Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 30 2018

♪ Chris Brown - When You Go ♪

For more infomation >> Chris Brown - When You Go (Official Audio) - Duration: 2:58.


Chris Brown - Compadre ft. Kap G (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:01.

Chris Brown & Kap G ♪ Compadre ♪

For more infomation >> Chris Brown - Compadre ft. Kap G (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:01.


3 Signs You MUST Decrease Importance to Attract What You Want (Reality Transurfing Secret) - Duration: 18:12.

this video will show you three signs that you must decrease importance in

order to attract what you want I think this is the game-changer for a lot of

people it's changed my life and I want to show you how to do that

welcome back to another video my name is Erin and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you those three

things the three signs that it is time for you to decrease importance and how

that can totally revolutionize the kind of results that you're getting now this

is a reality Tran surfing idea maybe maybe if you've heard me talk about

reality Tran surfing and basically in a nutshell what it is it's the powerful

process manifestation process and more so just a philosophy like a wave for

seeing the world and it came from a book called reality trans earthing by vadim

zealand who is a quantum physicist in russia now it's been translated to

english and it's um a lot of people come and understand and it has to do with

understanding a couple key principles one is that there's an infinite number

of parallel realities that exist and that what you want to experience already

exists so it's not so much about trying to get that to come over here it's more

so about embodying the feeling and embodying that version of you now in

order to experience what you want now there's a couple key principles one

setting intention so when you simply set more intentions you'll experience more

what you want your life tensions are the direction of which parallel realities

you experience there's another part called pendulums pendulums are these

thought structures anytime we think thoughts there are electromagnetic type

reality to those thoughts even if we can't actually see it so when we're

thinking about certain things we're creating thought structures about it now

think about it also any time we're consistently thinking of something with

momentum we begin to create more and more of that momentum therefore bringing

that more so in our perceptual range so that's why well your focus is so

powerful and when you learn how to really focus in a powerful way or you

learn how to focus from a conscious way things can change in a very powerful way

now another part of reality Tran surfing is this idea of decreasing importance

this is the game changer for me this is the game to

that when I share on the channel people say it's really changed their life and

it's understanding that we must balance out the energy or they'll be balancing

factors that come out that balance off the energy for us and this is normally

in a way that we don't prefer so this is when we are giving anything what is

called excess meaning what that means is that anytime you want something really

bad you're also saying I currently don't have this now at the same time when you

make something really really important you put it on a pedestal and you

immediately can't connect to it as much when you put it on a pedestal you create

this resistance you create it to where it's something that you don't actually

perceive up because metaphorically speaking there are these balancing

factors that come into play that make it so that that balance is out so the key

is we must do and have what is called a balance of coordination we must be aware

of how something feels and by being aware of how something feels and the way

that we're viewing it we can then see him we'd be like yo I got switched up my

mindset a little bit about this and if we do that a lot begins to change so

these three signs are things that I've noticed in my own life and even if this

is just a couple days and I think that you can relate to some of these so the

first one has to do with simply seriousness how serious are you making

your manifestation and how serious are you taking yourselves yourself and the

reason I say this is because I realize this the other day now I have been in

this new spot for about a week now and I realized that even in the last you know

since I moved in here I just pretty much get up every day I make videos and I

kind of in a way just grind it out like I have a very strong work ethic I love

what I do so it's not like I have to feel like oh how good it is I have to go

do this however I find that I become a little bit too immersed in what I do

sometimes in the sense that I become very I don't know like I'm just always

trying to get to the next place I'm always trying to progress the website

progress this progress that progress and it makes me feel sometimes like there's

a certain sense of seriousness that comes with it and I had to remind myself

because I was feeling resistance maybe like two three days ago and I realized

that unless I got into check something else would happen

that would make me have to get it in check now this happens to me like for

example I haven't been sick in about four or five years except for a little

bit of congestion and what happens is when I start to become aware of that

congestion that is my body signal telling me hey you need to get back into

being present to the moment you need to relax that's the way I interpret it

because that's the meaning I give it so because of that what I've learned to do

is how to have that body awareness so I'm not sick however I do start to get

congested from time to time maybe you could hear it I sound a tad bit

congested and that's simply because it's my body telling me hey loosen up relax

it doesn't have to be so serious and that's my interpretation at least that's

the way that I use it but by me becoming aware of that guess what I'm grateful

because then I can focus on what really matters which is also enjoying life you

know sometimes we put these things on a pedestal like yeah on a pedestal but we

also say and give so much meaning we say when that happens I will feel a certain

way when really we have to enjoy the journey at the same time so this is

always a reminder for me to enjoy the journey so sometimes I'll go out to eat

at a nice place or I'll go hang out with friends or I'll go do something like

swim in a pool or go to the gym and just relax at the gym like there's a sauna

and there's like things you know light outside by the pool because it's sunny

here in Vegas so those are some things that I can do but also to just have fun

just to laugh you know that's something else too I remember one of the funnest

trips that I had I went with Victor my buddy Victor odo which a lot of you guys

know and we went to Costa Rica we went to a place called arrhythmia and when

one are there it was like we weren't you know we didn't we weren't grinding out

to make videos we weren't like there was no specific schedule of what exactly we

had to do and we just enjoyed ourselves and it was one of the funnest trips I've

ever had because we literally just laughed the whole time it was like we

were able to like kind of just be ourselves in a completely different way

away from like the business side of us which is like let's do this how we're

gonna help people do this you know the business and the adding value side you

know we so many videos why were there a couple here and there but it was like so

much of a different energy and it was so light it was so fun

and what do it sometimes I I intend to like get

intention as powerful I intend to get back to that state to where it's just

loose it's just fun just like you know laugh about it if you find yourself

taking it too serious then what happens is you're creating it and making it more

important than it has to be and that's where resistance is created so part of

even when it says in the book is that anytime we take things too seriously

that that a lot of times means that we're giving an excess importance so the

key is to have a better sense of humor about it to just kind of joke around but

let it be fun you know sometimes I look and I think it's funny the way that I'm

so focused on what I do and it can be a good thing that's for sure you know it's

just that I've been rewarded for like the hard work I put into what I do

because that's what made me go from working a nine-to-five job at in joy to

doing YouTube full-time so I'm kind of like always keep that you always keep

that kind of perspective but the key I'm finding is it's less about the

seriousness and it's more about the feeling so how do you feel you know it's

funny because as I get and I increase my state of being things happen better

anyways I know sometimes if I against a website Victor knows this too anytime

there's a website issue or we can't figure out how to do something how to

move something over technical wise the more you fight it the more the more

resistance you create with it you're not going to figure out the answer but if

you go to the gym or if you go outside and lay out for a little bit or if you

just go relax for a little bit and you come back to it you figure it out really

easily it's the funniest thing it's almost like you allow that resistance to

go away which is manifesting itself with not figuring stuff out and then all the

sudden guess what you can figure stuff out so are you making things more

important than they have to be and are you being very serious about it you know

sometimes that people like how do I attract this how do I track this very

serious type 5 and a lot of times my answer is just to loosen up about it be

cool if it happens but also be cool of you just be present in the moment

because you know it's gonna eventually happen so that's something that's really

made me become more aware of how I can decrease importance and it's changed my

life in a powerful way all right now the second sign that it is time to decrease

importance is the most obvious one and that is that you feel resistance now

resistance is like a negative feeling that we have and there's really two type

of inner and outer importance or is really two type of importance

in general one is inner importance the other is outer importance any time we

give something inner importance within ourselves meaning that we think that we

are maybe better than other people or maybe we think that we're not like we're

underneath other people that's creating polarization of either inner importance

or outer importance of that's creating it whether it's us feeling better or

worse than other people that's creating polarization which creates an imbalance

of the inner intention and the inner importance now our importance is anytime

we make something outside of us more important than it has to be now this is

the most common one when it comes to making it important that you attract

someone into your life make it a very important that you attract money into

your life or any type of object that we give excess median or excess importance

two balancing factors come into play that neutralize that energy so what this

means is that what we must do is become aware of this inner and outer importance

that we're giving things because that creates resistance how do you feel with

this you know this let me give a couple examples one example could be that you

just got a new car and you make it very very important that everything about it

stays very clean and things are always happening to where it's like you can

protect it because you really really value it the thing is is if you really

really value it and you make it more important than it has to be many times

you may manifest something happening it could be a little like a car ding

something dings your car it could be that you go to clean it and something

happens to where I like it something breaks it could be so many different

things because they're giving you an excess meaning with that excess

potential the probability of that energy state is that something can manifest for

it to go the wrong way so it could be also that you create resistance with the

relationship you say here's where I am right now I want to be in a relationship

I want somebody to love me and because you have that intention what happens is

you're also saying in the present moment I don't currently have what I want and

in an energetic state of being you may also be saying that I'm not worthy

because you are feeling that you need someone else that creates something

called dependence outer independence you create dependence on something else

happening and if that thing doesn't happen then

you can't feel happy but that's making a rule to yourself and that's making it so

that you have to things have to fill into a slot in order for things to

happen for you and the thing is is that's outside of you that's not

something you can't control so instead you must understand the

energy from which you're coming from a lot of times when people ask me

questions on YouTube whether it's DMS and Instagram they're asking me

questions about how can they do certain things whether it's a track someone

interrupts their live and I always pay attention to where is that energy coming

from because if the energy is coming from a place of lack or it's coming from

a place of not already having then the thing is is even if you get that thing

you may not actually be happy and if you do get that thing you may become

dependent on it and create resistance around it to where then things don't

happen for you anyways because of that energy state that you're in so this is

why it's about becoming aware of where that energy is coming from now an

important part of this is just to simply start to tap into the feeling more so

than the intellectual ideas that's something this channel is moving in the

direction of it's more so understanding how to let go of all of the intellectual

ideas and how to do all of this like psychology part of it it's more so about

how can you just get to the energy state because in the energy state is where

things happen much more smooth anyways so with that being said don't make it a

rule that the outer reality has to have certain variables in order for you to

feel a certain way start to realize that instead what you can do is focus on your

state of being and if you feel that resistance simply start to let go more

now how do you let go you let go by not identifying with what is happening by

observing it rather than reacting to it by letting it be and by surrendering

this is so counterintuitive you know there's inner intention which

is the ability to take action the will to do certain things but then there's

something called outer intention and outer intention is when you surrender to

the process you must have both you can't just action action action action action

without actually surrendering understanding that the how does not have

to be completely figured out by the ego mind you can allow in a way

quote-unquote the universe to manifest it for you in the same way you may be

intending to manifest someone into your life and a certain level they are

intending to manifest to you so that's part of our intention this goes beyond

just your inner intention and it helps you understand more of it from an

energetic point of view now the third sign that you are must decrease

importance in order to attract what you want has to do with how comfortable do

your goals feel now this is one of the biggest game changers when you're

studying reality transfer phim is understanding the feeling aspect of it

but what are your goals and if your goals make you feel uncomfortable to the

sense that it's something that maybe is more so connected to the mind like the

mind likes the idea of money right money is like Oh money Eagles freedom money

equals the ability to do what I want but you see the heart does not connect to

that in the same way the heart connects to feeling the heart connects to emotion

the heart connects to passion so what you can begin to do is to moreso focus

on how you can get to that energy state and how you can have the right goals

because if you don't have the right goals you will be making things more

important than they have to be by default so the goals must be connected

to a feeling of something you can tap into so for example for me versus money

and me saying oh I want to create X amount of money per month or per year I

focus on what I could be doing in the sense of what makes me feel a certain

way the money doesn't necessarily make me feel a certain way in the same way

that me doing my passion part of the journey is for me so I am I told you

guys this before but mine and the way that I view it is going into and

speaking in front of a lot of people and going to traveling the world and being

able to eat at amazing restaurants that to me is much more exciting than just

that of the idea of the money itself so I could tap into that feeling more and

by tapping into that feeling I can see it as something that is almost

comfortable for me so what you want to do is you want to moreso make your goals

comfortable now this goes against some of the 10x rule and some of the things

that we learn but this is the idea you set the goal that it's maybe

outside your comfort zone for a while but what you do is you start to see that

as comfortable for you and your self-image changes as well the only time

that remains uncomfortable is if you don't change your self-image with that

of your goal so for example if you were currently making twenty thousand dollars

a year and you're like hey I want to make fifty thousand dollars a year

well you must do is see yourself have your self-image as somebody that simply

makes fifty thousand dollars a year unless you change your self-image

subconsciously you'll always go back to default so start to see it as natural

for you to be somebody that makes 50k a year start to see it as that but

remember don't make it just about the money make it about what you could be

doing something that you're passionate about to where you can tap into that

feeling because that feeling is what's more so powerful than just the idea of

some symbolic representation of what money means so tap into the feeling and

understand that as you tap into the feeling see it as comfortable for that

to be a part of who you are and it goes more so instead of just stepping outside

your comfort zone you're expanding your comfort zone when you expand it your

self-image comes with it so for me for example I see it as natural for me to be

traveling to be speaking because I already do it on YouTube

I already speak on YouTube I already speak in front of many people on YouTube

what's the difference between that and do it in a person well because I can see

that's more so natural it's something that's already happened you know I

already gave a talk in LA it's something that will be happening more in the

future so it's something I can more so tap into so it's kind of a cool

perspective but expand your comfort zone see it as comfortable for you and by

doing that you're a decrease in importance because your self-image is

coming along with it as well now everything I'm talking about right now

all of this stuff is about decreasing importance I've created a free

meditation mp3 that will help you to decrease the level of importance which

will then increase the probability that you experience what you want it's a very

powerful meditation I recommend that you listen to it for 21 days straight I

released a baby a month ago I've had so many people tell me that it's changed

their life so I want to be able to give that same tool to you so feel free to

download that that'll be in the top of the description box below and remember

all you have to do is let go of making things so serious have fun with the

process make it more about the feeling let go of the resistance by

letting go of identification and then make your goal something that's natural

for you because it's part of your self-image and it's changed with you as

well so would that be upset I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to

like this video if you guys liked and subscribe if you haven't already also

hit that little notification here so that you guys can see the daily events

that I do the way YouTube dustings now actually have to hit that button to see

the daily vids and as always I will see you guys on tomorrow's video please much

love and no mistake

For more infomation >> 3 Signs You MUST Decrease Importance to Attract What You Want (Reality Transurfing Secret) - Duration: 18:12.


Homescapes Level 780 - How to complete Level 780 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:39.

"How to complete Level 780 on Homescapes"

"How to beat Level 780 on Homescapes"


For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 780 - How to complete Level 780 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:39.


One Solution to all your Problems | Western Numerology powered by NLP - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> One Solution to all your Problems | Western Numerology powered by NLP - Duration: 2:48.


Wait, please... - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Wait, please... - Duration: 1:01.


Helmar Rudolph: SECRET SACREDS (English) | Karatbars GLHQW, Stuttgart, June 2017 - Duration: 1:08:08.


[Mr.Master Key Intro]





A very warm welcome, everybody! Thank you very very much for being here today.

Thank you, Harald, for the opportunity.

Thank You, Thomas, for the wonderful introduction.

I would like to ask you something now. I know it's gonna be difficult: if you can,

please take your shoes off.

If you can, please loosen your collar and your tie,

and if you can, please, if you can, do not use your mobile phones.


Because what you pay attention to,

you become conscious of.

And the next hour and a bit maybe an hour

and a half are going to be very intense

and will expose you to subjects that you

will probably be new to.

And before I come to the Master Key System, which I

have been dealing with intensively for the last ten years,

I'd like to take you

on a little journey through a number of subjects

that are very very important in your personal development.



the Master Key System occupies a certain niche.

It's a logical, rational

explanation for the creative process.

In other words: how we get it from wish to fulfillment.

But, there's another aspect to it which has

been grossly neglected; it's an aspect that

we have not been exposed to at school, at Church,

at University, and probably also not at our workplace,

and that's the aspect of who we really are,

because we all have been programmed.

We know who we are as a person

but we do not know who we are as a being

We do not know - in most cases - how we

have been programmed, due to the fact

that we were born on a specific day.


based on that day one can tell a lot about what our strengths are,

what our weaknesses are, and also what our karma is,

In other words: where we have to add a little

more consciousness, in order to create balance,

because karma is cause and effect, something that

has been caused in the past, and now

we're living with the effect.

So allow me

to take you on this journey, and we'll be starting with a problem;

and the problem is our calendar,

because our calendar is

the dead center of our consciousness.

Because you know that you had to be here

on a specific day

at a specific time.

And maybe tomorrow morning,

9 o'clock, you'll be somewhere else, and on the 31st you have

to pay your taxes.

So our calendar revolves

around physical objects;

the Earth moving around the Sun

- a majestic motion year

after year after year.

Now there's nothing wrong with that.

The problem is

that this linear movement does not

reflect the development of consciousness.

Consciousness, as you will agree with me,

develops exponentially.

Especially in the last couple of years we've seen

an acceleration, and we only have to look

at our mobile phones, at our computers and laptops

to see that in action.

But the problem is

that we, as human beings, we do not have a guideline,

a reference, that we can refer back to

for the development of our consciousness.

A couple of hundred years ago, the Mayans

built pyramids, and in these pyramids

they encoded certain things, like:

91 steps, four sides, one plateau, 365 days.

Not only that: they put 9 levels of

consciousness, the evolution,

the accelerating evolution of consciousness into that.

And not only that, they had seven days

and six nights, 13 is the number.

In between those nine levels of consciousness, there's

an acceleration of the factor 20.

Remember the number 20;

remember the number 13.

The Mayans - other than us -

had 17 calendar systems - 17!

They had one

like we have, 365 and a quarter days.

[ You can, and I not want to repeat myself,

you can have this presentation later on.

Please pay attention! It's very very very important

what you're learning now. ]

So they encoded this in their buildings.

The calendar that they used - or that we use - they used

for taxes and for harvest, and that was

the only purpose of the Haab calendar!

But they also had another calendar system

called the Tun calendar, and

the Tzol'kin calendar.

We're going to look

a little bit into that, but have a look

at this pyramid: for the Mayans

creation started 16.4 billion years ago,

into seven days and six nights periods, and

each period was 1.6 billion years long.

The next period was only 820 million years long

and you can see that

it fits perfectly into the last day,

and each of the subsequent periods fits

perfectly into the seventh day of the

previous period.

And then you see

an immense acceleration of consciousness.

And within each period things became a

little more complex, so you see

the Mayans were tracking this kind of stuff already,

and they knew that at some stage

in the future for them - from their perspective -

things would come to a culmination,

and that was at the 28th of October 2011,

because for them creation then had

served the purpose to make us

conscious co-creators.

Unfortunately, we went there

with all our religious fervor

and killed them, and obviously there was

swift rebuke and revenge,

because until recently we didn't know

about their calendar system.

Have a look at this:

there you can see it in 3D, and at each

period, each of these levels, things

became more complex.

Action, reaction.

Stimulus, response.

Stimulus, individual response

Similarities and differences.

The mind.





And each one

accelerating tremendously.

And they put this

into their Tzolkin calendar, a calendar

count of 260 days.

Have a look at this:

and there you see the beauty of it.

Number 1.

When you see the number 1, everything

is begun.

Everything starts with the number 1

in our calendar system, and in our numerical system as well.

Number 2 is then in the play of opposites.

Number 3 is in movement and communication.

Number 4 provides stability in order to overcome obstacles

And we have this symbolically in the square.

Number 5 penetrates to the core of things;

it's the quintesssence.

Number 6, we have this beautifully in the number,

number 6, heads towards smooth development.

Number 7 considers and heeds ethics,

something we have almost completely forgotten,

that ethics plays an important role, because

Number 8 is brought into harmony,

and we have again this beautiful number 8,


9 moves towards completion.

10 is manifested.

11 is changed and improved,

because after manifestation you have something

and you improve it, and you change it.

And after improving and changing it,

then you understand it.

And after the understanding, once you understand it

you want to elevate it to a new level of consciousness.

There's the number 13 - seven days and six nights.

But now look at this, how beautiful this is

- check that!

And they have symbols, like the crocodile,

the wind, the night,

the seed, the snake.

And it was purification of our emotions,

clarity of thought

new perspectives

liberation from emotional and mental bonds

vitality, rhythm of life

transformation and conversion

open locked gates and roads

beauty and abundance

balance and forgiveness

cosmic justice.

And this they put into their calendar,

and I will show you this now, the next 10 signs,

check this out:

Merging human and spiritual levels,

recognition of our life-path and development etc etc.

So they had this, and they put this into that:

because check this here at the bottom,

there's number one: it's rich life,

abundance and centerteness ...will be started today. The calendar only exists in German, unfortunately,

but bear with me... so now it's started,

and then we go through a period of 13 days;

it's always one of the thirteen tones

and one of the twenty signs;

and they move a asynchronously;

And you see what they have been

paying attention to,

and we all learn by repetition, and they've

been repeating this, and after 260 days

- 13 times 20 - after 260 days the same tone

and the same sign were once again

facing each other, and then the whole

thing starts over again, and over again,

and over again.

Allow me to go back, and look at this:

They've been paying attention to the purification

of emotions;

to clarity of thought, to new perspectives, liberation, vitality

transformation, beauty and abundance.

And our calendar system draws a blank,

a blank on each of these things,

a blank!

We know nothing about this!

And this is why we have so many

problems these days, because we are

completely out of sync.

We do not do the

right things in order to resynchronize

ourselves with the intention of creation,

and the Mayans knew it, and all we had to do

is kill them.

and destroy their calendar systems,

destroy the culture.

It's tragic,

but it wasn't tragic for them, it was

tragic for us, because because we killed

ourselves in a way, and now we're

trying to get out of this again,

and this is a beautiful thing, and I urge you, [ Please do

not take photos; you can have the presentation.

Please pay attention!

It's an unique opportunity to really be

introduced into these systems. ]

And then it ends after 13 days.

You see the two bars and the three dots,

it's the 13th day, and the system

starts all over again.

And then there's another thing: beautiful!

I just came across this.

A young Russian woman introduced me to

this, and she said: "Helmar, once you read

those books, your life will never be the

same, and you will never see people the

same way again."

I said "wow!"

That clearly aroused my interest,

and I looked at the playing cards.

Look at the playing cards!

You all know the playing cards.

How many colors

do we have?



How many decks do we have?


How many cards do we have?


How many moons do we have in a year?

Women know this...


We've got the months,

means the moons, but we only have 12

months for means of calculation,

because it makes it easy, because 12 can

be divided by 12, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1,

whereas 13 can only be divided by 13 and 1,

so that's bad for repetition,

but it's good for consciousness!

Now, if you multiply 4 decks

by 13 cards, you arrive at?


How many weeks in a year do we have?


Thank you very much.

If we start with an Ace,

Number 1 and the King number 13,

what's the number, the sum of it?


Thank you very much.

91 times 4 is? 364.

What's the Joker?

The value of the Joker: 5/4,

one and a quarter.

365 and a quarter: a solar year.


That's amazing,

and they've found out, whoever's devised this system,

they've found out that all the 9s share

a common trait: they have to give, but the

(9 of) Spades is different to the Clubs,

and the Hearts is different to the Diamonds.

The Diamonds give values; the Hearts give

love; the Spades have to work, and the

Clubs give experience (knowledge).

And the 9 is

completely different to the 5 or to

the King or a Jack.

And we use these

cards to play, but we know nothing what's

behind it!

Consciousness, initiation, and

you - each one of you - can be slotted into

one of 53 different categories.

52 playing cards and the Joker.

Anyone born on the 31st of December?

It's the Joker.

No one?

Nothing can be said about the Joker,

because the Joker can go in any direction,

and that's the role it also

fulfils in the play, in the cards.


Absolutely amazing!

And each one of you has a birth card,

each one of you has a planetary ruling card.

And why am I telling you all this...

because using this system, you can

understand who you really are. You can

understand your strengths, and you can

understand your weaknesses, and you

understand what's your purpose in life,

why you are on this planet, at this particular moment in time.

That's magnificent,

and it still gives me goosebumps!

And it's once again tragic that none this is

taught at school.

None of this is taught at Church.

None of this is taught at University.

None of this is taught unless you actually

look for it.

We all run around like headless chicken.

We wanna do good in life,

we want to develop, but we have

nothing to hold onto,

and this system, whether it is

astrology, numerology, or the cards systems

helps us.

Now check this: I could go into this

in detail, but I don't want to.

The Tarot cards.

The Tarot cards were fought by the Church;

the playing cards were taxed and forbidden

when they're first came up, and the Tarot

cards can also once again be split into

a system of seven, with the left column

being the system of the mind, the

center column the cards 8-14, the system of the body,

and then the system of the spirit.

with the cards 15 to 21, and each one - as

you see in the rows - first comes the matrix,

then comes the potentiator, then comes the catalyst,

then comes the experience.

After the experience comes the meaning; then comes

the transformation, and then comes

the Great Way, and even here there's a logic

in that sequence!


Magnificently devised by people with a consciousness

way... much greater than ours - much greater!

And then there's another system...

Who knows about the chakras?

Give me a hand...

Who knows about the chakras?

Okay, give me a hand

who doesn't know about the chakras!

Who doesn't know about the chakras?

It's the majority.

The chakras...

Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel,

turning energy, transforming cosmic

energy onto a level that we can utilize.

And once again the chakra system is

a way of initiation, to let us be

firmly planted on the ground and have

our head in the skies.

A beautiful system

where we can balance each other -

or ourselves out.

Check this!


Each chakra has a place.

Each chakra has a name;

chakra has a color; each chakra has an;

an endocrine gland; has certain aspects;

has a planet, an astrological sign;

has sounds. Each chakra has a virtue; has a

tarot card; has a Schüssler Salz, tissue salts;

has frequencies; chemistry the

alchemistic system from

calcination to coagulation sits in there;

it's sits in there the musical scale;

each chakra has a quality; an element that's blocked

by a certain thing, and that can be freed by

something else. And if we are afraid,

our root chakra is blocked, and then... so we can't

really move forward, because they build

on top of each other. Go to the second chakra,

the sacral chakra, is blocked by guilt.

And the solar plexus - you'll hear about the solar plexus in a couple of minutes

when we come to the Master Key System -

is blocked by shame and judgement.

You can also free them. Beautiful!

As a precaution we have installed fire extinguishers

in the translators' booths, because they are really smoking down there!

I can see the smoke rising up.

You guys are doing an awesome job! [Applause]

Thank you, muchas gracias, vielen Dank!

Magnificent systems, initiation, they allow us to

combine our earthly existence

with our connection to the universe, to

the Infinite, to the non-physical. Magnificent!

So if we are afraid of anything,

we can free ourselves from that

by courage and conviction, and if we feel guility,

then we block our sacral chakra,

which is about creativity, which

is about sexuality, and our generation

has huge problems in that, also because we have

been poorly educated as far as that is

concerned, and then we come to the solar

plexus chakra, blocked by shame and

judgment. And you can free it by letting go of disappointment,

and you cannot be disappointed anymore,

if your solar plexus

is strong and active. Strong and active!

If your inner sun is shining!

Who knows about the solar plexus?

Give me a hand!

Wow! This is your inner Sun, my friends!

This is your inner Sun, and if you're inner Sun is out,

you are out!

If the outer Sun is out, we are out collectively.

So, it's so important to let your inner Sun shine.

It's your inner gold,

and if your inner Sun shines and radiates energy,

you become attractive; you become magnetic,

and then you attract people and

circumstances into your life,

that make your life easier,

and the most important aspect of an active

solar plexus is: you don't give - excuse my French

it's actually English - you don't give

a shit anymore what other people

think of you; what your intentions are;

where you're going in life.

It's completely irrelevant, because you know who you are,

where you're standing in this life, as well as

how you're expressing yourself beautifully!


So so important!


And you will see, you will elevate your own Being

onto a completely different level with the Master Key System.

And all this is the Master Key System,

because this is teaching us different things, new things,

all this is teaching is to look deeper, to look beyond.

Not to be satisfied with the status quo,

but look beyond, and learn, and

understand, because behind all this is

numbers, behind all this is structure,

and structures and numbers is order and harmony,

And that allows us to continue in life!


So talking about this, check this:

"For him who has conquered the mind

the mind is the best of friends, but for

the one who has failed to do so, his mind

will remain the greatest enemy." So life

is about the development of mind,

because mind is the powerhouse,

but then again we have a problem, because we are

operating through the conscious mind.

We are operating through our five senses.

What we can see, what we can smell,

what we can taste, what we can hear, and what we can touch.

And all this is relative.

Coz something can be dull,

it can be colorful. Something can be close by - near;

it can be far away. It can be up;

it can be down. Everything that we perceive

through our senses is what stands in

relation to something else. That is very

very important to understand, because

once something has been created, it's relative,

because it's got a name,

and because it's relative, it's got a name,

it can be changed. So this allows us

to change circumstances.

The understanding that everything that is, has come from

somewhere, and can go somewhere else.

Anything! Your state of health; the

financial well-being - and you know more about this than I do.

Your partnerships.

Anything can be changed.

If you pay attention to the right thing.

If you change the polarity! And we'll be talking about this in a moment.

But even science has gone into this,

in a slightly indirect manner, and has given

us the beautiful system of holography or

holograms, and I would like to explain to

you how holograms work, because this is

magnificent; because it will trigger the

right neuro pathways in your brain

and you will develop understanding.

Check how a hologram works.

You've got a laser, which is light

that in step, in phase, unlike light that is

like this, one that goes out in all directions,

there's light in phase, sent through a semitransparent mirror, goes on to

another mirror, goes through a lens, and then

falls onto this photographic emulsion.

And then the other half of that laser is

reflected. It goes through a collecting lens, falls onto a

mirror, falls onto the object and then on

to the emulsion, so on that emotion

you have an interference pattern of a beam,

that is the reference beam, that has nothing to

do with the object, and you've got

the beam that has something to with the object,

in this case the green star.

So, the one that has nothing to do with the object,

and will never have anything to do

with an object directly - that's God.

And the other one is us; that's the relative

side of it. One is the absolute side,

one is the relative side, because without the Absolute,

there wouldn't be anything relative.

So when we develop this emulsion,

and then send the beam through a diverging lens,

then we see that three-dimensional object in space.

And now the magic happens:

when we cut that emulsion in half,

then we don't see the right side on

the right side of it, and the left side

on the other side, but we see the entire star.

And if we cut out the corner,

we still see the star, but the only difference is

that the star in the corner

is a slightly more blurred version of the entire picture.

Why? Because the entire picture, once again,

that's God; that's the interference pattern;

that's the sum of all the possibilities.

And we are an individualisation of this great thing

that we call God or Universal Consciousness,

which has slightly less information on it.

We're not so clued in,

and what we do with the development of consciousness

is that we develop - so to say -

from the small piece in the corner

to maybe half or even bigger.

So we enlarge our interference pattern,

so that we can choose from more options.

That we can choose the right options,

make the right choices, and develop

beautifully and harmoniously and

abundantly in life. That's why we're here,

and we're all here to understand this,

and we're all here to lay claim to it,

and we're all here experience it,

and not just have as a theoretical construct in our mind,

but actually live it! That's why we're here today!


Let's move on... The Master Key System... Charles Haanel,

born in 1866, died in 1949, had several businesses

was at the end of the day an author,

wrote five books; The Master Key System was the first,

published around 1912, 1916.

And then he wrote four more books:

New Psychology, and Mental Chemistry,

A Book about You, and The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi.

He had a broad spectrum

of knowledge that he put put together

for us, for us to benefit from.

Absolutely magnificent!

I don't know what's coming next...

well, here what I said...

it's a scientific explanation for the creative process,

and there's a picture of him, and he had this beautiful quote,

a bit long to read, you can read this:

"Any man with a knowledge of the

possibilities contained in the Master Key

has an inconceivable advantage over the multitude."

Why? Because not only do

you have the knowledge, but you have the skills!

You can go to seminars until the

cows come home, but until you acquire

knowledge and apply that knowledge, sorry...

acquire capabilities, and apply those capabilities,

or those powers,

all knowledge is a theoretical construct,

and is of no use, because "use is the condition".

You have to use it in order to benefit from it.

Let's move on... The Master Key System is a

practical canvas or wrapper for the 7 Hermetic Principles.

Now give me a sign of hands,

who knows about the 7 Hermetic Principles.


My dear friends, the 7 Hermetic Principles are the

absolute friggin foundation for your

entire life, and the life around you,

because they are, I hope they come, yay, there they are!

Mentality, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity,

Rhythm, Cause & Effect and Gender,

because the universe is a mental creation.

God is a mental construct. We have created

that in our consciousness.

Everything corresponds to something.

You've just seen as in the chakra tables,

that there is a corresponding aspect,

a corresponding endocrine gland,

a corresponding tarot card, tissue salt etc

allocated to each of the chakras,

allowing you to look that up, to use that

to develop consciousness around it,

to create harmony in that field,

and to allow yourself,

to harmonize yourself from the

very bottom from the root to the crown.

So there are the 7 Hermetic Principles,

and I can talk for hours about them.

The absolute foundation of our life,

because everything corresponds to

something else. Everything is vibration.

Everything you see here is vibration.

Polarity. Everything has polar opposites.

I just told you... you know once something is created there's a polar opposite.

There's rich, and there is poor.

And there's healthy, and there is sick.

There is strong, and there's weak,

but they are both the same,

because this is just... this is just an absence of that,

so poverty is just an absence of wealth.

Disease or sickness is

just an absence of health,

so there is only a difference in degree,

but they are essentially identical.

Then there is rhythm, we have the seasons.

Remember: four cards,

four seasons, four elements: earth, water

fire and air.

And the rhythm we need, because rhythm balances, because

if we didn't have rhythm, it would be very extreme, and if something goes very

extreme, it goes pooof!, so we need the

rhythm to make things... not manageable, but

palatable in a way. Very important!

The rhythm... and then we've got Cause and Effect; that's karma.

What causes are you setting?

What thoughts are you thinking?

What seeds are you sowing with your thoughts?

Are you consciously co-creating, or

you are just a product of your programming, the

way you've been brought up,

what was taught to you in Church, maybe

written in the Bible,

learnt somewhere else? What causes are

you setting? Are you really

consciously thinking about the causes

that you're setting with every word you say?

Because you've two ears and one mouth,

so that you can actually hear what you're thinking.

Because what you're thinking,

what is your predominant mental attitude,

comes out of your mouth!

But most people just open their mouth and something comes out.

They don't know how negative that is;

how non-beneficial that is for their future,

because that basically determines what comes next,

and that's why it's so important to be motivated,

so important to have energy! It's so

important to be awesome, but it's equally

important to shut the fuck up, and be quiet.

Right? And you know why? In German there's a saying:

"In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft". (There's power in repose.)

And only when we go into the silence,

when we quieten our mind, and when we slow down our thoughts,

and when we drop slowly from the beta state into the alpha state,

and even deeper, theta, delta, gamma...

Then we get into a conscious connection,

because we are not dead;

we're still conscious - into conscious

connection with the Omnipotent,

because everything that our future is made of

comes from there. Everything that our

past is made of, it comes from there,

comes from the non-physical.

First it existed as a thought, somewhere written down in a book

holy or not so holy,

and if you don't seek the silence,

you will just continue doing what you're doing,

and in the silence you allow yourself

the opportunity to reconnect, to bring

order into your thoughts, to bring order

into your breathing - very important...

also something not taught at school, not at church,

not at university, not in your business

- how to breathe properly.

All of us breathe too shallowly, and not deeply and not rhythmically.

And the Indians of

old age they knew this, because they knew

that it makes a difference

whether you breathe through

the right nostril or the left nostril.

The right one connected to the Sun, the

left one to the Moon. More energy?

Breathe through the right nostril.

You want to calm down? Breathe through the left nostril.

Pranayama. Alternate breathing. If you do practice yoga,

you know what that means, and if you don't,

please practice yoga, because it gives you breath control. Very important!

Let's move on... this is complex, so I made it simple.

Simple questions, or simple points.

Simple questions: the first one, Mentality, is: Who takes the decision?

And if you do not take the decision,

that decision will be taken for you,

because you are not taking the decision... you become submissive...

you become passive... you become negative... you become female...

and then the decision will be made for you.

What is it related to? Remember the chakra tables! Then...

Where am I? Where am I? Vibrating, creating, my life...

my life experience, and:

Which way am I going? Am I moving towards wealth?

You are all moving towards wealth

by what you're doing!

Are you also movingtowards health? What's your state of health?

What did you have for lunch,

because garbage in, garbage out, right?

And I'm afraid to tell you, you're not here to

eat dead animals... yeah, we've moved beyond that

[Yes!] You want to elevate your level

of consciousness! Thank you...

Right, and these are our friends,

they also develop, and just as much as we

are developing our consciousness, they are

developing their conciousness. They also want

to be elevated, but not by us eating

them, but helping them become human,

because that's the next level of their evolution,

just as much the next level of our evolution is something

non-physical, because life continues. Very important!

So our responsibility extends way beyond us,

as a little cog in a huge machinery that we call life.

When is the best time... sorry... Which

way am I going? Ahead... When is the best time?

Rhythm tells us then there's a good time

for something, and that same time is bad

for something else.

So, developing an understanding of rhythm

helps us to do the right thing at the

right time. Cause and effect: Why am I

doing it?, and Gender: How am I behaving?

...because each of us has a male aspect,

and each of us has a female.

The male aspectis important; that's the "chakka!" aspect,

the solar plexus,

that's the aspect that gives you the fire,

the passion, the determination to

change circumstances in your life.

But you can't do this forever. You can't do this...

"Chakka!" is good for a couple of minutes,

and then you go quiet again.

You can't go with 250 on the Autobahn, well in

Germany you can do this, but for how long? 2 minutes, 5 minutes?

Not a chance... and then you have to slow

down again, so after becoming male

dominating, directed, purposeful, know...

You've made the decision that you're going in

that direction - this is your goal -

then you have to go back again

and become receptive, [makes buzzing sound]

...antenneas out, or aerials, ...absorb information - that's the female part,

the passive part. Learn! Understand! Create!

That's the female part, not the male part. The male part is science,

But the female part creates; we have this in our biology as well.

Wonderful! The system of...

... the Hermetic Principles,

for which the Master Key System

provides -like- a practical wrapper.

And then there's is something

that who also don't know, that is:

the interaction between our conscious mind

and subconscious mind. I have previously

alluded to that already, but just briefly:

now we're going into the detail: this is the

Master Key, the first chapters of the Master Key System.

We all have been programmed:

Family, education, religion,

socialization, culture,

the media, propaganda,...

I mean, these days is propaganda!

Who really informs you objectively these days?

They're all biased, and it's all garbage most of the time.

Well, it can't be all garbage most of the time,

because either it's all garbage, or it's all time.

And some of us have been here before, and some of us will come back. [Pointing to reincarnation.]

So we have these wrappers around us, that

have programmed us, and that have

prevented us from understanding

who we really are,

how awesome we are, and then we are God

among gods. We've been told to fear God.

We've been told we were born in sin.

The origin of the word sin is forgetfulness.

Yes, we've been born into forgetfulness,

because we've forgotten who we really are.

We've forgotten how awesome we are, and you are now learning this

and experienceing this first hand as part of this amazing organisation,

How awesome you are, and not only how awesome you are,

but how much good you can do to the community,

or for the community, because you're part of something!

But, the best part of you comes out

when you get rid of all those layers

around you, and when you really unwrap

yourself and understand that you have

come here with a purpose; that you have come here

with specific qualities, that can be learned through the cards,

through astrology, through numerology.

We have these systems that allow you to come back to yourself

and understand why you're here,

because just because something is offered, including tarot cards

doesn't mean that it is something for you.

You can go into it, but it will be

easier for some people and will be more

difficult for other people. And it's got

nothing to do with the organization;

it's got something to do with you, because we

have different qualities, but if we don't

know what qualities we have; if we don't

know where our calling lies, in German

we call it "Berufung", that's where the word "Beruf" -job- comes from.

If we don't know where our calling lies,

then we cannot really develop harmoniously in life. Then we will continue to run into

obstacles, again and again and again.

We're really flying...

So, you still with me? [Yeah!] Are you proud

you took your shoes off? [Yeah!]

Who obeyed my command that you shall not

use a cell phone? I saw a couple of you going...

Naughty, naughty, naughty... All right!

This, my dear friends, is freaking awesome!

I learned this in the Master Key System

and I'm going to share this with you,

and some of you may already know:

it's the interaction of the conscious mind, which has

its place in the brain, and the

subconscious mind, which has its place in

a place where the illustrator didn't deem it fit to put it,

which is the solar plexus.

And some of you may have been hit

onto the solar plexus, and you know

exactly what happened: your lights went out!

Why? Because the distribution of energy to the body

was interrupted, and you couldn't breathe. [Makes gulping noise]

That's what happens when you get hit on the solar plexus...

It's a disturbance in the distribution of energy,

and that's why it's so important to

have an active solar plexus,

because then nothing else disturbs you;

nothing else can get to you, and if you

radiate light; if you want to give; if you

want to be be present in life, and give to the world,

and if you don't receive back from

maybe the same person, you don't care,

because you live, you give, because

you can give, because your solar plexus is active,

and the beautiful thing is:

the brain and the solar plexus are connected,

illustrated by this yellow scribbling.

There's a lot of creative license put into that,

but there's the so-called vagus nerve;

they're actually two, running down the spine,

branching off into heart and lungs,

piercing the diaphragm,

and ending up in a place that's medically called

the celiac plexus, commonly called solar plexus

- your inner Sun! And if you're German,

you know what the German name is:

it's your "Sonnengeflecht". It's not called that for nothing;

it's your inner Sun.

Right... so remember...the conscious mind,

operating through the five senses,

is constantly receiving signals, and it's

transmitting them, and it's transmitting

them down the vagus nerves into the solar plexus,

and if it's transmitting garbage,

bad thoughts, negative thoughts,

hindering thoughts, thoughts of feel of guilt,

of shame, of grief into the solar plexus,

the solar plexus will make that happen,

because the solar plexus does not partake

the subconscious mind

does not partake in the

decision-making process. It's not its goal!

That's the goal of the conscious,

[Correcting himself]

That is the task of the conscious mind;

to make the right decisions,

because once it's past the realm of

the conscious mind, and gone to the

subconscious mind, it will be turned into flesh,

because the subconscious mind is

here to express life and to improve conditions.

And if we are not extremely careful

as to what we think, how we think,

all those negative conditions will

manifest in our life, because down here

there's no one who says: "You're too old; you don't deserve this."

Or in Germany: "You don't have this certificate!", right?

Or: "You don't have enough money!"

Here, the subconscious says:

"Your wish is my command!"

So whatever you think, whatever your

predominant mental attitude is,

is what is made happen, and the nasty thing

is that you're no longer engaged in this consciously,

because once something has happened, it will happen

"selbstverständlich" - self-evidently. It will

just understand itself, so to say, because

because once it's here, it will manifest in your life.

You will notice it through your senses,

but you no longer have

the complete grasp of

what you have created, and this is

why it's so important to clean your thoughts,

to clean your emotions, to become a master

of your emotions, to be silent before you speak,

to employ your mind, your mental

faculties before you open your mouth, and

there's a beautiful duality in there again,

because the brain is male,

the brain is active. The brain sends down the signals, the impulses.

The subconscious side is passive; it's female.

This is relative; this is absolute. [Pointing to the conscious, then the subconscious side].

This operates through the senses;

this has got nothing to do with the senses.

This one is conscious of itself - in its ideal state. This one isn't!

And this is our subconscious mind.

It's the connection to the universal mind - to God.

And God does not judge. God has no will.

The only thing that God wants and can do

as a mental construct is to experience

him or her or himself.

It's very important to understand,

because this side is subconscious;

it's not conscious of itself; it does not

know what it's doing; it doesn't care

about what it's doing; all it's doing is

what is being taught by the conscious side,

and the conscious side can can send out

signals of wealth of health and happiness,

or lack and limitation, of disease,

and we can continue to connect

ourselves and plug ourselves into the

the matrix that we have created, that

says: "Well, at 83 you die",

or "Your life ends after 40", or "It only

goes downhill from there" etc etc.

...all that rubbish!

And the educated mind knows

that this is just a thought creation,

and there's an opposite to this, and that you

can be healthy until your dying days, and that could be

a hundred fifty, hundred sixty...

perfectly possible, perfectly possible...

What you pay attention to, you'll become conscious of.

That is law!

But your mind cannot be trusted.

[Shows animated dancer turning on the screen]

Which way is this woman turning? (In welche Richtung dreht sich diese Frau?)

Clockwise or anti-clockwise?

Give me a show of hands - clockwise. Yeah, awesome!

Anti-clockwise? And the hands that didn't go up?

Which way is that woman turning?

Who can turn that woman both ways? Right..., that's lovely.

Okay, you can turn this woman any way you like.

It's just dots on the screen, but your

conscious mind decides whether you

choose clockwise or anti-clockwise,

and that translated means your conscious mind

decides whether you're going to

with the direction of health, wealth and happiness,

or whether go you lack and limitation, disease,

and all those things related to that!

You decide! Next one...

Yeah, it gets a bit more tricky here...

This is a so-called "Lissayou" figure that you see on an oscilloscope.

Which way is it turning? Clockwise, anti-clockwise? Both? Yeah, you're good!

Awesome! Alright... check this, a beautiful test:

What do you see? It's a lovely spiral, hey?

Going right in... No, it's not!

They're all circles.

Yeah, trace them. I can't trace them because I don't have

a laser pointer, but I can jump up to show you...

they're all concentric circles.

But you see what the problem is? That the

conscious mind cannot cope with complex figures,

and that's why we always

simplify things, to make it easy to

understand, because the conscious mind is

not capable of dealing with complex -in this case- visual things.

Moving on... Well, there's the conscious mind

There's the vagus nerve...

You can see... so, summary... beautiful, here:

five senses, outer world, relative, and is dealing

with effects, and it can argue,

it can decide, it can procrastinate

but it sets the impulse, and it's male,

and its main purpose is to ascertain the truth.

That's what the conscious mind is there for - to ascertain the truth;

to understand the truth, to live the truth,

and to breathe that truth with every cell of your body.

There's the brain. Next one, sunconscious side - complete opposite!

It's in your solar plexus, which sits in front of the

spine, behind your stomach.

And it's fed by the conscious mind through the vagus nerve.

Intuition - that's it!

Because of the way down from the

conscious side, from from the brain

to the solar plexus, is concentration.

The better you can concentrate, the more you

will awaken your intuitive faculties, and where do you concentrate?

When you do "chakka", or when you go quiet? Right...

And concentration has nothing to do with effort.

Concentration is the complete absorbance in the object of your desire.

You become one with it,

and when you can become one, then you

become more conscious of it, because what

you pay attention to, you become conscious of!

And you can see, that it's absolute.

It's dealing with the inner world, not the outer world.

It manifests; that's the purpose of the subconscious mind.

Manifestation; it makes things happen!

And you can utilize it - each one of you can

utilize the interaction of the conscious

mind and the subconscious mind in order

to create an awesome future for yourself,

for the family, for your community, for everybody,

because you know by this system, or this means that you are God among gods,

and you know how to consciously attract from the realm of the infinite possibilities

that which you want to manifest in life, because just as

much as the sunflower seed turns into a sunflower, and not

into an apple tree, you can rely on all this.

You can rely on the manifestation of your thoughts,

because if you do repeat this, over

and over again, over and over again,

it will manifest - that again is law!

Not the garbage man-made laws that

we've created;

natural laws that we're completely oblivious to

- for the most part.

You understand? You understand why this is so important,

and when they say that we only use 10% of

our brain, no we don't! We use hundred

percent of our brain all the time, but

what is meant by that is that we are

completely incapable of co-ordinating the action

and interaction between the conscious side and the subconscious side,

because once you know about your subconscious mind,

your solar plexus,

you will use that to effect

change in your life; to change circumstances;

to move to awesomeness;

to abundance; no matter where you stand;

no matter where you've been,

where you've come from,

what you've experienced in life - it doesn't

matter! It DOES NOT matter!

What is important is your thoughts, and your

predominant mental attitude is in alignment with the truth;

that your thoughts are truthful.

And they are truthful when they are constructive;

when they are positive;

when they create more!

Charles Haanel said in the Master Key System that

"Nature lets two blades of grass grow

where there was previously only one", and we can do the same.

And you're doing the same with Karatbars.

You're growing, and you're helping others to grow,

and you benefit as a consequence,

and that's perfectly fine and acceptable, nothing wrong with that.

So you can see it once again: The subconscious mind

is expressing life and improves conditions;

that you can rely on the operation

of the subconscious mind,

and I can give you a little test now,

because the conscious mind

operates via repetition. You want to

concentrate; you want to focus the

thoughts, and so you want to repeat.

Repeat again and again and again and

again and again

and again and again and again and again

and again and again and again and again

and again and again and again and again

and again... and this "again and again and

again" is absolute poison for your

conscious mind, because it loves diversity;

it loves differences; and when it gets

the same stuff over and over and over

and over again and again and again and

again, it sends it down to the solar

plexus where there's no one that says:

"You are too poor!", "You're too stupid", "You're too ugly",

where it just makes things happen.

The solar plexus says: "Yes, give it to me , because I loooove repetition!

I love structure. I love order.

I love the stuff that is constructive. I love the truth!"

Do you understand? Yes, you do!

Each one of you, because this is not rocket science!

This is the simple, basic understanding of

how life works, and how we operate as a human being.

Bringing the conscious mind into alignment

with the subconcious mind.

And this is why Charles Haanel says, you've got an inconceivable

advantage over the multitude,

who knows nothing about the solar plexus,

to the degree that the people who drew this graph

forgot the solarplexus.

[Shows new slide] So, first comes faith and belief,

and that's something all of you who are religious...

You have to believe, believe in God.

Yeah, believing in God means believing in the law.

Believing in order, in structure.

Because everything around here is order, is structure.

We're relying on this every single day,

whether you use a smartphone or a laptop, here, the mobile devices,

or the speakers, or the lights, all law!

Down to this chair that you're sitting on;

you're relying on this;

down to the table you're leaning on;

down to the bottle of water that is containing

the water - not just going "pooff"

just because it wants to. Law and order!

Natural law and order are penetrating

the entire fabric of the Universe, and we know

very little about this - until now!

So now, I've given so much,

but I have also taken away something very important from you:

your excuses! None of you can say anymore:

"I did not know!" Now you do know; what you do with it,

that's entirely up to you!

So now, we use faith, and we

use belief, but belief serves a purpose;

serves the purpose to get us to knowledge,

and once you know, you do no longer have to believe!

That's also something that no one told you

- it serves a purpose!

And if you believe something, that by itself means nothing!

You want to convert that belief into knowledge!

You want to use it to tide you over

in that evolutionary process - that growth process -

from one side to the other,

where here you no longer have to believe that you have that!

If you have 60.000 whatever Cashgold, you know it! You don't have to believe it anymore,

but the belief serves a purpose!

And if the belief does not lead you to knowledge, you can kick it in the bucket.

You can discard it - it doesn't serve you anymore.

Very important!

So, knowledge of the law, application of the law,

and then, at the very base, diaphragmic breathing.

Breathe properly, because by breathing you bring order into your system.

And the order into the system, and the order in the system allows you

to think the right thoughts!

And that's why you do this in the silence.

Remember Yoga. Up until a hundred years ago, Yoga was all about breathing.

Now it's about fancy postures. Now you can wrap your leg behind your head. Nonsense!

The postures are only there to test you whether you can still breathe properly,

because life is about breathing, and once you stop breathing,

you know what happens,

and the more conscious you breathe,

and the more order you bring into your breathing,

the better your experience will be,

and the healthier your life will be.

So we have that...

We move from the unconscious side

to the conscious side,

where a completely different set of qualities prevail,

and move on... [ you don't have to read... once again if you want the

presentation, you're most welcome to email me. ]

Let's have a quick look at the exercises,

because I told you about the knowledge,

but I also told you about the capabilities.

And the Master Key System allows you

to extend your capabilities.

The first week we learn

about physical control, because

without physical control, no cookies, my friends!

No cookies, because without physical control,

a certain degree of physical control,

you cannot control your mind;

you cannot control your thoughts.

And if you cannot control your thoughts, you cannot relax your body.

And if you cannot relax your body, you cannot relax your thoughts - your mind,

because once you are like this [fakes shaking],

how do you want to relax your mind?

You can switch it off, but you want to relax it,

in order to introduce new thoughts.

And I don't know if you even noticed, but like

the last couple of seconds,

when the slide showed up...

if you can control yourself, which is the male aspect;

if you can relax yourself, which is the female aspect;

you have total control over what is

happening in the outside world.

Sorry, you have total control over your

reaction to what is happening in

the outside world- total control over

your reaction to what has happened in

the outside world, because things are

happening all over the place, and often

you are a passive recipient of that which is happening,

but how do you react?

You first want to control, and then you want to chill.

First control, then chill.

So you see alone in the first four

weeks of the Master Key System, the first

four exercises, lies a wealth of benefit.

Amazing! And then, the fifth element is visualization.

That's the chapters 5-10,

where you learn how to use your

visualization powers.

Very simple exercises;

very simple visualization exercises

to more complex, abstract ones,

and once you can visualize,

which you can only do when you're really relaxed,

then you move to concentration.

And what does concentration do?

Those of you who've paid attention...

what does concentration do?

It impacts on your subconscious mind - the center of Creation!

Your mind doesn't create; your conscious mind doesn't create!

Sorry, your conscious mind doesn't create;

your subconscious mind creates.

This one only perceives what has already been created

and it can decide upon the future

- what will be created in the future,

because the subconscious mind is

the genie that says: your wish is my command.

Inumerable wishes. Whatever you want to wish, you can manifest.

Repetition, repetition,

repetition, repetition.

What you pay attention to, you become conscious of.

And there you see the power of the Master Key,

because at the end of the day you

become a master of concentration in the

silence, and you can concentrate on the

most abstract things: your unity with

Almighty; or with the Omnipotent.

You concentrate on states of consciousness;

You're not after gold - don't fool yourself!

You're after happiness and harmony.

We use the material things in order to arrive at a

state of consciousness - of happiness and harmony.

That's what you are after.

One is the means, the other one is the end.

And remember: you are not physical beings!

You have a mind;

you have a body, but you are not your mind,

you're not your body. Most people think

they do, but they're foolish.

You're a spiritual being that has a physical

experience, and as a spiritual being

you do not find lasting satisfaction in material things.

You are after states of consciousness - happiness and harmony,

but happiness means the best of everything!

Also friends, financial abundance,

good health, nice things in my environment - all that kind of stuff.

They they all just means to an end.

They are not the end itself. The end is happiness and harmony

That's what you're after, and you

are focusing on that!

And then chapter 9 of the Master Key System has a beautiful quote,

and it goes:

"I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful,

loving, harmonious and happy."

This was slow, right?

I know the translators are still going to kill me after the session.

I'm whole, perfect,

strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!

How many? 7. Right?

Whole & perfect: spiritual;

strong & powerful: physical;

loving and harmonious: emotional - soul!

In that simple affirmation you've got body,

mind and spirit covered, and the result of that is happiness!

I'm whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!

And pay attention to the tense - I am - not "I want to".

You are; you're a spiritual being, you've just forgotten that you're a spiritual being.

and youve forgotten that you're whole and perfect,

You've forgotten... no matter what your physical state now is

you can still change it.

because your mind is powerful.

You're whole and perfect, and you're strong and powerful,

no matter what your state of health is at the moment

- you can change it!

You can become more flexible;

you can become more proficient at breathing properly;

you can build up muscle,

and all that helps you in your physical body,

in your 3D experience of life,

and you're loving and harmonious.

Why you're loving and harmonious?

Because you're friggin solar plexus

is radiating the shit out of it!


Your inner sun is radiating,

because you know who you are,

and you're radiating this, you're giving this to other people,

and you don't give a damn if you don't get

it back from them, because you know who you are.

Once again: repetition.

You're radiating; you become attractive;

you become magnetic; when you become an attractive

and magnetic, things become easier - very simple.

And you learn to visualize;

that's your toolbox: visualization.

That's your toolbox; in the

silence. You seek the silence - again and

again and again.

You disconnect from the outer world, and you

just become single-minded and focused,

same place, same time. Routine, telling

your body: now's the time to concentrate.

Now's the time, the me-time, the visualization time.

Now it's the time where I create

in my mind new images,

and these images will become reality,

because after a certain time the mind

tires of the repetition and will hand it over to the subconscious mind,

and the subconscious mind says "Yeah, I love this - I will make this happen for you."

And it will show you the people; it will show you the

circumstances. It will show you the places,

like here - right now - on this beautiful, special day,

where you elevate your consciousness

through the other speakers;

through talking to each other, sharing.

You come from different parts of the

world: from Ghana, South Africa, Slovenia,

the UK - that's just a few.

You just elevate your consciousness.

Be grateful - that's the end result of this.

I don't know what's to come,... yeah, this is beautiful,

and then we're finished.

We're not finished, we're done.

And we're finished!

Our mind is tired now, we need a break;

drink lots of water, breathe,

open the doors, or else if you can, have a little bit of a break.

But everything starts with intention - so important to know!

everything starts with your intention.

What do you intend doing?

Because this is followed by attention

and interest, and those two, they swing

each other up. Attention leads to more interest;

interest leads to more attention and up and up, and then

it's to more consciousness. And then comes

imagination, and imagination is linked to

visualization, so like: What do you

imagine? What mental images do you create

of yourself - of your future?

One quick anecdote: but you know that

you move in coherent circles, which means

they correspond to you, and when you make

a decision to really live an awesome life,

to earn more money, to be healthy, to have a

lovely, flowering relationship, then they

probably say: "Well, you're crazy! You know,

your last 20 years is like a history of failed relationships!

Look at your bank account!

And that's why you

have to seek the silence. You have to

withdraw from them, because they will

most likely - because of their level of consciousness - will pull you down,

because those two are not in harmony,

because here is the poverty, and here's the wealth.

And poverty has no conception

of wealth - none whatsoever.

Right, and when you say: "I want to be wealthy;

I'm going to be wealthy", they're gonna say:

"You're crazy! Look at your banking account." No!

"Look at your state of health!" You see...

No, I'm gonna be strong; I'm not gonna run a marathon,

but I'm gonna be strong and

flexible, and they say: "Look at you: you're

overweight - you're never gonna do this!" That's why you seek the silence;

you disconnect from them, because

otherwise they pull you down and

destroy your dreams, and no one...

Allow no one to destroy your dreams - no one!


Well, this is unfortunately where the

video ended, but I would like to complete

the slide shown or as shown at the

presentation. It all starts with the

intention, and then comes attention and

interest, which is followed by your

imagination, the ability, or your ability

to create new mental images. This goes

hand-in-hand with visualization,

observation - and a careful observation

is an absolutely essential part of the

creative process. Visualization is there

to give you new mental images; to focus

your attention on that which you want

more of, and through visualization

you then recognize patterns.

All this takes place obviously in the silence of

while you're meditating. while you're

becoming receptive. but also while you're

concentrating and contemplating.

Contemplation is a mix between

concentration and meditation, so you

seel the silence, you calm down, and then you

employ a blend of this passive

receptivity and active concentration

like bundling your thoughts,

focusing on one particular thing, and

then just seeing what happens, and just

sort of a neutral observation of what is

happening in your mind as contemplation

or contemplating a specific subject.

This gives you a certainty, and certainty then

is followed by centeredness, because you

become centered and the logical result

of that is obviously peace of mind.

That peace of mind leads you to intelligent

decisions and actions, and they in turn

lead to success and the continuation of life.

That's the reason why you're doing

it, and in this little flowchart you can

see how it starts with your intention

and followed by attention and interest,

which are amplifying themselves - or each other rather

leading to imagination and

visualization, observation, then pattern recognition.

It's so important to recognize

patterns in the creative process, because

patterns give you certainty;

leads you to be centered,

and giving you peace of mind, and then

intelligent decisions, and once again

success or the continuation of life at the

end of it, consisting of

obviously health, wealth and happiness.

And a final slide here to show you

a quote by Charles Haanel, which goes:

"The infinity of wisdom is to follow the method whereby we may have the

inspiration of the omnipotent Universal Mind on demand at any time."

Charles Frances Haanel, the author of the Master Key System.

And with that I would like to say thank you so much for your attention.

Thank you very much for following me, and

I would like to give thanks to the

author of the video, Catherine Nancy.

So thank you for uploading it,

because there I didn't get access to

any official video from the event, so I'm super grateful to you for having videoed

this, or recorded my presentation back then in Stuttgart.

For more information, please have a look at as the english

version of my Master Key System efforts.


my presence on the website, which is mainly in German, but you'll also see

the two books shown here, the Master Key System with my commentary, with my new and modern layout,

and then the Master Key BrainCharger, which is a premium

student workbook - a handbook that

accompanies you as you go along.

If you have any questions, please use the comment section for them,

and if you would like to subscribe to this channel,

please do so. Have a look around -

there are many more videos on the different subjects

available for you for your viewing pleasure.

Once again, thank you very much, and I shall remain with peace and blessings,

and I'm looking forward to welcoming you at one of my other videos.

Thank you very much and bye-bye.

Well, and here are two more videos that

I recommend you watch because they're

extremely valuable in the process of

conscious co-creation and mastering your life.

For more infomation >> Helmar Rudolph: SECRET SACREDS (English) | Karatbars GLHQW, Stuttgart, June 2017 - Duration: 1:08:08.


TRAPPED on a Desert Island Challenge! (Animation) | abitfrank - Duration: 5:23.


*Eerie whistling*



eons... ago, "Fable to Grave" challenged me to do this animated story prompt thingy

about what I'd bring if I were stranded on a desert island.

All the cool kids did it, and they are all pretty neat!

In true fashion, I'm like, ...really, ...late to the cool party, but um, here we are now?

I've got the sand in my shorts to prove it.

So, thanks Fable for banishing me!

Heh Little did you know that I needed this 6-month off-the-grid vacation from sanity

mwahaha (or, maybe you did?

You seem like someone who might guess that kind of stuff), and little did you know that

I am the official "Chain Mail Letter BREAKER."

Do you remember those chain mail (no, not like that!) things where you would mail 10

strangers things like hair accessories or manga, and you were "supposed" to get

10 in return or something?

(dang, I'm dating myself here) Errr, or I guess those obnoxious email chains where

if you emailed 10 more people you would get good luck and angel tears for a year?

You know, the ones chucked full of pirated photos and computer viruses that Great Aunt

Beatrice would send along every week?

Well, on every account, THE BUCK STOfPPED WITH ME, friends.

I hoarded my own hair scrunchies and toys and kept my computer virus-free baby.


Now it's probably time to break the introverted cycle.


Desert Island.

I'm trapped and can't bring any tools or food for survival (because I guess those

are provided?)


More space in the ole' suitcase.

Dang, I'm soooooo ready for this vacation.

So, what am I bringing?



No brainer.

I'm a practical lady.


Look I spend all day in front of a computer.

I don't wanna fry.


This a survival supply?

Doesn't count.

Messed it up already.

Uhhhh Ok, we'll update that to VERY WIDE BRIMMED SUN HAT.


Spinning wheel!

Betcha didn't know I'm an avid old-soul knitter!

Or maybe you did, I DUNNO . Anyway, everywhere I go, I *try to get some yarn local to that

area to make into a souvenir from the trip.

*if applicable.

So, I'd gather up some local island flora and fauna and spin my own unique yarn blend.

(It's totally gonna be scratchy and not at all comfy, but we're ROUGHIN it, man!)

I'd make needles from tree branches (assuming there are trees?) and/or crab legs (assuming

there are crabs?).

So artesanal, so grandma hipster, I know.

But think about it - I'd have some pretty stylin clothes AND I could make useful things,

like hammocks or tarps or sails to escape!

And it would take a lot of time.

I have tons of time on this island.

6 months.

And then when I got rescued, I'd have a souvenir!

Win and win.

(Stinkin Carp.

Does this also count as a tool?!

Ok fine.

Yarn. just flippin yarn.

I'm bringing fiber to this party.

Of one.)

I WOULD bring my daughters, Lorelai and Korra, but they are PEOPLE not THINGS (they are cats,

for the record).

Hopefully they are banished to desert islands of their own nearby while I am.

I could use my knitted sail with a BOTW-style handmade raft and go visit them!

We could have a delicious family dinner!

(They are ferocious hunteresses, I'm sure.

You should see them chase giant bees in the house.)

They'd get all the best the islands have to offer, and I would bring the heat.

And, finally, the complete Harry Potter book series because that just soothes my soul.

Asiboe already said they are bringing the books on tape, I know I know.

But I'm bringing the hard copies!

(If you find my island, you can totally borrow them).

I'm not certain there is a generator (does that come with the island?), so paper will

win out for me here.

Also, because I've got those novels committed to memory, if I'm ever in dire straits for

firestarters I... could... just... burn a few pages.






Wait, does that count as a tool then?

Did I mess this prompt up?


Ok, won't burn the pages.

(even though I was only thinking about the blank pages in the beginnings and ends!)


I could also use charcoal from whatever fire I build (without the pages) to sketch my ever-devolving

thoughts and imagination in the books as the days go by.

Gotta track this madness!

It's all been fun-in-the-sun on this desert island.

Now, it's time to tag people!

I didn't really have anyone in mind when I started this per say, but now I'd kinda

like to see what Kav Linn would bring in this situation.

They have a beautiful animation style!

Check it out!

Also, Rhude Rhino!

What are you bringing to this party?

Anyway, like I said, I am the CHAIN BREAKER, so I'm super late to this party.

How about this: If you are an animator and your brain is like, creatively on-fire after


Tell 'em abitfrank sent ya!

And, Oh Yeah!

Rules: you are gone for 6 months and can bring only 3 things, which cannot be tools or supplies.

All else is fair game.

And you also have to challenge others too.

Ok, enjoy your trips!

Thanks for checkin' in on my off-the-grid-desert-island-adventure!

I'm currently working on another big video, and I REALLY just wanted to do something short

and cute.

So, this is what we've got!

What are some things you'd bring with you?

Let's mirror signal some morse code in the comments below.

Catch ya soon!

Bon Voyage!

For more infomation >> TRAPPED on a Desert Island Challenge! (Animation) | abitfrank - Duration: 5:23.


IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Cascading Ruffle Tee - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Cascading Ruffle Tee - Duration: 2:03.


✅ Cheryl wishes herself a happy birthday as she celebrates with Girls Aloud reunion - Duration: 3:18.

  has been partying with the Girls Aloud gang for her 35th birthday and has posted a celebratory selfie for the occasion

 Taking to Instagram she shared the snap of herself smiling into the camera through a purple filter.  The star thanked her fans for all of the well wishes, as she patiently waits for her beau Liam Payne to share a b-day message

 If your boyfriend hasn't wished you a happy birthday yet, you might as well wish yourself one.  In the caption the Fight For This Love singer wrote: 'Go shorty it's my birthday

Thank you so much for all my lovely birthday wishes . very kind of you (sic)'  Fans were quick to comment on her pic and showered with love on her special day

 One wrote: 'Happy birthday !!! You deserve all the love (sic)'  Another added: 'I need some of what you're having … you look about 18 years old! Happy birthday (sic)'  Someone else commented: 'Ahhh you look beautiful as always have a great birthday

x (sic)'   has been enjoying her day with her close pals and former band mates Nicola Roberts and Kimberly Walsh

 Taking to Instagram, Nicola Roberts posted a selfie of herself joined by and Kimberly Walsh who were all grinning into the camera

 She wrote: 'Friendship never ends. Birthday eve love for Chez last night (sic)'  Before adding a special message to her bestie: 'I took this in New York a couple of weeks ago when missy (@cherylofficial) decided to fly out with me to support me at my show

 'It was the first thing I had done in a v long time and it was just another example of how lovely you are inside

And when people were surprised that you had done something so kind all I had to answer with was that's who she is

'  She added: 'We were all jet lagged here and over trying to take a pic but it's the only snap I have of us. I know I could throw anything your way and you'd be there trying to figure it out with me

 'I don't know what I'd do without you. Happy Birthday beautiful.' Got a story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

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