Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018
Waching daily Mar 1 2018
Sonam Kapoor Ugly Fight In Sridevi's Funeral
For more infomation >> Sonam Kapoor Ugly Fight In Sridevi's Funeral | Shocking - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
International Women's Day 2018: Invest in women - Duration: 1:00.
International Women's Day exists because
inequality is still a reality everywhere.
We want a world where equal work earns equal pay,
no woman or girl has to say #MeToo
and every woman has a voice and can shape her own future.
Money is powerful in the hands of women
determined to create change.
This International Women's Day
let's turn words into actions.
Invest in women.
Come All Ye Faithful I Christian Songs | Holy Tales Bible Songs For Kids Children | Froztee & Friend - Duration: 4:41.
O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, o come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold him,
Born the king of angels.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above.
Glory to God,
Glory in the highest.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Yes Lord we greet thee, born this happy morning,
Jesus to be thee all glory given.
Word of the father,
Now in flesh appearing.
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Oh come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Makeup Brushes For Beginners - Part 2 | Glamrs Classics - Duration: 9:49.
Hi, I'm Pallavi Symons your makeup expert with I'm going to start with Sanchita who's about to do her own makeup and I'm
going to take her through it while explaining the use of these brushes
and the method of applying the products that we have picked for this shoot.
We're getting on Sanchita with the more terrifying part of using brushes. I think for most people and that would be
eye makeup. Although it's not a necessary thing to do, I would use a little bit of powder under the eyes
because for somebody that's trying on eye makeup
this is a great way to prevent falling eyeshadow from sticking to your skin. So tiny amount of powder
which you should not forget to dust off with a powder brush later.
Let me just tell you that the theory remains the same. Again flat brushes for heavier application and deposit of colour and
rounder brushes for softer finishes on the eyes so washes of colour
blending two colours in, this is a great brush! So now this is called a small eyeshadow brush. It's a paddle brush again. Flat!
Hair that's held together really flat.
So I'm just picking up a product. Now if you notice the picking up is important as well. Now with a flat
paddle brush don't ever use the tip like this to pick up a product. You're ruining your brush.
You're not going to get what you want, so use the paddle of the brush.
Which is why it is a paddle brush! So use the paddle pick up your product.
Use the paddle apply the product.
So place it as you would if you were using your fingers. So kind of sweep
it across and using the flat of the brush use it where you normally would put your highlighter.
Now this simply blends
the two colours or more colours together.
And another thing that a rounded brush does is that it gives you a softer deposit of colour.
So I'm just colouring the corner of her eye again using the flat brush.
This is to show you how you can mix two colours using her eye shadow brush. So as you can see now
There is a clear separation between colours and also this shape that you can't kind of blend off with a factor flat brush.
So you want to use a round brush to soften those
corners edges and make it a soft finish. Make sure that you don't press into your eyes.
So you don't want to push anything into your eye or push the pigment into your
You actually want to soften, give it a softer focus.
So I'm just going to show how you can use a liner brush because this is also very
important to create shapes on your eyes especially if you like winged eyeliners or if you like very precision eyeliners.
I do understand that most eyeliners come with their own brushes as in wands that actually deliver the product which is great as well.
But having said that professional brushes do have a little bit more bend. This bend actually helps
you create shapes. Remember that brushes that are long need to have colour along the entire length of the brush.
So you just have to pick up the product also along the length of the brush. Make sure you have the excess off
and then paint your eyeliner as you normally would. Now Sanchita is holding the brush in absolutely the perfect way.
I notice that most people that use liner brushes tend to use the point again even on the eye.
The whole point of having a nice long
bristle is to use the length of it, so you can sweep the colour across your eyes in maybe two motions
if not one. In the event that your product has dried up on your brush, always keep tissue handy.
You just want to take off the excess product so your brush gets back to its nice you know flexible self.
Another key feature for Indian makeup is Kajal. I think most people have progressed from wearing Kajal just as a Kajal to
smudging it making it more intense, more smouldering, softer, more captivating.
So I'm gonna show you how you can use a smudging brush. Basically, it's a tuft of hair
that's very tightly held together in a mount which is sharp at the top.
Now there's a reason for that. Now the tip is used as you can see, the tip is quite small compared to the entire
brush. Now this is used to kind of soften the product that you're using
and as you can see there's a small incline along the brush
which is quite tapering. Closer to the eye you use the tip so it stays dark and as it taper down it softens
So on how I'm going to use a generous amount of Kajal.
Now just remember that if you're going to smudge a Kajal you need to have enough product to smudge at all.
So as you can see
I'm going to do a fairly thick amount of product here and take it to the absolute corners of the eyes both ways.
By using this brush effectively you keep the darkness close to the eye, but you softly diffuse the rest of it to a smokey effect.
So the point actually keeps the product
whereas the tapering hair
disperses the product. So you disperse the Kajal to create a soft smokey effect
The eyes are done, so we've done a very basic use of brushes on the eyes
Just two eyeshadows how to use a liner brush and how to use a smudging brush.
Now, what completes my makeup really is eyebrows and most people tend to
you know kind of not do it at all, and if you have very thick eyebrows
It's okay to just groom them with an eyebrow brush, but having said that there are several
sets of eyebrows that need more than grooming. They need filling in as well.
Filling in is necessary when you see little gaps
and you can see the skin through your hair growth. So what you need for grooming your eyebrows or filling in your eyebrows is a
very firm slanted brush such as this. There's several sizes that you get to fill in your eyebrows
The larger size and smaller size, I personally pick the smaller one because I find it handy
and it's I think very easier to fill in with a smaller brush.
Just make sure that the bristles of an angular brush are not too soft
They need to be a little key stubborn and a little inflexible.
Just gonna use a colour that's close like a deep brown or stoney brown.
Make sure that you angle the longer point inwards and
then go according to the growth of the hair. So you
do it in upward strokes because that's how your hair grows
Make sure you get the colour here as well.
And as you come to the corner where your hair slopes downwards make sure that you turn the brush this way
Basically what you're doing is imitating the line of your hair growth
So there, it's a very natural fill.
Now we're gonna progress to the cheeks which is quite simple
I think most people do know how to use a blush brush
but having said that a small slip could cost you a whole shape of your face. A small blush brush should suffice as a
brush for bronzing and for blush. So I'm gonna use one brush
And show you how both products can be applied. Now the important thing is to learn where to dip so you
dip this part. Now in a bronzer
you're shaping so you use the part that will create shapes that is normally the side
That's what creates shapes whereas the top creates the fluffiness the roundness so you can use the top to blend or use a blush
Whereas the sides that create the shape can be used for bronzers, so you dip like this,
not like this
So you dip like that
Get a fair amount of product and place the colour in the hollow under your cheek. The minute you use the rounder part
it's going to get soft, and it will give you a more rounded appearance versus a sculpted appearance
like that
This is just to show you how to blend or how to use this brush for
this you know for a blush effect as well. Now when you're using a blush
then use the round because you want the colour on your cheeks
and now you can use it in rounded motions and blend it in with your bronzer.
So you create a diffused effect, so there's no shape. There's no specific shape, it's more like how you dust powder.
Just be mindful that if you're using a blush brush for both products
it has to be a small headed blush brush. If you used a large headed
Blush brush like this one the chances are that if you're not very
good with using brushes, or you haven't used brushes at all. I wouldn't recommend this for both products
This is great as a blush brush only you cannot really use this to sculpt and shape because of the large rounded head.
Coming to the last brush on our basic brush kit tutorial.
There's a lip brush, which I think most people either don't need because we tend to just wear your colour in or
most people just simply know how to use a brush. Now again lip brush is a paddle brush. It's flat and
Fibers are really stuck together.
So you can actually
pick up the lipstick and paint over. Now this lovely curve that you have on a lip brush is meant for you to be able
to pick up product. Again using the flat of the brush
this actually helps with the precision and
to paint in the corners. This curve actually helps just to paint in the corners right here
which most people miss when you simply swipe your lipstick over.
Sanchita has already worn a lip pencil as a base, so I'm just showing you over that.
As you can see the curve actually helps create the shape and the paddle fills in.
Another great reason why you should use lip brushes is sometimes when you swipe the lipstick across your lips
And you don't stretch it you tend to leave lines of bare skin coming through
Now the lip brushes are fantastic for that so you can fill those lines in even after you complete
one wear of lipstick.
The Finger Family Car Family Nursery Rhyme | Car Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:14.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | #708 -- Brookfield & Elm Grove - Duration: 26:47.
Holi 2018 | Different Types Of People On Holi | Happy Holi | Red FM Hyderabad | Redfm - Duration: 3:07.
You are gone now! Happy Holiii!
I have Eggs and Tomatoes! I'm going to put them on you!
Don't move! Happy Holi again! Get ready for Eggs and Tomatoes!
Hey Amit! Come out!
If you don't come out, your bike is here right?
Yellow, Happy Holi!
Red, Happy Holi!
Hey! Who are you?
Come come! Happy Holi! You also put colours on the bike
Why are you putting colours on my bike?
Idiot, whose bike are you thinking this is?
This is your bike?
Happy Holii!
Yayy! I mixed all the colours! Now starts the real fun!
Suryaaa! Happy Holiii!
Hahaaa! Happyy Holiii!
Waching daily Mar 1 2018
>> Female Voice:: Good boy. Steady. Steady. Good boy. We want to explore
our world in the same ways that everybody else wants to explore their world.
Soundscape fills in a lot of the mental map as you move. It makes it effortless and seamless to
know what's around you because it's designed such that you can just put it in your pocket and go.
>> Computer Voice:: DSW Shoe Warehouse.
>> Female Voice:: DSW Shoe Warehouse. Cool things happening around town here.
>> Female Voice:: When I'm with other people, I'm able to gather a lot of the same
information my sighted friends or family are getting from the signage around me.
And with that I'm able to participate in, hey, look what's over there.
>> Computer Voice:: Desigual.
>> Female Voice:: Desigual is showing up here as well, which is one of my favorite stores.
>> Female Voice:: Those moments that don't usually happen for me in my life.
>> Male Voice:: Using the technology is relatively easy. You have to still concentrate on listening for obstacles.
But you then get used to the chatter in the background, and you
can pick out suddenly something that's of interest to you.
>> Female Voice:: It's great. Tells me all the different shops as I passed, which is lovely.
And the different street names as well. Quite often I don't know which street's which.
>> Computer Voice:: Approaching intersection. Go right.
>> Female Voice:: We have a beacon set for Nike store, 248 yards. [Beacon Noise]
>> Female Voice:: The beacon has been helpful in approaching different addresses and places in busier areas.
[Beacon Noise]
>> Female Voice:: I'm getting the bell right about here.
>> Male Voice:: Great. Let's just head off that way.
>> Female Voice:: Okay. Forward.
>> Female Voice:: It's been a unique experience to work with the Soundscape team. They have been so transparent,
forthcoming, open to feedback. It's been a really dynamic
relationship. You have blind people on your team.
You're working deeply with agencies like Lighthouse and reaching out and engaging
with blind people in different places and from different backgrounds and really
making sure that what's being created is aligned with the needs of the community.
>> Female Voice:: Fiddler forward.
>> Female Voice:: Nike store.
>> Female Voice:: Left inside. Whoohoo. Okay. Hi, how are you today?
For more infomation >> Microsoft Soundscape: A Map Delivered in 3D Sound - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
The Magic of Feature Queries, Part 2 – 6/7 Resilient CSS - Duration: 4:46.
- When he said this to me, I literally,
you know how you feel like you're shrinking.
I just wanna disappear right now.
And the reason why it was such a zinger is, he was right.
(funky music)
I gave a speech yesterday in Dallas.
After the speech, it was a big audience of people
in financial services, a guy dressed to the nines
in one of these super slick suits comes up to me.
He says hey Mel, really love the five second rule.
Do you mind if I give you some feedback?
(mimics tires screeching)
Feedback? Ugh.
Don't you hate getting feedback?
And then when people actually preface it
by saying can I give you some feedback,
I don't know about you, but literally my butt's like.
(makes screeching noise)
I just cannot stand it.
I immediately go on edge.
But here's the thing about feedback.
You have to (bleep) take it.
You have to take it. It is critical.
Critical, critical, critical.
So I wanna tell you number one, what the guy said to me,
my reaction, and then I wanna give you
my philosophy about feedback,
because what the guy said to me was so valuable,
and it was also really hard for me to hear.
Here I am after the speech,
we're surrounded by a big group of people,
he walks up to me and says, when it's his turn in the line,
can I give you some feedback.
I immediately tense up, and this is what he says.
Mel, I love the concept of the five second rule.
Super cool idea, can't wait to try it.
Okay, now comes the punch in the gut.
He said, you called it stupid so many times
during the speech, it was off-putting.
Doesn't that sound terrible, that word?
And he said I could tell that you were doing it on purpose.
He's right.
In fact, you called it stupid so many times,
and yet you had these insanely powerful examples
of how people are using it.
You came off as defensive.
When he said this to me, I literally,
you know how you feel like you're shrinking in life
or you're standing in your full size
and then all of a sudden somebody says something
and you're like I just wanna disappear right now.
And the reason why it was such a zinger is, he was right.
He was absolutely right.
You see, I do call the five second rule stupid
because I'm in front of so many analytical audiences.
I'm in front of skeptics all the time.
And so I use it as a preemptive way to disappear
the biggest pushback on the five second rule
which is, on it's face, it sounds so stupid and so simple,
there's no way it could be so powerful.
The problem is I've gotten lazy,
and I say it too much.
He's 100% right.
And by hearing that feedback,
I can make a really simple tweak to my speech.
I can call it stupid once or twice in the very beginning,
and then I can transition to calling it
something that's very simple and powerful.
Now that's gonna help me reach more people
with the five second rule.
And here's what I wanna say about feedback.
Feedback is intense to receive.
It really is, because you are exposing yourself
to critical opinions.
It will make you feel very vulnerable.
The way that I handle feedback and process it,
I'm very clear about the things
that I will receive feedback on,
and I'm very clear about the things
that I will not receive feedback on.
And the reason why is, if you don't listen
to any feedback at all guys, you're never gonna improve.
You're not gonna ever do anything new.
So no feedback means nothing new.
If you listen to everything that everybody says
in terms of feedback, if you allow everybody
to weigh in on everything, it's gonna become so paralyzing
that you will do nothing new.
So the key with feedback is knowing yourself
and knowing what you actually accept feedback on
and knowing what you don't accept feedback on.
So for me, for example, I will always take feedback
about how I present on stage,
because I am committed to constantly improving
as a public speaker, and I also am committed
to knowing new ways that I can reach more people
with how I explain the five second rule.
An area, on the other hand, that I am not open to feedback
is all of the feedback I get
about how much I (bleep) swear on social media, okay?
I'm not interested in that feedback 'cause I'm not changing,
'cause this is how I talk.
When I'm on a stage, I don't swear
because of the speaking platform.
But when I'm being myself and I'm sharing myself with you
on social media, I have zero interest
in your feedback about swearing.
And I can give you some feedback about swearing,
which is if you don't like it, you don't have to follow me.
It's that simple.
Anyway, I hope that distinction helps you.
Getting feedback in the moment
will make you feel vulnerable.
It might make you feel nauseous.
It can be very hard to hear.
But you have to be willing to listen to it
in the areas of your life where you're open for improvement.
(funky music)
My Minecraft Friends - By AKprince (Mineraft Music Video) - Duration: 2:37.
Life wasnt easy for me I am alone Living on my on
Doing the thing i used to do with my friends Now i am doing all alone
Missing him so much ..But life will kick me and i will be in a tree
and i will shout that i miss my friends they call me lonely
cause i was never with any one they call me i am ugly
but my friend told me i am am the prettiest boy in the world
and now i miss him and i am all alone and i will be alone i am alone
and i will be alone
as long as my friend with me
i will be not alone
come forward and calling ur friend love u so much than anyone else..
I am alone all alone I do miss my friend
and i do i do i do miss my friend who call me i am so good to you
and i do i do i do i do i do miss my friend
They call me i am so good to you i am so good to everyone ..
But now im alone im alone Im alone im alone im alone
GOT7 (갓세븐) ft. Hyolyn (효린) - One And Only You (너 하나만) Special Video MV Reaction! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:07.
How you can get a chance to win a trip to see The Voice - Duration: 1:06.
Microsoft Soundscape: A Map Delivered in 3D Sound [Audio Description] - Duration: 2:44.
>> Female Voice:: Good boy. Steady. Steady. Good boy. We want to explore
our world in the same ways that everybody else wants to explore their world.
Soundscape fills in a lot of the mental map as you move. It makes it effortless and seamless to
know what's around you because it's designed such that you can just put it in your pocket and go.
>> Computer Voice:: DSW Shoe Warehouse.
>> Female Voice:: DSW Shoe Warehouse. Cool things happening around town here.
>> Female Voice:: When I'm with other people, I'm able to gather a lot of the same
information my sighted friends or family are getting from the signage around me.
And with that I'm able to participate in, hey, look what's over there.
>> Computer Voice:: Desigual.
>> Female Voice:: Desigual is showing up here as well, which is one of my favorite stores.
>> Female Voice:: Those moments that don't usually happen for me in my life.
>> Male Voice:: Using the technology is relatively easy. You have to still concentrate on listening for obstacles.
But you then get used to the chatter in the background, and you
can pick out suddenly something that's of interest to you.
>> Female Voice:: It's great. Tells me all the different shops as I passed, which is lovely.
And the different street names as well. Quite often I don't know which street's which.
>> Computer Voice:: Approaching intersection. Go right.
>> Female Voice:: We have a beacon set for Nike store, 248 yards. [Beacon Noise]
>> Female Voice:: The beacon has been helpful in approaching different addresses and places in busier areas.
[Beacon Noise]
>> Female Voice:: I'm getting the bell right about here.
>> Male Voice:: Great. Let's just head off that way.
>> Female Voice:: Okay. Forward.
>> Female Voice:: It's been a unique experience to work with the Soundscape team. They have been so transparent,
forthcoming, open to feedback. It's been a really dynamic
relationship. You have blind people on your team.
You're working deeply with agencies like Lighthouse and reaching out and engaging
with blind people in different places and from different backgrounds and really
making sure that what's being created is aligned with the needs of the community.
>> Female Voice:: Fiddler forward.
>> Female Voice:: Nike store.
>> Female Voice:: Left inside. Whoohoo. Okay. Hi, how are you today?
그링고 GRINGO 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:29.
Improve method for you that feel nervous in school recital,etc. 大宮 整体 人前で発表するのが苦手なあなたへ - Duration: 7:15.
Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for look this video. This video talk about improve method for you that feel nervous in school recital,etc.
Maybe you become so nervous at doing something in front of many people.
Maybe you will feel so nervous in some place.
It is work place recreation or party,physical education,sports day,school recital,karaoke,etc.
I recommend method that decrease the nervous for you.
This is relate my experience. I was thinking that in the public is don't want to talk.
I could to decrease that thinking. However,it is not gone completely.
At especially I did not like school all recital.
I was so feel nervous always. I did not like to express self.
In work place also there was to as same thing at while little ago. Many of them is recreation.
Recently,I nervous feeling was decrease.
Maybe relate also to age. But,that is not only.
Improve method is to have confidence in myself.
Why you become nervous in front of many people.
Case of me is to do compare other person too much.
For example. People around can but I can't do it. Like this way of think.
People around be dignified but I am not be dignified.
I was looking for inferior more than people around. I was in a habit that.
If that apply you,it is value feel that you had until now.
Maybe there is factor of the environment that grew up and the influence of people around us.
Shy too much,angry,etc.there is same. There is to want to tell you.
There don't improve immediately. My recommend is to actively action. It don't passive.
I improved by increase the actively action. For example to hobby.
Watching movie,listening music,looking concert,reading books,watching sports,etc. There is not good.
Playing sports,recording video,write a blog,cooking,play a musical instrument,etc.
There is very good. There is actively action.
The actively action is do connect your confidence.
Thereby my nervous was decrease and I did not care also to doing something front of people.
My recommend is to watching sports not but to playing sports. Or to listening music not but to play a musical instrument.
I think that karaoke is also good. Please increase actively action.
So,this time is same. To watching youtube video not but to create youtube video. I think that there is many things.
But,please do not force yourself.
Please try it. Thanks for look this video. See you!
Insert Preview Redplum 3-4-18 Quaker Angel Soft tissue Couponing Crystle - Duration: 5:22.
Clipe to save you will be amazed With coupoing crystal lovely people Couponing
crystal here with the red plum insert preview for this coming Sunday
March the 4th 2018 make sure you check out my PNG insert that I posted earlier
ok I will link it in this video ok red plum let's get started I think this is
very interesting always has come up with apparently
select the perfect size pan Wow so I guess there what kind of telling
you how to select your pan I thought they always came in different
well I know they came you know like that but I didn't know they had that's new
right there that's new ok well basically what
they're telling you is go by your panty size and then it's very interesting
choose your size lovely people or lovely ladies okay moving on and 75 cent on
Quaker breakfast squares for flats and then we got some her deep chicken
para do chicken the fresh cuts another coupon want some eye drops 53 that's my
husband's brain right there
moving on staying master staying master
$0.25 on the brawny angel song and my sister was telling me for super double
this coupon harris-teeter I gotta remember to say harris-teeter
is super tough if you don't have a harris-teeter you won't know what I'm
talking about
advertisement and then we've got some degree deodorant degree
all right we got some 50-cent kellogg's if you think your house
alright let's just got that okay nexium got some vitamins advertisement
wasting out a good coupon space
not in coupons in your love with people that's some breathe right theraflu air
flew dry medic sadly a missing person this is the second week of a North
Carolina person remember last week lovely people there was a person that
was in North Carolina that was missing it's so sad this person has been missing
since November of last year that is nothing hopefully maybe someone will see
this video and see there knows that person all right lovely people that
concludes the Revlon insert preview for you know what because I say every time
that I will show this on my video and we're gonna say a prayer for this person
Heavenly Father I just thank you Lord for your grace and your mercy is
sufficient father I think your Lord God that you will give peace of mind to the
family Lord we thank you Lord God that you will allow this person to be found
wherever they are in the earth or God we thank you for all you've done and all
you will do in this situation a man remember cliff to save you will be
amazed by hey lovely people make sure you keep in touch email me at couponing
crystal at or you can see me on instagram and facebook as couponing
crystal if you'd like this video please make sure you give it that thumbs up and
share it with your other couponing friends bye-bye
Waching daily Mar 1 2018
Hello guys
My name is Imon
And my channel's name is 'I M O N'
Or you can say...
So, I upload some funny vines on my channel...
Which are really funny...(I PROMISE)
And, I upload some 'Music Mix'...
Which is made by mixing 2D or 3D animation
with a music or song that looks good.
With that...
Some other...
Awesome stuffs!
So friends, subscribe my channel on YouTube...
And also press the 'bell icon'...
So that you never miss any of my upcoming videos.
So with that...
For more infomation >> I M O N | Welcome To My Channel | Introduction - Duration: 1:26.
My Minecraft Friends - By AKprince (Mineraft Music Video) - Duration: 2:37.
Life wasnt easy for me I am alone Living on my on
Doing the thing i used to do with my friends Now i am doing all alone
Missing him so much ..But life will kick me and i will be in a tree
and i will shout that i miss my friends they call me lonely
cause i was never with any one they call me i am ugly
but my friend told me i am am the prettiest boy in the world
and now i miss him and i am all alone and i will be alone i am alone
and i will be alone
as long as my friend with me
i will be not alone
come forward and calling ur friend love u so much than anyone else..
I am alone all alone I do miss my friend
and i do i do i do miss my friend who call me i am so good to you
and i do i do i do i do i do miss my friend
They call me i am so good to you i am so good to everyone ..
But now im alone im alone Im alone im alone im alone
3 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses You Haven't Tried Yet | JUST THE TIP - Duration: 4:00.
hi guys it's Bailey and today we're going to talk about three ways to use
apple cider vinegar that you probably haven't tried yet let's get started if
you're new to my channel please subscribe because I post new workouts
and nutrition tips every single week okay so tip number one is to use it as a
toner for your skin now this one is amazing because if you get hormonal acne
like me it really helps to stop and prevent breakouts and it also helps to
get rid of the appearance of acne scarring what I like to do is first
thing in the morning after I shower cleanse my face is I will use apple
cider vinegar and I mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and it
really really helps to not only balance the skin's pH but it helps to remove
dirt it helps to get rid of any makeup sort of any dead skin that's on the skin
surface and it really helps to kill any acne bacteria as well so it's an amazing
thing to do alright so the second thing I like to do apple cider vinegar shots I
mean this is just a total Game Changer especially if you're more interested in
like weight loss fighting sugar cravings first thing in the morning what I like
to do is I have either my detox drinks which I have a recipe for on my channel
or I just do a shot of apple cider vinegar and water and again what I do is
feel like half a cup with water and then put two tablespoons of apple cider
vinegar and now this is so good because what it helps to do is reduce your sugar
cravings throughout the day a lot of people find that it helps aid in weight
loss because it really does kill their sugar cravings and it also really helps
to improve digestion so if you do this before meals about 15 minutes before it
helps to boost your stomach acid which allows you to break down food easier and
for all the people who are saying they don't like the taste if you can do a
shot of tequila or a shot of vodka at a bar you can do this I believe in you the
third thing that I like to do is use my apple cider vinegar in salad dressings
so it's really easy I just take a glass bottle do some olive oil Dijon mustard
apple cider vinegar salt pepper super easy shake it up pour it on my salad and
it's incredible I find I get really really bloated and I eat a plant-based
diet so I do eat a lot of things that are sort of higher in carbs or fibrous
veggies and by using the apple cider vinegar it helps me to break down all of
the kale and harder to digest things like chickpeas hummus that I like to eat
another great thing is because apple cider vinegar helps to keep your blood
sugar balance that if you are having a really high carb meal so say you're
having pasta for dinner have your salad on the side
pour your apple cider vinegar on top and have that first and you'll notice that
after your past day you feel a lot more balanced in satisfied and it doesn't
sort of give you that blood sugar spike that makes you then go looking for more
carbs and sugar after you eat then thanks so much for watching leave me a
comment and let me know your favorite use for apple cider vinegar in the
comment section below I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate it into my
routine and please subscribe I post new workouts and nutrition videos every
single week I'll see you soon
TWU Baseball Coach Turns Down Recruit From Colorado: 'You Can Thank Your Liberal Politicians' - Duration: 1:00.
New data shows gap in life expectancy from one ZIP code to the next - Duration: 2:01.
Build A Flower Chrysanthemum Release - Altenew! - Duration: 7:34.
Hi it's Therese and I'm here with a build a flower released for altenew
and this one is called chrysanthemum and it's a really gorgeous flower because
it's kind of got that painterly look about it so like all of the Build a
flower sets so far they are layering stamp sets as well as they include the
matching dies but I'll go through that a little bit more in a
minute I decided to use my Misti today because I want to stamp a couple of the
flowers out at the same time I'm going to use the set of oranges and I am using
them in the order that they are intended you know how often you make their inks
in color sets so starting with Sunkissed which is the lightest orange cream then
working my way to the Autumn Blaze and the final ones that Firebrick color
so it's a really kind of a rich looking flower I've got a piece of white
cardstock it's cut the same size as my card front and I'm going to be stamping
both of the flowers in the same colors opposite each other so this is going to
be the panel that goes on the front of my card and I'll decorate it in a minute
I'll show you I'm going to anyway so to line up my stamps I have used my Misti I
hold them over top I can see exactly where they're going to be and then all I
need to do is pick up the stamp with the lid of the Misti add my ink and then press
down because I'm doing two flowers at the same time this is a really cheaty way
of doing it, actually all I need to do is flip my cardstock panel
around and then I can just stamp out this second image at the same time
without having to line up another image I'm prepping my stamps with an eraser
just to make sure that the ink gives me a nice solid color because these are
brand new stamps and obviously the more you use a stamp the better they stamp
so here's the hint use your stamps... the last color in this is the firebrick and like I
said it's a really deep dark orangey color and being the darkest color
there's the smallest amount does that make sense because that's going to be
where the shadows are. my sentiment today comes from two different stamp sets the
main portion which is I love you I'm actually stamping only the love you out
of this part of the sentiment and it's from the oriental orchid stamp set and
I'm just using some black ink and I'm using my Misti so I can stamp it a
couple of times as well now the second portion of the sentiment
comes from a set called Precious Moments and I did decide to stamp that in some
green ink today just to mix it up a bit I think that was the moss color that I
used to the darkest of the greens in this set I've also got some leaves that
I've been stamping out there's a couple of leaf images in this set and I play
all 'some you could actually use these almost like a artsy tree looking image
as well if you want it to but anyway I have used the tropical green colors
bamboo parrot olive and moss visa probably my favorite
greens from Altenew they are just beautiful and they do when they dry off
they do actually dry a little bit lighter so like I said this comes with
them matching die and this die is a little bit different to their normal
dies and actually comes in two pieces so there is the usual outline die as well
as an inside die it's that the best way to describe it that will cut some of the
petals on the flower so what I've done is cut myself a guide out of another
piece of white cardstock I can just line up the outline of the flower around the
image that I created and then insert the inner die and just I'm holding
everything in place with some low tack tape and I do like to use a lot of tape
because I don't want to shift that I want this to shift as I pop it through
my Big Shot machine because I don't want to start again and these tapes getting a
little bit old I do need to get some new stuff that's on the roll beside me... I
just haven't got it out. And I'm a bit gentle when I'm pulling that away
because I don't want to tear the cardstock either and look there you go
you can see how the petals lift up and that's why I've done this as a panel I
don't want to actually cut my flowers out but here's my practice flower that I
did whilst to showing that you can actually cut the whole image out as well
as pop up the petals but so to pop up these petals I'm using some they're foam
dots but I'm actually just cutting them to make sure that they sort of fit
behind them and I am going to double them up because they are only 1
millimeter high these dots so I want them to be a little bit more 3d and then
I've just used some scor tape and I've made sure to put some scor tape in the
flower itself just to hold the base of the flower down I just wanted to use a really
strong tape for this to hold the panel in place and to make sure that I can get
those flower petals popped up love these oranges I don't use them enough I'm
trying so the leaves that I did I also use the coordinating dies to cut those
out and and because I've got those die cuts on the petals I'm able to tuck them
in around the petal as well how easy is that I did also decide to add some
sequins to my final design so I head to my blog and you can find the links to
see more inspiration using this beautiful builder flower set until next
time happy papercrafting bye
Waching daily Mar 1 2018
Unless you've been a sour beer lover from the start, they often scare people
away. Too tart, too sour, yuck! But like many beers, sour beers are misunderstood. In
this video I'm going to give a quick little intro to sour beers to pique your
curiosity and then in our next two videos I''ll sample a few from each
style so you can better understand them and find one you'll like no matter what
your palate. I mean come on, who doesn't want new beers to try and love? Stay tuned!
Alright so let's talk sour beers.... that's right, those tangy, lip puckering
sometimes super funky beers that most of you likely either love or hate! But if
you've been paying attention at all, you know that here at The Crafty Cask we
love convincing people who think they hate a whole category of alcohol that
they might be wrong. Try a little harder with your drinking people! Don't give up!
First a little primer-- you have to understand that sour beers can be
essentially any style of beer as their starting point, Ales,
lagers, porters, you name it. Then once you have that base beer, there are specific
types of yeasts that move you into sour beer territory, specifically and
primarily these guys... nope, not gonna try to pronounce them! But you have Brett, the
funk master, Lacto providing a clean sour taste, and this last one that does a
little bit of both, but since the base beer also differs you can really start
to see how many flavor permutations are possible. Understandably a sour porter
will taste very different than a sour ale since those base beers themselves
are so unique and then the flavor possibilities expand even further
depending on the yeast too. Hence my declaration that you just simply can't
say you hate all sour beers unless you hate all beer! Now, are some people overly
sensitive to sour flavors? Sure. Of course, but even then, I would say, that
doesn't mean you'll hate all sour beers and so don't give up because some are
ever so slightly tart whereas others are mouth puckeringly bitter.
Okay so to wrap things up here, in our last post on we shared a deeper
overview of four of the most common styles of sour beers complete with food
pairing suggestions. Head on over there to go a little deeper before we start
drinking. We cover a lambics, gose, berlinner weiss
and American sours that don't fall into those three traditional categories quite
as cleanly. In next week's video we're going to dive into the first three and
sample, show and describe them to you, Then in the following week we'll cover American
Sours, which could be a little more confusing. Why? Well, you know us Americans...
we never like to do anything the straight, simple way! All of that
experimentation with American Sours really deserves a show of its own to get you best acquainted.
Ready to get drinking? Then make sure to subscribe to
our YouTube channel so you don't miss the next two videos where that's exactly
what we'll be doing. I know how busy you all are... but you don't want to miss out
on these because you are going to hear about some really fun super unique sour
beers for you to add to your must get my hands on list!
Until next time, drink craft and drink local!
For more infomation >> A Sour Beer for Everyone - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Secondary Syphilis - Duration: 9:41.
secondary syphilis what is secondary syphilis syphilis is a sexually
transmitted infection STI there are four stages of the disease primary secondary
latent and tertiary also known as neurosyphilis primary syphilis is the
first stage of the disease it causes one or more small painless sores in or
around the genitals anus or mouth if you don't get treatment for the primary
stage of the disease it may progress to the second stage which is secondary
syphilis if you aren't treated for secondary syphilis the disease will
likely progress to the latent stage and may even progress to the tertiary stage
the secondary stage of syphilis is curable with medical treatment it's
important to get treatment to prevent the disease progressing to the tertiary
stage which may not be curable it can cause damage to your organs as well as
dementia paralysis or even death pictures of secondary syphilis how is
syphilis transmitted syphilis is caused by a Spiro 'shit a spiral-shaped
bacteria called dry Ponemah pallidum you can get the bacteria in the following
ways direct contact with a syphilis sore usually found on the vagina anus rectum
in the mouth or on the lips during vaginal anal or oral sex with an
infected person an infected mother can pass syphilis to her unborn child which
can result in serious complications or even death of the unborn child the
primary and secondary stages of syphilis are extremely contagious tell your
previous sexual partners if you are diagnosed with syphilis so that they can
get tested to see if they have the disease you can't catch syphilis from
doorknobs toilet seats swimming pools clothing bathtubs or silverware there is
a high correlation between syphilis and HIV since HIV can be transmitted through
syphilitic sores since the behaviors that lead to the
spread of SDI's are the same for both syphilis and H
having syphilis is an indicator that you are also at risk for contracting HIV
what are the symptoms of secondary syphilis primary syphilis usually
presents itself as a single sore this sort if exception but could show as soon
as ten days or as late as ninety days this sore cold a chanc ER is small firm
round and painless it appears at the original infection site usually the
mouth anus or genitals you may not even notice it untreated the initial sore
heals in a month or so if you don't receive treatment during this initial
appearance of symptoms the bacterium that caused this STI will spread through
your bloodstream and you'll soon have secondary syphilis the symptoms of
secondary syphilis develop two to eight weeks after a person first becomes
infected with primary syphilis the secondary stage is usually marked by a
nanny G rash the rash might be confined to one part of your body or it could
spread over several parts the appearance of the rash varies one common
manifestation is rough reddish brown spots on the bottoms of your feet and on
the palms of your hands usually the rash feels scaly but it could also be smooth
sometimes the rash looks like one caused by another disease making diagnosis
trickier it may also be so faint that it's overlooked other symptoms of
secondary syphilis include sore throat fever swollen lymph glands headaches
fatigue muscle aches wart like patches around skin folds or genitals loss of
appetite joint pain enlarged lymph nodes how is secondary syphilis diagnosed to
diagnose secondary syphilis your doctor will do a physical examination and ask
you questions about your medical history if you have sores your doctor might use
a microscope to examine material taken from your source the syphilis bacteria
will show up under the microscope this technique is known as dark field
microscopy testing your blood with a rapid plasma regain our PR test is also
a reliable inexpensive way for your doctor to determine whether you have
syphilis your body makes antibodies that try to fight off infections and foreign
invaders if the blood test reveals these syphilis antibodies then you have been
infected with syphilis the our PR test is important for pregnant women as
undiagnosed syphilis can be passed on to their unborn child and could be
life-threatening for the baby your doctor can also determine whether you
have tertiary syphilis by testing your spinal fluid how is secondary syphilis
treated syphilis can't be cured by over-the-counter treatments or home
remedies if it's caught early enough however you'll only need one penicillin
injection if you've had the STI for a longer period of time several doses will
be necessary people with penicillin allergies can use
other antibiotics such as doxycycline or tetracycline penicillin is the best drug
if you're pregnant however since other antibiotics may harm
your developing baby or field to protect them from syphilis antibiotics will kill
the syphilis bacterium and stop it from further damage in your body
however antibiotics can't repair any damage that has already occurred if
you're receiving treatment for syphilis do not have sex until your sores heal
completely and you have completed your full course of antibiotic treatment let
your sexual partners know about your conditions so they can also get help and
avoid spreading the infection they should also be treated if they have
syphilis to avoid passing the infection back and forth complications of
treatment without treatment your syphilis will likely continue to
progress it can be 10 or 20 years before you experience the worst effects
eventually untreated syphilis can lead to damage to the brain eyes heart nerves
bones joints and liver you could also become paralyzed blind
demented or lose feeling in the body untreated syphilis can also lead to
stillborn or developmentally delayed babies even if you have been cured of
syphilis you could still get it again people being treated for syphilis are
also at risk for jarisch-herxheimer reaction within 24 hours of your first
dose as your body breaks down the syphilis bacteria a reaction may be
triggered symptoms of jarisch-herxheimer include chills rash fever of up to 104
degrees Fahrenheit tachycardia rapid heart rate
hyperventilation headache muscle aches joint pain nausea
the jarisch-herxheimer reaction is common and potentially serious if you
experience such symptoms be sure to seek immediate medical treatment additionally
open syphilis wounds increase your chances of contracting HIV and other
STDs because of this it's a good idea to get tested for HIV and other STDs if you
have secondary syphilis how to prevent getting secondary syphilis you can
prevent getting secondary syphilis by getting treatment for primary syphilis
before it develops into the secondary stage you can also prevent getting
primary syphilis by practicing safe sex practices such as using a condom you
should be regularly tested for syphilis and other STI if you are sexually active
and have unprotected sex or multiple partners people who should be regularly
tested for syphilis include pregnant women people who are at greater risk of
syphilis including men who have sex with men and people in prison people with HIV
people who have a sexual partner who has syphilis if you notice any unusual sore
or rash especially near your genitals or anal area stop having sex and go see a
doctor the earlier syphilis is caught the easier it is to treat and the better
your outcome notify all of your sexual partners immediately so that they can be
treated as well syphilis is a very contagious disease long term out
if syphilis is diagnosed and treated early enough it can be thoroughly cured
with treatment secondary syphilis will most likely go away within a few weeks
to a year if secondary syphilis goes untreated and your symptoms go away you
will still have the latent form of syphilis the latent stage is a symptom
free period that can last for many years you may never again develop symptoms
DG2 by Diane Gilman Poplin Woven Ruffle Top - Duration: 2:56.
6 Scary Videos Caught On Tape with Paranormal Stories - Duration: 11:13.
Tonight we want to explore some new paranormal recordings together, that may not be able
to be fully explained by anybody.
And ironically, the more weird and unexplainable these recordings seem to be, the more interested
are my viewers.
And who can blame you guys?
Things that seem to be out of this world, may hold some dark secrets that might never
even be uncovered by any of us.
Legends say, that a ghost might be a restless soul that was not able to find peace nor the
light after they had left their physical body.
But there are far more entities in our universe than just ghosts.
In this episode, we want to check out 6 Scary Videos Caught On Tape with Paranormal Stories.
Nightguards were patrolling their regular route in a factory in South America.
Coworkers have reported, that they were seeing strange shapes and shadow figures manifesting
in the hallways once in a while.
But Urban Legends are always a common thing in South America and no one could provide
any proof that there lies any truth behind these tales.
One day, one of the security guards checks up on the different areas in the large storage
facility, when something unexplainable seems to appear right behind him.
It looks like the shape of a person.. could it be, that the story about the shadow people
is true?
The man was pretty much startled by this experience and started patrolling in pairs for a while.
Number 5.
A man was claiming that he was plagued by horrific nightmares at the time about a demonic
entity, that tried to contact him in his sleep.
The last thing he dreamed, was that his television malfunctioned and that an evil creature was
crawling out of the screen.
As this seems it could stem right out of a horror movie, strange things started to occur
a couple of days after.
The man was living with his family in a three bedroom apartment.
They had 2 televisions.
One in the parent's bedroom and the other one was situated in their living room.
On a cold and dark night, the television in the living room, which already had anomalies
in its operation lately, simply stopped working.
A terrifying manifestation then was captured on one of the HDMI channels.
Was this the demon, that the man was dreaming about?
It's pretty strange, to say the least.
Number 4.
A family in South America was plagued by sudden and unexplainable noises and sounds, which
were stemming from their garden.
It only started recently, and while they could never capture anything on videotape, they
were pretty sure that wild animals must have been the cause for the nightly disturbance.
But this night, everything seemed to be different.
When the youngest child of the family swore, that he saw the eerie shape of a woman standing
in their yard, his father grabbed the camcorder to investigate.
He couldn't see anything at first.
but after taking a second look, the camera caught this eerie figure.
IF we take a closer look, we can see the figure of a female, that seemingly stares at the
father and his camera.
What could be the reason for its regular returns?
Number 3.
Two adventurers from Mexico were on a little expedition in the woods.
They were investigating an Urban Legend, that said that close to their hometown, there is
a mysterious goat man, that likes to hunt for cattle and sheep in the middle of the
After 30 minutes, they camera across the first eerie noises and sounds in the distance.
Attracted by these unearthly voices, the men make their way further into the woods.
After another couple of minutes, they can make out a silhouette of something that appears
to look quite human.
But when the man zooms in on the shape, they discover something far more sinister.
this the goat man, that they were so eagerly looking for?
Shortly after they discovered this face, they ran back to their cars.
Number 2.
These men were exploring an old abandoned part of a cave, that many years ago was part
of a mining network underneath an old factory.
While there are many tales and legends taking place, in these specific areas of South America,
the men were more interested in the history of this old place, than anything else.
But as you know, strange things sometimes manifest in front of people, that are not
even looking for them.
As the men are getting guided through these old hallways, a strange black shape is caught
by the guy documenting the tour.
They didn't notice anything out of place and kept learning more details about the historic
activity of this rocky cave.
But then, after exploring more of the broken down ruins, the man in front notices as a
strange creature.
The creature
disappears into the sky, never to be seen again.
The men speculated that it could have been a witch.
What is your opinion?
Number 1.
This recording was captured by an Urban Explorer who was documenting the state of several run
down and abandoned houses close to the local woods.
He stated that he was regularly searching for cool places, that he and his friends could
Today, this particular house has drawn the man's attention.
It was more or less coincidence, that he stumbled over this little gem and kept filming.
Once he returned home, he did some research about these houses he was filming that day.
And it turned out, that a family of 5 was living in the old house, many generations
Not much is known about what had happened to them or why the house is empty now.
After he was reviewing his footage, he noticed something strange in one of the windows.
It looks like a face.. could it be, that the ghosts of this former resident still spook
through the broken down building?
Who can say?
Thank you so much for watching guys.
Please share your love and leave a like for me and let me know what you would like to
see next!
Stay frosty
Waching daily Mar 1 2018
<i> Guarding an old dream in the empty hall </i>
<i> When opening my mouth, the words don't have their meaning </i>
<i> The leaves have already fallen down </i>
<i> The Love has already burnt to it's full, It is beyond me </i>
<i> What I miss is the gracefulness in the night </i>
<i> Obviously I dare not touch anymore </i>
<i> Why does recalling makes my heart ache? </i>
<i> No trace was left of that time </i>
<i> Leaving into a dream and coming across again </i>
<i>despite the tears departing the sprouting trees of the spring </i>
<i>The courtyard is profound, but not as profound as the pain </i>
<i>Each memory of sorrow or joy turns into a devil </i>
<i>Half of my life spending clinging onto us </i>
<i>It is our fate to ubruptly meet and depart </i>
<i>loving and hating like a dream, like a fire, harsh like the wind </i>
<i> Deep in the darkness, our mutual embrace </i>
<i>will be endless, so I fear. </i>
<i>On bustling summer and spring, then on autumn and winter </i>
<i>We are all teased by passion and hatred </i>
<i>In our memories the "us" of those years is endless </i>
Chronicle of Love
Episode 33
Wishing Your Highness well.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Why do you look so upset today, child?
Who has wronged you?
Grand Empress Dowager, you are my elder.
You are also the most intelligent woman in the palace.
I have a matter in which I wish to seek your advice.
What can I do to
gain His Majesty's attentions?
What's wrong?
You have just recently been given a higher consort ranking by the Emperor. Is he not treating you well?
Your Highness may not be aware.
The Emperor...
has been staying with Consort Wei in Qian Qing Palace these last few days.
He did not turn any other consorts' tablets. <i>*Stone tablets were used by emperors to signal which concubine he would spend the night with.*</i>
Consort Wei has been living in Qian Qing Palace with the emperor?
Whatever will happen next?
Your Majesty, the Grand Empress Dowager requests your presence.
The Grand Empress Dowager also requests the presence of Consort Wei.
Wishing Your Highness well.
Greetings to Your Highness.
- Rise. - Thank you, Grandmother.
Thank you, Your Highness.
I heard that Consort Wei, after returning to the Forbidden City, has been staying in Qian Qing Palace.
-Living and having meals along with you. -Yes.
Well in that case, you might as well demolish Yan Xi Palace and Cheng Qian Palace.
Grandmother, please cease your anger.
Cease my anger?
Wei Ling Lang, before you left the palace with the Emperor,
those words I said to you, do you remember?
I remember.
Then say it.
A woman who takes up all of His Majesty's love,
while it is a blessing,
that blessing
comes from the misfortune of many other women.
Don't think that if I treat the Emperor well
then it is the right thing to do.
If I was being good to the Emperor, I should be considerate of other people.
So have you done as I asked you?
Do you really think the Emperor only belongs to you?
Please forgive me, Your Highness.
If you understand that you are wrong,
you need to leave Qian Qing Palace immediately.
Be dutiful in your rightful position.
Please forgive me, Your Highness.
Ling Lang,
is not able to leave His Majesty.
How dare you!
Who gave you the confidence to say such?
I am the one in love with Ling Lang. I am the one who asked her to stay.
This is not her fault, if you need to fault someone, then fault me.
Have you forgotten that you are the Emperor?
Su Mo'er.
I'm here.
Go to the Board of Household Affairs and bring back Wei Ling Lang's green-top tablet.
Keep it here until the Emperor remember who he is.
When the Emperor remembers the other concubines in the palace, then he may have it returned.
Wei Ling Lang.
I once thought you were an understanding girl.
You have let my trust down.
These days, stay in Chu Xiu Palace,
and reflect on your wrongdoings.
You are not permitted to even take half a step into Qian Qing Palace.
You are all dismissed for the moment.
How did it go?
Consort Ning's complaint was well received. Her Highness, the Grand Empress Dowager, has given her orders.
Consort Wei is no longer allowed in Qian Qing Palace.
Serves her right for keeping the Emperor all to herself.
What is this?
This is Consort Wei's clothes. Consort Ning should change into it.
Why should I change into her clothes?
If Consort Ning wishes to earn his majesty's love,
then you need to change into this first.
Fine. I'll listen to you for the time being.
Also, in front of the emperor,
Consort Ning can only say good about Consort Wei. You cannot say anything bad about her.
I know.
Bi Luo.
Tonight, who is serving the emperor?
I don't know.
Bi Luo.
You can have these items.
Consort, I cannot take these.
Consort has always treated me like a sister,
if there is something you need me to do, just tell me. I will make sure I do well.
Bi Luo.
Could you keep an eye on Chang Qing.
Don't ask me why. Just keep an eye on him.
Also, try and find out from Qian Qing Palace,
I want to know everything that happens with the Emperor.
I understand, you can be at ease.
Ling Lang.
Wishing your majesty well.
Why are you wearing Ling Lang's clothes?
Your Majesty, Ling Lang and I are good sisters.
Before when we were living in Xin Zhe Ku, we often exchanged clothes to wear.
Not only clothes, even this string of jewels,
was also given to me by sister Ling Lang.
We've been together since we entered the palace.
In the blink of an eye, it's already three years.
Rise first.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty can't see sister, so because she is afraid that you will yearn for her,
she has asked that I come and see Your Majesty.
If Your Majesty misses sister,
perhaps I can tell Your Majesty some stories about her.
Tell them.
Among all of us, Ling Lang is the most diligent, most capable,
and most thoughtful one.
When we were working in Xin Zhe Ku, everyone was always tired after a day's work.
Once we've finished our work, we all just wanted to rest.
Only Ling Lang would think of cleaning and keeping our room tidy.
She is truly like that.
Your highness.
His majesty calls for Consort Ning to serve him for the night.
Keep telling the story.
By Buddha's blessings, I wish nothing bad happens to the Emperor.
His Majesty has summoned Consort Ning to service him in bed tonight.
Alright, I understand.
It's getting late and you should go rest.
It's getting late and Your Ladyship should rest as well.
Ling Lang is an elegant person.
We all say she doesn't seem like a Xin Zhe Ku person.
Definitely not seem like someone from a humble slave household.
No matter how you look at her, she just seems like a lady from a prestigious family.
She is versed in music and drawing, among all other things.
Most of us palace maids are illiterate and Ling Lang is the one who reads our letters from home for us.
Your Majesty, I know so much about Ling Lang.
But today I'm a bit tired.
Perhaps I could continue tomorrow for you?
Alright, you go to sleep then.
What about Your Majesty?
I'm not sleepy. You go ahead and sleep.
Yes, Sire.
Your Majesty,
it's getting late.
Preserving your imperial health is of the utmost importance.
It's almost time for court.
We'll talk about it after the court session.
What about Consort Ning?
Send her back.
Yes, Sir.
- Bidding a good morning to Your Majesty. - Did you miss me?
I just came to see you.
I miss you too.
After midday, I'll come see you.
I'm going to court now.
Yes, Sire.
Bidding Your Majesty farewell.
His Majesty turned Consort Ning's badge yesterday.
From olden times, the Emperor cherishing only one woman has not been a good thing.
I hope he understands my toiling of the heart for him.
Grand Empress Dowager, may you not worry.
His Majesty would not disappoint you.
Has His Majesty finished with court?
Replying to Your Ladyship, His Majesty met with a few officials in the imperial library.
I fear he's still there.
Who is serving at His Majesty's side today?
I don't know about that.
You're missing me?
Your Majesty. Rise.
Eunuch De, your injury's healed?
Greetings to Consort Wei.
His Majesty saw that I came to work today and he was happy, so he brought me to see you.
That's wonderful.
I knew if you saw Little De,
you'd be very happy.
Your Majesty, I made mungbean lily soup for you. Have some.
Ling Lang,
you are so good to me. How should I reward you?
Your Majesty,
you should drink more mungbean soup.
Alright. I will continue to drink.
Yuan Er, do you think His Majesty would like this rose scent?
He definitely will.
His Majesty summons Consort Ning for bedservice.
Yuan Er, hurry and dress me.
Your servant greets Consort Wei.
His Majesty summoned Consort Ning again.
It's not urgent news whom he summons.
But is Eunuch De staying by His Majesty the whole time?
That's good then.
Ling Lang is very brave. She's not scared of anything.
She can catch a snake with her hands.
But the only thing she's scared of is spiders.
<i>Spider! Did it leave?</i>
<i>No. Still here. Very huge.</i>
<i>Hurry and get it. Chase it out.</i>
Your Majesty.
Oh, you go rest.
Why did you stop?
- Your Majesty. - Don't move.
I know you're missing me.
So I came to see you.
Here, accompany me on a tune.
Your Majesty, this isn't suitable.
You should return.
Your Majesty...
If you stay at Chu Xiu Palace today...
the etiquette office can't record it.
I know. No need for your busy mouth.
You are all dismissed.
Yes, Sire.
I know when I'm not here you can't sleep well.
Look at the circles under your eyes.
Let me watch over you.
After you're sound asleep, I'll leave.
<i> Rain and wind sighing our warmth and cold </i>
<i> Yesterday leaves and repeats as Spring rain pours </i>
<i> Flowers bloom and fall in cycles chilling our hearts </i>
<i> Pear blossoms abundant on ground without anyone caring </i>
<i> If only life is just a first meeting </i>
<i>Unwitting of the changes that are to come </i>
<i> Spring flower and Autumn moon the perfect beauties </i>
<i>never ever-lasting </i>
<i> like today </i>
<i>Rain and wind leaning as we each watch sunset alone </i>
<i>realizing a meeting of then would be a lifetime yearning </i>
<i>Spring comes and Autumn leaves in cycles our yearnings unspeakable </i>
<i> a dash deeply engaved </i>
Your Majesty, Consort Ning still awaits.
I will sleep at the imperial library tonight.
His Majesty has me telling him about Ling Lang every night.
But he hasn't looked at me properly even once.
It's so frustrating.
In the back palaces,
there are so many consorts holding higher titles than your Ladyship.
They don't get to see His Majesty for years.
But His Majesty has summoned you repeatedly for bedservice.
When the word get out, it will be such an honor.
As long as you receive His Majesty's grace,
no matter how much, it'll all come in handy.
Think about it, from now on who'd dare to give you a hard time within the harem?
That might sound right, but this won't be a long-term matter .
If people find out one day,
wouldn't I become their biggest laughing stock?
You and I are riding on the same boat now.
I would do all my best to help you.
Then you should think of a way
to deal with how His Majesty turns my badge every night
and yet he sleeps in the imperial library.
What do I do?
Why didn't it occur to you to go with His Majesty to the imperial library?
How can I? If His Majesty finds fault with me...
I wouldn't be able to handle it.
I will find a way to help you, of course.
So His Majesty doesn't fault you.
<i>I followed Chang Qing today and found that he went to Hua Yang Palace again.</i>
He went to see Hua Zhu?
I don't know, but it's true that he and Consort Ning have had a lot of meetings lately.
Consort Wei, do you suppose His Majesty's frequent summoning of Consort Ning...
could it be linked to him?
Your Majesty.
Consort Ning awaits at the palace.
Tell her to rest early.
I will sleep at the imperial library tonight.
Yes, Sire.
Consort Ning.
His Majesty says for you to rest early.
He's sleeping at the imperial library tonight.
I understand.
Your Ladyship, I put acacia in His Majesty's incense burner.
After an hour, he will become excited.
Then, you can get your wish.
You helped me and some day I will reward you.
Thank you, Your Ladyship.
Also, this is the tea His Majesty loves the most.
Then, I will not bother you anymore.
Dog emperor.
Your death date is nigh!
Your Majesty!
Consort, what's wrong?
Who's serving His Majesty right now?
He turned Consort Ning's badge today.
I need to make a trip to Qian Qing Palace.
Consort Wei, that's not proper.
Word could get out that you're competing with Consort Ning for His Majesty's attention.
Grand Empress Dowager wouldn't be pleased.
I can't care about that.
<i>Ai Xin-Jue Luo, Xuan Ye</i> (Tribal name of the Emperor Kang Xi)
<i>it's time for me to clean things up for you.</i>
<i>Your Majesty.</i>
Ling Lang.
Drink this.
Your Majesty should rest.
Ling Lang, why are you here?
May Your Majesty please take up my grievance. It's clearly supposed to my turn to service you tonight.
But Consort Wei's behavior is not abiding by the rules.
Speaking of rules,
do you think you dressing like Lin Lang is abiding to rules?
You're dismissed.
Yes, Sire.
Your consort takes her leave.
Why are you here?
Your Majesty...
I know you've suffered these days.
If Ye San sincerely wants to be with Liang'er,
then they should be together.
Who cares about others.
Your Majesty,
I broke the rules today.
If Grand Empress Dowager finds out, she will fault me.
Your Majesty should sleep.
Your Majesty.
I take my leave.
Ling Lang.
I prepared everything.
All it took was for him to think Hua Zhu was you and drink that tea.
Then his life would've ended in death.
I almost had it done! Why did you appear?
Brother, I won't let you kill him.
You like him that much?
I like him.
I can't let him go.
You can't let him go, but you can let go of mother and father?
You ought to know
Mother and Father are watching you from above.
I won't be with him.
I'll leave him.
Let's leave together. Far away. Please?
I beg you.
Do you know how I've spent these years?
In order to avenge, I've made myself an eunuch.
I lost everything.
Yun Chu is gone now too.
There's no turning back.
you can't kill him.
Whether I like him or not is a petty matter.
However, he is Great Qing's Emperor.
He's a good emperor.
If you kill him, how many would become like us?
No home to go to. Have you thought about it?
If you want to kill him,
you kill me first.
This is just too much!
She's duped me too much!
Consort Ning, Consort Wei is here.
You take your leave.
Are you satisfied now?
I'm sorry.
I've only worn your clothes daily and telling His Majesty stories of you.
In order for His Majesty to summon me.
I clearly am very jealous of you.
But I had to act like a great friend to you.
Because that's the only way His Majesty would pay attention to me.
It's taken me so long to get to today.
But why did you have to do that?
I'm sorry, Hua Zhu.
I have my reasons.
Your reasons?
Isn't it a fact that you don't want others to take His Majesty?
About this matter...
I will explain to you later on.
Stop being pretentious! Get out!
From now on we are finished. I don't want to ever see you again.
Young Master, please drink the medicine.
I don't want to drink this anymore. It's too bitter.
Young Master, His Majesty is here.
Why wasn't I notified of His Majesty's visit?
I just came through the door.
Be at ease.
Your Majesty.
Hey, what are you doing?
Hurry and get up. Sit well.
How is your injury? Any better?
- My injury-- - Your Majesty,
he wouldn't drink this saying it's too bitter.
I know it's bitter,
but you won't heal completely without drinking medicine.
Here, drink it.
Yes, Sire.
Eunuch De.
I heard Ling Lang's been promoted to a Day ing Consortship.
Is she well?
Well. Very well.
That's good then.
What's wrong? Sit.
Does His Majesty have a worry?
Your Majesty's worry... is it about Ling Lang?
Even though Ling Lang continues to be by me,
I still feel such a distance.
I can't guess what's on her mind.
Because Your Majesty cares too much for Ling Lang,
hence you are suffering about your loss.
I worry,
I worry I will lose her.
You should trust in Ling Lang's sincerity.
Eunuch De, I have a matter I want to request of you.
Please give me whatever order you have for me.
His Majesty's food and the things he might use...
incense, tea, clothing, pillow, blanket,
places he might go to and the water he will bathe in,
please take extra care so His Majesty won't suffer any mishaps.
Consort Wei, please be at ease.
Consort Wei, I beg your pardon for meddling.
But that Chang Qing, you didn't use to like him.
How come now you...
Before I didn't understand him.
He is not a bad person.
On the account he's saved your life, I will dismiss his wrongdoings from before.
Chang Qing has never worked in the Imperial Palace before.
He may not understand many rules. Please bid him extra care.
So as to avoid anything going amiss.
Consort Wei, don't worry.
Eunuch Chang, allow me.
Sir, this is my duty.
You saved Consort Wei before so you needn't work so hard. Do something easier instead.
Thank you for your help then.
Your Majesty, tea.
Your Majesty, snack.
Your Majesty, towel.
Your Majesty.
Eunuch Chang, allow me.
Little De, don't compete for every little task.
Replying to His Majesty, Consort Wei's given me orders
regarding Your Majesty's food, tools,
incense, tea, clothes, sheets and blanket.
Also, where you will go and that I should attend you closely.
<i>Winter and Spring have passed away </i>
<i>Summer ends with Autumn wind, pear blossoms fall by rain </i>
<i>Clear water and blue wave </i>
<i>She hums the song in whisper with languish </i>
<i>Fragrant snow goes into dream, flute draws out Spring </i>
<i>like a hundred turns and a thousand folds </i>
<i>Fate of past life </i>
<i>into this life </i>
<i>A thousand drinks </i>
<i>watching the candle burn, a familiar flute song to the ear </i>
<i>Awaken by the shake of bamboo shadow upon the window, could it be a letter you asked the wind to deliver? </i>
<i>The ink under the pen filled with love and regret </i>
<i>Words are like you </i>
<i>breaking my heart </i>
<i>I miss you. My heart shattered by time </i>
<i>Galloping a thousand miles still unable to meet you </i>
<i>It is too late. I can only resent loving too late </i>
<i>I wish to go back to the first meeting </i>
<i>To look at you. Admire you in secret. </i>
<i> To love you </i>
<i>I miss you. My heart shattered by time </i>
<i>Galloping a thousand miles still unable to meet you </i>
<i>It is too late. I can only resent loving too late </i>
<i>I wish to go back to the first meeting </i>
<i>To look at you. Admire you in secret. </i>
<i>To love you </i>
For more infomation >> Chronicle of Love 33 (English Subtitle) - Duration: 45:15.-------------------------------------------
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Writing Subtext in Dialogue - Duration: 14:44.
Here's a fact of life: People don't always say exactly what they mean.
We might say "I'm fine," when we really mean "I'm having a crappy day, but I don't
want to burden you with that."
We use euphemisms to soften the blow when we fire someone or break up with someone.
Communication often involves this kind of subtext, a term Gotham Writers defines as
"the meaning beneath the dialogue; what the speaker really means, even though he's
not saying it directly."
In fiction, not every conversation needs a second layer of meaning, but if you ever get
feedback that your dialogue feels unnatural or too on the nose, it likely relates to a
lack of subtext.
The remedy to this can be found in the words of Janet Burroway:
"…if you're aware as you're writing that both characters have their own desires and
conflicting emotions, if you allow them to reveal some of their feelings and hide others,
they will become authentic and believable."
Now, let's look at specific ways to create nuanced conversations between characters.
A contradiction between a character's words and body language can provide a glimpse into
hidden thoughts.
A liar might say, "I dunno," but the way she licks her dry lips suggests she knows
more than she's letting on.
Flirting also entails nonverbal cues and dropping hints to see if another person reciprocates
our feelings.
We might stand a little closer or invite someone over to our house as a way of expressing
romantic interest.
We can see body language subtext in action in the historical drama Gone with the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell.
This scene features the story's two main characters: the flirtatious Scarlett O'Hara
and the charming Rhett Butler.
Rhett has just given Scarlett a new bonnet as a gift.
Right before they exchange dialogue, there's a passage describing Scarlett's internal musings.
She notices Rhett staring at her lips, and she assumes he's going to try and kiss her.
She debates about whether or not she wants him to, but ultimately decides she'll allow
it because it would be exciting and entertaining for him to fall in love with her.
Here's the dialogue that follows: But he made no move to kiss her.
She gave him a sidelong glance from under her lashes and murmured encouragingly.
"So you always get paid, do you?
And what do you expect to get from me?"
"That remains to be seen."
"Well, if you think I'll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won't," she said
daringly and gave her head a saucy flirt that set the plume to bobbing.
His white teeth gleamed under his little mustache.
"Madam, you flatter yourself.
I do not want to marry you or anyone else.
I am not a marrying man."
"Indeed!" she cried, taken aback and now determined that he should take some liberty.
"I don't even intend to kiss you, either."
"Then why is your mouth all pursed up in that ridiculous way?"
"Oh!" she cried as she caught a glimpse of herself and saw that her red lips were
indeed in the proper pose for a kiss.
"Oh!" she cried again, losing her temper and stamping her foot.
"You are the horridest man I have ever seen and I don't care if I never
lay eyes on you again!"
The subtext here for Scarlett is "Kiss me," and she's trying to trick Rhett into it,
but he sees through her charade and calls her out on her body language.
The subtext of his dialogue is "I know you're trying to manipulate me."
Scarlett's last line is obviously overdramatic and untrue.
She's frustrated about having been found out, so she says something she doesn't actually mean.
Her words, her actions, and even her thoughts are at odds with one another.
Sometimes, seemingly trivial reactions can mask a deeper, secondary emotion.
A sister could refuse to let her brother borrow her car because she says he'll wreck it,
but in reality, she's mad because he wants to use it to take her best friend out on a date.
So, the character's reaction to a smaller issue is actually about a larger problem.
F. Scott Fitzgerald achieves this type of subtext in The Great Gatsby, when Daisy visits
Gatsby's mansion and sees his collection of expensive shirts:
He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer
linen and thick silk and fine flannel, which lost their folds as they fell and covered
the table in many-colored disarray.
While we admired he brought more and the soft rich heap mounted higher—shirts with stripes
and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, with monograms
of Indian blue.
Suddenly, with a strained sound, Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily.
"They're such beautiful shirts," she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds.
"It makes me sad because I've never seen such—such beautiful shirts before."
Daisy's tears have more to do with her and Gatsby's relationship than his clothes.
She's lamenting lost love and opportunity.
She says, "They're such beautiful shirts," when she really means, "I'm heartbroken
because now that we can finally be together without any class barriers, we can't, because
I'm already married."
This scene shows up again and again in articles that discuss subtext—and the reason it's
such a memorable moment is because there's a second conversation hidden beneath
the surface-level dialogue.
Some people might sugarcoat the truth to play by the rules of social etiquette.
If your friend asks what you think of her mom, it's more acceptable to say she's
kind of "eccentric" or "unique" rather than "weird" or "crazy."
We often skirt the truth to avoid hurting our loved one's feelings, such as when we
ask our spouses if they liked our novel, and they say, "It was good!
I mean, great."
Fiction writers can learn a lot about conveying subtext through words alone from stage plays.
Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman provides a model for how characters beat around the bush.
The salesman is Willy, and in this scene, he's trying to ask his young boss, Howard,
if he can stop traveling for work: WILLY: Well, tell you the truth, Howard.
I've come to the decision that I'd rather not travel anymore.
HOWARD: Not travel!
Well, what'll you do?
WILLY: Remember, Christmas time, when you had the party here?
You said you'd try to think of some spot for me here in town.
HOWARD: With us?
WILLY: Well, sure.
HOWARD: Oh, yeah, yeah.
I remember.
Well, I couldn't think of anything for you, Willy.
WILLY: I tell ya, Howard.
The kids are all grown up, y'know.
I don't need much anymore.
If I could take home—well, sixty-five dollars a week, I could swing it.
HOWARD: Yeah, but Willy, see I— WILLY: I tell ya why.
Speaking frankly and between the two of us, y'know—I'm just a little tired.
HOWARD: Oh, I could understand that, Willy.
But you're a road man, Willy, and we do a road business.
We've only got a half-dozen salesmen on the floor here.
WILLY: God knows, Howard.
I never asked a favor of any man.
But I was with the firm when your father used to carry you in here in his arms.
HOWARD: I know that, Willy, but— WILLY: Your father came to me the day you
were born and asked me what I thought of the name of Howard, may he rest in peace.
HOWARD: I appreciate that, Willy, but there just is no spot here for you.
If I had a spot I'd slam you right in, but I just don't have a single solitary spot.
The subtext of Willy's dialogue is a desperate plea: "I want an office job, and you should
pity me because I've been here a long time and I knew your father."
Howard's replies, meanwhile, are all variations of "no," with the implication that Willy
isn't good enough of an employee for a non-traveling position.
The characters clash because they have conflicting motivations.
They interrupt, avoid giving direct answers, and overuse each other's names in an attempt
at politeness, creating a strong subtext.
In interrogation scenes and arguments between lovers, it's common to see implied accusations.
If a police officer asks you, "What were you doing last Saturday, huh?", you can
be pretty sure they're insinuating you were somehow involved in the crime.
This type of implied accusation is used in Harlan Coben's thriller novel Tell No One.
The first-person narrator, Dr. David Beck, is taken in for questioning about his wife's murder.
His interrogators are special agents Nick Carlson and Tom Stone.
Carlson and Stone exchanged a quick glance.
"The name Sarah Goodhart has surfaced in connection with an ongoing investigation," Carlson said.
"What investigation?" I asked.
"We'd rather not say."
"I don't understand.
How am I connected into this?"
Carlson let loose a sigh, taking his time on the exhale.
He looked over at his rotund partner and suddenly all smiles were gone.
"Am I asking a complicated question here, Tom?"
"No, Nick, I don't think so."
"Me neither."
Carlson turned his eyes back at me.
"Maybe you object to the form of the question, Doc.
That it?"
The literal version of the conversation might go:
"Stop lying.
You obviously know something about this case."
The protagonist catches on to their accusatory attitude and tries to further evade their questions.
This leads to greater tension, as the reader wonders if the interrogators will arrest the
narrator as a suspect in his wife's murder.
Most of us have been on the receiving end of passive aggressiveness or sarcasm.
A mother might guilt trip her rebellious teenager by saying, "Go ahead. Ignore me.
It's not like I spent 12 hours in labor with you or anything."
Ernest Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants" drips with
passive-aggressive dialogue.
A couple sits outside a building at a train station in Spain, having drinks.
The elephant in the room is the fact that the girl is pregnant, and her lover wants
her to get an abortion during a time when it is very much illegal, and she's not sure
what she wants to do —yet the word "abortion" is not used once in the story.
We can feel the crackling tension between the couple even when they're making idle
conversation about the scenery: "They look like white elephants," she said.
"I've never seen one," the man drank his beer.
"No, you wouldn't have."
"I might have," the man said.
"Just because you say I wouldn't have doesn't prove anything."
They both seem to be overreacting to a simple comment, hinting at a deeper issue between them.
The girl's frustration isn't really about her lover failing to acknowledge her white
elephants comment but about a larger problem in their relationship: he no longer shows
affection toward her, now that she's pregnant.
As their conversation goes on, we get the sense that she feels their relationship is
doomed, even if she does get an abortion: "But if I do it, then it will be nice again
if I say things are like white elephants, and you'll like it?"
In real life, we rely on this type of subtext to broach difficult conversations.
Here, the white elephants are a vehicle the characters use to indirectly discuss their
relationship problems, without having to face the pain of confronting hard questions directly.
Hemingway is known for his minimalistic style, and you probably noticed that this story reads
more like a stage play or a screenplay.
His style adheres to his Iceberg Theory of writing, also known as the theory of omission.
He once stated: "If a writer of prose knows enough about
what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer
is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the
writer had stated them.
The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water."
Essentially, this means that sometimes less is more.
Hemingway gives his readers little context, allowing his dialogue to speak for itself,
putting the responsibility of dissecting its meaning into the reader's hands.
Vague references to a "simple operation" enables the author to talk about a taboo subject
like abortion.
Similar types of euphemisms can be used for other touchy topics.
In any given scene, a character might hold back their true emotions to avoid hurting
another person, embarrassing themselves, showing vulnerability, or facing a hard truth.
We rely on subtext when we have something to lose, like our pride, safety, comfort,
or happiness.
However, we might misinterpret someone's intentions and assume they're angry at us
when they're only frustrated at the situation.
We might mine for a subtext that doesn't exist in asking our partners what they meant
when they said nothing was wrong.
We might miscommunicate our own feelings, making someone think we dislike them, when
in fact we're just tired.
Sometimes, we're unaware of our own feelings, yet others can still sense our true emotions
through the words we choose and our nonverbal cues.
That's the beauty of subtext—it creates conflict, which makes for an engaging story.
When characters skirt around a tough conversation, it puts readers on the edge of their seats
with anticipation as they wait for the truth to bubble to the surface.
We itch to know how the exchange will play out and what consequences the characters will face.
During a first draft, it's okay to have placeholders that state the characters'
direct meaning.
But when you go back to revise highly emotional scenes, try to have the characters convey
their thoughts without explicitly stating them.
Your readers will pick up on the subtext and be more engaged as a result—you're giving
the audience a puzzle to solve and adding realism.
As a writing exercise, imagine a conversation between two characters.
Determine their initial relationship—are they a married couple, a boss and an employee,
a suspect and an interrogator?
Then, have them argue about something.
You can identify the literal feelings you want to convey first, before thinking about
how the character would actually present this information, given the social norms or their
relationship with the other character.
Imply those feelings through dialogue and actions.
For instance, a character's literal meaning might be "I'm pissed off because you didn't
let me buy a labradoodle, and you claim that owning a dog would be 'too expensive,'
but you're a hypocrite about spending money."
In actual dialogue, that might be translated to "How much was that drone toy thing you
never use?
Two grand?
You're always buying useless crap."
Think about how the characters want to present themselves.
What reaction are they trying to evoke or avoid from the other person?
Is this conversation actually about something else they're not openly discussing?
Let tension arise from miscommunication.
What are your favorite examples of subtext in dialogue?
I'd love to hear them in the comments.
Whatever you do, keep writing. <3
Bread Storage Solution ~How I Store My Bread ~ Small Kitchen Organization ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:07.
Hi everyone and welcome back to my kitchen today, we're going to talk about my bread storage solution
I've mentioned before in a couple of videos that I have a specific way that I store bread in my kitchen and
Many of you have asked me throughout the years. How do I store my bread so today?
We're going to address that topic let's go see how this all comes together
This is how we store our bread in our kitchen was over there. We keep it in that corner over there and
After many years of how do we store our bread?
Do we we've tried baskets where we had a basket with the bread in it
We've tried a breadbox, which you know then things get piled on top of the breadbox
And you have to move thing the breadbox isn't big enough and so it took us a long time to figure out
What suited our family best?
Because we have an extremely small kitchen
This works for us
we literally went to Walmart and we got the bread that we usually buy and
Thought you know. What are the things that we always have on hand and we put them in the cart
And then we walked over to where the plastic containers are and then we had made a measurement of how much
Space we had
Height wise from the counter to underneath the cabinet, so this is what works for us
We got this big bin, and I'm just gonna set this over here, and I'm gonna show you box by box
What's in each of these things so we have this larger box?
Because we usually when I don't make my own bread and honestly. I don't make my own bread very often because we're super busy and
When it's going to be summertime
I don't make bread at all we buy it so I usually buy this what they call pan bread
It's usually on sale in my area buy one get one free somewhere whether it's Publix or Harris Teeter
And then if Walmart has it if no one has it on sale Walmart has it the cheapest so this will fit in here
Easily and right now. We have a partial. Oh I always have a loaf of rye bread in here and
This will fit in there as well a whole loaf will fit in there as well
Next to the white bread or the wheat bread depending on what we purchased right now
There's some rice cakes in here because my girls had them
And then we almost always have these brioche buns whether I get them from Aldi
Or from Walmart, and we love them
And they're great for sandwiches or burgers or what have you and then we have like a random one so at any given time?
There's white bread rye bread rolls there could be Italian bread in here
But if you work it like a puzzle. It will all fit properly and thing will get squished now
the middle box
We keep sometimes like today for example I have a package of hot dog buns a package of hamburger buns
And you might think these look like if they were a little smashed, but they're really not these are not smashed
We just put the lid on it and it you know it took the form of the the lid
But sometimes we'll fill this with granola bars or nut bars energy bars snacks that the girls can come and grab
You know those yogurt bars and stuff so it depends at any given time. What's in here right now?
We don't have any snack bars on hand and we're planning to have
Burgers and hotdogs at some point for dinner a couple of nights this week
So we thought the a good example would be to show you the hamburger buns
And the hotdog buns you can easily store homemade breads in here
You just need to make sure that they're wrapped tightly in plastic and then putting them in the plastic
Containers keeps them fresher longer, and it inhibits molding as well now
I have this additional bin
Because we probably don't need three bins for bread
But this is what I use it for this is for overflow spice jars
I have a jar of taco seasoning in here
This is my homemade taco seasoning, and then I have an open partial open bag of pasta shells
so if I have
open pasta like if I have open macaroni or
Something maybe I opened a bag of orzo or a bag of pasta that we cooked for lunch
And we only use half it will go in this bin
That way when I want to make some then I'll check this bin first
And I'll see oh I haven't opened something and I'll go ahead and I'll use that first
But this you know this is up to you you want that third, bin you go for it. I figure there's always
It's always a good idea to have extra storage space and if you're going to have this under your kitchen cabinet anyway
Use up the space that you have the linear space is going to be
Really a very welcome thing so why not use the space you have measure out
find the bins that you like I happen to like I happen to like these bins the best because I like the
Configuration I like that the handles snap-on and the lid it's easy in and out
but it's a
Space with these feelings for you exactly maybe
You only room for two of these larger bins or maybe only a room for a large bin and a skinny bin?
Maybe the skinny bin doesn't work for you at all
We're working with what we got and that's what you have to do to so that is how we store our bread?
And when I make homemade bread I wrap it in a bread bag
And I just slice it up first
Because you have to slice the bread first after its cooled otherwise
people will come behind you and try and slice it and if they
They they will mess up your bread
I'm just saying so just wrap it in a plastic bag or in plastic wrap stick it in the bin boom you're done
I don't know about you, but when I make homemade bread. It doesn't last very long anyway, so
you know that's just how it goes, but this is how we store our bread in our kitchen and
For any of you folks out there who have cats
Now you know we do not condone our cats getting on the counter where we always have to chase them off
but when you have cats sometimes they have a mind of their own and
And if you harden if you're sleeping the cats will decide what they're going to do
one of the main reasons that we have our bread and containers like this is because
cats for some reason find bread bags and bread irresistible
And they will chew through a bag of bread and it will upset you and it will make you mad
So this alleviates that entire problem as well plus it keeps your bread a little bit fresher
But that is our bread storage solution. I hope this gives you an idea
I hope it you know these are helpful tips and tricks because this is what works for us
They might not work for you
It might not be something that fits into your life or into your kitchen or into your space
But it works for us, and it doesn't look bad it keeps things neat and tidy it keeps your bread fresh
And I just wanted to pass this along so if you enjoyed it. I hope you give it a try
I hope this inspires you to maybe see what you can do and we're into your life
And maybe it's helpful from that end so I hope you enjoyed today's video
And if you did, please consider giving me a thumbs up, and if you are new to my kitchen
I would like to say welcome
It's always fantastic to welcome new people and please make sure and hit that subscribe button
And if you are already a tried-and-true member of the Noreen's kitchen family
Please be sure and hit that Bell
Notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes and home tips and tricks that we present all the time
right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen
I hope you give my bread storage solution to try and I hope you love it and until next time. I'll see ya
Trump says senators 'afraid of the NRA' at meeting - Duration: 0:58.
CNN 10 - March 1, 2018 | "Star wars" is how you could describe today | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.
Great to have you watching this special edition of CNN 10.
I`m Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
We`re covering a subject today that`s both fascinating and alarming, a potential war
in space.
Unlike modern international conflicts that have
involved air, land and sea, troops, weapons and artillery, the next major world war, if
there ever is one, could be held at a place distant from
anywhere on earth, potentially killing no one but affecting almost everyone, a war unseen
with the naked eye but felt across the nation.
CNN`s Jim Sciutto takes us to the battlefield that`s miles over our heads.
CNN`s Jim Sciutto takes us to the battlefield that`s miles over our heads.
It is an arms race.
Is the U.S. at risk of losing?
I think so.
In outer space.
Looks like a communications satellite, when in actuality, it is also a
Threats of a potential World War III.
I think it`s an inevitability over time.
Unimaginable weapons.
So, you could kidnap another satellite?
Designed to bring America to its knees.
Our satellites are at risk.
And our ground infrastructure is at
Data building in Florida.
What can the U.S. possibly do to prevent this catastrophe?
This is a Q sat.
To find out, we go inside and underground.
So, this is the global operations.
With rare access to the places and the people preparing for "War in Space: The Next Battlefield".
As the sun sets and the nation goes to sleep, the battle for supremacy in space is about
to begin.
One final night before Americans wake up to a new
and daunting reality.
Ten a.m.
New York, 7:00 a.m.
Los Angeles, cities normally buzzing with the morning rush suddenly stall.
TV networks start to go dark.
connections run slow.
ATMs begin to malfunction.
There`s confusion.
No panic, not yet, as stealth cyber attacks are racing through the U.S. at the speed of
Then you have the question of is it a cascading effect or not?
By noon in New York and 9:00 a.m. in Los Angeles, financial markets, dependent on exact timing
provided by GPS, are frozen.
phone services already patchy, fail.
Confusion gives way to growing fears this is much more than a simple cyber glitch.
Many traffic lights and railroad signals also timed by GPS default to red, bringing transport
to a standstill.
Commercial air traffic is grounded, as
pilots lose navigation and weather data.
Power stations and water treatment plants begin to stop functioning.
This feels like utter science fiction, and yet it`s not.
By now, Americans know the country is under some kind of attack.
And they look to the Armed Forces to spring into action.
Stand by!
Data building in Florida.
But the world`s greatest military is struggling to respond.
Military pilots and drones lose contact with the ground.
GPS-guided smart
bombs are rendered dumb.
Warships lose contact with commanders.
This is the nightmare scenario, chaos on earth, as our adversaries launch a massive cyber
attack on key infrastructure and disable and destroy our
satellites in space, the first shots in the first space war.
Explosions in space that no one will hear.
Peter Singer wrote about this diary scenario in his book, "Ghost Fleet," and he now advises
the Defense Department on just this type of
You are now in World War III.
So, besides losing your ability to take out money from an ATM, your nation is in World
War III.
This is not fantasy.
This is the future, a future for which the U.S. is now urgently preparing.
If you say, is it inevitable, and the answer is probably yes.
General John Hyten, until recently the head of U.S. Space Command, has now been promoted
to lead strategic command -- charged with
crucial missions ranging from commanding nuclear warfare to cyber warfare to war in space.
Anytime human beings have come to new territory and contested it, conflict has followed.
Human beings forever have wanted to explore what`s beyond the hill, the horizon, and as
we go out there, there`s always been conflict.
Conflict in the Wild West as we moved into the West, conflict twice in Europe, for its
horrible world wars.
So, every time human beings actually physically move into that, there`s conflict.
And in that case, we`ll have to be prepared for that.
This new contested territory, however, is mind boggling, 73 trillion cubic miles.
The space surveillance network has been transmitting observations.
And the early signs by U.S. leaders` own admissions are disturbing for life as Americans know
In 2015, the Pentagon expressed
grave concern that America was not ready for war in space.
It was proven right when month`s later, U.S. Space Forces were overwhelmed in war games
that targeted U.S. space assets.
It does get ugly in a hurry.
If it goes kinetic, it gets ugly really bad.
Kinetic warfare, meaning that shots are fired in space, would cause permanent damage and
destruction to the fragile satellites that
control much of our life on earth.
Like a space-age Paul Revere, General William Shelton, Hyten`s immediate predecessor at
Space Command, has been sounding the alarm.
Did action, though, start quickly enough?
You`re talking to a guy that was looking to really precipitate action and I would say
the answer was no.
Could we by an active defense of
our own satellites?
The answer is no.
You could not today defend satellite assets we have?
Not, certainly not on orbit.
Clearly, there are things you can do on the ground.
But space to space, no.
Perhaps worst of all, American adversaries know it, that the U.S. is not prepared.
And that the U.S., more than any other
nation, depends on space.
Our ability to be this sort of unique 21st century kind of power depends on space being
a sanctuary for us.
But also, it means there`s an
incentive to take that away from us.
Who are those adversaries?
They will sound familiar from standoffs down here on earth, Russia and China.
We have very good surveillance and intelligence capability, so we can see the threats that
are being built.
And that`s China in particular.
China in particular.
Russia is also working on those capabilities.
But that`s something you`re preparing for.
So, I imagine, nothing is off-limits, in effect?
We`re developing capabilities to defend ourselves.
It`s really that simple.
And so, the U.S. finds itself in a new, more ominous space race.
Is the U.S. at risk of losing a war?
I think so.
We`d be silly to say it`s not a possibility.
That`s what any defense planner will tell you, is don`t look for the ideal
outcome, plan for the worst day, so that you can survive it.
Coming up.
The wake-up call really was January of 2007when the Chinese tested their anti-satellite weapon.
The first shots in space have already been fired.
Well, that`s all for the special sort of "Star Wars" edition of CNN.
Thanks for watching.
I`m Carl Azuz.
Trump Bump Stocks will be gone - Duration: 0:55.
Positive Thoughts | Inspirational Quotes | Motivation Lines | WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.
Whatsapp Status Video
Chronicle of Love 32 (English Subtitle) - Duration: 45:29.
<i> Guarding an old dream in the empty hall </i>
<i>When opening my mouth, the words don't have their meaning </i>
<i>The leaves have already fallen </i>
<i>Love has already burnt to it's full. It is beyond me </i>
<i> What I miss is the gracefulness in the night </i>
<i> Obviously I dare not touch anymore </i>
<i>Why does my heart recall old ache ? </i>
<i>No trace was left of that time </i>
<i> Leaving into a dream and coming across again </i>
<i>Despite the tears departing the sprouting trees of the spring </i>
<i>The courtyard is profound, but not as profound as the pain </i>
<i>Each memory of sorrow or joy turns into a devil </i>
<i> Half of my life spending clinging onto us </i>
<i> It is our fate to abruptly meet and depart </i>
<i> loving and hating like a dream, like a fire, harsh like the wind </i>
<i> Deep in the darkness, our mutual embrace </i>
<i> will be endless, so I fear. </i>
<i>On bustling summer and spring, then on autumn and winter </i>
<i>We are all teased by passion and hatred </i>
In our memories the "us" of those years is endless
Chronicle of Love
Episode 32
Your story
Yun Chu had already told me.
She told you what?
Your family all perished.
Yun Chu said
you had a younger sister.
On your sister's 10th birthday
your whole family
died, except you, who climbed out from a pile of dead.
Barely staying alive.
This is your favorite weapon.
A three-pointed spike.
Since you know so much,
I can't let you live. You are Yun Chu's close sister. Go be with her.
Today is Liang'er's birthday.
Mother's cakes.
Brother would let Liang'er eat them all.
<i>I told you not to take any but you are.</i>
<i>Fine, these are all yours.</i>
<i>That's better.</i>
Asihai Brother.
I am Liang'er.
I am Liang'er! I am your sister.
I didn't die.
Mother covered me.
She told me to live on.
<i>Hurry and close your eyes.</i>
<i>Promise me you will live.</i>
<i>Promise Mother.</i>
I am your sister.
Pick up the speed.
What is it?
Continue our plan. Kidnap Wei Lin Lang and threaten that dog emperor.
I have other ways to kill that dog emperor.
What? What did Wei Lin Lang give you?
Why did you change your mind so quick?
If you dare to touch her,
I will kill you.
What are you thinking?
These days have been like a dream.
To me also.
Your Majesty.
Why is your heart beating so fast?
We're about to return to the Palace and I'm scared.
Don't be afraid. From now on, I will handle everything.
I have already made my plan.
When things are settled,
I will connect the east garden to the south and north gardens.
I'll make one big garden.
Then you and I can live in that big garden.
We don't need to worry about palace rules.
Just you and me, forever.
What I worry about isn't that.
Look at this candle.
A wick waxing through and shining so bright.
But it will come to die in time.
Don't think about that.
Our life to come will be long.
Consort Wei, Eunuch Chang Qing asked me to deliver a letter.
Where is he?
Consort, you should follow me.
Who are you?
Lin Lang.
Lin Lang?
Hurry and come.
Listen. Something happened.
What happened?
I heard Consort Wei's been kidnapped by an intruder.
Search thoroughly.
Rong Ruo, did you find something?
Your Majesty.
Lin Lang's shoe.
No matter how,
you must bring Consort Wei back to me!
Yes, Sire.
Let her go.
If you got the skill, have at it.
Who is this Wei Lin Lang to you?
I will tell you who she is. Listen.
She is the Duke of Cahar
Abunai's daughter.
This is the sister of Asihai.
Lady Liang Er.
She is my only relative in this world.
You harmed her,
so you need to die.
Are you alright?
Let's go back.
Consort Wei.
Consort Wei.
Lin Lang.
Consort Wei.
Consort Wei.
Consort Wei.
Consort Wei.
Your Majesty, there's a blood mark here.
There was a struggle here.
Liang'er, this is the best opportunity.
Don't go back anymore. Let them think you're dead.
I will find a place to settle you.
What about you?
I will go back and resolve some matters.
If I'm going, we go together. I won't let you return alone.
No need to worry about me.
How can I not worry?
What happens if you don't return?
I swear I will come back.
No. We must go together.
Alright. We'll go together.
Your Majesty, there's a blood mark here too.
But I don't see the person.
Continue the search.
Consort Wei!
This place is quite remote. They won't find it.
You are tired. Go in and rest.
I'll find some food.
I will come with you.
Brother, look.
I dug out some red potatoes.
- Let's go dig more. - Alright.
Brother, how nice it would be to live peacefully like this forever.
Consort Wei. Lin Lang.
Consort Wei, where are you?
Lin Lang. Lin Lang.
Lin Lang.
Drink while it's hot.
Try it.
I shouldn't let you live so harshly.
If I'm with you, I don't feel it's harsh.
Consort Wei.
Where are you? Lin Lang.
Lin Lang. Lin Lang.
Your Majesty, there's a house over there.
Go in and search.
Your Majesty, we found nothing.
Your Majesty, nothing.
Your Majesty, if this person kidnapped Lin Lang, it would be to threaten Your Majesty.
He should have appeared by now.
Why are they evading Your Majesty?
I don't know who you are.
And I don't care who you are.
Listen carefully. As long as you let Lin Lang return to me unhurt
I will give you whatever you ask.
I will agree to it all.
But if you...
if Lin Lang should be hurt in anyway,
I will smash you into pieces personally!
And powder your bones!
Your Majesty.
Father, Mother,
Liang'er came to see you.
Liang'er is unfilial.
It took me so long to visit you.
Liang'er has found Brother now. I will watch over him.
Live well.
From now on Brother and I
will come to visit you often.
You may rest peacefully.
Father, Mother, Elder Brother,
please rest peaceful in the heavens.
Your grudge and
Yun Chu's grudge. I will avenge them alone.
Brother, what did you say?
I'm obliged to you.
Your Majesty, there's still no news of Consort Wei's whereabouts.
Your Majesty, please return to the palace. I will continue the search.
I left the palace together with her. I will return together with her.
Your Majesty...
Your Majesty, Consort Wei has returned!
Where? Outside.
Lin Lang! Lin Lang . . .
Consort Wei, you have returned.
I... where am I?
In your own palace.
My own palace?
Chu Xuo Palace. You've been unconscious for a whole day.
I fear you don't know yet.
You were kidnapped by an intruder. His Majesty went mad.
Thank goodness Eunuch Chang Qing saved you and carried you back.
Where is Eunuch Chang Qing right now?
Eunuch Chang Qing has gained merit in saving Consort Wei.
His Majesty awarded him work in the Imperial palace as an Imperial eunuch.
Greetings to Your Majesty.
Lin Lang.
Why are you here? I was about to come see you. Are you better?
Much better.
If you need anything,
feel free to tell Little De or Chang Qing.
Tea for Your Majesty.
Put it down.
Greetings to Consort Wei.
Allow me.
Lin Lang, are you alright?
I feel much better, but maybe I'm still dizzy.
You didn't rest enough.
Your Majesty, then I shall take my leave first.
I'll walk you back.
Brother, why didn't you leave with me?
Why did you come back?
You're not still thinking about avenging, are you?
I am.
Me or the dog emperor, one of us must die.
Your Majesty.
Consort Wei's been summoned to the Ci Ning Palace.
Greetings to Grand Empress Dowager.
Health to Grand Empress Dowager.
His Majesty has great taste indeed.
Come. Let me take a good look.
Yes, Ma'am.
Lin Lang, I know you.
You are Consort Ning, once named Hua Zhu?
Yes, Ma'am.
What a pretty name.
Thank you, Grand Empress Dowager.
In accompanying His Majesty for the excursion outside of the Palace,
Hua Zhu has brought a special gift for the Grand Empress Dowager.
Let us see.
Grand Empress Dowager, this is a high quality Luoyang Peony.
Place it before you and it will be both bright and luxurious.
You are thoughtful.
Grand Empress Dowager, last time Consort Wei
said not to put flowers inside the room because of your asthma.
This flower's pollen will make your illness worse.
This is true too.
Then have it taken to the Imperial garden.
To allow everyone to get some of the luxurious qi.
Yes, Ma'am.
Lin Lang,
after your work here last time, my respirations has gotten better.
Today, did you also bring a gift for me?
Grand Empress Dowager, Lin Lang prepared almond jelly for you .
It can will nourish the lungs and stabilize your breathing.
So fragrant.
So fragrant.
So very nice.
Tell Su Mu'er how to make you.
So she can learn too.
Yes, Ma'am. Actually this almond jelly isn't too difficult.
Mix almonds and sweet rice powder together.
When it chills, add curdled milk.
Set a layer of white sesame that's been soaked in wine on the bottom of the bowl.
When you eat it, you get a good chew.
Did you hear it?
I've remembered it.
We are good sisters who should help each other.
Grand Empress Dowager has asthma and sensitive to pollen.
Why didn't you tell me?
I only knew that she summoned me. I didn't know you would be there.
Tis my fault. I bid you my apology.
Don't let it bother you.
Lin Lang.
Cui Jun is married and Yun Chu's gone too.
Now, it's just you and me.
If we don't help each other,
how will we be able to survive in this palace?
It's my fault. I was in error.
Only the two of us are left.
We must get along well.
Your Majesty, they are such close sisters.
Lin Lang, don't hold my words in your heart.
I won't.
Greetings to Your Majesty.
Careful, Your Majesty.
Little De. Little De.
- De gong Gong. - Send the Imperial Doctor.
Your Majesty.
Little De.
How's the situation?
Replying to Your Majesty, Gong Gong De's injuries are not light.
He's going to need rest for a few days.
You men must do your utmost to care for Little De.
Yes, Sire.
Your Majesty, I've asked thoroughly.
That facade is many years old.
With wind and rain, the rock fell on its own.
Go to construction department and ask who was in charge.
Then sentence him to 20 floggings for punishment.
Your Majesty, you were startled. Let me brew you a restorative.
No need. I'm fine. You may leave.
Yes, Sire.
Your Majesty, how is Gong Gong De's injury?
The Imperial Doctor said it's not too grave.
Don't worry. I told them to do their best to treat him.
Don't worry.
Let's go.
What is Your Majesty laughing about?
When I see you so worried about me,
I am happy.
Your Majesty,
Little De is your most capable attendant.
Now that he's injured, what will you do?
Don't I have Chang Qing too?
But I don't really feel confident about him.
If you're not confident, then you keep me company daily.
Come. Let's go.
Lin Lang, with you eating along side me,
my appetite's gotten so much better.
Your Majesty, please eat more.
Your Majesty.
His Majesty summons Consort Wei to attend him in the bed chamber.
Whose badge did His Majesty turn today?
Who else? Consort Wei of course.
Lin Lang again.
I'm like a decoration in the harem.
Consort, don't be troubled.
Consort Wei is your close friend.
Her being cherished will naturally benefit you.
That's true too.
Lin Lang, you're thirsty?
Your Majesty,
this tea is cold. Don't drink it.
Lin Lang,
you're kind of strange today.
I'm just worried about Your Majesty.
But I quite like you sticking to me all day.
Your Majesty. Your Majesty!
Tea for Your Majesty.
Greetings to Your Majesty.
It's only the fourth hour. Why are you up already?
You should go back and rest more.
I'll stroll around the garden with you after court.
Your Majesty, the general is already waiting outside court.
What are you waiting for? Hurry and change His Majesty's robes.
Your Majesty. Wait.
Your Majesty, let me change your clothes.
Allow me.
- Rong Ruo. - What happened?
Send for the Imperial Doctor.
His Majesty arrives.
Greetings to Your Majesty. Be at ease.
Don't move. How are you feeling?
Your Majesty, don't worry, I'm fine.
Doctor Zhong.
Your subject is present.
I don't care how, but you must heal him.
I want him to be back to the same without trouble.
Yes, Sire.
- Your Majesty. - Lin Lang.
Sir Nalan,
you must recover quickly.
You both came to see me. I'm already much better.
Your Majesty.
Thank you.
I should thank him well.
I owe him too much.
Your Majesty,
I went to inquire at the Duan Ning Pavilion. It's been hot lately,
Fang Wei was afraid your boots would get clammy,
so he placed them out in the sun and maybe that's how the poisonous worm got in.
How can he be so careless?
Relay my words. 20 floggings and send him out (of the palace).
Yes, Sire.
The Imperial Doctor says Sir Nalan was very heavily poisoned.
Even if he recovers, there will be a scar.
But since His Majesty has decreed him to be fully recovered,
he will definitely recover. Mistress, you shouldn't worry.
It's all my fault.
How can it be your fault?
Who could've known such a poisonous worm would get inside the boot?
Good thing it was Sir Nalan being careful.
He saved His Majesty.
But how is it so coincidental with the worm?
To have been in His Majesty's boot right then.
Don't you know you almost killed Rong Ruo?
He is our cousin, he's looked after me for 8 years.
You almost killed him.
He deserves death. It's his choice to die in the dog emperor's place.
In addition,
it was his father, Nalan Min Zhu, who brought the men that killed our whole household.
If he dies, it's because he deserves it.
How did you become like this?
If you had been willing to stop, Yun Chu wouldn't have--
I didn't cause Yun Chu to die. It was the dog emperor.
I think you've gone mad.
If you keep up this delusion, more people will die by your hand.
How wonderful for you. Sleeping with the enemy every day.
I think you're the one who's gone crazy.
She's here.
- Lin Lang. - Hua Zhu.
You are with His Majesty every day in Chien Qing Palace. Did you forget me?
Sorry. I haven't visited you in so long.
If it weren't for His Majesty tending to court affairs,
I wouldn't dare to come visit you.
It's my fault.
Lin Lang, so nice for you.
You are just a Da Ying level Consort.
But you are so loved by His Majesty.
No one dares to offend you.
But me...
What happened?
The other consorts in the harem all deem me without any backing.
They all bully me.
I am from a humble background and I am not cherished by His Majesty.
They all want to trample me to death.
Hua Zhu, don't be upset.
Lin Lang, can you help me?
His Majesty treasures you so much. Can't you share a little with me?
He is with you every day.
Can you share one day with me? Please?
I can help you with anything else.
But that one... I...
You what?
I understand. Forget one day,
You won't even share one hour with me, right?
Fine. His Majesty belongs to you only.
You hog him then.
<i>Hua Zhu, I'm sorry.</i>
<i>It concerns the lives of two people.</i>
<i>I really can't consent to it.</i>
Dog slave. Don't you have eyes?
Greetings to Consort Ning.
I wondered who it was. It's you.
I remember you did a lot of things to harm Lin Lang.
If His Majesty should find out,
you ought to be careful of your little brain.
Consort Ning.
No matter what, we are on the same boat.
If His Majesty finds out about me,
you can't really escape either.
Alright. Now you're threatening me?
Don't forget my status now.
I'm not the same as before.
That's right. You are a consort now,
but I serve at Imperial Palace these days also.
If Consort can help me,
I can help you as well.
Help me? How can you help me?
Then it depends on whether you want to get even.
Let's hear it.
<i>Winter and Spring have passed away </i>
<i>Summer ends with Autumn wind, pear blossoms fall by rain </i>
<i>Clear water and blue wave </i>
<i>She hums the song in whisper with languish </i>
<i>Fragrant snow goes into dream, flute draws out Spring </i>
<i>like a hundred turns and a thousand folds </i>
<i>Fate of past life </i>
<i> into this life </i>
<i>A thousand drinks watching the candle burn </i>
<i>a familiar flute song to the ear </i>
<i>Awaken by the shake of bamboo shadow upon the window, could it be a letter you asked the wind to deliver? </i>
<i>The ink under the pen filled with love and regret </i>
<i>Words are like you </i>
<i> breaking my heart </i>
<i>I miss you. My heart shattered by time </i>
<i>Galloping a thousand miles still unable to meet you </i>
<i>It is too late. I can only resent loving too late </i>
<i>I wish to go back to the first meeting </i>
<i>To look at you. Admire you in secret </i>
<i>To love you </i>
<i>I miss you </i>
<i>My heart shattered by time </i>
<i>Galloping a thousand miles still unable to meet you </i>
<i>It is too late. I can only resent loving too late </i>
<i>I wish to go back to the first meeting </i>
<i>To look at you. Admire you in secret. </i>
<i> To love you </i>