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HOW TO SELECT A WEB HOST - Duration: 3:28.Let me guess. You're looking for a reliable web host, right? And you have no
idea where to start? Have no fear your solution is right here.
Welcome back I'm Liz Azyan. CEO and founder of Digital Matchbox. In this
video I'm gonna show you how to select a web host. Watch until the end to find out
who are the best web hosting providers out there. Use the following best
practice tips for selecting the right web host, especially if this is your
first time out. Believe me there is nothing worse than having to move your
sites to new servers with the new company. Take the time to compare plans
before making any final decision. By the way, in case you're new to me. I'm Liz
Azyan and I've been helping people like you to find digital solutions for the
last decade. Let's get started with tip number one. Don't let the price be the
determining factor. Remember the saying, "You get what you pay for".
Consider your bandwidth and disk space requirements. Allow space for growth.
Decide what type of scripts and software you will be using and see if the host
accommodates these. If you are planning on running sale events, then allow the
traffic spikes and surges. How many domains do you plan on
installing. One? Two? A thousand? Are you running an e-commerce site? Does the web
hosting package support your e-commerce needs? Do you require a shopping cart?
Some web hosting packages have this and some might not. So you better be sure you
know which web host package is the best for you. Are you happy sharing resources
on a server? If you're just starting and still quite small, sharing is all fine
and dandy. But if you're planning to go big, have a ton of traffic and use a lot
of resources, you may want to consider a semi-private or dedicated server
your own. However please do remember these do cost more. Does the company
offer more than one method for contacting their support desk? I often
prefer if they offer phone, email and live chats.
Does the company offer free scheduled backups or other features that make them
stand apart from other hosts? For me this is a must.
Now you know how to choose the best web hosting. But do you know which are the
top web host providers out there? To find out, just check out the links of my
recommended providers in the description. If you liked this video, hit the like
button below, share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe. Until next time
good morning. And in case you're in a different time zone, good afternoon, good
evening and good night
Are you addicted to your phone? Facebook post of 2nd graders saying that they wished their moms' pho - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
How to Select the Berkey Filter System That's Perfect for You - Duration: 2:08.With 7 different Berkey models to choose from, there's one that's
perfect to suit every family, group and situation.
Under normal circumstances, a half-gallon of water
per person per day is required, and about
two gallons during emergencies for drinking, hygiene, and cleaning.
The compact Travel Berkey System holds about one and a half gallons,
fits easily into a suitcase, and provides up to
sixty gallons per day.
The Big Berkey System holds about two and
a quarter gallons, is perfect for small to medium-sized families,
and provides up to 168 gallons
per day.
The Royal Berkey System holds about three and
a quarter gallons, is great for medium to large-sized families,
and provides up to 192 gallons per day.
The Imperial Berkey System holds about four and a half gallons,
is ideal for small to medium-sized groups,
and provides up to 325 gallons per day.
The Crown Berkey System holds about six gallons,
is ideal for medium to large groups,
and provides up to 624 gallons per day.
The Berkey Light System holds about two and three-quarter gallons,
is made of rugged light-weight non-BPA co-polyester,
is ideal for all outdoor sporting activities,
and provides up to 192 gallons per day.
The Go Berkey Kit includes a one-quart system,
a Sports Berkey Purification Bottle,
and a vinyl carrying case.
This kit is ideal for all hunting, camping and hiking activities,
and provides up to 50 gallons per day.
Most systems are expandable and come standard with two Black Berkey Purification Elements.
All systems have a six-month warranty, and the elements have a two-year prorated warranty.
So, simply figure out the gallons you'll need, and select the perfect Berkey Filter System for your family, group, or mission.
Episode 2: What have you done to make this world a better place? - Duration: 1:59.- I'm Yuval David.
We all have a responsibility to improve the lives of others,
and the world around us.
What have you done to make this world a better place?
I would love to ask you a question.
- Uh oh, what's the question?
I want you to do it.
- Okay, I'll do it.
- Go ahead, do it, go.
- Here, so I'll stand...
What's your name?
- Marshall.
- What have you done to make this world a better place?
- I deal with a lot of different people on a daily basis,
so I just try to treat everybody fairly,
and, when you're nice to people,
generally, people are nice to you as well,
so, I think it's kind of contagious.
You know, like in the movie theater?
Be quiet, everybody else will be quiet?
Same thing.
- So the choice is yours, to be nice or to be nasty.
- Yeah.
I believe it is.
- Thank you so much.
(calm guitar music)
Excuse me.
What's your name?
- Jane.
- And what's your name?
- Pudding.
- Pudding.
All right, so, this question is for both you, Jane,
and for Pudding.
What have you done to make this world a better place?
And you can answer for Pudding or yourself.
- Oh, okay.
In general, I think the easiest thing to do
to make the world a better place
is to put a smile on people's face.
It's as simple as looking at somebody in the eye
when you talk to them on the street,
or an act of kindness that doesn't have to be returned.
And I think Pudding puts a lot of smiles on people
as we walk through the streets,
so, he's doing his job.
Unless you're not a Giants fan.
- Oh.
Pudding is only Giants fans?
- Yes.
- Oh. All right, Pudding.
Well at least Pudding focuses on
making the world a better place for Giants fans.
- Yes.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
(calm guitar music)
Thank you so much for watching this video.
I hope that it inspired you
to make a difference in your community.
So the question still stands.
What have you done to make this world a better place?
اسهل وأطيب طريقه لعمل فته البيتنجان انصحكم تجربوها | رمضان ٢٠١٨ |Easy way to make Eggplant Casserole - Duration: 1:57.Assalamu Alaykum, today I'm going to show you how to make Fatteh al-betenjane (Eggplant Casserole),
Here I have half a big eggplant cut into cubes.
I'm going to salt it and leave it for ten minutes.
After 10 minutes, fry the eggplant.
Cut two pita bread like shown in the video, I'm going to add olive oil and place it in the oven on 350 degrees.
Mix it every now and then.
For the eggplant casserole sauce, I'm going to add: one cup of plain yogurt.
The juice of one and a half lemon.
Three TBSP of mayonnaise.
Three TBSP of sesame paste.
The salt is up to your taste.
Mix all the ingredients together.
Here I have one can of chickpea.
And one roll of fresh parsley.
On high heat add a little bit of olive oil.
And add whatever nuts you want/love, I'm going to add amonds.
In your serving tray, add the bread.
And the parsley.
And the chickpea.
And the eggplant.
And the sauce.
Decorate it with the nuts.
And the parsley.
And this is the final look, I hope you guys liked the recipe.
Don't forget to Subscribe to my channel and inshallah I'll see you very soon in the best of health.
My accutane experience for oily skin / hair || Skin care routine || 3 months || accutane tips - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
রেস্টুরেন্ট স্টাইলে সবজি ও চিংড়ির ফ্রাইড রাইস/ Fried rice /Basmati Rice. - Duration: 7:03.রেস্টুরেন্ট স্টাইলে সবজি ও চিংড়ির ফ্রাইড রাইস
রেস্টুরেন্ট স্টাইলে সবজি ও চিংড়ির ফ্রাইড রাইস
রেস্টুরেন্ট স্টাইলে সবজি ও চিংড়ির ফ্রাইড রাইস
Ambulance Car Saving Superhero | Cartoon Story For Kids | Humpty Dumpty Song For Children - Duration: 1:53.Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
WORDS | PICTURE OF YOU | NO MATTER WHAT | FATHER AND SON | Boyzone Best Songs Forever Time | tab#1 - Duration: 1:56:04.Thank you for listening! Please like , share and sub my channel!
Thank you for listening! Please like , share and sub my channel!
Thank you for listening! Please like , share and sub my channel!
Thank you for listening! Please like , share and sub my channel!
EVERYDAY MATTE BROWN MAKEUP TUTORIAL - Duration: 11:36.Hello everybody, welcome back to our Channel you say hi lives has peanut butter all over her face
I'm a little bit jealous. who here is a peanut butter lover?
Anyways, that's not what we're talking about today. Today is all about this matte brown eyeshadow
if you're interested in this look and would like to see how to easily achieve it then keep watching and
Don't forget to stick around and make that subscribe sound click click
Okay, we are going to begin with the morphe
25b palette this palette is so perfect for browns topes a little bit of the cooler tones
And today we're doing it all matte Browns look
Kind of that Kylie Jenner swag that she has going on and so we are going to dip in with the MB two three
fluffy brush and grab this shade here as our transition and the transition goes
right above the crease and below the brow bone and you're just going to apply it with circular motions and then
Buffer it around
Just kind of get a soft
Look and we're also gonna kind of drag it out lightly kind of has it go like this and just with any leftover product
I'm just gonna go ahead and throw that on my lid just to soften up from the concealer
I put there as my primer. Okay, just darken up the crease a little bit more
I'm gonna grab my firm blender Sigma 44 brush and we're gonna grab this shade
here and we're gonna put this directly in the crease and keep most of the product in the outer V and again just
buffering in circular motions
And I think this might be our final eyeshadow step
we're gonna grab this darkest shade again with the same brush and
We're just gonna apply it as step lower than what we just did doing the exact same thing
These three steps are just really gonna build the color nicely and give us a little bit more dimension. Okay?
Now she typically does like what looks like an eyeshadow brown wing, so we're gonna try and go ahead and doing that is way
To need more so we're gonna dip in with this shade
Here it looks like the darkest warmest Brown
So I'm going to grab just a tight angled brush and with the angled down
I'm going to put it on my
Corner of my eye and just drag it up a little bit up to the crease and then I'm gonna flip my brush
so the angle is up and then put it in the middle of that line and
Drag it back. Okay
Now I'm just using mascara of the covergirl peacock flare Tingting for the past year I have
Just totally retired false eyelashes
I just used a growth firm to grow out my eyelashes so I could just use mascara. I just like the look way better
It looks lighter fresher
You see all the supermodels and they just have light fresh eyes and natural mascara eyelashes
And it looks so amazing on them
So if you're an eyelash girl great throw strong if you're not an eyelash girl
Don't feel the pressure of having to wear them to make your makeup look good
Mascara looks just so good moving on to the skin. We're gonna use pores no more primer. Dr
Brandt you guys this is my tried and trued primer
I cannot find one that I like better. It seriously makes my skin flawless
There are no pores when I apply this I packed the majority of it right here
Which is where most people's pores are the biggest and I pack it in it smooth out the edges
everywhere else and girl
Your skin will be so smooth and airbrushed looking that how good it looks live. So, could you
For foundation you guys we are going to try this again the Matt fit me poreless foundation. I
Love this foundation. It makes my skin so soft and pretty so we're gonna keep testing it out. This is a very
liquid foundation
So it's best to apply it onto your finger and then your face just one at a time
We're gonna slowly build it up with a damp Beauty sponge
You're just gonna tap it into the skin and this is the best way to apply this type of formula
it'll really give you that airbrushed finish and
Spread it evenly across your face as well as really pressing it into the skin
So that way it really melts into your skin and gives off a soft natural
finish if you were to use a brush
It would just more smear around and be a very heavy
So I prefer
With a beauty sponge that way I can build it to the coverage I want and really press it into the skin. So
We can become one. You guys know I like to have very deep relationships with my foundation
It's like we need to be one
It was all cute and fun and games when I gave Olivia my Beauty Blender and she started like patting her face with it
And then she bit it she bit the top off, okay now I'm going to use just a teeny bit of it cosmetics. Bye
Bye under-eye concealer. I love this concealer looks so good
it really melts into the skin and I
Just apply it right here and I warm it up with my fingers first on the back of my hand eyes much better that way
Tap it into the skin right here
Then I'll just lightly bring it up under my eye
You never want to apply too much product where the creases of your under eye are cuz that is just a hot mess
Everything will crease if you put it in a crease, you know what I'm saying?
So just be light there if you don't have bags you don't have discoloration. Maybe you can skip this step
It's not always necessary
To put it directly under your eyes
If you just want it first some brightness, then just keep it here and just lightly bring it up
So blend it out so you don't have any weird lines?
And then after I have a pretty much blended in with my standard
I just lightly go over with my Beauty Blender
Just so lightly because this is gonna pick up your concealer and it might break it up. So you need to be very careful
Then with just a little fluffy brush and I'm gonna use the HD NYX finishing powder
And I'm just gonna start with a small amount especially under your eyes
You don't want to put too much powder on first cuz it'll just look cakey
So just start really light and I'm gonna go under my creases first and set everything
And I'll just go in with a little thirty
Okay, a flathead kabuki brush this is the Sigma f80 I'm just gonna tap it in there press into the skin
Done done. You're eating my makeup brush. Let's get that. Thank you very much. I grabbed some
and I like to use L'Oreal True Match in the color c6 as my bronzers is a
perfect dupe for Mac
Give me Sun and I am going to warm up the face and the neck
So everything is the same color and this is just like a quick we're just warm
We're not really going in and contouring helps us get on the same page
We're gonna go in with a deeper Bron for news the
Anastasia Beverly Hills contour kit and we're gonna use color fun
Fish it up and we're gonna pack it right here
Cuz this is where the shadow is right and then push it up into the hairline. Oh, you'll have the cutest little toes
Sorry, it's a makeup tutorial complete without a tickle fight
With a brush with no product on it. We are going to blend the bronzer
Down the forehead up where we highlighted down to the chin
Just so everything is seamless we don't want
We want it very soft our highlight and contour is not supposed to be noticeable
It's just supposed to act as shadows and define our face
I'm not supposed to be able to see where the contour starts and the highlight begins just supposed to melt
Do like my Rapunzel hair today, by the way
We're going to go in with this again and a little heavier this time
We're gonna build up to bake press this into the sides to create the bridge of our nose
this is how I
contour my nose
Mainly with baking so I'm Widing out the width of my nose
and also I am you racing a bump so that way all that's left is the bridge of our nose and we'll also
Just add a slight amount here while that bakes. We'll finish our other eye
we're gonna go back with our fluffy and b23 brush and this shade just
lightly, I'm gonna under our lower lash line and then drag it up finishing that
We're gonna do a little highlight action, I'm just using Sam Marcel
palette using the color cream and so today just
a little cocktail
This is our artificial glow
I'm just lining my lips and
Maybelline raises and then I'm going to use NYX lingerie
And color pushed us
And we are gonna go for that nude
Madness, but if you have a thinner top lip like me, then the lip liner will really help bring some dimension to your lips
So it doesn't get lost, you know
And voila oh
I really love how this soft matte look came out
It's just so nice for an everyday look
you can even do it as a night out because the wing just brings that glam and a little bit of drama and
Something you can totally see on the red carpet as well as in the grocery store aisles slam meets grocery store
Is you guys thanks so much for stopping by
We love you guys so much. Don't forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it
We love you guys and we can't wait to see in the next video
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