The 3 Biggest Underdog Stories Of K-Pop That Will Move You To Tears
Debuting as an idol isnt enough to guarantee success, and often, more idols end up failing rather than succeeding. These three groups, however, pulled through a tough rookie period and came out on top after going viral on the Internet.
EXID. A video of EXIDs Hani catapulted the group into immense popularity after one fan cam of her dancing to UP&DOWN went viral. It racked up over 24 million views on YouTube and is now referred to as the legendary Hani fancam.
According to EXID, they believed UP&DOWN would be their last promotional album due to their stagnant popularity, so this fan cam truly turned everything around for them. NUEST.
NUEST have already been in the industry for 6 years, yet their popularity ceased to grow. To continue their dreams of being idols, the members competed on Mnets trainee survival show, Produce 101, and won the hearts of many viewers.
Although Minhyun made it into Wanna One, the other members of NUEST became equally as popular, having held one of the biggest fan meetings in K-Pop.
Last Year This Group Couldnt Even Fill A Small Auditorium, Now They Sell Out Concert Halls. GFRIEND. GFRIENDs popularity and recognition levels went through the roof after one particular performance of Me Gustas Tu.
They were performing it at an open radio broadcast on a rainy day, but due to the rain, the stage became slippery and made it incredibly difficult for the members to maintain their balance.
Throughout the performance, some of the members slipped several times on stage, but they remained resilient and got back up to continue the performance until the very end.
Their professionalism truly shone through and they were highly praised for their strong work ethics.
For more infomation >> The 3 Biggest Underdog Stories Of K-Pop That Will Move You To Tears - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Does mayonnaise remove white rings from wooden tables? - Duration: 2:39.
Hi. Lisa here from Active Domestics. I've been reading lately that one way to
get rid of white rings on tables is to use mayonnaise. So we're going to
give that a quick try today and put it to the test and see whether it's a
useful tip after all. So I'll show you... From the other photo you will have
seen there is quite a large white ring on this wooden table. I've got a jar of mayonnaise here.
I'm going to blob some on the table ....but save some for the kids lunch tomorrow. So anyway I'm
going to rub it in and let it sit and then come back and see how it goes.
It's pretty disgusting. I would not want to be NOT wearing gloves at this stage
given I really don't want my hands to smell like mayonnaise for the next two
weeks so I don't have a lot of mayonnaise but I'm going to test it with
this white ring and if this theory works then I will buy some more mayonnaise and
cover the whole table because there's just a couple little marks that the heat
has caused.... So you know the white rings are caused by putting hot
things on the table and not having a trivet or something underneath. So anyway
yeah it's pretty gross but we'll give that a try to see how that works out and
I'll check in soon .......So anyway I'm going to start wiping it off now. I'm just
using an old sock so I can just chuck it out basically
I might let that sit there just a little bit longer. It seems the oils' making it
look a little bit less but when I just have a little bit longer time. Tune in
for the next video to find the results of this little experiment
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Top 30 Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Must You See | You Need to Try - Duration: 10:34.
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Top 10 Things Most Humans Can't Do With Their Body - Duration: 6:01.
chicken kabiraji recipe step by step | Most popular kolkata street food | popular evening snacks - Duration: 7:10.
Sticker Style Processing:ステッカー風加工 - Duration: 2:28.
Import a illustration or a photo from the "Import from Photo Library" in the layer window. The illustration and the photo that the background is transparent are good.
To make the illustration easier to see, tap the "Transparent Background". Select the layer below. To make white border, apply the "Stroke (Outer)" of the filter from the tool selection window.
When you have white border, compose the two layers.
Tap "Selection Layer" at the top. Select the straight line at "Drawing Tool" in the stabilier window. Make selection area you want to turn the sticker. It is better to narrow the width as much as possible.
Once you have hidden the illustration. Select the inside of the line with the magic wand tool.
Select an illustration and show. If you duplicate the illustration, only the selected part is duplicated. Clear the layer below and the selection layer.
Change the color of the duplicated layer with the "Change Drawing Color" filter. This time, I made pink easy to understand.
Use "Invert Layer Horizontally", "Invert Layer Vertically" and "Transform Layer" to move it.
Change the color to white with the "Change Drawing Color" filter. Add a newlayer on top, and turn on the clipping. Apply the "Parallel Gradation" filter to make shadow.
Add a new layer on top of the illustration and turn on the clipping. Apply the "Drop Shadow" filter to make shadow of turned sticker.
Apply the "Drop Shadow" filter for finish. Tap "Transparent Background" in layer window. And tap the "Save Canvas as Transparent PNG" command in "..." button on the layer window. Save it.
Place the illustrations with "Import from Photo Library" button.
Resilience and Well Being for Performance. Rosie Miller, ChangeWave - Duration: 3:56.
Hello Rosie you've just come back from the positive psychology World Conference
where you presented on resilience and well-being what was your key message
Rosie Miller: it's amazing to see how some simple but very easy to adopt techniques
can really help you change your performance under pressure
lift your performance and help you match challenge you're facing but all these
techniques just for people with problems well that's an easy perception to me
because 40% of the lost time days in the UK are due to stress and stress-related
illness and you can use these techniques in that situation but there is a much
bigger opportunity in there for all of us and that is that if we use these
techniques whatever our current state is we lift our performance it allows us to
be our best and choose how we tackle and respond to challenges we face and these
techniques are now being taught to people like paramedics and firemen and
policemen health care workers anybody who faced these regular daily high
pressure situations they also talked to athletes who of course have to perform
in the moment under pressure very important for them and they're learning
these techniques as well okay so what's it development well we know from the
research that tossed-off comes in armed in our lives and we have a certain
amount of resources to balance that tough stuff now as we get into more and
more pressurized environments before tough stuff on the back side of the
balance we need to put more resources in and that's what these techniques do they
give us more resources to have what are the challenging things we're facing and
that's why we're teaching them to people who are doing the you are dealing quite
tough challenges but we want to continually perform and perform over
again what do you mean by sources I mean things like better problem-solving or
creativity or innovation more connection with people but to listen
more energy and just generally having your battery recharged to get up and
take on the challenge rather than feel overwhelmed so what does it mean for
people it means they can was all sorts of benefits I think let me give you two
examples one is a leader who had a team went through the resilience course and
she found that they were communicating better talking to each other listening
and just interacting more clearly and more carefully with each other
which of course improved team performance and at an individual level
one individual told me something which lots of people say they'd happens to
them but he just captured it really well he said you know I have repeat happier
and more productive I'm feeling better than I felt in about a decade and lots
of people around me have commented on it I would you speak and we feel good too
so in a nutshell it helps people live their performance connect with other
people and generally do that in a very positive and uplifting way for
themselves great so what's your final takeaway from that conference it was
great being with all those leading thinkers in the area talking about how
these techniques are used with different people they always give great results
and we started talking about how in major corporates particularly innovative
leading thinkers there was increasing use of these techniques to help their
people deal with what is a very pressurised business environment right
now to live their performance and stay healthy and well while they're doing it
which are really really great to see and what we want to do more often change me
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