Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Dante, and I am here to help you grow and to spread the good vibes.

I encourage you to join my awkward transition into adulthood, learning many valuable lessons

along the way.

All of us go through so many experiences.

It's easy to get caught up in what life has you doing and to forget about your own sanity

and well-being.

I'm here to remind you that taking care of yourself is a necessity, so let's grow together.

Let's improve upon ourselves.

Let's break those limits.

I create many types of vlogs, ranging from self-growth vlogs, to storytime vlogs, and

sometimes even skits.

I make sure to create a wide variety of content so there is something out there for everybody.

Join me in this journey and I will help you as much as I can with yours.

Comment on the videos.

Engage with my content.

Let's start a conversation.

Hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you don't miss an upload, and let's

get started today.

I can't wait to see what we accomplish.

Have a blessed day, and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Original Dante - Personal Growth and Transitioning into Adulthood - Duration: 1:19.


What You NEED TO KNOW to Start Losing Weight! - Duration: 7:35.

So you've finally decided to take the plunge, to start losing weight.

What do you do now though?

Today I'm going to go over my top 5 tips on how to get going on your weight loss journey.

Let's get into it.

Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of 'Walk With Me', my name is Josh

and today we're talking about how to start losing weight.

And really quick before we get into it, be sure to like the video if you enjoy this,

really helps me out a ton, and subscribe if you want to see more, I put out new episode

of Walk With Me every Monday at 8AM.

But let's get into the tips.

A lot of times people will try and plan and plan make things perfect and tweak and wait

for the right day to start their diet, wait until they can get to the grocery store to

buy this one thing.

People will plan until they're blue in the face with the assumption of, "I wanna just

get it perfect I want to have everything set up and perfect before I start."

This can be a little bit of a slippery slope.

There's a term I heard called paralysis by analysis that I think is a really great description

of this.

You plan so much to make things perfect, it's just another form of procrastination and you

don't ever end up actually starting, or you get too overwhelmed from all of that information

so all I always recommend for you to do is just start.

It's super important for you to continue learning but think about learning and tweaking as reactive

instead of proactive.

Just start, figure it out as you go because that's going to be the best way to tailor

things to what works best for you.

This is a huge one, if you talk to anyone that's ever lost weight they'll usually agree

that they wish they had done this or they wish they had done this even more.

The more data and the more documentation you have, it's gonna be easier to spot how far

you've come.

You don't need to share this with anybody but you need to take pictures, you need to

take measurements, you need to weigh yourself, get all of that documented and started.

The longer you're losing weight the more invaluable that becomes.

So just don't be embarrassed, tuck it away in a folder on your computer if you need to

and don't look at it again, but it's going to be really really important down the line

and you're going to wish you had done it if you don't.

Take some time when you're first starting off, look for any weak points in your diet.

Look for some easy changes you could make.

We all usually have our problem areas and problem foods, and trying to identify those

and figure out what you could switch them with is a really great place to start.

The example I always use for this for me was soda and sugary drinks.

I used to drink probably 2 liters of mountain dew every day and probably another liter worth

of random fruit juices that are just loaded with sugar.

So all I did, I took all of that soda and juice that I was drinking and just swapped

it for diet soda.

Obviously you don't want to be drinking that much diet soda forever, but when you're just

starting off you kind of have to think of it as a lesser of two evils sort of thing.

And then once you're a little bit more comfortable and settled into your new diet that's something

you can look at down the line, trying to switch and incorporate more water instead of all

that diet soda.

But the big thing I really like to recommend with this, make a conscious effort not to

change anything else in your diet.

When you start to be a little bit more conscious of what you're eating because you're starting

this journey and you make an effort not to change you really see all of the bad stuff

that you eat and eventually it's going to make you want to change so don't try and do

too much too soon.

Pick that easy tweak or two to your diet and just consciously continue to do everything

else the same.

If you eat fast food for dinner every night, keep doing that, just switch to diet soda

and keep eating your fast food.

This is a real long game move when it comes to weight loss but trust me it makes things

so much nicer because after a month or two of getting used to that easy change that you

made you're going to be so ready to incorporate some healthier food into your diet.

Whenever you're excited and ready to make those changes you're a lot more likely to

stick to them.

So sometime down the line after making those initial easy changes, you know typically 1-3

months, you're going to be ready to make those next steps.

This is where the real work comes in, you want to figure out what your daily calorie

burn is, also known as your TDEE, talked about this plenty of times before.

But you want to figure out what that number is and start tracking your daily calories

and you want to aim for 500 less than that number that you calculated.

500 calories less than that number is going to equate to about 1lb of weight loss per

week which is a really great place to start.

And I also can't stress this enough, don't cut out any food groups from your diet.

I don't know how else to make it more clear for everybody because I talked about this

so many times before but I still get those comments that people are excited to start

so they're like "Yeah, I cut sugar, I cut starch, I cut dairy, I cut this, I cut that..."

You don't need to do that.

I really truly believe there's room for all foods no matter how healthy or unhealthy into

everyone's daily diet without having to implement all of those difficult to follow restrictions.

Obviously changes are going to need to be made to your diet if you've been eating junk

food and you're obese for your whole life but I don't think a lot of people realize,

if you're honestly and accurately tracking your calories, those issues will kind of solve


You're going to want more bang for your buck in terms of what you eat and the volume and

all that sort of stuff, and that's a skill that just gets better and stronger the more

that you learn and the more that you practice.

But don't try and start off being perfect with this, you'll figure it out along the


The key is adherence, you want to keep going no matter what so you want to make it as easy

as possible.

So by this point you've jumped into your weight loss, you've documented your starting point,

you've made those easy changes and got comfortable with those so you started tracking your calories,

now all that's left is to follow through and celebrate the little wins along the way.

No matter how much weight you have to lose wether it is 100 plus pounds like I had to,

or 10 pounds, it's going to take a lot longer than you realize most likely.

So you need to make sure you're staying honest, you're staying accurate with everything that

you're doing with your weight loss and in turn, you want to celebrate those wins and

those milestones along the way.

All of the steps that we already talked about are going to be necessary for you to actually

have the success and to be able to celebrate those wins, but you want to make sure and

give yourself the credit where credit is due.

So I would encourage you all, don't over complicate this, follow these steps.

I'm going to be linking this video to everyone that is wondering how to start so I hope this

helped for you, I hope you enjoy this.

I would love to hear what problems you're experiencing right now with your weight loss,

I've talked about just about everything I know at nauseam, sometimes I feel like I have

nothing left to teach you, so if there are any gaps in my teaching please let me know,

let me know your situation down below, I can use it for a future episode.

That is going to be all this week everybody, keep working towards those goals, until next

time I will talk to you all later.

Have a good one.

For more infomation >> What You NEED TO KNOW to Start Losing Weight! - Duration: 7:35.


DarkSouls: Onyx the FireFencer - Duration: 38:04.

welcome we got some DarkSouls. Last time I play this I suched, but since then

I've played 3 and I won so we're going this now and I'm basing it off of

this new cat me and Eevee got. Whose name is Onyx she's adorable she is really

adorable obviously enough our actual cat named Eevee hates her though for some

reason we're not quite sure

not gunna mess too much like this yeah it would help if I gave her hair

you know I since I'm just giving her black hair doing that um yeah I'll go

more in depth after this cutscene in the age of ancients the world was unformed

all right so we're back first thing I'm gonna do is no nooo options

so then they go on that I am beef jerky and then go on to say that like the dead

since I never die they just kind of come here to wait at the end of the world

and then there's night that drop the body through that hole over there and

that body has got a key in it I can unlock this yeah I cannot

laughter never mind he's dead

so the reasonable Tcat so Evie the cat not the person she was an indoor outdoor

cat her whole life and she had been around cats her whole life - and then we

lived by the way we moved that's why we haven't been getting any recordings out

I was a boy I was impossible to without someone barging in or something like

that so we got this new place and we moved and we of course took our cat with

us the first couple weeks she hated it because there was no one to play with it

was a new place and all that but um so a couple weeks go by and we figured she's

still pretty lonely she's not getting used to the place at all why don't we go

get her a friend you know so we were at hekawis actually we weren't actively

looking for a friend yet actually we just went to go pet went to Petco to

pick up some cat food because we were running low and we saw this cutie cutie

in onyx and the little adopt section they got I thought she okay and so we

were like okay well we're just looking for a cat and this one's pretty darn

cute and it's got a cool name so we got a we gotta get though we gotta get her

so we got her she likes it here she's really calm an interesting cat I'm gonna

base his character roughly off her obviously I shouldn't be completely like

her cuz I'm not gonna you know fight with my fists it's just a way to

lose every bus every encounter really I

also like how this ball hits this thick wall and then somehow rolls over here

even though it clearly broke through that's like how there's already water in

here isn't it yeah yeah this is gonna give us a key basically his family has

the same that if you die and you come here you should make pilgrimage to go

the glue boards if you run this way and then you run back

I'll see you that kill themself somehow you know hundred Souls though I think if

you actually tell them you don't get all them back then you dead son you did roll

so we want this

Wow I thought I was gonna stagger you did like all your elfin ones same camera

sucks that's the biggest thing about these dark sports games is sometimes

it's you versus the camera not the monsters I took that straight on I

didn't even try to avoid the healing and this one's also weird I can third one if

you heal on someone hits you you lose the amount of health that you would have

healed instead but and this one if you get hit while healing age stops healing

you and whatever you got with what you got you're alive nope

I can unlock this one then I can I can't I have a master key don't I

is that not a thing I have a she opens any basics a lot is this not a basic

lock interesting no all righty let's see how long it takes me to kill this dude

taking my first laser it was like 10 times

it's pretty bad but I've played three and I figured out 90% of the time if you

just stay behind them Wow as I waited here come on get up he'll we just stayed

like right at their side they can't do anything about it

especially this fatty and then if you do this it pretty much is death

this is what happens when you talk about fire up the play

first try did you see how much I've improved my accepted as a good Souls yet

you can compare how much I sucked and the first fight he hit killed me like I

don't know I remember fighting him a lot I'm not cussing yep only in the ancient

legends it is dated

that's one day and undead shelters to leave the undead asylum in pilgrimage to

the land of the ancient Lords lordran

it'd be pretty cool to write a bird like that I'd be down for it at least I've

been a pretty sure it would hurt like heck to be sustained that long well how

long the flight is but it would probably hurt a lot to be sustained by her

shoulders with a giant or even his claws piercing all right so let's stop looking

like beef jerky ya know why does the leave gonna be right there first of all


I'm going for index build decks pyromancy and this house but is three

community say what you will about that

this guy over here teaches you miracle write it straight you don't want to talk

to me at first and then if you keep talking to him he's like go away I'm

sorry you should really go away and he's like okay I was a jerk phrase My gods

come on yes praise the gods that are dead much

like me now and then you can end this so you can also enter covenant oh you did

yeah he says nothing those are awful face you leave I don't

know when I expect that new they're gonna be miracles we don't use no God

magic please good old Nancy dragon you know excuse me sir this was not was an

AV conversation see your way out Wow I remember dying in this part a lot

because of that he's wondering when I was gonna hit

goodbye you can title that episode nah this night voice clips really you didn't

fall off oh there's a lot of you all right trust

me I'm really really freaking stairs all of you died I think I died like 20 times

in these clips how I had I was mr. rats right no no no and then I'm strapped

hello mister ah thank you

now looking at this place I don't know why you would bother going human cuz

like I'm human now but for how long how long until the disease of you know

killing the dead and wearing their blood because I was not healthy let me tell

you I highly doubt none of these guys don't have some type of like disease

going on that's like transferred via blood you know a big problem back the

medieval day people why did I target someone way down there why can't I

target big man he's dead still like target someone down there it was even

down there no one's even down there what I'll come back for that later item later

we loop back here anyways but yeah like considering some of these guys really in

the sewers and all that again tell me that none of these guys got any sickness

academic battling the child till later

goodbye mr. drunken on fire ahead can't tell those are player there's automatic

that's some fire or not I am not in the mood to be three combo'd again yeah fix

that problem and this is why fire is good kill this dude right there wouldn't

shield all yeah pointless

there's only much work here that takes four heads okay

yeah I can't try humanity I can't go through this white I've never

had this happen okay then is it trying to trick me like I was

a bastard you shouldn't go through there

there's one over there too why it has never happened to me before I guess I'll

just go do the other thing I'm gonna do

which was goodbye oh yeah I want to go back to build my pairs I'm amazing

those are you didn't know I actually fenced in real life I think I've said

that like six times over what else yeah we frankly uh so let's get that rape

here this dude is crazy no I want to and give it to thank you try anything

thank you kindly did I stuff Dan scales it a little bit of strength too so maybe

I can put a little bit of points in there just just in case I get another

type a strength weapon okay how about we not

at all I haven't proved to beyond your

capabilities of killing I don't think it ever even got down here at my other

place here

would you get darling names good place to die by the way on the top don't fall

don't fall don't fall

yeah fall so this is pointless there's this turn it does like crossbow oh yeah

I mean every year to five votes left so we gotta use them safely

ah we've never seen this air before still being dead why why that's dumb why

would they do that was this supposed to be anyways then

that's the thing I guess no no no

there's another one somewhere guess not

Jesus wasn't expecting to come from a front and those dudes down here just

like not gonna die to get out of here rubbish cool always wanted rubbish

where did you come from see humanity something died something died was it

those two guys was just kind of need humanity

imminent Darkrai put the like

around the dead

fund it why did that right live why are you guys oh there's this one that you go

to different areas well this is awkward

well bonfire over is the burg is broken so I guess I'll go back to that maybe we

lived in the area

running low on ILO me not to y'all a liar no you're all are dead then why did

those guys revive

they're all dead - Wow okay I can go there though not blocking me out this

time that was weird that was really weird well we got where

it took us I took me like three hour and a half long episodes to get here in like

one not even not even full episode yet I just walked on my bike alright let's

go this is this weapons great against these

guys so that's the right game I forgot you would be alive I really hate you all

so now I need to level up my decks I'm not doing nearly enough to these dudes

take three hits to kill them

well then why okay I don't know if it was just being like cheeky hehe we could

do this to you why can't I do the bonfire

I can't interact with the bonfire I can't even do any I can't do anything I

can't do anything I can touch the blood-stained like this guy he walks out

turns around he gets hit he blocks he hits and then he falls down

I can't interact with this bonfire that is so dumb why is this glitching so

badly let's just leave the area again and come back get out of here

so weird how the collision am I going too fast for it well and this is why

this weapon is so good so yeah walk into my sword please and

thank you see so I go my buddy it's my as my sword

nice and sharp

okay kill me sir I've all there yeah I can't actually weave

okay yeah he's gonna go glam glam glam glam of some pie

I can't drop something they seem to be good there's all nice and shiny like I

didn't die yeah he died yeah no nothing it was hi

where did you come from all right well then moving on

hopefully the bonfire will work these guys alive again no his name is not

being what what was i I've never seen that what did I get invaded

is that what it is is that telling me a you get invaded Sun it's like aerosol

die yeah but if you can see me

you know work that is so weird

that is really weird all right continuing on for sure that's

it masterfully dodged I do say so I love repairs I know this game doesn't

have much in Texas Terra T weapons but thanks dude

so I know you can trigger one up no yeah I see this weapon is just magnificent

makes this game so much is if I go through open doors not open from this

side okay then where's with the freaking like why why this game

well hi you're alive Oh taxi invaded me I don't know he's right here yeah

I've never been invaded by a I'm doing no damage this guy you know I

I don't know how did you are but I yeah keep McKinley not Kinley not Kinley not

Kenley not Kenley night okay why is your dagger do so much up he's

got me yep back

cool got killed by a taxi awesome okay I guess we'll stay in jerky for a little

bit he was stupidly strong I know I think

his soul level was like way too high I was doing like 15 I mean on these guys

I'm really really have souls to get and you got me like in both eyes so when

this fog is over does that mean someone's trying to invade me yeah I

wouldn't have bet so come on

give us some time so convincingly and then sometimes it doesn't

yes I honestly just bought my soul well at least I know I was worth hunting down

I don't know that was weird

gonna kill this dude for he doesn't come in here that's chest over here gotta get

these black fire bombs like number ones but I just ahead

hello good-bye-ee visible or invisible wall no invisible wall maybe try hitting

him in one suit okay one two

just being in humanity fondue doesn't do anything for is this I use the master

key do I still have it though too sweet kill these guys first before I go on

that these guys are super and on ie

drink some stuff while you perpetually follow your doom can they make this trip

I'm not even gonna try aren't even gonna try what's in here chest is it a mimic

it's a living isn't it oh it's not it's golden pine res oh yeah that basically

makes your weapon all Sparky and stuff I'll be using it here safe no no no no I

jump off

well this was a little awkward but I got it

yes I'd do it again this time he's rocking an axe Oh looks like the access

from these guys you know what I'm not gonna do do kind of hoping to get your

friend in that too but I guess not no no no no no no he got his longsword where

does that catch a fire just by him cutting off whoa yo she took a stab back

you're smart and then you let you burn down Jen like this door then I can't

there you go

imminent boss

tough enemy

I don't know where should we done here

I'm gonna go that's a dragon tooth and dragon on I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I'm

sorry I didn't and I didn't mean to why is he still chasing me down

all right no that's some threat another day

entirely not this one totally this one yeah hello

wha-ho 220 into large titanium so over here is the die Minotaur boss oh I'll do

that next episode probably like for half hour and a half videos in my no I was as

skilled as I used to be so yeah I'm gonna go back I'm a level up I'll

probably put it most of it and dexterity to get this scaling on this weapon go on

I might put a little in advance cuz I was ballsy I shouldn't have done that I

could have died so I can do Morris tabs down damn damn damn

that takes a lot longer does this one take out okay interesting

on fire gonna work okay I'll put one

down for one man I don't probably intelligence beer so I

hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> DarkSouls: Onyx the FireFencer - Duration: 38:04.


How to Find Which WordPress Theme a Site is Using - Duration: 2:39.

Are you trying to figure out what theme a website is using? Well keep watching

I'll show you two methods that you can use to figure out what theme a website

is using. These are great methods to use if you're trying to come up with a new

theme for your website and you've stumbled on a site that you like so you

want to see what theme they use. The first method you can use is, use a

website called IsItWP. It's a great online tool that can show you what theme

is being used as well as some of the plugins that are on that website. So the

first thing you want to do is grab the website address that you're curious

about what the theme it is. I'll right click and copy then we'll go to

and just enter that information and we'll paste it there. Now we'll click the

analyze website and we'll let it do its magic and you can see from the details

that it is a WordPress website and scrolling down we see that the theme is

the 2015 theme and if you notice down here it's still scanning to see what

plugins are being used as well. When that's done if there are any

plugins on the site it'll show them here. So this is great it shows you the theme

details it gives you a picture, probably what you can look for when you're

searching for the theme. So that's a great way to see what plugin details a

site has as well as the theme that it's using now sometimes website owners

change the name of the theme so it makes it a little difficult to use a tool like

this so the next method is a little bit more of a manual process. So we'll go to

the website that we're looking for and from here you just want to right click

anywhere on the site and do view page source. From here you'll see all of the

code for the page and what we're wanting to find is we're looking for the style

sheet that the site uses. You can either do a ctrl F to find style.css

and this is what we're looking for so you can click on that and it'll open up the

style.css page in a new tab and from here you can see the theme URI,

the author, most sites use a child theme and if it is a

child theme you'll see something over here called template that would be the

template or the parent theme that it is working from. So those are two very easy

ways to find out what a website is using for its theme. Did you learn something

from today's video? If so subscribe to our YouTube channel and we'll send more

helpful tips to help you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How to Find Which WordPress Theme a Site is Using - Duration: 2:39.


2Minutes2Virtue - What Are You Most Afraid Of? - Duration: 2:24.

Good morning, I'm Father Steven Walker

Parochial Vicar at St. Philip Catholic Church in Falls Church, Virginia

Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

I'd like to read to you a line from the Second Reading of today's Mass

from Saint Paul to the Romans

St. Paul tells us "You did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear

but you received a Spirit of adoption through whom we cry "Abba, Father!"

St. Paul is telling us that you and I have been adopted into the Holy Trinity

into that eternal and beautiful relationship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

And St. Paul exhorts us not to fall back into the slavery of fear

So it's very interesting that St. Paul uses that image, this slavery of fear

because in our life, one of the biggest obstacles we will have to overcome is fear

Oftentimes we sin because we're afraid that if we don't give in to temptation

we won't be happy

Or oftentimes, God will call us to move in a certain direction

and we're afraid that if we go there, we will be vulnerable

God will ask us to make a sacrifice

and we're afraid of making that sacrifice

because we're worried it will be painful

But St. Paul tells us "Don't be afraid"

Because you have a Father eternally in heaven adopting you as His own beloved son or

His own beloved daughter

who will never abandon you

who will always guide you

who will always keep you close to His Heart

So today we're gonna conquer fear

Our assignment or our homework for this week is make a list of the five things

in your life that you are most afraid of

and then pray with each item on that list

saying "God, help me overcome this fear and always have confidence in Your love for me."

God bless you all.

For more infomation >> 2Minutes2Virtue - What Are You Most Afraid Of? - Duration: 2:24.


How to Make Easy Grilled Shrimp | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 2:13.

Today on The Stay At Home Chef I'm showing you how to make Easy Grilled Shrimp

This grilled shrimp recipe is super easy to make and it packs a lot of

flavor. You are going to love it. To start you'll need 1 pound of large jumbo

shrimp with the tails on. Pour on 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons

of extra-virgin olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika. The paprika

adds both flavor and a lot of color to this recipe and it looks really good to

have a nice bright pink or red shrimp when it comes to grilling. Then you'll

add in 1 teaspoon each of garlic powder onion powder dried basil and dried

oregano. mmm! It already smells so good and we only have three ingredients to go

Next you'll need 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 a teaspoon of black pepper and

1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to bring some heat. We're gonna gently toss

this all together. Now there's no need to marinate because these are ready to take

outside to the grill. If your shrimp are on the smaller side and you're worried

that they might fall through the grill grates you'll want to soak some wooden

skewers in water for at least 10 minutes and then thread your shrimp onto those

but ours are pretty huge so we're just gonna take them out to the grill. You'll

want to pre-heat your outdoor grill to high heat which is about 500 degrees

Fahrenheit. Place the shrimp directly down onto the grill grates. You want to

make sure those grill grates are lightly oiled. Then we're gonna close the lid and

let them cook for two to three minutes. Then we'll flip the shrimp and let them

finish cooking for another about two minutes. It's easy to tell when shrimp

are done because they're no longer translucent. You are ready to eat!

Thanks for watching! You can find the full written recipe in the video

description. Be sure to subscribe, like, and follow and check out the rest of my

videos where you can find hundreds of restaurant quality recipes you can

easily make at home. See you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make Easy Grilled Shrimp | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 2:13.


中国古代的秘密,除了杨贵妃的身世,还有这个不能动 - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 中国古代的秘密,除了杨贵妃的身世,还有这个不能动 - Duration: 2:57.


Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Westminster CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Westminster CA - Duration: 1:10.

Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Westminster CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Westminster CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Westminster CA - Duration: 1:10.


Tuna and Egg Diet for Weight Loss - HOW TO Lose Weight Fast? - Duration: 5:25.

Tuna and Egg Diet for Weight Loss - HOW TO Lose Weight Fast?

the diet that includes nothing but tuna and eggs will certainly help you lose

weight because it's low in calories and high in protein which makes you feel

full keep in mind however that it's a restrictive diet and quite low in

calories watching your caloric intake while balancing it with activity that

burns calories is the way to lose weight but with a strict tuna and egg diet

you'll need to be careful about getting too few calories

one large hard boiled egg has 78 calories a three ounce serving of light

tuna candy and water has 73 calories and the same portion of cooked skipjack tuna

contains 112 calories every meal included one egg and three ounces of

light tuna and you ate six meals a day you would only get 906 calories even if

you're six meals consisted of six ounces of skipjack tuna and an egg you only

consume 1812 calories

at 906 calories this tuna and egg diet is close to being a very low-calorie

diet which is medically defined as 800 calories dairy or less

a diet that provides fewer than 1000 calories daily has a physiological

effect similar to starvation this is why it's not healthy to follow a strict tuna

and egg diet more than a few days and let you're under a doctor's supervision

another downside to severe calorie restriction is that you're likely to

regain pounds when you go off the diet losing weight at the rate of 1 to 2

pounds a week is a better way to keep the weight off

a tuna and egg diet delivers nutrient eyes and lows you'll get plenty of

protein as it only takes one egg and three ounces of tuna to provide nearly

half of the daily requirement

the combination of tuna and eggs supplies enough niacin vitamin b12 and

selenium but you want to reach the recommended daily intake will be short

on calcium potassium and vitamin E with tuna and egg diet and you won't consume

any carbohydrate fiber vitamin C or vitamin K for a few days you can boost

nutrients by taking a multivitamin supplement

you can consume glucose containing carbs or with tuna and egg diet you will be in

a fasting state due to low calories stored fat breaks down and is converted

into ketones which the brain and other organs use for energy

while this helps you lose weight the ketones can cause nausea headache

mental fatigue and bad breath the body converts amino acids into glucose when

necessary the problem with relying on fats and proteins for energy is that

they're not available to fill other final roles such as building muscles and

producing enzymes

anyone on tuna and eggs diet must consider concerns about mercury and

cholesterol all types of tuna have mercury but some are worse than others

canned light tuna and fresh skipjack contain a moderate amount while canned

white albacore tuna and yellowfin have high levels of mercury canned light tuna

and skipjack should be limited to no more than 36 ounces or 12 servings of 3

ounces each a month

three ounces of canned light tuna contains 60 micrograms of selenium and

one hard-boiled egg ads and other 15 micrograms selenium becomes toxic if you

consume more than 400 micrograms daily so keep track of the amount you eat

because there aren't any formal guidelines about how to implement the

tuna and egg diet you can make it better balanced by adding the few nutrient rich


Tuna and Egg Diet for Weight Loss - HOW TO Lose Weight Fast?

For more infomation >> Tuna and Egg Diet for Weight Loss - HOW TO Lose Weight Fast? - Duration: 5:25.


Adventure Calling Emotions aka A.C.E - Duration: 10:52.

I invite you to the next episode of the Kpoper Encyclopedia. This time I took a closer look at my beloved band - A.C.E

ACE otherwise Adventure Calling Emotions is a team consisting of 5 wonderful boys

Jun, Donghun, Wow , Jason and Chan.

Their fandom name is CHOICE.

They debuted on May 23, 2017 with the song Cactus

Under the wings of Beat Interactive.

Before they debuted, they recorded dance covers as well as vocal ones which they put on their YT channel

Among other things, cover Plying with fire or Stay from Black Pink

and Don't Recall from K.A.R.D

However, I will tell you more about the covers in a separate paragraph

because their talent deserves a special distinction.

October 18, 2017 returned with the wonderful song Callin ',

which also very well shows their talents.

The most popular ship at A.C.E is WOWSON (Wow and Jason).

In addition to the fact that fans send them, Wow and Jason do it themselves like the rest of the boys.

I will just add that one of their dreams was to win the rookie prize of the year

and they managed to win it by two times.

Another of the dreams is to perform at Weekly Idol.

Each of the boys is a dancer of 1 million dance studio.

And they performed the whole band in such dramas as "I Need Romance"

and "Age of Youth".

The leader of the team is Park Junhee otherwise Jun

RETURN FOR BEING Leader is also a lead vocalist, Lead Dancer.

He was born on June 2, 1994 in Suncheon

in the southern province of Jeolla, in South Korea.

He moved to Seoul to follow his musical career when he was 19 years old.

He had 3 sisters (but one of his sisters unfortunately went away, the other two sisters are older than him).

Juna's favorite anime is Attack on Titan.

Likes strawberry yoghurt (he's ok, he loves it)

He can play the guitar and piano.

All members think that Jun is the least funny in the group, which he confirmed himself

He was a participant in the "The Unit" program (which ended on the 21st position)

Jun appeared in the drama "Meloholic"

He also played in the musical "Peste"

and participated in "I Can See Your Voice"

He also made a cover of Taeyang (Big Bang) song "ring linga"

The lead singer is Lee Donghun

Born on February 28, 1993

in Gyeonggi-do in South Korea.

Donghun's mother received the main prize in the music program "Dojeon Jubu Gayo Star",

which inspired him to become a singer.

He belonged to a group called Plan B

His nickname was little Dongdong.

He made a cover for the song "Good for you" and "Heaven's Door" with Eric Nam.

Donghun was a vocal coach for junior high school students when he was in college.

also took part in the program I Can See Your Voice

Donghun was recording "ace diary". It's a video in the form of a diary

The main dancer, the main rapper, Vocalist and Visual is Kim Sehyoon WOW

He was born on May 15, 1993 in Jeolla-do, South Korea.

Usually, it's not Wow, it's Seyoon, and most of their fans do it too

He has a younger sister, Kim Eun Suh

former competitor of SIXTEEN

as well as a contestant at the Idol School

He went to the music academy in his teenage years.

Members said he has the most muscular legs we can see at the beginning of their careers

He appeared in the music video for the song Hi.Ni - clutch bag as a dancer

He is a good friend of BM with K.A.R.D

He likes black and white connections and his favorite colors.

The choreography is quickly forgotten.

The main dancer, the lead singer and rapper is Kim ByeongKwan otherewise Jason

He was born on August 13, 1996 in Seoul

He was inspired to become a singer after seeing Rain Rain

He told his father the next day and immediately wrote him to the dance academy.

Is close with Youngjae Got7 and Jinjinem from Astro since school days.

He can speak English. He talked with Facebook fans live from Korea and England

He said he had the lightest skin among the members

He also said that he often wears lenses, but his natural eye color is light brown.

He was a member of the dance band "Urban Boyz"

the "Very Good" layout of one of the teams in the MIX NINE program, in most cases, if not entirely invented by Jason.

The main vocalist, Maknae, is Kang Yuchan or Chan

He was born on December 31, 1997

in Jeju, South Korea.

Although his parents had a record store, Chan did not want to become a singer at first

From primary school to junior high school he was a football player.

a After graduating from high school, he enrolled in a dance club.

He belonged to the Alive87 dance band specializing in popping dance.

He appeared in the video of Twice's Like Ooh Ahh, as a zombie with Stray Kids.

He was in The Unit program in which he took 9th place so he belongs to the team unb.

The time has come to present you the cover activity of the band

which is not only varied with kpop songs

but also with foreign pearls.

The boys became famous for their own interpretation of the song Play with fire from Black Pink:

and Stay

These are mainly dance covers, which are also modified by choreographers from 1 million dance studios

I will show you a few covers because we would not have enough time to show them all.

My favorite Covere is the duo of Juna and Chana with the song Sunmi Gashina

which was created for casting for The Unit.

And the favorite covers of the whole band are Exo - ko ko bop.

and Big Bang Bang Bnag Bnag where the boys showed their dance strength

We can not forget about their famous zombie dance

From foreign songs they chose the song, Justin Bieber's song, which they danced on the street

for people who happened to pass that way

In addition to dance covers, they also perform vocal covers of foreign songs

including the song All of me John Legend by Chan and Donghyun

I hope that in this video I've brought you closer to the boys' profiles, but one movie is too short to describe them exactly

There are no words to describe their talent

I would also like to thank Zosia for help in preparing the material.

For more infomation >> Adventure Calling Emotions aka A.C.E - Duration: 10:52.


Gate to Heaven Discovered in China | Tianmen Mountain | Zhangjiajie | Gate of Heaven | Tianmen Cave - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Gate to Heaven Discovered in China | Tianmen Mountain | Zhangjiajie | Gate of Heaven | Tianmen Cave - Duration: 1:38.


New Canadian Air Passenger Protection Consultations - Duration: 0:16.

Parliament enacted legislation to strengthen air passenger protection

It's time for new regulations

Do you worry about: Flight delays^ Cancelled flights?

Tarmac delays? Lost Baggage?

Have your say

Canadian Transportation Agency

For more infomation >> New Canadian Air Passenger Protection Consultations - Duration: 0:16.


Green Quarter Manchester - Duration: 1:37.

The Green Quarter is a plot of purpose-built developments just

Northeast of the City Centre. The area has grown in a relatively short period

of time and is well populated due to excellent accommodation, affordability

and fantastic balcony views of the city skyline. Being close to the city centre

the Green Quarter is an ideal choice for those working in town and also those

further afield thanks to the proximity of the Ring Road and gated parking for motorists

There is a co-op store on the Southern terrace of the complexes and

due to the popularity of The Green Quarter a range of independent

businesses occupy the neighbouring railway arches including a gym and Brewery

Victoria train station is a stone's throw away here you can access

the Metrolink and trains alike. At the same end of town you'll find an array of

restaurants and bars around Exchange Square including the Corn Exchange and

the influence Printworks home to a thriving nightlife and cinema.

to cool off you can stretch your legs in the nearby historic and well-kept park Angel Meadows

Further investments in and around The Green Quarter can be expected

creating a mini residential metropolis with a community feel

if you'd like more information please contact Julie Twist Properties on

Go to our website

Visit one of our offices across Manchester

For more infomation >> Green Quarter Manchester - Duration: 1:37.


What is Service Design / Desborah Szebeko - Duration: 0:47.

Deborah easy question what is service design well I think this is a

couple of different types of service design and so the first one is around a

way to co-create and improve existing services and then the second is I guess

service design as a way of connecting and creating new services things

that never existed before so there's two different types

so this video is just one piece of the puzzle make sure you

check out some of the other videos to get the full picture and if you're

interested in learning how to explain service design without confusing people

check out the link that I've got for you here or in the description of this episode

thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> What is Service Design / Desborah Szebeko - Duration: 0:47.


We Check Out The Ruins of A 14th Century Castle - ST. QUENTIN'S CASTLE - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> We Check Out The Ruins of A 14th Century Castle - ST. QUENTIN'S CASTLE - Duration: 4:03.


Success Through a Life in Balance – Dana Berg Interview on Geeks R Sexy - Duration: 9:57.

Happy Friday Everyone! I'm Jason LeDuc from Evil Genius Leadership Consultants

and this is Geeks R Sexy! Every fourth Friday of the month I take over for

Michelle Davis and talk about Las Vegas businesses and how to be successful with

your business and in your life here in Las Vegas. We've got a great bunch of guests for

you today. Later on we're going to have Shermara

Walker from SW HR Consulting coming on and Bianca Velayo from Green Valley

Smiles Dentistry is going to be on. But first, we've got Dana Berg. She's a

Proctor Gallagher Consultant and she's going to tell us all about what she does. I've got

my red white and blue on because of Memorial Day weekend. We're going to have a

beautiful weekend here in Las Vegas. Dana, welcome to the show. Thank you for

being here. Thank you so much Jason. I really appreciate you having me here. So

you have a very widely varied background. You spent a little time in the Army,

you've done some things in real estate. Tell us how you came to Las Vegas, tell

us how you got to where you are today. Well I came to Las Vegas almost 18 years

ago. w\We moved here my ex-husband got a job down here absolutely love it here.

But you're right, I have a varied background. I've been in the military,

Thank you for your service, by the way. Thank you very much as well and as well.

I've been a nurse for over 25 years and I've been helping people all my life and

that's how I got into the self-development industry and helping

people to change their lives. Excellent, and so you are in self-development,

you're helping people with their mindsets and helping people achieve

their goals through developing healthy mindsets, if I understand what you're

doing correctly. How is that varied experience, that path you took,

that story, how does that help you with helping your clients get to where they

want to go? Well truly, when you live in different

places when you experience so many different things you get a real wide

range of having to adapt. To adapt to certain situations, different people

and it's truly helped me to to understand others in different cultures

different situations. And we're all people we all need help in certain ways.

We all think, right, we all exist together as well. We do all need help in

certain ways, and I think a lot of us especially in the business world, as

new small business owners, we feel like we need to have it all figured

out, and really the best thing we can do whether we're a small business owner or

working for a larger company or even just in our own personal lives

is: 1) recognize that everyone needs help. We're not alone out

there and it's okay to ask for help when we need it and go find someone

I was listen to a podcast on the way up here. Last night with my niece's high

school graduation in Phoenix, so I drove down there yesterday and then first

thing this when I drove back so I could be here today. I was listening to a

podcast on the way up here and they were talking about on this podcast

how just because you're going through something for the first time doesn't

mean that thousands of people haven't already been through it so leverage

your resources and find someone who's been through it and can help you with

things. So you are a proctor Gallagher consultants. Yes. And I had never heard of

that until the first time that you and I sat down a couple of weeks ago. So why don't you

tell us a little bit about what a Proctor Gallagher Consultant does. Okay

well Proctor Gallagher is Bob Proctor and Sandra Gallagher and Bob Proctor as

many of you may know has been in the self-development industry for over 50

years I mean the man learned from Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale. He

and his partner have created an amazing program Thinking into Results.

Thinking into Results, what it does is it's it's a complete success program, so

it doesn't matter what you're going through in life,

where you want to be, it helps you to get there. it's truly a success system.

Because great success is a system, but it helps you to to retrain your thoughts.

Because how we think will determine what we do now. Success is

defined differently by everybody, is that part of what you do in Procter Gallagher?

Help people find their definition of success? Are there other guidelines for

what success is? Tell us a little more about what success is in your view. Well

success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal.

So success is defined by whatever you think it is, whatever is important to you

and figuring out what you're worthy goal is? That's really great because one of

the things that, whenever I work with clients, or speak, or work with kids, I

always talk about, what I talk about is, success is bringing about the the good

you want to bring in the world. It's not it's not necessarily money, it's not

necessarily cars, it's not necessarily having a successful business.

Sometimes success is being a great dad and a great husband to

somebody. And if I can help someone do that, or

you can help someone do that that's that's an even higher calling than

helping somebody make a lot of money I think. Absolutely, I agree. So tell us

about what you provide your clients. We talked about a little bit what the

focus of the system is and and what we're after, but how do you provide

your clients that help to get to that, that success? Okay, so what I do is I

facilitate the program. The program is a six month program. To get through it

actually takes you that long, to go through every single one of the

modules. Repetition is key. We go over things over and over and over again so

that you can help retrain your thinking to have that success, and I,

every step of the way, every week, I meet with my clients whether on phone, online,

and we go through how are you doing, what's going on, and help reinforce them

or accountability with them as well. Okay so, if I understand the program right,

there's a little bit of we get started, orientation, a little bit of

goal-setting, here's a little preparation of the battlefield as we

used to say in the Air Force, and then you're jumping right into lesson one and

there's a whole series of lessons and there's some progress checks, I assume,

and you're going to come back and and something down in lesson 4 might tie

back, Hey, remember that stuff we did in lesson one that we told you to pay

attention to? we're going to come back to that kind of thing. All the lessons are

intertwined. They all relate to the first the last they all relate together and

truly it's six months to get through it. But just as a diet or exercise you don't

just exercise for six months and then stop and decide that you're healthy and

I know you're going to continue on. You learn from the material and you keep

studying it and you keep learning and applying it to your life. So how

does one of your clients, after they get to the end of six months,

they, how do you help them maintain that accountability for for sticking to what

they learned? Because we all know it takes anywhere between, you know the

numbers vary. I'll go by myself, it takes me anywhere between 60 and 90 days to

build a good habit. Right? Bad habits I'll pick up like that because I'm human like

everybody else but to build a good you know they say some people are short is

20 days it could be as much as 120 days but it takes time to build good habits.

What comes after the six months with your client?

well I encourage them to continue it they have lifetime access to the program

okay lifetime access to the program or the

physical actual books and I truly continue with them I will say you know

if you need help keep going but they've developed habits at that point from

going through the program and watching the lessons twice a day. And so I

encourage them to start a new habit every month, start a good new habit

every month. So in this program there are two video lessons to watch every day. Yes,

you actually go through the same, you'll take two weeks on each lesson, watch

that same thing twice. Ok so there's some repetition too, it's not

you're not trying to absorb new material every day, its reinforcement.

Reinforcement. So just as my mentor Bob Proctor, he's actually been studying and

reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill every single day since 1961. He

reads a part of that book every day. That's really great. It's

important to have those touchstones. I don't think I have a book or something

like that I go to every day, but it's important to have those touchstones in

our lives, something to to go back to and ground us. I think that's great that he,

not only does he put this into his program, but he actually practices what

he preaches. Absolutely but you have to continue to do that. He's an amazing,

amazing individual. Well tell us something about who your ideal client is,

who are you really trying to help out there in the community? Honestly,

everybody. Because everybody can use this material, this stuff should be taught in

schools and it's truly one of my dreams to get this out to the schools and teach

children that they can do anything they want and to have that mindset. Awesome!

Can you tell us about a specific example

when, you know let's leave the names out to protect the innocent,

but tell us about a specific example where you helped a client with this

program.Aabsolutely you know a lot of people base things off of of money and

one of my clients actually in five weeks earned what she had earned in the last

year, you know just by changing our mindset

setting her goals, and being very specific about what she wanted to do.

That's amazing I can tell from person experience running a

business, you know it's slow in the beginning,

but you have these little victories of, you know, I did a

little better this month than I did the two months better than that

feels really good. And then and then the important thing is to stick with what

you're doing right, to go back and reinforcement not not celebrate and then

you know let it all go so that's great and I love that there's so much

reinforcement in this program. So we've got just about a minute left please tell

us, please tell our viewers how you can how they can get in touch with you we've got

a couple viewers in the Facebook live who are putting in some

wonderful comments. Fantastic thank you. Yes you can reach me on Facebook my

facebook business page is Life in Balance by Dana Berg or you can just

reach out to my personal page as well and my website is

And you are on LinkedIn as well? Yes. That's how we, well we

connected through Katie Watford who was a guest last month, but we found you on

LinkedIn as well, and so Dana is out there on all the social media. I'm Jason

LeDuc, this is Geeks R Sexy. Jason LeDc from Evil Genius Leadership Consultants

and we will be right back with Shamara Walker from SW HR Consulting and

learning how and why as a small business owner you should be thinking about your

human resources even if you don't have anybody working for you right now. We'll

be right back! Thank you!

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