You: (Thinks : Oh good! Sans is still -)
You : (Thinks: ...still....home.....)
Sans: [inhales]
Sans: [sighs]
You: (thinks: He looks sad….maybe I should -) [steps forward]
Sans: [gasps]
You: Uh...
Sans: Oh hey human! [chuckle]
Sans: I didn't know you were here!
Sans: How you-
You: What's wrong.
Sans : Uh?!
Sans: Huh? What are you talking about?
You: I saw the look on your face a few seconds ago.
You: What's wrong?
Sans: Uhh...nothing?
You: Come on Sans. What's wrong?
Sans: I'm fine. I was just thinking about some
Sans: really difficult science stuff.
Sans: Nothing's wrong. I swear!
Sans: So...How you been pal?
You: Fine, and how are y-
Sans: That's good! You do anything fun lately?
You : Sans...
Sans : W...What?
You : [sighs]
You: (thinks: Can he be any LESS obvious?)
You: How have you been Sans?
Sans: Good.
You: Sans...seriously...what's wrong?
Sans: Nothing..! Like I said..!
Sans: I've just been....
Sans: thinking about really complicated-
Sans : science stuff lately. Alright?
You : Hmmm…..
You: (thinks : He's hiding something…)
You: Well "science stuff" or not,
You: you can talk to me about anything anytime.
You: You know that right?
Sans : Uuuh....Y-yeah.
Sans: I....
Sans: [sighs]
Sans: I know...
You: (thinks:Guess I should drop it.)
You: Okay….
You: Wanna hear a joke?
Sans: Uh...Yeah... sure....
You: Why did the inches obey the yardstick?
Sans :
Sans : ...he was their ruler?
You: Yup!
Sans: [chuckles then sighs]
You: (thinks: Good! He's smiling!)
You: I got another one for you.
You: How does a barber cut the Moon's hair?
You: E-clipse it
Sans: Oh yeah!
[You and Sans chuckle]
You: Oh! What kind of dance do mothers like best?
Sans: The Mom-ba?
You: Yeah!
[You and Sans chuckle]
Sans: I got one for ya.
You: I'm listening :)
Sans: What does a tree do when it's ready to go home?
You: Uh…It….it leaves?
Sans: Yep!
[You and Sans chuckle]
Sans: What'd the hotdogs say after the race?
You: Uh….no clue.
Sans: I'm the Wiener! [chuckle]
You: Wiener?
Sans: Yeah.
Sans: I'm the Wiener...
Sans : in...
You : OH!! WINNER!!
Sans: You got it.
[You and Sans chuckle]
You: Wiener. [chuckles then sighs]
Sans: Hey Human?
You: Yeah Sans?
Sans: Thanks.
You: Huh? For what?
Sans : Fer....cheering me up and ....
Sans: ....offering ta... listen to me.
You: Sans….you don't need to thank me….. but….
You: You're welcome.
You: Now can talk to me about anything
You: and ask me for help with anything anytime okay?
You : S...Sans...?
Sans : I uuh....
Sans: I'd like ta...tell you....
Sans: ...what's been on my mind later ....
Sans: I...
Sans: I still need time... to think...
You: Uh...O-Okay! Great!!
You: I'd be happy to listen whenever you're ready Sans.
Sans : Thanks... and....
Sans : I'll try not to take too long.
Outro Music in 3
Outro Music in 2
Outro Music in 1
For more infomation >> You Cheer Up Sans | 100 Subscribers Special - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Allah Made You Beautiful - Duration: 1:56.
Vanity according to the people of science
is when you see the gift
but you dont see the giver of the gifts
right? in other words you can see that you are beautifull
like for woman or a man who has been given physical beauty
they see the beauty but they forget, WHO gave you that?
it's always intrests me you know somebody says
oh you are soo beautiful * thankyou* as if you had anything to do with it
he molded you
Allah says he created the rest of the skies
he could have added he created you too!
be he already said that before
he changed it, he molded you
"mussawara" in arabic is to fashion something, to mold something
to scold something, make a sculpture that's perfect and beautiful
he takes pride in how beautifully he made us
you know what the ungratefull says? why am i so fat?
why am i so skinny
why am i so short
Allah is saying it "accept who you are"
i think you are beautiful why do you think you are ugly
why do you have to be so unhappy for yourself
and molding is not just in the physicall sense
even our personalities or capabilities
allah has given each and everyone of us certain strength
certain abilities
certain talents
he is the one who gave them to us
so when we dont appreciate what we have been given!
then we are not appreciating Allah himself
because he is the one who gave
just like when somebody gives you a gift and you dont appreciate it!
t's a disrespect to the one who gave you the gift
all of what we have been given is a gift from Allah S.W.T
and if you dont recognize that
you will all be going back to him anyway
they will have to be returned to the orignal owner
Greg Gutfeld: You can destroy your career on Twitter - Duration: 3:39.
Giving You Confidence to Try New Things - - Duration: 1:19.
I'm Caleb with to show you our coffee selection
5 blends with ground, whole bean & R-Cups available
Sample Packs have 4oz samples of each blend
PowerPacks have 12oz bags of each blend
We believe our coffee can help the entrepreneur
It will help give you confidence to try something new...
Like start a business you've always wanted to start
Or ask your boss for a raise
Or eat a raw onion for the first time...
RHR Brew will give you confidence to try new things
Are Black Beans Good For You When Trying to Lose Weight - Duration: 5:30.
Are Black Beans Good For You When Trying to Lose Weight
but these are one of the best foods for your health your budget and your
waistline they are considered nature's health food black beans are packed with
fiber and protein which means they will keep you feeling full and energetic for
hours this is very important if you are trying to lose weight and can't stand
feeling hungry all at the time
black beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber soluble fiber helps
reduce your load the bad cholesterol and reduces the absorption of cholesterol
into your bloodstream this is very beneficial for your heart health the
insoluble fiber is beneficial for keeping your digestive system healthy as
it prevents constipation diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome
but black beans are a great source of dietary fiber and protein as well as
magnesium selenium manganese and phosphorus they also contain lignans a
photochemical that may be protective against breast and prostate cancer
consuming black beans produces embarrassing gas and it is a byproduct
of bacteria in the intestine breaking down the complex carbohydrate into
nitrogen and carbon dioxide
as your body gets used to eating beans you will find the dis problem lessons
you know is a product you can buy in your grocery store it contains a natural
digestive enzyme that helps break down the starchy carbohydrate and prevent gas
five drops of being up before a meal that includes black beans can help you
get relieved of the embarrassing situation
another trick for preventing flatulence is not to cook the Beeman's in the same
water you soak them in and always drain and rinse your canned black beans canned
beans are more likely to cause gastric distress than those you cook yourself
but following district Niek you will miss out on some of the nutrients that
have been leached into the water but you will greatly lessen the occurrence of
intestinal gas
when you add black beans to your diet on a regular basis you want to be sure to
drink plenty of water the extra fiber in your body requires water as it plumps up
and prepares for excretion
try the mention delicious black bean recipes to add these little nutritional
powerhouse as to your diet
similar to black beans 16 ounces dried black beans 2 quarts water 1 tablespoon
extra virgin olive oil 1 medium onion chopped 4 large cloves of garlic minced
1/4 cup cilantro chopped and coarse sea salt to taste
eat the oil over a low heat and a large heavy soup pot or Dutch oven add the
onion stir in cooking till onion starts to soften add half of the garlic stir
and cook for 1 to 2 minutes add the beans and soaking water the beans should
be covered by at least an inch of water add more water if needed
bring to a boil reduce the heat to low and skim off any foam that is on top
cover and simmer for 1 hour add the remaining garlic cilantro and salt
continue to simmer for another hour until the beans are quite soft in the
broth is NIC served warm
laughs Dean Browns one package dark chocolate brownie dry mix one can black
beans drained and rinsed one cup water 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup coarsely chopped dried cherries or craisins
you're a black beans in a blender with one cup water place dry brownie mix in
large mixing bowl add black beans and stir well until all dry mixes moist do
not over mix stir in chocolate chips and cherries or craisins if desired port
brownie mixture into mini muffin tin bake for 13 minutes in a 325 degree oven
Are Black Beans Good For You When Trying to Lose Weight
Why You Should Care About Body Language - Duration: 0:56.
why do you care about your body language well here's why when it comes to
communication there's three voices to your communication the words you speak
the tone of those words and your gestures or your body language so what
happens if they don't match what if you send one message with your words and a
different one with your body language well it turns out people will take the
meaning from your body language 55% of the time and the reason is this people
filter the words they use they calculate the tone of those words but the majority
of the time they ignore their body language which means your biggest
opportunity to avoid miscommunication is by improving your body language
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