Hi guys, welcome to the campaign battles of real warfare 2 northern Crusades,
game of human soldiers, literally. This campaign takes you from simple to tough,
tougher and toughest battles step-by-step. The first three battles in this campaign
are quite simple with just few infantry and Archer regiments. In every battle of
campaign your enemy is having troops of higher ranks and many times outnumbering
you but that's where the job of general starts. Any brute can overpower a weaker
enemy but it takes a general to win against strongest enemy. So today we are
going to see the replay of fourth battle in the campaign of real warfare 2
northern crusades. This is the capture of Pippin a bandit leader and a Prussian
noble. Quest Tempting Bait. So here we are outnumbered and outranked by enemy
forces. Pippin's army is having seven militia rank troops and two archers, 2
Swordsman and three irregular mounted swordsman troops.
so first let's scan the map. In the front we can see two swordsmans
zoom out{in}
okay and two arches. And in every other corner,
there is one irregular mounted Swordsman {thats means light cavlry} that
means light cavalry. There is the one and the last one will be here.
{murmur} where are you.. ha here they are
Remember this is a replay, so that's why we can see all enemy icons or flags
around the edges. But in real battle, you have to scan the map to find the hidden
enemies, so beware of that. Now let's start. fight to the finish{game sound}
here I've tried different locations - including this Hill here. {front} I also won
once but it's very difficult here because the enemy infantry is very close
to you, your troops of-course. So instead of that,
this hill in the back, in the mountains is a better defensive
so let's get our troops there.
let's see what positions we have selected for them. {Control+A}
we have just given them regular positions. In the mean time until
{our enemies} our troops are reaching their position.
let's use our commander, cavalry to destroy threat from the rear.
we cannot zoom on them because it's on the edge of the very map.
ok, commander is onto them and our infantry...
in the mean time let us revise our infantry positions.
ok that will do.
arches in the front, militia{irregulars}
on the flanks and pikemen in the rear. foot-pike-men{sound}
okay let's pikemen on the left flank because we are already going to take
the rear
infantry{sound} okay that's how we are going to take infantry, & that's how.. marksman{sound} marksmen.
let's see what the commander is doing commander{sound}
yeah, okay there are 70 irregular mounted swordsman, we are having 20
Knights of commander.
cannot zoom in there. Good now its started. I hope we don't loose any
knights here, they're quite expensive to reinforce again.
okay our infantry is almost on its position and the enemy movement have
started, I think. lets see okay they are still holding; infantry...
infantry has moved
and the last cavalry, OK they are attacking.
our soldiers.. pikemen have reached
then footmen, you are are walking! Come on..
militiamen militiamen marksmen crossbowmen{sounds} we have here
lets see whats happening here.
the first light cavalry is retreating,
lets keep our commander on them.
how many are they?
still have 17 of them. commander have flanked them
get him over here.
back to our infantry.
that should be our flank
on right side we are having enemy cavalry
left flank is under attack
lets get pikemen on to their positions.
pikemen run
Are they holding? {enemy} yeah they are holding.
they are again... Commander{calling} commanding officer{sound}
come back, he is on his way..
okay pikemen attack.
haa.. archers are saved.
footmen support pikemen
ha ha ha,
they sent their horse troops
are going back as fast as they came.
quickly to the right flank, pikemen move.
commander there not, stay safe, stay safe
commander support them
archers.. crossbows
marksman crossbowman{sound}
good, that cavalry is retreating.
that's the horn of the commander
get our troops back..
see the enemy where it is.
that's the benefit of.. position
they still have long time to reach us.
zoom on enemy cavalry..
they are trying to retreat, but commander troops are engaging them.
when engaged in melee,
your troops will not obey their orders
they will not come back to positions as u gave it.
infantry, you rest here
take positions
see whats the status..
everybody.. footmen, pikemen, footmen
footmen on the flanks
pikemen in the rear.
and archers to front
commander, are you done there?
see, most of the times, when enemy is evading
its almost safe
not completely safe , but almost safe..
to chase & attack them.
when you give command to switch from,
attack from one to another enemy,
not all of your troops obey
only those who are not engaged in melee will follow your orders
that's natural of course
our men are taking rest.
commander is quite fatigued
he also needs some rest.
the enemy infantries moving cautiously
archers in front, swordsmen in rear.
lets rotate our troops according to their positions.
face towards front.
Militiamen{sound} formation?
militiamen{sound} many times though I prefer the
foot pikemen{sound} tight formation especially
when they're {militiamen sound}
going to face the cavalry
but now they are under fire from the
archers so our crossbows, we are setting them in loose formation
{marksman crossbowman sound}
they're taking some fire
but this way they will get less damage.
here the enemy archers
outrank us
they are both militia ranks.
and our archers are irregulars.
first ranks
but still we are having the Hill.
pull back the...
pikemen. They are taking some fire damage.
Now let the archers take some damage.
see we can see who is taking the fire
so we have to pull pikemen
{foot pikemen} slowly this icon will go
2 men crossbows
this Archer he is under fire, he also lost 2 archers.
shooting time
stay patient because if you send your infantry, fast towards front
the archers will kill them all
so now hold positions.
This is the game of Morale,
You must understand the concept of morale and panic.
we can see the carnage of the dead horses and dead men.
quiet good fertilizer for the forest.
so we are taking help from the forest and we are giving
it back. The balance of nature is kept.
we are not using any {pollution} pollutant or
anything else
stay patient, see the fire
want to see these crossbows close?
are they loading next?
yes they are
everybody.. Fire!
Ooh, they lost 20 archers.
you can choose whatever looks you want here.
now after loosing 20 archers
they have lost their patience and they charging.
so these swordsman will be in front.
I think its time to move our infantry to the front.
formations {militia sound} tight!
ha ha, actually that's the horn wasted... but still
commander, send in your commander to go around and attack the archers
see over here
militia is engaging the swordsman &
one militia n pikemen they are engaging other swordsman.
so we set our archer to fire upon this.
Crossbows, support the militia.
our militia has taken a lot of damage. they are retreating.
when you are attacking archers with commander,
attack both alternately.
keep them both scared.
we have brought commander back to support our militia.
and militia is fighting again. their morale normal.
close to the battle...
everybody is waiting for their turn to fight.
when the archers died in front of swordsmen it affected them.
white are pikemen, those are footmen
and these are swordsmen.
Until troops killed entirely, the flagmen can not be killed.
Either now we can let them flee or....
And lets view there. We haven't seen the broken message.
see the archers are waiting so lets kill them.
see sometimes when we don't chase the enemies
they can take the rest and come back.
this enemy cavalry is still there.
once a group is totally broken then you can let them go
otherwise, they can evade,
they can retreat but they can come back
the melee units are finished
lets stop, and this group is broken. that group is broken.
We have won the battle
that's what it's, I call, massacre of Pippin's forces.
thank you everybody
commanding officer{sound} that's all for today.
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