Cheolsoo, did you sleep well?
What's that stuff?
Do you wanna it?
Present for you.
For more infomation >> [Clip+] QUEER MOVIE Butterfly "Present for you" / 퀴어영화 나비 '막내', "형 선물이에요" - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
malec - first time - war of hearts (a) - Duration: 2:13.
omg omg it is happening.
look at that precious gem aesthetic.
i am lIVING.
matthew daddario? more like fuc me uP dAddaRIo.
omg wait bby r u ok
u seem cumfused
its just..
i lose control
they're beautiful.
you're beautiful.
wow im so in love alecx
lol wait forgot it was a war flashback
there is a knockdy knock
oh its just u alecx
magnoose losten to meh
ermmmmmM bbYE FELICIA
its max
oh nuR
this changes
but not really lmao
lets take a break and
give people depression
Margaret Singana - Why Did You Do It (Dj XS Edit) - Duration: 5:34.
Commonly Confused Words in English | SAY vs TELL - Duration: 7:40.
Today, I'm going to tell you a secret.
Well, it's not really a secret, but you should listen carefully to what I'm about to say
because I'm going to tell you the difference between these two words
Welcome to our global classroom.
Before we begin today's lesson, I want to remind you to subscribe to our channel
for more video lessons on how you can practice and improve your English
And while you're at it, maybe you could share a video, or two, or three, or four.
It won't hurt.
So today I'm going to talk to you about the difference between say and tell
And these two words confuse English learners, but mostly because their meaning is pretty similar
So let's get right to it
First, let's look at the verb SAY. Now, we use this verb when we want to say something to someone.
Now we don't necessarily have to identify the person or people that we are saying something to
but we're just saying something in general and that something might be general information.
The weather report says it's going to rain today.
In this example the weather report is saying something
We don't really know specifically who they're saying it to but they're just saying it in general.
Another example is that you might be saying your opinion about something
The kids said Wes teacher is crazy
Or perhaps you're reading what the instructions say.
...Instructions say if we finish the game it'll all go away.
So in each of these examples we were saying something to someone
Now, this is different from the verb TELL, which is when we tell someone something.
In this case we usually identify the person or people that we are talking to
which is why "tell" is often followed by a direct object
Take a look at these examples
Ioana told Wes to take out the garbage.
In this example Ioana is telling Wes (me), she's telling me something. She's telling me to take out the garbage.
Wes can you please take out the trash?
Yeah? Yeah, I'll do it
We tell our students to join our social media classes
This of course is something that we tell you all the time. We tell you to join our social media classes.
So join them!
Here are a few more examples using TELL and keep in mind the object that follows the verb.
She told me to sit in this chair.
The teacher tells us to do our homework.
My mom told me to take a bath.
I told you not to wake me up.
Now keep in mind that there are a few exceptions when it comes to using TELL.
I know, English and all the exceptions... it sucks.
But you don't always have to tell someone. Sometimes you can just tell something .
For example, You can tell a secret. You can tell a lie. You can tell the truth. You can tell a joke.
And you can also tell a story.
These are several exceptions when it comes to using TELL.
And you just have to memorize them, use them, and you will eventually remember them.
I'm telling you the truth.
Okay. Let's practice what we've learned, and this is a listening comprehension activity
I am going to tell you a sentence, and that sentence is missing a word, which is either SAY or TELL.
After listening to each sentence, I want you to say your answers out loud.
You'll be saying this to me, and I'm going to be listening.
I'll give you a moment to say your answer, and then after I will tell you the correct answer. So let's begin.
I don't want you to _____ any more lies.
I don't want you to _____ any more lies.
The answer is tell. This is one of those exceptions: you tell a lie. I don't want you to tell any more lies.
I can't hear you. Can you please ____ your answer again?
I want you to ____ your answer.
I can't hear you. Can you please ____ your answer again?
I want you to ____ your answer.
The answer is say because I want you to say something, which is the answer.
I want you to say your answer out loud.
That was so rude. I can't believe he didn't ____ hello.
That was so rude. I can't believe he didn't ____ hello.
The answer is say because we were talking about something that the person didn't say.
I can't believe he didn't say hello.
Umm... I can't remember: What did you ____ I should do?
Umm... I can't remember: What did you ____ I should do?
The answer is tell because we're talking about telling someone something.
What did you tell me I should do?
Perhaps it's a little easy when I do the activity.
Now let's see if you can listen for these words when other people say them.
Be careful what you ____.
Be careful what you ____.
Be careful what you say.
Now ____ the truth.
Now ____ the truth.
Now tell the truth.
Just ___ the first thing that pops into your mind.
Just ___ the first thing that pops into your mind.
Just say the first thing that pops in your mind.
Don't ____ his name.
Don't ____ his name.
Don't say his name.
And what did you ___ her?
And what did you ___ her?
And what did you tell her?
____ something I'm giving up on you.
___ something I'm giving up on you.
Say something I'm giving up on you
Great job. I hope you enjoyed this activity. It's always good to practice what we've learned
and for more practice I suggest that you rewatch that part of the video
and do the activity again because remember: practice makes perfect.
What I'd like you to do now is in the comments below
I want you to practice a little more and write a sentence using one of these words.
I'd also encourage you to read each other's sentences
Because that will help you learn more about how these words are used
I hope I have cleared up any confusion that there may be between say and tell
Thanks for watching and we will see you next time.
Organized Hoarders - Duration: 8:02.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown in this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a homeowner who owns an 8,000-square foot house.
And she says "I am organized I have a place for everything and everything is in its place.
The problem I have is I collect a lot of stuff.
And I have to keep moving to bigger and bigger
houses for all of my stuff.
Now, I keep having custom closets, and custom shelves, and custom design work in my new homes
so that I can store all my stuff.
Now, everything is organized everything is tidy but I have too much stuff.
How do I start getting rid of my stuff?"
Okay, that is an excellent question and it's really weird because there are hoarders who
are completely organized and they have a place for everything and everything is in its place.
And so, when you look at the home you say wow this house is neat and tidy.
But what you don't realize is that there's something weird going on in the background,
where somebody keeps moving to a bigger and bigger house.
And having custom closets and all this stuff built for all of their stuff.
Sometimes the answer is not finding more space, but it's getting rid of the stuff.
So, congratulations for recognizing the fact that this is a curable solution.
Because finding more space is not always the answer sometimes it is
getting rid of the stuff.
So first of all, what you have to do is just be honest with yourself.
What is this stuff that I have?
Do I need 8,000 square feet of stuff?
If you're one person you probably don't.
If you have ten children, maybe you do.
Now I don't know how many children you have,
and I don't know that the scenarios going on behind the scenes,
but what is causing you to have all this stuff?
What is this stuff?
Are these private collections of items that are resalable?
And if they are, maybe this is a good investment for you.
But if you're asking this question I'm guessing that you're probably trying to get rid of
stuff because now it's become a burden.
And if you're paying for custom closets and stuff these are $20,000 and $30,000 upgrades
to an already expensive home.
And so, the fact that you recognize this right now is probably a really good place to start.
So, I would start with one item I would pick one item and I would decide.
Maybe it's some books.
"Am I reading these books?"
Because if you have hundreds and thousands of books, for example, you can switch those
over to Kindle.
And they're all on your smartphone, or they're all on a laptop or a tablet, and so, therefore,
you wouldn't need all of the books.
Then you have to make a decision.
Do you want to sell these books?
Because there are websites like where you can sell your books for half price and
you can get rid of those books.
You're not going to probably read hundreds and thousands of books just because there's
not enough time.
Now, if you're done with something and it's something that you used in the past like let's
say that it belongs to one of your children when your children were growing up.
maybe your kid had a doll collection.
Do you have the doll collection?
Are you storing this for your child?
And if that's the case maybe you need to have a conversation with your child and say
"Hey listen, I've got 300 dolls that you've been storing since you were eleven years old."
Maybe your daughter is now thirty.
I'm just making this up, but maybe your daughter is now thirty.
Maybe you want to have a conversation with her about
"What should we do with those dolls?
Would you like me to consign these dolls?
Would you like me to put these dolls on eBay and sell these one at a time?"
And maybe there's a way that together you can create a little business to sell off all
of the things that you're no longer using and that you're just paying to store.
Because what this has turned into,
it sounds like it's turned into a really expensive storage unit.
And if you're not using all of the items, (and if you have 8,000 square feet of stuff
you're probably not using all of the items.)
And so, as you go through one by one through each particular item.
It might be dishes.
You might have five or six sets of dishes.
And there may be sentimental value to those dishes.
Maybe one you only use on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
One might be a set of crystal.
One might be a set of fine china that came from your great-grandmother.
I don't know, I'm just making this up.
Like I said, I don't know what the different items are that you collect.
But if you have five or six sets of dishes you might be able to let three of those go.
And you can sell them either on which is the neighborhood app
where you can sell things that you have in your home.
Or you can sell them on like the girlfriend swap.
Or in your neighborhood Facebook group, or on a lot of these "Buy, Swap and Sell" websites
or Facebook groups that they have.
There a lot of different opportunities for getting rid of your stuff,
but what you have to decide first is pick one item.
And then make some kind of a plan to eliminate that item from your life.
And along with that comes the rule that you're not going to replace any of those items.
And then another thing that I might recommend is that you go speak with the therapist.
And although your life might be completely organized and well put-together, there's something
about your background.
(I don't know what it is but there's something) that's causing you to hoard all these things.
And then to find a place for them, and try to protect them, and try to…
I mean it sounds like if you have an 8,000-square foot house and you keep moving to a bigger
space, you're holding on to these things for dear life.
You're trying to protect these things.
I'm a big collector of books.
And so when I moved to my house, I did, I had a custom closet built for my books that
were air condition and climate controlled.
Because we know that if you store books for example out in the garage and it's 100 degrees
during the summer, plus humidity, all of those books will just evaporate, pretty much.
And I wanted to protect those books.
But what is it you're trying to protect?
Are you trying to hold on to something that was important to your parents?
Are you trying to hold on to something that you never had?
And you replaced it with items?
What is going on?
And I don't know the answer to that question.
But a therapist, (even only in one or two sessions,)
they might be able to help you walk through some of those things
that would release that bind.
So that you would be free about getting rid of, and giving up some of your stuff.
Because it sounds like you have a lovely home,
and it sounds like you enjoy the things that you have.
But if you're asking the question "how do I get rid of the stuff?"
It sounds like you're ready to turn a corner and make a change.
And so, I highly applaud that effort.
But I would recommend that you speak to someone.
And I would recommend starting with just one item, and then as you go through your house
ask questions like this:
"Have I used this item in the last year?"
And if the answer is "no," Did I use it the year before that?" and if the answer
is "no," get rid of it.
You're not going to use it next year or the year after.
Just get rid of it.
If you have stuff in your house that's been there since 2008 and you haven't used them
say goodbye to them.
You're done with them.
You're already done with them.
And if they belong to someone else a child, a grandparent, a parent,
somebody else that's living that you're storing those things for,
you need to have a conversation with that person.
And you need to let that stuff move on.
Say "hey I'm just not in a position to keep your stuff anymore."
And suggest that they rent a storage unit that is climate controlled.
Alrighty, so that's it for today.
And until I meet you again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Learn How To Improve Your Health With These 5 Books on Nutrition - Duration: 3:33.
We've all at some point or another in our lives wanted to get into better shape.
Maybe it's to lose some weight in time for summer vacation, or just to feel more healthy
in general.
But, living a healthy life is easier said than done.
There is so much information and advice out there, that some times it's hard to know what
works and what doesn't.
And some of it doesn't make any sense at all.
What did I just watch?
That's why we at Blinkist have come up with 5 books to help you improve your health, each
in their own way.
Take a look and decide what's best for you.
Want to live a long and healthy life?
Well, if you're eating meat and dairy, your chances of living longer are limited.
So, what should you do?
Follow the advice of nutrition expert Dr. Michael Greger and eat a plant-based diet,
full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Learn more about living as long as you can in the blinks to How Not to Die.
Butter in your coffee?
Apparently, switching out milk for butter in your coffee will get you three times the
amount of antioxidants.
In the Bulletproof Diet, Dave Asprey teaches you how to hack your body to optimize your
health, lose weight and increase mental functioning.
Maintain a diet with the right proteins and fats and learn to exercise and sleep in the
most effective way possible.
How does losing 20 pounds in just 40 days sound?
Then it's time to start eating like a caveman!
Check out the wild diet and learn why it's time to drop modern foods, like refined sugars,
starchy carbs and industrially farmed meat.
Replace them with the meals our ancestors would have eaten.
Organic meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and nuts.
Having trouble sticking to a diet?
Then Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink might be for you.
Mindless Eating dives into the psychology of how we eat.
For example, if you take two equally sized portions but put them on two differently sized
plates, the portion on the larger plate will appear smaller, thus leaving you less satisfied
after eating.
Now you know why restaurants often serve on larger plates.
They're trying to get you to order more.
And finally we have Go Wild by John Ratey and Richard Manning.
It provides a timely look at why humans shouldn't be sitting in front of a computer all day.
Evolution did not craft our bodies and minds for today's sedentary lifestyle.
Our move from wilderness to cubicle, is likely responsible for our susceptibility to a number
of new diseases.
So stop staring at your screen and go outside and get some exercise.
Check out the key insights from these titles and more on the Blinkist app.
And start living a better, healthier life.
Top 5 associations and organizations that invest in the destruction of the health of Americans - Duration: 6:58.
Top 5 associations and organizations that invest in the destruction of the health of
by Edward Morgan
There is much more money to be made by making people sick and treating that sickness with
useless chemical medicines than there is to be made by healing people, and that is definitely
Since before World War II, many associations, administrations, agencies and corporations
have plotted and planned the total debasement of American food and medicine as an insidious
means of getting rich and staying rich, and it worked.
Still, most Americans believe these agencies and �non-profit� organizations would never
be so evil and insidious.
These folks are often called �sheeple� because they follow the herd of blind �animals�
over the health cliff by taking �directions� from all the wolves in sheep�s clothing.
Where do you get your health advice and who�s behind the �causes� you support?
If you don�t know the true history of the last century of American food and medicine,
then you are most likely being �steered� into your own health and wealth bankruptcy.
Is that what you want?
Here�s the bottom line on food and medicine.
It�s all changed drastically over the last 100 years in this country.
If you don�t believe it then you are very naive.
The key to staying health or regaining your natural health is to investigate all food
and medicine for chemicals.
Any food or medicine concocted in a laboratory or coated with chemicals concocted in a laboratory
will break down your immune system and warp your cells.
That�s why it�s so important to seek out organic food and natural medicine these days.
Your ideal health (and your family�s) should be your number one order of business, because
the number one order of business for the following 5 American associations and organizations
is to steal your money by making you sick and keeping you sick, all while having you
support them and believe they are out to help you.
The American Medical Association (AMA)
From TruthWiki:
The year is 1847.
Physicians in America are not enjoying competing with inexpensive, natural remedies, which
are offered by Indians and skilled midwives.
These are remedies which are effective but are not profitable or patentable, so elitist
physicians join forces and form an alliance called the AMA, the American Medical Association.
Not just any doctor was allowed to join this new, prestigious organization, but only the
�regulars� everyone knew well, and those who did not use herbal remedies, homeopathy
or Native American remedies � for anything.
By the turn of 1900, word got out fast.
The AMA is �hiring� and if you join the �patentable remedy industry� there would
be plenty of money to go around.
Critics called it the �Great American Fraud,� and the AMA doesn�t like critics, so they
created an anti-critic department called the Department of Investigation, or DOI, to hunt
down and shut down doctors and healers alike that were still using natural remedies, and
thus digging into the profits of the AMA.
Did you know that the AMA has one of the largest political lobbying budgets of any U.S. organization?
That�s right, the AMA publicly reports that it generates up to $70,000,000 in revenue
Did you also know that the AMA has been found guilty of racketeeringthree times?
That�s why you should never trust chemical-based medicine � it was a fraud from its very
beginning, and nothing�s changed in 170 years.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA green lights nearly any drug that is chemical based for treating disease and
disorder, yet bans every single seller of natural remedies from stating on a product
label that the remedy cures or prevents disease or disorder, when thousands of them really
The FDA also promotes GMOs without labels, when 90 percent of Americans want them labeled.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet.
During the 2016 fiscal year alone, the CDC Foundation raised over $42 million.
The donor list for that year includes dozens of evil corporations, including Bayer Corporation,
Cargill, Inc., The Coca Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and of course the Pfizer
The list of partners listed on their website is even more depressing.
The list of the CDC Foundation�s corporate partners is replete with pharmaceutical companies,
insurance providers, pesticide manufacturers and biotechnology companies.
It is truly mind-boggling that such an organization not only exists, but was sanctioned by Congress.
The American Heart Association (AHA)
These clowns post toxic recipes on their website that literally cause diabetes, cancer and
heart disease.
Are they making money from diabetes or trying to prevent it?
The AHA attacks coconut oil as a bad fat, when it helps prevent Alzheimer�s and is
one of the healthiest fats humans can possibly consume.
The AHA is just another rogue organization funded by Big Pharma with insidious goals
that undermine its very slogans.
Susan G. Komen �For the Cure� (Komen Foundation)
Criticized for its use of donor funds and choices in sponsors, like Kentucky Fried Chicken
(KFC), cancer education by Komen is in full swing, with a huge push for mammograms all
over the world.
Reviews of mammograms suggest an increased risk of developing breast cancer from too
much radiation, plus mammograms run the risk of false-positive readings.
Anyone hungry for a bucket of hydrogenated-oil-soaked, hormone-laced KFC?
Komen also sells bottles of alcoholic Mike�s Hard Lemonade at the events.
Let�s all get drunk and then walk crooked for the cure for something.
Be sure not to drive home!
Komen Foundation takes in more than $55 million a year from sponsors like PepsiCo and KFC,
and the CEO of Komen, Nancy Brinker, takes home an annual salary approaching $700,000
while suing any organization that even tries to use the word cure in their slogan or logo.
Great work Komen!
Off the Maul: February 2017 Compilation - Duration: 4:04.
Oh, hello Ugly Bob!
Hello Terrance, hello Phillip
My God, you're looking hideously ugly today, Ugly Bob
How come you guys say stuff like that?
Because you're goddamned ugly, Bob
I know, but-
Ugly Bob, your face looks like somebody tried to put out a forest fire with a screwdriver
I can't help how I look
Besides, it's not what's on the outside that matters, it's what's on the inside
No it isn't!
Arrgghh, Brian!
Browser history, clear it!
Don't take me to a Black doctor...
Stop, get off me!
Yeah, that's what your mom said last night!
I-it's a holocron!
Fucking nerd
So I'm gonna measure your penis,
and then I'm gonna measure my penis,
and we're gonna see whose is bigger
Doesn't really seem fair
Alright, let's see what ya got!
Why don't you think of me as a cool uncle?
Your coolest uncle...
I think we can all agree that shit just went sideways in the most colossal way
Well maybe not THE most...
Do you know her?
Oh, right, cuz all aliens know each other
Yeah, racist
Ooo, are we watching a movie?
The lab results are back
You've tested positive for nymphomania
Oh no, what should I do?
Take two of these and call us in the morning
(Zipper pulls, sexy music plays)
Well now that's not going to help her nymphomania, it's only going to exacerbate it!
Look at your men
Now back to me
Now look back at your men
Back to me
I am not your men
I'm flipping you off
Oh, come on!
We're in a fight!
Thank you...
Uh, sorry, what was your name again?
Thank you...
Y-you're, uh...
You're not gonna rape me, are ya?
Of course I'm not gonna rape you
I'm gonna make you fall in love with me
(Gollum voice) They goes up but they won't comes back down!
What did you say?
(Normal voice) I asked if you wanted to buy some weed
I-I said it in a weird voice so your dad wouldn't hear
But now he did
So you blew the deal
(Gollum voice) It was good weed, Steveses
Try not to tell me what to do
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down!
Save your appetite!
And don't think I haven't noticed you've already had two drinks
You're like all the worse parts of a girlfriend
HOLOCRON: We'll be right back with more "Laverne and Shirley"
But I want it NOW!!!
Hey, are you guys gonna feed us any time soon?
Nah, sorry, we're doing meth stuff now
I'll eat that
You JUST got clean
He's dead
Dead, but not unreachable
(Excited gasp) Like Gandalf the Grey when he came back as Gandalf the White!
(Sighs) Oh, son...
Every day with you is a punch in the nads
I'd like you to leave right now
And I'd like you to give me your pants, because we're so obviously the same size
Look at this place, there is not a thing around
Yeah, yeah, the closest town to here is my ass!
MAUL: And that place is a hole!
(Both laugh)
Ah, we have a good back-and-forth, you and me
(Chuckles) I've had better
If you FUCKING tell anyone about this,
I'm gonna deny it, bro
I-I'm doing as you said D.P.
I plan to gut him like a Tandoori fish,
then dump his carcass on Gita's doorstep!
I did NOT tell him to do that!
Absolutely not!
It got lost in translation!
Dopinder, this is NO WAY to win Gita's heart back!
(Whispers) I'm so proud of you
(Loudly) Drop Bendhu off safe and gentle-like
(Whispers) Kill him
(Loudly) And then win Gita back!
The old-fashioned way, with your boyish charm!
(Whispers) Kidnap her
What did you learn?
You just fit it in when you have free time
Wherever you are, wherever you can
There's semen on this floor
Did somebody order a hot-ass bitch and this lady?
3 Best Mountain Bike Computers - Duration: 7:51.
Wiki zone best product advisor behind Amazon wiki zone presents top three best
mountain bike computers let's see which mountain bike computers is best for you
to buy starting with the list number one computer named cat hi fellow 7 cycling
computer 2016 computer information the cat I've lo7 is a cycling computer that
is basic and simplistic unlike other computers that have complex features and
functions the Velo 7 has simple features and basic ride data it will provide data
regarding speed distance and time the computer works via a wired speed sensor
which is mounted to the front fork as well as a spoke magnet for recording
speed when you begin moving the computer will automatically turn on and start
recording data alternatively when you are inactive for over 10 minutes the
computer will go into power saving mode this feature will extend the life of
your battery this extremely affordable cycling computer provides you with all
of the essential data you need and it is incredibly simple to use the Cateye Velo
7 has a tactile button on the front of the unit which allows you to flip
through time distance maximum speed average speed and odometer when it comes
to your current speed this information is constantly displayed at the top of
the screen therefore you will always have two data points current speed and
another of your choice and you can use the display to compare these points as
you can see this top of the best mountain bike computer is simple
efficient and easy to read you can't find better at this price highlighted
features has seven functions and four features it is also come with pace Aero
zip-tie bracket also has larger screen / one-button operation / auto start / stop
/ simple tire size setup pros easy to mount you can interpret the
stats easily to shows speed elapsed time distance and the standard clock you can
mount it on a stem to list number two computer named cat I straw the wireless
bicycle computer computer information another great mountain biking computer
is cat is TR ADA Wireless B I cycle computer unlike the unit above this
function rich by computer does not have any wires the result is a sleek and
elegant unit that looks good in performs even better the light weight by computer
comes with eight modes which you can switch between by pressing the bottom of
the computer these modes include current speed average speed maximum speed trip
distance second trip distance total distance Galax time and 12 24-hour time
dot you can then use these modes to determine the efficiency of your
workouts and to plan for workouts in the future the cat I strata is also simple
to use as it has a touchscreen interface your current speed is displayed at the
top while your desired mode will appear at the bottom there is also an up/down
arrow which compares your current speed to your average speed additionally this
computer has an inbuilt digital wireless system that communicates with the wheel
sensor when it comes to mounting the computer you will use the tool free
bracket to secure the computer to the bike stem or handlebars other features
that you can take advantage of include an integrated clock a programmable
odometer an auto power saving mode an auto start/stop function a programmable
speed unit a pace arrow and support for two wheel sizes highlighted features two
cr2032 batteries included very lightweight a function wireless
displays speed max speed average speed prose it can be easily installed and
this is accurate it stays secure in the mount that comes with the package people
can easily remove a - you can program it easily to show the desired stats doesn't
have wires like most of the bike computers list number three computer
named Garmin Edge 810 GPS spike computer computer information the Garmin Edge ei8
question mark 10 is the ultimate GPS spike computer this computer has been
built for the cyclist who is looking for an advanced device which can cater to
training and navigation alike this GPS bike computer has been ruggedly built
and it comes with a waterproof shell so that you can use it in wet conditions
the computer also has a 17 hour battery life meaning that you no longer have to
worry about your computer going off mid ride when it comes to the touchscreen of
the computer you will be happy that it is easy to operate even with gloves on
or when wet this Garmin Edge 810 offers you a range of features via your Android
or Apple device and some of these features include social media sharing
live tracking and weather updates you can also use the computer to access
Ordnance Survey maps making it perfect for commuting touring and other extended
activities few computers provide such precise and versatile navigation
capabilities continually this model comes with advanced training
capabilities as it can record your speed metrics distance ascent descent and
grade additionally if you use it with a nt+ sensors then it can measure your
heart rate power and speed as if that is not amazing enough the computer allows
you to create profiles and then tailor them to your cycling activity for
example Road touring and mounting you can create multiple profiles and then
switch between them depending on your ride once all of your data is
connected you can analyze it and send it to your phone or computer via bluetooth
you can also use Garmin connect to share it with your friends and family Garmin
Connect also comes with a tracking page so that your friends and family can
follow your ride training or race in real time highlighted features instantly
upload ride data via the Garmin Connect mobile app also has displays
market-leading comprehensive ride data weight 3.5 ounces pros gives you a
turn-by-turn navigation guidance it can work perfectly well with your smart
phone you can upload your ride statistics automatically to it Garmin
Edge 810 is compatible with an plus sensor devices the touchscreen makes it
easy for bikers to operate this device thank you for watching our video about
top three best mountain bike computers to get those mountain bike computers
follow the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future
Your Future - Duration: 3:26.
This week we're looking at 2 Corinthians 4:16
where the apostle Paul says, "Therefore, we do not lose heart."
And I mentioned yesterday that he gives us reasons we don't need to lose heart,
based on the future,
based on the present,
and based on the past.
Today we're going to look at the reasons based on the future.
And to do that I want to tell you about a former professional football
player named Donald Driver.
Donald Driver used to play for the Green Bay Packers as a wide receiver.
He also won a previous season of "Dancing with the Stars."
He's a great dancer. He has a big smile when he's, uh,
even when he's playing he has a big smile on his face.
And a number of years ago, when our oldest daughter was very young,
we took her to watch a practice of the Green Bay Packers.
And as we were walking back to our vehicle, when the practice was finished,
we saw that Donald Driver was walking,
was walking on the other side of a fence that we were close to
as he was walking back to the stadium.
And we thought, "Boy, wouldn't it be great to get a picture of Donald Driver
holding our little daughter?"
And so we got Donald Driver's attention and asked if we could hand our daughter
over the fence to Donald Driver so that,
so that we could get their picture taken with them.
And I want you to imagine how big you would smile
if you were getting your picture taken next to a professional football player
who also won "Dancing with the Stars."
Big, big smile.
Well, I want to show you the smile that was on my daughter's face
when we handed her over.
She didn't smile at all. She was absolutely terrified.
Donald Driver, of course, he had his big,
he had his big smile on his face and he was he was very, very happy to do it.
Maybe your smile would be different,
but I want you to do this now.
I want you to imagine what kind of smile you would have on your face
if you were standing right next to, not Donald Driver,
but right next to Jesus.
If Jesus were standing right next to you,
the compassionate, gracious, forgiving, gentle Jesus.
This is one of the reasons,
this is one of the things Paul's "therefore" is based on
when he says that we don't need to lose heart.
In 2 Corinthians chapter 4 he says this,
In other words, Paul is saying that
we know our future
and we know who it's with.
He tells us that all believers, in the end,
will be standing right next to Jesus.
Literally, he says that Jesus will stand with you in heaven,
just like he did as he went through hell,
when his life was hard,
when it hurt,
when there were nails in his skin,
when he made the sacrifice that was necessary
in order to guarantee your future with him.
He did that
so that you could walk through life
knowing that you always have a future to look forward to.
And knowing that you always have a reason to live.
This past Sunday I gave the message for our 'Time of Grace' television program,
focusing on the theme of love,
reminding us of how we can walk through life
knowing that God's love for us will never fail.
Our love for one another, however, sometimes does fail.
This message was designed to give you some encouragement
on how to live with an expectation that our love,
inspired by the love of Jesus, is going to win.
Please consider tuning in to this message.
You can find details on how to do that by clicking on the link in this post.
We'll see you tomorrow.
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