Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jul 1 2018

I'm gonna give you today

five reasons why you need to cut it off,

and move forward with your life

if there is someone right now

who is not sure about you.

Number One

You have to do

what he's not strong enough to do.

In his weak moments

where he's lonely and needy,

and wants to be connected to you...

He'll come back to you.

You'll have a great time together,

but in his strong moments

he'll be questioning again

whether this is the right relationship,

whether you're the right person.

So you'll be on a loop with this guy

where this pain will come back to revisit you

over and over again.

Every time you think you've got past it...

It'll come back.

You have to cut it off,

because there's a very good chance

he never will.

Number Two

There is someone out there waiting for you

who will be sure of you.

They won't think you're seventy percent

of what they want.

They'll be absolutely certain of you.

You are depriving yourself of that person

by hanging around with someone who's not sure about you,

and by the way,

you're also depriving that person

of you.

Number Three

Life is short enough

with the right person.

When you find that person that you're sure of

who's sure of you

you're already gonna feel like

there isn't enough time in the world to love each other.

So why would you spend a portion of that finite, precious time

with someone who's not even sure about you?

Number Four

Even when he's with you,

you're not getting his best.

How do I know that?

Because when a man isn't all in,

when he hasn't really decided that this is the person,

he's always holding back.

He's not giving as much of his emotional energy,

as much of his time,

he's not going out of his way

to do the gestures that he would do...

So you're getting scraps of him

even when you feel like it's good,

and my response to that is that is an insult to you.

It's an insult to your time.

It's an insult to how much you care about this person.

That you're going to a show every night,

and the cast isn't even showing up.

They're not doing their best performance.

Why would you be with someone who's not giving you their best performance?

And Number Five

Relationships are hard enough

even when it's the right person.

When two people find each other,

and they're certain of each other,

there's still gonna be issues,

and we're still gonna strive everyday

to do better,

to grow,

to give more,

but in a relationship

we should be giving more

to try to be our best,

not to try to be enough.

If you have to kill yourself

just to be enough for someone...

That is gonna destroy you over time.

You're gonna be exhausted.

We should be enough just by being us,

and everything else

is effort to be our best for our partner.

Don't strive to be enough.

Find someone you are enough for,

and then strive to be your best for that person.

Look, guys will say they're uncertain for a lot of reasons,

and they may be true,

they may be completely, logically correct.

Maybe he is working three jobs.

Maybe it is a tough time in his life.

Maybe there is something going on for him internally

that he can't deal with right now,

but I don't care about his reasons right now,

I care about your reality.

The one where you are entertaining

giving your time,

giving your energy,

giving your emotion

to someone who is not sure about you.

That's the reality,

and that's the thing that you have to focus on.

Life is too short to spend it

with someone who is not sure about you.

Set the bar higher than that.

I will see you next week.

For more infomation >> Do You Worry He's "Not Sure" About You? Do This... (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy) - Duration: 4:00.


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For more infomation >> [FREE] Tee Grizzley Type Beat 2018 | 'You' | Rap Instrumental Download - Duration: 3:31.


Jason-Tyler Edwards - Apple Masters Worldwide Excellence Summit Rap - Duration: 2:04.

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