At the end of season 7, she was heading towards Winterfell.
As I had said in my Winterfell Update's video, Jon and Dany would arrive at White
Harbor, would meet the Dothraki on the King's road and will head towards Winterfell together.
As for what will happen next?
Some of it is pretty obvious.
Bran and Sam know about the truth of Jon's parentage.
So, I guess Dany will find out in season 8, that Jon is Rhaegar's son.
I don't think it will affect Dany much.
She had grown up thinking that she will have to marry Viserys someday.
So marrying Jon would still be better than marrying Viserys.
And as I had said in my Jon & Dany predictions video last year, I still believe that Dany
will become pregnant.
In the books, Mirri had said a prophecy that Drogo will return, "When the sun rises in
the west and sets in the east.
When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.
Then he will return, and not before."
I've already discussed this prophecy in my "Will Rhaego Return video last year."
But I think the show will skip this prophecy.
You might wonder why I said so.
Rememer Jon & Dany's conversation at the Dragonpit in the season 7 Finale?
He said that Mirri was not a reliable source of information, meaning she might have lied
to Dany.
As for what else will happen with Dany?
For that, let's take a quick look at some of the prophecies.
In the books, Quaithe had made some prophecies to Dany.
I've discussed these prophecies in my Season 7 Dany Predictions video last year.
There was nothing in season 7 to affect this prophecy.
I still believe that the perfumed seneschal is Varys and he has an ulterior motive, at
least in the books.
Let's take a look at the House of Undying's prophecy.
I have already discussed Dany's vision from the show in my "Season 8 Popular rumors
confirmed" video.
In that video, I said that I think the dragon's scream Dany heard was Jon's scream from
beyond the wall.
Jon's scream made her turn away from the Iron Throne to go North.
And then she decided to help Jon fight the WWs.
Let's take a look at the books prophecy.
"Three fires must you light.
One for life, one for death and one to love.
Three mounts must you ride.
One to bed, and One to dread, and one to love.
Three treasons will you know.
Once for blood, and once for gold, and once for love."
Most of this has already happened.
I'll discuss the three fires first.
One For Life- She burned Drogo's pyre and her three dragons were born.
One For Death- She burned down the khals in Vaes Dothrak and killed them.
One To Love- I guess you could count Drogo's funeral pyre but I think this one is yet to
I think someone she loves will die, maybe Jon or Viserion, and she will have to burn
the body with fire.
But the confusing part is, it says, "TO love", not "FOR love."
So maybe she will burn down someone we hate, so we will love this fire?
Maybe Cersei or some Whitewalkers?
What do you think?
Let's move on to the Three Mounts Now:-
I think the One For Bed- is Daario Naharis because she did not love him the way she loved
Drogo or even Jon in the show.
She felt nothing when she left Daario behind.
The one For Dread- is Drogon.
Everyone was afraid of him.
And the One For Love- It might be Drogo, but I think it's Jon.
And the last one is the Three Treasons she will face: -
Once For Blood- Mirri's betrayal was for the blood of her villagers.
Once For Gold- I don't think Jorah's betrayal will be counted in this because he was promised
a pardon to be able to return home.
There was no gold involved in it.
So it might be Daario in the books.
In the show, Gold could also mean Lannisters.
Someone might betray her for the Lannisters.
And the Last one is Once For love- I think this betrayal might come in season 8.
The reason behind the betrayal should be love.
So I think either Jon or Jorah would lie to Dany to send her to safety, especially if
she is pregnant, to get her out of the harm's way.
It will still be a betrayal but it will be for love.
What do you think?
Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.
Todays comment shoutout goes to LL, who said, "Well done and very interesting!
She may well be the MFG's champion but is not aware of it.
Jaqen is.
He clearly wants her to be Arya as well as a Faceless Man.
I am convinced that the Faceless men are against the Night King and his Undead army, which
he stole from the Many-Faced God.
Everywhere the NK brings death, he steals more."
Thanks a lot LL.
And I completely agree with your theory.
The NK does steal from the many faced god when he turns the dead into wights.
The Faceless Men are the most deadly assassins in the whole world.
If they came to help Arya and the others, they will have a good chance in defeating
the Nk.
So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.
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to my channel.
Have a great Day.
Bye Bye..
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