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IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Lightweight Poncho with C... - Duration: 9:50.-------------------------------------------
10 tips to improve your writing skills |Free hand| Bangla tutorial - Duration: 25:23.-------------------------------------------
8 Listening Questions for B1 | ESL Listening - Duration: 4:15.Hi guys, it's Marine.
Welcome back to My Little English Page.
Today we have a listening exercise for B1.
Listen to short extracts
and decide what the speaker's jobs are.
I work in the hospital.
I help the people that are ill.
The doctors tell me what medicine to give them.
I work in the hospital.
I help the people that are ill.
The doctors tell me what medicine to give them.
I'm like a doctor but only for your teeth.
Make sure you brush them and keep them clean
and you won't need me at all.
I'm like a doctor but only for your teeth.
Make sure you brush them and keep them clean
and you won't need me at all.
I do a lot of research.
I don't believe anything until I see it.
I hope to find a cure for cancer one day.
I do a lot of research.
I don't believe anything until I see it.
I hope to find a cure for cancer one day.
I work on stage.
I love to become a different person every night.
And when people give me a standing ovation after,
that's the best part.
I work on stage.
I love to become a different person every night.
And when people give me a standing ovation after,
that's the best part.
I grow many types of cereal,
but wheat is what I grow the most.
The biggest challenge is to be dependent of the weather.
I grow many types of cereal,
but wheat is what I grow the most.
The biggest challenge is to be dependent of the weather.
I'm always standing up.
The food has to be ready soon after the clients order.
I love my job, but I wish I could see
the customers' reaction while they taste what I prepared.
I'm always standing up.
The food has to be ready soon after the clients order.
I love my job, but I wish I could see
the customers' reaction while they taste what I prepared.
The phone rings all day.
I have to make appointments, organize meetings,
and contact clients for my boss.
The phone rings all day.
I have to make appointments, organize meetings
and contact clients for my boss.
If your power goes down, you call me.
I repair cables and sometimes check that all your lights
and power sockets are working properly.
If your power goes down, you call me.
I repair cables and sometimes check that all your lights
and power sockets are working properly.
(upbeat music)
Alright, guys, this is the end of the exercise.
How did it go?
Did you find it challenging
or a little bit too easy?
Why don't you comment your results down below?
Now, check out this video as well.
This is a pretty cool listening exercise
based on frog eating.
A little bit scary.
Now next week we will have a B2 listening exercise,
so make sure to stay posted.
Alright, that's it for today, guys.
Thank you so much for watching and of course
keep on learning.
Bye bye.
(upbeat music)
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