The thought of not being able to bring a healthy baby into the world is something that few women can bear.
There are many reasons why some women cannot conceive
and one of the top causes is a blockage in the fallopian tubes, also known as tubal factor infertility.
In fact, blocked fallopian tubes are the reason behind almost 40 percent of infertility cases.
Fertilization takes place in one of the fallopian tubes, and the embryo then develops in the uterus.
Any kind of blockage can prevent conception, as the egg cannot meet with the sperm for fertilization.
A blockage can occur in one or both fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus
It can be due to inflammation, infection or even adhesions on a scar after healing from surgery.
Some common conditions or procedures that may cause blocked fallopian tubes are endometriosis
pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy
tubal ligation removal and complications from lower abdominal surgery, such as a cesarean section.
As blocked fallopian tubes are usually asymptomatic
they may go undiagnosed until a woman goes to the doctor to find out why she is not able to get pregnant.
There are some natural remedies and lifestyle factors that can help cure and reverse most cases of blocked fallopian tubes.
Here are the top 5 ways to unblock your fallopian tubes naturally.
1. Castor Oil Pack
To unblock your fallopian tubes, a natural option is castor oil.
Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, an element that carries powerful therapeutic effects.
It helps increase blood and lymphatic circulation around the fallopian tubes.
The increased blood supply promotes better functioning and aids removal of blockages from the fallopian tubes.
Also, it triggers the lymphatic system, which is important for removing diseased cells, old cells and scar tissue.
Castor oil therapy is also effective for problems like ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and endometriosis, which can cause a blockage.
1. Prepare a castor oil pack by soaking a piece of soft, clean cloth in castor oil.
2. Fold the cloth and heat it in the microwave until it is comfortably warm.
3. Place it on your lower abdomen.
4. Put a piece of plastic on top of the cloth.
5. Apply heat for 30 to 60 minutes by placing a hot water bottle on top of the plastic.
6. Remove the pack, then rinse off the oil with lukewarm water.
7. Do this daily for at least 1 to 2 months for good results.
Note: Do not use this remedy if you are menstruating or may be pregnant
2. Yoga
Yoga helps channel your body's energies in a systematic manner, which is important for your reproductive as well as overall health.
With its unique combination of postures, breathing exercises and meditation yoga increases oxygenation
and blood circulation throughout your body
It also helps fight infection and inflammation, two main culprits in blocking or damaging your fallopian tubes.
With regular yoga practice, you can improve your fertility and increase your chance of getting pregnant.
To open blocked fallopian tubes, one of the best yoga poses is Setu Bandhasana (Supported Bridge pose)
Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall pose) also helps improve blockages of the fallopian tubes.
To do the Setu Bandhasana pose:
1. Lie down flat on your back. 2. Bend your knees to place your feet close to your buttocks.
3. Inhale deeply, then exhale and lift your pelvis and buttocks off the floor, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor.
4. Stay in this pose for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. 5. Exhale and slowly come back to the initial lying position.
Note: Those suffering from neck and back injuries should not do this yoga pose.
3. Fertility Massage
Massaging the abdomen is a type of manual physical therapy that can help unblock your fallopian tubes and improve their general health and functioning.
Massage leads to better blood circulation in and around the tubes, which in turn leads to breaking up scar tissue and adhesions as well as decreasing inflammation.
A 2015 study published in Alternative Therapies found that manual physical therapy helps reverse female infertility attributed to occluded fallopian tubes
hormonal dysregulation, endometriosis and unexplained infertility and to increase successful in vitro cycles.
In this retrospective study of 1,392 infertile women
manual physical therapy treatment showed a 60 percent success rate
in opening at least one fallopian tube and a 57 percent pregnancy rate for women whose tubes had opened.
1. Lie down on your back and put a pillow under your lower back.
2. Relax and gently massage your lower abdomen with some warm olive oil.
3. While massaging, try to pull the area beneath your pelvic bone (where the uterus is located) toward your navel.
4. Hold this position, count to 10 and release your hands.
5. Repeat this procedure 10 to 20 times. 6. Do this daily.
You can also see a massage therapist specializing in abdominal massage for better results.
Note: Do not use this therapy if you are menstruating or may be pregnant.
4. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is another effective technique to improve the functioning of the fallopian tubes.
In acupressure, experts use precise finger placement and pressure over specific points along the body to encourage relaxation and improve blood circulation.
Increased circulation helps break down scar tissue and adhesions around the fallopian tubes, in turn opening the blocked tubes.
For blocked fallopian tubes, the acupoints that need to be stimulated are Ren 14, Ren 12, Ren 6, Ren 4, Ren 3 and St 30.
When using acupuncture for blocked fallopian tubes, get it done by an expert.
5. Exercise
Exercise is a good way to reduce inflammation in the body and improve blood circulation, which in turn can reduce a blockage in the fallopian tubes.
Stretching exercises are best to reduce scar tissue, one of the major reasons for tubal blockage.
A regular practice of simple stretching exercises can clear blockages in and around the fallopian tubes as well as relieve pelvic pain.
Another good option is energy exercises that improve blood circulation and vital energies throughout the body.
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