Wow,im gonna see what I can do today! (No im not)
-typing bs-
Splendid,just S P L E N D I D
You get beautiful art like this-
get dis
Floating Lumber Rack - You Suck at Woodworking - Duration: suck it woodworking yeah you totally suck so I recently acquired these old
rough sawn studs here that were originally installed in a Washington DC rowhouse
back in the 1800s now when you're working with reclaimed materials you need to
take the opportunities when they pop up to grab the stuff but it needs a place
to live and that place is not my shop floor so what we're gonna do is make a
lumber rack storage system similar to this on the opposite wall of my shop
but if we just move my leg out of the way here it's gonna be a different
design so if there's no gap between the lumber and the wall for stuff to fall
now the shape of this lumber rack bracket has been designed to be cut from
a 2x4 but I have a bunch of these maple butcher block countertop scraps that are
already cut down to the right size and I'm too cheap to even buy the cheapest
of lumber so I'm gonna go ahead and use these guys instead now you want to start
by laying out your material somewhere outdoors on a surface that you don't
mind getting wet so I suggest using an old pallet laying that down on the
ground and that will ensure proper coverage for this next step you're going
to now liberally apply water using your low pressure water jet cutter on the
surface of the piece until you see them start to separate into the 3-inch pieces
that we want for this lumber rack and with our lumber rack pieces all cut down
to size we obviously just need to lay them out now and let them air dry for a
little bit or you can just pop each one of them in the microwave for a few
so it's been about a three hundred thirty eighth of a fortnight now and
these look dry enough so we're gonna move on to the next step now we're going
to want the lumber rack to be aerodynamic so I'm going to create a taper along the
bottom edge of all of these pieces so to do this we're going to set our oven to
350 degrees and put these in there for 48 hours oh I think they're done
alternatively if you're using soft wood 2x4s those reacting to cold
temperatures so you're gonna want to load those in your freezer for 24 days these
brackets are going to be inset into the back and top of all these wooden pieces
so there's a flush surface on both of these sides to do this I'm going to
create a dado the dado is created by centering the bracket and using a really
strong screw clamp to pull it tight and into the surface until that dado is
created there we got it
that's our dado on the back and the top surface I use a string line in between
the extents of the lumber rack so that ensures a straight line along the entire
rack and I just need to fasten a bracket into each one of these studs now
anything that is long enough to reach through the drywall and grab into the
stud should be good enough like spaghetti a pencil an ice pick
cooked spaghetti or just your trusty three inch deck screw
now drywall screws are a no-go they are too brittle and have a chance
of shearing off under the load of the bracket which is likely to cause a
nuclear meltdown and then with all the brackets install the temporary spaghetti
I mean I mean string line can be removed
now if you cut the dados tight enough you'll find that they just seem to find
their place on the wall so that's it but a lumber rack is not a lumber rack
without lumber oh if you'd like to duplicate this for yourself I do have a
free template available on the website so go ahead and download that check out
this other stuff and I'll see you next time
drav - Butterflies [₩ - art, prod. Đ] - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
If It Means a lot To You SEE/ASL - Duration: 4:02.And hey darling
I hope you're good tonight
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving
Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it
Tell me something sweet to get me by
'Cause I can't come back home
'til they're singing
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singing
If you can wait 'til I get home (I get home)
Then I swear to you
that we can make this last
La la la
If you can wait 'til I get home (I get home)
Then I swear come tomorrow
this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
And hey sweetie,
well I need you here tonight
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving
Yeah, you want it but I can't help it
I just feel complete when you're by my side
But I know you can't come home 'til they're singing
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singing
La, la la la, la la la
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
La la la
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow,
this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
You know you can't give me what I need
And even though you mean so much to me
I can't wait through everything
Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again
And don't you dare say we can just be friends
I'm not some boy that you can sway
We knew it'd happen eventually
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singing
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singing
La, la la la, la la la
If you can wait till I get home
Now everybody's singing
La, la la la, la la la
Then I swear we can make this last
Now everybody's singing
La, la la la, la la la
If you can wait till I get home
Now everybody's singing
La, la la la, la la la
Then I swear we can make this last
Now everybody's singing
DIY Summer Magnets | How To Make Magnets For a Fridge or a Locker - Duration: 3:55.Hey whats up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you
how to make summer magnets in three different ways.
Lets get on with the video!
For the first magnet, you want to get a piece of cardboard
and you want to draw out a Popsicle on the cardboard.
Then you want to cut it out.
When you're done cutting it out you can paint the Popsicle
any color that you want and you want to wait for it to dry.
When the paint is dry, you can get a Popsicle stick
and if you need you cut the stick so it can fit onto the Popsicle.
I cut my Popsicle stick with wire cutters but you could just break it with your hands.
Then you can glue the stick onto the back of the Popsicle
and then you can glue a magnet on the back.
If you want you can paint a face onto the Popsicle
and you can tie a bow out of ribbon and glue a bow onto it.
For the second magnet, you want to roll out one or more colors of Polymer clay
that's similar to any color of fruit in between two pieces of parchment paper.
You can also use wax paper.
Then you want to cut the shape of the fruit
that you want to make out of the clay
and make sure it's bigger than the magnet your going to use.
I made a strawberry so I made the fruit out of red clay and the leaves out of green clay.
When you're done cutting out your fruit you can smooth out the edges with your finger.
Then you can attach any details like the leaves to the fruit.
When you're done with your fruit
you can lay it out on a piece of tin foil or a piece of parchment paper
on a baking tray and then you can put your clay onto it.
Then you can bake the clay at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes.
You do want to check the clay's instructions before baking the clay.
When the clay is done baking, you want to take the clay
out of the oven and you want wait for it to cool off.
When the clay has cooled off you can paint more details onto the fruit.
I used a pencil as a paintbrush to paint the yellow seeds onto the strawberry.
When the paint is dry or when the clay has cooled off
you can glue on a magnet onto the back.
For the last magnet, you want to draw a image of anything that you want onto a piece of paper
and you want to make sure you make it big because your image will shrink.
Then you can trace the image on a piece of Shrinky Dink plastic with a permanent marker.
You can also color the image now or you can wait until after baking it.
When you're done tracing your image you can cut it out.
When you're done cutting it out you want to put onto a baking sheet with parchment paper or tin foil.
Then you can put it in the oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit
and wait for the plastic to curl
and flatten back out and wait 30 more seconds
until taking the Shrinky Dinks out of the oven.
Make sure you check the Shrinky Dink instructions before baking.
When you're done baking your Shrinky Dinks you can take it out of the oven
and then you can quickly flatten the plastic with a piece of cardboard.
When the Shrinky Dink has cooled off you can paint it.
When the paint is dry you can glue a magnet on the back.
and that's how you make these summer magnets!
In the comments down below let me know what you think about these magnets
and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up
and subscribe to see more DIYs.
I will see you in the next video. Bye!
Home selling mistakes: How to avoid them to get the most return - Duration: 7:08.Welcome to Homebuyer's School brought
to you by Brookfield Residential.
So before we begin, if this is your first
time on this channel and you want to get
the latest strategies tactics and tips on
home buying, click the subscribe button
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Hi everyone, and welcome to another
edition of Homebuyer's School, today I'm joined by Eddie D'ambrosio, real estate
agent with remax elite and today the question we're gonna answer is, what are
some mistakes people make when selling their home? So Eddie you've had a
lot of clients, what are some of the mistakes they've--that you've seen people
make in terms of selling homes?
Well I think the first one is when
you hire a real estate agent, you sit down and discuss strategy,
pricing, and the process through selling your home, how you will
prepare your home for showings. Listen-- you know, listen to your realtor,
take that advice. I think the first point here is pricing you know,
there's so much discussion that goes around how to price your property, what's
the best price to list at, and so when you have that discussion with your
realtor, be--you know, be really clear on understanding the kind of--the best
price to go forward with and just any you know, you have to be able to
have trust in your realtor and knowing that strategy is gonna
work out. Sometimes you know, pricing your property too high is a huge mistake that
a lot of people make, they think well we'll start at a higher price point and
then maybe we'll just kind of work down after that, in fact that's
one of the biggest mistakes and most common mistakes that sellers make.
Is another--so besides you know, pricing anything in terms of the visual
aspect of your home like upkeep or renovations or so on?
So I mean,
cleanliness is next to godliness right, one of the biggest things that
any seller can do with their property is is make sure it's the cleanest
that it has ever been anytime someone's coming to look through your home, so
again I think a good real estate agent is gonna sit down with their seller
client and have a discussion surrounding cleanliness, staging and really paying
attention to all of the senses that a buyer has when touring through your home.
So how are they being visually stimulated with you know, colors and
furniture placement, going room by room to determine how does my furniture fit
in this room and does it make the room feel big, does it make the room feel
small? Another thing to be conscious of is it smells if you if you have pets
in the home, this is a big one I see with buyers all the time, we go
touring through some homes and you can smell that pet odour so for
my sellers we discuss pets and how they affect showings, so for some people they
choose to you know, have a pet stay with the family member or even go into a
boarding house for that time when they're--when they're selling the
property just so that you are with every showing, putting your best foot forward.
Is it--to make the house feel more
natural would you maybe put like--leave your pictures up or completely take them
Well you know, this is always a sensitive one with--especially with
families and you go through a sellers home and say you know, take all the
pictures of your kids down, and to some degree I think maybe
de-personalizing a little bit, a lot of people love that show home look so
the better you can do to make your home kind of feel like a show home, have
things staged a little bit and de-personalizing can absolutely--can
help, and that's another thing to be conscious of when you're selling a home
is you know how much personal information do you have out there, do you
have pictures of your family and your kids, and some people are comfortable
with that, and some aren't.
Isn't it tough to live in a home that you're trying to
sell though? Like if you know, continuously keep it clean which is fine,
but I mean like til--you eventually have to live there
you know, so like are there any tips on how to avoid like--avoid ruining your
house too much or using it too much and to make sure that it's you know, it looks
right for the buyers?
Yeah I think it is challenging. It's tricky
when you know, you do want to become almost minimalist when you're selling,
you want to de-clutter and so what I suggest to clients is as you're getting
ready to list, also get ready to move if your intention is to sell that property
and move on then get some early packing done, de-clutter, get some stuff put away,
some totes and some boxes nicely organized away is a great way to do that.
But yeah, it can be kind of tricky to start living with a little bit less
around and everyday having to clean and be ready for people to look at
your home, so it's definitely a lot of work, but done right you know, that's
where, that's where your home shows really well and then hopefully that
whole process doesn't have to last a long time.
Now does--can you maybe block off a certain portion of your home or do you
really want to make sure the entire house is accessible for people to view?
Both are fine I think, you know, you want to be able to show
someone who's spending such a large amount of money on a property--you want
to be able to show the full home and all of its features. For some sellers
they may have--they may have you know, a room that's inaccessible and
that's okay and that's fine.
Besides you know, staging your home and
besides price point, any other mistakes people make when selling their home? Or
things that they should know?
You know, I think--I think just trust your
realtor, hire someone that's going to really put a lot of work into
marketing your home, develop a strategy ahead of time and make sure that you
have a really clear dialogue over the best way to approach the sale of your
property and then really just have trust and execute that strategy and
I think you have a recipe for success.
Perfect, well thank you very much Eddie,
thank you very much everyone for joining us and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of
Homebuyer's School. Tune in next time
for more expert tips and tricks, and visit to bring you one
step closer to finding your dream home.
As with everything, it would be great if you
like and share our videos, also please let
us know if you have any home buying
questions you want us to answer.
Isaac Gracie - Silhouettes of You Cover - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Is your poor diet causing you pain? - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Drinks and Tips to Reduce Cellulite - Duration: 6:32.Drinks and Tips to Reduce Cellulite
Cellulite – as you surely know – is a big problem that is difficult to eliminate.
It occurs more often in women, particularly due to hormonal changes – although this is not the only cause – since it can also be caused by bad eating habits, constipation and especially by lack of physical exercise.
Cellulite can affect different parts of the body such as the thighs, abdomen and hips, giving a rather unpleasant appearance, because the skin acquires a texture very similar to that of an orange peel; in fact, it is also known by this name.
In order to eliminate this skin problem, people resort to many techniques, such as diets, massages, surgeries, products that promise miraculous cures, but the reality is that in order to solve this problem you need to have a great deal of patience and be very consistent in the treatments you apply.
To supplement the different treatments to fight cellulite you can also follow some suggestions that can be very effective in improving the texture and appearance of the affected skin.
In this case you can include a drink in your routine that you have to get rid of cellulite, since it promises to be an excellent complement to the treatment of this condition which causes certain parts of the body to look bad.
This anti-cellulite drink, besides having a very pleasant taste, is quite simple to prepare.
Homemade recipe to improve the appearance of skin with cellulite.
This beverage, due to the ingredients it contains, has the ability to provide a purifying effect on body cells.
To prepare it you will need the following:.
500 grams (17 oz. ) of aloe vera gel.
500 grams (17 oz. ) of honey.
Six tablespoons of whiskey.
To prepare it you just have to beat all the ingredients well with the help of a blender or mixer, the important thing is that everything is well mixed.
Then place it in a tightly capped bottle and put it in the fridge, take a tablespoon of the mix both in the morning and once at night every day.
Advice that should be taken into account.
It is essential to drink a sufficient amount of water every day, in this way toxins are removed and thus accumulated fats that form cellulite begin to disappear.
Reduce your salt intake as much as possible, because when you consume salty foods there is the risk that the body will retain water, which directly affects the skin with cellulite.
Increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber.
Eating adequate amounts of fiber is very important to help reduce cellulite because it helps to eliminate all waste that the body does not need.
Fiber is found in whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables and fruits.
Avoid eating fats.
Fats are very harmful for all aspects of your health, but in this particular case they have a tremendous affect, because they cause toxins to accumulate and thus increase the chances of cellulite being formed or increased, making it difficult to reduce and control.
Avoid soft drinks and alcoholic beverages as much as possible.
These kinds of drinks only provide the body with toxins and more toxins, and no nutrients, therefore the best and most healthy route is to avoid drinking them.
Other foods that are best avoided, or at least reduce their consumption, are refined flour, such as bread, cookies and other baked goods because they are high fat foods which increase the appearance of cellulite.
Avoid excessive intake of coffee, avoid smoking, push a sedentary lifestyle to the side and exercise at least three times a week.
It is also very important not to wear your clothes too tight.
It is also recommended to attend a few massage sessions as this is useful to break up the fat nodules that form cellulite.
The massage should be performed by a person who is trained and uses some appropriate creams to help drain the fats which are accumulated in the skin.
This should be made every day to achieve more rapid and effective results.
Cellulite is a skin condition that can affect peoples self-esteem, but if you have patience and above all are consistent with the treatment, it can be controlled to a great extent.
Don't worry!.
Cutting open anti-stress toys - Duration: 5:57.Hi guys, this is Anna Chi with you and today we'll find out what's inside the anti-stress toys.
So let's first cut this little man and see what's inside.
The upper material is similar to rubber and I guess inside it's likely to be a molding mass or light plasticine.
Well, I would like you to guess what's inside it.
So click the pause button right now and write in the comments what do you think is inside the Anti-stress little man.
Now let's see if you guessed it right!
Well, it's a molding mass. In fact, there's ordinary light plasticine inside this anti-stress toy also due to the fact that the upper material is made of dense silicone and it's completely sealed, so it won't dry up.
I'm sure that many of you are interested to know from what such Squishy Jumbos are made?
I used to think that they are made of some sort of soaked foam-rubber, thereby creating a return effect form and furthermore, each toy comes with a certain flavor.
But recently I came across one article and found out that the squishes are made from special rubberized foam that easily compresses and returns to its original shape.
Well, let's try to cut out one of the squishes I've got and see how it looks inside.
See how small the structure of this foam is and it's really very soft. On pressing, it's easily compresses and then returns to its original form.
In the usual foam rubber, there is no such effect.
Let's try to cut this popcorn squishy as well. It's a bit defective so it won't be a pity.
It has exactly the same structure inside just that it's completely white. I think that apart from the special foam, it also has a special paint which on pressing doesn't spread out.
I saw many bloggers in YouTube are trying to make squish with different fillers, but still they don't achieve such effect as the real soft anti-stress.
Well, let's do this way, if you want that I find the material from which the real squishes are made and test it then be sure to hit the likes for this video and I'll do this for you as soon as possible.
Next we'll see what's inside the squishy cat.
Since they are made of soft silicone, it's likely that inside it we can find just silicone.
Well, I won't cut the cat so I took such starfish.
Well as we expected it has a very dense silicone inside, but its super soft.
Only thing I don't understand here is why when I put the squishy toy on a surface it leaves traces although to the touch they are not at all wet
The next anti-stress is called stretchy string fidget or a pulling string.
Well, if it appears to you that it's made of the same material as the previous one, I can say that by touch they are not so soft.
I've also got with me such an anti-stress eye.
It's quite enough and a bit sticky to the hands. Although, this anti-stress is really very cool.
As per the sensation there is some kind of liquid inside it so before cutting it's better to place a bowl or plate.
Well, inside this anti-stress, there was ordinary water and the material itself from which the eye is made is pretty similar to that of the little anti-stress man.
I decided not to cut this big hairy caterpillar.
Firstly, I feel pity for it because I really love this toy and secondly, inside this anti-stress, there is just air and it's not possible to see or touch it.
So guys today we little bit peeked inside the anti-stress toys and found out what they are made of.
I didn't think that I would like to cut an anti-stress toy so much. It was both strange and fun. I hope you liked it too.
That's all for today! Thanks for watching, till next time, bye!
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