Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 28 2018

At the end of season 7, she was heading towards Winterfell.

As I had said in my Winterfell Update's video, Jon and Dany would arrive at White

Harbor, would meet the Dothraki on the King's road and will head towards Winterfell together.

As for what will happen next?

Some of it is pretty obvious.

Bran and Sam know about the truth of Jon's parentage.

So, I guess Dany will find out in season 8, that Jon is Rhaegar's son.

I don't think it will affect Dany much.

She had grown up thinking that she will have to marry Viserys someday.

So marrying Jon would still be better than marrying Viserys.

And as I had said in my Jon & Dany predictions video last year, I still believe that Dany

will become pregnant.

In the books, Mirri had said a prophecy that Drogo will return, "When the sun rises in

the west and sets in the east.

When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.

When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.

Then he will return, and not before."

I've already discussed this prophecy in my "Will Rhaego Return video last year."

But I think the show will skip this prophecy.

You might wonder why I said so.

Rememer Jon & Dany's conversation at the Dragonpit in the season 7 Finale?

He said that Mirri was not a reliable source of information, meaning she might have lied

to Dany.

As for what else will happen with Dany?

For that, let's take a quick look at some of the prophecies.

In the books, Quaithe had made some prophecies to Dany.

I've discussed these prophecies in my Season 7 Dany Predictions video last year.

There was nothing in season 7 to affect this prophecy.

I still believe that the perfumed seneschal is Varys and he has an ulterior motive, at

least in the books.

Let's take a look at the House of Undying's prophecy.

I have already discussed Dany's vision from the show in my "Season 8 Popular rumors

confirmed" video.

In that video, I said that I think the dragon's scream Dany heard was Jon's scream from

beyond the wall.

Jon's scream made her turn away from the Iron Throne to go North.

And then she decided to help Jon fight the WWs.

Let's take a look at the books prophecy.

"Three fires must you light.

One for life, one for death and one to love.

Three mounts must you ride.

One to bed, and One to dread, and one to love.

Three treasons will you know.

Once for blood, and once for gold, and once for love."

Most of this has already happened.

I'll discuss the three fires first.

One For Life- She burned Drogo's pyre and her three dragons were born.

One For Death- She burned down the khals in Vaes Dothrak and killed them.

One To Love- I guess you could count Drogo's funeral pyre but I think this one is yet to


I think someone she loves will die, maybe Jon or Viserion, and she will have to burn

the body with fire.

But the confusing part is, it says, "TO love", not "FOR love."

So maybe she will burn down someone we hate, so we will love this fire?

Maybe Cersei or some Whitewalkers?

What do you think?

Let's move on to the Three Mounts Now:-

I think the One For Bed- is Daario Naharis because she did not love him the way she loved

Drogo or even Jon in the show.

She felt nothing when she left Daario behind.

The one For Dread- is Drogon.

Everyone was afraid of him.

And the One For Love- It might be Drogo, but I think it's Jon.

And the last one is the Three Treasons she will face: -

Once For Blood- Mirri's betrayal was for the blood of her villagers.

Once For Gold- I don't think Jorah's betrayal will be counted in this because he was promised

a pardon to be able to return home.

There was no gold involved in it.

So it might be Daario in the books.

In the show, Gold could also mean Lannisters.

Someone might betray her for the Lannisters.

And the Last one is Once For love- I think this betrayal might come in season 8.

The reason behind the betrayal should be love.

So I think either Jon or Jorah would lie to Dany to send her to safety, especially if

she is pregnant, to get her out of the harm's way.

It will still be a betrayal but it will be for love.

What do you think?

Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.

Todays comment shoutout goes to LL, who said, "Well done and very interesting!

She may well be the MFG's champion but is not aware of it.

Jaqen is.

He clearly wants her to be Arya as well as a Faceless Man.

I am convinced that the Faceless men are against the Night King and his Undead army, which

he stole from the Many-Faced God.

Everywhere the NK brings death, he steals more."

Thanks a lot LL.

And I completely agree with your theory.

The NK does steal from the many faced god when he turns the dead into wights.

The Faceless Men are the most deadly assassins in the whole world.

If they came to help Arya and the others, they will have a good chance in defeating

the Nk.

So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 8 - DANAERYS'S JOURNEY AND PREDICTIONS Part 2 (NO SPOILERS) - Duration: 6:31.


5 Incredible Magic Tricks You Can't Believe At The First Glance - Duration: 4:00.

La La La La

For more infomation >> 5 Incredible Magic Tricks You Can't Believe At The First Glance - Duration: 4:00.


Analisi Sky Striker! Lista Salvatori Oscuri! - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Analisi Sky Striker! Lista Salvatori Oscuri! - Duration: 13:04.


5 Tips to Make a Girl Trust YOU More (They're so easy...) - Duration: 6:54.

how can you get a girl to trust you I'm gonna give you some practical tips for a

healthy relationship you finally found the girl of your dreams she's gorgeous

funny makes you feel amazing but there still seems to be something holding her

back this is somewhat normal when you first start dating and even if you can't

wait to share a lot of the wonderful moments with your new girlfriend she may

be reluctant to open up don't worry she will learn to trust you but she needs

some time to get to know you and see how great you actually are women feel

vulnerable when they share their emotions and thoughts guys do this as

well so it's important to have patience this doesn't mean being a good boy and

waiting around you should prove to your girl that you're honest kind and someone

whom she can really like so how can you get a girl to trust you in five easy

steps most girls and women fear that if they

open themselves up to a man the man will get scared and leave but if you really

like her and want to prove that you were indeed committed to having a deeper

relationship here's five tips on how you can get a girl to trust you number one

be a good listener this is so important yes girls tend to talk a lot and a lot

about things that don't really matter but you should know how to separate the

daily jibber-jabber from the things that are actually important to her in fact

you probably talked a lot about things that don't really matter either when she

talked about work or school listen to what she has to say because this is a

section of her life that is very important if she's having a tough time

maybe let her vent and unloaded her frustrations and make sure to avoid

spacing out you need to listen listening is super important it's also important

to avoid giving her advice when she doesn't ask for your opinion men have a

natural tendency to provide solutions for what they consider problems but

women need a friend and someone they can listen to their problems not a repairmen

now that you know a little bit about some of the things that are important

you should ask her about it from time to time it showed that you listened when

she shared these feelings with you and that you actually want to know a little

bit more that you're interested also you can offer a bit of comfort for her

problems by giving her maybe a relaxing massage or throwing her a hot bubbly

bath regardless of the situation make sure to keep your ears opened tip number

two to get her to trust you is do not pressure her when you're just starting

and everything is exciting you can't wait to get her know her and solidify

the intimacy between you and her physically mentally and emotionally but

for women things are a bit different if most of them will not hesitate when it

comes to the physical connection they need more time for the mental and

emotional one chances are they've been burnt before so they want to see if you

are a man of your word before sharing the most vulnerable part of their being

their emotions and their deepest dreams and fears to get her to open up

of yourself trustworthy by respecting what you say so don't be late to your

dates do the things that you actually said you're going to do and don't talk

trash about your friends or other people when you're with her ideally you

shouldn't talk trash about people at all a trustworthy man is an honest man and

understands the value of friendship the idea here is to be patient and let her

open up naturally don't apply pressure and make her feel uncomfortable I've

seen that the best relationships happen naturally tip number three is to do not

lie well this one is simple just be honest of course this doesn't mean

sharing everything with her in the first five days of your relationship but don't

openly lie if she asks about something and you're not ready to share or you

know she's not ready to learn about it from you simply say I don't feel

comfortable talking about this right now I'll share it with you when I feel it's

time so can you please be patient this shows her that you don't want to rush

into things and you don't want to just lie to get out of a difficult situation

but it's very important to be honest about things that you know will have an

effect on your relationship in the future for instance if you're just

looking for a hookup don't say you want a committed relationship

yes it might work but if you're using her for your own game that is not right

it is not a characteristic of an alpha male it's also important to avoid the

so-called white lies for instance if you have to meet up with a female friend but

you're not sure how she would react don't say you'll be out with the guys it

might seem innocent at the moment but these things have a way of coming out

and she will lose trust in your actions and your word tip number three was to be

open and honest about the things that might upset her let's move on to tip

number four is to trust her if you want her to trust you you should also trust

her if you keep checking her phone asking about the guys in a contact list

this does not show trust first it shows that you don't even have trust in

yourself which is bad so if she goes out with the girls every now and then don't

question her motives just wish her to have fun of course you shouldn't just

close your eyes on signals that might warn you about her deceiving you but

it's best to have an open conversation about this still if you feel you can't

trust her then she definitely probably does not trust you tip number five the

last one for you guys to gain trust is eye contact someone said the eyes are

the mirror of the soul well this may be a corny saying it's also something to

consider I contact as important when you want to establish a valuable connection

with someone after all that's how it all started right you locked eyes with her

and your story began now there's a thousand things that go into effective

eye contact but if you want to learn more in detail about eye contact

trustworthy body language and what I gazing is plus a lot more check out my

core psychology of attraction in the description below yeah

deal with eye contact is a make her feel comfortable around you so the

appropriate amount I contact is very important for instance if you tend to

look down or away when you're talking to her this can give her the feeling that

you might be hiding something even though you might just be nervous on

the other hand if you can't take your eyes off of her this might also be

problematic I mean I get it she's gorgeous and you can't believe you how

lucky you are to have her but being stared at makes her feel like an object

she's not your new shiny car so back off I'm gonna give you guys a bonus tip is

to make her feel comfortable yes you might be nervous when you're going out

with her but you're not on your first date anymore loosen up a bit and do your

best to make her laugh girls adore guys who can make them laugh and forget about

the difficulties of their day if you're not good at telling jokes you can tell

her maybe a funny story or take her to a comedy or maybe even take her to a

stand-up show there are plenty of ways to make her feel comfortable around you

but it's most important to be genuine about it if you're truly nervous tell

her about what you're feeling and why there's a good chance she reads your

nervousness wrong and this is why she might not open up finally for as much as

possible try not to glance at other gorgeous ladies I know it's difficult

for a lot of guys but it's disrespectful to your girlfriend and even though you

think you can be discreet about it there's a good chance she's going to

notice so don't risk it how would you feel if your girlfriend was checking out

other guys especially in the beginning of the relationship it's really

important to define this line anyways at the end of the day your actions will

always speak louder than words so do a quick analysis of your behavior and your

feelings and make sure you truly want this girl to trust you then ask yourself

would you trust yourself if you were in her position now there are definitely

more steps to getting a girl to trust you but the ones that I've listed here

are easy to follow and don't imply too much effort for you to comply to of

course if you want to go further you might consider some gifts to show her

your affection and maybe talk to her friends about how to win her trust

overall the idea is to be patient and prove that you are trustworthy through

solid actions one more thing remember that course I was talking about earlier

it's called the psychology of attraction and it's your animated video guide to

how a girl thinks what she finds irresistible attractive and how to use

psychology to make her want you marketing headline aside it's an

animated video course that I created by reading eight psychology textbooks and

summarizing everything about attraction I know and that I have coached that

teaches you stuff like texting tips reading body language rejection training

and how to understand any girl I've helped so many guides with it and

there's a ton of life-changing testimonials that I can't just not share

with you so check out the link in the description below for over a half

today with a 30 day money back guarantee and see how you could transform your

life by understanding the psychology of Attraction thank you guys so much for

watching and I hope you found value in this video

For more infomation >> 5 Tips to Make a Girl Trust YOU More (They're so easy...) - Duration: 6:54.


Eddison Hermond: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 7:39.

Eddison Hermond: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Friends and relatives of U.

Air Force veteran and active service Army National Guardsman Eddison Hermond are searching for their loved one as it's presumed he was swept away in flood waters.

Maryland Gov.

Larry Hogan said the flash flooding in Ellicott City is "devastating" adding, "They say this is a once-every-thousand-year flood, and we've had two of them in two years.".

Here's what you need to know:.

Hermond Was Rescuing People When he Was Swept Away by Flood Waters, Witnesses Said.

Hermond, 39, is a National Guardsman.


Charles Kohler, the Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Officer, confirmed Hermond's active Army National Guard service and told Heavy a statement would soon be issued.

Bonnie Hoppa, an acquaintance of Hermond's, posted a missing alert late Sunday.

"Hey folks, this is Eddison Hermond, former Air Force, currently National Guard.

He's a friend of several friends of mine, who have reached out asking me to help find him.

Eddison was helping rescue people from the Ellicott City flooding, when he was swept away.

(Approximately 4:20 p.m., Tiber River IVO Parking Lot D.)".

At 8:30 Monday morning, she posted: "I was updated by a member of one of the local search teams that swift water rescue, truck, and ATVs have been deployed and looking.

As of right now, Eddie is still missing.

I am trying to find out when/where we can join the searches in progress.

Local and national news agencies are sharing the story.

I am continuing to talk to everyone who contacts me, and will continue to update as I get new information.".

Pleas For Help in Locating the Soldier Include Posts From Friends & Family.

Hermond, 5-foot-10 and 160 pounds, is from Severn, Maryland, local media reported.

Late Sunday night Hoppa posted she'd "talked to a couple people who saw him go into the water.

He was last seen entering the Tiber River IVO Parking Lot D.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.".

At midnight it was reported "the last witnesses to see him said he was being swept toward Patapsco River.

Emergency crews are looking for him.".

"Our friend Eddison Hermond has been missing since 4:30 pm yesterday as he was trying to help someone during the flash flood in downtown Ellicott City.

News just now reported this in hopes someone has seen him.

My heart is breaking for all his friends and family," Larry Ray posted.

An Search is Underway For Hermond & Officials Said Finding Him is a 'Top Priority'.

The Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department posted its "…"swiftwater rescuers assisted in a search for this missing man last night.

One team started on foot from Frederick Rd and searched along the heavily damaged River Rd.

Another team, utilizing ATV 35, entered the park from Washington Blvd and searched along the Grist Mill Trail.".

"The River Rd team encountered deep mud on the road, portions of the road washed away, multiple downed large trees across the road, and and washed out bridge near Thistle Rd.

The Grist Mill Trail team left the ATV due to an obstacle and continued on foot, encountering similar conditions.

Both teams met at Ilchester Rd to discontinue the search for the night.

ATV 35 has responded again this morning continue assisting in the search," the post reads.

Hermond, a Longtime Army National Guard Human Resources Tech, Did 'Electronic Intelligence' For the USAF.

Eddison Hermond LinkedIn profile picture.

The National Guardsman & USAF vet is missing in Maryland flood waters.

On his LinkedIn page, Hermond says he has been a Human Resources Technician for the Maryland Army National Guard since 2012.

Hermond's LinkedIn shows him as a member of 'Electronic Intelligence' for the United States Air Force.

Hermond attended the Community College of the Air Force where he studied Communications Applications Technology.

He was in the Air Force from 1996 until 2006, just shy of 10 years.

Flash Flood Reminiscent of 2016 Flood That Ellicott City is Still Rebuilding After.

CBS News in Baltimore said the city has been putting itself back on its feet when that storm "damaged and destroyed businesses.

It was reported that nearly all the destroyed businesses on Ellicott's Main Street were back in business and there were even some new businesses that opened.

And just less than two weeks ago, Hogan announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has awarded the state $1 million to prevent another historic flood.

For more infomation >> Eddison Hermond: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 7:39.


6月轉運翻身,注定大富大貴的3大生肖 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 6月轉運翻身,注定大富大貴的3大生肖 - Duration: 4:16.


April May Monthly Favorites 2018 - Duration: 8:33.

Hey guys and welcome back to BlushingForward where you blush through Beauty, Fashion, and life together

Today, I'm going to be bringing you of my April and May monthly favorites now

I decided to combine the two

Because let's just say trying out new products was not really on my mind throughout these past few months

April was my birthday month and then May just kind of got away from me

But I decided to combine the two and after doing that I had a pretty good collection of things to share with you guys

So if you want to see it what I have been using and loving it throughout the months of April and May

Then just keep on watching

Ok, so you guys can probably see a small pile behind me and we'll get to that shortly

But I'm going to go ahead and walk you through a few wardrobe pieces

I have been loving and I have really jumped into the world of t-shirts

They are so easy to wear and style and I absolutely love them

This is a kind of black floraly t-shirt from the brand Garage and I also have a solid white one

From Garage as well. They have cotton in them. They're super breathable and so comfortable and I absolutely

love wearing these

With like denim and sandals and they'd even look cute with shorts. So I've been loving these and

then I

Also have been loving these style of t-shirts from Aeropostale now

I don't buy too much from Aeropostale because the clothes tend to fall apart really easy

But these are the most comfortable t-shirts I have ever worn and they're very flowy, which is my type of t-shirt

And they have these key little pockets on them. So I got this kind of light baby blue color

I'm wearing in the black one today with my little

Kimono now and then I also have a solid white one as well because you can never have too many black and

white t-shirts in your closet

Next thing we're going to get into is I have quite um, I have quite a few pieces of skincare. Sorry

My nose is a little itchy

and I've really been trying to get into skincare again because my skin is

Always a dry it is basically the same story. I've been saying forever. It's dry. It's flaky

It's not very healthy, and it's very sad

Most of the time so I've been trying to find some more

skincare products to add into my

Routine that I actually enjoy using so that I do use them because often times I'll get things and then I won't use them

So the first item I have is this pure sugar scrub. This is from L'Oreal and it looks like Kiwis

Like it's the cutest thing ever

And it actually works. I love it so much

I use this on my face and I can feel all of the dead skin coming off and my skin looks

Brand-new after using it so I absolutely love this and definitely

Recommend that you try it if you have not tried this out before

Okay, so next up. I have a product from Garnier. I'm pretty sure that's how you say it and if they're a skin active

Hydrating three-in-one moisturizer. Now this can act as a day or night time moisturizer. It can also act as a mask

But I like to use this as a nighttime moisturizer

And I just put it on my face and then I go about my evening. It feels amazing and I wake up and my skin

It's so soft and just glowy and I feel like it's refresh and it's ready for the day

So I definitely have been loving reaching for this during the evenings for my skincare routine

Next up. I have another Garnier product. This one has been around

For a while and so many people love it

And now I'm one of those people this is the micellar cleansing water for waterproof makeup now

I got a new mascara

Which I'm actually we're going to show you in just a second

and it was waterproof and I not have any waterproof makeup removers and I was like

How can I get this off of my face so I ran over to Target and I picked this up and I'm really happy

I did because it works amazing. It gets everything off and I'm glad I have it in

my little makeup removal

system set up thing

It also came with a little sample size with it

It's the micellar foaming gel cleanser and I actually ended up really loving this stuff

so if I don't have like my waterproof makeup on I'll go in with this and just like rub it all over my face and

It helps break up the makeup before I go in and cleanse so I really been loving testing this out as well

So next up. I have a makeup product to share with you guys, and I only have one

For like the past two months

But it is a mascara and it is the Maybelline lash sensational

Curvitude Mascara for some reason when I combine lash and sensational I get a lisp

But I also have mine in the color and pretty sure is the blackest color you can get

Oh is by my mascaras in the darkest blackest color

But I love this mascara, I was a little bit unsure of it when I saw the brush

Because it's very very flimsy, but you can really get in there and you couldn't work the mascara into your eyes

So I absolutely love it and it is waterproof

So if you cry or you have massive allergy attacks, especially this time of year, it's got you covered

Okay. So now I have my last item. I feel like this has been the shortest

Monthly favorites in the history of my monthly favorites

but this is my nume hair straightener and

My boyfriend got me this for my birthday because I have been really wanting a new hair straightener for such a long time

The one that I current have in my drawer is actually from sixth grade

I've been using it since sixth grade and I am now 26 years old

Bravo to that hair straightener for

Living that long. I'm very proud of it

But now it's time to let it rest and I got this one this one it has been amazing

It's been making my hair look super straight. I use this in my last monthly favorites

So if you want to see how straight my hair gets should definitely check that one out. I'll leave it linked up in the corner

And yeah, I will definitely be using it more. I didn't curl my hair today though

Cute, I feel like it look like a little doll

Um, but yes, I've been really enjoying this and I can't wait to get more use out of it

Especially when you do ponytails if you want your hair super straight, this thing comes in handy

Okay, guys

So if you've made it this far you have made it to the end of my April and May monthly favourites

And I hope you really enjoyed it

If you did you can show me how much you liked it by giving this video a really big thumbs up

Also remember to let me know what your favorite things from May

April and may have been down in the comments because I would love to know and find out

Also, remember to go and hit the subscribe button if you're not already subscribed

And also while you're down there, this is now a very important step

Go ahead and hit that Bell so that way you'll be notified whenever I come out with a brand new video and I look forward

See you guys next time remember to keep BlushingForward! Bye!

For more infomation >> April May Monthly Favorites 2018 - Duration: 8:33.


不滿退休金被砍, 台導彈專家「威脅」赴陸講學 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> 不滿退休金被砍, 台導彈專家「威脅」赴陸講學 - Duration: 8:46.


Which is BETTER for You? The PANCAKE or the WAFFLE [ANSWERED LIVE NOW!] - Duration: 10:15.

Hey, everybody out there, Coach Dan Long with Get Lean in 12,

and we are live.

Thank you so much for joining in and stopping now on this feet.

Today, I'm going to answer the question

that everybody wants to know.

Which is better for you--

live right now, I'm going to answer--

pancakes or waffles?

Now, I know you see here, I got some

waffles that I just cooked up.

And they smell absolutely delicious.

Now, if you're a pancake or a waffle lover, or both,

and you're out there right now and you're

wondering, which one of these--

look at this.


Look at this waffle, right?

Which one of these amazing pieces

of breakfast foods, that you love to eat,

are healthier for you?

Now, my name's Coach Dan Long.

Thank you so much for stopping here today.

And we're live because I wanted to answer

this question for you, but I also

want you to know I have something special for you that

is at the end of this video.

So please, stick with me.

That link that's up above, don't click it just yet, OK?

I want to answer all the questions that you probably

have about pancakes or waffles, and how you too

can have a flat stomach and be able to get, if you want,

abs, or just a flat tummy, by eating pancakes or waffles.

OK, so let's go ahead and get into this right now.

The first thing is that you want to know about pancakes

is that, obviously, we know that they're fluffy, they're soft,

they're spongy, and they're cake-like, right?

So, again, as you can tell here with my pancake,

right, it's spongy inside, it's got that cakey type feel,

and it's nice and fluffy.

Well, that actually is going to help with the health.

I'm going to tell you about the waffle, in a second,

on why that helps you, because when it's cakey like that,

and it's also soft, there's a reason, because it's aerated,


Now, let's talk about, also inside pancakes,

they're lower in fat than they are in waffles.

Why is that?

Because there's less fat inside and there's less sugar.

I'm going to go over that one in a second.

So with a waffle, it's crisp, light inside,

like funnel cakes, right, or donuts,

and sometimes they're fried.

Now, mine here-- as you can tell, my waffle here--

this is not fried.

This is actually done in my press, which I

have a waffle press right here.

But when you put a waffle inside the press, what

do you have to do?

You have to grease both sides of that,

otherwise it's going to stick.

So keep that in mind while we're talking about this, OK?

Now, because pancakes are lower in fat,

are they higher in sugar?


Listen to this.

Waffles are high percentage of sugar

because you're trying to caramelize

the outside of the waffle.

Now, there's a lot of people--

I know when I go to Disney World-- they fry the waffles.

So waffle cones, waffles, a lot of times, they are fried.

But when you make them inside your home maker, which

you have for a waffle maker, right, you

have to grease both sides.

So that's important to remember because it's adding more fat.

Now, when it comes for the waffle,

I said it's higher in sugar.

It's also a higher percentage of fat

because for a crisp exterior, you

want to use the fat to make your waffle nice and crispy.

Now, these could be even crispier.

We like it on the light side.

I don't like to make them too crispy because all it's doing

is, again, it's adding more fat.

So now, back to the pancake--

lower sugar content inside pancakes

because the caramelization of a pancake is not important.

You want them nice and fluffy and you want them cake-like,


Like we talked about up here, you

want them fluffy and soft and cake-like.

It's different for a waffle.

Waffle, you want it crisp.

You want to almost have that crunch when you're

eating your waffle because it's just that flavorful amazingness

when you eat that waffle.

Now, per 100 grams of pancake batter,

it's approximately 194 calories, 37 grams of carbs,

and 5 grams of protein.

Now, remember that when we talk about the waffle over here, OK?

So that's a lot of carbs.

Obviously, we know that, because a pancake, right?

It's filled with carbohydrates.

But per 100 grams, it's only 194 calories.

Now, let's go over to the waffle--

higher in fat, we talked about, for a crisp exterior,

per 100 grams of batter, 291 calories versus the 194.

Now remember, this is going off of 100 grams of batter.


You got 33 grams of carbs and 8 grams of protein.

So protein is a little higher in your waffle,

right, little less over here, but you're

going to get more calories out of the waffle

than you would the pancake.


Now, next is the pancake is high in sodium.

It's 628 milligrams and about 12 milligrams of cholesterol.

So if you have high cholesterol issues and/or high blood

pressure, this could be a factor if you are salt-sensitive.

Not everyone is.

So don't get too worked up.

But when you come over to the waffle,

waffle now, here we go--

high sodium, 511 milligrams, 69 milligrams

of cholesterol versus, over here,

12 milligrams of cholesterol.

Way higher in cholesterol when it comes to the waffle.

Because why?

Because there's more sugar.

What else?

There's more carbohydrates, and there's

eggs, and all this good stuff that's in there,

but it causes fat.

Well, the fat causes cholesterol issues, which

can block your arteries, right?

So higher in sodium over here for the pancake,

lower in cholesterol, but a little lower

in the sodium for the waffle, and 69 milligrams

of cholesterol, which is over four times its weight.

That's about six times the amount of cholesterol

inside the waffle.

Now, the one great benefit, also from the pancake,

is it's packed with vitamins and minerals, packed

with vitamins and minerals.

But guess what?

The waffle is also packed with vitamins and minerals.

So do you love the pancake, or do you love the waffle,

or do you love the waffle, or do you love the pancake?

I don't know about you, but I love both.

My wife, she loves the waffle.

Every time we go somewhere, especially

on brunch on Sundays, it's all about waffles.

The waffle is an amazing thing.

But I am going to let you know, by statistic wise,

pancakes are healthier for you.

So you can do the waffle.

You can do the pancake.

But what you need to do is you need

to remember that if you do either one, the most

important thing that you have to remember,

especially if you're over the age of 35

and you're suffering from hormonal shifts, where

your metabolism is obviously slowing down because the belly

fat hormone is being affected--

that nasty one called cortisol, and that's

what builds the belly fat--

but waffles and pancakes will build belly fat

if you do not exercise in a method

that we call metabolic bursting.

If you want a system, and you need

a system that will help you get that flat stomach or that six

pack of abs eating these amazing waffles, right,

or eating these amazing pancakes,

I have the perfect system for you.

It is called the Over 40 Ab Solution

and it goes amazing with eating foods like this because you

can still eat foods like this.

You can use the three zones that are inside this system.

And the one that works the most is called metabolic bursting.


Inside this program, which you're

going to see at this link up above, is called the Over 40

Ab Solution.

It is specifically designed for anyone who over the age of 35

and is suffering-- if you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s,

and even 70 or above--

if your hormones are suffering and you

need a system that can help you get that flat tummy in just

a matter of days, then I have the system for you.

I want you to click this link up above.

All right.

It's going to take you to a system that you can use,

starting right now.

Now, the great thing about that is

is that we have so many success stories.

But here's what I want you to do today.

Two things-- one, if you have an amazing recipe

for a pancake or a waffle, OK, if you have an amazing recipe

and you love pancakes, or you love waffles,

I want you to do me a favor and paste your recipe down below

for all our followers.

We are now over 100,000 likes strong on our page

for Get Lean in 12.

And it's because of you.

And the reason why we are so successful

is because Over 40 Ab Nation--

so many of you have picked up this system, right,

and you keep following us, and you keep

sharing your amazing stories.

So the second thing I want you to do

is, one, paste down a recipe, if you

have your favorite grandma's recipe,

or maybe you created your own recipe, that you can share,


These are not on the healthy side.


This would be something that I would definitely

eat as a cheat.

But there are recipes that are for pancakes and for waffles

that are healthier.

And I would love to hear from you,

if you would paste that down below in the comments, right.

Say hi to me, right.

Also, do me a favor, if Over 40 Ab Solution

is doing something great for you, down in comments blow,

please post what is happening.

We want to know.

We want to know how well your stomach is looking

from the Over 40 Ab Solution.

So again, right up at this link right now,

you can click that link.

It will take you to that exact system

that so many thousands of people are using right now

and are crushing their goals.

I'm Coach Dan Long, your fat loss and exercise expert.

I want to thank you for stopping on this feed.

Don't forget, post your recipes down below.

And I'll see you on the next video.

And keep going strong.

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