Can we get 25 Likes? Thank you.
For more infomation >> DO YOU KNOW DA WAE? - Duration: 0:47.
Trapcøde - Why'd You Leave - Duration: 3:43.
Trapcode - Why'd You Leave
Art You Gonna Make A Pun? - Duration: 3:56.
hello and welcome to my channel why did the banana leave the bunch
he didn't find it a good peel why did the bananas break up they didn't find
each other appealing let's get this done in a jiffy we wouldn't want to get in a
jam looks like I'm on a roll I like technology and all sometimes I just like
to be old-fashioned going nuts for these it's a been a long day today I'm gonna
milk it these are exactly what I was looking for I've had enough
can't you tell don't mean to sound cheesy but I like to stay fit and active
what type of trees do I like i love palms clean hands are essential I guess
its that season isn't it so many choices all these choices they got me
feeling pretty salty I don't know which one to pick
it sure is chilly this time of year you wouldn't want to ruin your clothes
I hate want to get hair in my food we're gonna have to wait a while this is just
rich of flavor ever since my knee surgery things have
been looking up sometimes you just gotta soak in the moment I've gotta buy more
lets go ahead and take this for a spin I've always taken a lot of pride in
what I do this sure hasn't been a lot of fun it's always been a great source of
inspiration I just can't wait you're doing okay but I want to give you a
suggestion I once a met a guy named Mucil that joke sure was smooth weren't
aren't you gonna make another one sometimes it can be a lot to digest I guess you just
didn't make the cut wheres this pen the whole time sometimes just gotta plant
yourself on solid ground I always did have a large collection of masterpieces
I was always pretty good drawing but then I just had the right touch they
always said I was real fine well aren't you gonna make another joke sometimes
the shoe just doesn't fit looks like we started off on the wrong
foot how about you try walking a mile in my shoes I'm telling you it's a good
brand I used to always be in second place but ever since I started trying
harder i became a champion I was told it wasn't very hard just a
run-of-the-mill I guess it didn't measure up you want to be safe wherever
you step they said I couldn't I said i Can Son I don't know what one
to choose guess it's a tie sometimes I'm drawing I got to start
over I got to cover it up I got a blanket
things sure are looking bright
I use to have less but now I have a stash hmm this stuff sure is wicked sometimes I
can't even get a break I was raised in the country I've got to get this cleaned
the things just aren't gonna pan out you already had your chance now it's my turn
next time if you're gonna tell the truth try not to leave me in the dark about it
Im hoping I'll get tied up about all these bills sometimes in life we can get
tied up at the moment I always did get a good reaction about
how I dress
just because it doesn't suit you doesn't mean it wont suit me
Orc Spice (Channel Trailer Machinima) - Duration: 0:36.
Hello viewers~
Look at your character.
Now back to me.
Now back to your character.
Now back to me.
Sadly, He isn't me.
But if you stop watching cat videos and subscribe to my channel
He could talk like he's me.
Look down.
Back up
Where are you? You're on a Zeppelin, with the character your character could talk like! What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it!
It's an oyster with two tickets to that Blizzcon you love!
Look Again.
The tickets are now Ragnaros! Anything is possible when you watch my Machinimas and not cat videos.
I'm on a Turtle.
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Trailer Explained, Easter Eggs & Things You Missed - Duration: 5:40.
The first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp just dropped revealing a ton of cool new characters
and details we can look forward to seeing in the Ant-Man sequel.
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm breaking down the new trailer
and explaining some easter eggs, wicked details and other stuff you might have missed!
If you're new to my channel I do regular comic-book movie videos, and to celebrate the first Ant-Man
and the Wasp trailer, I'm kicking off a new superhero giveaway for all my subscribers.
I've got full details on that giveaway later in this video.
Ant-Man and the Wasp begins in the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War.
At the end of Civil War, Cap broke out Ant-Man and the other Avengers who were locked up
in the Raft prison.
And in Ant-Man and the Wasp, it looks like we'll find that the authorities have caught
up with Scott Lang, putting him under house arrest.
It's pretty clear though that once Hope van Dyne and Hank Pym make contact with him again,
Scott isn't going to be at home very long.
Hope and Hank are on the run themselves.
In fact, Hope blames that on Scott's Civil War antics which might mean that their research
has come under scrutiny, and suggests why Hank is using Pym particles to shrink down
his building into a portable piece of luggage.
The new mission that Hank and Hope contact Scott about is their plan to bring back Hank's
wife, Janet van Dyne, from the Quantum Realm.
In the first Ant-Man movie, Hank explained that during their mission to deactivate a
bomb, Janet, who was the original Wasp, went subatomic when she deactivated her regulator
to get inside the bomb.
Though Scott went subatomic at the end of that movie, he managed to return, which is
why Hank has been researching how they can go to the Quantum Realm to bring back Janet,
who in this movie will be played by Michelle Pfieffer.
And we might just have our first glimpse of their journey into the Quantum Realm in this
The creatures around them look at lot like Tardigrades, aka water bears, which are real
eight-legged micro-animals and are about half a millimetre or 0.02 inches long at their
full size.
We don't know yet if this is the Quantum Realm itself or just an interim stage where Hope
and Scott shrink down their new craft until they reach the subatomic level.
The Quantum Realm has appeared briefly twice before in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, first
at the end of Ant-Man and then again momentarily in Doctor Strange when the Ancient One sent
Stephen Strange through the Multiverse when he met her at Kamar-Taj.
Obviously, we've got to talk about Hope van Dyne's The Wasp.
The trailer showcases an awesome power set for the new hero.
In addition to Ant-Man's shrinking powers, she can fly and shoot power blasts.
The blasters are a nice touch because, in the comics, Hank Pym gave the Wasp wrist devices
which could produce electrified blasts that she named "wasp stings".
And I just love how Wasp shows she's a literal blade runner in this very cool slo-mo shot
of her running down the side of these knives, which echoes Ant-Man's gun-running antics
in the first movie.
And when the Wasp throws the Hello Kitty pez dispenser, it's another cool callback to the
first movie when Ant-Man turned a Thomas the Tank Engine toy giant-size.
On top of that, the Hello Kitty nod also adds a little Deadpool vibe, especially given that
the popular Marvel character could be joining the MCU if Disney's deal with Fox goes ahead.
Now, you'll need to look very carefully, but we do get a super-brief look at the villainous
character Sonny Burch played by Walton Goggins, and he appears to have stolen Pym's miniaturised
In the comics, Sonny Burch is the chairman of Cross Technologies and, in Ant-Man and
the Wasp, it seems he could be trying to steal Pym's secrets to either get revenge for or
take advantage of the demise of Pym's former protégé Darren Cross in the first movie.
And that looks like the reason we get the return of Giant-Man, who we see towering over
the boat, presumably to recover the stolen property.
The trailer also gives us a quick tease of the new villain Ghost who's played by Hannah
In the comics, Ghost is actually male and is an elite hacker who can make himself invisible
and phase through objects.
And that might be what's going on here where we can see an arm flickering and phasing in
and out of view.
The comic-book version of Ghost uses his abilities to attack and destroy corporations and I wonder
whether the MCU's Ghost could be connected to the villainous Hydra?
You might recall that Hydra agents attended Darren Cross's presentation in the Ant-Man
movie and one of the attendees, Mitchell Carson, managed to escape with a vial of Pym particles
before the building exploded.
So, perhaps Ghost could be working for Hydra, and it's also quite possible that she's working
together with Walton Goggins' character Sonny Burch.
The trailer also gives us a quick peek at Laurence Fishburne who's playing Dr Bill Foster,
aka Goliath.
In the comics, Dr Foster is a scientist who worked for both Tony Stark and Hank Pym, and,
when he became familiar with how Pym Particles worked, he experimented on himself, creating
his giant-sized alter ego, Goliath.
He's traditionally a good guy, so it's quite likely he'll team up with Scott, Hope and
However, while the trailer doesn't reveal a lot about Dr Foster, the way it's edited
may imply he could be connected with Ghost or the bad guys at some point.
By the way, appropriately enough, the music in the trailer is called "Ants Invasion" and
is by the British band Adam and the Ants!
So, did the Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer get you hyped for the movie?
And were there any other cool details or easter eggs you spotted?
Make sure you leave a comment below about the trailer and subscribe for a chance to
win a cool Ant-Man Funko Pop.
If you enjoyed this, remember to like and share, and hit the notification bell to get
all my new videos.
You can also check out more of my Marvel and other superhero videos by tapping the screen
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
New Beyblade Launcher Battle Tested & Fake Blader Intro! Beyblade Burst Toy Review & Giveaway! - Duration: 4:52.
Welcome back to the Blast Zone what I have today the dual threat
launcher I'm gonna unbox it and review it and I'm also gonna battle through the
best 4 Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst and Drain Fafnir, Nightmare Longinus it's
Spriggan Requiem we get into all that remember to subscribe to a newest
giveaway Spriggan Requiemn you guys are running at a time so be sure to
enter this awesome giveaway let's get on to this house and launch a review dual
threat launcher beyblade burst evolution switch strike the moment of truth it has
a barcode this is how you switch from right to left
pull this up this is a very good launcher just like the v88 launcher that
you get me so I think it's much core design I mean it looks the same but it's
cool cuz you switch it like that when you rip it it's a really smooth thick
this string is shorter than the bada launcher but I'm gonna find out for sure
if this thing is the real deal with my battles I chose two left versus two
rights first battle I'm gonna do nightmare Longinus terrain Fatmir who
will win 3-2 one letter
whoo that was a very good launch think this was really good Oh nightmares
really getting drink back to your office away looks like nightmare won that
battle with their spin finish it's a 1-0 next battle who in their head
let's go fast near dream Fafnir wins it with a spin finish it almost first it
third battle
nightmare would get my spin fish to to one final battle get in some good
they've got want your help in that
nightmare Longinus next battle beacon for almost burst open
it's time to get your claws out yes closer now and ready to destroy our
Swedish cram so spring the Requiem nightmare one this is the final battle
to see who is the best one out of these four
thank you Springer recommend wins by spin finish
the score is 2:0
this one's chul P I recommend buy it it's too old piece nightmare let's do
this you beat what yeah thank you guys for coming back to the last zone I
recommend you guys should look for this launcher it's very good bye guys
and remember to join our awesome giveaway remember only flash red happen
FAQ - Do you treat children at your practice? | Dina Cocco, DDS, PC - Duration: 0:41.
Dina Cocco: We love kids.
They're fun.
We can do a quick look when they first get teeth.
They'll sit on the parent's lap, we make them laugh, we take a look in there.
When they're about two, two and a half, they come in.
Sometimes, they sit on their parent's lap, sometimes they do it on their own.
A lot of times we'll have the child come in when the parent has an appointment, and they're
just playing on the floor.
They might climb in the chair.
Just so that they're comfortable being in this environment before we even have them
climb in the chair and open their mouth.
Energy Clearing, Protection, & Cord Cutting Techniques - Duration: 6:16.
Here's some of the Clearing, Protection, & Cord Cutting Techniques I use.
You don't have to ever do it the exact same way, you can use part of it and make it your
own or create something yourself that you like.
I just started doing this clearing after every session I do with someone.
I visualize sound frequencies vibrating and breaking up any energy in the whole room and
my being.
This helps shake free any stuck negative energy.
Then have rainbow rain drops coming down into the room all over and imagine a drain in the
middle of the floor.
Then will visualize vortexes in the room just spinning and clearing everything and then
going down into the drain.
You can set intentions to clear the whole space and ask that the elements (wind, water,
fire, earth) come in to help clear, then light a candle or candles.
Water & fire energies are good for clearing as well.
You can use violet flame or any flame or water energies in whatever ways you want to visualize
You can use a gold sheet of energy.
I have run into other people that use gold sheets or curtains of energy to clear spaces
Generally I will use a big sheet and put intention that the sheet of energy is sticky or magnetic
and all the lower energies, entities, implants etc just stick to it.
Then will bring all 4 corners of the sheet together inward and tie it and ask that it
be transmuted to love and light.
You can visualize a huge sheet and generally when I clear the property it will go about
100 ft below the ground and a half a mile above ground.
I will ask higher self/guides/archangels and whoever to also assist me with clearings that
I do.
So I visualize what I'm doing but they also help at same time.
Remember to clear your crystals, cards, pendulums, and any other tools you use too after each
Even when you do your own self readings with cards you can clear energy each time, then
put your energy into the cards for that present moment you are reading.
This one was shared with me.
You create a mirror around your body, shiny side facing out.
Inside of the mirror add light pink energy.
On the outside of mirror add a layer of 24 karat gold energy, about 3-6 inches thick.
Then add a violet flame energy layer on the outside of the gold.
Expand the mirror to arms length.
This one set up so you can put intentions to transmute negative energy coming at you
from someone/something and then it's reflected and goes back to them as love/light energy.
Creating a mirror around you is a popular barrier because it is effective.
You can come up with your own uses too.
Another barrier that was natural for me was a vortex barrier of transmutation energy.
This way any energies coming into me just get caught in the vortex and end up below
me into the Earth and are transmuted.
I ask the star Aestarm that I have mentioned here before for protection as well.
Very powerful protection.
Expand a ball of white love/light energy out from your heart into a big sphere all around
your body and ask Archangel Michael to protect it from all sides (front, back, left, right,
above, below).
I really like this one.
I have used a rainbow colored bubble of energy around my body too.
I generally used this one a lot when I would be going through negative stuff and didn't
want my negative thoughts going to other people.
Like working out something with a certain person and having negative thoughts about
them etc.
So I would set it that those types of thoughts never leave my bubble so I didn't have to
worry about sending bad energy to someone.
So it was more setting it so that only good intentions/energy was allowed to leave the
There is this oil that we used to use in Atlantis and Egypt called Ibus.
It was a physical healing oil that was created during astrological alignments and had the
energy of the divine feminine and divine masculine in perfect harmony.
I use this oil energetically by referring to the name Ibus and imagining the oil going
over my being.
It makes it harder for entities to latch onto you.
It can also reveal hidden entities and implants.
Just ask your own higher self, guides, and soul groups of love/light to protect you.
I do that on top of other methods and kind of just combine them.
Specifically ask your guides to protect you when you sleep and protect your dreams too.
Cutting Cords
Visualize a big hollowed out circular metal cylinder with the ends open on top and bottom.
Then visualize the cylinder above your head and have it come down so your body is inside
a big cylinder.
While it comes down you put intentions on it cutting all cords.
When its stopped, then visualize two sharp thin flat metal pieces going across the top
and bottom areas of the cylinder horizontally and cutting cords too.
Put intention/visualize the ends of the cords you cut being filled with love and light.
Sometimes there ends up being big hooks in you.
So visualize hooks straightening out and then being pulled out of you and being transmuted
to love/light.
Ask Archangel Michael to cut all cords for you.
For cord cutting I ask that both incoming cords and outgoing cords are cut.
So anyone I have latched onto that I'm not consciously aware of, those cords get cut
Just about everyone does this, especially to family and friends without realizing it.
Just good to have cord cutting a regular routine and you will notice a big difference.
2018 Chrysler Pacifica: How to Connect Bluetooth - [4K] - Duration: 1:14.
In this video we will be showing you how to connect your Bluetooth to the 2018 Chrysler
Start by powering up your entertainment system and making sure your Bluetooth is activated
on your smartphone.
Next press the phone button on the screen, then press yes.
Open up the Bluetooth settings on your smartphone and select Uconnect.
Once the devices are paired you, view your contacts, recent calls, dial any number, or
view your messages with compatible devices.
Additionally, you can play your music through the system using the Bluetooth audio menu.
This system allows you to stay safe on the roads without sacrificing your productivity.
Thank you for watching!
If you found this video helpful, hit the thumbs up, leave us a comment below, and don't forget
to subscribe for more news, demos, and how to's on the 2018 Chrysler Pacifica and all
other Chrysler vehicles.
Kids paper puppets–Junk Mail Life Hack–Podcast Storyboarding with BuilderBoy - Duration: 1:04.
Free-range milk
What's free range milk?
He's, um, just free-range because he ranging
out on the range.
Now, I guess, what, BuilderBoy maybe comes out next?
Do you wanna do that?
Then Milk goes away!
Then Milk goes away.
And then in his place...
The cow is here. In his place is a cow.
Milk? Cow?
Then what
In the cow's place...
Then, back to Mr. Milk!
Nobody's there!
Now I'll control it.
"Frankenbox" Nickel Hunt - 2 "S" Mint Buffalos Found! - Duration: 11:24.
hey everyone it's Rob from Rob Finds Treasure and look at this Frankenstein
box they didn't have any box of nickels at my bank and you know what she told me
she gave away my last two boxes today to someone else who came in and he's been
coming in every week and getting nickel boxes from them so somebody's searching
my honey hole anyway she didn't have $92 worth of
nickels $80 in machine wrapped as you see down here $12 in customer wrapped
which come out the $92 and I said well I have 100 bucks here let me go to roll of
Dimes and six rolls of pennies and let's just go ahead and get customer wrapped
if you have them and she did so we've got $100 Bank box here with $92 of
nickels 12 of them towba the dollars our customer wrapped and then eight dollars
in wrapped dimes and pennies so we're gonna start with the dime since it's the
least amount and we'll see what's in there not expecting anything in one
customer wrap roll but you never know could be lucky or it could be the
rejects of the customer who has found my bank all right let's take a look nothing
in the dime says to be expect with one roll let's check out the six rolls of
pennies next all right we finished the hunt of the pennies six rolls may get a
handful of copper a lot of tough discards and we ended up with 509 s a
2000 Canadian and a 1959 D first year Lincoln immoral cent so no Wheaties
nothing great but honestly it probably wasn't a searched set of rules there
because you would think that a real collector would have pulled out the O
nines in the Canadian pumping out the 59 but still and that many coppers so they
either were just a wee D hunter or they weren't searched at all techniques then
it was still fun to go through them now I've got 92 dollars worth of nickels to
go through and I'm probably gonna put these in a different box so that I can
have them organized and check the enders that way I know what role I am on at all
times I'll be right back when I got him a new box and then we'll get to the hunt
all right guys we are now on to the nickels we
got six customer roles followed by 40 bank wrap roles to make $92 in this box
obviously it was a hundred with the rest of the change but we'll still call it a
box what do we get out of this we'll keep track of it so let's get to hunting
I'll loop you guys in if I find anything cool matter of fact I'll finish these
customer wrap rules first whether I find anything or not I'll still loop you in
then we'll get to the bank wrapped I've already checked all the Enders of what I
could see and nothing is awesome but it's definitely circulated let's get to
hunting all right finish their customer wrap rolls with leiseth was 40 rolls
left in the box went through him we did get six from the 60s and believe it or
not we did get a 1950 ad so we're on the board with the 58 d out of the customer
wrap rolls we'll get those into the discard bin and now we'll go through the
machine wrapped rolls I'll look you to find something cool well other than an
Ender this is about the best start you could have I'm in the first roll I just
laid them out and the fourth coin in is a buffalo nickel what's odd is remember
I took all the rolls out of the quarters box and just randomly set them in there
counting them up along the way to make sure I had the right number of rolls so
this could have been the last one I grabbed but instead it's the first roll
I grabbed after I placed them back in guys that is fantastic
what a great store and it's got an estimate mark it's got an estimate mark
oh goodness please be an old one please have a date 1936 it's not an old one but
you know what it's a 1936 s-mint mark I'm gonna have
to check my records I'm gonna see what the mintage is let me do that real quick
and I'll get right back to you everyone I've done a little bit of my
research you know it's a 36 so it's not gonna be worth this much because it is
one of the later years but only 14 and a half million of these minted so that is
a good low mint buffalo nickel and you know what it's a little bit dinged up
but it's not that bad of shape and it doesn't matter I didn't have a 36
s in my collection and now I do super-stoked early in the box we've
already got ourselves a buffalo nickel could be a great box and what the irony
is this is the COO these are the coins that the teller told me we had to put
together because she gave out her last two boxes to somebody else who started
hunting recently at my bank well sorry bud you missed that one but
of course he's probably thinking the same thing about what I'm missing in his
boxes let's get back to the hut all right guys 23rd roll the box really only
the 13th of the bank rolls but I got to be fair and caught a box so 23rd roll
the box and look at this we've got another Buffalo and this one is toasted
it is toasted it's about as smooth as you can get I'll
never be able to tell if it's a mint mark or anything on this probably so I'm
gonna Nick a date not only the date section but I'm gonna Nick a date the
back section because at the end of the day we've got to find out if this what
year and what Mint it is for sure it's worth absolutely nothing and even if
it's the most rarest key date in this condition and then nikka dating it's not
gonna worth much but it bugs me not to know so give me a few minutes here we'll
get it nikka dated and see if I can even pull
the date and the mint mark off for you guys I'll be right back okay guys I've
nikka dated it you probably can see that it's a 1927 and you know it's funny
let's see if I can get a good look at this for you you can tell right between
the E and the C and put this down so I get a better angle I know it's hard to
see cuz I'm shaking I'm trying not to because I'm zoomed all the way in but it
appears as though there might be a D
right between the E and the C can't tell if it's a D or an S that's probably the
best look you're gonna get guys it's an S mint mark
19:27 s is a key date only 3.4 million of those minted so we've got a 27 s here
it's a key date course it's a key date with a key mint and of course I had to
use Nick a date on it 27 s unbelievable only 3.4 million of those minted and
it's in terrible condition it's not a highly valuable coin to tell you the
truth I mean in this condition I'll be lucky to get a few bucks for it if I
were to sell it it's in terrible shape but nonetheless I'll take it I don't
have a 27 s of course in my collection I'll need to get an upgraded one
eventually but we'll take it overall and not too mad about getting a couple of
buffalo nickels in the first half of the box so let's get back to the hut see if
we get some more ok 24 throw the box we got our first 40s coin I will take it
1940 Philadelphia thought it might be an ass with all the essence we're getting
lately so we got a 50s of 40s to buffaloes and 309 s well let's keep
looking 26 roll the box guys it's starting to heat up we've got a 47 here
47 Philly we will take it well let's get back to the hut 37th roll in the box we
got ourselves another 40s coin here guys a 1949 D we'll take it it's our third
40s to go along with four 50s and a couple of buffalos and 409s let's get
back to the hunt 40 second roll into the box guys and I knew something was fishy
looks like we've got a four in here 1994 Bermuda yep got that fish on the back
maybe I'll learn how to flip these over once in a while
put that in the foreign section boom okay guys 45th roll in and look at
this got something a little different here it's like we got a teepee image on
the front of our nickel and it's a piece nickel that's pretty cool you know what
and you can make out the jefferson behind it so I'm gonna pull that aside I
kind of like it that's pretty cool if you've seen one like that before let me
know that's the first time I've seen a nickel or any coin with a full graphic
affixed to the front anyway I thought it was a cool fine let me get back to the
hunt 46 roll the box we got another 40s coin
1941 Philadelphia put that in here that makes four from the 40s to go along with
five from the 50s two buffaloes born five two oh nine and a cool teepee one
roll there forty nine and it produces a 39 what is the mint mark I'll tell you
we just pulled out a 53 s doesn't mean anything but it's nice to see a 53 s no
mint part no mint mark just another 39 Philadelphia but guess what guys we got
a 39 coin so now we got to Buffalo's coin into the 30s for in the 40s seven
in the 50s born 5:09 s a nice design and let's get back
to the hunt finished another nickel on everyone we had 73 in the 60s again 509
s one of them were going to toss back cool cool exotic flying I love it a lot
got a Bermuda foreign coin we ended up with eight from the 50s including this
beautiful 59 doesn't have full steps though we got four from the 40s a 40 or
41 47 and 49 we did get a 39 philadelphia couple of buffalos in 1927
s and a 1936 so I enjoyed this Sun anytime you get a
couple of buffaloes let alone with s mitt marks let alone two that I don't
have in my collection despite condition I still had a good
time if you enjoyed this time with me please give the video a thumbs up and as
always everyone thanks for watching
Rarities Aquamarine Rondelle 20" Necklace - Duration: 5:13.
Julia Michaels - Issues [Karaoke Instrumental] - Duration: 3:19.
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