Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018
Waching daily Jun 1 2018
9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin (1).
It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as
the proper functioning of your nervous system.
Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy.
However, it can also be found in products fortified with B12, such as some varieties
of bread and plant-based milk.
Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly.
You're at risk of deficiency if you don't get enough from your diet or aren't able
to absorb enough from the food you eat.
AUTHORITY NUTRITION 9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin (1).
It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as
the proper functioning of your nervous system.
Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy.
However, it can also be found in products fortified with B12, such as some varieties
of bread and plant-based milk.
Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly.
You're at risk of deficiency if you don't get enough from your diet or aren't able
to absorb enough from the food you eat.
People at risk of a B12 deficiency include (2):
-The elderly.
-Those who've had surgery that removes the part of the bowel that absorbs B12.
-People on the drug metformin for diabetes.
-People following a strict vegan diet.
-Those taking long-term antacid drugs for heartburn.
Unfortunately, symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency can take years to show up, and diagnosing
it can be complex.
A B12 deficiency can sometimes be mistaken for a folate deficiency.
Low levels of B12 cause your folate levels to drop.
However, if you have a B12 deficiency, correcting low folate levels may simply mask the deficiency
and fail to fix the underlying problem (3).
Here are 9 signs and symptoms of a true vitamin B12 deficiency.
Pale or Jaundiced Skin People with a B12 deficiency often look pale
or have a slight yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes, a condition known
as jaundice.
This happens when a lack of B12 causes problems with your body's red blood cell production
Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in the production of the DNA needed to make red blood
Without it, the instructions for building the cells are incomplete, and cells are unable
to divide (5).
This causes a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia, in which the red blood cells produced
in your bone marrow are large and fragile.
These red blood cells are too large to pass out of your bone marrow and into your circulation.
Therefore, you don't have as many red blood cells circulating around your body, and your
skin can appear pale in color.
The fragility of these cells also means that many of them break down, causing an excess
of bilirubin.
Bilirubin is a slightly red or brown-colored substance, which is produced by the liver
when it breaks down old blood cells.
Large amounts of bilirubin are what give your skin and eyes a yellow tinge (6, 7).
Weakness and Fatigue
Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.
They occur because your body doesn't have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells,
which transport oxygen throughout your body.
As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body's cells, making
you feel tired and weak.
In the elderly, this type of anemia is often caused by an autoimmune condition known as
pernicious anemia.
People with pernicious anemia don't produce enough of an important protein called intrinsic
Intrinsic factor is essential for preventing a B12 deficiency, as it binds with vitamin
B12 in your gut so that you are able to absorb it (8).
Sensations of Pins and Needles.
One of the more serious side effects of a long-term B12 deficiency is nerve damage.
This can occur over time, as vitamin B12 is an important contributor to the metabolic
pathway that produces the fatty substance myelin.
Myelin surrounds your nerves as a form of protection and insulation (9).
Without B12, myelin is produced differently, and your nervous system isn't able to function
One common sign of this happening is paresthesia, or the sensation of pins and needles, which
is similar to a prickling sensation in your hands and feet.
Interestingly, the neurological symptoms associated with B12 deficiency usually occur alongside
However, one study found that about 28% of people had neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency,
without any signs of anemia (10).
That said, sensations of pins and needles are a common symptom that can have many causes,
so this symptom alone is not usually a sign of B12 deficiency.
Changes to Mobility If untreated, the damage to your nervous system
caused by a B12 deficiency could cause changes to the way you walk and move.
It may even affect your balance and coordination, making you more prone to falling.
This symptom is often seen in undiagnosed B12 deficiency in the elderly, as people over
the age of 60 are more prone to a B12 deficiency.
However, preventing or treating deficiencies in this group may improve mobility (11, 12,
Also, this symptom may be present in young people who have a severe, untreated deficiency
Glossitis and Mouth Ulcers.
Glossitis is a term used to describe an inflamed tongue.
If you have glossitis, your tongue changes color and shape, making it painful, red and
The inflammation can also make your tongue look smooth, as all the tiny bumps on your
tongue that contain your taste buds stretch out and disappear.
As well as being painful, glossitis can change the way you eat and speak.
Studies have shown that a swollen and inflamed tongue that has long straight lesions on it
could be an early sign of vitamin B12 deficiency (15, 16).
Additionally, some people with a B12 deficiency may experience other oral symptoms, such as
mouth ulcers, feelings of pins and needles in the tongue or a burning and itching sensation
in the mouth (15, 17).
Breathlessness and Dizziness.
If you become anemic due to a B12 deficiency, you may feel short of breath and a bit dizzy,
especially when you exert yourself.
This is because your body lacks the red blood cells it needs to get enough oxygen to your
body's cells.
However, these symptoms can have many causes, so if you notice that you are unusually breathless,
you should speak to your doctor to investigate the cause.
Disturbed Vision.
One symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is blurred or disturbed vision.
This can occur when an untreated B12 deficiency results in nervous system damage to the optic
nerve that leads to your eyes (18).
The damage can disrupt the nervous signal that travels from your eye to your brain,
impairing your vision.
This condition is known as optic neuropathy.
Although alarming, it is often reversible by supplementing with B12 (19, 20).
Mood Changes.
People with B12 deficiency often report changes in mood.
In fact, low levels of B12 have been linked to mood and brain disorders like depression
and dementia (21, 22).
The "homocysteine hypothesis of depression" has been suggested as a potential explanation
for this link (23, 24, 25).
This theory suggests that high levels of homocysteine caused by low levels of B12 could cause damage
to the brain tissue and interfere with signals to and from your brain, leading to mood changes.
Some studies suggest that in certain people who are deficient in B12, supplementing with
the vitamin can reverse symptoms (26, 27, 28).
It's important to note that changes to mood and conditions like dementia and depression
can have a variety of causes.
Thus, the effects of supplementing in these conditions remain unclear (29, 30).
If you have a deficiency, taking a supplement may help improve your mood.
However, it's not a substitute for other proven medical therapies in the treatment
of depression or dementia.
High Temperature.
A very rare but occasional symptom of B12 deficiency is a high temperature.
It's not clear why this occurs, but some doctors have reported cases of fever that
has normalized after treatment with low levels of vitamin B12 (31).
However, it's important to remember that high temperatures are more commonly caused
by illness, not a B12 deficiency.
For more infomation >> 9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 3:54.
Waching daily Jun 1 2018
Even if I did feel something for you
You want me to give up my life for you?
I have to do what's right for me.
My family lost their birthright.
I could lose my family, my career, everything!
Hold on, please.
You just don't get it.
You have a choice to make.
Will not ask again.
You going home?
What is it?
You ok?
You're an all powerful warlock
You can summon demons
You've lived through centuries of war
She's right.
You watch the people you care about age and die.
And you're immortal.
Look I don't even want to think about you being gone.
But one day I will be!
And you'll just - move on.
What scares you?
You really don't get it, do you?
I'm immortal!
It's not as if I have a choice.
You didn't risk anything for me
You did it for you.
Get out.
I can't change what I am and neither can you!
Needed a change.
Well what do you want from me?!
At the moment
Just -
Take what you need.
I didn't mean to take it out on you.
I''m sorry.
Talk to me.
You ok?
And I know something's wrong.
I'm fine.
No you're not.
Whatever it is I'm here for you.
I'm not okay
Because you're not okay.
You can't put this all on yourself.
There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Magnus, tell me how to fix this.
You don't have any clue what I feel.
Tell me what I can do!
Just tell me what to do, please.
We can figure this out.
I will fix it.
You've been to hell and back
And you haven't stopped for a second.
So back off.
This is all just a game to you
I trust you.
You looked me straight in the eye and lied.
Isn't it?
This is my family!
Where's Magnus?
Guess it runs in the family.
You flirt, you laugh.
I don't know why
But I do.
You once asked me what I was afraid of.
But at the end of the day
What do you risk?
You're gonna make it back
Do you hear me?
The key to having no fear is
Having nothing to lose.
Why wouldn't I?
Look what I have waiting for me.
Stay with me.
You ok?
Please come back.
I will use the last drop of my power if it's the death of me.
For more infomation >> Magnus/Alec | What Do You Risk? - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Carrot & Carrot Juice Daily │ 5 Health Benefits Of Carrot - Duration: 2:55.
Health Benefits Of Carrots.
Carrots are one of the most popular, versatile vegetables in the world!
Whether they are eaten raw, cooked or juiced, people from nearly every culture have consumed
carrots in their many forms throughout history.
While carrots are known for their signature orange color, they actually come in a variety
of colors.
They can be found in shades of purple, yellow, white and red.
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of Carrots.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Protects teeth and gums.
It�s all in the crunch!
Carrots clean your teeth and mouth.
They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.
Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out
the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria.
The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
Number 2.
Carrots For Glowing Skin.
The consumption of carrots keeps your skin healthy and vibrant as they are loaded with
Vitamin C and antioxidants.
Carrots can also be used to prepare an inexpensive and convenient face mask.
All you need to do is to mix grated carrot with some honey and apply it as a face mask
to get glowing skin.
Number 3.
Control Constipation.
Carrots contain dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, that contributes to a healthy
gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Specifically, insoluble fiber increases stool bulk and promotes movement through the GI
Rapidly increasing dietary fiber can result in GI distress and unpleasant symptoms.
To minimize havoc, increase fiber slowly while increasing water intake.
Number 4.
Take Eye Care.
Carrots are excellent for the eyes, thanks to the presence of the abundant amounts of
beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver.
This vitamin is converted in the retina to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for
night vision.
Beta-carotene improves the night vision and protects against eye problems like glaucoma,
macular degeneration and senile cataracts.
Number 5.
Blood Sugar Control.
Soluble fiber, the other form of fiber, can be thought of as a gel after absorbing water
from the GI tract.
Soluble fiber can slow sugar absorption and improve blood sugar levels.
While soluble fiber plays a role in sugar control, insoluble fiber could reduce the
development of type 2 diabetes.
「なまぬるい」クリスチャン / Are You A Lukewarm Christian? by Truthunedited - Duration: 6:45.
美麗的容顏來自柔和善良的性情「性格決定面相,原來是真的!」 - Duration: 7:35.
Protect yourself before you wreck yourself | feat. Aunty Donna 🏝 - Duration: 2:43.
Your Bali holiday is officially booked.
What modern times we live in!
To think you can book passage to a
foreign isle upon an airplane by simply leaving your house and going
to a shop!
What a marvel!
Now to get you the right level of * travel insurance.
Did you know most * Aussies get Travel insurance but *
are often underinsured?
No I was not aware of this.
So to get you the right cover tell * me what sorts of things will you be
doing on your holiday?
I'm gonna sit on the beach in the sun.
And not put any sunscreen on.
I'm gonna burn myself to a crisp.
Then go in the ocean for a dip.
And cut my foot on a coral reef.
And spread my blood around the reef.
Until a big old sharks rocks up.
And bites my arm and gobbles it up.
I'll Invite the shark to a bar for beers.
Order 24 drinks and we'll say cheers.
We'll eat the beer and then eat the glass.
Then chuck it all up on the grass And then I'll hire a motorbike.
And let the shark drive the motorbike.
(MORE) Blue Rev. (03/27/18) 17.
Because I'm missing an arm and I'm drunk
And then I'll buy some fireworks We'll set them off in my ear.
And I'll get helivac'd out of here.
Ok so the basic plan does cover helivac but only in the event of an
accident and you're not intoxicated-
To a hospital in the top end.
But before they can give me a mend.
I'll escape and jump back in the sea.
And swim back on back to Bali.
I'll check into my youth hostel.
It's full of Aussies holy hell.
Let's all headbutt this brick wall.
Then buy some DVD's at the mall.
A backpacker will steal my wallet and phone.
So the basic plan does cover theft * up to $1500 but you will need a
police statement-
But instead of yelling 'Thief!
I'll give them my passport, camera and laptop.
By then I'll get bored of Bali.
So I'll go for a swim across the sea.
And commit tax fraud in Bermuda I'll Get hypothermia in Antartica.
then eat a hundred burgers in America.
I'll sell my kidney at the holy city.
And then I'll go drown in the dead sea.
Ok so unfortunately our basic plan won't cover you for 95% of your
planned activities.
Aw rats
But our 'Aussie Dickhead' plan will cover everything you mentioned!
He's going to Bali, He's going to Bali
Please be respectful in Bali.
Look out for your friends and be safe
and have the appropriate level of travel insurance in Bali!
Waching daily Jun 1 2018
SCP-TTKU-J (Which is a thing that tries to kill you)
Object Class: Keter - duh!
Item #: SCP-TTKU-J
Object Class: Keter, because it can and will kill you
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-TTKU-J is contained in a reinforced standard containment
cell at Area-0000 - far away from you, whom it wants to kill.
Due to the fact that SCP-TTKU-J is a very dangerous thing that desires to and has the
means to kill you, SCP-TTKU-J is to not be handled by you specifically.
This containment method would render you effectively immortal as far as SCP-TTKU-J's killing-you
objective is concerned.
Description: SCP-TTKU-J is a thing that kills you.
Though murder is an illegal action in every national jurisdiction on Earth, condemned
in most religious scriptures, and generally looked down upon, SCP-TTKU-J as an entity
has no regard for any rule against killing you and has the means to do so in multiple
ways - including, but not limited to:
Use of a weapon to kill you, Use of a torture device to torture you, then
kill you, Use of its own bare [REDACTED]s to kill you,
Enlisting the aid of different thing that kills you as a means to kill you,
Killing you until your life functions cease, then continuing to kill you,
Giving you a hug use of anomalous means to kill you, and
[DATA EXPUNGED] ██ ████ you.
In the event of a total containment breach of SCP-TTKU-J, the inevitable result would
be a URK-class you-are-about-to-be-killed event, followed by a UHK-class you-have-been-killed
As you are, presumably, a thing that should not be killed, the latter scenario is to be
avoided at all costs.
Addendum 1 - Interview with SCP-TTKU-J, 2/23/15:
Dr. Henderson: Good morning, SCP-TTKU-J, I hope you're doing well.
SCP-TTKU-J: Eh, could be better.
Right now, all I can think about is how much I want to kill you in many different ways.
Dr. Henderson: You know we can't allow you to do that.
SCP-TTKU-J: I figured as much.
Still, it would be very nice if you'd let me stick a shiv into your ribcage right this
very minute, until your heart stops.
Dr. Henderson: Believe me, I've felt the same way many times.
SCP-TTKU-J: About yourself?
Dr. Henderson: Not quite.
SCP-TTKU-J: Man, I could go for some good ol'-fashioned you-murder right about now.
Dr. Henderson: Isn't there anything else you think about?
(Brief pause)
SCP-TTKU-J: I want to take up knitting.
Dr. Henderson: That's harmless enough.
SCP-TTKU-J: Because I could lure you into a false sense of security, then, when you
least expect it, BAM!
One knitting needle in each eye, as I tear out your heart with my teeth!
Dr. Henderson: This conversation is going nowhere.
SCP-TTKU-J: Obviously not!
We haven't murdered you yet!
Dr. Henderson: If you hypothetically could kill me, what do you intend to do afterwards?
I kinda want to start a grindcore outfit.
Dr. Henderson: What would it be called?
SCP-TTKU-J: "Pile of Dead You."
Dr. Henderson: …we're done here.
For more infomation >> SCP-ttku-J "A Thing that Kills you" | Object class: Keter | Joke / k-class - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
KARAOKE | Chuyện Ba Mùa Mưa | Quỳnh Trang - Duration: 4:38.
Father John Misty - "Date Night" [Official Audio] - Duration: 2:31.
♪ Nothing surprises me much ♪
♪ And my hobbies include ♪
♪ Laughing in the dark ♪
♪ Do you wanna go to the farm? ♪
♪ Do you wanna go to the park? ♪
♪ I'll get you ice cream if you give me your card ♪
♪ Nothing impresses me much ♪
♪ I've got a great attitude ♪
♪ And a map to the stars ♪
♪ I got your number from that sign in the lawn ♪
♪ I also want to vanquish evil but my mojo's gone ♪
♪ I want you ♪
♪ C'mon, I bet you know most of my friends ♪
♪ They're some real exclusive dudes ♪
♪ From just around the bend ♪
♪ They're playing demos ♪
♪ Oh, they're wearing Dries ♪
♪ I can escort you down the runway I just joined the police ♪
♪ Just right now ♪
♪ So you wanna be a grifter like me ♪
♪ Are you hearing impaired ♪
♪ With your own URL ♪
♪ I'm the second coming ♪
♪ Oh I'm the last to know ♪
♪ I didn't get invited but I know where to go ♪
What can you do to protect yourself from being a victim of sextortion? - Duration: 1:42.
May the 4th be with you! Star Wars Day celebrated on Heathrow departures board - Duration: 1:09.
"My Alderaan has been cancelled."It's light years away and the next flight isn't for a year
"Heathrow Airport hilariously replied: "We apologise for the inconvenience John, We'll make sure next year we upgrade your ticket to board the star destroyer
"Today is May 4th, better known as Star Wars Day, is widely celebrated by die-hard fans of the sci-fi franchise
5 Signs Your Body Can Give You When You Have High Cholesterol - Duration: 5:32.
5 Signs Your Body Can Give You When You Have High Cholesterol.
After years of half-truths and relentless ads on our TVs, cholesterol has, quite unfortunately,
earned itself a bad name.
The truth is, it's good for you!
It helps with digestion, making hormones, forming new cells, and absorbing vitamin D.
However, when there's a surge in your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels because of poor eating,
exercising, or lifestyle habits, that's when it gets tricky.
And here's why:
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that flows through your blood vessels as lipoproteins
Low-density lipoproteins carry "bad" cholesterol.
When cholesterol is high (read: hypercholesterolemia), the liver can't get rid of it all, and they
tend to get stuck to the walls along the way, catching more and more lipoproteins as they
In medical-speak, this is called atherosclerosis.
With time, the wall of fat just keeps growing until it blocks the blood flow, and that's
when it becomes life-threatening.
That's why it's super important to keep an eye on your symptoms.
If your cholesterol levels are way up, these are 5 signs to look out for:
Your Chest Hurts.
Since the arteries get narrow and blocked, the oxygen in the blood can't make it to
the heart.
Your heart then strains itself, trying to pump blood without being able to breathe.
Because of this, you'll have chest pains that tend to get worse with physical activity
You may also hurt in the jaw, neck or your back.
If the heart doesn't get oxygen any more, it could cause a heart attack.
Your Legs And Arms Hurt Or Feel Weird.
Lack of oxygen to your arms and legs causes your muscle cells to cramp leading to mild
to agonizing pain, especially at night or after exercising.
You may also feel numbness, a burning sensation or tingling, as if you have been sitting on
your legs for too long.
If you experience these sensations without any apparent reason, you may have peripheral
arterial disease, which can be induced by high cholesterol (3).
Watch out for your toes turning pale or blue, and if you're feeling excessively tired
as well.
You Feel Dizzy.
The brain responds to low oxygen with dizziness, light-headedness, and headaches.
You could also feel off-balance and woozy, have blurred vision, and speak all groggily.
If blood isn't reaching your head, you could risk having a stroke.
Your Kidney Performance Is Messed Up.
If you're puffy-eyed, have swollen hands or feet, can't focus on anything, feel like
throwing up or are peeing more often, your kidney function might be off.
This happens when your renal arteries get clogged, preventing oxygen from reaching your
kidneys and allowing them to work properly (4).
Doctors call this renal artery stenosis.
You would also have high blood pressure because the body mistakenly believes that your kidneys
aren't getting the blood they need due to low blood pressure.
With time and lack of O2, your body would eventually experience kidney failure.
Your Breathing Is Difficult.
High cholesterol causes shortness of breath.
Simply put, you'll feel like you've sprinted up several flights of stairs, even if you've
just walked to the kitchen.
It's worse with more intense physical activity and much worse if you've been smoking.
You may also feel overly anxious.
High cholesterol can also be genetic (familial hypercholesterolemia) and it especially rises
after you turn 20 (5).
It's also more common in people who are diabetic or overweight.
Additionally, look for discoloured patches on your limbs, just under your eyelids and
in your eyes.
Those with familial hypercholesterolemia may also see lumps under their skin.
Before you leave, you should know that high cholesterol has no direct symptoms.
This article is about the symptoms of coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial
disease, and others, which are results of blocked and narrow arteries.
Plus, since the described symptoms could also be explained by other problems, high cholesterol
is a sneaky condition on its own and could cause problems without being detected.
Only a blood test can tell if it needs looking into.
Remember, a high total blood cholesterol level is usually more than 240 milligrams per decilitre.
But even if your levels are fine, it's smart to get a blood test done every couple of years
and visit your doctor.
So, what should you do if you've got high cholesterol?
Well, put down the phone for one, and go for a walk.
Trash the chips and fried snacks, and opt for a salad instead.
Oh and hey, if you think that throwing a quick salad together is too much work, it's never
been more obvious that you need to upgrade your lifestyle.
If you would just make a few changes on your plate, and go for a run now and then, not
only would you feel good about yourself, but your arteries would be eternally grateful
Morning Coffee: No Matter Where You Go, There You Are - Duration: 16:11.
How's everybody doing?
I'm really happy to be here... really excited to talk to you today.
Last time, I talked about the importance of diversity.
I told you a little bit about my experience with I grew up in a small town
and then joined the military and wound up in one of the most diverse training schools
probably in the world.
So today, I wanna talk about my experience with moving away from home from a different angle
from a different perspective.
If you read the post, there's a quote that I put, and it's Confucius.
He said, "No matter where you go, there you are."
And it seems like yeah...ok yeah...wherever I go, yep...that's where I am, but it's, of course
much deeper than that.
I've discussed a lot about paradigms, and we've gotten into a discussion about exactly
what a paradigm is and how does it differ from a belief...and I think the conclusion
we've come up with is that a paradigm is a collection of beliefs.
It's a collection of experiences, beliefs, values, expectations and some of those things
are conscious and some of them are not.
But a paradigm is basically...the simple way to put it is...the filter through which we see the world.
Those paradigms go with us no matter where we go.
And you'll notice if you pay attention...people will've heard of, first
one of the common things that we hear about is a mid-life crisis.
And what that consists of, I think, is just someone reaching middle-age and realizing
that they haven't really lived their life.They've spent years at a job that they hate
that they've neglected their dreams and the things that they feel like they've been put on the earth to do.
They reach this time of their life and there's an identity crisis, because what they're doing
and who they are...are two different things.
And if you've heard me say this before, it's one the quotes that I've made up and it's very true.
Just think about it.
Much of the discontent that we experience in life is due to the difference between
who we are and what we do.
Now, who we are could be like this searching, right?
And again, it's kinda like searching for identity, searching for purpose, answering the question
who am I.
And it's not as much about searching and looking for and striving to find what that is.
It's more about quieting your mind, getting rid of the distractions.
I just ordered a book that's written by Jesse Itzler, and...
He's a guy that I follow on social media.
He's done all these business ventures.
He's part owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team.
He's a cool dude.
And I became acquainted with him because he wrote a book called, Living with a Seal.
He invited a Navy Seal to come live with him for a month and train him.
And it was just this grueling month.
It was basically a journal of what that was like, and I read that book and it was amazing.
The Seal's name is David Goggins.
So, Jesse Itzler...I guess he lived with some monks for a while to have that experience.
This guy is just incredible, because he's always doing things to take him outside of
his comfort zone and push himself and his boundaries and just experiencing life
and it's just a really cool thing.
And he only eats fruit up until noon ever day, and he's been doing that for over 20 years.
He's just a very interesting person.
So, I'm about to read his book when get it.
I pre-ordered it.
It should be here on the 29th...called Living with the Monks, or something like that
and how much he benefited just from turning off his phone and eliminating distractions.
It's not about finding who you are; finding your purpose; searching for your identity.
It's about quieting your mind; getting rid of all the distractions; peeling the layers
of burden, and grief, and all the things that life puts on us
peeling all that away
and getting back to what we've always been.
And I think that's found in little know the ones that believe that they can be
superheroes and save the world.
Ok, so...the mid-life crisis...what do those people do?
Buy a sports know something.
A lot of times you'll see women...they will chop off all their hair, or they'll color their hair
or whatever.
And I can tell can buy whatever car you want.
You can color your hair and style it any way you want.
You can lose 50 pounds.
You can gain 20 pounds of muscle.
You can join the military and change your clothes, wear a uniform, buzz off all your hair
you can do all these things.
You can move from podunk - pine knot Emory, Texas...population now about 1,200
use to be about can move from that to the most diverse training school maybe in the world
on the coast of California, growing up listening to coyotes, crickets, and cows
and then into Monterey Bay and listening to the seals bark at the ocean
and all of the difference in setting and environment, and my clothes, and my hair
I used to have hair down to here.
You can change all those things...but wherever you go, there you are...right there.
These paradigms will stay with you unless you address them.
Examine the parts of the paradigm, of the filter, of your box that serve you
and that don't serve you...and dismantle the parts that do not serve you, and build them back up your way.
So, one of the paradigms that I had... I was taught that I was stupid.
This is something that I heard a lot.
You're stupid, lazy, no-good piece of crap and you're never going to amount to anything.
I made a really good decision joining the military.
A lot of things would be different in my life if I did not make that decision.
And I went and I excelled and I did great things, but that little fu@#ing voice
was still there...the little voice that lives inside your paradigm, and it reminded me...
You don't deserve this.
You're not worthy of this.
You're not smart enough for this.
You're not good enough for this.
You're never going to amount to anything!
I don't care what you've accomplished so far!
I don't care that you were an honor graduate.
I don't care that you held that top leadership position out of about 900 troops.
I don't care if you got the best awards you could've possibly gotten out of this language school
which is one of the most challenging schools in the military.
I don't that you've done that.
You will never amount to anything!
And what happens?
Self-sabotage...that's what happens!
And it seems like so many times in my life every time that the lid was just about to pop off of it
I mean I was just about to just blow to speak in whatever area.
And I have examples from...I've just got a lot of examples of this, ok?
And...just, my life could've been so much different,'re never going to amount
to anything.
Wherever you go, there you are.
I changed my environment.
I changed my clothes.
I changed my hair.
I changed the people around me, but what lived in here...what lived in here
remained the same.
So, I left the language school and I had to go to Tech School...long training for this
linguist job that I did...long training...some of the longest training in the military.
And I continued to act irresponsibly in my private life.
One night on a Tuesday, I decided to go out to the local big-ass club around here.
Back then it was called Graham's Central Station.
There was like 4-5 clubs in one.
I'd go there and just tear it up man...just...shots of tequila and drinking...just drinking my ass off
all the time...and just acting crazy and reckless and blah blah blah.
So, we went out...stayed out until they closed down probably at 0200 in the morning
got back to the barracks just drunker than a skunk.
Next day...0430 formation, somebody didn't show up.
About 0900, Security Forces which is the cops, right...the Air Force cops
unlocked my barracks door, came in and got me out.
I got in a lot of trouble for that.
So, I was gonna get promoted, basically...I was gonna get meritoriously promoted to E-4...#1.
I was gonna get commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.
I was gonna go to school, right...get all that paid for get my degree and then commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.
stay in the military as an officer forever and retire. That was the plan.
But I was never gonna amount to anything.
I got all these awards...all this recognition...I mean, as much as I could've hoped to achieve up to that point
I did...but in my private life, I was behaving as if I was always gonna be a loser.
And if you do the wrong thing long enough, eventually it will catch up with you
and that Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, it caught up with me.
No meritorious promotion.
No more commission program.
None of that, and guess what I did.
I got pissed off at the Air Force, because are you trying to tell me that I did all of this great stuff
my uniform always looks perfect.
I have this commissioning program.
I'm gonna get meritoriously promoted.
You mean to tell me I did all of these things for a year and half to two years
stellar performance, and I screw up one time... I miss one formation, and now I'm black-listed?
Are you f'ing kidding me!?
Zero accountability and responsibility.
If you wonder why I talk about this a lot... man, this is just one story!
I can tell you stories that landed me in jail four times!
I'm not here because I'm some perfect person who has all the answers.
I know that you can change your clothes, change your hair, change your car, change your spouse
change your friends, change your environment... you can change all of these things
but if you don't look inward...if you don't take a look at your paradigm...take a look at how your actions
and ask the question whether or not they are congruent or in alignment with your values
and who you are...and stop worrying about other people.
Les Brown says, "It's a full-time job just working on you."
Just working on yourself.
And if we're dedicating ourselves to analyzing our figuring out
what parts of our filter and how we see the world and relate to other people is serving us
and what parts are not and deconstructing the parts that don't and building it back up
with action and personal responsibility and awareness to things that will serve us
and allow us to be of better service to other people.
That is what this community is about.
That is what I'm about.
Am I good at it?
Am I perfect at it?
Hell no!
Everything that I talk about...I'm talking to myself, but I'm just here to tell you right now
no matter where you go, there you are.
What are you taking along with you everywhere?
Into every relationship?
Into every situation?
Into every job?
Into every opportunity?
Into your conversations with your children?
What are you taking with you to these situations, and is it creating the outcomes that you want?
This is a very big question, but you must ask yourself.
Talk to me.
Talk to another coach.
Talk to somebody that can help you get to the bottom of these things.
It is the most important work of life, and I care so much about you and me
living the life that we are meant to live.
Anybody got any comments?
This is Maia: "I have a tendency to want to blame the circumstances or the actions of others
or whatever undesirable situation I find myself in, but catching myself in...
and then it stops, so I don't think I can read the whole thing, but I will...
Yeah, it's tough!
I just mentioned that thoughts are the beginning of creation.
We are constantly creating in our life, but we'll have these thoughts that are attached
to our paradigms...that we take with us everywhere, and they will inform our emotions
they will inform our behavior, and as a result create our reality.
And then when we don't like the reality, we'll blame everything but the original thought
and paradigm that we have that created it.
It's so important to know that we make the rules.
We are the ones who are creating our reality every day, and focusing our energy on other things
instead of the original thought and paradigm and belief that created that thing is a waste of time.
So, I really appreciate your support.
I appreciate you being here.
I appreciate you being a part of this community and for contributing to these conversations
because it's very important, I think.
Alright guys, hey...I'm done.
I think today's discussion was fucking bomb!
Bomb-ass discussion today!
I, it's so...such an important...
Wherever you go, there you are.
So, if the outcomes you are experiencing in situations aren't to your liking
then change the filter.
Change the paradigm.
Now, go out and be the best you that you can be.
PLEASE...take what you need... even if you don't like it...
You know what you need and what you don't.
Please take what you need and leave the rest.
Thank you so much for watching this video.
I hope that you found something of value that you can take and apply to your everyday life.
Now, be sure to subscribe to this channel and turn on notifications so that you're notified
every time I upload a new video.
You can also watch these coffee talks LIVE on my Facebook page three times a week.
Just go to Facebook and search for Will & Purpose Coaching.
And stick around for the credits so you can learn more ways that we can connect.
Welcome to the community!
Waching daily Jun 1 2018
Have you found yourself asking that maybe she had better or supplies you can draw better?
I don't think you'd improve it a faster rate. Well, I'm telling you. It's not about the are supplies
it's about the artists themselves and being creative and
Just going out there and doing your best. I
Know for example not a cheap
Big ballpoint pen here and they've been using for my drawings. I've been doing recently
it you don't eat anything expensive something cheap like this you can get in a pack and a pack of
1224 however many unique you get them in a dollar store Walmart
Any art store, you don't need anything as expensive
Because if you get expensive supplies
You're gonna feel that you have to have them and then I'm gonna feel that you know without them that you're not any good
Just take whatever you have near you as far as our supplies and start practicing with that
because when I first started getting the join I
thought that you know
I have to look perfect pen the perfect pencil that you know how to have name-brand and everything. You absolutely do not need name-brand
Sure, if you're doing something that's you know
A finished piece of work and it know it's a huge drawing or something like that then maybe it's gonna help me in long run
But you don't need to eat anything is super expensive
Just get started and start on something and the most important thing is being creative in practicing a lot
They don't give you a lot farther than no spinning all this time that is being wasted
Thinking that you can't get any better because you need a better pen
I've got expensive pens I've got
All kinds of sketchbooks, but that's because I've been doing this for a very long time. I've
Accumulated and collected these over many years
and so that's why I have so many and because it's a really big passion of mine and
Just want to tell everybody about that. I've talked about it many times the formatives, but I just want to reiterate that and
Explain it again
You don't
Need to spend all that time worrying about the cost of dollars supply
I've even done a drawing where I was drawing on a paper blade
It doesn't really matter what you have around you just start working on something. So the excuse that you don't have the money to draw
There's not a reason because going after me I never had any money
I was really really poor and so I had to gel with whatever was around me
I was using really really cheap pens, you know a big pen like this or really cheap off-brand
Graphite pencils and I just kept using those. I mean, where would I have been now if I given up way back then?
When I had cheap art supplies, I wouldn't be where I'm at right now. So
Just just keep trying was what you have and don't worry so much about
what you can or can't do with our supply you have and as I said before just
keep practicing and practicing being creative and so just get out there and
stay creative and
don't let anything hold you back because
Something like this is cheap. They'll get you a lot farther than what you think. You can get if you spend so much time
Worrying about the cost of the art supply. So thanks for watching and you have a good day
For more infomation >> Dont Let Art Supplies Hold You Back | Cheap vs Expensive | Stay Creative by Jacob Sheetz - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
乞丐問佛祖的幾個問題,受益匪淺 - Duration: 13:19.
此仁兄不請自來 抱歉 恕不招呼 - Duration: 6:19.
When You Are Crazy Everything Is Easy / Whatsapp Status Video / Good Morning Daily Motivation - Duration: 0:34.
When You Are Crazy Everything Is Easy / Whatsapp Status Video / Good Morning Daily Motivation
Saving Money on Heart Disease Treatment - Duration: 3:54.
Saving money on heart disease treatment
what are your rights at the moment
there are no acts or laws in place to ensure that the 83,000,000 U.S. adults who are
suffering from heart disease receive help with their treatment
what problems might you run into
almost all of the tests currently use to check heart function are seen as necessary by insurance companies says Dr. Nike Goldberg
a cardiologist and medical director of the john H tisch center for women's health in New York
there aren't really any of the standard tests that you have trouble getting covered
but she did caution about some of the newer scans available
something like the latest CT scan which looks for plaque in arteries might not be guaranteed coverage and could cost $500 or $600 she sat
don't think you need to get a procedure done just because it's available and brand new
definitely talk to your Dr. and insurance company first so you aren't settled with a bill you can't pay
how can you save money on treatment
having heart disease can end up costing you a lot of money
according to the American heart association
a 2009 survey found that more than half of people suffering from heart disease had
difficulties paying for all of their treatment even if they had Health Insurance
and 46% of those who had a hard time financially delayed getting recommended care
one way you can improve your heart health is to make lifestyle changes stop smoking eat healthier exercise more
and these are things that won't necessarily cost a lot of money
it's expensive to meet one on one with a nutritionist so look into doing a group program like weight watchers Dr. Goldberg says
or see if the hospital you've got onto has nutritionists on stuff that type of service won't be covered by insurance typically
that going to a hospital nutritionist instead of one in private practice will cut down on costs
as for exercising
walking is a great way to get moving
to make sticking with your workout regimen easier
the American heart association has a program called my walking club that Peres you up with other walkers in your area
visit my walking to either start a club of your own or join an existing one
a major part of treatment costs for heart disease are the prescriptions you'll be put on a combination of anticoagulants
aspirin ace inhibitors
beta blockers and more which can become very expensive
and deep liquid medicines like plaid Exar brand name and there aren't really generic options yet keeping their price high Dr. Goldberg says
that both cholesterol lowering drugs and blood pressure medications are available in generic forms so you'll likely be able to save money
there she says to make sure to shop around since these are often drugs you're going to be on for a long time if not forever
do price comparisons and see what CVS
Walgreens even Costco would charge
she sat if there's no option besides a name brand high price drug look into the partnership for prescription assistance
the program has teamed up with most major pharmaceutical companies to offer discounted
medication to those who can prove their income is below a certain level
Do You Know The Feeling? - Duration: 1:22.
Do you know the feeling of being on a stage?
Do you know the feeling of the warm lights shining on your face?
Do you know the feeling of hundreds of eyes staring at you, although you can't see them?
Do you know the feeling of your racing heart and mind as you stare aimlessly into the crowd?
Do you know the feeling of your palms sweating and your body racked with nervousness, but
your lips are stuck curled in a bright smile?
Do you know the feeling of standing there next to your second family and the anticipation
of performing?
Do you know the feeling of singing with your whole heart and the lovely harmonies that
flow gently through your ears?
Do you know the feeling of your wide smile as you look around at the amazing scene that
surrounds you?
Do you know the feeling of your heart as it swells to its capacity as you finish your
final song, feeling so grateful that you've just shared your passion to the world?
Do you know the feeling of all your friends engulfing you in the most suffocating, yet
incredible hug you can ever imagine?
Do you know the feeling of accomplishment as you look back at those countless hours
of practice and rehearsal?
Do you know the feeling of sadness when you realize you are no longer up there doing it
all over again?
Do you know the feeling of pure happiness as it races through your veins and courses
throughout your entire body and fills your mind?
Now tell me, do you know the feeling of being on stage?
Congratulations to the Graduates - Duration: 2:10.
So a new crop of students will toss their hat in the air. They will say
goodbye to the work of yesterday, some will graduate from high school
finally grateful that they're getting out of their parents home, some will make
it to college. So they get to college, they'll find it difficult that some will
graduate from college. So regardless of whether you learn from kindergarten that
I am not sure if a kindergarten is watching this but whichever level you're graduating from
what is the one advice you can get no matter at what stage you graduate and
that's the commonality of life. It's called the foundation a foundation
allows you to have a solid grounding it's something which means if you come
up short of the next step do you have a solid foundation beyond
which you will not fall. If life doesn't have a foundation and you're constantly
aspiring, the first time you fall you're going to fall further than where you
were. So for those of you are getting ready to graduate, I want you to ask
yourselves a few questions these are foundational questions. Who are you? This
is called role identity. In my case as a married man, I always say that I am Anila's
husband and Nic's Dad. That's a non-negotiable foundation so who are you
where do you come from role origin who do credit with what you're going to
become this is role influence. What makes you laugh? This is called role mirtch or
gaiety. What makes you cry? This is called role disappointment and finally what
gives you hope? Alfred Adler, the great psychologist, once said, hope is the
foundation of quality all change. So for those of you getting
ready to graduate I think answers to those six questions: Who are you? Where do
you come from? Whom do you credit with what you're about to become? What makes
you laugh? What makes you cry? and What gives you hope? Will give you a solid
foundation and from there you can begin to orchestrate your dreams and write
your vision! Good luck in all of your endeavors" and We'll be cheering you on!
Waching daily Jun 1 2018
what's going on crew today we're gonna be doing 24 hours on a island challenge
so we did this a year ago so you could you get that video and that's when we
armor love new Virginia you know I'm small now we're doing it
again that sounds bigger and we just moved so yeah we actually have a TV so
watching so the day things I brought is some song bigger tips my favorite tips
some red nail polish that I stole from my mom and a big fluffy blank blanket
for my pillow and I blanket like a pillow
what is this tiny so first I got a blanket and then I got a board game
headbands and then I got some mokuba
let's get started to the on to this channel yeah now every the role of this
challenge are we cannot get off the island anyways cuz there are sharks like
anyone yeah and with stay on this island get it yeah we this deadly because
there's water here and the structures would be there yeah they're looking for
the first thing I'm gonna do is pick my nails first time I'm gonna hand am I
gonna do with this one laughs snoring laughs for me this is a critical job
this mr. Swinton looks so pretty on camera
really this is the one my nails and I rehearse a line one starter
and away
water leaks the one to this is Louise robot to do staying on this island has
cards a headband and they each get a headband so every better purpose that
looks if you don't look down here first okay
so I'll have a card in your head if you have to guess what we are in a minute
so I'm gonna go first okay ready set go can I be a pet now am I an animal no can
I swim no you might be warned no can I fight
no I fruit no I mean no nice know what sorry I am yes hey it's my turn
do I have legs yes could I be a pet no am I an animal no can I swim no do I
have hair do i what can I be warned no in my toys yes yes a dock yes come in
please head to the dolly new on the wooden chicken dinner okay oh you guys
so as you can see that it's dark I know it's dirt so and what about you go to
bed and Maddy already gonna sleep never needs about you over there so you wear
it clearly yeah so we are going to call it a night because it is I'm very tired
so say good night Anthony
let's go to sleep
thank God
we did it
oh my head hurts hard things yeah it's
yeah but me how do you feel doing these about vasila how do you feel we hope you
guys enjoyed this video and today shadow goes to Jocelyn thank you so much for
watching it and comment down below and if you guys wanna be positive side
For more infomation >> 24 HOURS ON AN ISLAND CHALLENGE - Duration: 12:09.-------------------------------------------
"Everything Feels Wrong" | One Song a Week #7 - Duration: 1:53.
It is 11:11.
I wish that I could be less stressed.
So yeah, on that note!
I'm still counting this as a vlog cause it's technically a vlog, but umm...
Obviously it's not the vlogs that I've...
The type of vlogs that I've been doing for this series.
The thing is, I've had a really hard week just emotionally with myself and whatever.
So I did record a clip.
However, it was a pretty, me being sad sort of thing.
And umm...
I don't really feel like posting that.
I did write a song this week.
I did, umm...
I recorded it live on my other Twitter, but I got locked out of that Twitter and that
is now being deleted by the company because I tried to change my year, birth year, from
1995 to the correct year of 1996.
And they're saying that I am now no longer over 13.
Do I look 12 to you?
So technically there's no like vlog this week, or whatever.
But I did write the song, and it'll come out tomorrow.
And all of that stuff.
So don't worry, you're still getting your content.
I'm recording this before I actually start recording the footage for the next song, so
hopefully I actually got through with that one.
Yeah, so I have nothing else to say for this video.
I just thought I'd keep you updated and don't worry, there will be a video out tomorrow.
Uh, I guess thank you for watching this one.
And be sure to come back tomorrow for the actual song.
And it is not copy written this time.
The sort of week I'm having.
Yeah, go watch my other videos.
I've got playlists and stuff for you.
Go watch those other ones.
But anyway, I guess thank you for caring about this video and the week that I've been having.
Uh, again come back tomorrow for the new song.
And, as always, remember to Stay Awkward!
Can your car take the heat? There are things you can do to prepare it - Duration: 1:41.
Hear early childhood service director Tamara's story - Duration: 0:51.
Clothing Conversations | Juan Vazquez - Duration: 2:00.
so there's this rule and maybe it's unwritten I don't know rules that your
pants need to match your socks that doesn't work for me I like something that's going to stand out
clothing affects me in my daily life because you
want to always look good you always want to be your best you always want to look
your best and when you do that you end up doing your best and there are days
where I will wake up not wanting to get on with my day and once you start to
clean yourself up and you and you put on a nice outfit it really does change your
mindset it changes how you feel changes how you go about your day you end up
wanting to do more you end up wanting to do your best and that's really just how
much clothes affect my attitude when I put them on it's important for me to pick an
outfit like this because I want it to stand out just just a little bit I don't
want to be show off too much I don't want to stand out too much but just a
little bit just a hint of color just a hint of you know popping with a certain
accessory or colors and my socks or my tie just to make people maybe ask about
what I'm wearing or why I chose it and start that conversation about it
yeah I think that just just what you wear is an expression of you and you may
not know it too but but but it is an expression of you so you know you may
want to take a moment just to see what you're wearing right now and what mood
you're in and then tomorrow take a look at what
you're wearing and then what and then you might see that there's
actually a connection that they you don't know about
Costly Condo Buying Mistakes: What first time home buyers MUST avoid - Duration: 5:06.
So are you ready to buy a condo but afraid of making mistakes?
buying a home is one of the most
expensive purchases in your lifetime and you want to be sure.
In this video I talked with a condo buying expert and we go over some of the
top mistakes people make when buying a condo so you can avoid them.
Welcome to Homebuyer's School brought
to you by Brookfield Residential.
So before we begin, if this is your first
time on this channel and you want to get
the latest strategies tactics and tips on
home buying, click the subscribe button
below, hit the little bell so you
don't miss anything.
Hi everyone, welcome to another edition of Homebuyer's School, today I'm joined by
Karen McDonald, community manager with Brookfield Residential and today the
question we're gonna answer is,
what are some avoidable mistakes when buying a condo?
Well the biggest answer to that is be an educated buyer, make sure that you--
Watch these videos!
Yes! Watch the videos, make sure that you know everything that
you can know about the new home that you're buying. I think in a multi-family
development, any kind, it's important to have all the condominium documentation
in advance, make sure that you do a proper review of it and a brand new home
you have the ten days--the conditional period to review that--that's Alberta
condominium property act, that's what you have that ten day conditional period
for, make sure you use it, consult the professionals, your realtor, your mortgage
broker, your builder representative, they will have all of the answers to your
questions that will help you and make this monumental decision in buying your
brand-new home, and I would say for a resale in particular, making sure
that you know whether there are--there have been any special assessments, levees
that have been put upon homeowners in the past, have they been remedied?
Do they foresee any coming up in in the future? How old is the building?
That's all things that you have to take into consideration when you're
considering your total monthly expenses.
When you mention special assessments, can you go into that a little bit more?
Yeah, special assessments are-- they're additional
financial contributions that are imposed upon homeowners
when there is deemed to be maybe enough and not enough money in an operating
budget or in the reserve fund to cover maintenance and repair of the home, so
that can be something that happens to a large degree and in older homes. Again,
multi-family--new multi-family builds have protections and that for warranties, you
could buy a resale that still has some warranty included in that as well
too, but overall special assessments are something that happens like in a
single-family, any kind of home that you have that would be maintenance of the
home for anything in the future.
What's one or two key mistakes you've seen
home condo buyers do in the past that you kind of want to make sure the
audience try to avoid?
Again it's about being educated, it's about figuring out
where you're going to be in the next stages of your life, if this is something
that you're buying, is your first home, where do you see yourself in three
to five years? Do you think that there's a possibility that you're gonna move
soon? Will you be transferred for work? What are you gonna do for work and from
there will you have a family? Will you need more space? What's the requirement
gonna be for you in the next five years if you're downsizing? Is it gonna be
enough space for you, from your single family larger home? I'd say that would be
the biggest items that I would say, a lot of buyers they might rush in to make the
mistake of jumping into something really quick without really thinking about
future use.
How about buying a condo as sort of an investment property, what would be
some of your thoughts on that?
Well, really buying a condo as an investment
property is a great thing to do. You have the maintenance-free aspect
that you'd as a landlord, you don't have to take care of that yourself, you don't
have to rely on your tenant to maintain that property for you, it's done as a
collective it's making sure that everything is done within the
development, it all looks cohesive, it's all the same so--
and condo fees are great for investment properties, it really saves landlords
from having to take care of that property themselves.
Perfect, well thank you very much Karen,
thank you very much everyone for joining us and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of
Homebuyer's School, tune in next time for
more expert tips and tricks and visit to bring you one
step closer to finding your dream home.
As with everything, it would be
great if you like and share our videos.
Also please let us know if you have any
home buying questions
you want us to answer.
Why you should take ASL - Duration: 1:18.
You can have secret conversations
You can learn how to become an ASL interpreter
You learn a LOT of information
Mrs. Westerfield is an AWESOME teacher
Deaf coffee is very fun
Deaf culture is very interesting
We play a bunch of fun games
ASL can make your cognative abilities better, it can also raise your IQ by 12 points
If dyslexic ASL can be an easier alternative of foreign languages
Time Block - Duration: 1:05.
James Schramko here, and you may be wondering how is it that I get to surf
every day, when you might feel overloaded, you've always got stuff on your plate,
things popping up everywhere, and you just don't have time. Well, what I do is, I
put surfing in my calendar first, and then I build my business appointments
around that. So the calendar schedule goes first. I also make sure that I
schedule my customer external calls on Wednesdays, so that they're in there and
my scheduler is dealing with that, which means that I have time for the rest of
the week to do what I want. So my tip is, if there's something you'd like to do
more of, whether that's Playstation, watching a movie, riding a bike, going to
the gym or surfing, put it into your scheduler first, and then build your
customer work around that. Build your team appointments around that. There must
be those time blocks. This will work for you. I'd love you to try it and let me
know how you go.
5 NEW Smoothies You Must Try [Ramadan special 2018] - Duration: 5:31.
Hetalia I Dare You! Fanime Panel Part 1! - Duration: 58:02.
[America] "Hello everyone, and welcome to our Hetalia I Dare you panel!"
[Audience] *Clapping*
[America] "I like that!"
[America] "Um… So first things first I'm sure you guys know how this works."
"You basically stand up to the mic that you see right next to ya and you speak either to your desired country."
"Either you dare them to do something, or you ask them whatever you want."
"Just some rules to follow d- Nothing that's like controversial or anything that's kinda sensitive topics."
"Nothing inappropriate and well that's- I guess that's pretty much the basics, but also just keep your voices down."
"just a bit cause, sometime ya' know, It gets too loud and there's too much- What?"
*China is saying something, probably along the lines of 'America please shut up so that we can start.'*
*America with eyes is probably replying with something like 'No can do bro. The Hero is explaining s***!'*
[America] *Dismissively* "Shhh China. Um...So uh. That's all I can make up for the rules."
"And with that, you guys want to begin?"
[Audience] "Yeah."
[America] 'Yeah!?"
[Audience] "Yeah!'
[America] "Well then lets start right now!. First come, First serve!"
*People start leaving their chairs so that they can line up to ask questions*
[America] "OH! and before so, I guess. Would you guys like- we would like to introduce our countries."
"Sound Good?"
[That one person in the back of the audience] "Yeah!"
"Alright. Let go from all the way to the left!"
[Chibitalia] "Hi everyone! I'm Chibitalia!"
*The Audience starts cheering and clapping*
[Germany] "I'm Deutschland (Germany)."
*Our Italy wasn't here yet, but they will come in shorty. This is where they will be sitting, between the Germany and the Japan*
[Japan] "Konichiwa, I am Japan."
*More Clapping. Cause who doesn't love Japan??*
[Russia] "Привет (Hello) I am Russia.'
*More Clapping for the Russian*
[China] (What I can only assume is them introducing themself in Chinese??)
[China] "I am China."
[America] "And I'm America! The Hero!"
*Proud American cheers*
[England] "More like the idiot.'
[A shook audience member] "Wuw."
[England] "I am Britain."
*Clapping noises for the burn*
[Prussia] "I am ze awesome Prussia!"
*The Audience bows to their ruler- I am mean cheers some more*
[Audience member] *Yells out* "I love you!"
[Prussia] *Partly mouthing it, partly saying it* "I love you too!"
[Spain] "I am Spain." *In Spanish*
*The audience cheering for their favorite tomato lover*
[Romano] "Im Romano."
*At least 3 people clapped and one even said hello*
[America] "Alright with that lets on to- Lets get the show rolling!"
[America] "You can just line up."
[England] *Jokingly* "No rush."
[Audience member] "Prussia, tell us how- about how awesome you are."
*The audience immediately split up into two groups. Those who agreed that he is perfect and those who wanted to die immediately.*
*It was about 50/50 I'd say*
[Prussia] "Okay! So it starts with just the beginning of everything. Me being here's just completely awesome, let me just tell you that. Um I was just born awesome."
[America] " I highly doubt that."
[Prussia] "I am! Im- very much awesome! Do you doubt me and my awesomeness?"
[Audience member] "Yes"
[America] "I doubt you 150%"
[Prussia] "You're just jealous!"
[A different audience member from before says] "I believe in you Prussia!"
[America] "I'm the hero, I'm never jealous."
[Prussia] "???"
[Audience member] "America what kind of heroic things have you done so far?"
[America] "So far or recently?"
[Audience member] "Recently."
[America] "Recently. Well, I did help a little old lady across the street today and uh,"
"Oh! and I stopped a thief mhmm and uh, I saved the Galaxy in a video game! That was pretty heroic right? Right?"
[Audience member] "What video game?"
[America] "What?"
[Audience member] "What video game?"
[America] "Classic. Halo."
"And let's see. You know just too much heroic stuff to actually tell you guys- Its a lot. Yup."
[Audience member] "England why are your eyebrows so big?"
[England] "I'm not sure whether to feel offended or not.. So… Its because It's for every single quality I have and it's bigger than all of you."
"England's best!"
[America] "That definitely not true."
[Romano] "It's in his genes like bad cooking."
[America being spiteful] "If you're the best why aren't you a great Empire anymore?
*I think he thought that Spain said it and not Romano*
*America is protecting England and Spain is about to start protecting Romano.*
[Spain] "Neither are you."
[America] "Yes I am."
[Spain] "Really?"
[America] "Yeah."
[Spain] "Do you want to get started? (Fight)."
[America] "Yeah."
[England, clearly not wanting to start a war says] "Not today! Not today! Eat your tomatoes and your... whatever you eat for cholesterol issues."
[America] "I have a Diet Coke in the morning, thank you very much!"
[England] "That's not any better!"
[Audience member] "I have a question for China."
[China] "Yes?"
[Audience member] "So, what was it like raising Japan?"
[China] "Well he was very very cute as a child, but uh."
[Japan] "I still am cute."
[China] 'Not since you took a katana to my back, I have a giant scar there."
[Japan] "I did do that."
[China] "Yes you did. We don't speak anymore."
*If you listen closely you can actually hear the hearts break*
[Audience member] "So Germany how is it like dealing with Prussia?"
*Germany Internal screaming*
[Germany] "It is an absolute nightmare."
[Prussia] "I mean you're not wrong."
*This was the shortest and most honest answer we gave the entire panel*
[Audience member] "This is for everyone. Do an impression of the person to your right."
[Chibitalia] "Uhh..I don't really know you uuuuhhhh...Imma big scary...blonde duuuuudddeee!"
"And i'm mean to Prussia."
[Germany] *Intensely whispers* "Herro?"
"I am Japan, And I am very quiet."
"I have some strange things in my country...Yes"
[Japan] "How could you just call me out like that?"
[Germany] "I believe that is the purpose of this."
[Russia] "You should be careful what you say~ Da~?
[Japan] "Um. I am big and I am powerful and… I drink vodka."
[Japan] "I'm threatening Japan!"
[Russia] "Hey im China, and I should totally become one with russia right now."
*China is sticking a needle into the Russia dolls head."
[China] "I'm America and I'm loud and obnoxious and fat."
[America] "I am not fat! I workout like a 100 hours a week. Okay?"
[China] "Doing what? Playing with your video game controller?"
[America] "You know what?"
[Spain] "Working at your job doesn't count."
[America] "What?"
[Spain] "Working at your job doesn't count."
[America] "Exactly."
[England] "He's not wrong."
[China] "I'm pretty sure the muscle that you exercise the most is your thumbs."
[America] "I drink diet coke! Again, to balance everything out. Okay?"
"So...Anyways onto, I guess." *Referring to England*
[England] "Choose your words wisely
[America] "We'll see about that."
"Hi! I'm Britain and I drink tea, eat scones, and I suck!"
[England] "My turn."
"Hi! Im America." *Slowly dies."
[England as himself] "I'm going to go either way!"
[England talking as America] "And I betray my friends!"
"Next is Prussia. I am just awesome and dead."
[Chibitalia] "How dare you!?"
[Prussia] "Okay, first off, I'm not dead! It is just not for me"
"Hello. I am Spain! I obsess over turtles and tomatoes and Romano~!
"Ciao! Im Romano! I'm going to sit here and complain, because I secretly love Spain, but I can't except my own feelings!"
[Romano] "Hi. Im chibi Italy. And I cry a lot, and I draw."
[Chibitalia] "At least I don't pee the bed!"
[Romano] "You said you wouldn't tell!"
[Prussia] "So there was no squirrel."
[Romano] "He was there, I swear!"
[Audience member] "Uh, Germany maybe? I dare you to go and hug every other country."
[Germany's Inner Thoughts~]
[It's just Japan. He probably doesn't like this either]
[Oh...Just...carefully now…]
[China? I guess he is kinda cool]
[Why does he smell like burgers!?...And not the good kind!? Oh Gott!]
[I could choke him right now...]
[Nein too many people watching."]
[I shall touch him as little as possible]
[Of course I can't just have a simple hug. He has to assault my cheeks with his lips]
[Audience member] "I got a questions for America."
[America] "Right on."
[Audience member] "In your honest opinion, opinion. How do you feel about your current boss?"
[America] "My current boss?"
[Audience member] "Yes. Honest opinion!"
[America] "Without getting into anything controversial, He's got a little bit of a temper, but he is pretty cool."
[England] "Lets not talk about our bosses!"
[Audience member] "Uh, Okay America. How many memes do you have?"
[America] "How many what?"
[Audience member] "How many memes do you have?"
[America] "Oh memes! Oh, you should see my phone! I have an entire folder of memes. Oh yeah like spanning from 2012! It's great!"
*There is some slight confusion*
[Chibitalia] "What's a meme?"
[America] "You don't know what a meme is!?"
[Romano] "We are not teaching anyone memes."
[America] "Memes are good!"
[Romano] "No we are not teaching memes today."
[America] "It's American culture, we have to teach it!"
[Spain] "It's stupid."
[America] "It is not stupid! Its classic humor!"
*An argument about how important memes are is held*
[Audience member] "It's stupid and funny."
[America], "Way to be on the fence yo."