Its hard to imagine how big is the universe since everything that has ever happened to
us, has happened here on earth, everything that we have ever known in the entire our
history happened right here!
But earth in comparison to the universe is smaller than a grand of sand compare to the
In fact, 109 earths would fit inside the sun which is considered one of the tinies stars
out there.
And guess what, our entire solar system is absolutely nothing in comparison to our galaxy
because there are over 100 billion stars out there that are way bigger than our sun!
And whats even mind-blowing than all of this is that, there are around 2 trillion galaxies
out there in the entire universe.
Its even difficult to comprehend all of this, And yet the most complicated object in the
entire this universe (as far as we know) is located right here on earth, specifically
right inside your head.
Yes, thats your brain.
And guess what, your brain on whom you rely for almost everything, has been cheating you
for a while already, and you probably have not realize that!
thats exactly what we will find out now!
Unlike other parts of your body, Your brain is in charge of everything that you do.
Every action that you take has to go through your brain first.
You might do many things at the same time, like walking, speaking, moving your hands,
looking around, digest information, and like other parts of your body, your brain gets
tired and it starts looking for some shortcuts to make this process easier, because it wants
to save energy, so it creates algorithm to make most of its activities automatic.
You see a nice dude in a suit, you automatically assume he is a good smart person, although
that he might be the complete opposite.
And vice versa of course.
And thats known as confirmation bias, your brain is tend to believe in what you already
know just to confirm it.
Thats why its really difficult to win an argument because we naturally look for evidence just
to confirm what we already know and not necessarily the truth
Although that we have tons of evidence that smoking is harmful, you will find smokers
defending that its not that bad, look there is a guy in some corner of the world who is
over a hundred years old and he smokes, why is he in a perfect health.
He will ignore every other piece of evidence and solely focus on that one case just to
confirm what he already believes.
And that happens to all of us!
In fact, people naturally defend themselves because it was their choice and thats known
as choice supportive bias.
If you are a mac user for instance, you naturally ignore all the downsides of using a MacBook
and solely focus on its advantages and vice versa of course.
Because your brain wants you to feel good about your decisions.
Have you ever heard people saying when they do something wrong - at least I didnt do that!
although what they did was wrong.
Or when your favourite politician candidate does something wrong, you defend him because
you voted for him!
Then there is Bandwagon Bias People have the tendency to believe in whatever
the rest of the people believe in.
A lot of people in United States for example believe that Terrorism is their biggest threat
because thats what everyone says in the tv, thats what your family and friends believe,
but if you look at facts, you are more likely to be killed by a policeman than by a terrorist
even though the police is hired to protect you!
Your brain automatically assumes than if everyone believe in something, then it must be right
because your brain is looking for shortcuts because it doesn't want to be involved again
in some deep thinking since that takes a lot of energy.
Thats why we are all bias in one way or another because thats how our brains are designed
to work.
Thats why you should always be open to other peoples ideas because you might be wrong without
knowing that…
if thats true, if we are all bias, then what makes this video unbiased?
this entire video could be totally bias which makes it false, and you simply waisted time
watching it Or it could be right, and you can let me know by clicking on that like button!
But if you like this video, you could also be bias like me…
anyways, lets end the video before it gets more confusing…
and now its your turn, what do you think?
Should we try to be completely unbiased ? let me know in the comments below.
And as always, if you don't want to miss the next video, hit that subscribe button
and the bell besides it.
thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one.
For more infomation >> How Your Brain Is Cheating You - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
Nikki Haley Blasts Overly Political Grammys… Shuts Down Clinton in Epic Fashion - Duration: 4:03.
Ball Screw Repair Service - Rebuilt Ball Screw Repair - Duration: 1:03.
Are you looking for a fast yet reliable ball screw repair service?
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because you´re a nice guy I'm gonna give you a pair of insoles
let me just tell you that it's not every day that a Scotsman gives lemming away
let me tell you so take it
olá youtube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel
addict second day of ISPO 2018 I'm in Munich and I'm inside the super feet
booth and I'm with Andrew nice to meet ya
Thank You Andrew Andrew was a hockey player for 20 years and for those of you
who don't know super feat is probably the best insole brand in the whole
market so Andy is going to explain this why is it that good so I'm gonna let you
talk you're gonna do the talking very good so why do we need an insole in
an ice hockey skate I'm very often asked that but the reason is that for
virtually all Footwear you can benefit from having an insole inside the shoe so
the questions why well feet are very complex it is your
foundation and basically feet have lots of shape it's a fully three-dimensional
object a lot of people just look at the arch for support that super feet we look
at the whole foot but we start in the rear foot so the heel is the largest
bone in the foot it's where all the pressure goes through it's designed to
move and this happens when you skate especially it's called pronation and
supination so every time you push off one foots pronating and the other foot
is supinating so when we put a shape under the foot we help that foot to
function better so what does that mean it means it's in terms of ice hockey is
that you will have a much stronger foot to push off and this equates to more
power and more speed also because an ice hockey skate has an angle which starts
higher at the heel and comes down to the forefoot it means that that foot wants
to slide on that surface and once again if we put a good
shape starting at the heel there we will give the food more stability and more
stability means that you use less energy and that means you have more time to
skate more power to skate and when you as an example we take a slap shot
obviously you go forward on one foot and this means that more weight is going
through that foot and more weight usually means less stability so if we
put some shape under the foot we guarantee you'll have a harder slap shot
one of the last things that I would say coming from a Sookie I've lost a few
teeth a couple of little nose pops as well is that if you have good stability
under your feet you can punch someone harder as well
okay the product so this is our latest product it's the carbon pro hockey a
little bit history about super feet is that we produce the far stencils for
Bauer I'm sure you all know who Bauer are back in the 80s and we produce this
shape for Bauer a long time ago and we've been developing ever since in
Canada we are by far the number one ice hockey insole in the market and as I say
this is our newest insole you can see 11% written there what this means is
that when we tested this insole with professional ice hockey players from
blue line to blue line they had an increase in speed by almost 11% why is
that well the
our original insult from all those years ago is called the yellow and you can see
the way this insults it's it looks lower than the heel then it isn't a forefoot
but because ice hockey skates have a ramp angle a higher heel section this is
how this insole is designed to set and that piece of footwork all those years
ago we use a high density form we have a plastic base now imagine when you skate
or walk or run you put power through the insole and this insole has worked great
for years but you can see it's fairly flexible what this means is that when
you go to push off especially if you're you know 150 kilo ice hockey player you
can lose some energy in that insole which means a loss of power with the new
carbon combination in this insole if I twist this one you can see is much much
more stable and therefore that power and energy is transmitted into the foot up
the body and basically this is how you can increase your speed so based on what
I've just said insoles and all types of footwear helps think of your foundation
it needs to have a good solid foundation in order to give you a good stance and
good power but it also has to have a good shape feet have a three-dimensional
shape your ice hockey skates only have a two-dimensional flat shape and if you
put an insole and nose I guarantee that you will skate faster you'll have more
power and you'll probably have more energy to keep skating longer there's no
other type of sport that I can think of that you couldn't benefit from having
some shape under the foot think about this very quickly if if I have a glass
I'm having a beer the surface is flat and up here on the bar the surfaces are
the same so that beer glass is stable if I took that beer glass and put it on its
side it would be unstable on that surface so I believe that all feet and
all activities including all those skating activities will benefit from all
the things I just said more power more comfort less chance of aches and pains
like blisters and such like if you put that shape under your foot so I believe
it will help all aspects of skating so thank you so much Andrew it was awesome
to have a little lesson a little inso lesson I hope you guys learned something
with Andrew and now that you know what to do with insoles you know what to get
to know so now I want to I want to try something I really want to try someone
just tell you that it's not every day that Scotsman gives something away let
me tell you so take it yes no that's cool that's good I'll make a little
review after what you said I'll make another view about it and all of you
guys out there watching these then you first listen from them the insole master
and now you're gonna listen for some from someone who never try the insoles
you gotta listen to like my first experience with these insoles
thank you so much hope you guys enjoyed this video if this is the first one that
you ever watched well you know what to do subscribe to the channel for more and
like I always say just don't forget why we all started skating you know why
because it's fun cheers guys you soon
Ethan Allen Design Tip: Hang Artwork That Inspires You - Duration: 0:30.
How to Keep Track of Your Credit Cards | Our Favorite Tools for Staying on Top of Cards & Points - Duration: 4:16.
Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, I'm going to show you how I
track all my credit card accounts, and share the tools that I use to keep it
all organized.
(light chiming music)
Those of you that are points and miles collectors know that it can
quickly become a challenge to keep track of all your cards. This is especially
true when trying to evaluate whether you want to keep a card with an annual fee,
or when planning out which new cards you want to apply for. Today, I wanted to take
a step back and share some easy and quick ways to keep track of all your
credit cards. Also, I have a freebie that I want to share, but I'll get to that later.
So, let me run through the tools that I use to keep track of all my cards. Number
1: Google Sheets. When it comes to keeping track of all my credit card
accounts, I use Google Sheets to log all my current and past accounts. The
spreadsheet that I use includes basic information like account status, card
name, type, and issuer. However, I also log information like whether I plan to keep
the card, the annual fee, whether it's a personal or business account, the opening
and closing dates, and any annual renewal benefits. This gives me a nice snapshot
of all my accounts and I can easily see what cards I've used and the benefits
associated with each one. Also, I love that I can quickly calculate my total
annual fees for the year and plan accordingly. Number 2: You Need a Budget.
There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to keep track of your budget
and spending. I've actually been using You Need a Budget since 2009 and it's
been a great tool for me to use, especially with this hobby. The budgeting
software is like a digital envelope system. What I mean by that is that it's
like the traditional method of budgeting where you set aside cash into an
envelope for that specific budget. So, I might set aside $300 for groceries and
if anything is left over, it carries over to the next month. Or if I overspend, I
might move money from one envelope to another. The reason this works great for
the points and miles hobby is that I always know how much I'm spending. And it
shifts the way I think about spending on my credit card.
Instead of worrying whether I can spend the money on the card, I'm more focused
on whether I have money to spend in that budget. As long as there's money in the
budget, then I know that I'll be able to pay the credit card in full. There's a lot
more to You Need a Budget and I should probably do a video on it in the future.
Keep in mind though that I'm using the old version and have not upgraded to
their new version, but I'm hoping to do so soon. Also, You Need a Budget isn't
the only software out there, and there are plenty of other apps and tools that
you can use to keep track of your spending and accounts. Number 3: Credit
Karma. We recently did a video on how to check your Chase 5/24 status using
Credit Karma. Definitely check it out if you need to see whether you opened or
closed an account. I generally check my credit score weekly, and I use Credit
Karma to keep track of my credit score and health. It's also a good way of
knowing whether your account history is correct and if there's anything that
might need to be corrected in your credit record. Number 4: Todoist. There are
a ton of different free and paid reminders services and apps out there. I
just happen to use Todoist for my normal work, so I use it to help manage
my credit cards as well. While I've set up auto pay on all my credit card
accounts, I do set up reminders for things like signing up for quarterly
bonus categories, evaluating and potentially canceling credit cards with
annual fees, and due dates for meeting minimum spend requirements. With life
being so busy, it just helps to have something remind me when I have to do
something. What tools do you use to keep track of your credit cards? I'm always
looking for new tips and services, so let me know if you have one that works well
for you. I've included the template of my Google Sheet in the video description
below. Though let us know if you have any questions on anything that we
covered in this video. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit
the "like" button and consider subscribing. Also, sign up for our newsletter on our
website for travel articles, updates, and giveaways. Until next time, travel safe
and travel smart.
Can You Live Without A Brain? - Duration: 3:50.
Can you live without a brain?
Well, you might think the most obvious answer to that is NO, but if you want to get technical…it's
definitely not impossible to live without a brain, and we're going to tell you how,
right now on lifes biggest questions.
Hello and welcome back to LBQ, I'm charlotte dobre.
Don't forget to like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics
you would like to see next.
I also just wanted to let you know that you can support this channel by donating to our
patreon page, so please check the description for a link to find out what's in it for
So, lets talk about the brain.
The brain serves as the center of our nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate
It is the most complex organ in a vertebrate's body, containing approximately 15-33 billion
neurons that control most processes in the body that facilitate life.
You might assume that there's no way anyone could live without the most complex organ
in our bodies, but you would be wrong.
You can survive, and live almost a normal life, if you are missing most of your brain.
According to a 2007 study, doctors examined a 44 year old man who lived a normal life,
even though he had an extremely tiny brain.
Earlier this year, a case was reported where a woman was missing her entire cerebellum,
yet she graduated, got married and has a child.
The cerebellum contains half of your brain cells, and she didn't even know she was
missing it.
The important functions in our brain are not designated to just one region, but are supported
by several regions.
So if one part of the brain stops working, or if you're born without it, the rest of
the brain can take on the job.
This phenomenon is called neuroplasticity.
So what about if someone is missing their entire brain?
Can a person live then?
There is a rare condition called hydranencephaly, where a child is born without the cerebral
The cerebral hemispheres make up the shape of your brain.
In someone with this condition, The brain is replaced by sacs filled with cerebrospinal
There is no known cure or treatment for the condition, but it allows you live with only
a brain stem, not a full brain.
Kaliysha Barret was born with hydranencephaly and she lived to be 6 years old without a
functioning brain.
Another boy, Trevor Judge Waltrip was born with the same condition lived and to be 12
years old, even though his doctors said he wouldn't live past 12 weeks.
He was unable to communicate, and was also blind, but he did respond to some forms of
basic stimulus.
According to his mother, he hated being alone.
The brain stem controls autonomic functioning like breathing and maintaining blood pressure.
This means that you can live without your cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that
controls higher functioning processes like memory, speech and personality.
So in short, it is possible to live without a large chunk or your whole brain, but its
not possible to live without a brain stem.
So what about someone who has lost use of their brain, like someone in a coma, or someone
that's become brain-dead.
Can a person survive without a brain then?
Well, sort of.
There have been cases of comatose people who do not need a machine to breathe, which technically
means they are still alive.
There have been recorded cases of people waking up from a coma after 10 years to lead a normal
But if you are totally brain dead, there is no chance they will ever be brought back to
However, the heart's electrical system can keep itself beating for a short time after
a person becomes brain dead.
Kidney and gastric functions can continue working for weeks of being officially brain
But without a ventilator, to move the blood and oxygen through a person's body, the
heart beating would stop very quickly.
Its not certain how long the body of a brain dead person can function.
In the 1950's 6 patients in france were kept alive for up to 26 days without blood
flow to the brain.
It is believed that with the help of ventilators, the body of a brain dead person could be kept
alive for quite some time, maybe even forever.
But the longer you keep a person on life support, the higher the risk that tissue will become
That's all for this episode of lifes biggest questions.
Thank you so much for watching.
if you liked this video and would like to go on a quest for more answers, On the screen
right now you'll see a link to one of our playlists Biggest Science questions.
That's it for me and thanks for watching LBQ.
How do you talk about sex to your doctor? - Duration: 0:34.
Any healthcare professional can deal with sexuality you know at whatever
level in terms of their care and all that and what happens is as soon as
you've taken at least one course or a couple courses in sexual health you
suddenly become the "sexpert" at the facility or the hospital and suddenly
people are coming to you asking questions and the nice thing is having
taken the certificate what we're finding is our students are now becoming
advocates to develop sexual health programs within their own sites
facilities they're bringing it up with their patients etc so there is
definitely a trickle-down effect
Lost luggage in MOSCOW airport - Duration: 2:19.
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert X Lil Skies Type Beat Instrumental 2018 Still Callin Rap Hip Hop Instrumental - Duration: 3:52.
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BR+NAD Therapy Patient at 10 Days - Duration: 6:16.
My name is Matthew. I'm from here in Louisiana. I've been on opiates
on and off for the last five years to the point that they consumed my life,
and basically, became embedded in my identity.
Through, even in a sobriety, the thought of using opiates never left me.
It wasn't something that I ever stopped thinking about or stopped wanting.
So, even after gathering some sober time, the fact that
that was still there, really greatly affected me.
In a search, or a quest of sorts, to figure out what to do about these cravings,
and this constant thought, I, through the internet,
I happened upon the idea of intravenous NAD treatment.
I believe I found it on an anti-aging forum somewhere, and then I did some research,
and found that Springfield Wellness Center was 45 minutes from my house,
and I feel like there couldn't have been a bigger sign than that,
that it was something that I needed to try out.
I spoke to some people about it, just that I found on the internet,
about what it did for them, and I almost thought
that this center was almost putting them up to saying these things, because it
just seemed impossible for someone to get such amazing results from,
from something like this. Like, they'd have no cravings
and to feel great even after, you know,
you jump off an opiate cold-turkey, and you go do this treatment,
and then, you know, a few days in you feel really good. That doesn't happen.
I mean, those that have gone through opiate withdrawal know that you want to die
for, like the first five or six days, and then after that,
the depression sets in, the anxiety, the lethargy.
And then you have to deal with post acute withdrawal syndrome, um,
but I through talking to a few people it seemed like it didn't pass the
too-good-to-be-true test. It seemed like it was bogus,
but I met Dr. Mestayer and Miss Paula at Springfield Wellness, and talked to them about it,
and they seemed very, very genuine and that they wanted to help people, and
that they were very interested in helping me fix my brain essentially.
So, finally I got down here and started the, started the drip.
I kept track of how I felt every day in a log.
The first few days, I kind of just felt the usual.
I still thought about using all the time.
I still had some depression and anxiety issues and some lethargy,
and then it was like, a switch flipped.
I don't know whatsort of magic they put in the BR+ NAD, but
I woke up that morning, I think I woke up at like 5:00 am, which is unusual.
I wake up kind of early just because of work, but
I woke up particularly early that morning,
and I felt great. Like, I mean,
I had energy, my mood was good,
and then the cravings basically vanished.
It went from there, you know, 90 to 100% to zero to 15% or so.
So, because using is so ingrained in my mind at this point,
I still thought about it, but it wasn't a craving.
It was more of a habitual thought. It wasn't something that I would act on.
It wasn't something that I would dwell on all day,
and I found myself not thinking about it at all
until someone else asked me about it. Which is incredible.
Words will never be able to adequately describe the feeling of going
from that negative feedback loop of addiction consuming your life
to having the ability to play the tape forward in your mind to see the consequences,
to say, "No."
Uh, like I just, I wo . . . I just can't describe it.
That 7th day, I, I wanted to cry about how normal I felt,
and I don't know how to describe it other than "normal."
It was like waking up, and I was 18, 19 years old,
and waking up from a five-year nightmare,
and realizing that suddenly, I had some more control, you know.
What little control you do have over your life. Suddenly, I felt some returning, and
it felt like my brain was turning back on.
And here we are at day 10.
I feel awesome.
I still have some lingering symptoms,
you know, little moods wings here and there. I'm a little sleepy.
But man, if you, if ahhh . .
Two weeks ago, I felt like garbage, mentally, especially.
I was in the dumpster. It was horrible.
Today, I feel positive. I have motivations to do things. I have, you know, finals
coming up, coming up in school. I have the motivation to study all day.
I'm ready to take on problems that are existent in my life.
Whereas, before, I would run. I would hide, you know.
I think, you know, the addiction consumes you, because it
it becomes your default operating mode for how you deal with life,
and I don't feel that way right now, and it's a miracle.
It really, really is a miracle, and I'm willing to do whatever I can
to make sure that other people know about this.
Because, for everyone out there that's stuck in that rut, that's in that cycle
of you feel horrible, so you use. And then, you know, as a result of
you using, you damage relationships, and you feel worse.
And you don't want to deal with them. So, you continue to use.
It feels like you don't even want to use, but you continue to do it.
I know how horrible that negative feedback loop is,
and how nearly impossible it is to climb out of that.
I have been to inpatient rehab. I've lived in sober living.
I came home back to Louisiana, and I still relapsed.
I know how hard it is to climb out of that hole.
Even after an extensive period of sobriety post inpatient rehab,
I still felt bad.
I didn't feel good then, and I feel better now even 10 days after doing NAD treatment.
I don't know how to describe it. It's a miracle. It truly is, and that, you know,
I wish I could get as many people in here
that are stuck in their condition as I possibly can.
Um, I don't know what else to say other than that.
Strengths Vs Weaknesses! Which Should You Focus On More | Martin Solis | Career Mode | EP2 - Duration: 7:36.
hey everybody this is Martin Solis and welcome to episode two of Career Mode
the straight-talking no-nonsense show that looks to answer all
your career questions today my friends we're going to be talking about
strengths vs. weaknesses don't go away
all right so look today's question strengths versus weaknesses which one
should I focus on more okay so look I'm gonna be honest right I am definitely
more of a strengths guy right don't get me wrong I do think that there is
room and there are certain situations where you do need to focus on
your weaknesses but just in like a general sense the results that I've seen
and I'm not just talking about me personally and and the approach that
I've taken but you know this is a particular focus within the mentoring
it's something that we encourage and you know the mentees that really absorb this
and really go out there and apply their strengths like you know the results are
pretty much irrefutable you know they speak for themselves and I
think you know now I've just seen it far too much I'm kind of too far gone to
really be convinced otherwise okay so look first things first we're going to
talk about weaknesses now I said just a second ago that I do believe
there is room and there are certain situations where you do need to focus on
your weaknesses and so if you have a weakness and it's impacting the team
it's impacting the people around you the organization and it's preventing you
from delivering work on time and to a standard then you need to look at you
you can't ignore it because at some point or another it's
gonna catch up with you so you need to do something about it now and you need
to do whatever it is that you need to do to bring that to a level where it's no
longer an issue and to be honest with you that's really all I have to say on this
point you know if it's causing you a problem then you need to do something about it
END OF! very quickly though before we move
on to the next point if you do have a weakness and you know that it's
causing you a problem and you're not quite sure what you can do about it or
you know how you can begin to improve it then look just hit me up in the comments
right and I will do my absolute very best to try and help you out obviously
you know I can't make any guarantees right but yeah hit me
up and I'll see what I can do okay so look second point on this we're gonna
look at strengths now and just delve a little bit deeper into these and so I
said in the beginning of the video that this is a particular focus within the
mentoring and is something that we encourage mentees to do now just as a
side note to this when I say we I say it because it's not something that I do on
my own I actually do it with a very good friend and colleague of mine and who
just so happens to also be an ex mentee of mine and so yeah look there's a bit
of a weird situation but you know it works so I'm not going to question it
but yeah so this is a particular focus and normally what we will do ahead of
the session is we'll say to the mentees right... jot down a list of strengths
and a list of weaknesses and I guarantee you right every single time mentees will
come in and they'll be like this is a weakness of mine or my boss says that
this is a weakness of mine and I need to work on it now providing that the
weakness isn't glaringly obvious the first question I'm asking is why you
know explain it to me when you begin to delve deeper into these you begin to
realize that so many of these weaknesses right are so small in comparison to like
the big picture the grand scheme of things that they really don't matter and
so it's usually at this point that I'm like you know what don't bother
focus on your strengths focus on the things that you're good at and if you're
running a team make sure that they're focusing on their strengths and they're
focusing on the things that they're good at don't have people putting in valuable time
and effort trying to improve on weaknesses that have no impact on the
organization or their ability to perform their role and just as another side note
here when I say ability to perform I'm talking about across the board right
from the work that they deliver to the relationships that they
have with other teens and other people when what you could be doing is
encouraging them to draw on their strengths and double your results don't
make the mistake of thinking that just because it's a weakness that it's gonna
cause a problem and then it needs fixing because I can tell you right just from
experience alone it's just not true okay so look final point on this one
strengths are transferable and you know what's so fuckin awesome about this is
that if you understand the true value of your strengths and how they can be
applied and adapted to different organizations and roles then not only
does this give you an edge but it also broadens your scope of opportunity and
I'm gonna give you an example here so I took on a business role right now
bearing in mind that prior to that my entire background was just purely
service driven I knew nothing about business
right budgets profit and loss revenues generating new business and onboarding
new clients like like nothing but the one thing I did know at the time of
being offered that role is that if I applied my strengths right if I aligned
them to the requirements of that role then not only would I meet the
expectation but I would exceed them and you know what it's exactly what I done
but here's the thing about this right if I didn't look at it in that way if I
didn't understand this there is no way on this earth that I would have ever
made the most of that opportunity or achieved
what I did and this my friends is a prime example of just what can be achieved
when you understand the true value of your strengths and you understand how
they can be applied both in and outside of what you currently do all right guys
so listen that is it for today's show hope you enjoyed it hope I managed to
answer the question if you do have any further questions
right or any points that have come up as a result of what's been discussed today
then put it in the comments and I'll get back to you if you have a question that
you want to bring on to this show again my friends put it in the comments we'll
get it on other than that though listen thank you for watching and I see you
again next time
Flourishing in One's Call to Work - Duration: 14:04.
How To Get Kids To Study - Duration: 15:46.
So you got the kids back in school but how do you get your kids to study? That's
today at Live On Purpose TV.
So to start into this video, I think we need to have
a little conversation right up front about what your job is as a parent. So
think about that for just a minute. What is your job as a parent? Now I get a lot
of really great answers to this here in my office. Some parents will say, well,
it's to provide for my kids and to keep them safe and to make sure that they
have everything that they need and then it goes from there on to some really
kind of cool things like, well it's to help them be happy in life and to have a
successful experience in life and to become productive citizens who
contribute in meaningful ways. Isn't that awesome?
And yes, I think those are all great answers. I'm going to throw a little
wrench in it here and we're going to back up, okay. Your job as a parent is to
love them no matter what and even if. No matter what and even if. So we can play
the even if game if you want. Even if they're not productive citizens? Yes, your
job is still to love them. Even if they're incarcerated? Yes,
even if they're incarcerated. Even if they choose a lifestyle that I don't
agree with that violates our family values? Yes, even if they choose a
lifestyle you don't agree with and that violate your family values. Are we clear
about this? Your job as a parent is to love them no
matter what and even if. As you wrap your head around that then everything else I
can share with you is going to be a helpful tool and a resource. If you
forget about your job as a parent then everything I'm
sharing with you is no more than manipulation and psychological games.
I want to be clear about that because I feel this is so important for parents to
understand their job because you don't control all of those outcomes. To make
sure that they're happy, oh, that sounds really great and and I think it comes
from the best place in your heart but it's not within your control to make
sure that they're happy, to make sure that they pass school. I had a mom here
on my couch who said, "Oh, well what am I supposed to do then? Just let him
fail?" She meant about school and I'm thinking, really? You think you control
that? What do you mean let him fail? As if she could decide whether he does or he
doesn't and sometimes we intervene way too much as parents
because we think our job is to make sure that they don't fail. Now having said
that, I'm going to come back to that probably because that's really important
to me. Your job is to love them no matter what and even if so let's stay clear
about that. Now because we love them, we want them to be happy, right? Because we
love them. What do you want for the people you love? Why do you want them to be
happy? Because we love them, we want them to succeed in school. Why? Because their
life is better if they succeed in school. Sure, it's going to impact your life as a
parent but let's get out of the way, okay? This is not about you, this is about your
kids so how do I get my kid to study or to do their homework or to turn in their
assignments or perform well in school? Okay, let's do some strategizing there.
Why? Because we love them and we want their life to rock. Sure, our life will be
better but that's only peripheral, okay. That's secondary, don't get too focused
on this is about you or it reflects on you as a parent. If that's where you're
coming from, then we need to have another conversation.
Get out of the way, this is not about you, this is about your kid, okay. And because
you love them, you want them to succeed. I know I'm probably over emphasizing that
but that's how important it is, okay? Now let's go to the strategies because
we love them, we want them to have a great experience in life including being
successful in school. Think about your own experience, how important has it been
for you to learn to do the hard things now so that you can have an easier life
later on? Yeah, that's what we're talking about here.
So depending on your child's level of maturity. Now I did another video where I
gave you a model, we talked about three different stages of maturity, you can
link to it right up here and in that video, you learned to discern what stages
my child's on. This is important because what stage they're on is going to
determine what kind of strategy you're going to use to encourage them to do
their job. If they're on stage one, you're going to use consequences and
specifically the kind of consequences that don't require cooperation.
If they're on stage two, then you're going to use some communication along with
consequences to help encourage them to do what their job is. If they're on stage
three, you don't have to worry about it, they're just taking care of it and
you're observing from the sidelines so that's a really important thing to
review. Beyond that, here's what I'm thinking.. If you have a strong enough why,
you'll figure out the hell and this is true for you, it's also true for your
kids. Why should your kids go to school? Why should your kids do their homework?
Why should your kids turn in that assignment? If their only reason is
because mom's going to clobber me if I don't, that's not a strong enough why and
you're going to be having this for their entire school experience, okay?
Until they come up with a why. Once the kid has a why then that drives their
behavior, provided that they're mature enough to be there, that's why I wanted
to review that other video, now the why.. You know what? There's a story that
illustrates this really well and my friend, Art Coombs, who is a fabulous
author and leadership expert and speaker, shared this story with me. I'm going to let
him share that story with you. So as we help our kids to find or
identify their own why, it's not going to be the same one that we have, okay. So I
think that's important to notice. We have our own why about why our kids should
study, right? But that doesn't always translate over to them so
this is my friend, Art Coombs. Art is the author of Don't Just Manage Lead, which
has kind of a fun little quote there at the top by Paul H. Jenkins and that was
the decision either of us made but I really like the content and this one
Human Connection. Art is a really experienced almost sagely. - Yoda-ish.
- Yoda-ish. But Art, you shared a story with me about helping kids to find their own why,
would you just share that with our audience today? - Sure, I've got four children and
two of them are in junior high and my son is 14 years old and we're constantly
wrestling in our family with homework and in today's environment, you literally
can go on and you can see if they're missing assignments so a few
semesters go by and I'm saying, "Have you done your homework? Have you done your
homework?" And I'm getting yes, yes, it's all done, everything's good,
all taken care of but when the grades come out, obviously, - It would
seem otherwise. - Yes. There's other things happening. So anyway, my son and I are
having this constant sort of wrestling match
with why do we do our homework and for probably a year, I was trying to manage
him by saying go into your room, do your homework
and you're not coming out until this is done and managers love that, it's easy
way to deal with kids, it requires less effort and I was really all
about the who, where, when, how, - by when, how much, all the numbers - and all of a
sudden, it hit me and I was threatening, I was using threats, I would take away
iPhones or I resorted to bribes, I would pay them for good grades and we
- Disclaimer! We don't necessarily endorse threats at Live On Purpose TV. - Hey,
it's every parent, every parent does it. I'm going to take away, you can't
play football or you can't be on the wrestling team or you can't be in the
choir. I'm going to take away something you like, something you excel that, actually
and that's the sad part, I'm going to take it away. I'm going to take away your iPhone,
I'm going to take away your Xbox, I'm going to take away friends, I'm going to ground you
if you don't behave the way I want you to behave and to me that was
getting nowhere, absolutely nowhere. The the bribes and paying for grades, I think
helped a little bit but I still was not getting the results so all of a sudden,
it hit me I wasn't giving my son the why. And so late one night, I literally
went into his room and it was 2:00 a.m. - This is the middle of the night?
- Middle of the night and I said, "Kai, wake up." And he looked at me like I had three
heads and he said, "What are you talking about?" And I said, "Get up, I'm going to give
you the why." And he goes, "Dad, it's 2:00 a.m." and I said, "This will only take
about 15-20 minutes, come on, get up." and he got dressed and we drove down to
Walmart and I said, "Kai, I'm not trying to be disrespectful
or dis anybody. - Right, t's not what you're about. - It's not what I'm trying to
do here but I do want to give you a feeling of what will happen if you do
not study and you don't do your homework. I guarantee you, the individuals you are
going to see pushing the brooms and restocking the shelves did not in junior
high say when asked "what do you want to do when you grow up?" I promise you not
one of them said stock shelves at 2:00 a.m. in the morning but because
they made decisions early in their life, this is what they're limited to do.
Their options are here, these are individuals who chose not to do their
homework, I can promise you that." - And incidentally thankfully, that is
available. It's a legitimate option. - Yeah, and we walked
through the store and I said, "Kai, if this is what you want to do, I love you and I
hope you stock the shelves better than anybody else, I hope you really push
the broom with pride. - And as his dad, you love him no matter what and
even if? - I love you no matter what but my gut is telling me this
is not what you envision your life being like. My gut is telling me that you want
to own your own business, you want to be a consultant, you want to be a dynamic
cinematographer, you want to be a developer, there's so many things you
could do and this isn't one of them but you're on a path that leads you here."
He was quiet, we drove home, he was quiet all the way home and he said, "Dad, I'll
focus on my school better. I'll work harder." - He's not doing it for you?
- No, not doing it for me. I still think the bribes helped just a little bit. - Well
you know what? And I think the reason that's true is because we're getting
closer to providing a why that makes sense to
them. It's not about us, it's not about our why. - I do and I tried to tell him I
say, "Hey, in my job and I think in most everybody's job, if you do an
exceptional work, you get rewarded exceptionally. If I do mediocre work,
if I do what everyone else can do, I'm going to get paid like everyone else. If I
do poor work, I either don't get the job or I often sometimes can actually, it can
turn into a negative where people are now, it's going to
cost me. So, and we do that, well I have a certain amount that I pay my kids
for an A and then it drops radically for a B and it drops even more radically for
a C and then if that's D or an F, they pay me. - This is so powerful. Thank You, Art,
for sharing that story. I knew that that would fit in just really nicely as we're
talking about how do you get your kids to study or do anything else that really
requires their why, not our own. - I like to put the money so what they could earn if they
got straight A's? I stack it up into a 14 and 13
year old, it looks like a lot of money and I give it to
them and I say, this is yours, this is yours, you can have this.
This is what's on the table and then we put it in a box, we call the bank,
and then at the end of the semester, we have it, we give it up.
We reconcile the bank account. - According to the report. - According to the report
card. Now the unimportant thing is, I'm there
constantly saying "I will help you if you want straight A's. If you want
straight A's, although I'll help you, I won't do your homework but I will help
you every single night. If you want straight A's, we can do it, we can do it."
Didn't you love that story? When you have a strong enough why, you'll
figure out the how. If you're new here, please subscribe. We're having a lot of
fun at Live On Purpose TV.
Delivery History - Duration: 2:46.
Delivery history reporting for Listing Syndication. Why listings syndication sucks and how to fix it.
There are two different kinds of
delivery history reporting
which answer different, vital questions.
These are:
Imports and exports of all qualified listings
on feeds to or from our server,
and ...
deliveries of an individual listing to all search engines .
Here is the last two weeks history for
listings delivered to Zillow.
Each search engine polls on its own separate schedule.
This one is set up by Zillow
to poll this particular customer.
We'll click the "Feeds" tab to return.
Now let's click on the customer logo
to see the same kind of reporting
for their listing feed imports.
As you can see here, the customer feed went off line
for a period of time.
So our server dropped the polling frequency down
to one hour rather than three.
That reduced delivery lag time for their listings
when their feed did return to service.
Now we'll click the "Delivery History" button
to see the past two weeks
history for an individual
listing and its delivery success to all search engines.
Let's take a look at this one.
Columns mark days into the past,
the oldest on the far left.
This listing is obviously in good shape for deliveries.
And feedback from search engines
confirms it.
Tool tips under color-coded status buttons
also confirm no delivery errors.
Ok, let's pick a different listing to check out.
This one is obviously in trouble.
All those yellow and red buttons provide
tool tips telling us exactly what needs to be fixed.
We can let someone know by mailing this report
directly from the dashboard.
(You've got mail)
And the listing agent can also fetch this report
at any time by sending an email request.
(You've got mail)
So that's how you can know
exactly what's been happening with both
your feeds and individual listings.
Thanks for watching!
The Right to Fight in 2018 - Men Take Charge of Your Prostate - Duration: 2:53.
Good afternoon guys do you know you have The Right to Fight - the right to fight is
a movement about Prostate Cancer yes I know it's a tender subject and we don't
like to talk about it however I'm Faith Edison jr. from Memphis Tennessee and
I'm more than glad to come out and talk to you about it because I know it's
important see until recently I had no clue
I knew that Prostate Cancer exists I didn't know the statistics about it I
didn't really know that much about it however being a part of Nspire Network
I found out about it because they have something called Max Life Prostate Care
and I wanted to know what did I find out well I found out that men in the
African-American community starting at age 40 should be concerned about their
prostate this is a supplement that can be taken that will help both keep the
blood flowing to the prostate and other things moving kind of smoothly because
there are so many side effects by medication not that we don't want you to
take medicine because we don't make any medical claims however if you can
prevent something possibly then of course that would be the smart thing to
do another thing that was very shocking to me is that 70% of African-American
men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer lose their life to it that's seven out of ten
men that have Prostate Cancer can you imagine what that does to families it
tears them apart it crushes them because they feel like there is no answer and
there's no solution well Prostate Cancer is something that
is there but it can be fought two brothers Doctors Mynatt - both of them
actually created this because they saw the results of what medicine did and the
side effects so they wanted to come out and be able to you know formulate
something and offer it that would be helpful to men and give them a little
bit of hope if you would like more information or if you know someone that
could benefit from this please first click the subscribe button below
and second go ahead and share this with them if you have questions you can feel
free to email me or text me or you can reach me on Facebook but also check out
the links and get more information about it you'll be glad that you did thanks so
much for stopping by and we'll talk to you soon
How to unlock iPhone 6 locked to AT&T to any network using - Duration: 6:38.
as you guys can see here is 2 sim cards one was from At&t and the other one is from my provider Family mobile
here is to show when i received the confirmation of my unlocked process from and also to show that was not service on iPhone
here is my sim card and this is how it works ask for activation process is needed also will need your apple email and password to get access to iPhone follow after entering email address and password you will check that now shows bar network and works just fine without connecting to iTunes or entering a pass code at all.
Thanks guys for watching my video and always use
Replacement Window Estimate Palatine IL 847-427-6200 Replacement Window Estimate Palatine IL - Duration: 1:16.
Replacement Window Estimate Palatine IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?
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If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new
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