what is going on folks and welcome to cyber realm so here's another little
podcast for the fun of it the focus for today's podcast is make it quick Yasuo
is in a special position for League of Legends champion why because he is
unbalanced I will follow this path until the end if he snowballs he wins if he gets
camped he loses people always speak of Yasuo as a toxic champion and while I
can't deny that I have to argue that a lot of y'all so players are toxic
because of one thing ninjas know not that his ultimate
that's right out of his entire kit only one skill is lacking and that's his
ultimate in League of Legends Ultimates are the last skill you can put a skill
point into and they're important because they can either flip the table on the
enemy or change your champions place now completely so needless to say an
ultimate can make or break your game now let's take a look at Yasuo Saltzman last
breath okay what does it do it suspends enemies in the air for one second it
does some damage it's hell up was he also into the middle of the fight it
gives you also some armor penetration when he crits and he gives you also his
passive back Wow actually now that I look at it
carefully it does quite a lot however it still does not satisfy one condition you
have to knock them up beforehand and I mean that's just a pain to do
considering if you're the only knock up of your team but there's another thing
the name of the skill has nothing to do with the skill itself I mean look at Mel
fighting his ultimate is called unstoppable because he cannot be stopped
unless killed of course but Yasuo last breath what part of his ultimate
justifies that name but fear not Riot Games I have the perfect solution for
this problem just make those ultimate exactly as it implies yossel takes his
last breath on the rift so let me explain he also is new ultimate last
breath voila yossel to execute himself on the rift if
he has not been damaged by another champion for 3 seconds he can actively
the skill to execute himself and immediately respawn at fountain the
skills cooldown is determined by the death timer at that time I will not die
Dishonored just think about it team fights are
happening you also supposed to another Lane he drags one or two enemies with
him to the other Lane and before his enemies could get to him he offs himself
now your team gets an easy 4 v3 or even a 5 e3 if you have TP I will die
Dishonored or here's another scenario your team has an open Nexus enemy
jungler decides to backdoor recalling takes too long but fear not Yasuo is on
the case yeah awesome softn can you move late defends Nexus dying is the easy
part look at that Rito Fitz's police dog fits
the skills name I'm such a genius anyways that's all for today's episode
thank you guys so much for watching if you haven't checked out my RP giveaway
yet make sure you do a total of $50 RP will be given away to four lucky winners
the link is in the description and with that I bid you guys goodbye for now and
see you guys in the next one peace don't start what aisle finish
For more infomation >> WHAT IF YASUO HAD A BETTER ULT | League of PodCast | RP Giveaway - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Modern Waterfall Guesthouse with Stunning Interior in Woodlawn Triangle - Duration: 2:14.
Modern Waterfall Guesthouse with Stunning Interior in Woodlawn Triangle
Learn YOU ARE- GOT7 Fanchant || Get Ready For The GOT7 Eyes On You World Tour - Duration: 4:43.
Hi Chingus I'm KtownTV's Lesslee
welcome to a new video
It's time to learn a new GOT7 Fanchant
and the fanchant we'll be learning today is....
Are you ready?
WAIT! before we continue don't forget to like GOT7 AHGASES MEXICO
So you can download and print this and future fanchants
And if you're not following their page already,What are you waiting for?
To be honest they're the best GOT7 fanpage
so make sure to follow them
and don't forget to subscribe to my channel
and make sure to turn on the notification bell so that you won't miss any videos
let's begin
How did it go ahgase?
Honestly this fanchant is very hard
It took me a while to get it some what right
so make sure to keep practicing, because you know what they say
Practice makes perfect
see you on the next video. Hasta la vista chingus
Zoo 4 You: Flamingos - Duration: 2:24.
Meditation Sounds | Relaxation Sounds | Water Healing Sounds | Nature Ambience | Global Mantra - Duration: 1:24:51.
Water Sound in a Lotus Pond
IMAN Global Chic Luxe 4piece Perfect Party Ensemble - Duration: 8:30.
Root Chakra Grounding Meditation with Reiki Massage and Reiki Healing - Duration: 1:11:11.
Channing Dungey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:26.
Channing Dungey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Channing Dungey is the first black president of a major TV network.
Dungey, 49, has been with ABC Studios since 2004.
In February 2016, Dungey was selected as the replacement for Paul Lee as president of the ABC Entertainment Group.
Her role prior to that had been as the network's head of drama.
During her time in that role, Dungey produced shows such as Scandal, Criminal Minds, Once Upon a Time and How to Get Away With Murder.
Before moving into TV, Dungey worked in production for Warner Brothers where she oversaw the production of movies such as, The Bridges of Madison County, The Matrix and The Devil's Advocate.
Dungey is married to Scott Power and the couple has one child together.
Her sister, Merrin Dungey, is an actor who appeared on ABC shows such as, Once Upon a Time.
Dungey graduated magna cum laude from UCLA's School of Theater, Film and Television in 1991.
Here's what you need to know:.
Dungey Took the Decision to Cancel Roseanne in May 2018.
It was Dungey who fired Roseanne Barr on May 29, 2018.
In a statement, Dungey said, "Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show." Disney CEO Bob Iger tweeted support for the decision saying, "There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing." Barr has since deleted the tweets in which she said racially insensitive things about Valerie Jerrett.
According to Variety, Dungey said at a recent ABC event, which Roseanne attended, "The premiere ratings even took us by surprise.".
A few weeks before Roseanne was canceled, the Washington Post reported that Fox had picked up Last Man Standing based on the strength of Roseanne's ratings.
Like Barr, Last Man Standing's Tim Allen is an outspoken Trump supporter.
Earlier in May 2018, Dungey had said that Roseanne would focus less on politics going forward and more on family, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
When the show launched, Dungey said of Roseanne, "The Conners' joy and struggles are as relevant – and hilarious – today as they were then, and there's really no one better to comment on our modern American than Roseanne.
Dungey Had to Fire Her Sister From a 2007 Grey's Anatomy Spin Off Named Private Practice.
The Los Angeles Times reported in February 2016 that Dungey, in 2007 in her role as a developmental executive, had to fire her own sister, Merrin Dungey, from the Grey's Anatomy spinoff, Private Practice.
Though when Dungey was promoted to the head of ABC, Merrin Dungey tweeted, "SO SO PROUD OF MY SISTER!!" Dungey replaced Paul Lee as head of the network.
According to the Times report, Lee had previously said of Dungey, "When I leave Channing will be the next president.".
The New York Times reported in 2016 that Lee resigned after clashing with with Disney/ABC executive Ben Sherwood.
Dungey reports directly to Sherwood.
Sherwood's statement at the time of Dungey's promotion read, "Channing is a gifted leader and a proven magnet for top creative talent, with an impressive record of developing compelling, breakthrough programming that resonates with viewers." While Dungey said, "I've had the great honor of working alongside the talented team at ABC for many years and look forward to starting this exciting new chapter with them.".
Dungey Said in 2016 that Trump's Election Made Her Rethink Her Strategy.
Speaking at an event in London in December 2016, Dungey told an audience, "With our dramas, we have a lot of shows that feature very well-to-do, well-educated people, who are driving very nice cars and living in extremely nice places.
There is definitely still room for that, and we absolutely want to continue to tell those stories because wish-fulfillment is a critical part of what we do as entertainers.
But in recent history we haven't paid enough attention to some of the true realities of what life is like for everyday Americans in our dramas," according to C21 Media.
Dungey Calls Herself a 'TV Junkie Who Somehow Scored a Backstage Pass'.
On her Twitter page, Dungey refers to herself as a, "TV junkie who somehow scored a backstage pass.
" In a 2016 interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Dungey talked about the best part of her job being, "When I overhear people in line at the store or at an adjacent table in a restaurant talking about a storyline from one of our shows that engaged, entertained or inspired them — particularly if it's a story that made them think about the world in a different way.
" Dungey also said the worst thing about working in Hollywood was, "Meetings and sets are spread all over town, but there's no quick, effective public transportation to get me from here to there.
Speaking about her television addiction, Dungey said in a 2017 interview, "I've been a TV junkie for a long time, since I was a kid.
My sister (actress and UCLA alumna) Merrin Dungey and I used to audiotape shows before we had a VCR.
That's how devoted we were.
And we used to rip through the fall TV Guide every season to see all the new shows and our favorites and plan out what we were going to watch.
Our parents limited our TV viewing, so we had to choose carefully.".
Dungey & Her Husband, Scott Power, Adopted a Daughter Together in 2012.
Dungey and her husband, Scott Power, announced in 2012 that they had adopted a baby daughter, Eden.
A year after the adoption, Dungey said in an interview, "It's so exciting to be a mom and to be kind of rediscovering the world through her eyes." Dungey told UCLA's website in a 2017 interview that she didn't have many black female role models in the media growing up but "now my 3-year-old daughter has examples like Beyoncé and Oprah and Shonda.
If I'm lucky enough to have people looking up to me, to have broken some ground, that's incredible.".
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