
and, well i'm in the desert but guess what
i'm wearing my jeans cos that's what i do
it's not even like i've got bad legs
i don't understand why I always wear trousers
probably because I didn't pack any shorts
next up is this word: hot
the weather is very hot today
I actually poured water down my neck before coming up and that's why
I had a bit of wet here, if you rewind back you'll see
and it's now dried because it's that hot
its very very hot, about 40 degrees celcius
which is like...
I think 100 is 38 so it's about 102 Fahrenheit
which is very very hot
so anyway, this word hot is Haar
sorry about the wind I hope you can still hear me
that might help
Haar is spelled with this big Ha
you can watch a video I made on this letter Ha
in the description
i've actually made quite a lot of videos
it's becoming apparent to me now how many videos
i've actually got
this word Haar, very simple
Ha, alef, ra
I think that's gonna be right cos it's back to front
Haar means hot
cold - baarid
baarid is cold
if you're saying I'm cold it's ash3r b-al-bard
same as if you're feeling hot , ash3r b-al-Har, ash3ar b-al bard
ok, onto the other ones
long and short...
Now actually we wouldn't say in English
to describe someone who's tall
we wouldn't describe them as long
oh you should see my mate John, he's really long
he's like 6'4 he's really long
we would say 'tall'
but in Arabic long and short can describe all sorts of things
people as well as everything else
so the word long is Taweel
and it's a Ta
have I done a video about the Ta?
I don't think so...
but it will be in my alphabet series
so Taweel, Ta
Ta, waw, ya, lam
so, the tall man, ar-rajul aT-Taweel
the tall man
short is Qaseer
with the qa, Sa, ya, ra
so the tall man, ar-rajul aT-Taweel
the short man, ar-rajul al-qaSeer
so we've done big - kabeer
small, Sagheer
hot, Har
cold, baarid
and long , Taweel
and short qaSeer
ok, i'll leave you with this
a little bit of Arizona, New York
i'm not even in New York, what am I talking about
I came from New York
I've flown to Texas I've taken the long road down south from Dallas to Austin
I came to Albuquerque New Mexico
I'm now in Arizona, I'm at the grand canyon now I'm gonna go on to Las Vegas
LA and finish off in San Fransisco
my other YouTube Channel, which has got music, travel
and some other random stuff
is here you can clip here
clip here?
you can clip here if you want
I'm gonna clip this hedge in a minute cos it's getting up in my face
but you can click here to subscribe to that.
Thanks for watching, bye!
Indian Actresses Who Caught In Shocking Prostitution | you won't belive - Duration: 3:25.
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