Life in college is the best time to have the most fun.
And why not?
There are late night movies to watch.
Classes to attend.
Parties to go to!
And a hell lot of assignments to submit.
But frankly, one should not stop just because...
you have run out of pocket money.
Which is why Vodafone has come up...
with a Campus Survival Kit for people like us.
They also asked a lot of people...
to share some tips with us...
on how to make college more fun...
without burning a hole in our pocket!
And here is what they had to say.
So...shall we begin?
Do you know the best time to go out on a date?
To catch the morning show of any film...
is the best idea ever.
The tickets are cheaper...
and you get the best seats.
But with this crumpled dress?
No way!
When you don't have an iron handy...
then a pot of hot water is just the perfect replacement.
Cool, right?
You may not have your credit card yet...
but your student ID is nothing less.
There are several salons, cafes and restaurants that...
give exclusive student discounts.
your student ID is your license to chill.
Excuse me? Bill, please.
This is my student ID.
Okay. I'll just get it.
See...told you!
Where are your speakers?
I'll get it.
So what do you do when you want to play music, but don't have speakers?
You make something like this!
Wow! This is super cool!
Being a DJ can also eat up a lot of your data.
So what do you do?
You disable your background apps...
you turn off your auto updates and auto play...
in all your apps and...
you can also download maps for offline use later.
Or you can save all the effort and...
get the Vodafone Campus Survival Kit and enjoy lots of data on the go.
Also, she forgot to mention that you can get...
awesome coupons for your favorite brands, restaurants and cafes.
Nice, right?
So now you know it.
An easy guide to have the most fun in college...
with limited pocket money.
If you know someone who can use these tips, do share this video with them...
and don't forget to like and comment on this video.
Just a minute.
One minute!
If you already have the Campus Survival Kit...
then stay tuned for many more weekly hacks from Vodafone.
If you don't, well you better get it!
See you!
For more infomation >> ScoopWhoop: How To Survive College Feat. Mithila Palkar - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
CANDESCENCE | Living Life Part 3 - Duration: 3:33.
'If we are trying to control and understand the world
What we're going to run into
Everything is going to appear increasingly too complicated to manage' - Alan Watts
How Many Cloves Of Garlic You Should Eat In Order To Regulate Your Blood Pressure?! - Duration: 2:14.
How Many Cloves Of Garlic You Should Eat In Order To Regulate Your Blood Pressure?!
Recently the garlic has become more and more popular since a lot of scientists and researchers
have proven its effectiveness and its healing powers helping millions of people regulate
their high blood pressure.
However, the garlic is also known as a natural and organic remedy for reducing the bad cholesterol,
for heart disease, and for successful and effective cure against tumors.
The garlic is well known for the substance that it contains– the allicin.
Besides the specific smell, it can also be used for reducing the fats which pile up on
the walls of the arteries.
In fact, the allicin blocks the activity of the angiotensin and it stops the contraction
of the blood veins and the increasing of the blood pressure.
This is why we recommend the garlic as the perfect natural ingredient for the health
of your heart and blood vessels.
Is best used in its natural– fresh form, and we do not advise you cooking it on high
When is being squashed and chopped it releases the allicin.
When being cooked the garlic loses its healing powers.
There are different garlic based ingredients such as: extracts, powder form, tablets.
Just how much should you consume?
If you want to prevent the high blood pressure we recommend you eating around 1 gr. of garlic
a day.
And of course, if you are consuming some medications for hypertension consult your doctor about
the best dosage.
And if you can consume with the pills and medications you are prescribed.
If you want to treat the high blood pressure you cannot regulate it entirely.
The experts state that to do that you should eat at least 30 cloves per day.
However, as we know, nothing is impossible.
If you do not mind the specific smell, you can consume it fresh and natural.
However, if you cannot stand the smell there is an alternative way of consuming it.
You can also find some garlic based pills and tablets.
Note: You should consult your doctor before starting to consume it, because it may interfere
with the work of some medications you might be using!
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AYS Daily Growth Hacks 103 Pain Provides You 3 Choices - Duration: 8:02.
Today's topic: Pain Provides You Three Choices
Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own Story and this is your daily growth hack
where each day would give you a tip trick or insight to help you up level
will we call the five to thrive that is your mind your body your soul your
relationships and your business pain is just part of life we all go through pain
paintable of an event a loss of a loved one pain - physical either way pain
provides us three ways to respond to it and I want to want you to do is think of
these three ways and think about which one you actually fall into more often
and just be honest with yourself the first one is the initial reaction to
ignore the pain or or blame others and this is events in your life other people
or blaming yourself now you can ignore it and act like it
didn't happen and bury it and stuff it deep down inside of you like we often do
that's what I used to do a lot of times is you know do that or you also see
people playing the victim role we talked about that in last daily growth act they
play the victim role and they blame themselves or they might actually blame
somebody else and it's that person's fault that their suffering or the
feeling the pain and you know I most recently talked about seeing this with a
breakup even it was a long time ago but the pain was still there for the person
about the break-up and they were still blaming and playing the victim role
seeking attention to blame the other person so that that's one way so one way
you can deal with pain is by blaming other people blaming yourself or just
ignoring it the second way you deal with pain is just changing your life
conditions right so you could be pain or something going on you can just go ahead
and say you know what I didn't pay a bill and I got someone saw that and I've
just causes a lot of pain because it damages my psychology because you know
Susie knows that I don't have money and so I'm gonna work really hard to make
money so you're you're changing your life condition so maybe I get another
job so I'm working two jobs so I have enough money that I'm always paying my
bills or maybe there's pain in the sense that really simple like hey my knees
hurt when I run and so I'm gonna change my life
conditions in the sense of I'm gonna get better running shoes I'm gonna get a
running coach it's gonna teach me pose running I'm gonna drop some weight
change my diet so my body doesn't have so much weight on my knees I'm gonna
foam roll my calves so there's a shock absorbers etc etc so the second way you
can deal with pain is just by changing your life conditions the third way you
can do it is by changing your blueprint and we haven't really talked about the
blueprint but the blueprint and what I'm talking about is really changing your
physiology your focus and your meaning so changing the way that you can respond
to things we talked about physiology before when I mean by that is you know
chest out shoulders back the way that your physiology is shows a commanding
performance or chest down shoulders rounded really shows kind of a
depressing physiology so to speak but also your focus and meaning so what you
choose to focus on we experience that pain and then what you make that mean
and that's really important here cuz that changes your blueprint or the way
that you see things so let's go back to that breakup so I'll just talk about if
is if I was that person that went through the breakup and it isn't me but
I'll ask it act as if so instead of playing the victim role and blaming
somebody else one thing I could do is change my physiology well one you know I
can imagine that if I was hurt my shoulders would be slumped my head would
be down and you could picture somebody that's going through an emotional hurt
or a breakup that's really sad for them but instead maybe what I do is I take a
deep breath diaphragmatic breath I put my shoulders back my head up my chest
out and I get a really powerful stance you know feet nice and wide I'm really
in a powerful stance then maybe I changed my focus instead of focusing on
the hurt from the break-up maybe I'm focusing on the opportunities
that are that are out there now there's so many people to meet now I have some
free time I can actually go on and do the things that I like to do and by
doing that I'm changing the meaning Wow you know yeah this broke up break up
hurt but geez I got all these opportunities now I can go to events I
can really focus my time on my personal development I can really focus on me so
I can now I can attract a better higher quality person a better fit for me I can
really just really live life and you can see by going through that store
so that story of changing my physiology changing what I'm focusing on changing
my meaning it's a totally different outcome so instead of going through
depressed mode right super depressed you know blaming everybody else I'm now
changing it to all the positives and really it's just a matter of changing
those three things my physiology that allows me to get into that state of
opportunity or possibility and then I'm changing my focus what am i choosing to
focus on am i choosing to focus on the negative or am i choosing to focus on
the opportunities or something different and then when I focus on something
different I can also change what it means right it's just a shift now
changing what it means really isn't really not changing anything when you
think about it I have an opportunity to create a story over here about me being
a victim or creating another story over here about me being the hero and having
all these other opportunities in my life now my reality is the same but yet also
kind of totally different when you think about it I'm just choosing to be the
author of my own story and choosing which story fits me best now if I go
into victimhood a lot of things are gonna happen probably there's a greater
opportunity of my immune system going down and getting sick who wants to hang
out with somebody that's in victim role all the time unless you're in victim
role you're codependent you know you don't want to be around those people
anyway right so but coming up with someone it's positive and someone goes
Jesus breakup really hurt but however it just wasn't the right person now I'm
able to work on myself so I can attract draw in and bring in the right person
I'm gonna focus on myself I'm gonna do those things
I loved this is a great opportunity for me and that is just a different energy
and a different story and that is exactly what being the author of your
own story is all about I hope this helps you what I want you to do is grab your
general write out your 5 to thrive and look at where you've had pain in these
areas you know come and when I hear about and the author of your own story
group and I get messages is wait you know pain and wait pain and
relationships with a breakup where you experiencing pain I want you to write
down what that pain is you know what you to write down which of these three
choices have you made currently in that area now if you've chose the victim role
that's fine don't beat yourself up but then choose something else choose to
change your life conditions or I would say go even deeper choose to change your
blueprint so change your blueprint what your physiology is what you're focusing
on and also what you make it need know and do this all through your five to
thrive of course I want you to build your tribe I don't want you to have a
tribe of victims people around you or or naysayers and negative you know you
don't need that in your life you need people are gonna uplift you put wings
under you and lift you up as you lift them up to you even start by lifting
them up and building your tribe by sharing this with three other people
grab the first three people that come to your mind share it with those three
people and to take a bonus step what I recommend doing is something that I do
is share it with somebody that you want a relationship with and this is not a
romantic relationship so to speak but someone that you want a relationship a
friendship to have with somebody that you look up to or somebody you're saying
hey look this person is in my avatar this person's doing what I want to do
I'm gonna share it with them and bridge that conversation so do that right now
don't stop in a moment of insight without taking a
in action that's it for me today remember go out and be the author of
your own story
Why you need to change your email password - Duration: 1:14.
Why you need to change your email password
Theres been a huge data leak of the email addresses and passwords of 771 million people, prompting an urgent call for people to check if theyre one of them.
A spambot called Onliner designed to spread malware is said to be behind the personal data hack, The Sun reports.
It's also said to steal banking details, dumping the information of millions on a server thought to be located in the Netherlands and sends out huge amounts of spam.
Website HaveIBeenPwned provides a way for people to see if theyre one of the unfortunate users who have been hacked. People are being urged to check if their email has been hacked. Source: AAP / Stock.
Owner of the website, Troy Hunt, said its the largest set of data Ive ever loaded into [HaveIBeenPwned]. "Just for a sense of scale, that's almost one address for every single man, woman and child in all of Europe," he said.
Wazes Ambitious Plan To End Traffic For Good Marriott Hotels Sponsored . He said even his email address is in the list.
If your email is on the list it could bed turned into a spam factory or used to distribute dangerous malware. The server has been handed to Dutch police to investigate.
Longchamp Garden Hotel Changsha, China (Asia). The best of Longchamp Garden Hotel Changsha - Duration: 5:02.
What Does Freedom Mean To You? - Part 7 - Duration: 0:31.
My freedom doesn't allow me
interfere with someone else's choice.
This is a highly debated topic when
it comes to issues like abortion and
sexual orientations and so on.
But this country has moved towards
what I think are the best values,
and it's why people still want to live here.
The First Time Ever I Read Your Face: Terry Pratchett - Duration: 7:11.
Hello! I threw out my elbow. Oh wow. I am just too excited.
I'm book riot contributing editor Maria Christina and this is your Thursday video. Sorry time children.
The guy who was in charge of my high school's music department was also
the music director for the annual community theater summer musical
organized by the local liberal arts college. And the way that he went about
staffing the pit orchestra for the summer musical was just offering the gig
to the student musicians who had played in the pit orchestra of our school's
spring musical. So that is how I found myself playing off of the second reed
book in Guys and Dolls the summer between my freshman and sophomore years
of high school. Now the week before opening night,
it's called tech week. It's when everything comes together. You've got the
cast on stage going through the entire show with the pit orchestra musicians in
the pit playing along and the stage manager is calling all of the lighting
and scene change and sound cues in preparation for performing in front of
an audience. There's a lot of starting and stopping especially early on.
Everyone's focus is making sure every little element happens as it's supposed
to happen, when it's supposed to happen, safely and in service to the story
you're telling. That meant for the pit musicians there was a lot of downtime.
It was a little boring to have nothing to play during these moments and we were
finding ways to occupy ourselves. So the, there was a trumpet player who had this
tiny am/fm radio and he was crawling all over the pit and us and our instruments
to find the best place where he could get reception to listen to the baseball games.
I was using the time to finish up my summer reading. It was mid-august.
We were about to go back to school in a couple weeks and I had one more book to go.
And this one was amazing. I was really glad I had saved it for last just
because it was an exhilarating way to wrap up the summer. It was one of those
books where you are racing to get to the end. You don't want it to end. It was just
the most thrilling time I had had reading a book in a long time. There was
a French horn sitting to my right. She was a year or two ahead of me in school.
And one night she turns to me and asks how the summer reading is going. And I am
so excited to tell her that hey this is my last book and I love it. It's so cool
and I'm just really surprised that our English department would pick something
that was so unrepentantly awesome. It just seemed a little out of
character for them. But I'm not complaining cause it's great. And she looks
at me and, and asks, well what do you mean by that? And I was just like well you
know this, this anthropomorphize death character and one of the Horsemen of the
Apocalypse who has now become a milkman in retirement.
And you've got the history monks, this giant glass clock that this
guy's building and he doesn't realize that he's doing this at the behest of
the auditors who want to stop time so that humans cease being so unpredictably
messy. And she looks at me again and says you're reading the wrong book.
And I'm like, what do you mean? This book is supposed to be a detective story
involving murder and Native American artifacts.
What? So we went back and forth
trying to sort out this confusion. And in the end we figured out that I had been
assigned a thief of time by Tony Hillerman but I had been reading thief
of time by Terry Pratchett. Okay as you can see right there. I just did a search
for thief of time in my library's database and these are the two things
that showed up. So my first thought is how dumb am I? My second thought is okay,
so I have more work to do. My third thought came to me when I was telling
this story to my boyfriend who was in the musical on one of our breaks.
And that was that I really, really liked this book and, darn it, I was gonna finish it
even if I had this whole other book I needed to get started on. So I did. And
that was the very first Terry Pratchett book I had ever read. That was my favorite
summer reading experience I ever had as a student. High schoolers should
definitely be reading more science fiction and fantasy. Not just as an
extracurricular activity but it would have been really cool if my school's
English department had actually said hey this is worthwhile. And you can never run
out of Terry Pratchett. There are so many books. Each one is spectacular, funny and
deep and surprising. And they will just knock you upside the head in the best
kind of way. If you haven't read him already, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
If you already know and love him, how did you
discover him? Tell me in the comments. I want to know. And if you have any stories
about your experiences completing your summer reading as a student please share
those too. Thank you for watching.
And it wouldn't have happened if my school hadn't assigned this Tony
Hillerman book, which I did go on to read and it was fine.
With These 4 Yoga Positions You Can Remove Back And Belly Fat - Duration: 3:03.
Visit Our Website Here :
With These 4 Yoga Positions You Can Remove Back And Belly Fat
Yoga is the greatest way to relax and also tone the body.
It is demanding at times but the benefits and end results are worth it, both physically
and mentally.
You will be more relaxed, pressure will be lower, the body stronger and toned with lean
muscles and less fat tissues and joints will be more flexible.
This all reduces chances of injuries.
The stomach region is the hardest to shrink from belly fat, but with Asana poses you can
change its shape to a more defined one at least.
So, remember yoga needs also a healthy diet regime for the Asana to work.
Lie down on the stomach and stretch the legs behind the back, forehead looking on the floor
and palms under shoulders.
The elbows must be tucked to touch the ribs.
Deeply inhale and feel strength in the arms as you arch the back so that chest, head and
shoulders too are risen from the floor.
Keep the hips and thighs grounded.
Rise up as much as you can in height.
Hold this for 30 seconds and lower down.
Do 5 reps with pause of 15 seconds in each.
This is good for abdomen working out but also strength in the back and waist making the
spine more flexible and bendable.
Lie on stomach and stretch the legs and hands too with sides faced up.
Exhale slowly as you bend the knees.
Make them closer to the buttocks as much as you can and try to reach the arms back while
you grab the ankles.
Deep breathing all the time and every pose is kept for 20 seconds, then release and exhale.
5 reps with 15 seconds pause between each pose.
This strengthens the abdomen and overall the whole elasticity in the back and spine.
It calms you and energizes as well.
Lie on the back and stretch the legs out, keep the heels together close and arms should
be at the sides.
Knees must be bent and moved toward the chest.
Grab them and pull them closely, as if you hug your body do this for a whole minute.
Then, release the knees and exhale slowly.
5 reps with 15 seconds pause, again the same.
This also focuses on the abdomen but spine too.
Also, it increases good metabolism.
This is a bit more different; it involves 12 different poses in a certain order.
Look the link video below to see the details.
Best is to do them in the morning.
All of the body, every part not just the abdomen, is getting benefits from this.
In fact, the salutations give you energy for the whole day.
They also do a detox and fasten up the good work of lymphatic system.
Even more, they improve the work of digestive tract since the bowel movements become more
regular and not clogged.
Abdomen gets tighter, spine flexible and weight loss easier.
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