I've been speedrunning for several months now and have tried many games in that time;
however, one game in particular has stood out to me and has quickly become my most run
And that game is?
Fortnit- Heroes of the Storm.
Once I realised how good the game was for speedrunning, and how enjoyable it was, I
made a post on the Heroes of the Storm subreddit in an effort to convince people to try running
the game.
Since then the community has grown quite a bit, and we've received quite a few skilled
However I was ultimately unhappy with my original explanation of the game and it's run.
So I ended up deciding to make this video, where I'll be able to go a bit more in depth
in my explanation, and explain why YOU should run Heroes of the Storm.
But for those of you who don't know much about Heroes of the Storm, here's a short primer:
HotS is A MOBA style multiplayer game by Blizzard Entertainment.
It's speedrun largely centers around Player Versus Enemy games, where the objective is
to win a match as quickly as possible, either with a team, or solo.
Most modes do not include any enemy units, so they play as a 1v0 in an otherwise empty
The game has 4 main categories, which all have unique rulesets, strategies, and play
styles: Class%, Solo-IL, Team-IL, and Tutorial.
Class% is an umbrella category for 4 individual categories, one for each of t he 4 character
classes: specialist, assassin, tank, and support.
Regardless of class, Runners utilize a character that falls into the specific class in question,
and must complete a set of 3 maps in the lowest amount of time possible.
Map and character choice is instrumental in a good run, and allows for a great deal of
The existence of many sub categories within class% allows for a great deal of variety,
and removes the issue of a single character being completely dominant, and being the only
character worth running.
Since each class plays differently, runners must discover which character is best within
their own class, and this creates a wide amount of variety between subcategories.
For example, support% is far more about doing consistent siege , while specialist% is about
pushing while keeping as many creeps alive as possible, both of which are far different
from assassin% where the objective is to capture siege mercenaries as soon as possible, and
then focus on waveclear.
These might be simplistic examples but they hold true nonetheless..
Both solo, and team-il runs are split up by map, so that every map has their own unique
IL runs.
Solo-IL runs are quite a bit more straightforward than class% runs in that runners must beat
a single map using a character of their choice.
This run really comes down to optimal movement, as character choice isn't really a choice
at all.
Sylvanas is really the only character worth using, since her current passive ability,
"black arrows", makes almost any other character obsolete.
Team IL runs, on the other hand, are all about team comp.
Having access to an additional 4 characters means that you'll want to find an optimal
combination of tanks, waveclear, and siege damage, in order to push consistently, and
This mode is by far the most difficult to optimize, as there are far more decisions
to be made in order to find an optimal team composition.
The tutorial run is considerably shorter than the other runs, being only a few minutes long
compared to the nearly 15 minutes most class% categories take.
Since the run is so short, most of the optimization comes from doing perfectly optimal damage
on the first two sections, and executing precise timings, and pathing on the final section.
While this category isn't too popular, it's actually quite a good run for those who aren't
as familiar with MOBAs, or those who enjoy a short, concise run.
Heroes of the Storm has a lot of variety due to patches, changes, and updates - especially
in class% and team-IL categories.
However, old runs which become impossible due to changes are planned to be cleaned out
and moved to a legacy category.
This means that while a patch might make some strategies lost to time, if it DOES happen
runners won't be permanently locked out from having a World Record, as that can be discouraging
for new players, and frustrating overall.
The fact that aspects of the game are constantly changing can be both positive and negative,
depending on the player.
Some runners love the fact that the game and runs are different week to week, and that
it keeps things from becoming stale; but others can become frustrated, as it's really impossible
to have a perfect run, or to perfectly optimize a run, as a strategy which is dominant one
month might be useless the next.
Keep this in mind when you choose to start running.
An interesting aspect of the subcategory system is that certain categories are easier for
beginners than others.
For example; I would heavily suggest starting with tank% or support% when you're starting
out, as they are relatively straightforward and simple when it comes to the strategy of
the run, and it's fairly difficult to die.
Once you're more comfortable it might be a good idea to try assassin%, or specialist%
as the line between success and failure is far thinner in those categories.
While some might dislike how easy it is to die in something like assassin%, it keeps
the game exciting for viewers and more experienced players, so it's an overall positive experience.
I would heavily suggest you look into speedrunning Heroes of the Storm if you are into MOBAs,
if you enjoy co-op based games, if you enjoy games which are constantly being updated and
dont mind that updates may affect your strategies, or if you simply enjoy short runs which can
be practiced multiple times back to back.
If you DO decide to speedrun Heroes of the Storm, or would just like more info on the
run, I would first suggest you watch a few of my runs of the game, as I don't know of
anyone else who does commentary of their runs explaining what they're doing.
A personal favorite is my Zul'gin assassin% run, so I'll link that one down below.
It's a touch outdated and is no longer the World Record, as I found Fenix to be better
for the category, but it was really fun to record and I have some solid commentary that
might help explain the run.
After that, I'd suggest you watch spawnsen's run with Sonya on Tank%, so I'll link that
below as well.
They didn't add any notes or commentary, but it's a pretty amazing run and I'm sure you
can learn from it regardless.
After that I'd just suggest to continue watching runs of characters you're interested in, or
world record runs.
Hopefully you enjoy yourself, even if you decide not to run the game.
To conclude, let's recap the pros and cons of Heroes of the Storm as a speedrun game,
so that YOU can decide if it's it's the right game for you.
First off, HotS has a fairly wide selection of categories, ranging from co-op to single
player, including a pretty entertaining tutorial run.
However, the offset of this is that since all the categories are to simply win in the
lowest amount of time, if you dislike MOBAs or HotS as a whole, it's unlikely you'll find
it's speedrun very entertaining at all.
All the categories are relatively short, which makes practice easier and far less tedious.
While many other games with short runs end up stale, as after hundreds of runs it's
easy to become bored, this is solved by constant patches, updates, and the addition of new
characters and maps, which means each month will be far different than the last.
This could be considered a negative, however, if you are the type of runner who likes creating
a perfectly optimal run, as doing so in one month could be quite difficult.
Hopefully this video has given you a better idea of what the Heroes of the Storm speedrun
entails, and if you'd like to run it.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below in the comments, as I'd
love to assist in clarifying.
If you'd like to see more videos in the future, click my logo on screen to subscribe.
And If you really enjoyed the video feel free to share it, so that others can join in the
discussion as well ! Either way, thank you so much for watching.
And as always, I'll cya in the next one…
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