Hey guys
Brandon Redlinger here Director of Growth at
Engagio and today I'm posing a question to my friend Katie Martel. Now, Katie is one of the best on-demand
B2B marketers out there. Katie –
What is one fundamental thing about B2B sales and marketing that you would fix and why?
Hey, Brandon! And thanks so much for asking.
There is one thing about B2B sales and marketing that I've always felt is a little bit strange. And it's how we talk about our
relationship with customers. We kind of sound like we're at war with them, like in a quest for world domination or market domination or
penetrating new accounts – we're landing and expanding at our key targets.
And opportunities in sales become battles that must be wanted all costs. The thing is we're not exactly invading Greenland
We're selling software. We're not conquering nations. We're trying to build a value for buyers
And so I've never quite understood this terminology. Plus if you're a buyer
You don't want to do business with someone when you're feeling attacked by them.
Look, the only thing that we should be battling is our competition not our customers.
We need to see our relationship and describe it in a way that suggests mutual collaboration
not hand-to-hand combat. I say make money not war.
For more infomation >> What's one thing you would fix about B2B marketing and why? - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Healthy Fats Why You Need to Eat More and Where to Get Them - Duration: 6:18.
Healthy Fats Why You Need to Eat More and Where to Get Them
BY clnAdrian
Is it true that a diet consisting mostly of cheeseburgers and fried chicken will significantly
increase your risk of dying early? Well, technically, yes. While saturated fats aren�t the only
reason, they�re a big contributor. Especially if you�re not eating enough healthy fats
� found in a variety of foods, like nuts, fish, and plants.
Healthy fats are everywhere, and that�s a good thing. The more fatty foods you eat,
the better your health will be. People who follow the Mediterranean diet are often healthier
long-term because of its focus on plant-based foods, fish, and healthy oils. In reality,
fat isn�t bad for you at all. It�s the type of fat, and how much fat you consume,
that matters the most.
So what are the differences between the two main types of fat? What makes healthy fats
so healthy, and which foods are the most beneficial sources? Learn all this, plus how to balance
your fat intake. Not all fat is bad. A mix of different foods is your best bet at living
a long, healthy life. Here is a breakdown of everything you need to know.
The different types of fat You�ve probably heard plenty of times before
not to eat fat, especially something called saturated fat. Are all types of fat as dangerous
and bad for your health as people say? There�s a lot of confusion surrounding dietary fat,
and a lot of misinformation, too. This is likely because people mostly talk about saturated
fat � the �bad� type of fat. They don�t talk quite as much about unsaturated fats
� the �good� types of fat.
There are major differences between the different types of fat. One comes from animals, while
the other comes from plants. One can raise your blood cholesterol, while the other can
lower it. Their properties have different effects on your health. To understand why
healthy fats are so good for you, you need to understand why unhealthy fats, well � aren�t.
Saturated fat This type of fat, called saturated fat, comes
from animal sources, coconut, and palm oils. Saturated fat, solid at room temperature,
raise total blood cholesterol as well as the amount of �bad� cholesterol, which is
why too much can harm your health. As we will discuss later in this article, unsaturated
fats can be harmful if eaten regularly in large amounts, but they�re not the sole
cause of heart disease.
Unsaturated fats Unlike saturated fat, unsaturated fats come
primarily from plant sources, such as seeds or nuts, and are liquid at room temperature.
These fats are either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, which is what you will often see listed among
a food label�s ingredients if they�re present. They lower total blood cholesterol
levels, sometimes raising the amount of �good� cholesterol.
There is technically a third type of fat, called trans fat. Thankfully, more and more
food manufacturers have begun removing trans fat from their products. The FDA no longer
recognizes artificial trans fats as safe for human consumption. Though it can�t hurt
to check your food labels just in case, you won�t find harmful trans fats in most of
your go-to foods.
Benefits of healthy fats The differences between the different types
of fat aren�t as simple as: �Saturated fat is bad, unsaturated fat is good. Eat less
fat and you�ll be fine.� You can�t just stop eating fat altogether and expect to be
able to maintain your health for very long. Your body needs fat for energy, for metabolism,
for keeping you alive. It�s not just about eating less saturated fat. You also have to
eat more unsaturated fat, to take advantage of all its many health benefits.
Increased HDL �good� cholesterol High-density lipoproteins, or HDL, has a very
specific job inside your body. You have two types of cholesterol in your blood, LDL and
HDL. LDLs, if there are too many of them, can cause heart problems. That�s where HDL
comes in. Think of HDLs as microscopic garbage trucks. They find excess LDLs in your blood,
pick them up, and carry them to your liver for disposal. Therefore, HDLs lower the amount
of potentially harmful LDLs in your system, lowering your cholesterol. And what�s the
benefit of that, you might ask?
Decreased heart disease risk Excess LDL cholesterol in your blood � and
not enough HDL � can lead to plaque buildup in your arteries. This, of course, can cause
heart disease, heart attack, and stroke in some people. Your heart depends on your arteries
to be able to pump blood easily throughout your body. When your arteries are coated in
plaque, your heart has to work harder to get its job done. This stresses and tires it out,
which might even eventually cause it to fail completely.
Improved blood sugar control Foods high in unsaturated fats aren�t just
good for your heart. Mayo Clinic suggests a diet that includes healthy fats might reduce
your type 2 diabetes risk. This may in part be because many foods containing healthy fats
are also often high in fiber, which can prevent your blood sugar from spiking. Processed foods,
often high in saturated fats, often contain sugars that cause blood sugar spikes and crashes.
Eating more foods with healthy fats in them, few of which are processed, is better for
your blood sugar, and lowering your diabetes risk.
What to do if your child or you are bit by a Copperhead - Duration: 2:21.
Everything You Need To Know About Multi-Piece Wheels - Duration: 9:09.
- Hey guys what's going on?
It's Alex from Fitment Industries.
And today we're gonna be talking
to you about everything you need
to know about multi-piece wheels.
So I know that sounds pretty generic and stuff
but we thought we would talk a little bit about it.
Because, the current automotive scene
has gotten extremely popular
in terms of multi-piece wheels.
But not a lot of people really understand
why they're become so popular.
Where they originally came from.
So we just thought we'd shed
a little bit of light on it.
So before we get started, I'm gonna give
you the favorite sales pitch
that everybody loves.
Just be sure to subscribe.
We're trying to get to 50000
and it would help out a ton if
you just hit that little red button.
But let's just get right into it.
So, multi-piece wheels were originally
started as a way for racing teams
to create custom wheels for their
specific need than want.
So, back in the day there weren't
really a lot of options.
In fact, really there was steel
and alloy and that was pretty much it.
To make a wheel in a certain size required a mold.
And back in the day, if you think it
was hard getting molds now, it was even
more difficult to get custom made molds
for just one or two applications.
And it became clear that they needed
some sort of way to customize a wheel
without having to go through all
the hassle of finding a factory
and doing this and doing that
for just one car or one racing event.
An thus, multi-piece wheels were born.
And what that allowed the companies to do,
or the racing companies to do,
was to create custom built wheels
exactly to what they needed.
There really were only a few companies
that were capable of doing it.
We had companies like BBS,
companies like Work or Weds
that were really capable of creating
multi-piece wheels because they just
had the technology and the means at the time.
Plus they were really involved
in the racing enterprise.
Well, now as we've gotten more current
there're other companies doing it as well.
Concept One, is one of those brands.
ESR, Rotiform, pretty much anything out there
starting to really get into multi-piece wheels
because it's become such a hot topic
and a pretty common buy in the current scene.
But, now a days it's not really for creating
some sort of custom race built setup.
It's become more about just flashy wheels.
And that's where multi-piece wheels have truly shined.
Is the way that they're just completely customizable.
Everything that you could possibly want
in terms of wheel, you can probably get
from a multi-piece wheel.
Different companies off a plethora
of different faces and centers and different
designs that you can run.
And on top of that, they have different sort
of intricacies whether you're looking
at bolts, hardware, anything in between.
Multi-piece wheels is just there because
of how customizable it is.
The craze of wide body and over fender
gotten more and more common
and what that allows people to do
is build wheels that fit that exact setup.
So whether you're looking at stock body
or you're looking to go rocket bunny,
multi-piece wheels allows you to just
create the wheel that you need
to fit pretty much any application.
If you're looking for a 19 by 10 and a half
negative 13 offset, multi-piece wheels can do that.
If you're looking for a 22 by 10 and a half
and a negative 33 offset, multi-piece wheels can do that.
They can do pretty much anything you
could possibly want them to do if you're
looking for an exact measurement wheel.
That's what makes them so awesome,
but that's also what makes them so pricey.
So we're gonna get into that here in just a little bit.
So when we look at a multi-piece wheel,
we're generally gonna talk about a three-piece wheel.
Now there are two-piece welded wheels
that exist out there
and they are still pretty common.
There are companies like Work and Vossen
that partner to make two-piece wheels
and then you can buy them already figured out
and together with the offset that you need.
But we're gonna be talking about three-piece wheels
just because that's just a little bit more fun.
So three-piece wheels consists of, well, three parts.
A spun outter lip, usually made of aluminum,
an inner barrel, and then obviously
and most commonly, a forged center.
And that is actually going to be your face of the wheel.
Now when we look at a multi-piece wheel,
there's a couple different ways
that companies have designed them
or put them together depending
on what works for them.
You're gonna see a lot of times
companies mostly will use a silicone sealant
to keep the wheel together.
To keep it air tight when you put the tire on it.
On top of that, there're also features,
the hardware here, that allows you
to just essentially put the wheel together.
But these rivets are actually kept
at a pretty low torque spec.
So, for the most part there really isn't
a whole lot that keeps the wheel together by itself.
There are of course different things
to take into account to pull a wheel apart.
And it's not as easy as it sounds.
But in terms of really what companies do that,
that's it.
Work is one of those companies
that takes a little bit of a different avenue.
And what they do is they will actually
weld some of their wheels together
just to make sure that you're increasing
the rigidity and the strength of the overall wheel.
But that's gotten a lot less common.
A lot of times companies will silicone seal it,
they'll put the hardware in there,
they'll torque that to spec,
and then you're ready to roll.
And by the time you put tires on it
and you get it onto the car,
just the way that the rotational mass works,
it doesn't really have that much
of affect on essentially splitting
the wheel if you needed to.
Now, it can happen but it's extremely unlikely.
I really can emphasize enough
the amount of customization you can get.
Even when we go just to the outer spun lip,
you have different options.
You can just do a standard lip.
You can do a step lip.
You can do a double step lip.
You can do pretty much anything
you could possibly imagine when
it comes to the actual face of the wheel.
You can go with a reverse lip.
You can go with these weird different
style floating spokes.
You can go with just hard spokes.
You can go with reverse spokes.
You can go with pretty much anything
you could possible want.
And I'm glad that we're gonna be talking
about this while we're shooting a video
because all those name kind of sound the same.
So we'll put some pictures up for you guys
to kinda look at the differences between the two.
When you go into more customization,
just the hardware itself is a piece of its own.
You can have different colors,
different options, different finishes,
different hardware can be different
in terms of material.
There's all sorts of things that
if you really want to pay the extra money,
you can get.
But to give you an example of what we're looking at here,
this is a Concept One, this is a CF003SX.
And this was made by Concept One.
And this is relatively a new design
that Concept One is doing for their multi-piece wheels.
They wanted to do something that was
that typical multi spoke but looked really good.
Something like this is gonna end up
costing you probably around 6000 dollars.
And that's what makes multi-piece wheels so,
kind of a deterrent to a lot of people,
just to how expensive these wheels can truly be.
But that's the price that you pay
for having the customization
of making any wheel that you want.
On top of the fact that you can just
do anything with the face as well.
Different brands do a ton of different designs.
And 90% of them are going to be original designs.
Meaning that a lot of times
companies aren't gonna be stealing
those sort of designs from each other
just because of how much you're paying.
A lot of times, designers will go in there
for companies, create the wheels, get paid,
and then they leave.
Those are the designs that get made
and sold to people like you and me.
A lot of companies have gone through
and tried to make their multi-piece wheels
as light as possible.
And they have gotten better.
Multi-piece wheels are still pretty heavy
when it comes down to the alternative of what you have
and a little bit of the same diameter.
But because it's forged, because the barrel
is spun, a lot of times you're cast,
you're not gonna have a cast face anymore.
You're gonna a have a forged face.
Just because of the price point.
What you are gonna get is a very strong wheel.
And that's a super cool thing,
because model block forged wheels
are pretty pricey as well.
And for a slight amount increase
in what you're gonna be paying,
you can have a lot more customization
that multi-piece wheels offer.
But if you're looking to do something with
the multi-piece wheel, maybe this is
your first time towards buying multi-piece wheels,
there's a couple things that you guys gotta remember.
Number one thing is that the wheels are gonna
be a lot like any other part of your car.
Occasionally they are going to need cleaning,
they're gonna need repairs, they're gonna need fixes.
And the way that I say that is because
multi-piece wheels just sometimes
have an issue with staying alive.
And that's not always the case.
But especially older wheels,
are gonna have to be refinished.
A lot of times the hardware can come out or get loose.
A lot of times you can have a bent lip
or something like that.
They have to get replaced.
And it's not the end of the world
because you can replace that part.
But you're gonna have to remember
that just like anything else,
there are going to be times where
you're gonna need to replace
and repair a piece of your wheel.
And because it's multi-piece, just means
that you're gonna have to repair
more than one piece sometimes.
On top of that, another thing you have
to remember is just the basic price point
of what you're gonna be paying for a multi-piece wheel.
You're going to be paying, generally speaking, more.
The most affordable multi-piece wheels
that we see out there right now
are around 3500 dollars.
And of course those wheels don't have a lot
of history behind them just yet.
If you're looking to get wheels
that have history and have reliability
and people already running them,
probably paying anywhere from five to eight grand.
And that's just how the price point is right now.
We'll probably see it right around there
for another couple years.
Final most important thing that you gotta remember
is the wait time that you're gonna have
on some of these wheels.
So a lot of companies will always
say six to right weeks.
And that's usually not the case.
Work wheels, multi-piece wheels,
they do a great job of making quality wheels,
but their delays are sometimes pretty darn long.
You're looking at five-six months to get your wheels.
Concept One, sometimes experiences the same issue.
So you're always gonna have companies
that are gonna tell ya, four to six weeks
but you're likely not gonna get them
for eight to twelve weeks.
So just remember if you're looking
to pick up a set of these wheels
that if you're buying them in June,
you probably won't have them until
the season is over.
So, that is everything that you need
to know about multi-piece wheels.
Drop a comment below if you have any questions.
But I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
If you haven't hit that subscribe button, please do.
And if you're interested in picking up
some multi-piece wheels, head on over
to www.fitmentindustries.com.
You can actually send in a quote.
We have accounts with Work
and all them fun guys.
So if you're interested, let us know.
But I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
We'll see you later.
Are You Your Own Best Friend? - Duration: 4:27.
Are you looking for your basic emotional needs to be met by something
or somebody else?
I ask because I see this on a regular basis.
So for example, I would say that about half of the
smokers that I've now hypnotized in my career are people who see
cigarettes as their best friend.
I've had people come in here and cry their eyes out because
they are already mourning the loss of their best friend.
Many of these people have been smoking since they were 12
or 13.
Some of them started in college.
Regardless of how they started, one of the things
that they have in common is that they feel that cigarettes are their
best friend.
The best friend who has always been there for them,
through, stress, and anxiety, through the toughest times.
You and I both know the reality and that is that those
cigarettes having been slowly killing that person every single time
they've had them.
But you see, our minds create interesting associations.
Our minds don't see things that way.
It's so important for us to be our own best friend
and make sure that our needs met here.
– within ourselves.
I'm talking about having your needs met to the point where
you're not looking for something or somebody else to do that for
That is a big mistake.
The reality is that one must be so happy with oneself and feel so
complete with oneself that you're not looking for anything in anybody
or anybody to feel fulfilled.
So for example, if you are somebody who is having issues with addiction with sugar,
alcohol, drugs or cigarettes or somebody who has a pattern of
being in co-dependent relationships, I want you to consider that
that is very telling of where you are at emotionally.
If I've described a scenario that you are currently experiencing, then you've
got to really work on yourself and make sure that you are good with yourself
– that you're not trying to find a crutch to lean on and that you're
not using that thing or person to distract you from the real issues
that are going on inside.
People distract themselves all the time.
I see this with highly successful people all the time.
The person might be highly successful and highly wealthy but honestly, if the person
so to speak, doesn't have themselves, if they don't have a positive
and healthy relationship with themselves to the point
where they are their own best friend, then in my eyes, the person has
You can be the richest person and if you are not your
own best friend and are not committed to yourself, then you have nothing.
I bring this to your attention so that you can really look within
and see what your own emotional status is.
Can you count on yourself to the point where regardless of anything and anybody, you feel
good about yourself and you know that you are there for yourself.
This is really important because when a person doesn't have that
self-love, isn't good to themselves and doesn't feel good about themselves,
at some point in their lives, it will catch up with them.
Even if they are highly successful.
At some point, all of those issues will rear their ugly
My friends, if I've mentioned something that you are
experiencing, I would definitely work on it because trust me, those
kind of issues, never really go away.
That's it for me.
I want to remind you that if you ever have any topic
requests, you can write them in the comments area.
I do read them.
Have a great rest of the day!
"You Don't Do It For Me Anymore" (Demi Lovato Cover) - Duration: 3:32.
I see the future without you The hell was I doing in the past
Now that I've learned all about you A love just like ours wouldn't last
I won't, fall, for your games So don't, hate, me when I say
That you Don't do it for me anymore
No you, Don't do it for me
Money won't pay for your problems You've got to fix them yourself
Vices and pity won't solve them Stop feeling bad for yourself
I won't, fall, for your games So don't, hate, me when I say
That you, Don't do it for me anymore
No you, Don't do it for me anymore
I'm sorry for honesty I could not bare
To lie to you To lie with you
I'm sorry for honesty I'm well aware
I lie to you When I lie with
You, Don't do it for me anymore
No you, Don't do it for me
Don't do it for me
You, Don't do it for me anymore
No you, Don't do it for me anymore
Life after 50: What to do when You Feel Like You Haven't Achieved Enough in Your Life - Duration: 8:24.
I look back at you know what I still want to accomplish and I'm real down on
myself for not having done enough and what did you say to me Paige I said many
things to you but I said I have more and more clients who come in who say the
same thing yeah
thanks so much for tuning into our second act with Paige and Silke for your
second act of life you know we do these segments where Paige and I just kind of
sit here in a beautiful environment and you know just just just chat and bring
up things that we that we think about and that we know other people think
about and what we were talking about last night you know we're talking about
again you know what are we going to talk about what what kind of messages do we
really want to get out there and one of the things that that really has been
affecting us or me I should say to me is I look back at you know what I still
want to accomplish and I'm real down on myself for not having done enough and
what did you say to me Paige I said many things but I said I have more and more
clients who come in who say the same thing yeah I go through it and what I
said to you was Silke take a look at X Y & Z and talked
about different things because it's so easy for people in our age group to look
back and go hey man what did I do what have I done because we see other
people doing so much and we compare ourselves so we think we do see other
people doing so much and obviously people in everybody excels to a certain
level and then once you do hit that that's half century mark which we call
the awakening that you know what how do I want to live the rest of my life you
know you we do make a lot of changes or or decisions that we don't think of at a
younger age because of where we are at this point why do we tend to be negative
about that because I think that's where the brain goes we're so easy so easy for
people to be half full mm-hmm you know it's easier for people to be
half empty than half full because let's face it each time you come to a
different time in your life you've never been there before but being 50 and over
that's a completely different ballgame because we have so many different
medical things going on as well too that can tweak the way we think and feel
career changes relationship changes job changes medical changes all the above so
when we look back we focus on what do I not do Who am I how come I'm here you
know when you look back there's so much more time we think we look forward we
think as much time you know so it's all
relative so I work with my clients and I try to do myself too and we talked about
this is how do we shift that so you can really look at hey you've done more than
you think you've done here so give us an example how would you how do you help
people with that ... take me for an example I give you a concrete no because it's true
I you know we've been working on this show for gosh it's been... the conception
was five years ago it's it's gone through various changes and you know
reinventions and you you always wanted to you know be someplace else but then
you said to me again look at the foundation we've created and the the the
input the the comments were getting that helped yeah so the question you asked me
is take you what would you do and you just kind of set it Silke you started
this second act before I came in I came in what a year and a half two years ago
maybe so I said you built the foundation for all those years without that
foundation I wouldn't be able to come in so that is an accomplishment and you
know we always focus on well success well to be successful means that I'm
gonna be famous I make lots of money I miss and I'm like get that out of your
mind right now because you know you have to first define what is success for you
did you get out of bed today did you feel a little bit better after you took
your b12 shot you know small things that if you think about small things create
bigger things so I have people look back in their life all the way back as far as
I can remember and I have them write down what have you accomplished right
away people go to career the job that they got the house that they got to
build the car ... like the big things and I'm like right that's easy
now delve into a little bit deeper what are the other accomplishments oh well I
was a parent or I adopted a child or I traveled to a third world country and
was working in a village and this person did something or you know what I
accomplished being in a job where maybe they were sexual-harassment I spoke up
and help others or I learned something from it so it's you keep going layer by
layer by layer and after they do that they start to
realize well damn I really have done more than I realized I said great and
after you've done that write down what have you gained what knowledge have you
gained but wisdom have you gained or just what have you gained as a spirit as
a soul as a human being the first 50 years of your life and then they write
that down I'm like man you know I really have gained so much so now their
perspective shifts because they look back in a different way of what they
have accomplished even the stuff that's hard the divorce the medical conditions
the unhappiness the whatever it might be the death of a friend or loved on our
parent whatever it might be they've gained something out of it and
now they can look forward to the next 50 or how many years and go okay now that
I've done this now I can be centered and go where do I go next the thinking's
clearer the focus is clearer they don't have the negative thoughts as much
they've shifted it does that make sense no it makes perfect sense I mean it does
is when you do break it down and you realize I have accomplished a lot and I
in just that shift and feeling better about yourself gives you new energy new
vitality and and the motivation to keep going and move forward not comparing
what you've accomplished to someone else because maybe their definition of
accomplishment or success is different than yours yeah but we really have to
get off this like if you go on Facebook and all the pictures of how successful
people are come on that's just masking again you have to
really look at the daily the hourly the minute what are you accomplishing mm-hmm
you know if I could just share briefly I have a patient who's going through
cancer who didn't realize what her life was like before cancer and she just said
to me like two weeks ago you know what Paige this has been a good thing that
I'm going through because now I'm having a better relationship with my mom I'm
seeing who I'm really connected with I'm spending more time with my kids I'm
starting to get connected to my body so it's you know so it's the same thing
even in the real toughest of times or or traumas or medical types of illnesses
where you just are like what the hell why is this happening I'm struck
and I'm bringing people down or whatever it might be there are accomplishments of
that there's things that you're gaining in that so it's all about perspective
and how you look at it still have the time when you're down you're upset or
you're depressed or whatever set time aside for that okay now let's try this
piece and add that into it yeah oh great advice is what how would you
close this segment out good question I think I would say we all look back in
our lives and go Who am I what did I do how am I being fulfilled am i important
in this world I valued in this world am i respected in this world but ask that
of yourself do I value me do I honor me do I respect me and then take a look at
the accomplishments and take a look of what you gained and you really see
something different and don't compare with anybody else
I love it thanks Paige see you next time on our
second act with Paige and Silke for your second act of life
so glad you were able to join us today I hope you found this information helpful if you haven't
already done so please just take one second and subscribe to our Channel
buttons right over here and for more information about living your life to
the fullest after 50 come visit our website 2ndact.tv see you soon
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