Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

I've been speedrunning for several months now and have tried many games in that time;

however, one game in particular has stood out to me and has quickly become my most run


And that game is?

Fortnit- Heroes of the Storm.

Once I realised how good the game was for speedrunning, and how enjoyable it was, I

made a post on the Heroes of the Storm subreddit in an effort to convince people to try running

the game.

Since then the community has grown quite a bit, and we've received quite a few skilled


However I was ultimately unhappy with my original explanation of the game and it's run.

So I ended up deciding to make this video, where I'll be able to go a bit more in depth

in my explanation, and explain why YOU should run Heroes of the Storm.

But for those of you who don't know much about Heroes of the Storm, here's a short primer:

HotS is A MOBA style multiplayer game by Blizzard Entertainment.

It's speedrun largely centers around Player Versus Enemy games, where the objective is

to win a match as quickly as possible, either with a team, or solo.

Most modes do not include any enemy units, so they play as a 1v0 in an otherwise empty


The game has 4 main categories, which all have unique rulesets, strategies, and play

styles: Class%, Solo-IL, Team-IL, and Tutorial.

Class% is an umbrella category for 4 individual categories, one for each of t he 4 character

classes: specialist, assassin, tank, and support.

Regardless of class, Runners utilize a character that falls into the specific class in question,

and must complete a set of 3 maps in the lowest amount of time possible.

Map and character choice is instrumental in a good run, and allows for a great deal of


The existence of many sub categories within class% allows for a great deal of variety,

and removes the issue of a single character being completely dominant, and being the only

character worth running.

Since each class plays differently, runners must discover which character is best within

their own class, and this creates a wide amount of variety between subcategories.

For example, support% is far more about doing consistent siege , while specialist% is about

pushing while keeping as many creeps alive as possible, both of which are far different

from assassin% where the objective is to capture siege mercenaries as soon as possible, and

then focus on waveclear.

These might be simplistic examples but they hold true nonetheless..

Both solo, and team-il runs are split up by map, so that every map has their own unique

IL runs.

Solo-IL runs are quite a bit more straightforward than class% runs in that runners must beat

a single map using a character of their choice.

This run really comes down to optimal movement, as character choice isn't really a choice

at all.

Sylvanas is really the only character worth using, since her current passive ability,

"black arrows", makes almost any other character obsolete.

Team IL runs, on the other hand, are all about team comp.

Having access to an additional 4 characters means that you'll want to find an optimal

combination of tanks, waveclear, and siege damage, in order to push consistently, and


This mode is by far the most difficult to optimize, as there are far more decisions

to be made in order to find an optimal team composition.

The tutorial run is considerably shorter than the other runs, being only a few minutes long

compared to the nearly 15 minutes most class% categories take.

Since the run is so short, most of the optimization comes from doing perfectly optimal damage

on the first two sections, and executing precise timings, and pathing on the final section.

While this category isn't too popular, it's actually quite a good run for those who aren't

as familiar with MOBAs, or those who enjoy a short, concise run.

Heroes of the Storm has a lot of variety due to patches, changes, and updates - especially

in class% and team-IL categories.

However, old runs which become impossible due to changes are planned to be cleaned out

and moved to a legacy category.

This means that while a patch might make some strategies lost to time, if it DOES happen

runners won't be permanently locked out from having a World Record, as that can be discouraging

for new players, and frustrating overall.

The fact that aspects of the game are constantly changing can be both positive and negative,

depending on the player.

Some runners love the fact that the game and runs are different week to week, and that

it keeps things from becoming stale; but others can become frustrated, as it's really impossible

to have a perfect run, or to perfectly optimize a run, as a strategy which is dominant one

month might be useless the next.

Keep this in mind when you choose to start running.

An interesting aspect of the subcategory system is that certain categories are easier for

beginners than others.

For example; I would heavily suggest starting with tank% or support% when you're starting

out, as they are relatively straightforward and simple when it comes to the strategy of

the run, and it's fairly difficult to die.

Once you're more comfortable it might be a good idea to try assassin%, or specialist%

as the line between success and failure is far thinner in those categories.

While some might dislike how easy it is to die in something like assassin%, it keeps

the game exciting for viewers and more experienced players, so it's an overall positive experience.

I would heavily suggest you look into speedrunning Heroes of the Storm if you are into MOBAs,

if you enjoy co-op based games, if you enjoy games which are constantly being updated and

dont mind that updates may affect your strategies, or if you simply enjoy short runs which can

be practiced multiple times back to back.

If you DO decide to speedrun Heroes of the Storm, or would just like more info on the

run, I would first suggest you watch a few of my runs of the game, as I don't know of

anyone else who does commentary of their runs explaining what they're doing.

A personal favorite is my Zul'gin assassin% run, so I'll link that one down below.

It's a touch outdated and is no longer the World Record, as I found Fenix to be better

for the category, but it was really fun to record and I have some solid commentary that

might help explain the run.

After that, I'd suggest you watch spawnsen's run with Sonya on Tank%, so I'll link that

below as well.

They didn't add any notes or commentary, but it's a pretty amazing run and I'm sure you

can learn from it regardless.

After that I'd just suggest to continue watching runs of characters you're interested in, or

world record runs.

Hopefully you enjoy yourself, even if you decide not to run the game.

To conclude, let's recap the pros and cons of Heroes of the Storm as a speedrun game,

so that YOU can decide if it's it's the right game for you.

First off, HotS has a fairly wide selection of categories, ranging from co-op to single

player, including a pretty entertaining tutorial run.

However, the offset of this is that since all the categories are to simply win in the

lowest amount of time, if you dislike MOBAs or HotS as a whole, it's unlikely you'll find

it's speedrun very entertaining at all.

All the categories are relatively short, which makes practice easier and far less tedious.

While many other games with short runs end up stale, as after hundreds of runs it's

easy to become bored, this is solved by constant patches, updates, and the addition of new

characters and maps, which means each month will be far different than the last.

This could be considered a negative, however, if you are the type of runner who likes creating

a perfectly optimal run, as doing so in one month could be quite difficult.

Hopefully this video has given you a better idea of what the Heroes of the Storm speedrun

entails, and if you'd like to run it.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below in the comments, as I'd

love to assist in clarifying.

If you'd like to see more videos in the future, click my logo on screen to subscribe.

And If you really enjoyed the video feel free to share it, so that others can join in the

discussion as well ! Either way, thank you so much for watching.

And as always, I'll cya in the next one…

For more infomation >> Why YOU Should Speedrun Heroes of the Storm - Duration: 7:30.


How To Overcome Depression: 5 Tactics That Work Immediately! - Duration: 19:35.

For more infomation >> How To Overcome Depression: 5 Tactics That Work Immediately! - Duration: 19:35.


"Push Through The Pain" Can Seriously Hurt You | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 1:55.

Hey everyone, welcome to #SpinaBifida.

So if you've been following me on Twitter

you know I've been working out.

I'm not going to go into detail about why and where and how

I'm actually going to be doing a personal vlog

on things like that and other personal stuff I won't

talk about here.

But I will talk about it on my Patreon.

It's for $20 patrons, so if that's something you want

of extra content, go over there and pledge.

But I wanted to talk about this thing I've heard

while working out and I've heard it before just in general

like on TV.

But it's this phrase of

"Push through the pain!"

"The pain means it's working."

And I just wanted to say that's absolute bullshit.

If you're in pain working out,

especially if you're disabled,

you need to stop.

Pain is a way for your body to tell you

"hey this isn't working, you need to stop

and we need to figure out a different way."

And I think everyone gets pain confused

with the burning feeling of your muscles

breaking down and building back up.

Which is a normal thing when working out.

And also just that regular soreness that

isn't gunna be debilitating.

This whole mindset of pain and pushing through the pain

can just lead people to injury.

Especially for disabled people.

You know, we have to avoid injury as much as possible.

And majority of us are constantly in pain.

So then telling us while we're working out

that pain is good, it conflicts with

what we already know with pain

and it can injure us.

So I just wanted to tell you that if you're working out

and you're disabled, and you're in pain

you need to stop, re-direct, figure out a better way to work out

that's not going to put you in pain.

And recognize that pain is different

from the burning sensation of working out.

And if you're a trainer, stop telling people that pain is good.

It's just going to injure people.

Working out should be fun and it should challenge you.

What it shouldn't do is put you in pain.

And that's all I have for you for today on #SpinaBifida.

If you like my work and wanna help support me

the links to my Patreon and PayPal are in the description below.

And until next time, bye!

For more infomation >> "Push Through The Pain" Can Seriously Hurt You | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 1:55.


How to get free psn codes/ps4 games-free playstation codes - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> How to get free psn codes/ps4 games-free playstation codes - Duration: 3:00.



uh Steve I don't know if this was a good idea or not I'm actually stuck oh that

bubblegum is so sticky oh what's going on Sharer's welcome to the vlog I don't

have you just heard that but there are some nasty thunderstorm clouds over

there about to roll in yeah they are close to there going off like

every second well they are getting louder too but the good news is if you

look over here I can see the Sun peeking through the clouds which means it's not

gonna be a completely rainy day which is good because sheers we have a lot to do

today by the way for those of you new here I'm

Stephen sure I'm part of the sheriff Sam the best family on YouTube so if you

haven't already hit that subscribe button and join the sheriff and for

those of you new here there is a lot that we do by the way if my voice is

sounding a little crackly mm-hmm I think it's cuz I'm getting sick

or because I have allergies but anyways there's a lot that we do every single

day in the sheriff fam and there's been a lot that we've been doing since we got

home first off the other day card and I had this epic paint splatter nerf gun

war and if that wasn't enough we finally got our share the Love Bug back and it

is probably the coolest car we've ever had check this thing out this sharers the

Love Bug look at this it's got slime splatter on the hood with to share the

love logo on it it even has share the love rims and says

share the love on the side slime on the back this thing is just totally amazing

and look at that bumper that bumper is epic so with all this paint splatter and

slimed out cars and slime pranks got me thinking today is a perfect day to do

some more epic slime it's half raining which if you know to make slime you kind

of need water and we have a trampoline down by the pond that we haven't used

for a while it's an awesome hot day so I'm thinking let's bring the trampoline

up from down by the pond let's clean it off

let's get Carter let's cover the trampoline in slime and let's start

playing at the trampoline to the front yard the

main reason I brought up is cuz they gotta clean the trampoline off look how

dirty it is it's completely trashed with all this Paulin stuff the only the

reason this trip we was down by the pond is because it well it started up here

but we had a storm and it blew it all the way from up there all the way down

the hill and it landed right next to the pond but now that it's somewhere we got

to clean the trampoline off leave it right here and my goal is to do at least

one backflip every single day oh there's Carter and Millie Oh Carter

what's going on Oh what's going on Steve oh wait look

Millie were you trying to go Millie you can't drive yet you're not old

enough Carter where you off to I'm going to the store to get some supplies for my

epic vlog today okay Carter will hurry back because that car I got that I'm

gonna get the trampoline setups when you get back we can do some epic slime stuff

okay sounds good I'll be back oh wait Millie you got to stay here with me you

stay here you got to help me around the yard come on come on come on good girl

got the power washers locked and loaded let's clean this sampling on

whoo and the trampoline is clean check it out it's looking good

oh yeah and it bounces just like new shares we are back in business

like I said oh my goodness wow this trip is so bouncy right now

Carter where are you let's go we gotta get this slime on the trampoline come on

this times I'm gonna make it more epic you're wasting time let's go let's go

let's go Oh Carter there you are okay Steve I got

the blindfold you have to wear this if you want the surprise that's the only

rule oh yeah sure his card is gonna surprise me so I'll be right back until

then stay tuned oh the sheriff's car just did a spine prank on me check it

out I completely pranked me with slime that's what he was taking forever to

come to the trampoline I had no idea Carter you need to come get find on the

trampoline now yeah well you might have got slide but it's okay look what I got

for you what was that shaving cream yeah come on check it out it's not just any

shaving cream I bought out every can the entire store had they didn't have any

more so let's make the most epic fluffy slime ever I'm gonna do the whole thing

and lose shaving cream at the same time oh I'm doing all of it all of it oh yeah

we need more shaving cream let's pop all these lids off well we got a lot of

shame let's pop all this off okay double duty shaving scenes oh yeah here we go

we're gonna love this tub it's gonna look so good at the end of that I'm

gonna start mixing this is like that what actually kind of looks like whipped

cream yeah it looks really tasty I feel like I want to eat this permesso that's

at least this whole block it out we got over that trampoline in this we have

more glue tons of glue so much more glue I'm gonna make a big ball of shaving

cream in my hands let's see how much shaving creams in one hand oh the sun's

coming out now this is gonna be good shares whoa I use evening cream this is

one can of shaving cream in my head this is how much is in a can it's actually

bigger than the can already whoa I'm just going straight in I'm running out

on this one well it's no coming out a lot of shape whoa look at this hair this

is one can that's how much this is one can make a big slimy pink slime here we

come all right there's one drip where oh wow let's see how much one does okay we

need a lot of power I need a lot more oh okay I think it's time for the last and

final ingredients here the contact solution because now it's just a bunch

of foam right now okay I'm gonna start squeezing it there we go mix oh it's

already turning into slime yes yeah it already hopefully you can see it oh gosh

it's totally working oh this is like bubblegum sticky like

it's so cool what's it gonna do we get on the

trampoline it's good yeah we're maybe this be a really sticky like it's stuck

I'll ever know but anyway it shares check this out this is one giant glob of

it it's some of the stickiest like fluffiest slob oh my gosh it's so much

fun to play with this is crazy look at this it's so cool

oh look Steve you got a little hat now don't want to get stuck in my hair my

hair up okay it came off oh thank goodness

Oh Carter slime versus trampoline this is actually pretty heavy what do you

think is gonna happen it's really it's really heavy really fluffy and super

sticky I don't know but I think we just gotta try it out let's do it let's take

this over okay we really got this oh wow it's really slimy now yeah this slime is

perfect now it's like it's like candy this looks like candy I feel I should

like eat it it's well smells good too it smells like shampoo and shaving cream

you ready yeah let's do this thing Trant slime Oh see that's so weird it's

like good idea but it's not you're dripping let's go let's go bombers this

trampoline let's do this let's go let's go ready Carter yeah I'm ready dump the

slime we're dumping it on the trampoline yeah okay come on okay we got the slime

on here oh it's gonna be so slippery part oh my gosh

Carter look ready we do jump it's gonna be the longest strand this fly oh you'd

like it stuck to my whoa whoa it's really slippery we made bubble gum Steve

I don't think this is slime I think it runs like gum in it head to toe ready

put as much on me as you can I'm gonna try to jump as high as I can okay oh

you're turning into like a paint slime monster comforted bogum this is

what it'd be like if you blew a giant bubble a bubble gum and it popped and it

got all over you oh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so crazy

yeah this slime is totally awesome true try adding some water

yeah let's add just a little bit of water see if it gets a little bit less

sticky I love he's gonna make it disappear make

it even more slime here look wait see you throw throw a clump of slime at me

ready let's go stick it's super sticky right now okay ready Oh

three yeah two one go wait I didn't you missed that was so cool

I'm getting it like all over me it's already you have another swine batch at

you here we go three two one go this is awesome

whoa okay I got one ready and three it's a stick that's so cool slime sticks to

slime yes not even covered in it you are completely wearing like nothing but

slime got a slime suit on yeah it's like a slime suit okay see this slime is

steeper than I thought let's add a little water Nikki Jericho when I was

gonna be cold it's raining car you gotta add a lot of water I'm actually getting

stuck to the trampoline it's it's really hard to get off

whoo okay does that make it no good we yell or more hose me down even more

whoa I can't even feel it into the fourth oh wow this is cool oh now I'm

yes that's what I call a slime trampoline

okay see let's collect all the slime that we can to make a giant slime ball

here we go yeah they start bouncing two three I'm

gonna slap

oh my goodness Wow shares there is crazy whoa oh sure this is so slimy on here

Steve you're covered in slime Harvard it's fine I can't even get up it's so

slippery oh look at this stuff I'm trying to get it off you it it's just

stretching Sharers it would be stuck here all night this is literally like 10,000

pounds of bubblegum slime yeah and I'm slipping and sliding all over the place

damn so sticky okay well I'm gonna try to get out of here you have any awesome

epic I just covered them down below we'll see you tomorrow so until then you

know what to do all night we'll see you tomorrow and tell that you know what to

do. Stay awesome and share the love, peace!

For more infomation >> BUBBLE GUM ON TRAMPOLINE!! (SUPER STICKY) - Duration: 11:15.


5 Reasons You Will Simply Notice If He Really Likes You - Duration: 3:36.

5 Reasons You Will Simply Notice If He Really Likes You

There are so many signs indicating that he actually likes you, all of that you can find

on the internet easily.

However, you may forget to notice the fact that it is actually so simple to know whether

he really likes you or not.

I told you, this is either a huge waste of time and energy, or you may not have enough

confidence, because deciphering whether or not a guy likes you is incredibly simple.

In fact, just one sentence is enough: when a guy likes you, it's obvious!

It really is as simple as that, but the fact that there are so many articles and videos

about this, and surely will be more in the future, we can assume that people love to

look at signs, maybe because it's easier to see, and so you can get a little bit more

of your confidence.

So, in this video I'm going to give you a simple list of signs that a guy likes you,

let's begin.

Oh, In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates

in the future.

#1 - First of all, they will not only text you back.

There will be follow-up questions, and the conversation is not only a chit-chat.

It is more meaningful since it tries to establish communication and relation better.

He starts to open up himself, and he also tries to know you better.

You will notice such situation easily.

Moreover, you also can bet that he will text you first.

#2 - He's going to be super nice

Someone who loves you, practically wants to be treated well.

This is why you will notice that he becomes very nice person to grab your heart.

Be aware though that someone nice may turn to be narcissists in the end.

You will notice that his love is pure by the way he talks.

If he often refer to himself, there is a small problem you have with him.

#3 - He shows something real

Words typically do not express anything but false promises.

That is why if you see him struggling to give you the best treatment and care, you should

realize that he loves you.

You need to see his struggle which is usually too difficult to infer.

#4 - No excuse

If he truly likes you, he will not make excuse for things he could not do.

Instead, he will be struggling to death to prove you that he is the best man in the world

for you.

However, you also need to know the difference between excuse and feeling sorry.

Sometimes man also has some limitations, and you need to understand that as well.

#5 - You will always in his mind

You know that through his actions, words, and emotion.

You can see that the world is nothing without you beside him.

You can feel and see that through the effort he has made to make you the queen of his life.

Well, those are some of the signs to notice when he really likes you, really, you are

going to notice most of those signs right away.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons You Will Simply Notice If He Really Likes You - Duration: 3:36.


"Like a Hurricane" by Neil Young in ASL and a cappella - Duration: 1:52.

Hello everyone the name of the song is "Like a Hurricane" by Neil Young

(Silent dance)

Once I thought I saw you

in a crowded hazy bar,

Dancing on the light from star to star.

Far across the moonbeam

Know who you are,

Saw your brown eyes once turning to fire.

You are like a hurricane

There's calm in your eye.

And I'm gettin' blown away

To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.

I want to love you

but I'm getting blown away.

I'm a dreamer,

You are just a dream,

You could have been anyone to me

You are like a hurricane

There's calm in your eye.

And I'm gettin' blown away

To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.

I want to love you

but I'm getting blown away.

You are a dreamer,

I am just a dream.

You could have been anyone to me

Thank you everyone, bye bye

For more infomation >> "Like a Hurricane" by Neil Young in ASL and a cappella - Duration: 1:52.


Mississauga Real Estate Market Update May 2018 - Duration: 2:51.

Hello Mississauga, I'm Chris Cucoch

and this is your Mississauga market update

for May 2018.

Hey guys, and welcome back to By the Numbers.

I'm Chris Cucoch and I'm a realtor

at Royal LePage Signature right here in the GTA.

On my channel we do tips and tricks

on how to buy and sell your home,

information on what's going on in the communities

and market reports just like this one.

So if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing.

Alright, let's get right into it.

The average sale price of a home

on the Toronto Real Estate Board in April was about $805,000

which is down about 12% from this time last year,

but it's actually up nine and a half percent year to date.

Months of inventory have crept down to about 2.3

and the days on the market are down to about 20.

Now let's get into the Mississauga specific numbers.

The average price of a home in Mississauga was

721,000 which is down about 9.5% from last year's high.

There were 791 sales in April

and we have 1511 active listings

which gives us about 1.9 months of inventory

and the average house is on the market

for about 19 days.

If you compare those numbers to the previous slide

you can see the Mississauga market is slightly healthier

than the GTA market as a whole.

The average price in Mississauga

is actually up about 7% year to date

and has been steadily increasing each month so far.

We've also seen increases in the number of sales

with the months of inventory and the days on the market

have crept lower.

These are all signs of what a healthy market should be doing

during the spring season.

Now let's take a look at those micro markets.

The average price of a detached home in Mississauga

was about $1.1 million which is down 11%

and we have 2.8 months of inventory.

The price of a semi-detached was $703,000

which is down about 10% from last year

however the semi-detached market is tightening up

to about 1.4 months of inventory.

The average price of a townhouse in the month of April

was about $584,000 which is down 8%

from last year's numbers

and we have 1.6 months of inventory.

And last but certainly not least

and still the hottest market segment in the GTA

is the condo apartments.

The average price of a condo was up again

to $435,000 which is up 5.6% from last year,

and we have only 1.4 months of inventory.

And with the condo apartments in particular

we're still seeing multiple offer situations

across the GTA.

Alright, that's all for today.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments below

or never hesitate to reach out to me directly.

I always love to talk real estate.

If you found this video useful please go ahead

and share it with a friend

who you think might also find it helpful.

Thanks for watching By the Numbers

and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Mississauga Real Estate Market Update May 2018 - Duration: 2:51.


360 CAMERA 2018 - Wunder360 C1 - Duration: 6:32.

For a couple of years now we have heard about a new trend in the hi tech camera department


It's called a 360 camera.

Bonjour and Welcome back to my channel.

Céline here ! I am a TV journalist for over 17 years now and I'm passionate about new


If it's your first time here and you like reviews, tutorials, and vlogs consider subscribing.

And I have a nice bonus for you at the end of this video so stay tuned until the end.

Now let's get back to our review!

For the FIRST time on my Youtube channel I have received a hi tech product to test and

review, AND not any kind of product ! A very trendy one, a 360 camera !

So now the question is :

It's a clever camera through which you can record the world as you see it in 360°.

Such cameras are a highly appreciated for example when large visual field coverage is


It's so popular now that even cars have a 360 parking video option.

If you are wondering, yes I have tried the latest Volvo XC40 because I was thinking of

switching cars and it has so many gadgets, it was fun to drive it !

Let me explain : the camera can capture videos from up and down and left and right.

Comment c'est possible?

A 360 camera, like this one, has two sensors which are equipped with a fish-eye lens.

It takes two pictures (or videos) at the same time using the two fish-eye lenses.

After that, you have to stitch the two together, don't worry, you won't have to do it manually,

there's of course…an app for that !

The stitching can be done on your phone or

your computer using the software that comes with the camera.

With that kind of camera You can also shoot cool spherical still images.

There are a lot of 360 cameras on the market like the Gear 360 from Samsung.

And they look alike at first glance!

Let's have a closer look at this Wunder 360 camera.

This is the cutest gadget ever ! It is so small I can easily put it in my pocket, it's

light, you can travel with it without over thinking about the weight.

It's easy to grip, I am right handed so the power button and the menu button Are right

under my thumb…

Pratique !

The shutter button is right in the center.

It looks very basic and I was afraid it would be hard to understand how it works without

reading the manual… well.. yes I admit I am not into reading manuals but all in all,

it was easy peasy to learn it.

SO, once you have figure it out… what do you do with it?


You can take pictures in 4K.

Videos in 3K at 30 frames per seconds and 1080p video at 60 frames per seconds.

You can do Timelapses , you can make a 360 photo, video without even touching your device

because you can control your tiny camera with your phone.

Ça devient intéressant !

And you are going to love this one : c'est génial !

Once you upload your photos Facebook your friends will be able to manipulate the camera

angle themselves to see the whole picture.

Same thing with the 360 videos here on youtube ! whatever you shoot or watch, you're seeing

the action from all directions.

Let's say you want to choose yourself the movement inside your 360 video, with wunder360

C1 you can make a 'Shot first, frame later' process via the app.

With ViewPilot, you can easily reframe the 360° footages and share a standard video.

On a more practical side : It has a standard screw for your tripod.

Wunder360 C1 uses Micro SD card as Memory Card.

The Micro SD card shall be Class10 or above UHS-1.


The maximum storage will be 64G.

The front and back camera are identical.

Each had an 8.4 megapixel sensor with a 2.2 aperture.

So whether you shoot with the back or the front, you'll get the exact same quality….

iPhone should learn from it ;-)

But as you can see, the quality is not always great on the photo I have been taking.


Because don't forget that these cameras don't have autofocus or tap to focus option.

Is it the same thing with the videos?

Well, I have found it a bit better overall although sometimes I see some grain in the

video when I'm not outside.

The battery is supposed to last an hour, why am I saying « supposed » it's because

I always switch it off before than, it was becoming very hot so I didn't want to risk

it would be damaged.

Now, how much is this device?

Well, it's amongst the cheapest 360 cameras , it's 159 dollars.

This is my unbiased review.

If you're interested in buying a 360 camera, there is a link in the comment section down

below that, if you click on it, will bring you right to the company's site and you'll

have 10% off the price.

Let me know in the comment section if you would like to know more about 360 cameras.

I had a lot of fun reviewing this high tech device with you today ! Don't hesitate

to smash the thumbs up button and …. Subscribe to my channel.

I will see you next Monday ! Salut !

For more infomation >> 360 CAMERA 2018 - Wunder360 C1 - Duration: 6:32.


Instant Karma - Instant Justice Compilation # 19 - Duration: 9:44.


For more infomation >> Instant Karma - Instant Justice Compilation # 19 - Duration: 9:44.


5 Things you should not do on the first date - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 5 Things you should not do on the first date - Duration: 1:41.


Home Remedies When You Have a Fever - Duration: 6:17.

Home Remedies When You Have a Fever

A fever is something that usually causes people alarm, particularly when it occurs in young children who are experiencing other health problems.

Fever is more common among children than adults because their immune systems are still developing, and they don't respond as quickly to infections as they do once they reach adulthood.

The definition of a fever is a temperature that's above 98.6° F.

It appears when the body doesn't have enough antibodies to fight off an attack by a virus, bacteria, or another type of microorganism.

By raising your body temperature, you're able to kill off the harmful invasion in a warmer environment, and it's ultimately eliminated through sweat.

For this reason, a fever should only be viewed as a symptom of a health problem that may require medical attention, particularly if it's accompanied by other symptoms like diarrhea, seizures, or difficulty breathing.

Lots of people turn to different types of medications to lower their temperature when they have a fever.

But excessive consumption of these drugs can have serious side effects on your health, some of which can happen instantly.

What should you do when you have a fever?.

The first thing you should do when you suspect you is to monitor it over time.

If your temperature stays below 100° F, you should get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids.

Eventually your fever will "break" with sweat, and your body will eliminate any toxins that remain.

When this happens, you should change your clothes and wash your bedsheets to avoid continued exposure to those waste products.

If your fever rises above 100° F it's important that you find a way to bring it down, and in an emergency you need to see the doctor.

For babies under three months old, the critical temperature is just under 100° F.

Treatments to help reduce your fever.

There are a number of natural ways you can consider for reducing a fever.

They're easy and safe solutions for bringing your body back to a healthy temperature.

Yarrow ().

Yarrow has been known to reduce fever for centuries.

It lowers the body temperature and also has properties that help improve digestion by fighting parasites and other bacteria.

In the case of a fever, it's recommended to prepare a blend of yarrow, mint, and elderberry.


Onions can be used to reduce fever if you slice them and place the slices on the floor.

Have the person who's suffering from a fever stand on the onion slices barefoot for half an hour.

To best apply this treatment for children, place onion slices in their socks and put the socks on their feet.


Another good way to regulate body temperature is by using sage.

To do this, just boil a cup of water (200 ml) and add a tablespoon of fresh sage, a teaspoon of honey, and three tablespoons of lemon juice.


Potatoes contain natural anti-inflammatory properties and enzymes that can help reduce a fever.

To benefit from potatoes you need to mash or grate them and mix in some cold water before applying them to the forehead for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Drink lots of fluids.

Regardless of the method you use to reduce your fever, it's important that you drink plenty of fluids to keep your body from getting dehydrated.

Whenever possible, drink lots of water as well as natural juices, teas, and broths.

Lemon rind and barley.

This final treatment is useful for replenishing the fluids that are lost after your fever breaks.

To make it, add the rind from a lemon and two tablespoons of barley to a quart of boiling water.

Let it cool and steep for 12 hours, and then drink it throughout the day after your fever is reduced.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies When You Have a Fever - Duration: 6:17.


Double Grilled Hoisin Pork Brioche Burger - Flavology by Lee Kum Kee feat. Ching-He Huang - Duration: 3:10.

Right, I'm in Prince Edward and I'm heading to a cafe for some sweet inspiration!

Right, I'm here, I'm in Kam Wah. It's been going for forty three years.

And I'm here for one thing, a sweet treat called pineapple bun.

They make it fresh every ten minutes and

the place is packed full of people. You can hardly get in.

It's bustling, it's crazy, it's loud, but it's definitely worth it.

Right all the foods here!

This is the pineapple bun. Look at that! Nice and crispy on the top, with a

slather of butter that's so warm the butter's just melting.

I'm in sweet heaven! You've got the flaky, sugary, cookie crust that looks like the

pattern of a pineapple on that soft pillowy bun, and that salted butter just

works so perfectly with the sweetness of the bread. Man, that's absolutely delicious!

I love that pineapple bun! The crusty, sweet top, with that salted butter in the middle.

It's inspired me to make my grilled pork brioche burger. So I've got here

two pork loins here. First thing I want to do is inject bags of flavour into it. I've got

here Lee Kum Kee's Hoisin Sauce. It's gonna be rich, it's gonna be salty, it's gonna be sweet.

Some shaoxing rice wine, garlic, ginger. Gives this a good mix. So you want to marinade

for a good 20 minutes. Now before the pork loin steaks go onto

the grill. Drizzle a little bit of rapeseed oil. So, on they go.

I'm going to grill them for about a minute and a half on each side, and then flip them over.

While the pork I'm gonna get on with my slaw. So I've got here some tahini

one generous teaspoon of runny honey Lee Kum Kee Oriental Sesame Dressing give

that a really good mix finely julienned carrots red cabbage white cabbage red

onion toss it all together and also add in some freshly sliced spring onions for

a bit of a zing some fresh lime juice fresh chives my slaw is ready it's

time to check on the pork loin steaks when you're able to lift them off you

know that they've cooked. I've got here sweet brioche buns Lee Kum Kee's Hoisin Sauce

on each side place them for literally few seconds just to warm up now time to

assemble look at that gorgeous nice generous amount of slaw another layer

I've got some Lee Kum Kee Sriracha Mayo there you go that is my Double Grilled

Pork Hoisin Brioche Burger


For more infomation >> Double Grilled Hoisin Pork Brioche Burger - Flavology by Lee Kum Kee feat. Ching-He Huang - Duration: 3:10.


When You're Texting Someone You Fancy - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> When You're Texting Someone You Fancy - Duration: 2:14.


"Can Sit Next To You Girl?" by AC/DC in ASL and a cappella - Duration: 2:12.

Hello everyone the name of the song is "Can I sit next to you girl" by AC/DC

(Clap) (Clap) (Clap)

I met this girl for the first time on Saturday night

Standing in the line at the theater, alright

Oh I took her by surprise

When I gave her one of my lines

She started smiling at me real fine,

Ha, that's when I said

Can I sit next to you girl?

Can I sit next to you girl? (repeat)

Intermission, we were doing alright

'Til this guy came up and stood by her side

Oh I took him by surprise

When I gave him one of my lines

She started smiling at me real fine

And that's when I said

Can I sit next to you girl?

Can I sit next to you girl? (repeat)

Can I sit next to you girl? (repeat)

Take you home

Can I sit next to you girl?

Lick your ear

Can I sit next to you girl?


Can I sit next to you, girl,

can I?

Have a good morning, thank you bye bye

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