Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

hello and welcome to this episode of how to be a great game master, well as promised in our

teaser which is going out on the various other social media channels and if you

haven't seen them then that means you are not part of our Facebook

group and I suggest you head along and go and join that so you can see what's

coming up next week and make comments and suggestions there as well as here on

the channel. So today we are of course looking at alternative universes,

alternative dimensions. now this is a particular type of adventure that you

can send your players on generally speaking it's a once-off within a bigger

campaign so it's not going to be an entire campaign unless that's what it's

about much case it's very similar to the time travel video that I did a couple

weeks ago insofar as you're changing the location all the time and your players

are experiencing slightly different variants and variations and versions as

they go through the different spaces but alternative dimensions alternative

universes have a whole lot of information that comes with them that we

have to follow we have to make sure that we as game masters comply with otherwise

our players are going to feel very very very disenfranchised they're gonna feel

as if the opportunity was there but that it wasn't taken so these are my six

points or notes on how to make sure that when you're running an alternative

dimension alternative universe type of game you get the most out of it now the

first thing that we need to look at is we need to understand what is it that

our players expect now alternative universes universai multiple universes

alternative universes pop up primarily in science fiction but we have them in

modern-day dramas where it tends towards science fiction there are of course a

fantastical version as well that come out every now and again with fantasy

people move into an alternate dimension here and there but generally speaking

it's in a science fiction setting you can of course said it in any type of

setting that you like because whilst you're the boss now so what we expect is

that we expect to encounter ourselves and that's the biggest thing about an

alternative universe that we expect and the reason for it is because that's what

being taught to expect that's what we've been taught will happen and we expect

those alternative universe selves to be different from how we are so that's a

burden upon you as the game master and I'm going to come back to that a little

bit later that's step 2 in terms of how to make sure that you are going to be

able to portray the PCs as NPCs that are slightly different from what they are in

the actual game itself so that's one thing that they expect we expect

obviously a slightly different setting something that sets this universe apart

from the other again our players are going to expect that this one is more

militant or that some kind of Cataclysm has happened or that this is some kind

of paradise with an evil undertone there's all kinds of things that the

players expect but it is generally accepted that it was it is going to be

slightly different and so that's something that you have to do now the

more subtle the differences you make the less liked that the players are to

realize that they're actually also nervous now there's a reason why these

universes have to be different and there's a particular reason why these

universes have to be different and worse the reason why these universes that

you're creating these alternative dimensions the reason why these

dimensions have to be worse for the player characters in other words whether

it's there's a war going on maybe all elves have been put into

concentration camps and cannot leave maybe there is some kind of

environmental effect maybe the planet is being and being attacked by aliens

whatever the reason you have to come up with some kind of

negative and the reason for that is that you want the players to want to get

their characters home if the alternative dimension or the alternative universe

that you sent them through to is nice why should they bother going back so

it's your job your responsibility to make them want to come back now if this

is the beginning of a campaign of course you have a tough time they have very

little loyalty to the universe that they've just left but if they've been

playing in the campaign for quite some time they will probably want to get back

anyway you can just make it a lot easier if you give them a little nudge making

the universe that much darker or worse than the one that they left so we expect

that we expect that we ignore the crazy notion of chance and that we assume that

everyone is predestined to do pretty much the same thing now in any

alternative history it doesn't matter which one you have a look at because the

idea is to examine yourself in a different space you ultimately have to

always end up meeting yourself otherwise it's basically like there's going to

another country isn't it yes it's got a slightly different this or a slightly

different that but unless you are meeting unless the party is actually

meeting they're doppelgangers they're equivalents in the universe that they're

going to or particularly NPCs are they're very fond of that they know very

well in an alternative dimension there's really no point in doing it so we have

to ignore random chance now if I look at it and I were to pop to an alternate

event dimension for myself what are the chances that there is someone who is

living in Japan who happens to watch my youtube channel invite me to move over

to Japan and I accept the circumstances and the reasons for moving me from South

Africa to Japan are extraordinarily small and yet it happened here so when I

now teleport to the alternative dimension and I happen to teleport to

Japan somehow my character from that

alternative universe needs to have moved literally across the planet so that I

can bump into myself and meet myself and follow the adventure that as a result

happens so we ignore those kind of chances we assume that although this

character is evil and your character is good you've had similar career paths

this one has ended up as an admiral whilst you're still an ensign but you

both kind of have the same friends you move in the same circles you know the

same people because while the rest of the part you want to meet themselves as

well and presumably the party is working together so it's an interesting twist

it's an interesting space that you can play in in terms of doing that but you

must do it otherwise it's not really an alternative dimension it's just another

space so bear that in mind now number two when we look at the PCs

being different this is where it becomes a challenge for you as the game master

and it can be quite daunting it really can be now the trick that you have to

take into account here is that the PCs are played by players whereas the ones

they meet are NPCs and they're played by you so that means that you need to try

now mimic your players and that can be particularly daunting and particularly

difficult especially if your players of either fairly neutral and in their

approach or have rather unique accents or mannerisms that you yourself can't

achieve so how do you do this effectively well for me what I have

found the best way to do it is to find some quirk that my player that I'm

trying to emulate does whether it's sniffing or tapping a pencil or it's a

phrase that they use or it doesn't matter I look for something during

previous sessions earlier sessions so that I can get a sense of what they like

and then I try and focus in just on that I don't worry about the rest so if

they've got a strange accent and icon do the accent I'll focus on a mannerism

or a phrase or something that allows me to do just enough that the rest of the

players will be going oh yeah yeah that's you yeah yeah yeah yeah we've met

your character we know who that is oh yeah that's what you want is you want

them to be able to pick up that you are trying to mimic of that character and

then you just use that device moving throughout for the rest of the players

so that's how I usually do it now another thing is that when you look at

trying to make them different in an alternative universe is you've got to

try and decide how are they going to be different there are stories examples

where people are good in both dimensions in both alternative spaces but the

circumstances of one forces them to behave in different ways the

administrator who's running a city very well in dimension one in alternative

dimension to that very well run city they might be doing their best but it's

actually now a mud village and instead of wearing a business suit they're now

wearing a loincloth with heavy fur because they never advanced out of the

Stone Age so you can not necessarily change the character but change the

circumstances that they're in again although that is interesting it might

not be great to have the characters meet themselves and they pretty much the same

thing maybe one of them is like that that's the quirk the others are either

usually evil where they've been buried body their dark side or have some kind

of moral difference the priest who's always talking is now a quiet

contemplative individual because 20 years ago instead of helping a bar fight

get along he stopped it pick a an alternative outcome now that is another

way in which you can decide how the character is different as you look at

the player character the player's character might pose you look at the

player's character and you look at their past and you go well this is what they

did in that adventure this is what they did in that adventure and this is what

they did in that adventure alright if in this adventure

that had happened how would that have changed the character and then you just

tweak that that way when the character is interacting with the NPC the NPC says

oh did you manage to overcome the chasm well we stopped at that point and we

turned around and went back home and so-and-so died enroute all this happened

all that happened and that changed their entire demeanor so look at events in

your own campaign history and tweak those now something that becomes very

fun to do is to look at the events in your campaign history and tweak them if

the players had been good or the players have been evil and see the outcomes and

then that becomes the alternative universe the alternative dimension that

you use it's always better in my opinion if the universe is different because of

some of the characters did or did not do as a result we're going to come back to

that a little bit later on when we look at how to create these alternate so if

we then look at our tone the tone of an alternative universe because this is a

setting so we go through the usual setting steps but the tone is generally

darker and edgier and the reason for it as I've already mentioned we don't want

the players to decide this is actually better than where we came from we're not

going back we don't want that we want our players to want to head on home we

want them to well go back to where they came from because generally speaking

that's something that our players expect as well is that they are stuck where

they are and they got there by accident or by chance all and we're gonna come to

that also a little bit later on so there's a lot coming up so hang in there

now the tone is generally set by what causes

the difference so what causes this alternative universe to be different

from that one and from base reality was it choices that were made was it

environmental factors was it the actions of PCs that change

wasn't the inaction of pcs that changed it although this is more of a time

shifting story than a alternative universe story in one of my games my

characters were a little bit paralyzed with inaction they would see a situation

they wouldn't know what's happening or they would know what's happening but

they wouldn't know what to do and that's more from the character perspective they

were paralyzed with do I save that person or do I let that happened do I do

this do I do that and ultimately the result was that the event occurred and

they hadn't done anything and it was too late to do anything so what I wanted to

do was I wanted to encourage the players to do certain actions and to not do

other actions to not act rashly but to think about their actions and I had them

project in this pool where they suddenly saw themselves in five years time and

what had become of them so they were seeing an alternative version of

themselves which because of an action had led to their character becoming x

y&z that worked really well several of the players took that as a sign of what

not to do and they corrected and change their behavior and can I say it was for

the better it was a very good change that they went through and I think it it

made the adventure that much better so that was a mini alternative you know

when ative dimension alternative universe view to give my players a

little bit of perspective on how they were playing the game yeah number four

things to avoid now the challenge with an alternative universe is that you want

to throw everything in to the alternative dimension at once you have

lots of alternative dimensions there's no mandate on how many alternatives

there are if you look at one of the theories we have the trousers of time

which every time there's a decision that splits it bifurcates or traffic eight so

it turns into fifty different options or whatever it is depending on whether the

snail goes left or right just before it hits that cloverleaf to eat so you have

all of these alternative universe running in parallel and your people can

move between them as many of them as you need

so don't overwhelm the players by changing too much stuff change one

significant thing and then obviously you change the characters themselves and

then the rest you keep the same it's the familiarity that will show up the

difference if everything is different well again you might as well just be in

a different country rather than an alternative dimension now another thing

that's important to bear in mind is that everything doesn't have to be evil just

for evils sake and the players their characters don't have to all be evil one

can be evil one can be neutral one can be good if you want to go with alignment

sort of idea morally they can be the same there can be opposite there can be

an opposition to one another so instead of a United Party that meeting a split

party really play around with the dynamics of the group and how things

changed and altered and did that kind of thing and that will really help you in

terms of developing this world and making it feel as if it's been ticking

along just as much as the main campaign world has been as well something to

think about is instead of showing a character that is evil or a character

that is morally corrupt you could show a character who is morose or sad because

an inaction or an action or an event occurred which caused them sadness which

caused them to be in a state of decay perhaps it's the noble Paladin from the

real dimension the real world and then the alternative dimension he's a

drunkard and a dropout because he didn't save the child now your character your

players characters change from being antagonistic towards the evil character

or working with themselves to being someone who wants to help themselves and

ultimately that engenders that embodies the idea of an alternative universe

where we get this space that's as breathing and living as the one that

they're in so think about it if the character was born under different

circumstances tenses what would they be like and if

you go the sad route or the pathetic route or the fallen route or maybe they

didn't take their vows that can be as interesting to the players as if they're

just meeting their exact opposite doppelgangers now something that I did

say that we're going to come to in I'm coming back to it now and number five is

how do our characters get from reality to the alternative dimension and how

they get back how do they get back that's the important thing that

MacGuffin that device whether it's whether it's a device or a spell or an

emotional accident or it's an event that has to occur like the alignment of the

planets whatever that is you need to make sure that your players and their

characters know how to get back if they can't if they don't know if they if they

arrive and they're going so how do we get back we've now stepped into an

alternative universe where um there's no electricity Edison didn't live long

enough he was assassinated by Tesla and Tesla was murdered two days later by

Edison's wife in a fit of revenge so there's no electricity it never never

never developed how do we get our electrical power device back in time now

back to our present reality although it is a time-traveling show the Back to the

Future series had this exact problem Marty goes back to the Wild West where

there's no electricity there's no petroleum for their vehicle and they

need to reach a speed of 89 miles per hour 89 kilometers an hour or whatever

the the speed is that the DeLorean needs in order to jump through time so that

was a very clever solution to this problem the players need to know how to

move between dimensions if they don't then they have no hope of getting back

which means that you don't have an adventure

more so if they arrived by accident they need to over here they need to get a

clear picture that in that building over there or there's a crazy scientist who

lives out on the mountains or those are this orders of that if they don't get

that they are not going to be invested in your story so bear that in mind that

is something that's very important to give your players and I mean give don't

make them work for it if they need to figure out how to get back give them

enough clues and hints that they can actually figure it out don't be afraid

to make that an obvious plot here we go this is it don't be afraid to do that

now finally if we look at if we look at inspirational content we look at films

and television shows that handle alternative universes the first one that

springs to mind of course is Star Trek which is replete with alternative

universe mirror universe alternative dimensions this then the next thing

current show I haven't been able to catch up with it after season 1 is all

about dimensional or alternative universe travel and it became quite a

thing in the shows for each of the series to have an alternative dimension

to go to and that alternative dimension ran in parallel for as long as the

series ran so whether the next generation went to that dimensional Deep

Space nine or Voyager it was always still linked to the alternative

dimension that had been established way back in the 80s the 1980s so that's a

that's a fairly good example of it but at the same time I felt that it was also

a fairly bad example of it they they didn't change up enough things the

federation becomes militant so their starships have a slight modification i

know they didn't do it because of budgetary restraints but there are

certain things that honda mentally have to change so bear that in mind use it as

an example of what not to do if you have a peace-loving nation and the

alternative universe is that they're militant and warlike their architecture

is going to be significantly different now something

that comes to mind when we are talking about this kind of thing is a very good

example the man in the high castle which is a phenomenal series in which the

Nazis have taken over most of the USA they defeated the British and they

managed to get into the USA and that was the end of that so the story follows the

lives of the people that are in this world but it is established that it is

an alternative world or from their perspective they're the real world and

there's an alternative world that runs parallel to it now what does that mean

and how do they get across and all those kind of wonderful things hasn't been

answers at least not as far as I know season 3 isn't out yet there is an

example of where they've changed up certain things it's the 1950s and yet

technology hasn't moved as far forward as it had by the by our standards by our

real-world standards so there's a good example we've got there's a show called

sliders which was done in the 90s where they were sliding between dimensions

between parallel worlds and discovering the changes and difficulties that they

had there too then if you look at another option something that may not

necessarily present itself immediately as an alternative universe is the Harry

Potter series Harry Potter and his companions have to step through that

magical 9 and 3/4 platform on the train station to get to their magical world

and they have this transition between reality and this fake space so it's

almost an alternative dimension where magic works and all these amazing

creatures still exist and then you've got real world which they have to return

to from time to time The Chronicles of Narnia is a similar kind of idea but

again we've got the situation where reality in Harry Potter's case is

definitely the darker side even though you've got all these horrid things

running around and Lord Voldemort running around there doesn't really

matter it's a happier brighter place because you've got magic so why go back

to it is the real question that I don't think was ever successfully answered and

then of course later on was a fantastic piece that was totally ignored there's

broke barriers no mr. although maybe I'm getting it wrong I'm not a big Harry

Potter fan so that is in a nutshell I think how one can use alternative

dimensions and I think they're very good to use as a prompt as a poke as just a

bit of fun maybe someone doesn't turn up for a session so you run an

alternate-dimension game with the same characters but this is different and

that's different that's also an option to to to explore until next time I hope

you enjoy the show so hit the like button if you did hit the subscribe

button if you haven't yet joined us find us on Facebook we're there and there's a

community that's growing there we're on Instagram or on Twitter

we're just everywhere and the more people that participate and join in the

bigger the community they're happy the community and the more options and

alternatives we get and gather to learn how to play our remarkable game until

next time wish you and yours the happiest

For more infomation >> PartyInception: Creating Alternative Universes in your RPG - #GM Tips - How to be a Great GM - Duration: 25:28.


How to MAKE IT FREELANCING in 2018! - Duration: 10:21.

what's the craic everybody my name is Connor Dunne I'm a freelance videographer

working in Dublin Ireland this video is specifically aimed at helping you crack

the freelancing code in 2018 if you're into that kind of content consider

subscribing it might help you out with future videos coming down the line let's

go firstly I want to say you need to start small if you're in a position

where you can moonlight on the side that is ideal because as long as you're

employed it takes the pressure off your freelancing work so say..I don't know you work

retail I used to work retail if I had the opportunity to do my freelancing

build up a portfolio on the side while actually still earning an income so that

I wasn't jeopardizing my livelihood by going freelance that works really well

and that's a really good place for you guys to start you're gonna need a solid

portfolio okay now this is really scary because a lot of people don't really

have portfolio I started doing video work with no real portfolio because I

was kind of just learning on my own through YouTube cutting different things

together and kind of not having anything of substance to show anybody if you're

gonna start freelancing you need to start building a portfolio and anywhere

between 5 to 10 videos is good enough to show that you have an understanding and

a style that potential clients can pick up on and go yeah you know I like the

color I like the way they frame it i like the pacing like the edit style all

that really pays dividends from having a functioning portfolio on your side and

that's really cool because when i was saying earlier that if you moonlight on

the side it takes the stress out of building your portfolio because a lot of

people you know you can't just go in charging money a lot of people have to

start like for free contacting businesses contacting you know different

influencing people and asking can they actually create a piece of content that

could stand to that potential client i mean a lot of people like stuff for free

reach out a lot of people are going to take you up on the offer because companies

need content and maybe don't have the budget to stretch for it and you can put

that into your portfolio as a clause in that contract for creating the piece of

content for them and again if you are working and using your free time to do

this it takes the stress out of not having being paid for that particular

job but also lets you make your mistakes and the first few jobs that you do

you're gonna get into a pattern and a process where you won't make as many

mistakes further down the line you know you'll start to streamline

you'll start to see what works for you when you're building your portfolio you

know aim for the sort of work that you want to get into the niche and get into

your niche as early on as you can because there's no point making a couple

of videos for you know a bread company baking bread and stuff I suppose but

like when the ultimate goal is you want to actually just film surfers and and

kayaking you know or like underwater stuff they don't really match up so go

after your niche while you're doing it for free or for cheap it's the same if I

was gonna do like fashion if I was gonna skew in fashion I'd start contacting

you know fashion outlets you know local fashion suppliers and so that your

portfolio is reflective of what you want to go after in the future so you're

gonna be your own boss name but the thing is because you're actually making

a living using your creative talents you have to separate the sort of product

from your service if that makes sense you are your service so Connor is my

service I sell myself kind of weird but you know that's what I do

I am so focused on delivering a quality interaction between me and a client

because that's what matters it's a people business you need to be

interacting with people and showing that you're willing to go above and beyond it

really breaks my heart because in like certain feels like say wedding

videography there's just these old heads in it that like are just there for the

cash it's a cash grab they don't care they're not gonna add anything to that

newly weds couple's life but if you start focusing on the customer

experience that you offer through being you know approachable to being professional

timely friendly people really like this you know people like that you're

attentive to emails to making meetings you know going above and beyond is

really important so you need to sell your service which is you and then the

client ultimately ends up with the product and the product is the finished

video but everything in between like the handing over the finished video is the

easy part it's the weeks and and sometimes months

of work that goes in pre-production that you need to make their life as easy as

possible because they will enjoy working with you and if they enjoy working with

you they will come back or they will go and they will recommend you to other

people so remember you have a product and you have a service so I personally

feel you need to price yourself on what you're worth and not just what the video

is worth at the end but actually the entire interactions that's where the

service is so important from you I have this thing that like there's a million

people that will do a cheaper than you but will they do it to the same

attention to detail and the same customer experience as you and I'm gonna

say like a lot of people don't a lot of people fall down there focus on yourself

price it on what you deliver as a person as a creative as a editor and a shooter

don't focus on what competitors are charging there's no point undercutting a

competitor that offers a vastly different experience people won't use

them again clients won't go back to them but as long as you're in and around your

comfortable ballpark for what you feel you deserve companies have money you

know value is based on what you give if people perceive value in how much a

pleasant experience it was working with you they'll come back they'll see value

in it just remember that there's no price too high for anybody if you offer

enough value you need to be good at liaising with other people whether it be

other Creators or brands in and around your local area that you want to work

with so for instance you need to run a blog like a blog is a good way of

engaging with brands and people that you want to potentially work with and so

when I started the you need to identify brands that you want to work with within

your niche okay so you for instance go after and hiking company so I really

want to work with like hikers take them around film this trail company okay so I

start to like look at the different shoes the different sort of equipment

that's being used and start to build sort of little blog post around it so

that when a potential client comes up that's like you know oh we're gonna take

a punt on you you know do you know your stuff about our product you knows stuff

about you know the mountains in Ireland you can already reference that you have

blog posts based around equipment that they use about trails in the local area

it shows this like engagement and potentially you can get them to share

that content and if you can get them sharing stuff that you're making on

their social platforms it'll be seen by other people and that in turn will come

back to you so it's really good to think a better like this like you make a video

for a newlywed and they throw up the teaser and it gets 150 likes and a

thousand views and then all the comments under it because if the products good

enough people are gonna want to know who did it

so everybody underneath like oh who did you get in and can I get a reference to

that company so what you would want that couple to do is tag you in that post and

type the company if it's a really positive experience and they're happy

and proud that shouldn't be a problem and they're you're opening yourself up

to that demographic potentially all their friends are in and around the same

age of getting married and then they see the work and I go oh I'd like that and

they come looking for it and if you take that one step further you take that

video you take the teaser you give it to the hotel and you get the hotel to share

it on their platform and again tag you tag the couple and you know that sort of

traction is really important because it starts to set you apart on a social

platform where people are talking about you so you need to actively engage with

products that you want to work with the people that you have work with you need

to utilize their reach and everybody's got to reach and lastly you got to pitch

yourself like it is probably the hardest thing cause there's talkers and talkers

are really easy at you know bigging themselves up and talking a load of

shite and then there's sort of more quiet people that you know are a bit

more modest you know this is my work I'll let it speak for itself and

that's sort of where I'm at I let my work speak for itself I let my

interaction and my client rapport speak for itself

I feel like I offer a product that is really really top quality but also the

interaction and how I make the client feel during that process is really

valuable so I'm not afraid to lean on that or to lean on getting references

from people that I've worked with to improve my chances of getting work

further down the line you know if you work well with people they will be happy

to help you able to reference and being able to name-drop and being able to

positively say you work with different brands

to leverage yourself in a situation where you're going to be working or

potentially working with the client in the future that you like a job that

you're pitching on for instance that's really important so being able to be

confident in how you deliver how you portray yourself to other people will

ultimately end up with you bagging the job and that confidence you know it's

sort of it's it's a front like some people are naturally that confident they

believe in it and like your product has to back it up and you have to be able to

put on a front of life you know what I'm confident enough in myself I'm confident

enough in my delivery I think I can deliver a really top-notch product for

you now you might have to do a lot of breathing exercises like positive

psychology but you'll get there but the important thing is that you start

valuing your time and don't let anybody tell you that your time's meaningless or

not worth it that's a huge issue in this industry where it's like people don't

want to pay you for your creative influence like everybody wants a video

but nobody wants to pay the video person you know nobody wants to pay the

editor but you have to actually be bold enough to say hold on a second no I'm

worth this I think that I will do the job better than anybody else and you

know your confidence will be rewarded hopefully we'll get a bit of interaction

between a couple of people that might have started freelancing you know what's

keeping you from doing it I am taking a punt on backing myself because I really

want to be my own boss I really want to work for myself I want to engage in

content that I am really passionate about

would you ever be tempted into going freelance thank you so much for watching

I will catch you on the next video consider subscribing if this video

helped you look forward to seeing your pretty face on the next one

For more infomation >> How to MAKE IT FREELANCING in 2018! - Duration: 10:21.


DIY Yarn Wall Hanging | Easy & Cheap Wall Hanging Decor Idea | DIY Boho Wall Hanging - Duration: 3:07.

Hey what's up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm gonna show you how

to make this yarn wall decoration idea.

Let's get on with the video!

What you will need for this DIY is two hoops of two different sizes.

I used a metal embroidery hoop for the big hoop and a metal bracelet for the smaller hoop

but you can use whatever you would like.

You will also need scissors, one or more colors of yarn,

and something that you can wrap the yarn around like a book or a piece of cardboard.

The first thing you want to do is to wrap the yarn you want to use for the bigger hoop

around a book or a piece of cardboard about one hundred

or more times or you can just cut as much as you will need.

After you are done wrapping the yarn you want to cut one end of all of the loops.

Then you want to separate the yarn into five strands of yarn or more.

It just depends on how you want the yarn to look like while it's on the hoop.

Now you want to take the yarn and fold it in half

and take the middle part of the yarn and place it under the hoop

and then you want take the tails and pull them through the loop to create a knot.

You want to continue to do the same steps until you like how it looks.

I made about nine more of these so there is ten on the hoop.

For the smaller hoop you just follow the same steps as the bigger hoop

but you make the yarn shorter than the yarn on the bigger hoop

by wrapping around a smaller book or you can just cut the yarn shorter

and you can also use a different color of yarn if you want.

I made seven of these.

Now you want to take another piece of yarn from any of the colors of yarn that you used.

I used the same color of yarn that's on the smaller hoop.

You want to tie the hoops together at the top of the hoops with the yarn into a knot.

Then you want to make a loop and tie another knot like this

so the decoration can hang on a wall or you could just use the hoops instead of making a loop with the yarn.

All you have to do now is to hang it on a wall and trim the excess yarn off

and you can form the yarn into a shape like a triangle

or you can use the shape of the hoops to create your shape

and then you would be finished with this decoration.

and that's how you make this yarn wall decoration idea!

In the comments down below let me know what you think about this decoration idea and if

you like this video give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos like this.

I will see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> DIY Yarn Wall Hanging | Easy & Cheap Wall Hanging Decor Idea | DIY Boho Wall Hanging - Duration: 3:07.


Dr. Phil To Guest: 'There Were Two Of You; A Perpetrator And A Victim' - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Dr. Phil To Guest: 'There Were Two Of You; A Perpetrator And A Victim' - Duration: 5:05.


Amazing health benefits of celery and cucumber juice For Your Body. - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Amazing health benefits of celery and cucumber juice For Your Body. - Duration: 2:49.


Meet A Man Who's Addicted To EVERYTHING (And Is Quitting All Of It) | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Meet A Man Who's Addicted To EVERYTHING (And Is Quitting All Of It) | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:20.



For more infomation >> NEW KYLIE COSMETICS WEATHER COLLECTION - REVIEW + TEST + TUTORIAL (Stormi Collection) | Mar - Duration: 15:30.


Internet FENOMEN 10 Cat (There are more FOLLOWERS than you!) - Duration: 11:43.

Today's sitandardıda everyone's instagram or Facebook profile look as standard 300 figure

we can see it.What is the mystery of the number of AAC 300 we investigate, but we can not

reach a conclusion. But the most important point of today's youth

has been the follower, the more followers you have.

you are popular in the region or in the eyes of a girl or in the eyes of a man.

Now I'm going to show you 10 interesting cats, and make sure these cats have more followers

than most of us., I wonder if we can not be loved as a cat in

this question is digging into the minds of the question.Description of instagram

we have a link to follow me from there.To give us the support of the channel like videya

throw like you can subscribe to.

This is the first time I've ever seen this movie.

he became quite famous on the internet for resembling a dog in his appearance.Thanks

to its image the popularity has grabbed even 288 thousand

followers in the instagramda. The world's most mafia, pislopat, has a cat

with a look on our list of names Albert,owner of her

he found him sick on the edge of the office and fed him care,as Albert grew older.

the world's most nervous cat.It's pretty much under the aces in the image.

a smart brain lies.In the instangram, 27,000 followers a week from the life of Albert continues

to earn he seems happy.

The most beautiful-eyed cat in the world is driving the Instagram.She has eyes that are

hard to believe. this Coby cat doesn't tell you where she lives.Because

it's so beautiful. Four attempts to kidnap the cat, Coby.Instagram

has 200,000 followers. Facebok has 335 thousand followers.We can't

finish it without saying it's so beautiful. My forefathers do more harm than good.

His name is garfi, and he's a Persians cat.Think about it, you get up in the morning and your

chest looks like this. a cat,like a full horror movie scene,took

part in many films because of the cat garfi image.,

He was involved in many commercials, Catholicism footage, and many more.The money you won

we can say no line accounts.He became a favorite cat on the internet in his nervousness.

Albert is a cat breaking.But his image is unique and incredible, with his eyes and his

nose it attracts a lot of attention with the color.He's

a model.The cat mannequin.Cats are wearing clothes.

and a lot of photos are taken.This is a very well-known instagramda 581 thousand followers,

facebok has 600 thousand followers. A kimera type of cat named side.Ypan is a

two-DNA feline burned in research. learned.So half have a different color and

half have a different color.Specific this image has given him popularity.A very

popular Cat on the internet, he was in cat food commercials.Instagramda

64 thousand followers Facebook 500 thousand followers are available.

The cat named gimo brings us to mind the song of Murat kekilin, your ass eyes.

Gimo takes care of himself, so to speak.Even now

I'm out of my mind.It's pretty popular in the eye, in the intagram and facebok.

Meet another phenomenon called Mandy.This cat is so smart.Thanks to his own Intelligence,

the internet it's a phenomenon.One day

the owner who wears GoPro on his head, mandin goproyu took off and went across him

he saw him press the keys to pull the selft.Recognizing this feature, the owner mandiye 3-4 one of

the camera gorpo it's hard to believe, but press and hold the

button. he's got a lot of selves.

Smoothie has stolen a lot of people's hearts.Thanks to its perfect eyes and image

it's quite remarkable.The perfect attitude underlying the image

it's even more remarkable, you know, that rich people walk differently.It's like that

in the cat. he's aware of himself.Instagram has 1.3 million

followers on Facebook. 55,000 followers on YouTube.

Cats don't like water, especially what they don't like most is getting their hair wet.

But this is a special cat named Kuli.Meet the One-Eyed pirate.

Perfectly floating, awesome, who loves to surf in the wavy seas

a cat.The cat who was born on the street when he was a kitten has one of

his eyes he has lost, but he has not lost his joy in

life no matter what, and his incredible success he's pretty popular on the internet.

For more infomation >> Internet FENOMEN 10 Cat (There are more FOLLOWERS than you!) - Duration: 11:43.


Live What You Love: Heena - Duration: 1:01.

Hi, I am Heena Iqbal

and I teach Hindi at Silver Mountain School.

But that doesn't mean you have to talk to me in Sanskrit.

You don't talk to your math teacher in maths do you?

A teacher's life is very hectic.

Tutoring kids,

going to the market,

going to the movies,

running a house

Cooking food,

getting a wax,

Catching up on my shows,

Getting this, getting that, etc. etc. etc…

Your brain gets fried.

But with yoga I get shanti…

And then I make LV bags with Shanti.

Lace Vaaley bags…

Making time for the things you love,

it's hard but not impossible.

I just love this D.I.Y culture

and who knew our bags would become such a hit.

Yup, that's my life.

I'm Heena, and I know the A B C's of fashion.

For more infomation >> Live What You Love: Heena - Duration: 1:01.


Live What You Love: Sandy - Duration: 1:01.

I'm Sandeep, but my friends call me Sandy.

I'm a family man, a businessman, 58, 5'8

and my wife thinks I've put on a bit of weight over the last 27 years.

I don't.

I like politics and fast cars, as long as they don't get me in trouble.

(Oh no, he's cheated, he's cheated)

And I don't understand the difference between a meme and a me-me

aur mujhe lagta hai. Kids these days need to stop being so entitled.


I love the ocean... Mmm salmon is my favourite!

(Dad please!)

I'm an audiophile and I collect records.

And I have these very exclusive events in what my daughter calls my 'man cave'.

(Oye como va!)

My wife only allows me to have them once a month...

makes it more exclusive, I guess.

Good thing I'm a man of many interests.

Life's a beach, that's why they call me Sandy.

For more infomation >> Live What You Love: Sandy - Duration: 1:01.


Expert Reveals What Megyn Kelly's Doodles Say About Her | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Expert Reveals What Megyn Kelly's Doodles Say About Her | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:08.


Boiler Fitting Bexleyheath Kent | Boiler Installation Bexleyheath | MultiPlumb Boilers & Heating - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Boiler Fitting Bexleyheath Kent | Boiler Installation Bexleyheath | MultiPlumb Boilers & Heating - Duration: 1:17.


Project Management Model in Excel - Introduction - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Project Management Model in Excel - Introduction - Duration: 3:28.


Testing Part 1: Introduction - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Testing Part 1: Introduction - Duration: 0:56.


How To Prevent Leather Cracks and Fading? | Bentley Continental GT | Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 13:28.

Welcome back to the Detail Garage.

In this video, we're going to show you guys how to go ahead and properly clean and condition

the interior leather on your vehicle.

As you guys can see, we have a beautiful Bentley with black leather and it also has some diamond

stitching right in the middle.

Unfortunately, on this Bentley, the convertible top does not work so we do have some imperfections

into the leather, such as cracking and some wrinkling, as well as some staining and some

dirt into it.

In this video, we are going to show you guys how to properly clean it without damaging

it and putting any scuff marks down the line.

We're going to be using our leather cleaner, which is going to help us clean the leather,

agitate it- lifting up any type of dirt and oils that we have in the leather, giving up

a nice, soft finish and not just that, it's also going to start reviving the look of the


As well, we'll be using our leather brush, which is a very soft horsehair brush, which

is going to be very soft to go ahead and scrub it, yet kind of rough to go ahead and start

agitating the leather without causing any damage.

At the end of that, we are going ahead and condition it, which is going to be our leather

conditioner to add a little bit of glossiness to our leather and not just that, we're also

going to protect it and give it some moisturization since it's been quite a long time since this

leather got actually treated.

Our first step is going to consist of actually grabbing our leather brush and our leather

cleaner, generally agitating it.

You don't want to spray it directly onto the surface.

The reason you don't want to spray it directly onto the surface is because some leathers

are just dyed or they're not protected and as you go ahead and spray any product onto

the surface, you could actually leave a stain or a mark.

So what we're going to go ahead and do is just gently spray some of the product into

my brush and you, like I said, have different types of scenarios here.

You have diamond plate stitching and you have your regular, soft leather.

In this occasion, since you also have perforated leather but it is not fully perforated, it

is perfectly fine for us to go ahead and tackle down this leather the proper way without causing

any damage or staining into the stitching.

Very gently, like I said, we're going to spread some leather cleaner into our brush.

So softly we're going to start massaging it in.

And you guys can see that our cleaner is already foaming, cleaning the leather without causing

any damage.

We're going to use a little bit more product and we are going to keep on going.

Remember that leather is also porous, so you want to go ahead and agitate it in circular

motions so you can go ahead and get in between all crevices and all the pores of the leather,

so we can make sure we can remove all types of dirt and all types of grain from all types

of angles.

Let's not forget to always go ahead and clean in between all the crevices as well.

Just like so.

So now, what we are going ahead and do is grab our microfiber towel, which on this occasion,

I chose to use the yellow workhorse towel to make sure what kind of dirt and what kinds

of body oils that we are actually pulling away from this leather.

Very gently we're wiping it away and we're not putting any pressure into our leather

or we're not scuffing it by scrubbing it too hard.

Just gently wiping it away, since our cleaner already did the job by starting loosening up

any debris, any dirt, and any body oils away from the leather.

Very easy.

And as you guys can see, here's the dirt and all of the body oils that we have in it, and

not just that, our leather feels a lot softer and it looks a lot cleaner as well.

We're going to keep proceeding on cleaning up the rest of our leather and our front seat.

We also want to go ahead and keep focus on what is going to be this small crevice here.

For the most part, a lot of people do not pay attention to this part of the vehicle.


Because it's where your legs actually rest as you ride in the vehicle.

But, at the same time, we eat in the vehicle when we ride in our vehicle.

We are going to have some type of dirt, some type of grime, maybe some food in between

these crevices, so we want to make sure to clean out all of the seat to make sure we

clean it properly and condition it the correct way.

Keep in mind we do not want to scrub very hard.

Just gently agitating our leather, that's going to start, like I said, loosening up

any dirt, any body oils, and any debris we have embedded into our leather without causing

any damage.

Just very simply and very gently, we're making this leather look fantastic.

We're going to come back to our microfiber towel and gently wipe away.

And remember, it's just a very soft wipe.

Just like so.

And as you guys can see, those are the marks, or if I should say, the dirt and body oils

that were embedded into this leather.

If you guys can see, our leather looks more revived, nonetheless, it looks a lot softer

and clean as well.

Our next step is going to consist of grabbing our leather conditioner, which is also going

ahead and help us condition, give a little shine, but not just that, moisturize the leather,

which is going to prevent it from cracking, from getting more of the wrinkles, or preventing

it from going stiff because we never conditioned it.

In this location, since, like I mentioned, we do have different scenarios, different

types of material- you do you have your full leather, your soft, nice leather, and you

have perforated leather, as well as some stitching.

What you want to go ahead and do is you want to prevent from going straight with your conditioner

into the perforated side.


Because if you have a perforated area, you're going to clog up those pores and those heaters

are not going to work properly.

So, you're going to have to come back with like a toothpick or another tool to make sure

that you unclog those pores and it's going to take a lot more work.

The way that I like to go ahead and attack this type of leather, we also have to keep

in mind that we have colored stitching on the side.

We do not want to go ahead and stain that type of stitching because it is going to be

a lot harder for us to clean it down the line and we don't want to, like I said, scrub it

too hard with any type of abrasive brush or soap that will leave some type of marring

or some type of damage into the leather.

Very gently, agitating my leather conditioner, I'm only going to do about three to four dots.

I like to spread it out throughout my applicator because you don't want to spread it directly.

I did about three to four dots and they were a little bit bigger than the usual.

But the way that I like to do it, I like to massage my leather conditioner into my applicator

so it doesn't become caked on into the surface and it doesn't look brushed into some certain

areas and we're going to have a nice finish and a nice even application.

On this occasion, I would like to go ahead and start off on the smooth side of the leather,

working my way into the stitching, into the perforated area for the same reason.

Like I said, I do not want to go ahead and clog up those pores or stain any stitching,

just like in any other vehicle or any different kind of leather we have in any type of vehicle

that is going to cause any trouble.

Very gently just massaging it in, I'm rubbing it back and forth, and as you guys can see,

our leather is getting some nice shine, moisturization, and nonetheless, it's also getting protected.

Now, I can safely come into my perforated and stitched area and very gently apply my

application of conditioner.

You also want to keep in mind that the leather conditioner will not be oily and will not

be greasy whenever you apply it into the surface.

It will actually be dry to the touch, without having the greasy feeling, or the oily finish

into the leather.

We're gong to add just a little bit more.

Just three dots and the same way, I want to make sure I work it into my microfiber applicator.

Starting off on the smooth area, working it into the suspicious compartments that we actually

kind of just neglect and never pay attention to.

And the proper way you want to go ahead and take care of your leather: if your vehicle

is fairly brand new, or your vehicle has never been treated, the proper way and the correct

time for you to go ahead and protect the leather is when your car is fairly brand new.

The reason why you want to go ahead and protect it is like I said, to prevent any cracks and

wrinkles into the leather.

Not only that, you actually prolong the look of the leather and you're maintaining it from

getting cracked or any damages down the line because of the sun rays, the UV blocking has

never been cleaned, whatever.

You have kids maybe in the vehicle, and if it doesn't get cleaned off, that's when you

start getting tearing throughout the whole vehicle.

And same thing, once we go ahead and touch our leather, it's dry to the touch and it's

not oily.

As you guys can see, right in the back section here, it actually ready absorbed the conditioner,

it's actually moisturizing it, and it's actually protecting it at the same time, not giving

it glossy finish and not giving it an very oily finish as well.


We're go ahead and keep cleaning the full vehicle, dashboard if it's leather based,

our steering wheel we can also go head and clean it and condition it.

But let's not forget that we want to go ahead and clean it the proper way and also condition

it right after that because if we do not condition it, there could be consequences down the line

and it starts cracking, or some wrinkling into the leather.

My name is Hector, this video was just to pretty much teach you guys how to clean, maintain,

and protect your leather.

If you guys liked this video, comment, share it, and subscribe and comment below as well.

Let us know what kind of videos you guys like to see in the near future and like I said,

the proper way to go ahead and clean the leather is by using a leather brush, our leather cleaner,

and our leather conditioner to make sure that we condition and moisturize our leather and

prevent it from any future damages.

This is Chemical Guys.

For more infomation >> How To Prevent Leather Cracks and Fading? | Bentley Continental GT | Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 13:28.


Project Management Model in Excel - Benefits - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Project Management Model in Excel - Benefits - Duration: 2:34.


The 10 Things That Terrify Narcissists - Their Worst Fears Revealed - Duration: 6:08.

Brainy Dose Presents:

The 10 Things That Terrify Narcissists - Their Worst Fears Revealed!

Each one of us has fears, but somehow narcissists appear to fear nothing.

When confronted, they will even say that they don't care.

But, that's just how they appear.

In actuality, these people are very fragile individuals with low self-esteem, and there

are many things that terrify narcissists to their core!

Because of their inflated ego and lack of care for anything but themselves, it is actually

quite easy to point out their fears.

Here are the top 10!

Number 1 – Getting Exposed

Narcissists thrive on their illusion of self-worth.

When they look in a mirror, they only see what they want to, and they see themselves

as perfect.

They expect nothing but praise from everyone around them.

One of the biggest fears a narcissist has is being exposed for who they really are.

They are terrified by the thought of letting anyone know that they actually have flaws.

They always do whatever most benefits themselves and it terrifies them to be exposed.

They hate being called out on their abusive behaviors.

It throws them into a fit of rage and they never want to be held accountable for the

things they do.

Number 2 - Failing

Narcissists are obsessed with materialism.

They get their self-worth from objects, looks, and wealth.

But, failure is something that incredibly terrifies these people.

Be it a career, hobby, or just about anything else.

They cannot stand taking steps backward.

Losing all of their money or getting pushed off by a company they worked for their whole

life, is something that scares them.

If they aren't 'successful' in life it's over.

Nothing else matters to them.

Number 3 - Aging

A narcissist will typically get worse with age because with age comes many negative things

that they simply cannot handle.

They are completely obsessed with themselves and really concerned with their physical appearance.

They want to stay young and dominant over others.

So, when signs of aging begin to occur, they get angry, frustrated and ultimately, depressed.

And thus, the older they get, the crankier they become.

Number 4 - Commitment

Narcissists are often characterized by a failure or inability to pursue meaningful and lasting


Of course, the reasons for this are quite obvious…

To be in a relationship, you have to let your guard down, and this is something that really

scares narcissists.

Being in a relationship means that your partner will get to know you, including your faults

and embarrassments.

For narcissists, letting people see the imperfections in their character just seem unthinkable,

even frightening!

Number 5 - Being Disrespected

Nobody likes being disrespected, but a narcissist fears it more than others.

They feel like they're going to die when someone disrespects them.

They think that their opinion is more important than anyone else's and everyone should kiss

the ground they walk on.

So, when someone doesn't approve of their words or actions, they will do anything to

prove them wrong.

They will deny what you said, they will lie and try to turn it around to make it look

like you're the villain.

They'll even ridicule you for not being able to see their greatness.

Number 6 - Being Made Fun Of

A narcissist will make fun of everyone around them and they like to play all the jokes.

But, when the tables are turned, even if you are joking, they cannot stand to be made fun


They just can't accept that they have flaws, much less have people laugh at them.

They're really sensitive like this because deep inside, they know they're flawed, so

when someone puts attention on these flaws, they get really worked up.

Number 7 - Being Ignored

When you ignore a narcissist, things can get ugly, fast.

They want your attention, and they want all of it, now!

If they don't have your attention, they go into a fit.

They feel that whatever they have to say has more value and is more important than anything

else, and they don't care if they are interrupting you, regardless of what you might be busy


They would rather be hated than ignored.

This way, they are still getting something from you.

Number 8 - Abandonment

If a narcissist feels that they are losing grip, in the sense that someone is leaving

them or abandoning them, they spring into action and will do whatever they can to try

to convince you to stay.

This is why all of a sudden, they shower you with kindness.

It's not because they have miraculously changed or have any remorse for their actions.

They need you!

Because when someone leaves a narcissist, they are forced to confront their own emptiness.

Number 9 - Rejection

A narcissist has an inflated ego, and because of this, they think that they can have anything

and anyone they want.

When rejected, they go into a rage.

They make threats and will do anything to make you feel bad.

Then after, they will even spread around negative things about you.

You see, when you reject a narcissist you are rejecting the person they want to be.

This contradicts their reasoning for their entire existence.

Number 10 – Passing Away

Narcissists always love to feel like they are in control of everything, and this is

the ultimate thing that they cannot control, so they fear passing away.

Of course it's all for selfish reasons.

They don't see it as an end to their life, but rather the end of an illusion they worked

hard to maintain throughout their living years.

You see, there are lots of things that terrify narcissists to their core.

But what it all comes down to, is their constant need to be in control of everything.

And if you take away that control, they have nothing.

Does this sound like someone you know?

We'd love to hear about it.

Tell us in the comments below!

Thanks for watching and subscribing!

Please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE if you want to keep these videos coming.

For more infomation >> The 10 Things That Terrify Narcissists - Their Worst Fears Revealed - Duration: 6:08.


How to Capture User Data You Didn't Know Existed - Duration: 10:26.

Rob: Hi. Welcome to another issue the Ship It Show. I'm here with Carter Rabasa

from So today we're

going to be talking about BI and analytics, and we're really going to be talking about

analyzing—once you've already got something in place, once you've gone

through the process of figuring out how to analyze your system, and you have some

metrics flowing, and you have some data coming through—what we're talking

about today is how do you know about the things that you aren't measuring, like

some of the dark data that your users are producing that you're not capturing.

And I think this is a unique problem in in organizations—both startups and also

right at the other end of the spectrum, in established companies who are

learning to be tech companies—where the the commercial, off-the-shelf software

will give you a set of users that they know about, and they will sit there and

say, 'Here's all the data for it,' and you'll be like, 'This is great, I've got

all the data for my users. And you'll be happy as Larry, and then all of a sudden,

bam, you'll lose a massive set of customers and

you won't be able to figure why. You describe the problem

as dark data, almost like information that you that you can't see. Carter: Yeah.

So I spent over five years working at a company called Twilio,

a developer-focused company, and they have an API product.

So in a lot of ways, it's a new kind of customer. You're

building a SaaS product. People can go to a website, they can sign up for it.

But they're not regular consumers; they're developers. So a lot of the tools

that Twilio was using— off-the-shelf things like Google

Analytics and Mixpanel—it was great for tracking traditional

metrics that you would associate with SaaS products. But developers are

different. There was a lot of things that developers were doing

with Twilio that weren't reflected in those products. And if you're a product

manager or you're in marketing, you could see all these dashboards and these

charts, and it could make you feel like, 'Hey, this is fantastic. People are

signing up for Twilio.' Signups

are going up and to the right, and everything's fine.

And then next thing you know, a whole cohort of developers,

customers stop using your product. And you start to rip

your hair out trying to figure out what happened. Why aren't they

happy? Why aren't they still using Twilio? Frankly

it just took us a long time to really root around and figure out what

some of those root causes were. And then once you figure that out, it's

great. You can start to make sure

that that data is captured and is presented to the right people. But

it's never really over, because sometimes you just don't

know what you don't know. Rob: And just because you're capturing data, doesn't

mean you're capturing all the data. Sometimes the fact that you

have something now almost brings a certain complacency to it. It's

like, 'We've got all the data.' Are you tracking signups? 'Yes, we're tracking

signups.' Are you tracking churn? 'Yes, we're tracking churn.' But really continuing

to ask you that question—What are we missing?—is really the core of the

problem. And I think you came you came up with a good suggestion, which is stay

close to the customers. That is really the number one

thing. What are your customers doing with the product. And the example that

you gave was Twitter and the hashtags. They were really just customers using

the product in a completely unexpected way. And by staying close to the customer,

Twitter was able to create a feature out of that. But it's not always obvious

when the customer is an enterprise consumer or an API consumer. It's harder

to understand what they're doing. Carter: That's right. Number one, you

have to actually be capturing the data. It has to be absorbable. But even

even after you do that—let's just use the Twitter

example—you could be a product manager, you could be

some kind of person at Twitter, and you can be completely aware that

this is happening. But there could be other people in other parts of the

company that are not aware of it. So so the data hasn't been democratized.

It hasn't been shared across the organization. And that can be pretty

disastrous. If you work in the ad units

department at Twitter and you're not really aware that this hashtag thing

is happening, that's problematic. Because now hashtags are

basically an ad unit. So if

you're the PM and you're like, 'This hashtag is a thing, and I can imagine how

to iterate on the consumer side of the product to make it better,' that's

that's okay. But that's not nearly as good as if all the

right people across the organization had access to that

data and were aware of it. I've seen this at

Twilio, and I've seen this a lot of other companies. This is not

just capturing the data. It's putting it in some kind of

centralized place and making sure that different people across the organization

have access to it also. Rob: And having forums for discussion is

important. You mentioned the product manager who identified

something. How, in our viewers organizations, are they

enabling forums for discussion around user behavior, around data, and not just

in silos—like across silos and across different product lines. That's

that's super-important. So the other thing we talked about is this need

to identify ways that your products, your

software application is being used in unexpected ways

but not letting your team get bogged down with trying to identify

all of the unexpected ways and ending up with... I once saw a

spreadsheet for all the data that was to be captured for

a website, which had 500 items on it because the approach to the data capture

was, 'What are all the things we might possibly ever want to capture about

customers that we have or don't have or might have or aliens that will possibly

land on our software and start using it. And here are all the different metrics

you want to capture.' And I think becomes almost useless

because there's just too much of it and people get blindness from all the data.

So how do you weigh the need to focus on unexpected behavior with the danger of

getting bogged down with too much data. Carter: It

kind of goes back to my early point about making sure that information

is flowing freely and that people are empowered to ask

interesting questions or questions that are interesting to them and get

that information back. So to your example, trying to preemptively capture

50 data points, just in case, isn't productive. It actually might be

really counterproductive. But if you can make sure that the

friction for any person across an organization to A) have the insight that

they want to capture one net new piece of data—if you can reduce the friction

for making that possible, whether it's the software that you're

using, the tools or the process, if you can just make sure that the friction is

minimal so that someone who has a hypothesis knows how to go to somebody

and test that hypothesis and then find out if that data is indeed

worth capturing or not, I think that's that's really really important.

Because then you're iterating. Then

you start off with five obvious pieces of data that everybody agrees upon, but

then over time you're adding to it and you're subtracting from

it. And the important point is you need to empower the people who

are either closest to the customer or closest to the use case,

whether it's the PM who's trying to iterate on the product or

someone in the marketing organization that's trying to think

about a different way to reach potential customers and really affect the top

of the funnel. Put them in a position to actually be able to

influence what's happening from a data perspective.

I think traditionally that's just simply not the case.

Traditionally it's whoever the engineers were that

built the first few versions of this product, they were the

ones that decided what was or wasn't worth capturing. And then it's

over. And sure, you can try to capture new stuff, but it

is a tremendous effort to make that happen. Most people just sort of

give up and just go about trying to achieve their goals a different way.

It's too bad. Rob: Or they fly another analytics package under the radar,

and all of a sudden you have 50 analytics packages and your data is spread everywhere.

Carter: That happens. You'll go into companies,

maybe startups that have been around for five or six or seven years, and you'll

have Google Analytics, Mixpanel, a bunch of

logging tools—even tools that are arguably

competitors to one another, you'll have them both. You'll have Heap and Mixpanel.

This is because people were trying to solve a problem. It

was like a local optimization. They're trying to solve a very narrow

problem for themselves. But that's actually very painful and

counterproductive to the company, because instead of having

of a coherent data warehouse that you can really make sense of what's

going on, you just end up with these data silos all over the place. You

can't run a reasonable query on anything, and everyone is just really unhappy.

Rob: So to summarize, be wary of what data you're not capturing. Make sure that

you're understanding where your customers are.

I think as an organization grows in complexity, it's always

important to make sure those user personas and those user journeys are

apparent at all stages of the process. Make sure you have forums for open

discussion—knowledge sharing— and dashboards and forums for

discussion, even maybe creating a Slackchannel as a quick win for posting

data questions. That's always a good and interesting thing, where people can just

post questions about data. And finally making it easy for people to get access

to data and capture new things. Excellent. Well,

thanks so much for the time Carter. Carter: Yeah. Rob: Great to have you on the show.

Carter: Thanks

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