Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

PAID ACTOR: When it first arrived from Amazon, I didn't know what it was.

What is it?

You'll see...

Is it for me?

It's for everyone.

It's called Amazon Brat.

How's it going?

Uh, I'm just finishing up right now.

Is it on?

Oh, it's always on.

Can it hear me right now?

Nope, it only hears you when you use the wake word we chose.


Well, what does it do?

Ursla, what do you do?

AMAZON BRAT: Today, I am going to be taking over Daniela's video.


Ursla, play rock music.

AMAZON BRAT: When Ursla wants something, Ursla gets it!!!! Ya--

Ursla, stop.

Wait, I want to try.

Ursla, what time is it?

WILLIAM: iTs nInE tHiRtY fOuR iN tHe MoRnInG!!!!!!!!!!

You actually don't have to yell at it.

It uses far-field technology so it can hear you from anywhere in the room.

So it can just hear you anywhere?

Yeah, well everyone can hear you anyway.

Oh... so is that where we're going to put it?

I was thinking of putting it there, but it works anywhere.

PAID ACTOR: Brat is pretty neat, because it knows all sorts of things.

All you have to do is ask.

Ursla, how tall is Mount Everest?

AMAZON BRAT: I'm as tall as Daniela is.

How does it know so much?

It's so smol.

It updates using the Cloud.

That's also how it gets its answers.

Just read that off the box top.

PAID ACTOR: Dad really likes that Brat just plugs in, so we never have to charge it.

Plus, Brat is really good at keeping track of things like shopping and procrastination lists.

Ursla, add wrapping paper to the shopping list.

AMAZON BRAT: When Ursla wants something, URSLA GETS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ursla, how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

AMAZON BRAT: I weigh as much as Daniela.

Ursla, set a timer for eight minutes.

I'm six and a half!!!!!!

PAID ACTOR: Dad's not a morning person, but Brat definitely helps him wake up.


Alarm off.

You gotta get up.

Ursla, what day is it?

AMAZON BRAT: It's 520 bruhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ursla, give me my flash news barfing.


Look, Mom.

What did the dog say after a long day of work?


Today was "ruff."

Get it?

-Get it? -Yeah, I get it.

Another one.

Ursla, tell me another joke.

AMAZON BRAT: Daniela knows what her stupid sign is!!!!!


PAID ACTOR: Sometimes, Brat helps out when you least expect it.

Uh, hey Dad, how do you spell can'teloupe?

Uh, can'teloupe.


Ursla, how do you spell CANeloupe?

AMAZON BRAT: Y-O-U-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good job.

PAID ACTOR: Brat loves to play music, and knows a lot of songs.

And they always sound great. (sarcasm)

Ursla, play my bratty playlist.

AMAZON BRAT: I don't wanna go to bed right now!!!!

Ursla, stop.

Ursla, define annoying.

AMAZON BRAT: My STOOPID babbisitter DanYELLa!!!!!

She YELLS at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAID ACTOR: And with the Stoopid app, you can access Brat from anywhere.

PAID ACTOR: With everything Brat can do, it's really become part of the family.

PAID ACTOR: To experience Brat, go to (not real link btw)!!!!

For more infomation >> Introducing Amazon Brat!!! (turn captions on) | Daniela Bodoh - Duration: 3:34.


DIY BEST Cuticle Oil & How to Refill Oil Pen - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> DIY BEST Cuticle Oil & How to Refill Oil Pen - Duration: 5:53.


What is the Future of VisualPolitik? - Duration: 10:50.

Today's video is going to be a bit special, it's a bit different.

We are not going to talk about politics, instead, we we wanted to tell you a bit more about

VisualPolitik itself.

In other words, we are going to talk about this channel because we have important news

to tell you.

A a few weeks ago we marked the one year anniversary of this channel.

Today, we're well on our way to half a million subscribers, and everyday 100,000 people view

a video.

Whenever you start something new like a business or a YouTube channel there's always risk.

And honestly we all at VisualPolitik felt that starting a political channel on YouTube

was a particularly big one…

Informed, rather than sensational politics on YouTube, is not exactly a super hot topic.

It's not an exciting vlog, or gaming, or even top 10 lists!

And we didn't really expect this channel it to grow the way that it has.

Now, many of you have asked us, in comments and emails…

Why do we do this?

How did we get started?

Who is involved?

As many of you might know, this is not my first channel.

In fact, I have 3 other YouTube projects on the go.

So what made me chose to start this one?

What made me think this was a good idea?

An idea worth the risk?

Well, in this video, I want to tell you that story.


No matter where you are watching this video from, I'm willing to bet there is PLENTY

of media coverage about politics.

I'm sure there are news outlets and political talk shows of all stripes, satisfying both

sides of the political spectrum...

And I don't want to be critical because many of them really do truly outstanding journlism.

But, in general, they have two issues.

The first one is emotion.

The media playbook on politics says that people watch news to confirm their views.

If you are conservative, you will watch conservative news and the same goes if you are liberal.

Media gurus will tell you that the way you make politics appealing is by showing emotions

and showing confrontation.

This is exactly why so many shows tend to exaggerate their political positions - it

creates a bigger conflict.

Chances are, you already knew that.

But I said there were two issues, and the second one, you might not be familiar with.

You see, by definition, journalists are focused on exceptional facts.

Consider this journalism aphorism:

'A dog biting a kid is not newsworthy, but a kid biting a dog is'

This has been the cornerstone of political news since…well, kinda forever...

Let me give you a more real world example: anytime an oil tanker sinks, it hits the news.

On and on go the extensive reports, the interviews with experts, and all kinds of extended analysis...

But nobody is talking about all the thousands of oil tankers that don't sink, all the

thousands that make it to their destination on schedule and without problems.

And, despite what you might think from the media coverage, those ships, the ones that

just go about their journey, they have a far bigger impact on your life.

As an example, I'm willing to bet that the price of fuel for you car affects you far

more than any oil tanker sinking...

But the reality is we build our perception on reality based on those rare happenings,

not on the normal, everyday realities of life.

This leads us to not really understand the reality of life at all…

How about another example?

This one a bit more "VisualPolitik".


Unless you are a regular VisualPolitik viewer, you might still think of Africa as an entire

continent full of poverty and misery.


Because when a journalist talks about Africa, he talks about those exceptional things: a

war in Congo, corruption in Angola, starvation in Somalia…

And on, And on...

Economic progress isn't some exceptional event.

It's something that ticks along, little by little, day by day…

Never really a big enough story to make the headlines....

And headlines, that's what people read, that's what people have been conditioned

to care about.

And it's not just Africa.

It's the world.

Ask the man on the street what the status of the world today is, and he's probably

not going to be full of optimism.

The world is war, is poverty, is corruption...

But you know what the dog biting the kid of this story is?

The oil tanker that arrives safely to its destination?

Well, that's the simple fact, that we live in the best time in history.

And this is not an optimistic, dream-like, viewpoint.

It's absolutely fact based.

We've got the growing middle class in Asia, a clear path to the elimination of starvation

in Africa, and life expectancy is higher than ever before, pretty much everywhere...

Our hope, that if you are watching this video, you want a realistic view on what the world.

Not one slanted by the popular medias desperate need to show you conflict and emotion…

And this isn't just about giving you an informed opinion for the sake of it.

It's about giving you an informed opinion because many negative elements of society

take advantage of people who believe that the world is in trouble.

Very little is better at polarizing a society, stirring up populist movements, and on the

micro level, even causing us to make bad decision in our day to day lives.

Okay, so big talk, but what does VisualPolitik has to offer you here?

Well, we're here for context.

We're not competing with traditional media, and the 24 hour news cycle.

And don't get me wrong, it's great to read newspapers and watch TV news.

They are going to tell you the daily news, but we are going to give you the trends and

the movements that are changing our entire world.

This is why we love so much to compare one country to another, or dive into the history

of a situation in depth before we tell you what's happening in the present day.

Context is so important, and it's so often missed by TV news because they need to get

to the story that is breaking that day, that hour, that minute...

But most important of all, we do this while keeping our independence.

Not every media outlet, or even YouTube channel can say this, but VisualPolitik is 100% independent.

There's no think tank behind the scenes writing cheques, there's no company providing

us with a fancy office, or a political party peddling influence.

There's no hidden agenda.

We publish our content in English and Spanish and we are 100% funded by our own resources.

So why do I say 'we' instead of 'I'?

As you can imagine, behind me, there is a team helping me to create the best content


We are four people if you include myself.

If you want to see the other guys behind the team check out our Spanish language channel,

they all also present on there!

And this is not an easy job.

Behind the scenes of video, there is between 15 and 25 hours of research.

All of our sources have been double-checked and we make sure that all our stories meet

the highest standards.

And then comes the writing, and the editing, and the recording, and the production, and

the channel management… and on and on.

Alright, so I can hear some critics already!

"Do you really have no viewpoint?"

"No bias at all?"?

"Are we completely neutral when we talk about each and every issue?

Honestly, no.

In fact, nobody can be neutral when talking about politics.

Not even in theory.

From the very moment one topic is chosen over another, a point is already being made…

It's just inescapable.

So what is our view?

What is our bias then?

Well, I think its best described as a principle.

And that is simply: FREEDOM.

We believe freedom should be an absolutely core value of politics.

More specifically respect for the freedom and civil rights of people, to as greater

degree as possible.

Another principle we stand for cultural understanding.

We've consistently stated that free trade between countries and cooperation among people

are the best mechanisms for peace and prosperity on a global scale.

As we've demonstrated many, in many video, the evidence shows that isolationism and protectionism

do not lead to anything good...

But finally, our most important principle is to not to be dogmatic.

Everything we say it's fact based and, as we can have our minds changed if someone gives

us a good reason to change them.

This is why your feedback and your comments are so important for our project.

You, the viewer, provide us with new information and sources.

And many of our videos are made because one of you contacted us with information about

a country, and said why we should make a video about it.

So, that was a really long way to introduce you to something you probably already know.

But now let me tell you something you don't, let me tell you where we want to be.


We wanna go further.

We want to make more content, more videos and in different formats.

We want to go to different places and show them to you, we want to introduce you to the

people behind the stories, the people who are changing the world we live in.

Oh, and we also really want to have our own website, with more VisualPolitik content.

In summary, we want to take VisualPolitik to the next level and take this community

we have built along with us.

And we need your help.

Many of you have already asked us why we don't have a PATREON page.

And the truth is… it's something we've been considering for a long time.

The truth is we realised, that if we want to do more, we need more, and we need a way

to do it while maintaining that, all important, independence.

And now everyone who wants to help us can.

If you want to, you can join us taking Visual Politik to the next level.

And just quickly for those who don't know about it, PATREON is a platform that connects

creators with those who want to contribute financially to that creator.

But look, we're not taking anything away, that's important to say.

The classic VisualPolitik videos that we post every week on YouTube will always be available,

to everyone, for free.

But now, for less that what you pay for a beer, you can make all our ideas: more videos,

more specials, a website, and even potentially books, a reality.

Further, you will get access to exclusive content and lots of other surprises.

If you click the link in the description box below, you can check out the web site and

learn more about the goals we have set.

And of course, you can choose the type of commitment you might want to have.

Finally, we want to use this opportunity to thank you all for your support.

Thanks to you, VisualPolitik is possible.

So to everyone who has watched and shared our videos, sent us music, sent us ideas,

left us comments…


I'm sure over the next year we'll continue to grow into an even greater community with

more possibilities.

And, without you, none of this its possible.

So, again, thank you so very much and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> What is the Future of VisualPolitik? - Duration: 10:50.


Negan x Carl | 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚊 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Negan x Carl | 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚊 - Duration: 1:12.


Matchington Mansion Cheats - Matchington Mansion Hack - Duration: 5:37.

Welcome to Matchington Mansion Hack Tool

This is only a part of a proof that this tool actually work, full proof is at the end of a video

Let's go step by step

As you can see, there is no more stars and only few coins left

And let's go to generate some

Just follow a simple steps

Sometimes you will have to finish human verification because a lot of bots are trying to generate gems for major sites

But this is a real easy step, just make sure that you finished all steps

In other case, if verification is not completed, resources can't be ganerated

As you can see, verification is completed and resources are generated!

Let's get back to game and check!

You see?! As I told you...

Let's spend some to proof that coins and stars are real !!!

Thanks for watching and enjoy this awesome tool !

If you be so kind to give me like, sub and share, it would be great!

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Matchington Mansion Cheats - Matchington Mansion Hack - Duration: 5:37.


How to Find the Rate Law and Rate Constant (k) - Duration: 3:42.

In this question we are asked to find our rate law and our rate constant and

we'll go over how to find the correct units so you don't lose any points on

your next test. Hello everyone I'm Melissa Maribel, your personal tutor

and these are the formulas you need to know. That first one helps us find x and

y, so you can plug that into the second formula because that is your rate law

formula. Now this question gives us a table that shows three different trials

the concentrations of our reactants A and B measured in molarity and the rates

of each trial measured in molarity divided by seconds. We'll use this

formula to solve for x and y which are the reaction orders since there are two

unknowns we will pick trials two and one because they have the same values, which

would cancel out and we would be left with just one unknown which is y. So we

will divide rate two by rate one and plug in the values for each reactant A

and B. Next we can cancel out like terms so the k's cancel and this entire term

cancels out. When we divide the left side we get nine and when we divide

0.6 by 0.2 we get three. That three still has an exponent of Y

and since three squared is nine then Y is equal to two. Let's solve for x using

this same exact process but this time we will use trials 3 and 2 since

reactant B does not change and this time that will cancel out. When we plug

everything in we get this. We can cancel the k's and the Y's and when we divide

the left side we get one. Dividing 0.4 by 0.1 gives us four to the

power of X. Now for this one, remember anything raised to the zero power is one

so X must equal zero. Replace the X with zero and the y with the two and we will

get this but remember anything to the zero power is one so our actual

rate law only includes reactant B. But wait don't forget about your rate

constant! We must use the rate law to find the rate constant K. Using the known

values in the table we will plug that all in since all our numbers in the

table follow some sort of pattern then it does not matter which trial we use. In

this case we will use trial 1 and plug in the values square the 0.2 and the

unit and we will get this. Divide over that 0.04 to both sides and we get this

value but we need our units. You know I always see students getting marked off

for these units so let's find our units separately. This is where we left off

this M Squared is actually divided by 1 and can be re-written as such so we are

dividing fractions when dividing fractions you must multiply by the

reciprocal of the second fraction. 1 M cancels and we are left with 1 s and 1 M

on the bottom which can be re-written to M to the negative first and s to the

negative first. So this is our rate constant with the proper units. Now what

happens if the given values in the table don't follow a pattern and you're left

with decimals? That example and explanation are in this video make sure

to check it out. Alright guys I'll see you over there.

For more infomation >> How to Find the Rate Law and Rate Constant (k) - Duration: 3:42.


Stufful: The Flailing Pokemon - Got A Minute? - Duration: 0:49.

Don't let their Cute Charm fool you, Stufful are brutes with a penchant for pain.

It's said that their fur is soft like plush, but few folks have felt for themselves since

physical contact of any kind sets them off, and when one of these fleecy fellows becomes

riled up, they have the strength to split trees in half just by flailing their arms.

Despite being capable of cries like every other Pokemon, Stufful prefer to communicate

through odors exhausted from their rears.

Why they've developed this preference is beyond modern scientific understanding, but

it could be inferred that this practice serves as a deterrent to anyone considering to come

in close for a hug.

If you can handle the smell and want to try your hand at petting a Stufful, they can be

found in the Alola region where they've been banished to the Akala Outskirts.

Just keep your nose to the ground once you reach route eight, because if you smell a

fluff in the distance, an encounter is sure to follow!

For more infomation >> Stufful: The Flailing Pokemon - Got A Minute? - Duration: 0:49.


CREA Market Stats Response May 2018 - Duration: 2:20.

- Hey guys and welcome back to By the Numbers.

I'm Chris Cucoch and today I'm gonna tell you

about the numbers that the Canadian Real Estate Association

released last week.

This report's gotten a lot of play in the media

over the last little while and I want to put it

into perspective a little bit and also explain

how it applies to us here in Toronto and Mississauga.

First off, it's important to keep in mind the statistics

that we're reporting on our national statistics.

So the price of a condo in PEI really has nothing to do

with the price of a townhouse in Toronto

but they're all being rolled together

to come up with these numbers.

CREA's Chief Economist Gregory Klump said

that the stress test that they brought in this year

has really destabilized the markets

in provinces like Alberta, Sasketchewan,

Newfoundland and Labrador.

This is exactly the type of collateral damage that CREA

warned the government about when they asked them about this

before they did it.

What he's speaking to is while the stress test may have

worked as intended in the busy markets like Toronto

and Vancouver, in the less robust markets it's really

thrown them out of balance and it's brought down

these national averages.

On a national basis there were 5.6 months of inventory

at the end of April.

In Toronto and Mississauga we had 1.6 and 1.9 months

of inventory respectively

well into seller's market territory.

In the GTA our year over year numbers are down

but last year's crazy rapid price gains are masking the good

month over month sales price increases

that we're experiencing right now.

The national average price is heavily skewed

by the greater Toronto area and greater Vancouver area.

If we remove these two markets from the calculations

it will bring the national average down by over 100,000

to $386,000.

I'll leave you with a few numbers to consider.

The average price in Toronto of 805,000 is down about 12%

from last year.

However, year to date it's up nine and a half percent.

Over the last three years it's up 27%

and over the last five years it's up 53%.

Not bad when you think about it.

If you like this video or have any questions

let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to share it with a friend

that might find this useful.

Thanks for watching By the Numbers and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> CREA Market Stats Response May 2018 - Duration: 2:20.


Virtual Families 2 Cheats - Virtual Families 2 Money Cheat - Duration: 5:24.

Virtual Families 2 Cheats - Virtual Families 2 Money Cheat

No more money :(

Let's "earn" some money XD

Just follow the simple steps

A lot of bots trying to generate coins for major servers, so sometimes human verification is required

In the end, it will definitely pay off!

Let's get back to game a spend some money as a proof that is tool is actually work !

You see? It's easy! :)

For more infomation >> Virtual Families 2 Cheats - Virtual Families 2 Money Cheat - Duration: 5:24.


New Comfortable Maxi Dresses for Women 2018 | Latest Trend - Duration: 5:16.

best maxi dresses

casual maxi dresses

maxi dresses for weddings

For more infomation >> New Comfortable Maxi Dresses for Women 2018 | Latest Trend - Duration: 5:16.


Hello | Someone Like You | Adele Best Songs Forever Time | Adele Top 20 Best Songs Full Album - Duration: 1:24:44.

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

Thank You So Much! Please like share and sub my channel!

For more infomation >> Hello | Someone Like You | Adele Best Songs Forever Time | Adele Top 20 Best Songs Full Album - Duration: 1:24:44.


How To Have Dropshipping SUCCESS With Shopify - (BRUTAL TRUTH) - MUST WATCH - Duration: 12:43.

at the end of the day you are your only competitor no one else what's going on

guys issue boy the Beast of ecom back with another video dropping nothing but

value bombs for you guys how can you make more money online now if this is

the first time ever watch all my videos hello and welcome please do like comment

and subscribe hit the notifications bell so you say up today for when I drop my

latest videos so today's video I felt kind of compelled to actually share with

you these three super important tips to help you become more successful online

so these are tips that have personally helped me in my life to get to where I

am at the moment in time and I have no doubt whatsoever that they will help you

as well so make sure you stay to the end consume all of this video so you can go

away freely and refresh with a new my state to help you become more successful

online whether it be ecommerce whether it be just in life whether it be

whatever you choose to go on to online or outside of the online world in your

personal job family anything like that I can hundred percent guarantee that

these three tips will help you get to where you want to get to okay so the

first tip is gonna be investing in yourself now what do I mean by investing

in yourself so it's super important to go and consume knowledge okay

go and consume information because at the end of the day knowledge is power

now I'm sure you've probably heard of that saying before but it's super true

remember if you lose everything tomorrow okay let's say for example

tomorrow the world ends and you've got nothing left but you've got your

information that's in here how powerful would that be okay now again money will

always come and go business will always be good business will always be bad

there's ups and lows with entrepreneurship okay it's never a

steady flight like that me it's all over the place okay you'll have ups downs

left rice and all those sorts of things but at the end of the day you'll have

your information you'll have your knowledge you'll have what is in here so

you have to start investing in in your head so whether that be consuming books

okay whether that be consuming ebooks whether it be going

webinars whether it be even you know sometimes taking courses whatever it may

be okay now that information that you have is gonna help you in the long run

because when you know when things are no longer going your ways your information

that you're gonna be relying on so you have to make sure that you consuming the

right information to get to where you want to get you so when I first got

started in e-commerce what I did is I spent a whole lot of time actually doing

a lot of research okay now what I used to do is I used to join facebook groups

okay all about e-commerce and stuff like that

again watching YouTube videos just like this one you know from people who are

where I wanted to get to and consume any information that they would give you

know you know and and learning from people who were essentially better than

me at the time go out start learning from people Kate before you do anything

before you actually start taking action or anything like that consume

information because in the long run it's gonna help you out massively so the

second thing is gonna be stay in your god damn lane okay let me repeat that

okay stay in your god damn lane now what do I mean by stay in your lane so the

world now has become so open okay with social media the world now is become

completely open so basically you know you can peer into the life of the rich

and famous you can peer into the life of you know people who aren't famous but a

millionaire's you can peer into the life of your friends you know you can peer

into anyone's life snapchat Instagram Facebook I've all made this possible on

one hand it's great because obviously now the world is a lot more connected

with each other but on the other hand it's made things a lot more we've become

as humans a lot more superficial and judgmental on each other and on

ourselves you know so now there you can see millionaires with cars you can see

screenshots of people making X amount of money and it's really easy to think you

know why I can I do it again why am I not you know making this money or why am

I not rich and famous or I need to do this to look like that or I need to do

this to you know get that amount of money okay none of that is irrelevant

stay in your god damn at the end of the day you are your only

competitor no one else now once you get into that mind state of focusing on

yourself and not anyone else that's when you can start to become more successful

whether it be on online again or outside of making money online now don't get me

wrong it's cool to take inspiration okay inspiration is a whole different thing

now you can take inspiration from someone but again you've got to take it

just as inspiration because the end of the day if you get to dwelled on it it's

not bringing you anything positive now what a lot of people seem to do is they

seem to get too fixed on something or someone's making X amount of money

online anything you know how are they doing it you know or then they start

saying you know screenshots are fake or or you know you're you're a scammer or

whatever it may be because they're too caught up in you know trying to be like

this person or bring in that person down you know or again if you see someone

who's rich and famous or a millionaire that isn't famous you think okay they

must have rich parents or whatever it may be you start coming into in sumption

mode but again stop watching none of that is irrelevant okay doesn't matter

about that person's laugh stop because at the end of the day they are not

bringing you any more money they are not paying you they do not pay your bills

okay so worrying about their circumstances is completely irrelevant

remember wake up in the morning look at yourself in the mirror and be better

than you was yesterday be better than you was the week before be better than

you was the year before because the other day you again you are your only

competitor and as long as you are better than yourself okay then you was last

year last you know decade last year last day whatever it may be then you are

winning in life everyone moves on their own time zone okay everyone has their

own time zone so whether you are you know right at the bottom and someone

who's the same age doing the same thing he's right at the top is you know it

doesn't it doesn't matter okay yeah they're there you will get to as long as

you've got a gold as long as you've got a dream and you're working towards it

that's all that matters how quickly you get there is irrelevant okay same you

know say for example Shopify or anything like that if you're selling products in

your a few products don't work yet you see

someone who started who made 10k in the first week it doesn't matter okay it

doesn't don't get caught up of rigs like say it's not it's not gonna help you in

any way okay so just focus on yourself everyone

moves on their own time zone okay so if your goal is here and you are here it

doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to this point as long as you are

working to it and as long as you are working through it then you you trust me

you will become successful now the third point is probably the most important

point because if you don't actually do this third point okay then everything

counts what I've said in this video becomes irrelevant so what am I talking

about I'm talking about action it actually surprised me how many people

are put off by taking action okay now people just for some reason can consume

as much information go to as many webinars pay for as many courses as they

want but at the end of the day they never take any action they don't do

anything with the information that they've got so like I've said if you

don't do this third point then my first point and even the second point is

completely irrelevant so this is the most important point think of it this

way okay if you never start and you never take no action whatsoever

you know you watch say for example you watch all of my videos you go through

the free course you know and all those sorts of things but you never take any

action okay that means that you've got a zero percent chance of success it's zero

percent because you haven't taken any action whatsoever your chances of

success are at zero zilch but let's say for example you actually do take action

or you implement some of the information that you've got you've just increased

your chances of success by 50 percent okay because now that you take an action

you're either gonna success okay or you're gonna fail and learn from your

failures and turn them into a success so you've just increased your chances of

success by 50 percent but remember if you don't take any action

so ever okay your chances of success sit at zero so what realistically have you

got to lose when I first got started I done a lot of you know information

reading you know Facebook groups and all that sort of stuff but I thought okay I

didn't know everything at the time okay certainly didn't know as much as I know

now of course but you learn as you go ahead you know I had the basics down and

you know you can learn in motion so when I first got started my first website and

stuff like that I think you probably broke even you know it made a few cells

but it validated the system actually worked okay a validated that

dropshipping is a viable option can work and you can make money online that was

all I needed okay because once I knew that the system actually works then you

know again it validates everyone's hour screenshots it validates everything cows

it just means that I've just got to put the work in to make more money so you

don't have to learn every single thing you don't have to learn everything

before you take action okay you can learn a little bit take some action and

while you're actually taking that action you're learning in the process so an

example of this could be swimming okay you could have a degree in how to swim

okay let's say for example you've got a degree in how to swim you know all the

theory behind it you know how the body works you know how the body reacts to to

water you know all of the different swim strokes you know all of this information

but you've never actually been in the war okay if you've never actually been

in the water what do you think is gonna happen when you first jump into the war

you're gonna panic you're gonna drowned you know and all that sort of bad stuff

even though you know all that information the only way to learn how to

swim is to get into the goddamn water okay and that's what I'm trying to say

if you want to be successful online get into the water learn how to swim by

jumping in the water it's the only way it's the best way to learn okay jump in

the water and your body will react and you will start to learn to swim and it

goes exactly the same with making money online test out some products okay start

building your website register a goddamn domain okay there's so many people that

don't even register a goddamn domain that in itself is a part that in itself

is little part of action so as long did you take in action towards your little

steps of of you know to success to get towards your goal you're winning

so there are my top three tips on how to be successful online and they don't just

relate to being online okay it's personal development so I hope you got

some value from this video if you did please do hit the like button let me

know it was good content so I can create more stuff like this make sure you drop

a comment down below from anything that you might have got from this any

feedback and stuff like that as well as anything you want me to cover in any

future videos that will be a super help as well and most importantly smash that

subscribe button if you want to learn more about my set being successful

online making more money with e-commerce drop shipping Shopify whatever it may be

all that sort of good stuff then you are in the right place so make sure you

smash that subscribe button so you stay up to date for when I drop nothing but

value bombs as you know that I always do that is it for this video remember I've

got a free course 100% free click the link down below remember you can get

into my free private mastermind group as well on Facebook again if you want to

hit me up on a personal basis reach out to me on instagram drop me a like drop

me a follow drop me at the m and we can have a conversation on there so again

that is it for now and until the next video

I'll see you guys later have a good day take care bye bye

For more infomation >> How To Have Dropshipping SUCCESS With Shopify - (BRUTAL TRUTH) - MUST WATCH - Duration: 12:43.


5 Facts Of BMW E60 M5 V10 S85 You MUST Know - BUYER BEWARE ! - Duration: 7:04.

today we're gonna talk about five of the things I bet you probably didn't know

about the m5 the e60 m5 so let's take a look the first number number one thing

we're gonna look at of course is the dipstick first thing is this car has no

dipstick let's open this up so start the car this is actually how you check your

oil you start the car

and you'll notice the oil level right there in this case it says I'm at 1.1

liters which is okay what you gotta be careful of is not over filling it too

much I know this is marginally over I know it's not grossly overfilled

if you grossly overfill the oil in a high-performance motor like this that's

probably one of your quick ways to reckon engine if you want to get rid of

an engine in a hurry fill it up with oil right to the top but anyway in this case

that's the only way you can check the oil so I'm just gonna turn the car off

so I'll show you real quickly here where most cars we actually have a dipstick

see if I can open this shit up look around you got your oil filler but you

don't have a dipstick spot there's no place to actually check oil on this car

the only way to do it is electronically which really sucks because when you're

filling it up for after an oil change it's a little bit more finicky and

trying to make sure that you've got the level right you definitely don't

overfill it and if you do overfill it how do you know you've overfilled it

beyond that one point one that I showed you on the dash so it's kind of awkward

but that's one thing yeah it keeps your oil your hands-free of oil but the

downside of course is it's a little more finicky especially if you get to the top

end of that in which case you shouldn't be filling it to the top it should be

somewhere behalf way anyway enough about that so the second thing I bet you

probably didn't know unless you happen to be an owner or you're one of those

long-term form subscribers is that unfortunately as you know it is a

high-performance car the e60 m5 is truly a high-performance car but because of

that there's a lot of parts that can be finicky no let me just open this up and

I think we're going to be limited what we can actually see here a ninety-degree

v10 which actually increases the the balance of the engine so it feels very

low-key when you're idling around town it feels very refined the reality is

this is truly a high-performance monster of an engine and things that have been

known to go on this car rod bearings that's a problem fifty to eighty

thousand miles in that range you can expect problems with your rod bearings

vanos system part of the intake that's a problem the SMG transmission have been

known to fail there's also been failures known on the rear differentials either

just outright failing or leaks or other related issues there

so the car is not short on its faults of course it's a high-performance car but

it definitely does have its share of issues that you can contend with that

being said I wouldn't recommend you driving putting tons of miles this is

truly it's no different than driving a Ferrari taking it out on a nice Sunday

afternoon for a drive same kind of thing this is really a high performance car

borderline race car treat it that way but you can't expect those things so the

third thing that I bet you probably didn't know is this engine actually uses

what they call or BMW calls a quasi sump arrangement most high-performance cars

and you'll find in Ferraris and Lamborghinis even Corvette today uses a

dry sump but dry sump really is a system that has a separate oil tank and a

better scavenge a dedicated scavenge and supply oil system to provide oil in big

corners when you're pulling G's and the oil is pulling out of the pan to ensure

that you always have good oiling to the bottom of the motor and distribution

through the engine that's what the when a dry sump system really does for you

this system here of course is a quasi dry sump and it's really a cheater

system it's a pan at the bottom feeds into another pad and it's a bit

convoluted it's not truly a dry sump and I think they do that because of the room

and the engine engine compartment here so it actually does not use a tried ruse

true dry sump which many many other high-performance engines do use so the

fourth thing you may or may not have noticed or known about the BMW e60 m5 is

it's likely going to be the last large engine normally aspirated motor that BMW

will put in their performance cars yeah today they're using the v8 with twin

turbos and it goes like stink but it does really lack the true

high-performance race engine technology that they had in this because it's

normally aspirated it's a great technology it does really rely on the

proper amount of tuning turbos really do a lot of pickup a lot of slack for

sloppy engineering put turbos to anything that gives you a big lumpy

torque curve normally aspirated engines if you get high output usually becomes a

result of really top-shelf engineering and top quality parts so an engine like

this v10 motor is the largest BMW is ever

used as well it's probably largest they will ever use this engine was actually

derived from the Formula one cars back in the early 2000s and so they basically

took that technology and transferred it here and created a car that is very very

much based on the Formula one cars one side the car here these e60 m5 s you

look at the speedometer it says 330 km/h oh that's probably around 200 and some

miles per hour that's around 205 maybe somewhere in that range these cars if

you chip them it removes the governor which is a factory governed at 155 miles

per hour which is about 240 kilometers 245 it is factory governed to stop there

if you get the chip installed like dining or one of those other chips you

can actually get it removes the governor this car has been known not mine but

similar East 60 m5 has been known to run over 330 kilometers an hour in other

words a car similar to this was clocked at 205 miles per hour just by removing

the governor why because this has 500 and almost 10 horsepower v-10 and the

gearing is just right it's all suited very nicely for this car and this thing

does rock it's it's truly a supercar now that's all I have today folks I hope you

enjoyed this video really at the end of the day it's not perfect no car is

there's always compromises and because this is a supercar as far as that goes

it's a wolf in sheep's clothing I would consider the fact that there are

compromises you'd have to consider but at the end of the day there's five key

things that you should know so please like that's very important comment and

more importantly subscribe to my channel like

many more of these videos to come thank you bye-bye

For more infomation >> 5 Facts Of BMW E60 M5 V10 S85 You MUST Know - BUYER BEWARE ! - Duration: 7:04.


TASTY PRAWNS, simple and fast recipe - Duration: 1:02.

Melt 50g of butter with a little olive oil

Cut two cloves of garlic and add them

Cut red onion and when you hear the "chup chup" of butter and oil, add it

We let everything brown on low heat

When the onion is brown, add the prawns

Add salt and pepper

If the prawns are uncooked, we will leave them 4 or 5 minutes more on the heat

Serve the hot prawns next to the sauce

600g of prawns, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 red onion, 2 tablespoon of olive oil, salt, black pepper

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