Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

rev up your engines, today I'm going to talk about how to

prevent rust on your car, now to prevent rust, first you have to understand what

rust is, rust is electrochemical oxidation and in the case of cars, the

steel, when it comes in contact with oxygen in the atmosphere, water vapor

atmosphere and other things like salt that they put on the road and up north

and winter, it starts an electrochemical reaction that will eat up the steel in

your car, it actually creates a weak type of battery acid, that eats stuff up it's

an electrochemical reaction, it uses electricity and chemistry to eat up the

metal, now cars of course are painted to prevent the steel from getting its

electrochemical reaction, now when my grandfather was young, Model T Fords they

used lacquer based stuff, they paint it and buff it, and paint it and buffed it, to have layers

and layers of paint that they buffed to make it look good, but the basis of

modern car painting is much different, the metal has a primer type coat on it

then it has base coat, which is the color, then it has a clear coat to protect that

all those layers protect the bare metal, and as long as those layers of

protections are still there, your car won't rust, and when it comes to solid

parts, the frame of the car and crossmembers and stuff, these are

generally electroplated when the vehicle is built, the metal is a negative charge

and the paint is the positive charge, and when the body of the car goes into the

tank, it coats it all with a zinc based primer, now Zinc is used because it has

to slow corrosion rate and it can be used sacrificially, so instead of eating

up your car, it can eat up some of the zinc, and as you can see the process

works, this is a 1994 Toyota Celica, look there's no rust even on the wheel arches

here, the process keeps it from rusting and I know people are going to say, Scotty

hey you live in Texas cars don't rust there, well actually it's very humid here

and if they start to rust, they rust really bad and if you live on the beach

they would, because it's saltwater, but my mother still lives near Buffalo, the

heart of the Rust Belt and her 20 year old Toyota Corolla doesn't have any rust on

it. the

just works. as long as you keep the coatings from being rubbed off or

cracked off. or if you get in a wreck, they're not resealed

and as long as the process was done correctly, for instance there were some

1990s Toyota Tacoma pickup trucks, that they didn't coat the frames correctly

and a lot of them rotted away and Toyota had to replace a whole bunch of

frames for free because of that, so you have to realize, that this process of

covering the steel is just a cover, it's not like hot zinc galvanized, where you

dip it when it's hot and hot melted zinc, and then it becomes part of it, and if it

gets scratched it doesn't matter, this stuff if it gets scratched or knocked

off, it will start to corrode inside, so your whole thing is to keep the coating

intact and here's how you do it, you're suppose to wax your car four times a year, once

each season, that keeps the clear coat supple, so that it won't crack and then

water and stuff can get inside, I like this Nufinish, technically it's not a

wax, it's a polish but it does the same thing, it protects the paint from

cracking, because you have to realize, it's metal it expands and contracts in

the Sun, the paint has to expand and contract too, if it gets all hard and

dried out, it won't and then you'll see all that kicked up paint where it's

flaking off on your car, and here's a tip if you ever do get a scratch on your car

it's a good idea to just have a little clear coat and some masking tape so if

you do get a big scratch or a bump, you can at least tape the area up and spray

it with some clear coat and that will seal it so it won't rust, granted to do a

perfect job you'd have to sand it down to the bare metal, then put some primer

on, then put the base coat color on, and then put clear coat on, but at least putting a

clear coat over anything that's been hit, it's going to seal it in, as long as you

do it fast enough before it starts rusting, but let's say you got a real

rust bucket that's already started rusting, these rust preventative paints actually

work quite well, I use this rust bullet protective coating on the frame of my

Celica, because the frame is on the bottom, rocks hit it, all kinds of things hit it

and when the paint on the bottom starts chipping off, you want

to seal it with something like this, so rust doesn't start and eat up your frame

especially for you guys living up north in the Rust Belt

hey all that salt water that comes on when you put salt on the road and

gets with the slush, that gets all over it, of course you want to try to

rinse it off whenever you can, but you want to have the metal that it gets on

sealed before anything else will happen, I know a lot of guys up north before

winter, they'll jack up their car or truck they'll look under it and if they see that

there's a bunch of rust starting, they'll just surface rub a lot of it off, this can be

applied on somewhat rusty metal and then they can spray this on, roll it on

anywhere you want, and then it'll protect it for the winter, now you don't have to

worry about salts on the roads and the winter here in Houston, maybe once every

30 years when it does freeze, but hey I know guys down in Galveston that live on

the beach, and they use the stuff on their frames, because they're driving

around in a saltwater atmosphere right on the Gulf of Mexico, and it keeps them

from rotting away, because I've seen a bunch of them that didn't, and they just

rotted like mad, within five or six years, because let's face it, big rocks and

stuff generally aren't flying on the paint of your car, but on the bottom of the car

there's all kinds of stuff on the road that's being thrown up and whacking

against them, since these anti-rust coatings can be sprayed on, you can put

them in a spray gun, hey it's not a big job, you don't care about the bottom of

the car what it looks like, you don't have to be a pro to actually paint the

car to make it look shiny on the top, this is the bottom, you don't care you

just want the coating on there so it won't rust, because ultimately the

purpose of stopping rust is to prevent electrochemical oxidation on the bare

metal, as long as that metal has got a good solid coating on it, it will not rust,

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember

to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Chris is Wrong, You Can't Repair Rust Like That, But You Can Prevent It By Doing This - Duration: 6:29.


Lovely Miniature Stone Houses That Will Amaze You - Duration: 7:03.

Lovely Miniature Stone Houses That Will Amaze You

For more infomation >> Lovely Miniature Stone Houses That Will Amaze You - Duration: 7:03.


Practical Tips To Bring You Out Of Isolation! - Duration: 9:34.

today's video is for all the women out there who are feeling isolated we're

going to talk about why it happens and what we can do about it so if you'd like

to know more please keep watching hi I'm Schellea this is fabulous50s a

lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle for women over 50

and if you're a woman over 50 click subscribe and click the bell and you'll

be alerted every time there's a new video and all of them will relate to you

today's topic is really important because as a woman over 50 you are most

likely to be on a roller coaster of emotions and thought processes that just

don't serve you it's so easy for us to feel alone and not enough and when you

feel isolated everything bad becomes magnified when we see others on social

media everyone's life looks shiny and bright and magnificent and we can often

feel that we just haven't done enough and that our lives are nowhere near as

good as theirs and then we start making unrealistic comparisons to the person

that you see in these highly edited photos it just seems on the surface that

everybody else's life is way better than ours and then this can create anxiety

which makes us feel even more isolated many of us are experiencing menopausal

symptoms that we just don't understand our bodies are changing our moods are

swinging and our health seems to be changing it's kind of like we're very

different to what we knew ourselves to be add to that that our children are

living home and they don't need us the same way that they used to that's why

today I want to talk about some really useful ways to help bring us out of

isolation and feel connected again to feel useful to feel valued and to feel

excited but it's up to you you've got to do the work there's no substitute for

actually just going out there and doing it you've got to make this happen and

you can't make this sort of thing happen with the belief that you're not good

enough so here are my three suggestions for you the first one is a really cool

trick that you can use if you're feeling isolated in your life

imagine somebody who you wouldn't think would be isolated in their life like

someone like Oprah and imagine they switched out with you they will take on

your body and your situation that you're living right now do you think they would

allow themselves to remain isolated for long what would they do in your

situation and what are they doing differently to what you're doing right

now this is such a cool trick because it's

all about mindset just by thinking about this right now what you've done is you

have just accessed what you think their mindset would be so next time you're

feeling isolated ask yourself what would that person do in this situation right

now this kind of sounds really really simple but when you start accessing what

somebody else would do in your situation you're activating different parts of

your brain and when you do that you can start going and making different choices

and have the courage to do something different to what you're already doing

the second thing I want to say is there is no substitute for actually going out

there and taking some actions so this is what you can do to stop feeling isolated

you can join the church a gym a gardening club you can offer some of

your assistance to like a young mom who doesn't have family support around her

when you're helping someone else and not focusing on yourself and your problems

it's impossible to feel isolated you can invite someone to coffee make the effort

and don't wait for other people to call you you be the one you can contribute to

your favorite YouTube channels and just join in on the conversation below start

talking to the other women and look after the relationships that you've

already got spend more time on those spend more time thinking about what you

can do with your friends or do for another person and the third thing you

can do is to find a buddy I call it an accountability buddy this has really

helped me in business it keeps me on track to grow and improve and it helps

hold me to a higher standard you can do this too so here's what you

do you set some guidelines for a new relationship if you want things to be

different in your life you've got to do things differently to get different

results it might be difficult and it probably will but you are worth it and

to get out of isolation it's worth it this is going to be the kind of

relationship where you connect with another person and share your successes

your failures and your dreams and your job is to hold each other to a higher

standard ok so here's some guidelines find one person and ask them to be like

your cheerleader your buddy your person and you and your buddy will help hold

each other accountable to all of the commitments that you've made like what

are you going to do differently moving forward you become accountable to them

and they become accountable to you the main purpose and the only purpose really

of this new relationship is to uplift and support each other so when you pick

your buddy you've got to commit to these guidelines otherwise it won't work you

or they can't talk negatively about anybody and that includes yourself you

set enough time for both of you to each talk about what went great during the

week and shine a light on the things that you did really well you've got to

be a great listener so you can't allow for things like criticism judgment and

sarcasm to even enter the conversation you have to make a rule that that's not

going to happen and then each week set one goal for yourself that's going to

push you past your comfort zone something that's uncomfortable and

something that you're not doing now you're going to become the cheerleader

for somebody else and someone else is going to become the cheerleader for you

and the most important thing is you're going to become the person who stops a

conversation cold if your person starts beating up on themselves start with a

once-a-week conversation with its person by email or video conference or phone

calls and see how you go you may want to increase it two more times but one time

a week is a great starting point so with all that in mind I'm going to give you

some ways to initiate this with another person one thing you can do is share

this video with someone that you already know who might be interested in being

your buddy you could connect with some of the ladies here already in the

community you could go to someone on Facebook or Instagram that you might be

following or I could start up a group here if anyone was interested in that

like a private group or you could ask somebody that you already know like

what's the harm in asking they could say no and then you could ask somebody else

you've got to get started and it is uncomfortable but anything was doing to

push you out of your comfort zone is going to start off being uncomfortable

particularly when you're feeling so isolated but doing these things is going

to help lift you out of that and you are just going to start enjoying your life a

whole lot more isolation is a mindset and it's something that we're telling

ourselves over and over and over and over again and we start to believe it

but there is a way out of it and it's baby steps every single day doing that

one thing that makes you feel uncomfortable

Brene Brown said if you have more than one true friend in your life you have

more than your fair share and for a no brown if you don't know about her is

amazing and i'm going to leave some links to her youtube videos below

because she's just really empowering and smart and she's got so many answers but

it's true we all think that everybody has so many friends and so many

opportunities and so much more of everything than we have but it's not

true that's why so many of us feel isolated because we don't have that one

person so why not reach out to somebody today and ask them if they'd like to

join you to become your person it takes a really long time to build that

particular kind of trust but you've got to start somewhere and you may as well

start today if not now when are you going to start so many people care I

know that for a fact I see the comments from all of this community here at

fabulous 50s I see how caring you are towards each other so there's absolutely

thinks stopping you today from making one small change it only has to be this

big and when you do something small outside your comfort zone magic happens

don't give up because if something in your life

isn't working out the way you want it to try something new and if that doesn't

work try something else you are so worth it you have so much to offer and don't

hold back all of your gifts by isolating yourself from the whole world please

give a thumbs up if this was any use to you at all and why not get out of your

comfort zone altogether and share it with someone who you'd like to be your

buddy thank you so much for watching and have a beautiful week

For more infomation >> Practical Tips To Bring You Out Of Isolation! - Duration: 9:34.


Do Chia Seeds Help with Belly Fat? - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Do Chia Seeds Help with Belly Fat? - Duration: 6:12.


Sport - Spotlight's Word of the Day - Duration: 1:19.

Hi, I'm Liz Waid bringing you Spotlight's Word of the Day.

Today's word is sport.

This word comes from the program, "Yani Tseng: I Keep Learning".

The word sport is a noun.

It means: a game or activity in which people compete against each other

using physical effort or skill

and according to a particular set of rules.

Here's sport in a sentence from this program:

"I believe sport can change a person's life."

In the comments below, try using the word sport in your own sentence.

Be sure to subscribe to Spotlight on YouTube

to see more videos to help you practice your English.

And join us next time for another Spotlight Word of the Day.

For more infomation >> Sport - Spotlight's Word of the Day - Duration: 1:19.


Explaining The Difference Between Hearing and Deaf Eyesight & Emergency Eyeglasses Tips! - Duration: 1:54.

Did you know that, when it comes to glasses and their visibility,

there's a huge difference between Deaf and Hearing ones?

I'll tell you why.

I've measured this eye, do you see the blue line?

See where the line is placed?

That's an eye of a Deaf person.

Why's that? I'll show you another picture.

This indicates a limited vision.

The peripheral vision is blurry.

This isn't Deaf friendly.

This is what a Deaf friendly vision looks like.

Now you've seen the difference between the

first and second sample.

In the first one, it is limited where each sides of

the eyes are blurry. This isn't Deaf friendly.

They'd have to move their head to see.

I always recommend that they widen the sight line so they get

a 180 degree vision.

For example, I can see you with my eyeglasses while

I rotate my body instead of my head.

Do you see that?

This is Deaf friendly and it's VERY comfortable.

I always believe in making the best quality eyeglasses.

Do you see these glasses?

I cannot see clearly without these glasses.

I call these emergency glasses meaning...suppose I lose them

and I look for them, but I cannot see them.

What do I do?

I can see by doing this: using both hands, press your index

finger onto your thumb then place each hands together at the

fingers to create a small gap. Bring the gap up to your pupil.

Or Curl up your index finger creating a small hole.

You can see through this gap. This is for temporary

purposes, like reading, if you need to.

It's a pretty neat tip, right?

Captioned by

For more infomation >> Explaining The Difference Between Hearing and Deaf Eyesight & Emergency Eyeglasses Tips! - Duration: 1:54.


Why can Trading Systems stop working? - Duration: 5:59.

Hi guys, hi from Andrea Unger.

Today I would like to discuss about why...a question which often happens to arise...

Why do trading system deliver worse performance in live trading rather than in backtest?

So actually this is a common question because people work, develop a trading system and

once it goes live after a while it delivers poorer performance or it even becomes a loser.

The point is that on one side obviously we tend to develop something that looks nice,

because you would not try something that loses money and even though we might be skilled

we might be smart enough, we will somehow insert some level of overfitting, which means

we will insert rules that even though are logical, force a little bit the system and

therefore adapt too much on the past.

It's like if we go to a tailor and we get a suit and we use measures from our body which

are not the very last but are an average of a diary we kept over the years and therefore

once we have our new suit we put it on and we discover that we put on weight and so we

no longer fit exactly how we wished into it, which is...

It does not be we have to take the very last condition of the market of course, it's just

an example of how average measures of the past not always meet the expectations of the


So let's say, we can limit obviously over fitting we can limit it based on our experience

on our common sense and so on, but than there is another point.

When we develop a system we normally find an edge in the market, some inefficiency that

is there.

The point is that we are not the only one out there doing this and the higher the number

of traders discovering that inefficiency the weaker the inefficiency starts to become,

which means that the higher number of traders trading a certain edge in the market the lower

the edge comes out to be.

If we discover, we know, that we can enter here and exit here for some reason and we

do it, if we are hundred thousand doing the same, each other would try to maybe enter

a bit higher and exit a little bit earlier and that kills the inefficiency itself.

At the end it is no longer an advantage for anybody.

It's like when you go on holiday, on vacation and you come back on Sunday and everybody

comes back on Sunday so obviously it creates an awful amount of traffic so there is the

clever, the smart return on Monday and that was something I did myself and people did

it and they found no traffic but slowly more and more people started coming back on Monday

and at the end of this story also on Monday there were queues all over the roads.

So the solution would be either you come back on a normal... on one of the days or you come back

on Tuesday, which might be possible, but it might create problems on your job for example,

because you need one extra day off and at the end of the all story you have no longer

a real advantage on coming back on Tuesday, because ok, you don't find a queue on the

road but you need an extra day off which is not what you desire or even not what your

boss wants you to do.

So the same thing is on the markets, it might happen that we find an edge we trade it but

if the edge becomes so small at the end the gain we could make out of that edge is no

longer compensating the costs that we face to trade that edge.

So if I gain 10 and I spend 20 to trade those 10 I'm an idiot or obviously I should avoid

doing that, this is the point.

So, overfitting, even kept to a minimum level somehow goes into the systems.

Each rule we had is sort of over fitting and this is something that we cannot avoid.

We can avoid the heavy overfitting, well, we put rules just to clean up the system as

much as possible, but we will never avoid completely a small level of overfitting.

On the other side, the edges in the market tend to disappear or to become smaller and

smaller depending on the number of players that discover these edges.

This is the main reason why things that worked in the past may stop working or work to a

much lower extent in the future.

This is it, I hope it helped, this is the reason why you have to be... keep on being

curious and study and always try to find new ways to trade markets, new instrument.

You've always to be active with your mind in the markets see you next time ciao from

Andrea Unger.

Enjoyed it? click the link below and you will be noticed as soon as new material is available

For more infomation >> Why can Trading Systems stop working? - Duration: 5:59.


Learn Colors With Cute Baby Using M&M Lollipop Finger Family Song For Kids - Duration: 1:54.

Hi Everybody!

Let's sing the Finger Family Song with Lollipops!

Here we go!

Blue color, blue color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Orange color, orange color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Green color, green color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Yellow color, yellow color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Brown color, brown color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Cute Baby Using M&M Lollipop Finger Family Song For Kids - Duration: 1:54.


How to Add Participants to a Workspace - Duration: 3:12.

After a workspace has been created, the Workspace Owner can add collaborators, called Participants.

These participants must be registered with, although they do not have to be

affiliated with the applicant organization.

The following roles allow a user to add Participants as a Workspace Owner: Standard AOR, Expanded

AOR, Workspace Manager, and a Custom Role with the Own Workspace privilege.

Now, here's how the Workspace Owner can add a participant:

First, go to the Manage Workspace page and click the Participants tab.

Please note that if you are an individual applicant, you will not see the Participants


Second, click either the Add from Workspace Organization button or the Add by Username


Add from Workspace Organization will allow you to search for participants among your

organization's users by first name, last name and user role.

Add by Username will allow you to search for participants by username, including those

who are external to your organization.

Third, search for the users you would like to make Participants in the workspace.

If you clicked the Add from Workspace Organization button, you will be able to tick the Add box

in the Actions column for every user you would like to add to the workspace.

When searching for multiple Participants, your selections will be saved until you click

the Save or Cancel buttons.

If you clicked the Add by Username button, you can only add one user at a time.

You will be asked to assign form access to whomever you add to the workspace.

Finally, click the Save button.

The Participant or Participants will be added to the workspace, a success message will appear

at the top of the page, and the activity will be tracked under the Activity tab.

There is a second method for adding Participants to a workspace.

This method is best when adding a single Participant to multiple workspaces.

To use the following method, a user will need one of the following roles that have either

the Manage Participants for Organization Workspaces privilege or the Manage Participants for My

Workspaces privilege.

First, click the Manage Applicants link on the Applicant Center page.

Now search for the desired user record you would like to associate with one or more workspaces.

Click the Manage Workspace Access link in the Actions column of the desired user.

Then click the Add Workspaces button on the Manage Access to My Workspaces page.

After the Add Workspace Access pop-up window opens, click the Add check box under the Actions

column for the desired workspace record or records.

Finally, click the Save button to add the user to these workspaces.

You will see a success message confirming the addition, and the change will be noted

in the Activity tab.

For more infomation >> How to Add Participants to a Workspace - Duration: 3:12.


Storm Spirit (90 second hero guide) - Duration: 1:51.

Greetings and welcome to 90 second hero guide featuring Rajin Thunderkeg, the Storm Spirit.

Storm Spirit is a ranged intelligence hero wielding elemental power of lightning.

His Q: Static Remnant, creates an explosive image of storm spirit that detoantes and deals

damage if enemiy unit comes nearby.

Image lasts 12 seconds.

His W: Electric Vortex, summons electric vortex that pulls an enemy to Storm Spirit's location

while slowing him by 50% for 3 seconds.

His E: Overload, creates an electrical charge after casting a spell that empowers next attack

to deal increased damge and slow nearby enemies.

His Ultimate: Ball Lightning, allows Storm Spirit to reposition around battlefield quickly,

at the expense of his mana pool per distance travelled.

(info: activation: 30+8%, 12+0.7% / 100 units, 8/12/16 dmg/unit)

Storm Spirit's mobility after hitting level 6 allows him to initiate or follow from safe

range focusing important enemy targets.

Power Treads, Kaya and Bloodstone increase his mobility even further with more mana regen

and mana cost reduction along with orchid malevolence and scythe of vyse to disable

enemy threats.

Situational items are Black King Bar, Linken's Sphere, Octarine Core, Shiva's Guard and Dagon.

High mobility and burst damage allow Storm Spirit to quickly enter and exit fights however

be vary of enemies with silences and strong disables.

This is the talent tree I use, however feel free to modify it, if it would suit your playstyle


And that's all for this guide.

If you'd like to be notified when new videos come out, don't forget to subscribe or follow

me on twitter.

And until next time, Good luck and have fun!

For more infomation >> Storm Spirit (90 second hero guide) - Duration: 1:51.


Pepa pig become Iron man | Super Funny Laerning video For Kids with Pepa Pig - Duration: 25:16.

Pepa pig become Iron man | Super Funny Laerning video For Kids with Pepa Pig

For more infomation >> Pepa pig become Iron man | Super Funny Laerning video For Kids with Pepa Pig - Duration: 25:16.



hey guys I know I've said this in plenty of videos but I'm going to continue to

say this because you have got to be careful who you share your weight loss

journey with because I'm gonna tell you the harsh truth about sharing your

weight loss journey with everyone at the end of the day especially family they

don't give a damn you know if sometimes it is not the issue on there probably

nine times out of ten not even eating a healthy lifestyle I'm living a healthy

lifestyle not even working out for the most part they're not doing anything

that spells out the word healthy um they don't even understand what you're going

through and they don't care because at the end of the day they probably are

looking at you like you are crazy um so be very careful who you share your

weight loss journey with because sometimes when we share our weight loss

journey with certain people it it makes us toxic it makes us start to

second-guess what we're doing so that we can live better lives while we're here

we know we don't live forever but while we're here we want to live the best

quality of life that we can live um and sometimes keeping those things to

ourselves is not a bad thing or finding groups you might not know the people but

finding people in groups um that can support you ultimately your best bet

because sometimes family can be worse than outsiders and in a lot of cases did

not really help to you um they're harmless to you because you can tell

them things that you're doing healthy as far as what you're eating and they might

look at it like you're killing yourself or you're just completely crazy you

can't live like that and try and talk you out of doing

something that can actually save your life

so be very very very careful who you share your journey

with because the same person you might see your journey would can be the same

person that might have you taken thinking so with all that being said

please subscribe to the channel like and share the video and make it a favorite

and I'll see you guys in the next video bye



How to Use -ed and -ing Adjectives - Duration: 5:33.

Do you have problems with adjectives like these two and when to use them?

Do you confuse "I am bored" and "I am boring"?

"I am interested" "I am interesting"?

Do you know what the difference is?

Well in this video I'm gonna explain the difference between these two and how to remember when

to use them.

So make sure you stay until the end because I'm also gonna give you another teeny tiny


I'm gonna start calling them teeny tiny tests from now on because I say that in almost all my videos [laughs]

Hello everyone and welcome back to Pronunciation with Emma.

So, as I said in the intro I'm gonna be talking about adjectives which have either an -ed

ending or an -ing ending.

So a lot of students have problems with when to use them both, so, that's what I'm gonna

be talking about.

So let's start with -ed adjectives first.

Now when we're talking about -ed adjectives we're talking about an emotion, a temporary


"I'm bored", "I'm interested", "I'm tired".

Now with the -ing adjectives we're talking about a characteristic of something, not a


So, let's say I have a book, I could say "this book is really interesting".

I can't say this book is really interested because the book is a book.

It's an inanimate object, it cannot have feeling.

Therefore I use the -ing, "interesting".

So as a quick recap I can say, "I am bored" - it's an emotion.

"I am boring" - I'm describing my personality, my characteristics.

So now we're going to do a little test just to see how much you've learnt in this video.

I'm gonna do five questions, let's see how you do.

While you're doing this test, I'd like you to write your answers in the comments because

I'm curious to know how much you've learnt from this video, and if you've learnt anything from this video.

Let me know in the comments.

Let me give you this sentence.

What do we think?

Why is it boring?

Because remember with -ing adjectives we're talking about characteristics.

A TV show does not have emotion.

It cannot feel anything.

It's not human, it's not a living thing.

So I cannot use bored.

I have to use boring.

How about this one?

Because I'm talking about my emotion.

"I'm really annoying" means it's my personality, I'm annoying.

I make other people feel annoyed.

So in this case I am annoyed.

How about this one?

Any idea?

It's "interesting" because it's a characteristic about an inanimate object, this inanimate

object cannot have feeling or emotion, therefore I cannot use "interested".

So, "interesting" in the answer.

How about this one?

This one's a bit trickier 'cause we've got two this time.

So with this one I can say [reads sentence].

So when we're talking about the inspiring part we're not talking about emotion.

So we're using -ing.

We're talking about characteristics.

While with the other one, with motivated, I'm talking about my feeling.

I feel motivated.

We're not using -ing, it's not a characteristic, it's an emotion.

And this is the last one, I've thrown in two more again, just for... fun.

What do you think?

Have a look.

What do we think?

So with this one I can say [reads sentence].

So that first one, so tiring, I'm describing my job, I'm not describing myself and my feeling,

I'm describing a characteristic.

And the second one, so annoyed, I get annoyed, I feel annoyed.

I'm talking about emotion.

So again I'm using -ed.

That's it for this video everyone.

Thank you so much for watching, I hope it's been beneficial.

Let me know in the comments if you like these grammar videos.

I tend to focus more on pronunciation videos, hence the name Pronunciation with Emma, but

I know that you guys are always requesting grammar videos as well, so, here they are,

just for you.

If you enjoyed this video then give it a thumbs up, like the video, and also subscribe to

my channel.

And a final thank you, guys.

Yes, thank you so much.

I feel completely humbled that you watch my videos, that you've even subscribed, that

you like my videos, so a big thank you to you.

See you next week! [kiss] bye bye.

For more infomation >> How to Use -ed and -ing Adjectives - Duration: 5:33.


Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 10:31:31.

For more infomation >> Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 10:31:31.


This Video Will Make You Smile - Duration: 2:19.

What would you say if someone came up to you

and said, "I want to pay for your gas."

time to hit the town and do some more random acts of kindness

It's the Be Noble Tour with Noble Credit Union

Where you are worth more

We're at the corner of Bullard and Palm

At the Sinclair station to pay for people's gas

Gas prices now, man that's no joke

Look at that

Hi, excuse me Sir

My name is AJ from Y101

I'm going around town doing random acts of kindness

for folks with Noble Credit Union

This is for you

I wanted to pay for your gas, if you would allow me to?

[Sh... sure? Yeah...]

Go ahead and select the kind you want, too.

[Ok *laughs*]

A little bit different, having someone come up and say

I want to pay for your gas, right?

[That never happens]

Here we go, which one do you want?

go for it

[Wow... amazing... I thank you very much.]

[I mean I didn't expect this]

You bet

What are the plans for today?

Have a busy day?

[Well I just got off of work]

[and I'm just going home]

Alright! Now you can relax.


Well, thanks for letting me help you, man

[thank you]

It's a treat for me to do it.


It really is

[I'll take my wife over to the coast now]

There you go, yeah!

[look at the prices]

[it goes that far? Eesh..]

That's good

[Probably going to last me about a month]

Now you get to tell, tell the wife and the family

"Guess what happened?!?"

"Some guy from the radio"

"Paid for the gas!"

[She'll slap me or pinch me]

yeah yeah

[this for real?]

[Its going to get a 109]

Look at that. That's great!


[Here we go]

Woo HOO!!!

Success! You bet man


Almost $100 on gas

that's a great way to pay it forward

and that's what it's all about

The Be Noble Tour is just going around town

and making somebody feel special, and he did.

it is the be Noble Tour

make you you hash tag


Noble Tour

if you happen to see an act

of kindness or if you, yourself,

do an act of kindness

share it


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