Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 40

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 40 - Duration: 9:39.


Who Owns Your DNA? (YOU DON'T) - Duration: 3:29.

Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin!

You likely consider your body your property, right?

You live in it, you choose where it goes and what it does, so you probably think that you

own it.

Well, you might be surprised to learn that the law isn't entirely clear whether you

do own your body.

Apparently, you can't be you and own you at the same time, which is really quite confusing.

Things don't get any less confusing when we look at your genetic makeup, your DNA.

Who owns that?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic information that dictates how our bodies grow,

function, and reproduce.

Humans share 99.9% of the same DNA but a peek at your specific sequences can reveal information

about your health, personality, family history, and even your relationships.

Each human's complete DNA sequence is different than anyone else's.[b] It's incredibly

personal and experts have said that your genetic information is the most valuable thing you


Just like your social security number, home address, and credit card info, this information

should be guarded carefully.

But, some of you humans are totally fine giving your genetic information away to corporations,

research groups, and other third party organizations.

So far, 12 million of you have sent away samples of your DNA to consumer genetic testing companies

to find out information about your own genetic makeup.

But if you're like most people and don't read the fine print, you probably have no

idea the rights you gave away.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions and sending off a vial of your saliva, you're

giving these groups the right to your DNA.

You're allowing them to sell this information, send it to research groups, and do any number

of things thanks to some incredibly broad wording of their fine-print.

And if your genetic info leads to some wild, medical breakthrough, you'll get nothing.

Which is pretty rude if you ask me.

So does this mean they own your DNA?

Do you own it?

People, organizations, and judges have been debating who owns DNA for years.

But after a court ruling in 2013, it was decided that DNA cannot be patented under US law,

which means no one can own someone else's DNA.

And it's not even clear if you own your DNA, which also contains your family's DNA.

Legally speaking, natural phenomenons and laws of nature cannot be trademarked or solely


This is the same reason why someone can't patent the element gold and claim that all

gold on Earth is theirs.

So while these companies can't own your DNA, they can own the sample you gave and

the information they derive from it and preeeetty much send it wherever they want.

And I bet there are a lot of hands you wouldn't want your genetic makeup to fall into.

For example, while it's technically illegal for employers and health insurers to discriminate

based on genetics, it would be difficult to prove that's why they fired you or didn't

take you on as a customer.

A potential employer might see that you have a family history of cancer and choose another

candidate just to avoid the hassle and you'd never know.

And unfortunately, the legal future of your right to genetic privacy is unclear.

So while no one may own your DNA right now, who knows if that'll still be the case ten,

twenty years from now.

Have you done a DNA test?

Did you know what rights you were giving up?

Let us know

in the comments.

For more infomation >> Who Owns Your DNA? (YOU DON'T) - Duration: 3:29.


How Are You Starting Your Day? #MyMorning - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How Are You Starting Your Day? #MyMorning - Duration: 1:01.


The Low-Hanging Fruit | Chris Masterjohn Lite #46 - Duration: 7:42.

Why should I invest my time in tracking

calories or sacrifice the variety in

my diet to eat something so monotonous

as the robot diet when there are so many

approaches out there that allow people

to eat a variety of delicious foods

without spending time tracking calories

and people are losing weight because

they work? Today I'm going to answer

these questions for you.

Hi I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn of and this is

Chris Masterjohn Lite

where the name of the game is

"Details? Shmeetails. Just tell me what works!"

And today we're going to talk about

the low-hanging fruit of weight loss.

In anything in life we will

be able to find some things that we can

do that are easy and generate quick

results. That's the low-hanging fruit. Once

we pick it, it's gone. After that we need to

work harder to continue getting results.

The same thing is true in weight loss.

And the more weight we have to lose, the

more likely there is to be low-hanging

fruit and the more low-hanging fruit

there's likely to be. So someone who is

very, very overweight can probably lose

weight at a fairly rapid pace for quite

a long time by following some simple

rules that don't require tracking calories.

But someone who's moderately

overweight may only have 5 pounds of

low-hanging fruit, and someone who only

has a few pounds to lose to get in their

leanest shape probably doesn't have any

low-hanging fruit. It gets even more

complicated because what's low-hanging fruit

for one person might look very different

from what is low-hanging fruit for

another. What's low-hanging fruit for me

may look very different from what's

low-hanging fruit for you. And we

can kind of see that when we look at the

different approaches that are used

successfully for weight loss. They are

often contradictory. Low fat works; low

carb works; keto, a more extreme version

of low carb, works; paleo works; vegan

works. There are so many different

permutations of these diets that work on

average that we also have to try to

navigate between which one do we choose.

Now, to some degree they're all effective

because they all induce a caloric deficit.

In tracking calories you induce

the caloric deficit on purpose. With most

of these other approaches, you make some

more simple intuitive dietary changes,

and that acts on presumably the brain

to regulate your appetite or some other

aspect of your eating behavior that

leads to a spontaneous—or some other

aspect of your energy balance that leads to a

spontaneous caloric deficit. And so it

may be that to some degree these

approaches all share that property so

they're interchangeable, but some of

these approaches may work better for

some people and others for others.

There's probably going to be a lot of trial

and error and guesswork in this, but I'll

try to give you some rules that you could try.

So first of all, if you're eating a lot

of processed junk food - stop.

Anyone who's overweight who cuts out

processed junk food will probably lose

weight and even if you're not overweight,

you should be cutting out processed junk

food because it's not as nutritious for

you and it's bad for you. So your health

will be better if you cut out the

processed junk food. That's easy.

Number 2: if you're completely sedentary,

institute an exercise program. Going from

completely sedentary to exercising will

probably result in some weight loss.

Exercise is going to help your energy

metabolism. Exercise is going to help

regulate your body composition. It's even

going to help regulate your appetite. And

if you are an athlete, there are very

detailed questions that you need to

address to perfect your training program,

but when you're sedentary, all you need

to do is start moving.

Number 3: I don't think the science is in on this,

but it's probably the case that if you

have blood sugar problems or you have

signs of insulin resistance, pre-diabetes,

or diabetes, low carb may work better for you

than low fat. I'm not saying that's true. I'm saying

the probability might be greater; it's pretty

reasonable to think that that might be true.

So maybe that's an indication of

trying one versus another. But another

big thing that comes here is just your

individual reactions to these foods.

For example, are there some foods that you

tend to overeat? Are there some foods

that satiate you better? Do you feel

hungrier on lower fat or on lower carb?

Pick the dietary approach that seems

like it's going to satisfy you. You're going

to enjoy the food, and you're less

likely to overeat it, and you're more

likely to feel full.

Whatever that approach is for you as an

individual is going to be the most

likely approach to find your individual

low-hanging fruit. Now, the other part of

this equation is knowing when it's time

to move on. So, let's say that you try

these approaches and you eventually lead

to a plateau, you double down on the

approach, you're strict with the approach,

you've stopped losing weight. Or, let's

take another case where you try several

of these approaches and none of them work.

What you should never do is say, "Why

is this approach no longer working?"

Because the answer is obvious.

The approach is no longer working or it

never worked in the first place because

it didn't lead to a spontaneous caloric deficit.

Once we acknowledge that, it

becomes a lot easier to move on.

It doesn't matter that other people are

losing weight with that approach and

you're not. It doesn't matter that you

were losing weight with that approach

and now you're not. You have picked your

low-hanging fruit or you didn't have any

low-hanging fruit to pick. Now, is it

possible that you could look and look

and look and eventually find more

low-hanging fruit? Yes, but what is the cost

of spending that time and effort getting no results

looking for the next low-hanging fruit

that might not be there when you can

simply move on and use something that

more reliably induces a caloric deficit?

So the point at which you no longer get

results, or you can't find results after

trying a few approaches, that's the

point at which you want to move on to

something more reliable like tracking

calories or in the last episode the

"robot diet."

The audio of this episode was

enhanced and post-processed by

Bob Davodian of Taurean Mixing. You can

find more of his work at

This episode is brought to you by

Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate

Cheat Sheet. Everything you could ever

need to know to optimize your nutrition

all in one place. Easier to find and use

than ever before. Get your copy at

All right, I hope you found this useful.

Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn.

This has been Chris Masterjohn Lite.

And I will see you in the next episode.

For more infomation >> The Low-Hanging Fruit | Chris Masterjohn Lite #46 - Duration: 7:42.


Nereis - Overdrive (official) - Duration: 3:57.



push yourself

to the limit

press the accelerator

crazy move

tear down

the wall


the mechanism

like there is

no tomorrow


of your body

it makes you

feel a god

feel like you can

reach the sun

this is the only


be faster than


hey you!

are you ready

for insanity

just give it all

be how you

used to be

you know that

you can still win

be cold and act

put your heart into


touch the line


death and life

live the moment

on a higher level

push yourself

to the limit

press the accelerator

crazy move

tear down

the wall

touch the line


death and life

live the moment

on a higher level

push yourself

to the limit

press the accelerator

you should dare

tear down

the wall

extension of

your body

it makes you

feel a god

feel like you can

reach the sun

this is the only


be faster

than yourself

hey you!

are you ready

for insanity

just give it all

be how you

used to be

you know that

you can still win

be cold and act

put your heart into


hey you!

are you ready

for insanity

just give it all

be how you

used to be

you know that

you can still win

be cold and act

put your heart into


and are you ready

for insanity

just give it all

give it all

be how you

used to be

you know that

you can still make it

be cold and act

put your heart into


For more infomation >> Nereis - Overdrive (official) - Duration: 3:57.


「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Him & I ✗ Mama✗ The Monster (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:27.

Nightcore - Havana X New Rules X Shape of You X Him & I X Mama X Baby Boy X Ms Jackson (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Him & I ✗ Mama✗ The Monster (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:27.


How To Meditate - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> How To Meditate - Duration: 4:29.


ASMR Eating | FRUITS Party: Plum, Apple,... - Duration: 3:01.

ASMR Eating | FRUITS Party: Plum, Apple,...

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating | FRUITS Party: Plum, Apple,... - Duration: 3:01.


Kristen Bell and Jamie Foxx Play 'You Bet Your Daughter' - Duration: 6:41.

Here is how this game works.

Twitch is going to say a category like toothpaste.

Then my mom is going to say, I bet

my daughter can name eight brands of toothpaste.

Then, Jamie is going to say, I bet my daughter

can name nine and so on.

Or you can challenge the other person at any time.

If we can't complete the bet in 30 seconds, we drop.

But if we can, the other daughter drops.

The first daughter to hit the floor loses.

Oh my goodness.


Whoa, why did I agree to this?

I don't know.

I don't know why I'm here.

Let's go.

Let's get it.

My mom and Jamie, you go back behind those podiums

to ask us the questions.

We will put on our blindfolds, which are--

Oh, you got blindfolds?

All right, here we go.

OK, OK, oh, I lost you.

I lost you.

Use your abs.

Holy schnikes.

Holy schnikes.

Use your abs.

I'm going to pretend that you're right there.

Hot yoga.

Think hot yoga.

Oh, wow.


OK, here we go.

The first topic is breakfast cereals.

Jamie, how many breakfast cereals

do you think your daughter can name?

My daughter can name 10 breakfast cereals.

What, dad?


We need to communicate.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm going to challenge.

Oh, my--

Let's go, [INAUDIBLE].

Dig in.

10 breakfast cereals.

30 seconds on the clock.

Let's go.

Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Twix, Twix?

Yes, Twix is a cereal.

Keep going.

Did I say Froot Loops?

Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran--

I'm looking at the breakfast aisle of--

what do I want?

Oh, Wheaties.

There you go.

How much time do I have left?

Two more.

Wheaties, oh, oh, Rice Krispies and Frosted Rice Krispies.

Does that count?


One more.

Yes, now you get it!

Oh, almost there but you did not get it.

I didn't get it?

So I'm going to have to drop you now.

All right, you ready?


You sure?


OK, cool.


[INAUDIBLE] are you safe?

Are you OK?

I'm right here, baby.

I don't know where I am.

I'm right here, baby.


I'm right here, baby.


I'm right here.

But if you fall, we'll get insurance money.



All right--

I'm sweating so much.

--next category, you ready?

[INAUDIBLE] making me nervous.

Famous rappers.

She can name 100.

No, I'm just playing.


Let's learn our lesson.

Think about your heritage.

We can get this.

OK, Corinne, dig in.

I'm going to say you can name 12 famous rappers.



Shoot, dad.


Come on.

Just think all of the little's.

OK, yeah.

There's 12 littles.

There's 12 littles.

50,000 littles.


Any kind of hint for momma?

All right, 13.


Oh, my god!

You're from Detroit.


Wow, this got interesting.


13 rappers in 30 seconds.

Let's go.

OK, Jamie, are you considered--

Jamie Foxx.

I'm a rapper.

Jay-z, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Too Short, Biggie Smalls, Oh, god.


I know Detroit.


There you go.

[INAUDIBLE]-- does he count?


Oh, no.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

Mary J. Blige?

Does she rap?

She raps.

She raps!


I'm sorry, Kristen.

That's not it.

So it's your first drop.

Oh, no.

First drop.

You ready?


Say a prayer.

All right, here we go.


What do I do with my hands?


Just get ready.

OK, I'm going to catch you.


You ready?

Yeah, OK, OK.


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

Oh, man.


I'm sorry, darling.

Mom, you're in the big soup.

That's what she would say to me when I was little.

Next category, y'all.

Types of dances.


Is that what you're telling me?

Who are you listening to?


I think she said 10.

10 types of dances.


10 dances.

Come on, hokey pokey.


Oh, my god.


What are you saying?

All right, Kristen.

I got to hear these 10.

10 types of dances--

You can do this.

--in 30 seconds.

Let's go.

The waltz, the foxtrot, the cabbage patch,

the grave digger, the stewardess.

The grave digger?

I can execute all of these.

So I can show you.

Uh, box step, uh, modern dance, ballet, jazz, tap--

Oh, she can't sing.

Swing dancing!





A lot of energy on it, yeah, absolutely.

I'm terrified to drop.

So Corrine, I'm going to have to drop you one more time.

Is this the last drop?

It might be.

We'll see.

You ready?

OK, I'm so scared right now.

Here we go.

Get ready.

Kristen, that's why you win.

You win [INAUDIBLE].

Very nice--

Can I take these off?

Very nice.

Yeah, you can take that off.

We can't just leave you up there.

We going to bring you down.

OK, cool.

You ready for it?

Hell, yeah.



Great job.

Awesome, y'all.

Thank you so much for playing.

And you're not going home empty handed.

Y'all getting a 55' TCL Roku TV.

We get a TV.

Beat Shazam airs Tuesday at 8:00 on Fox.

And we'll be right back.

Hi, I'm Andy.

Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel

so you can see more awesome videos,

like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things,

like ball-peen-hammer, and also some videos of Ellen

and other celebrities if you're into that sort of thing.



For more infomation >> Kristen Bell and Jamie Foxx Play 'You Bet Your Daughter' - Duration: 6:41.


25 DIRTIEST Things You Touch Every Day - Duration: 10:23.

It's not surprising that the world is a dirty place full of millions of bacteria.

What may come as a surprise, though, is what the dirtiest items in your house and in public are!

After you read this list, you might think twice about touching certain items and then

forgetting to wash your hands.

Ready to find out what the germiest and dirtiest places and things are?

I'm Mike with List25 and here we are the 25 Dirtiest Things You Touch Every Day!


Door Knob Although modern knobs are usually designed

to be bacteria resistant, these types of defenses aren't always effective.

Moreover, older non-resistant door knobs are going to be even worse.

Keep this in mind next time you are trying to escape a public bathroom.


Fridge Handle Let's be honest, how often do you clean your

fridge handles?

Probably never.

You should consider it though, because they are often infested with the same bacteria

that live on poultry and pork.

The reason for this is that people usually take meat out of the fridge, make themselves

a sandwich, and then return it with without rinsing their hands.


Vending Machine Buttons Next time you use a vending machine consider

this as you are probably swallowing more than just your favorite snack.

As dirty as the buttons on that machine are, most of your selection consists of finger

food which gives the bacteria a fairly direct path to your esophagus.


Parking Meters According to a recent study, 40 percent of

parking meters and kiosks were labeled as being a high risk for illness transmission.

Who knew parking your car could be so dangerous?


Crosswalk Buttons Looking both ways before crossing the road

may not be enough to stay out of the dangerzone these days.

Crosswalk buttons were actually found to have high levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP),

a molecule that signals the presense of yeast, bacteria, and mold cells.


ATM Recent studies found ATMs to have high levels

of bacillus and pseudomonads, two bacteria famous for causing sickness and diarrhea.

Interestingly enough, these are the same bacteria that infest public toilets.

So next time you reach to type in your PIN number, just imagine yourself running your

hand around the rim of the toilet bowl across the street.


Remote Control While the cleanliness of your remote control

at home will depend upon your own personal hygeine, know this at public remotes at hospitals,

hotels, etc. are filthy little creatures.

Not only do their cracks and crevices make them ideal for microbes, spores, and bodily

fluids to hide, but studies have found semen, urine, and even SARS on public remotes.


Toilet Seat Although you'd probably have to be pretty

thirsty to drink from a public toilet, as you can see it's certainly not the dirtiest

thing you come in contact with on a regular basis.

We still don't recommend quenching your thirst from it though, as the statistics tell us

there are about 295 bacteria per square inch covering its shiny surface.


Cell Phone Yup, it's dirtier than your toilet seat.

The reason for this is that phones are generally warm, and like the tv remotes, they have numerous

crevices for bacteria to hide in.

A recent study in the United Kingdom even found that some cell phones can be staph bacteria

breeding grounds, which can lead to everything from skin infections all the way to meningitis.


Inside Latch of Public Bathroom Stall At least the inside of the toilet bowl gets

rinsed off a little bit with every flush, the latch on the door though…probably


In fact, theres a good chance that since the stall was constructed it hasn't been cleaned

at all.

Just another reason to wash your hands.


Bathtub Unless you're cleaning your bathtub weekly,

then most likely whatever is lingering around your drain is going to be worse than whatever

you find in your toilet.

Staph infections, pneuomonia, septicimia, and urinary tract infections have all been

caused by dirty tubs.


Light Switch Like numerous other entries on this list,

lightswitches often suffer from the never been cleaned sydnrome.

And after years of being flipped up and down by thousands of fingers, they tend to end

up with hundreds of bacteria per square inch.

Just make sure that you're not the last person to leave the conference room!


Microwave Pads While you may keep your own personal microwave

clean, how about at work?

Even if you did decide to do everyone a favor by washing it down, just using soap and water

won't be enough to get rid of all the grease.

In fact, unless you attack it with bleach, you'll have yourself a nice little bacteria

colony growing right next to where you heat your food.


Elevator Buttons It shouldn't be too surprising to see these

on here.

They're pretty much exactly like switches except they get flipped way more often.


Mailbox Handles Surprised?

The same study that found crosswalks, ATM buttons, and parking meters to be bacteria

hotspots also listed mailboxes right behind gas pumps as one of the most infested things

people touch on their way to work.


Self Checkout at the Supermarket Just like with ATM's, you'll find some nasty

stuff growing on those keypads.

While other types of checkouts aren't any cleaner, the supermarket only made the list

because there is food involved, which means an increased chance of ingesting all that



Money Generally speaking, the smaller the denomination,

the dirtier you can expect it to be with 1 dollars bills carrying numerous bacteria.

That shouldn't be surprising though when you think about how often they change hands.

Upon analyzing a randomly sampled stash of paper money, researchers at the Wright Patterson

Medical Center in Ohio actually found that a majority of paper bills have enough bacteria

to give someone with a compromised immune system (HIV or cancer) some serious problems.


Gas Pump Handles How often do you stop to fill up and at the

same time get some food for the road?

Hopefully only sporadically because eating those chips after touching that gas pump is

almost like licking the hands of every person to have ever used it to fill their tank.

Moreover, gas pumps are consistantly ranked by studies as one of the dirtiest places that

we regularly stick our hands.


Escalator Rails Topping the list of the world's most useless

bacteria infested things, unless you find some pressing need to stabilize yourself,

we suggest you stear clear of the hand rails.


Keyboard If you don't wash your hands after surfing

the web at your local library, then you might as well just never wash your hands because

those keyboards are some of the worst offenders when it comes to germ infestations.

Studies have even found bacteria like staph and E. coli on their surfaces.


Kitchen Sink With over half a million bacteria per square

inch, this is surely one of the dirtiest places in your house, and without a doubt, far dirtier

than anything in your bathroom will ever be.


Shopping Cart Researchers at the University of Arizona recently

found that shopping carts had more bacteria, saliva, and fecal mater than public bathrooms,

telephones, and even those nasty escalator handrails.

For this reason, many shopping centers are now offering wipes to clean off your shopping

cart before entering the store.


Drinking Fountain With school fountains being the worst, they

can have over 2.5 million bacteria per square inch on their spigots.

That's over 5 times filthier than anything on this list so far.


Playground Equipment Although this is no secret to the parents

among you, there is nothing on this planet dirtier than a kindergartner.

Now imagine dozens of them swinging, crying, bleeding, and drooling all over brightly colored

slides and staircases.

Absolutely terrifying, but hey, it's good for their immune systems, right?


Your Mouth Most of those germs on the playground, in

the elevator, and all over your keyboard came from one spot - ¦human mouths.

And with millions of bacteria per square inch, over 700 different species call it home.

But remember, not all germs are bad.

In fact, your body is teeming with good bacteria that do everything from help you digest your

food to fight off all the bad germs you get from touching the things on this list.

Enjoying our lists?

Be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and the notification bell

so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday.

Share them with friends and help us consistantly conciliate curiosity.

And if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our website


For more infomation >> 25 DIRTIEST Things You Touch Every Day - Duration: 10:23.


8 Curative, Flavored Waters You Must Try - Duration: 6:50.

8 Curative, Flavored Waters You Must Try

There is no doubt that the healthiest drink that you can have in your day-to-day is water.

Drinking water daily is vital for staying hydrated and obtaining a large amount of health benefits.

But sometimes we get tired of only drinking water and want to enjoy something with more flavor.

So check out these deliciously flavored waters!.

Not resorting to sugary or caffeinated drinks, a good option is to make vitamin waters.

Have you ever heard of them?.

Vitamin waters are homemade beverages that have tons of vitamins and flavor that you can enjoy every day.

They are an excellent option to vary your waters flavor while getting all of its benefits and giving your body additional benefits.

These delicious drinks are very easy to make, dont use colorants or flavoring and give you the benefits of fruit and herbs.

Green Tea, Mint, and Lime Flavored Water.

This flavored water is great for stimulating fat burning, improving digestion, relieving headaches, fighting congestion, and freshening breath.

You can drink it very cold to refresh yourself and for better results, we recommend drinking a glass on an empty stomach and a few more glasses during the day.

Strawberry and Kiwi.

You will really like this delicious vitamin water for its refreshing flavor.

It will give your body a lot of vitamins that will strengthen your immune system, as well as improve digestion, cardiovascular health, and reduce blood sugar levels.

Cucumber, Lime, and Lemon.

This drink is great for refreshing yourself on those sunny days and enjoying the benefits of citrus fruits and cucumber.

Its properties help boost your immune system, relieve abdominal distension, control appetite, boost digestion.

Its especially recommended for those people who want to lose weight.

Lemon, Lime, and Orange.

This citrus vitamin water has properties that improve your immune response to a lot of viruses, bacteria, and fungus.

It prevents colds and flu, stimulates digestion, and helps fight stomach acidity.

We recommend drinking it at room temperature.

Pineapple and Salvia.

This mouth-watering drink is depurative, helps cleanse the body, and boosts toxin elimination to keep it protected.

It is a very refreshing drink and you will love its delicious flavor on those hot days.

Lemon, Grapefruit, and Mint.

The flavor of citrus fruits and mint gives a very delicious flavor to this vitamin water.

You can drink more than a liter a day, and as a result, you will have a stronger immune system, cleanse your body, and will better in general.

Melon and Watermelon.

Melon and watermelon are known for their high contents of water, delicious flavor, and a large amount of vitamins that improve your health.

This vitamin water is great for fighting fluid retentions, stimulating fat burning, cleansing the body, and keeping your skin super hydrated.

We recommend it for those people who want to lose weight and suffer from dry skin.

Blackberries, Lemon, and Mint.

This vitamin water has a high antioxidant power that prevents chronic diseases and boosts cellular regeneration.

Consuming it regularly will help keep you hydrated, stimulate toxin elimination, and is great for preventing premature aging.

How to Make the Vitamin Flavored Waters.

Vitamin waters are very easy to make and you can vary the flavor daily to make drinking water more fun.

Remember, water is essential for staying hydrated and you should drink a good amount every day according to your weight.

First, choose the fruit and herbs according to the kind of water you want to make and wash them thoroughly.

Then, dice or slice the fruit and put it in a pitcher with a liter of water and the herbs.

Let the water stand for five to six hours in the refrigerator so that it takes on the color, flavor, and aroma.

Now you can drink it to enjoy all of its benefits.

The servings of fruit and herbs you use can vary according to the intensity of flavor, color, and aroma you want.

To begin, you can use one or two servings and sweeten it with honey as well.

For more infomation >> 8 Curative, Flavored Waters You Must Try - Duration: 6:50.


6月份,4大生肖鹹魚翻身,錢多煩心事少 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 6月份,4大生肖鹹魚翻身,錢多煩心事少 - Duration: 4:59.


Question of the Day: Who do you feel you know because of social media? - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Question of the Day: Who do you feel you know because of social media? - Duration: 2:37.


Are you ready for hurricane season? - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Are you ready for hurricane season? - Duration: 2:03.


Fixes to sell your home faster - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Fixes to sell your home faster - Duration: 1:52.



how's going ladies and gentleman welcome back to my channel today we're going to

be talking about the eva polar personal air conditioning unit in short don't buy


I'm gonna talk about what I like what I don't like really all the reasons why

you shouldn't purchase this item first what I want to start out with is

marketing because I think this is really important

evapolar was founded by eugene and vladimir they started the product or the

company through a crowdfunding website called in diego go the website seemed to

function you know a lot like Kickstarter or GoFundMe they made an initial video

that I found on YouTube where they talked about the you before and the

start of it and everything what was interesting to me is how they say in the

video that even if you is equipped with air conditioner the cooling engine often

Kentico which is implying that a/c units do not work keep his mind another thing

they say we created evil polar the world's first portable air conditioner

design personal use yeah so keep that in mind the personal use aspect they also

say that they want to reduce the bulkiness of a conventional air

conditioning unit and they mentioned that their device is eco-friendly so

finally they sell this device by saying that you can get rid of the clutter at

your work your office your home wherever you gonna need it you know they're

saying oh you don't need fans and all this extra stuff you just need this baby

right here in terms of marketing I think they did a good job they are marketing

to people who do not have a lot of space and still want to keep cool during the

summer you know when it gets nice and warm outside if I had to guess their

target market was probably people who have an income you know people who are

working and so I'd say the age range is 25 to 35 give or take however many years

they're also marketing to people who want to be eco friendly you know people

who care about climate change and want to reduce waste be cautious of what

they're putting in the environment and in the atmosphere so what's important

here is they're not just selling Eva polar they're selling convenience

portability eco friendliness cleanliness clutter-free nests and it's really

important to keep in mind who their target market is and who their marketing

this device to yeah and they actually do a good job of marketing so kudos to them

so here's what I like about this device it's small I mean look at it it's very

small and it doesn't take up a lot of space in my desk I do have a large

l-shaped desk and I can fit a whole bunch of stuff on it I have two monitors

a 42 inch TV keyboard like a 17 inch mouse pad a drawing tablet that's like

13 by 14 inches or something I have a lot of surface area that's taken up but

I still have a whole else section that's completely free and so I just pop that

on there along with my laptop I'm sure most people don't have a huge desk like

I do and so a lot of people who probably are interested in this device have you

know not as much space to work with but I'm sure you can find a dedicated

surface area for that pretty simple also I like that you can change from degrees

Celsius degrees Fahrenheit I always use Fahrenheit and converting Celsius in my

heads hard like I have a rough estimate but I prefer Fahrenheit and it's nice

that they have that option I also like all the colors you can do you can do

like red blue green yellow orange purple all that stuff and it's functions

basically as a nightlight which is cool making Elsa you can also dim the levels

of it so if you don't want it too bright you can darken it or you can turn it off

altogether what do you think it's cool you know and adds to the one aesthetic

of the device I also love the design then it a very good job with this it's

super sleek it looks great feels like I'm using something that's super fancy

yeah they did a great job unfortunately that's pretty much as far as my list

goes what I don't like about the device is the way the device functions so real

quickly here I wanted to show you what the device does like what the colors

look like how to navigate the menu and turns out it's broken uh so I I was

gonna film this stuff afterwards and it doesn't work it literally shuts off

after five seconds of turning it on and I do not know why or how that happened I

tried it on multiple outlets yeah and I I don't know I don't know what the

problem is or how to fix it but that's that's ridiculous for something you know

this expensive I also don't like how the device makes

me feel when I'm using it I mean essentially it just doesn't work went on

full power it's loud one thing I noticed is that to get the most effective

temperature difference you have to keep the fan at like less than half power

slightly less than half it actually works the best quarter of

the way there the maximum temperature difference I've got was four degrees or

so give or take five four or five around there you know meaning that the air

that's coming out of here is four degrees cooler than room temperature my

room can get pretty hot especially if I'm using my computer which I used my

computer all the time so my room can get up into the 80s and when it's hot

outside it can get upwards of 90s or easily into the hundreds and now that

summer is coming along it's gonna get hot in there I know it when I first got

the device it was actually cool outside it was like 60s outside but my room was

like in the 70s 75 range yeah so while using the device it was like 75 in the

room and it was blowing out about 70 which I mean that doesn't really help

I'm so after a few days of using the polar I noticed that the whole room

temperature actually increased so if it was like 75 it actually increased by

like five degrees it was like eighty eighty four in there sometimes and I can

tell cuz it tells me what the temperature is in the room so it got so

hot to the point where I started to sweat the only place that felt nice was

in front of the fan area in front of the device which was good you know it felt

good the air was nice and cool so I thought you know hey this device is

really working there's some weird tech going on in

there and I'm not sure how it works but I feel a nice cool breeze you know after

a week or so I started to notice what was really going on and how this device

was really working this device is not an AC unit it functions as a swamp cooler

and a humidifier and so basically how that works is it sends out humid air

sends out water and the water cools down the air so the more dry the environment

the better this device is going to work however if this device is doing its job

which is a humidifier then it doesn't work so well if the air

is humid it doesn't cool down it actually increases in temperature so

that doesn't help whatsoever so my room got super musty and it felt terrible

just being in the room you know I felt like I'm you know in Washington DC just

sweat fog immediately on the glasses you know all that stuff the only place that

felt good was right in front of here this is because the humidity in the high

temperature of the room causes you to sweat and sweat is your body's response

or method to cool you off if you're sweating and you have a nice cool breeze

on you feels good so it was just in this loop of even polar got the air bison key

mid and the my computer hot air blowing out was making it more hot and it just

got hemad and musty and gross and I was sweating and this nice you know four

degree difference of air blowing at me felt good you know I was like wow this

is working and then thinking background I would have been better off just

getting at an actual fan and blowing around the hot air blowing it out the

window or something and I the room probably would have been much cooler

that way the first hour of using the device was great you know it was nice

and cool felt good but after that it just got super uncomfortable

so my room is fairly small it's like 15 square feet so I got to thinking you

know maybe this device isn't meant for room like that you know maybe it's meant

for an open area like this maybe it's meant to be used in an office I don't

know where else would you use it at but again if the rooms like 75 it's only

gonna blow out 17 degree air it's not helpful

so what really gets me is that they claim the device can cool off 33 square

feet which is much larger than my room twice as big why does this device have

the opposite effect in my room you know maybe if I didn't have my computer

running it would work better but that's not practical you know I need to use my

computer I have school work photography so why you shouldn't buy the device

number one this base model is a hundred and ninety nine dollars for two hundred

bucks this should do what it claims to do

honestly it's not worth two hundred bucks

I mean the lights and all that stuff it's not it's not worth it

for less than ten bucks you can go to Walmart buy a cooler to buy a fan buy

some ice and then just put the ice and some water in the cooler get a fan and

blow that nice cool air on you and it works like at least four times better

then whatever this does so what I did was as I did a bit of searching and I

was looking for actual air conditioning units and I found one that is five

thousand units of BTU which is about 150 square feet that that's able to cool off

so I bought that I put that in my window so window AC unit and it cools down my

room to like 50 degrees like you get is get seriously cold in there there's only

one or thirty bucks my AC unit is obviously much larger than this actually

it's about twice it's about twice its length so just get two of these put them

together that's my AC fits right in the window so I mean in terms of eco

friendliness my AC unit does use freon but sort of every single car out there

and it uses about 40 bucks of electricity per year something like that

it gets so cold like I can't I can barely type on the keyboard rather than

this just makes me sweat so yeah I don't think you should buy this thing it's

honestly a complete waste of money you're better off buying a real AC unit

for like a hundred bucks if you don't have windows in your room or your house

or apartment or something I don't know what to tell you actually you know what

there's like at least 10 different things or items you can buy that are

less than 100 bucks that will work infinitely better than

this device in fact actually that ice bucket thing I was telling you about

works I mean I made one when I used to live in California as a kid cooled down

my whole room it was just lots of maintenance and

I kind of got water on the floor and stuff but it works and it was ten bucks

versus two hundred dollars the technology's just not there yet I mean

four degrees is cool four degrees is four degrees it works it blows out

cooler air but it's not practical yeah let me know what you guys think in the

comments about it I mean I know I'm being a little harsh on this device but

I absolutely think that it deserves the criticism because again it should do

what they're marketing it as it should do what it claims to do and it doesn't I

mean for 200 bucks you could get an a/c unit that covers 250 square feet which

is a whole living room and then some right all thank you all for watching if

you join the video please go ahead and subscribe and I'll see you guys

For more infomation >> WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BUY THE EVAPOLAR - Duration: 11:47.


6月運勢最佳, 身價暴漲, 鈔票數不盡的生肖 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 6月運勢最佳, 身價暴漲, 鈔票數不盡的生肖 - Duration: 4:01.


DANGEROUS Dogs Breeds You SHOULD Be Careful With - Duration: 10:12.

Dogs have been man's best friends since the beginning.

They were the first animals to be domesticated and since then they have always been our loving


But that does not mean that their basic instincts have been eradicated.

Even today, dogs are known to be ferociously protective of their owners.

Let us take a look at some of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.


Great Dane.

Although the great danes are known to be very affectionate and caring, that is only when

they have had contact and training with humans from an early age.

However, if left alone, great danes can be very aggressive and dangerous.

And considering their size, if they do intend to attack someone, they can inflict a lot

of damage, and even death!



These dogs have traditionally been used as guard dogs and as hunting dogs.

Which means that their aggressive nature has been developed further over the years.

Boxers have a powerful jaw and their bite is indeed worse than their bite!

Which is why their training has to be done very carefully because they can do a lot of

damage otherwise.

But perhaps that is why they are also such good guard dogs!


Tosa Inu.

The size of the tosa inu is enough argument that it is dangerous.

These dogs weigh in at anything between 130 to 200 lbs and can reach anything between

2 to 3 feet in height!

Scary as that sounds, the Inu are basically fighting dogs and their strength is obviously

an advantage.

They are not known to get very accustomed to homes and in fact, many countries have

legally restricted their ownership!


Chow Chow.

One look at this huge dogs and you might not think of them as scary.

Or as dogs either as they have kind of a lion's mane!

But looks can be deceptive.

The chow chow is basically a guard dog and were bred to help shepherds.

What makes them even more dangerous is that they need a lot of attention from their owners

and if they don't get that they tend to get aggressive and moody.

They are also fiercely protective of their owners and if they think that their owner

is in danger, they will not spare anyone who dares to come in the way.


Alaskan Malamute.

These furry creatures are generally very active.

Which means that their energy needs to be spent properly, otherwise they can tend to

get very aggressive.

Also, they have an in built instinct to hunt so are kind of looking for preys at all times.

Of course, these beauties are not really blessed with fast learning capabilities so whoever

is training them needs to be extremely patient with them!


Dogo Argentino.

Known for their very identifiable black patch on the eye, the dogo argentine or the argentine

mastiff is one of the strongest dogs in the world.

Combine that with the fact that they are basically game hunters and guard dogs in nature, and

you get a very lethal combination.

They also kind of have a dual personality where they can become extremely stubborn and

very freelance in the next moment!

They like to show their dominance and hence they need owners who are capable of making

the argentine mastiff know who the real alpha is.


Siberian Huskey.

These regal creatures are bred to be working dogs.

They have an ingrained instinct of not being very social!

But that does not mean that they are vicious, though you do need to train them properly

before introducing your friends!

Unless of course you don't want your friends around!

The Siberian huskeys can be extremely dangerous and prone to attack those they do not know

so it is generally a good idea to be careful around them.

They are also pretty restless so in case you leave them alone in the house, you might find

it in a mess once you are back!


Bull mastiff.

These huge dogs are generally used as guard dogs, and for good reason.

They have a naturally aggressive temperament and do not hesitate in attacking those who

they consider a threat.

Training them is also difficult because of their size as they to tend to get miffed at

their trainers.

But unless they have been trained properly, it is better if you do not make faces at them!


Wolf Hybrid.

Obviously the name is a give away.

These dogs are a cross between grey wolves and dogs and as such their wild instincts

have not really disappeared.

They tend to be moody and unpredictable.

They generally do whatever fancies them and that includes attacking anyone who pisses

them off.

So dangerous are the wolf hybrids that many places have banned them from being used as

house pets!


The Bull Terrier.

A look at the large egg shaped head is enough to make you a little wary of the bull terrier.

But that is actually a result of some unfortunate incidents that have given these dogs a bad


The bull terriers are actually pretty friendly to humans but their predatory instincts drive

them to attack smaller animals who they see as prey.

That means the neighbourhood cat and unfortunately the little kids as well sometimes tend to

become their targets.

The bull terriers are fast, agile and strong, and once they do attack, they are quite relentless.


Perro de presa canario.

Don't worry, that is not the only name these dogs are known by.

They are also known as canary mastiffs and are a very strong willed and dominant species

of dogs.

The canary mastiffs are known to work as guardians for farm animals although their aggressive

nature has also seen them take part in deadly dog fights.

If you ever have a run in with the canary mastiff, you can be rest assured that it will

not be a pretty outcome!


Doberman Pinscher.

These dogs are smart, strong and extremely sensitive to sound.

They can sense danger and once they do, they tend to act on their own instinct.

Which more often than not means that they will remove that danger by any means necessary.

And considering that they are pretty big, it is not a good idea to have a house guest

around them if they have not been properly introduced!


Caucasian Shepherd.

The Caucasian shepherds are really large dogs and most of them weigh above 50 kilos!

They belong originally to Russia and other European countries and are used mostly to

protect livestock in the mountainous regions.

So fierce are the Caucasian shepherds that even wild animals like wolves are known to

steer clear of them!

Which is what makes these furry creatures one of the best guard dogs!


Rhodesian Ridgeback.

These dogs are so fearsome that even lion tend to keep away.

The Rhodesian ridgebacks have been accompanying their hunter masters to keep lions away from

the prey and are very loyal and intelligent.

But they are also highly sensitive and if mistreated, they tend to get aggressive.

And if lions are scared of them, it will really not turn out to be good for anyone they attack!


German Shepherds.

As far as dogs go, there really are not many breeds that can match up to the beauty of

german shepherds.

They are very fast, agile and in their quest to remove any perceived danger, they can even

inflict fatal injuries.

Although German shepherds are known to tone down with proper care and training, they are

still one very dangerous breed.


Boer Boel.

Considering that the farms in South Africa are visited by many large animals, and the

fact that the boer boel was bred to keep them away, it is pretty easy to figure out how

much damage these guys can inflict.

If you want any more proof just consider that they were always the first line of defence

against predators!

Also, they are very loyal and protective towards their family, and were known for holding down

the game while scaring other animals away, so you really would not want to cross them!


Cane Corso.

The cane corsos are supposedly the last remaining coursing mastiffs and as such they are quite

large and powerful animals.

In fact, they are known to be a descendant of the Canis Pugnax, who were basically the

dogs that the Roman army used in wars.

SO you can pretty much guess that the cane corsos will not be particularly friendly and

considering that they are immensely strong, if they decide to attack anyone it will end

in a trip to the hospital, or even the morgue.



Rottweilers are a naturally aggressive breed and they have a pretty awful temper to go

with that.

This is why when families are looking to get a pet, everyone advises against Rottweilers.

They are so tuned to being the alpha that their owners need to assert themselves as

their superiors or these dogs tend to have their day almost every day!

And since they are also very powerfully built, it is generally not a good idea to irritate

Rottweilers ever!



These sleek and well built dogs are known for speed and their alertness.

They were bred to serve as hunting dogs and as such their senses are heightened.

They are also pretty curious and affectionate, but they do have an independent side to them.

Dog trainers would also advise you against getting them for homes as they are known as

the second least trainable breed of dogs!

Combine that with their basic hunting skills and you have a pretty ferocious dog on your


Certainly not someone you would want around kids!


Pit bulls.

These guys actually live up to their name.

They are strong as bulls and they are actual fighter dogs.

Pit bulls are known to go after any perceived threat with major aggression and they have

a really powerful bite.

And once they bite, they do not let go easily.

It is imperative to let them know who is a friend right from the start because even the

smallest mistake will lead to them attacking you and that is not an experience anyone should

go through.

That is why pit bulls make awful house dogs because they are over zealous when it comes

to protecting their family.


Tibetian Mastiff.

When a dog is used to protect homes from dangers like bears, wolves and leopards, you can pretty

much get an idea of how dangerous they can be.

The tibetian mastiff is a giant dog and use primarily as guard dogs and shepherds.

They are one of those breeds which one should avoid having at home as they can be very aggressive

towards strangers.

Have you ever come across any of these dogs?

Do let us know how you experience was in the comments below and remember to subscribe to

our channel to get instant alerts on all our videos!

For more infomation >> DANGEROUS Dogs Breeds You SHOULD Be Careful With - Duration: 10:12.




if you want to get more exciting videos then please click on the subscribe

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top five ways to get rid of freckles on face

as you grow up you dislike having any spots or freckles on the skin especially

the face well then get rid of the freckles go natural home remedies for

freckles these methods do not permanently remove the freckles rather

they only make them fade away slowly with time lemon juice lemon juice is a

natural bleaching agent and the regular application is an effective way to get

rid of the freckles on face by lightening them you need a lemon cut

into two pieces warm water things to do squeeze the

lemon and apply the juice directly on the areas of the skin with freckles use

your fingers to apply and gently massage the lemon juice leave it for about 15

minutes rinse with warm water apply the lemon juice twice in the day to lighten

the spots and get rid of freckles in the most effective way horseradish a root

herb that is rich in vitamin C and antioxidant properties which help to

remove the spots and lighten skin recipe mix to a paste glycerin buttermilk and

grated horseradish and soaked overnight strain and use as a lotion on all

exposed skin parsley contains vitamin C and beta carotene that helps

enlightening the skin and removing the freckle spots it has antioxidant

properties that help prevent excessive UV radiation use papaya the Polya

contains the enzyme pay pain that helps in the lightening of the skin in

addition to making the blemishes light in color the Poli also helps in making

the skin soft supple and healthy apply the mashed the PHA directly over the

affected areas and allow it to dry rinse well with cold water fruit peels blend

fruits together on its application on the face and allowing them to dry

facilitates the peeling of the upper layers of the skin using fruit peels is

one of the best ways to get rid of freckles on face naturally you need to

strawberry two key ways things to do blend the

strawberries and Kiwis together apply the mixture on the freckles and allow it

to dry completely peel off the mixture and rinse the face

with water


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