This is red, the color red, red,red,red,
This is red, the color red, red,red,red,
do you know what color it is, this is red
This is blue the color blue, blue, blue, blue,
This is blue, The color blue, blue,blue,blue,
do you know what color it is, this is blue,
this is green, the color green, green, green,green
this is green, color green, green, green,green,
do you know what color it is, this is green ,
This is yellow, the color yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,
do you know what color it is, this is yellow,
This is white, the color white, white, white, white
do you know what color it is, this is white,
Thise is grey ,the color grey, grey,grey,grey,
Do you know what color it is, this is grey,
Thise is black, the color black, black, black,black,
Do you know, what color it is, this is black,
For more infomation >> Colors Song for children and kids. Do you know what color it is, this is red... - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Ruffle Hem Pant - Duration: 5:07.
263 BILL BACARDI #121 CHALLENGE LOCK, GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 11:53.
Hello guys, welcome back again
today I have for you a lock that my friend Foxxy sends me, redcatimaging,
thank you very much Foxxy,
It is a lock that makes me very excited
is modified by Bill Bacardi
Bill is a great picker, he has a YouTube channel that I love,
if you do not know him, you should visit his channel
I will leave a link in the video description
and this lock is very special because
because it is a dimple challenge lock
you see very few,
there it is
works perfect, smooth
it is number 121
from Bill
I have never tried a Bill lock,
I have not tried to open this lock yet, I do not know how it will behave
these Iseo originally carry spools,
but being modified,
we will not know
until we try to pick it
the biting, as you see, is very pretty
a very long sixth
a very long third also
the rest are very short,
can give pretty game
and as I tell you, I do not know what it will take inside
or how is it going to behave
let's try to pick it
and if we get it, we take it apart
and we see what it has inside
let´s see
I'm going to use
let's see, yes, this tensor of a cheap Chinese set
there it is
and this pick
it's a Goso pick that I get modified the flag,
is to enter from the left
let´s see
slight tension, let's start with light tension and see how it behaves
let´s do it
first nothing
is binding
there it is, it make a click
third is binding
make one click
fourth is binding
make one click, is set in false set, third one click
I'm going to increase the tension a little
first is binding
there it is, one click
second nothing
third is binding
bind more
No, I think I've overset it, I'm going to release tension
there it is, first, second
third one click
fourth nothing, fifth is binding
make a click
sixth is binding
one click
I think I've had overset it, I elease tension
I go from the beginning, there, I touched one pin, I think it was the third
second are set
third is set
the third
gives a little strange feedback
fourth and fifth seem set, sixth is binding
there it is, it make a click
third, I think it can be...
there it is, when you touch the third one, the lock opens
there is something strange in the third
that gives the feeling of binding, but it is overset
yes 3rd and 6th were the longest,
something is there, let's see what it is
let's take it apart
as we have the key we are going to close, yes, it works
I'm very curious to know what's there, and especially in the third
the rest have spool behave
we are going to gut it, we see that it is inside
Let's see
well, very very interesting
first of all let's see the plug,
the first chamber is smooth
the second, third and fifth are countermilled
they're milled to snag the spools
and fourth and sixth are threaded
very very nice work
has not left any burrs
very pretty
milling and threading
it's cool,
has not modified practically anything in the mouth of the chamber
let's see now the key pins
let's see especially that third
first, second and fifth are the original key pins
they are standard they do not haven nothing
the third is strongly bevelled so that it easily overset
strongly beveled
the fourth is a double serrated, very very cool
matches this threading
and the sixth one, that I think I've overset too, the sixth, and I had to release tension
It is a double serrated, it would be a trap to overset it and to get stuck
and do not go back to its site
very very cool, I love the locks
with very specific and simple modifications, with one or two traps,
without a lot of different types of pins
but with a clear intention how is this
in which it is sought to overset the third, and it does very well, I have overset it, I think a couple of times,
and that you go to the sixth and stay hung
pretty cool
this is the one that gave me a strange feedback
I was oversetting the pin, it's nice, I really like it
as for the driver pins...
first, fourth and fifth I think they are the commercial spools, the Iseo originals
the second one is a homemade spool, very nice, very well done
matches the milling
to get hooked
ops! sorry, there it is
would get hooked on the milling, it's very well thought
the third one is a serrated, this is one of the traps to overset the pin
the sixth would also be a serrated, that matches the threading
it also overset very easy, very nice, very nice
thank you very much Foxxy for sending me this lock, is very interesting,
thank you very much Bill for your work, congratulations, I liked it a lot and I fell into the trap
I was lucky to open this lock quite fast,
and not have had to start over, because if I had overset more the sixth, it would have been hanged
and this has been the picking of this
Iseo modified by Bill Bacardi, number 121,
I hope you liked it, that it will be useful
and thank you very much for your time bye
IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Ruffle Hem Maxi Dress - Duration: 5:00.
How do you feel true love for someone | Love without stories - Duration: 3:47.
hi my name is Maurice Kok author of the book the journey of an ascended master
and in this video I'm going to share with you how to know and feel when it's
true love between you and someone so stay tuned me and my wife we have had
this question many times from people who want to know how you know and how do you
feel it's true love what you have for someone and you're not reacting on some
aspect some personality or some believe someone has so let me share something
most of us we fall on people because it is a perfect fit for us in that moment
it's like we're not totally whole ourselves and they fill up all the gaps
all the holes in our body in our system the other person is filling it all up
for you but how do you know it's not like that how do you know it's not
really that they filling up you just just to be there and to make you whole
you only know when you really truly love someone and I'm speaking out of
experience for me I really know it because the moment you are in your
center point the moment you are totally free from yourself from everything
around you totally you you are in your center point by taking a couple of deep
breaths you invite that person in you strip away all the acts everything they
believe everything what's define them around them and you look into the core
look into the just the essence the presence
would you like to spend the rest of your life with this presence even if there is
nothing because we stripped everything around it and you feel that hard
connection between you and the other one this means that you have found the one
we will truly love not to be fully connected with but to be separate free
and walking together so you can fully
love each other without any conditions so this is how you know and feel how you
truly love someone so try it out yourself
with the one you love and find out if it is true love for you so if you liked my
video thumbs up share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to
my youtube channel because if you already have noticed probably I'm
sharing a lot these days and I'm going to continue sharing for days and weeks
and months and even maybe years every single day with new content with new
experiences for you to step into your freedom and to become the one we truly
are so thank you
$uicideboy$ - Praisethedevil 3D - Duration: 1:47.
[Yung $carecrow] bitches at my burial
trying to touch
$lick so grey, no running blood
skull two feet he's covered up with dead vines, crows, and liquid tuss
suicidal holocaust
for the dead i shed a tear
cut fuck boys from ear to ear
you never see me creeping near
triple six
lord infamous
dedicate my soul to he
the scarecrow that had birthed me
screaming Ricky rip
creep like Koopsta
trizzy trick
the devil's playground in my head
live through me until i am dead
new orleans born but memphis bred
[Yung Mutt] i know motherfuckers wanna be grey
burn a cig in your wrist cauterize your fuckin' vein
what a shame fuck boy think he know the game but he don't know shit
cut off his head, hand his body to $lick
told him "do something with this"
burn it into ash
no, put him in a ditch
put him in the trash
even in death he ain't shit
bitch boy didn't even make the motherfucking list
and Ruby still ceases to exist
a whisper in the wind
a whisper on your bitch's lips
spill two drinks for the demons and sins
i committed to nothing but i committed nonetheless
six wishes for death
holding my breath i got six digits
no seventh number except for my residence
bitch i'm not heaven sent not sent to heaven
got sixes and crucifixes
Hey guys Hristina here and look what I have! it's the scrawlrbox for the month
of June and full confession I've already opened the box I've seen the supplies. I
even tested some of the supplies and I recorded it for you and then I lost the
footage so now I'm recording it again so if anything looks a bit messed up it is
because I've already played with some of the stuff a little bit. But anyway I'm
not going to make this introduction any longer and I'm just going to show you
what's in the box. Now, every month I try to start with the print that comes in
the box and this month's print is absolutely brilliant. How cool is this!?!
The pops of color and just the style is unbelievable. It reminds me of this
thing that I was watching on Cartoon Network growing up it was called Foster
Home for Imaginary Friends or something. This is the name of the artist,
uk-based artist and here is his social media if you want to check out more of
his work but really really cool piece probably one of my favorite that we've
received. Now the next item it's a sheet of vellum and it's not even mentioned
and the little information cards they give you but there is a sheet of vellum
in the box and this is not the size it comes in it was a regular a5 size but
because I played around with the edges thinking that I was recording I had to
then trim that so you know to kind of show you everything and do all the tests
with you the next thing that came in the box is this it's a pack of pencil paper
and all of the brands and products are going to be listed in the description
which the description of the video because I'm terrible at pronouncing
names but that's the person or brand that makes that paper and you get ten
sheets a five 220 GSM you what's cool about this is that you get five sheets
that are smooth and five sheets that are rough paper so I'm going to show you
that closely when we look at the products and how they perform
the next thing in the Box is this zig pen for writing on vellum and I feel
like that's an item that's gonna be hit or miss with a lot of people not many
people that I know that the art do a lot of work on vellum but I personally find
this useful because I happen to work on vellum sometimes so I'm curious to see
how this is going to perform and again by zinc we have a 2-way glue which again
I feel like some people are gonna be like well that's not really an art
supply I'm personally happy with it because I
know I have projects to use this on but if you are into paper piecing or maybe
some sort of mixed media art and you like to add little embellishments or
something to your canvases at the end I feel like this will potentially work for
you and then we have this which is a perfection
eraser pencil by faber castell and as you can see you get two sites to it so
the pink site here is supposed to be very good for erasing color pencils and
graphite and the white side is supposed to be very good for erasing ink at least
that's what the little information card says we're gonna taste that and see how
it works and last but not least and probably my favorite item that we've
ever received in a score box are these these are chameleon pencils and I've
never tried them before but they're just so cool you get five pens but then you
are getting 10 shades so it's just such a compact way to make color pencils I
feel like and it's so convenient that you get a darker shade in a lighter
shade or understand same pens also I feel like this is going to make coloring
Oh easier but again we're gonna taste them
see how they all perform so the last thing that they have to show you is what
the team for the month is and the team is twisted reality so we're going to
create an artwork with our supplies and this team at the end of this video but
now we're going to jump into actually testing the supplies and seeing how they
perform I'm going to start with the vellum and the pen that we have so the
Zig pain for vellum comes with two different tips you get a plastic pen
like tip on one side and you get a bullet tip on the other and what I'm
gonna do is I'm gonna write my name once and then I'm going to simulate a mistake
by dragging my hand across it because that's what sometimes happens and you
smudge everything and then I'm gonna write my name again and let it dry for a
few seconds and do this much taste after so this is this is what happens if you
immediately make a mistake and go over your line as you can see there is as
much not quite as much as you get with other pens or similar on vellum but
let's try if I write my name again and I'll just leave it here for a few
seconds to dry it's pretty impressive that is performing this well on vellum
to be honest usually I have less work than this with pens on film but see the
second time around there is still a tiny bit of smudging now that I've let it dry
for a tiny bit of time but it's much better so we're gonna play around with
this a bit more I wouldn't say that it's a hundred percent foolproof and you'll
never get as much on them but films are very tricky surface to work on so I
can't exactly say that this is a favor anything next we have the pencil paper
and as I said you get smooth paper which is this one here
and this is very similar to cardstock that you might use for coloring with
alcohol markers in fact is freakishly similar to the one that I'm using and
then the rough side the rough paper if you look at it and if you can see the
texture it's kind of like um almost watercolor Lee watercolor paper type of
texture but definitely not quite as rough so that's really nice I personally
prefer too well not preferred but I personally have used more of rough paper
for my color pencil so I'm probably going to use the smooth one for this
video for the final artwork but what we're gonna do right now is taste on a
piece of the rough paper how the pencils are actually performing I'm gonna get
one of the darker shades so what I think is cool about these things
is I move this valve out of the way what I think is cool is that you get three
different shades of the same color in one pencil so what you can do is you can
start with a darker color and be a bit more firm with it and then you can lower
the amount of pressure you're putting into coloring and then when you're done
with the darker shade you can overlap here where your pressure with the darker
shade was lower you can go over that with your light shade and then you can
extend the light shade over to the left and you get a beautiful transition
between the two colors and obviously as everything else it takes a little bit of
practice but I'm gonna taste all of the pencils and I'm gonna show you what they
look like swatched on the paper this is what all of the colors look like
swatched they're really beautiful and I'm really impressed with the selection
of colors that we've received and I think all the shades work very well
together and I really enjoy them on this paper they seem to be a fairly good
quality pencils are not by no means an expert on color pencils I used to use
them a lot in the past I haven't really been that focused on them for a few
years now I really enjoy these pencils so what I
want to do next is I want to try every erase what was the name of it the
perfection eraser pencil and I am going to try it with one of the darker colors
we might as well you know go crazy with this so I'm just going to try and erase
a line straight through the middle of this and I'm fairly impressed that is
pretty cool it doesn't remove the color a hundred percent as you can see there
are some traces of it but it's definitely something and if you haven't
pressed with your pencil like a beast you're probably gonna get better results
I'm gonna try and see how it's gonna work with graphite so I'm just gonna do
a little gradient like this and we're gonna see how it performs with that so
again I'm just gonna try to erase a line down the middle and again it doesn't
erase a hundred percent but it's doing a fairly decent job if we just have a
normal line from sketching or something
is handling that pretty well also the one things that I noticed about
this paper but to be honest it happens when you're working with pencils is that
you get a bunch of smudges on the paper you can absolutely use the vellum under
your hand to protect your page but have different plans for the vellum so I'm
not gonna use it for that I'm gonna try the eraser pencil with some ink now so
I'm just going to use a copic multiliner and I'm just gonna draw a line and I'm
gonna see how that's gonna work I mean it's not really working let's be
honest maybe it's the type of ink that I'm using right so what I did just now
was I checked some reviews of the product online some of the tutorials I
was looking for someone on YouTube who's tested this and who shows how to use the
site that's supposed to be able to erase ink because I'm not sure if it's fair to
put it to a test against the copic multiliner I just don't know but what I
found out through trial and error is that this works a lot better if instead
of going like this you go like this and kind of fold the line the jury racing
like that and it's definitely lifting some of the ink is not moving at a
hundred percent but there is definitely us at all different it one last thing
that is left to show you is the glue pain when it arrives and you first open
it from the box the tip is going to be white how you make the glue flow is you
treat it kind of like a pasta pen you would press it against your page a few
times until you see the nib turning blue and the blue is the actual weight glue
in the pen and then you're just going to put a small amount in the area where you
need it and it will eventually turn clear so depending on what you want to
use this glue before you ask you I assume you can use it straight like that
or you can let it become clear where it's going to be less sticky and you can
use it to like temporarily attach stuff from what I gather but we are going to
use it in the actual artwork that I'm going to create so the real test will be
really when I do the artwork throughout the process of working on the
so art piece for this month's challenge I realized that I'm really happy with
all the supplies that came in the box I personally don't really care for the
smooth pencil paper my personal preference
turns out is a rougher texture for color pencils but I can't see the paper itself
is bad I think I'm just gonna use it with markers at least try to use it with
markers I don't enjoy it for pencils but again might just be a personal
preference the pencils I really love I like the concept I like the way that
they work I'm sure if you have more colors it's going to be easier to create
better blend and to be honest I was kind of annoyed with a paper and with the
fact that my camera was giving me troubles so I was just not in the
greatest mood while I was working at this which is a shame because I'm now
looking at the piece and I don't think it's bad but I just can't say that I
liked it because it was so difficult to film it and I'm so annoyed I lost so
much footage I was trying to film this video for you guys but what I wanted to
do is on the piece of paper that I'm coloring
I created this frame that has a slight kind of like underwater feeling a little
bit of pirate team maybe so I wanted to do that and then I cut out that keyhole
shape that you see in the middle so I have this frame that's super colorful
and then I stuck the piece of vellum to the back of that colorful frame and I
used the vellum pen onto my paper as well I actually unlike outlined
everything with it because I first started off with outlining the keyhole
and then I felt like the black was so dominant I need a child somewhere else
so I just outlined everything with it which I'm not sure I loved but I did it
anyway so yeah I used the vellum pen onto the vellum obviously and I just
continued kind of the image and I have this girl that it's kind of looking
through this keyhole and she has this I patch like a pirate but I wanted to
make it look like kaleidoscope but then that didn't quite work out
because I was kind of annoyed at everything and I kind of rushed through
it and it's all sorts of weird and messed up but anyway I think the idea
was kind of kid to have the vellum as a very kind of black and white and then to
have the colourful frame and like the tentacles kind of turning from here into
tentacles when she kind of comes to that frame of colour I don't know I don't
think I did a great job at explaining this but that's what the idea was and as
I said I'd like the supplies I don't think there's absolutely anything wrong
with the supplies they're definitely all things that I'm going to use I'm most
excited about the pencils I'm least excited about the smooth paper but if it
works with markers I'll be absolutely happy with that and I actually really
loved the team for this month's challenge so I really hope you enjoyed
this video guys and you liked the artwork that I created it was a big big
struggle but hopefully it was worth it let me know what you think in the
comment section down below like this video if you enjoyed it subscribe to my
channel if you haven't already and I'll see you next week guys bye bye
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