Sometimes we need to revisit the past
in order to protect the future.
Peter Staley went from a young trader on Wall Street
to a crucial figure in a radical advocacy group.
He literally made life saving medication affordable
for those living with HIV and AIDS.
After being diagnosed himself in 1985,
Peter joined ACT UP,
in its first days and helped create a movement.
At the time, there were over 20,000 reported cases of HIV.
It wasn't until two years later
that a treatment hit the market.
In March of 1987
the FDA approved AZT,
the first ever treatment for the disease.
there was hope.
And because of Peter Staley's hard work, leadership, and radical protest,
the cost of AZT was lowered by over 20%.
Now, more than half of the global population
living with HIV have access to treatment.
The highest ever.
Peter's core belief in helping those living with HIV or AIDS
has always been:
"knowledge = power"
I'm Javier Muñoz and this is <i>Legendary. </i>
40 million infected people is a plague!
I decided to become a full time AIDS activist.
[Chanting] They say get back, we say fight back!
Hello, I'm Javier Muñoz and I'm here with Peter Staley.
Thank you for coming in.
Thank you!
ACT UP felt like...
Cowboys- you know what I mean?
Like, warriors in armor with axes.
I just remember that my journey of sort of every thing I was experiencing
and when my partner passed- thinking-
watching how it happened.
And how stigma and how judgement and how lack of information and education
took its toll from others- how they treated him.
And the dignity he fought to have through the end
is what inspired me to become an activist before I became HIV positive.
And I remember trying to figure out like 'where do I fit?'
in that spectrum.
Because I feel like there's little bits of
little parts of me that could work for a number of situations and organizations.
But like, that was my impression of ACT UP.
It was just like, 'we're going to go in, and we're going to go hard.'
ACT UP was like the tip of the spear, right?
We were the most visible component of what was a much larger community response to the crisis.
We were up against a wall of homophobia and racism.
AIDS was happening to fags, drug addicts, prostitutes—
groups that people didn't care if we lived or died.
And so ACT UP realized that we had to confront America's homophobia.
Talk about a challenge.
There's a man that could've prevented these absurdities.
This man has said that he would like to see a kinder,
gentler nation.
Your actions are killing us, your words are lies.
[Chanting] 300,000 dead from AIDS, where is George?
And after we kick the sh*t out of this disease,
I intend to be alive to kick the sh*t out of the system
so that this will never happen again.
Thank you.
One of the coolest moments I went through was
getting back at -
in a very cathartic way -
against the homophobia that I felt working on Wall Street.
And I stayed in the closet so I didn't pay much of a price for it-except psychologically.
And that day - after I had been diagnosed - that day that I got handed that flyer for ACT UP,
other traders had been handed the same flyer
and I get on the trading floor,
and there's a discussion happening
before trading starts among the traders, about AIDS.
The first discussion I think they've had.
And my mentor, the head trader on the trading floor
just viciously shut the conversation down and just said,
'well, if you ask me, they all deserve to die because they took it up the butt.'
And everybody was like 'whoa'.
So I started plotting, and there was this one member of ACT UP who worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
And I said to him, 'can you help me figure out how we can get inside?'
And because, it had never been done before.
He started looking at all the entrances,
we picked the shortest path entrance -
which is right under the famous columns -
And so a few hours before that big demonstration outside,
me and six others - all dressed in—
Yeah, in Wall Street drag.
We had these fake IDs,
the trader badges— those white badges.
We all "worked" for Bear Stearns.
And we had tested it and everything and it worked.
We all just walked onto the floor with the last minute smokers
before the opening bell.
>> That's so smart.
And two of us had cameras
because we had to bring in our own press-
little cameras to capture the moment.
And five of us, after we walk in and mingle with the traders,
we walk up this VIP balcony that's never used,
this old wooden balcony that has a great NYAC banner above it.
A great backdrop for a picture-
and we stayed ducked down and we're looking for the opening bell in like 15 seconds.
And then I say 'go!'
We stand up and we handcuff ourselves to the balcony
and we throw a banner over it that says 'Sell Welcome,'
the company.
And then we have miniature foghorns and we all drown out the opening bell.
And the whole floor just turns and goes-
[Javier laughing]
And they became rabid.
Like their sanctum had been invaded.
And we took these fake hundred dollar bills
and we threw them out onto the floor.
And it said "F*ck your profiteering" on the back.
And they just went berserk.
But standing there,
I knew at that moment that we had done it.
They were throwing sh*t at us, they were yelling 'faggot, kill the faggots.'
>>All the things they could.
But I was like,
well, you know,
we're going to be on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow morning.
We're going to be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal tomorrow morning.
You can scream all you want, right now you are pawns in our action.
Three days later, the company lowered the price— AZT by 20%.
So it was a very dramatic moment.
[Chanting] ACT UP, fight back, fight AIDS.
"AZT, one billion dollars"- have you seen these around?
The US Government has spent one billion dollars over the past ten years.
[Rapping] While you're at it, why don't you open for tryouts
'cause the line of people you refuse goes on for miles
we got women with AIDS believe it please
you haven't heard of pelvic inflammatory disease.
We got babies and children dying, for drugs they helped us find,
you ain't trying.
We got people of color with nowhere to go, do your trials address their needs?
We got Ivy drug users in need of the same as everyone else
[speaking Spanish]
We were getting our asses kicked by HIV.
We were going to lose an entire generation of people.
And it would be never ending and just hit the next generation—
I mean, it was going to decimate queer America.
And ultimately it did become a worldwide pandemic.
So we had to respond.
And the totality of that response became this beautiful community reaction
that actually started turning the tide.
And then I was introduced to this whole new world.
For me, it had felt like I had found my church, you know?
It became— every living hour I was doing ACT UP.
I went on disability,
it's where I found my boyfriends, it's where I found my sex life,
it's where I found all my friends.
And it's where I found purpose.
It's just so frustrating how stigma has been feeding this AIDS crisis
from day one.
It is like a God*mn wall.
And it's time that we just start- whenever we see any small evidence of it,
that we really just confront it and get angry about it.
Racism has fed the crisis from the very beginning and continues to feed it
- now in a major way -
that younger African American gay men in the US are the most at risk group.
And the larger gay community has kind of moved on.
And what role is racism playing in that?
Don't shut down and say, 'oh that's a difficult conversation,'
challenge that.
[Various Chanting]
For more infomation >> The Life-Saving Legacy of HIV/AIDS Activist Peter Staley | Legendary | NowThis - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
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The epic makeup blunder all the Love Island girls are guilty of - Duration: 4:05.
The Love Island girls have come under fire as ITV2 viewers have spotted their epic foundation blunder
Dani Dyer, Georgia Steel and Samira Mighty have all been spotted making one of the most common beauty mistakes people always fall victim to on holiday
Viewers of the hit reality show have noticed the girls' foundations are now too light for their skin after being in the sun for weeks now
One fan commented on Twitter: "Someone needs to give Dani a darker foundation #LoveIsland
" Another wrote: "We are now at a stage in Love Island where no ones foundation matches their skin #LoveIsland
" The Love Island girls from 2017 also suffered this beauty blunder in the villa, with many calling out former Islander Montana Brown for her makeup faux pas
OK! Online spoke to makeup artist Sarah Winstone from Hepcats, who shared her top tips on avoiding the same mistake
Sarah said: "The issue on Love Island is to do with sun exposure changing your skin tone
" She advises: "You might want different shades throughout the year depending on how much time you spend outdoors
Also, don't be afraid to try mixing foundations (as long as they are the same formula) to get your ideal shade, particularly if you just need to change your tone slightly after being in the sun
" In general, Sarah says the best way to make sure you've got the right foundation shade is to review the colour in natural light
Related Love Island's Megan: I don't regret regret pursuing Wes ITV tease the start of dating show Love Island Love Island Aftersun: New girl Megan admits she fancies Dr Alex Love Island announces huge beauty shake-up for series four Superdrug have launched a new exclusive Love Island themed range Love Island's Daisy Muller undergoes huge transformation since starring on ITV2 reality show three years ago Dani Dyer opens up on the beauty prep that left dad Danny Dyer furious Dyson hair dryer on Love Island leaves fans speechless when they discover the price She explains: "It seems like a hassle but the best thing you can do is test on your face and then go outside and check how it looks with a mirror in day light
Artificial light and shadows indoors will change how foundation appears on your skin
"Even if you've been matched at a make up counter, I would recommend going outside to see how it looks
Take your time, make sure you are happy with how it looks. Take a friend and help each other find the right shade!"
Fill You in Friday - June 29, 2018 - Duration: 4:54.
Good morning, it's Gina Windle here for another Fill You in Friday. You know this
summer we've been focusing on learning opportunities for students, for teachers
, for families and today is no exception. A couple weeks ago we focused on literacy.
Last week, we focused on math. Today, we're going to focus on community engagement.
Part of our mission here at the department is to prepare students for
college, career, and community engagement. We think that is essential for our
students to graduate and be successful citizens of their communities and so one
way that we model that is through our own volunteer activities here at the
department. Our most recent volunteer activity has
centered around the Summer Cereal Drive and that's wrapping up today. People
across the agency have been tremendously generous in their outpouring of
donations and so we're really excited to be a part of that. If you in your home or
in your school community would like to take advantage of some volunteer
opportunities, but you don't really know where to start or where to look we
strongly suggest that you log on to
You can type in some
filters here, maybe the kind of activity that you want to participate in, your
city. Maybe there's a mile radius that you
would like to keep it to. Then you can just do a search and it will populate
all of the opportunities that you would have to participate in. These events that
are customized and tailored to you. Then you can register, they will send you an
email reminder. You can put it on your calendar and you'll be good to go. We've
had a great experience here at the department using this website and we
hope that you do too. So, switching gears, I want to introduce to Fill You in
Friday guest. Ms. Cassandra Barnett is here.
She's the program advisor for school libraries across the state and she is
going to talk to us about opportunities and celebrations with the Declaration of
Learning program. Thank you Gina. The Arkansas Declaration of Learning is a
great project that focuses on helping teachers learn how to use
historic objects and art to infuse that into their curriculum and it also is a
project that leads students to participate in some kind of civic
engagement activity. We are the first state, we are developing the model which
will then be shared out across the nation. We're gearing up for helping
another state implement this program. So far, we have worked with 110 educators
across the state and that's impacted over 6,000 students so far. This we are
celebrating the year 3 of this program. The teachers participate for a whole
year in not only learning about how to use these objects in artwork but also in
developing units that will then be shared across the nation. We are very
happy to celebrate the completion of year three and our participants will be
at a special event this afternoon at the Clinton Foundation's Choctaw building
we're excited that the Governor is going to be there to meet and greet those
participants and we are just so excited that these teachers are going to go out
and really influence our team, our students and lead them into some civic
engagement pieces.
So yes, it's kind of a big deal and we would love for more
schools to participate. We're going to put some links in the comments, so that
you can read about how your school community can take advantage of these
awesome opportunities to work cross-curricular within your building
and just really individualize that learning for your kids so that and they
can have all these awesome opportunities to learn about maybe things that
otherwise they wouldn't have known or been exposed to just using your standard
curriculum. So, since we are talking about learning, I want to give a shout-out to
all of our APPEL teachers. They are wrapping up their third week of learning
today and we want to celebrate them and we
want welcome to the education family here at
the department and in their schools we're so proud of them and all the hard work
that they have put in to becoming a part of this noble profession. If you've got
celebration pictures or pictures from your training post them on social media use
the hashtag #TeachArkansas so that we can find you and share you and celebrate
you. So as always we hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for watching. Happy Friday.
Oh say can you sing contest winner - Duration: 3:25.
Pain relief - Duration: 3:14.
hello this is Sally DiCesare. today we're going to talk about a technique
that's been used for centuries to pull out what your body doesn't need perhaps
you've heard of the old remedy of castor oil packs for liver toxicity even
removing splinters but today we're going to talk about how this can actually pull
the discomfort out of a painful muscle so what we're going to do is very simple
it does take 20 minutes but it's simple in the fact that what you do is you'll
take you get yourself some castor oil you can use the traditional way of a
felt (I mean FLANNEL) sheet with a rag plastic wrap and you'll need a heating pad or you can do
the new way which is taking a puppy piddle pad a clean one and cut it with
this it takes care of the plastic wrap the rag and the the flannel castor oil
is very very sticky so it is a difficult oil to remove what you're going to do is
you're going to take your castor oil and put a nice amount on your puppy pad then
let's say I had pain in my arm I would lay the path over my arm I don't
need this big a piece but it's going to keep it from from flowing and and
getting everywhere the castor oil from flowing and getting everywhere you don't
have to fill the whole area the whole pad with castor oil and then
you're going to warm up your heating pad and then place it on the pad for 20
minutes you can sit and read at this time this is a good excuse I have used
this for lower back pain for pain between my shoulder blades sometimes you
need some help with somebody helping you with that but super simple worked like a
charm I can usually get relief with one although if you've got chronic
discomfort you might want to take a couple more sessions with that I would
not do more than once a day and that is how to use a castor oil pack to remove
pain from your body I hope this helps and I'll talk with you soon bye for now
You're Different And Being Different Is A Business Asset - Duration: 3:40.
I want you to remember something, being different will always be an asset to you.
It's all about how you embrace that idea.
The thing that made me think of this, was I was listening to the Nerdist podcast.
And there was an episode featuring Patrick Stewart.
You may know him from X-Men or from Star Trek: Next Generation, which I super love, it's
so good.
So good.
But anyway, Patrick Stewart, famously went bald in his youth.
He was bald as a young man, starting out, becoming an actor.
And a lot of people would have felt like that was a disadvantage and he himself felt like
it was a disadvantage.
It was something he really has talked about struggling with, going bald at such an early age and
feeling like he wasn't attractive to women and to opportunities as an actor.
But what he started doing, as he shared in the story in the podcast, is that he would
wear a wig.
And he would perform two monologues.
So he would do one with the wig and then he would remove it and show that he had a bald
And his position that he would always tell casting directors was that it was two for
the price of one.
He got two actors as opposed to just one.
And I love that story because it's about turning something that you may feel ashamed of, or
that you may feel like limits you, into an asset.
So I think that's something we can all learn from.
You know, people are familiar with the products and services that we sell, no matter what
we really do.
There's really nothing new under the sun when it comes to a lot of that kind of stuff.
Unless you're on Shark Tank, so, that being said, what makes us different and what makes
us stand apart are those differences, are those things that make us unique.
You know, Patrick Stewart turns something that people could be ashamed of into a huge
opportunity for him.
And something that gave people a sense of his personality, what he was able to do for
So what is that thing for you?
What is that thing or those things that maybe you're hiding?
That you should share proudly on an Instagram Story or on a Facebook Live or in a newsletter
that you share.
What are those things about yourself that maybe you don't feel like fit in the world
or in an Instagram beautiful feed that you see other people put up?
These are the things that we all resonate with because, guess what, we've all got them.
We've all got something that, like Patrick Stewart has, that we try to hide and that
we don't try to embrace.
But you know what?
It's okay.
For me, it's just feeling like I always wanted to be an expert in something.
I always wanted to be the best at one particular thing.
And for me, that's just not how I'm wired.
I'm wired to be somebody who's a Jill of all trades.
And I used to come up against that.
And in more recent years, and through Greatest Story, I've learned to embrace that.
I built an entire business on the idea that I'm stronger by using multiple skill sets than just one.
And that works for me.
That's embracing a difference in who I am.
So what is the thing that you have, that you could flip?
That you could turn into something that works for you?
Whether you have to create a business or create a job opportunity or share more about yourself
on the internet or with others in relation to your business or career.
You can do it.
Think about Patrick Stewart, he's been really successful, right?
So, you've got this.
Remember, being different is always going to be a big asset for you.
CREDIT CARD - Duration: 9:03.
Okay so your research and credit card or credit cards Duane here with how to
build credit TV and in this video I'm going to talk about what the difference
is between a secured credit card and an unsecured credit card. We're also going
to talk about the one scenario where maybe okay or better for you to get a
secured credit card over a unsecured credit card. But before we get started I
have a quick message.
Once again my name is Duane with how to build credit TV and this channel
offers 100% free information about how to build credit and ways to improve your
credit score. We also talked about how to get cash back actual cash money from
using credit cards, as well as credit card reviews. If this sounds like
something which you're interested be sure to subscribe to our channel and
click the notification bell so you don't miss a thing. As a matter of fact
subscribing right now can help our channel grow faster which will allow us
to do two things. Number 1. get this information out to more people and
number 2. make it a lot easier to continue to upload videos just like this
one. So if you're new here please subscribe. Alright now that we have all
of that out the way let's talk a little bit more about credit cards or more
specifically the difference between a secured credit card and a unsecured
credit card. So an unsecured credit card is a traditional credit card that's what
most of us know as a regular credit card. A secured credit card however is a
credit card where you have to put a deposit down in order to get credit from
the bank. In some cases you can put down between 49, 99 dollars and 200 dollars to
get a secured card. Or in most cases a secured card works this way in the sense
that you put down what you want your credit limit to be in order to get that
credit card. So if you wanted a credit limit of $500 you would deposit $500
with the bank in other words securing that credit or
securing that credit card. And the bank would then issue you a credit card with
a credit limit of $500. So they would just hold your money like collateral and
that is what a secured credit card is, so in this video we're going to talk about
once again the difference between the secured credit card and a unsecured
credit card. So we're going to compare them in certain categories we're going
to be talking about annual fees we're going to be talking about APR or
interest rate that they charge. We're also going to be talking about any kind
of rewards program that the credit card may have to offer. So that's we're going
to be talking about in greater detail. Okay so for the most part a secured
credit card versus a unsecured credit card they look both the same. There's no
difference as far as looking at it. There's no way that someone's going to be able
to look at the secured card and say oh man this is a secured card I can tell
that you deposited X amount of dollars with the bank in order to get this card.
Nope that's not the case at all these cards look exactly the same whether it's
a secured credit card or a unsecured credit card. So when it comes to annual
fees in regards to secured credit card versus a unsecured credit card there
really is no difference. There are secured credit cards out there that does
not have an annual fee there are secured credit cards out there that do have an
annual fee. The same is true for unsecured credit cards, once again there
are unsecured credit cards which is traditional credit card that have annual
fees. And there are unsecured credit cards that do not have an annual fee so
as far as this category is concerned they're both equal. The only difference
is that if you have to pay an annual fee with a secured credit card, you have to
pay that and you also have to you have to put down the deposit in order to get
that particular credit card and that limit the way you want it to be. So if
you want 500 dollars you'd have to put down $500 and you also still have to pay
the annual fee. So that is the comparison between the secured credit card and the
unsecured credit card in regards to annual fee. The next category when it
comes to the differences between secured credit card and unsecured credit card is
APR our interest that they charge. In other words if you spent $1,000 on your
secured card versus the unsecured credit card. How much interest are the credit
card company charging you? So I can tell you right now that there is not a huge
difference as to what the interest is with a secured card versus a unsecured
credit card. They're both the same, the way I look at it personally is I don't
really care what the interest rate is or the APR is because I'm going to pay my
credit card off in full every single month. That's just what I do it's the best
thing to do. I'm not giving the credit cards my money they're not making any
money off of me. I just used the credit card as a tool I used to get cash back
or I use it to get points towards redeeming for travel or hotels. I'm
actually going to be starting to do that pretty soon here within the
year. I'm probably going to apply for one of the chase cards so that I could
redeem the points for you know a hotel stay or travel. I'm looking to travel in
the future. So anyway that's pretty much how that works as far as the APR is
concerned it's not a big deal to me I just like I said I pay it off every
single month. So the fact that a secured credit card or unsecured credit card has
an APR is irrelevant to me and I would encourage you to do the same thing.
Definitely pay off your balances don't have money sitting on the credit card
because they're gonna make money off of you and that just doesn't make sense. And
in addition to that having a balance on your credit card does not help your
credit score necessarily okay. The next category that I want to discuss between
a secured credit card and an unsecured credit card is cash back or a cash
reward program or any kind of reward programs that a secured credit card
would offer versus an unsecured credit card. Now there are a lot of perks to
having an unsecured credit card this is a traditional credit card. There are some
credit cards that have great cash back or reward programs for unsecured credit
card. There aren't a lot of secured credit cards that have a good reward
program or cash back program. One of the only ones that I know that I like quite
a bit is actually the Discover card. They do have cash back there are some
more secured credit cards out there where you can get cash back. But the
purpose of getting a secured card is not necessarily to get cash back but if
you're a nerd like me I like that aspect of it and I'm taking full advantage full
advantage of that I'm actually a little over six hundred dollars right now with
my Discover card. If you are interested in learning more about getting cash back
you can check out the video I'll put a link right here at the top right of the
screen so you guys can have a look at that. So when it comes to cashback or
any kind of a war program the unsecured credit card the traditional credit card
they really shine in this category because there are a lot more credit
cards on secured credit cards that have great cash back programs and reward
programs. So it would be to your benefit to have an unsecured credit card
in this particular category. So earlier in the video I mentioned where there
might be a scenario where it would be better to get a secured credit card
versus an unsecured credit card and this particular scenario would be like if you
have bad credit or if you knew that you weren't going to be approved for a
particular credit card or you just didn't want to take the chance and
getting your credit pulled and being rejected. Because let's face it nobody
likes to be rejected this is when a secured credit card can be pretty
powerful. I personally used and used currently secured credit cards to build
my credit score to even rebuild my credit score.
I had three regular unsecured credit card and I really wanted to re-establish
a relationship with Discover Card so I went ahead and got a secured credit card
with Discover Card. This is the same exact card that I've been able to
accumulate over $600 worth of cash back at the moment and still counting. So
secured credit cards kind of get a bad rep but they can be very powerful
depending on what you're using them for. Thank you so much for watching this
video, if you found it helpful please give us a thumbs up it helps the channel
quite a bit. If you have any questions leave them down with and comment below
I'll answer it as soon as I see it. My question for you is do you prefer
secured credit card over an unsecured credit card. As a matter of fact what is
your favorite credit card at the moment let me know in the comments below. Thanks
again for watching this video if you haven't subscribe to the channel please
be sure to do so. Once again we talk about everything you need to know about
credit whether you're looking to establish credit, build credit, rebuild
credit or learn more about the FICO score and how that is comprised so you
can increase your credit score. If this is your first time here please subscribe.
Thanks for watching this video once again my name is Duane with how to build
credit TV and I approve this video. I'll see you guys in the next video until
next time take care and be blessed. Peace!
Daily List: Daily List: 3 Things You Didn't Know About the 4th of July - Duration: 2:55.
Jarrod Ramos' Family & Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 6:58.
Jarrod Ramos' Family & Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Jarrod W.
Ramos, the suspect identified in the shooting at the Capital Gazette, has numerous family members in the Maryland region.
His father and step-mother live in Maryland, and he has at least one sibling, a sister.
Jarrod Ramos' Twitter account left behind a trail of strange symbols, angry tweets, and veiled threats and frustrated comments about people from the Capital Gazette.
In contrast, his family's social media accounts are all normal and nothing like Jarrod's tweets, with posts about other family, friends, vacations, and hobbies.
This is what we know so far about Ramos' parents and family.
Jarrod Ramos' Father, Miguel Ramos, Used to Work for the NSA.
According to Miguel Ramos' Facebook profile, he used to work for the NSA.
After that, he worked for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.
He studied at the Data Processing Institute.
His Facebook profile also mentions that he went to Arundel High School.
Some people, in an attempt to start false flag conspiracy rumors, have pointed out that Edward Snowden also went to Arundel High School.
However, Snowden has said that he struggled in high school and dropped out.
Snowden is also much younger than Miguel Ramos, so their time at the school did not overlap.
His father posted on Facebook about just marrying his wife 15 years ago, so it's not known if she is Jarrod's mother or if his mother is someone else.
Miguel Posted Happy Birthday Messages to His Son on Facebook.
Although Jarrod Ramos did not appear to have an active Facebook account, unless it was completely private, his dad still posted about his son.
On his son's birthday, he would share messages wishing him a happy birthday.
Many People in Jarrod's Family Are Military Veterans.
Many people in Jarrod's family have served in the military.
On Veteran's Day in 2017, Miguel Ramos listed many of the men who have been in military service.
He mentioned that his father and uncle were both veterans, along with his cousin, brother-in-law, and nephew.
Even his sister, Jarrod's aunt, served in the military.
Police Reports Listed Jarrod as Being White, Non-Hispanic.
Some people on social media are questioning the description of Jarrod Ramos used by police and media, wondering about his family background.
Police reports have listed Jarrods' race as "white" and his ethnicity as "non-Hispanic." The U.S.
Census separates race and ethnicity, with ethnicity pointing to ancestral origin (such as Spain versus Hispanic America.) So in general, "White American," according to the census, is divided between white Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites.
At this time, it's unclear what Ramos' family origin is, or whether his mother and father have different ethnicities and races.
Some family posts mentions San Juan and Puerto Rico, but his family also appear to travel quite frequently, so this may not be an indication of their background.
His Family Lives in Maryland & All Appear Have Normal, Happy Status Updates, Completely Different from Jarrod's Twitter Posts.
Jarrod Ramos is from Maryland, and much of his family appear to live in Maryland also, according to their Facebook profiles.
Their public posts all appear normal and happy.
His father shares happy birthday posts for his relatives.
He also writes about missing his father who died at 57, missing his mother, and enjoying visiting sports events and family parties.
Jarrod's aunts post mostly lighthearted statuses, with their family leaving humorous comments.
Other relatives have posted about nature and scenery, rainbows, and enjoying time with family.
Jarrod did not appear to have a Facebook page, or at least if he did have one, it was taken down or private, unlike his Twitter account.
He was tagged in family photos, but those tags were not connected to an account.
A number of people have already descended onto Miguel Ramos' Facebook page, leaving angry comments and blaming him for his son's actions.
Others, however, have been quick to come to Miguel's defense and ask the people leaving the posts to leave and go somewhere else.
This is a developing story.
Social Media Jobs - Duration: 2:08.
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The NES Classic is back: here's where you can pick one up | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 2:44.
TOP 10 places to visit Coromandel - Duration: 2:52.
In this video I will show you my 10 favorite places in the Coromandel.
Cathedral Cove is a popular attraction among tourists.
The iconic rock formation is easily accessible from Hahei.
By foot, it's two and a half kilometers and takes approximately one hour one way.
Once at the beach, you'll be amazed by the golden sand,
spectacular rock formations and the gentle lapping of the waves.
Dig your own rock pool in the center and relax in the natural springs
Accessible within two hours of low tide the beach will fill up quickly with locals and tourists digging holes
The water can get really hot, so use common sense while using them.
The northern coastline boasts great natural beauty
and this is best explored by a day trip between Fletcher bay and Stony bay.
Accessible by a long and windy road, this place won't disappoint you.
This train ride is one of the most popular in New Zealand.
Conveniently located in Coromandel Town,
the scenic mountain railway travels through New Zealand native forests
and climbs up a hill for panoramic views
A real hidden gem near Whangamata.
Take a kayak and paddle your way to the island.
The entrance to this idyllic place is by a channel through the archway.
Be aware of winter swells, which can make his trip challenging
Waihi Goldmine is New Zealand's heart of gold.
The mine has been used since the 19th century
and nowadays you can walk to the edge of the huge open pit gold mine.
It is currently active and produces approximately 100,000 ounces of gold each year
Treat yourself to a workout and conquer the summit of the Pinnacles for spectacular views of the Coromandel, Peninsula.
A day trip consists of 14 kilometers and takes seven to eight hours.
A short and easy walk from the 309 gravel road takes you through native bush to the six meter high falls.
The hole at the base is suitable for swimming, so don't forget your towel.
Here you'll find many mining remnants and spectacular scenery.
The mining tunnel has windows that look down on the river gorge below.
The two kilometer loop walk will take one hour
and there is a car parked just off the state highway 2 at Karangahake Gorge.
Walk from Tairua to the top of mount Paku for amazing views over Tairua beach and the harbour mouth.
The climb takes 20 minutes and a steep near the top, but well worth the effort!
Enjoy your travels through the Coromandel
and don't forget to subscribe to my channel
ASR Monthly Summary - June 2018 - Duration: 1:16.
Well, July is near, which means Fall is definitely around the corner for all of us.
We have a lot going on as we prepare for Fall. All is pretty much on-target for our faculty,
staff, and students to have a great start to the Fall. Oh, there's a little rhyme there.
Congratulations on a successful 9.2 Upgrade. We just have a few loose ends, and so I feel that
project went very, very well.
The other thing I just wanted to mention in the last two weeks the College of Liberal Arts,
CFANS (College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences),
and CSOM (Carlson School of Management) have all come up to me to talk about
the great work that all of you do, and how much they enjoy working with ASR.
So I want you to keep up that great work, and make sure you get up and move around
during the month of July. Thank you.
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