4 Beautiful Small Houses You Must to See Before Building Your Home
Epic & Powerful Music Compilation │ Xenoblade Chronicles - Duration: 1:30:48.-------------------------------------------
Everything You Thought You Knew About Doran Is Wrong - Duration: 12:00.When you think Dorne you probably fall into to camps
either your like Dorne well it's the most southern kingdom of westeros
it has snakes, sand and a blistering furnace aka the sun
and then there's the proponents of The Dornish Master Plan and all of you are seriously wrong about Dorne.
Hey it's King Mckay the following theory isn't an astounding insight into the dorans plot
or a new place that will blow you away, but rather a detailed look
at Dorne the Martells and the theory referred to as The Dornish Master Plan.
So house Martell. At the top there is Doran Martell current ruler of doran
(well in the books, he died quite pitfully here in the show)
he is less charismatic brother to our favourite dornishmen Oberyn
and in this theory he is the mastermind making every move.
There's his eldest son but not heir due to dornish law Quentin Martell
a rather uninterest young lad who is sent quite careless across the world to gain Dany's hand in marriage.
Queen Elie Martell famous for being brutally killed by the mountain along with her children in the sack of Kingslanding
and the heir to dorne Arianne Martell.
So id Doran Martell is the mastermind, how does this theory claim he is pulling all the strings of westeros.
First off we hear what type of person Doran is from Tywin when he is comparing Oberyn to him
" His brother is a cautious man, a reasoned man, subtle, deliberate, even indolent to a degree.
He is a man who weighs the consequences of every word and every action."
then we are introduced to his motivation of revenge against Tywin
which quite clearly comes after the lannisters killed Elia and her children
"It was my hope to strip him of all that he held most dear before I killed him."
Now before we go to far, this theory has more to it then just Martell revenge
it also incompasses there houses anbistion to climb the ladder that is the Game Of Thrones
through for this video we will just be covering the revenge plot.
so from this motivation the theory lays out dorans goals:
Kill Tywin, Kill the Mountain Remove Jamie from kingsguard Remove Cersei as queen Remove Tommen as king Bankrupt Tyrion's character Remove Myrcella from line of succession Then Take The Iron Throne of course
So that's the plan stated in this theory and most of this we have seen played out in the story,
through how Doran and the Martells are involved
from most of the proponents of the dornish master plan.
The number one problem is with this list. At first it make perfect sense,
wanting to kill Tywin and the mountain for their role in Ellie's death is understandable
but the rest seem to suffer from 20/20 vision. Why Remove Jamie instead of killing him.
Why bankrupt Tyrion instead of killing him.
Well in my opinion it's because that's how it played out.
If Tyrion rose up to be the strong head of the Lannister house and took Casterly rock
from under Tywins nose proponents of this theory would have said that was Dorans plan
all along
he knew Tywin hated Tyrion so he crushed his all so precious house by putting Tyrion on top.
That is a fallacy
it wasn't from a careful well executed plans or our mastermind Doran that made all this happen.
Simply the game was played and the dice fell where the did.
For sure Doran tried to influence events and we see that in the story
but clearly it was the random chaos of war that made these things came to past not through our secret overlord Doran.
"We princes make our careful plans and gods smash them all away"
At this point if you are from the first camp thinking on Dorne your seeing how the Martells
are a important and dangerous part of the goings on in westeros if I'm right
and the proponents of the dorinish master plan, well
they can see i view the Dorne plot in a very different light
Then most Martell fans would.
So let's go through my reasoning.
Alright Kill Tywin, so this theory claims that when
Oberyn went to King's Landing and died fighting for Tyrion he had already poisoned Tywin confirming his death
This is why when Tyrion went to his chamber with the crossbow
he was on the toilet and had looked to have been there a while.
Then at his funeral his body stank like all hell.
Interesting, right
but does this make sense for Doran's plan.
We already heard him say he wants to "strip him of all that he held most dear"
before he kills him so why would he poison him so early.
All we actually see is Tywin die by Tyrion's hand while his house is on the tippity top,
Oberyn is out of the way at no fault of Tywin,
he has all the power over Tyrion again and can use that to force Jaime to do his will,
not to mention his timid nephew sit upon the iron throne and everything's coming up Lannister.
Then There's remove Jaime.
The way this theory shows Dorans invisible hand in removing Jaime's physical hand
is through the connection of the brave companions.
So the brave companions are a ragtag group of crazy sellswords
that in the beginning of the story are fighting for Tywin.
In this theory it discusses how the makeup of their members
seem to closely link them with the past life of Oberyn
with freed city fighters and even a dornishmen.
As well there actions seem odd as they switch side in the war to the boltons which is a risky move
as Tywin side has more men. It's not everyday a sellsword company joins the smaller side.
Then when they capture Jaime they devalue him right away by cutting off his hand, again doing something out of their own interest.
There a few more examples like this but it all comes down to there being some other motivation causing them to do this.
Well in the dornish master plan this is done under the direction of Doran to remove Jamie from kingsguard fulfilling that item on his list.
Through again this seems counter to what he wants to achieve.
Doran wants to get back at Tywin and Tywin hates the fact that Jaime is in the kingguard and wants him to take his place as lord of Casterly rock.
So by doing this to Jaime there giving Tywin what he wants.
So in my view this is a case of attribution after the case.
It's likely the brave companions are working for Doran but probably less well managed then some fans seem to think,
remember they are a wild bunch of murderers so trusting them would be incompetent.
Speaking of an incompetent plan Quentin Martell.
So Doran sets up a plan to marry his son Quentin to Dany to allie Dorne with the Targaryens
and use their combine forces to take the iron thrones removing all the lannisters from power
simple right
Except using his six dimensional chess skill Doran has rigged this quest to fail
as a red herring for his adversaries as it's not his real plan.
How is the quest rigged well:
Ok so Doran plans worked and Quentin comes home after throwing all Dorans enemies off his trail
ahh no in true Martell style they can't even succeed at failing.
Quentin not being clued into his father's plan pushing on after every stubble
and actually makes it to Dany
and being the stubborn honable dornishmen he is he tries are very crazy move to impress Dany, riding a dragon.
Spoiler alert it majorly goes sideways and in the end there's no Quentin just burnt bones.
So that's bad
how about Arianne Martell she's the oldest child of Doran and the heir to dorne
giving her a big influence.
In the chapters that we follow her we learn she has a good relationship with the sand snakes,
is aware of Dorans plans and it unhappy with his actions.
To counter this she plot of capture Myrcella who is under Doran protection
and use her claim to the iron throne through dornish law
as she is older than Tommen to overthrow Tywin.
Spoiler alert it majorly goes sideways and in the end a king's guardsmen is dead
she is imprisoned along with the sand snakes and Myrcella is short one ear.
Another complete failure of communication and organisation in the Martell family
So let's look at what happened so far
Oberyn is dead and Tywin died with he's house on top
Quentin has made a mess on things and could be dead
Arianne and the sand snakes undermine Doran and are imprisoned
not to mention all the plans with Jaime, Cersei Tommen and Tyrion
seem more like people rolling with the punches and adapting to changes
then any well executed plans with clear goals and motivations.
Alright Martell fanboys this parts for you.
The appeal of house Martell comes from the characters, Oberyn with is wit and charismatic smile,
Arianne and the sand snakes with their strength, skill and beauty.
Young polite and kind Quentin with a strong heart and good friends.
Trystane Martells innocent friendship with Myrcella
and the powerful heritage of dornish law (equal right)
and Nymeria another strong queen who lead her people through hell to make a home in Dorne.
The martells seem better than most when it comes to a house to support and back
but those who pay close attention know it's a house full of bitter hate,
corrupt anbusion and down right evil practices.
Oberyn is violent and rash
He bangs the Martells own bannerman's paramour and in the resulting duel and poisons his opponent.
He travels the world killing and learning dark art of blood magic and cruel slow lasting poisons.
Doran much like littlefinger uses people from afar to inflame the war of the 5 kings
causing suffering and pain to the whole realm.
He works with telepath connected to Oberyn to invade the minds of people
and direct the brave companions to brutally murder 1000's of people
across the river lands and not the fighting men or soldiers
but defenceless septs and villages with thwe to cause a faith back lase.
So the dogmatism, lynchings and civil uprising lead by the sparrows
was cause from Doran letting the Brave companions loose on the riverlands
and you don't need to be clever to do that just morally corrupt.
So what was this all for, well we know in part for bitter revenge against the lannisters
but also just prue ambition to climb the ladder in the Game of Thrones.
ust more misery and suffering cause by lords squabbling over an iron chair.
House Martell are no masterminds or any more competent than half the characters in this show
and more importantly than that they are just as petty,
corrupt and damn right evil as any Lannister stark or bolten.
Again I'm probably right about half of this and I would love to hear all your thoughts about house Martell in the comment section below.
Steve Martin's MasterClass: You are a thought machine - Duration: 0:40.Remember you are a thought machine.
You have a thousand, a million thoughts a day?
Everything you see, hear, experience is usable.
You have to think what's it good for?
What circumstance is it good for?
Is it good for stand-up, or is it good for saying at a party
or at a dinner table?
And it also works backwards.
If you say something funny at a dinner table as a working
comedian, you have to go, hmm, usable?
Beyond Today -- Dissatisfied with Church - Duration: 28:27.[Gary Petty] Are you dissatisfied with attending church? Do you find that you enjoy the shorter
sermons filled with self-help principles but you're still longing for a deeper relationship
with God?
Let me ask you something you may have never thought about. What was the church like when
it was made up of people who personally knew Jesus, Mary and Peter? What was it like to
have the apostle Paul as your pastor? Wouldn't it be great to worship with those people?
Those first churches seem to be places of miracles and powerful and life-changing preaching.
Where would you even find a church like that today?
Stay with us as we explore the experiences of the early Christians and what you should
do if you are "Dissatisfied With Church."
Today we're talking about what to do if you are dissatisfied with attending church.
If you've seen Beyond Today before you know that our purpose is to explore and discover
original Christianity as taught in the New Testament. When you watch Beyond Today you
see programs showing what the early Christians believed about issues like baptism, the resurrections,
and the seventh day Sabbath.
So what was it like to worship with those early Christians?
It must have been amazing to talk with people who had met Jesus, or listen to a sermon given
by the apostle John, or have your congregation receive a personal letter from the apostle
Paul. Being with those people must have been exciting and always spiritually uplifting.
Well not entirely. Let's look at what it was really like to be a member of a Christian
congregation at the time of the apostles.
Think about the Apostle Paul's letters written to congregations in far-flung regions of the
Roman Empire. Letters to the Romans, the Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians. When you
read these letters it can be a little disconcerting. These people had problems. Problems like arguing
over how to conduct worship services or how to deal with members consorting with prostitutes,
problems concerning marriage, divorce, gossip, prejudice, divisions over leadership styles,
members taking each other to secular courts. And this list is just from Paul's letters
to the church in Corinth.
It would have been easy to become fed-up about attending worship services even among the
earliest Christians. But there were no other options for them. It's not like there was
a Christian church on every street corner. In the ancient world, there just weren't
that many because the Christians were a small minority in the Roman Empire.
Which brings us to an important point about how they defined "church." The word "church"
in the Bible didn't originally mean what we usually think of in English.
The English word church can mean an organization or a building. But in Greek the word translated
church means people "called together." Ecclesia was used to denote a gathering of
citizens called together to discuss the issues of the community. The New Testament writers
use "church" as a reference to people called by God to assemble together to learn
about the teachings of Jesus Christ.
This is important because it means that the church is people and these people are called
by God to assemble together. Paul's letters were written to people who gathered together.
His letters were to be read to them when they assembled.
So if you are disillusioned with church, you find that it is a spiritually shallow experience
leaving you seeking a better connection with God and Christ, what do you do? Give up on
gathering together completely?
Of course not, God calls people to gather together so He can do His work in them and
so that they can teach others about Him. Reading Paul's letters show us that the early Christian
assemblies had difficulties, difficulties getting along with each other many times.
Then, just like today, any congregation is filled with people who are a work in progress.
At the same time we must recognize that there are very real reasons why people become dissatisfied
with attending church. And these reasons need to be addressed.
Let's look at three common reasons people give to why they become dissatisfied in attending
church and see how to deal with that dissatisfaction.
One reason people become disillusioned with church is they don't see how an ancient
book like the Bible has any relevance to their everyday lives.
The Bible was originally written in ancient languages to people whose cultures can seem
as foreign and bizarre to us as a sci-fi movie. To understand the Bible, it is important to
remember that this book was written by real people and it was written to real people as
a message from God. It isn't just a book of legends or history.
You will never unlock the power of the Bible until you approach it as a book inspired by
God containing a message from Him that transcends time and culture. It is a message concerned
with your life. It is just as relevant for the issues you and I face every day as it
was for the people who heard Jesus give the Sermon on the Mount.
But what if you already believe the Bible is inspired by God and still feel like what
you hear in church isn't relevant to your life? In all honesty, it may be because you
are hearing a watered down version of the gospel.
Yes, God's love is expressed to us in the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. This is the
very foundation of the gospel. But when was the last time you heard a biblically-based
sermon about defining, facing and overcoming sin that was so powerful it made you feel
a little uncomfortable?
Yes I used the word, that dreaded word, sin. The word that turns so many people off because
they see it as judgmental. You need to understand that the gospel message is about God's love,
but it is also about God's judgment. You will never experience the power of the gospel
to change your life, to be relevant to your everyday problems, until you understand and
deal with sin.
You know why? Because according to Jesus the root cause of most of the problems in your
life is sin.
I hope you are feeling a little uncomfortable. Authentic Christianity should make us feel
uncomfortable. In fact, you will never understand God's love until you understand how offensive
our sin is to God. The apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, "For if when we were enemies
we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled,
we shall be saved by His life" (Romans 5:10).
Any gospel that doesn't contain a message about the destructiveness of sin is a watered
down version. God loves every human being but until we turn to Him as our Creator, our
Lord, our Father, until He restores our relationship with Him, we are His enemies. That's Paul's
words, not mine. Accepting the torture, death and resurrection of the Son of God as a substitute
for our judgment by God and then dedicating our lives to Him is the only way you and I
won't stay an enemy of God.
When was the last time you heard a sermon built around these statements of Jesus that
He made in the Sermon on the Mount, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter
the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say
to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in
Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never
knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matthew 7:21-23).
It's a little uncomfortable to consider these words of Jesus isn't it? It should
Christianity is more than a message of profession of faith. Authentic Christianity is a way
of life that is relevant to every aspect of daily living. It's relevant to your marriage,
your job, your finances, your emotions, raising children and how you properly obey and worship
The first reason why the Bible can seem irrelevant to daily life is because you may be hearing
a watered down version of the gospel, a version that doesn't involve the power of change.
The second reason is something you're really going to have to think about. I mentioned
earlier that the people and culture of the Bible can seem so foreign, that the message
seems irrelevant to today's world.
Have you ever thought of this? Maybe the culture you and I live in is so foreign and bizarre
that the values we think are normal are keeping us the enemies of God?
I want you to take a moment and think about what I just said, "…maybe the culture
you and I live in is so foreign and bizarre that the values we think are normal are keeping
us the enemies of God."
We all know about the mid-life crisis, a time of reassessment by people facing the fact
that they're getting older. It is a time when some people look at their lives and question
their achievements and values. Over the past few years there has been a lot of discussion
concerning what is now called the "quarter life crisis." This is a term used to describe
a sense of loss, panic and depression experienced by people in their mid-twenties to early thirties
who are questioning their relationships, their education and their careers. They find themselves
searching for a more relevant life.
It's time for you, it doesn't matter what your age, to discover what is really important.
The answers are found in the Book many people believe is absolutely irrelevant to daily
When you begin the journey of discovering real Christianity and when you do you will
question the values of society, you won't be the first person to look for deeper meaning
in the teachings of the Bible.
Paul wrote to the Christians in the first century church in Corinth, Greece. He told
them that they relied too much on Greek philosophy as the basis for relevant decision making.
He explained that following the true teachings of Jesus Christ would actually seem foolish
to those indoctrinated with the sophisticated Greek culture of that time.
These Christians in Corinth living almost 2000 years ago, they were struggling with
the same question you and I face today, "How can the gospel be relevant to my everyday
life?" You know, this is the same question asked by every Christian in every age.
So where do you start?
Here's a great way to begin your exploration of authentic Christianity. First, read the
Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. But don't stop there. Take a notebook or
the word processor in your computer and draw a line down the middle of the page. Then write
or type out every verse in the Sermon on the Mount in one column. In the other column,
while praying for God's guidance, write out in your own words what Jesus is teaching.
When you do this you will find that the teachings of Jesus challenge many of the assumptions
you have about authentic Christianity. This can be the first step in a new spiritual journey.
A third reason people say they become dissatisfied with attending church is: "My relationship
with God is personal. I don't need a church. Or, I'm spiritual not religious."
We've already seen that in the Bible the word church isn't a building, it is people.
Your relationship with God is very personal. But to understand the gospel is to realize
that we, you and I, don't determine how our relationship with God actually works.
Listen to what Paul writes to the congregation in Rome, "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable
and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:1-2).
To be reconciled to God, to go from being His enemy to being His child, is to accept
Christ's sacrifice as a substitute for the penalty for your sins and to love God and
Christ so much that you present your life as a living sacrifice. Authentic Christianity
means to be transformed by the renewing of your mind! Feeling uncomfortable yet?
How does this transformation apply to being a member of an ecclesia, or assembly?
After you do your study on the Sermon on the Mount, then you need to read the book of Acts.
In this short history of the earliest Christians you will discover that every place the gospel
was preached people were expected to assemble together as the disciples of Jesus Christ.
Disciples are more than students. They are imitators of the Teacher. It is in a Christian
community where disciples learn how to apply Christian teachings. Assembling with other
Christian disciples – it's messy. But let's be honest. Your life is messy. At
times all of us are still falling way short of authentic Christianity.
It helps to think of a congregation as a hospital for the spiritually sick to go to learn how
to get better.
I mentioned earlier the problems in the assembly of the Christians in Corinth, Greece. In Paul's
letter you find him dealing with a highly dysfunctional community. What you also find
are practical instructions concerning what is acceptable Christian conduct and what is
not acceptable Christian conduct. The earliest Christians were serious about biblical teachings
and they were real serious about sin. Jesus Christ wants you to learn about sin, then
receive God's forgiveness, and get it out of your life. Remember, sin is the cause of
many of the problems you face every day.
Let's go back to 1 Corinthians. Paul writes about a man who was having an affair with
his step-mother. How do you think Paul dealt with that issue? Maybe don't judge, just
show love? Paul actually told the congregation to remove the man from their assembly until
he had repented to God and changed the behavior.
Would that happen in your church where you attend? Or, is it a place where the watered
down gospel creates a watered down Christianity that feels attractive but does not contain
the power to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." The transformation God wants
in your life begins with coming to grips with your sin, receiving God's forgiveness and
then you have to live authentic Christianity so that God removes sin from your life.
Find a congregation that preaches the power of the full gospel and you will begin to experience
the power of God's transformation. You will find relevancy and you will begin to accept
biblical values. So, how about simply watching an online worship
service or watching a religious television program. Does that fulfill the Christian requirement
to assemble?
Online messages are wonderful for shut-ins or for Christians who can't find an assembly
in order to participate in a worship service. Watching an online service can be a spiritually
uplifting addition to your Christian growth. But it can't take the place of face-to-face
assembling together with other people. Remember, the ecclesia is people who are called together
to assemble.
The early churches were communities where people shared their lives. Once again, read
the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians and realize that simply watching online or religious television
isn't the fulfillment of being a member of a Christian community.
Authentic Christianity involves a calling from God to attend an assembly of other disciples
of Jesus Christ.
We're going to discuss how you can become rejuvenated to attend a church. We're going
to talk about these things with the Beyond Today panel but first let's review what
we've covered so far.
In the New Testament, the disciples of Jesus Christ are expected to assemble together.
Attending a church well, it's messy, because it's a hospital for the spiritually sick.
People can become dissatisfied with attending a church because they are hearing a watered
down gospel message.
People can become dissatisfied with attending a church because they aren't willing to
give up the wrong values of the society in which they live.
People can give the excuse that they are spiritual not religious, but the early Christians saw
the gathering together as a spiritual command.
We're joined by fellow Beyond Today presenters Steve Myers and Darris McNeely. Thanks, guys,
for joining us here today. I want to review the three reasons why people become dissatisfied
with attending a church and get your input on how when people bring you these concerns.
Now one reason people give is that I'm in a personal relationship with God. Attending
church has nothing to do with that relationship with God because I'm really spiritual and
not religious. How do you deal with that?
[Darris McNeely] Well I would say people like that just don't really fully understand
the Bible. The Bible is about relationships. The Bible is directly tied to how we relate
to people. The 10 commandments deal with our relationships with one another. The Apostle
Paul said to the Corinthian church, you were reading out of Corinthians that when you come
together, speaking about how they relate to one another in their fellowships. That's
how we learn about God, that's how we knock some of the rough edges off of our own personality
and character to be conformed to the image of Christ. And as we in our modern age kind
of cocoon and draw further away through technology from people, it's more important to look
at what the Bible really says and to realize that just being spiritual in your own mind
doesn't measure up to the example that is there in the Bible.
[Steve Myers] I believe there is two things that the Bible is clear on. You have that
personal relationship, absolutely, you have to have that. But there is also a collective
relationship that's important as well. You talked about the Greek word for church and
it means you are called out and you are brought together. So it's not just an individual
kind of thing and in fact when Paul wrote to Corinth he also talked about the example
of the body. The church wasn't just an individual, it wasn't just an eye or a big toe, it was
all the parts together and so the whole body is one and it is all these individual parts
that come together and so you can't be an isolated Christian. It's just not biblical.
[Gary] By the definition of Christian you come together and assemble. It's part of
what we're supposed to do.
Now, I've heard people say this. They've said it to me and its one reason why people
can become so dissatisfied with attending church. It's because they say the Bible
is irrelevant to my everyday life. It might have all this theology in it but it doesn't
have practical information. How do you deal with that?
[Darris] Well again let's go back to the book of Corinthians. What was Paul addressing
with the church there but divorce, immorality, alternative lifestyles, and he was giving
them practical information from the Word of God, from the law of God, to deal with that
and helping them to distance themselves from the chaos of their life created by their relationships
that were mixed up. A man living with his step mother, for instance, as you say. That
creates chaos and confusion and has no good fruit. So irrelevant just doesn't square
with what you really unwrap from the picture of the Bible and what is really being told
there of a life that is very similar to ours today.
[Steve] Yes I think when you see it's about people and what are their circumstances, what
are the circumstances that they're dealing with and life is similar whether you are talking
about first century with the New Testament church of whether you are talking about today.
We're talking about people and how we act, what we think and there's really not that
much difference other than the circumstances themselves. It's about human nature, it's
about our challenges and our problems and the Bible recognizes those things very clearly
and when we can see what it's really saying we can see how it is applying to us today,
and I think that is what is critical.
[Gary] Okay but here is what some people will say. Some people say, they'll say, okay
I'll go to 1 Corinthians and I'll read all that but that is concerned with the bizarre
culture 2000 years ago and that means nothing to me today because my culture is different.
Now how do you deal with that?
[Darris] The Roman culture of the first century was probably more chaotic and worse morally
than ours today. They had immorality, they had gender issues, people were mixed up with
what they were and who they were sexually then. They had problems with human nature,
dealing with murder and moral problems and ethical issues. Paul addresses every one of
them there and frankly even we see that today. Those of us that have worked in pastoral ministry
understand all of that is with us today but it doesn't take a scholarly mind to go back
into scripture and show that that world is the mirror of our world today. Paul was giving
concrete information based on the Word of God how to deal with it and come out of it.
[Steve] That's the unique aspect of the Bible. It applies throughout time. That God
knows His creation. He knows us. He knows what's best for us. And so when we look
even today we have various cultures around the world. Does the Bible apply all around
the world to all the different cultures that are out there today? Well of course it does.
Of course it does. But you've got to get beyond just saying well it's a first century
thing or it's a Moses and Israel kind of thing. It's a people thing and God knows
how we work and He knows what is best for us and He gives us this guide in order to
help us in this walk.
[Gary] You know, if you've read 1 Corinthians, there were people in the congregation who
had these same questions. They would have said, oh no the Greek culture is so sophisticated
that this Christian culture is really sort of primitive. All the things that we're
talking about here and all the things we've talked about that people bring up as reasons
why they aren't satisfied going to church. You will find people in Corinth dealt with
those same things. So it's not new. These are the same questions people have been asking
since, well, since Christianity started.
[Darris] That's right.
[Gary] So what is the relevancy of Jesus Christ? That's why people need to do the studies
that we've talked about here on our program today.
Today we have examined three of the most common reasons people give for being dissatisfied
with church and we've offered solutions to these complaints from teachings of the
earliest Christians. Hopefully you've found this discussion both valuable and enlightening.
To help you gain even more understanding about the type of church you should be looking for,
we have prepared a free Bible study aid: "The Church Jesus Built."
I highly encourage you to order your own copy of "The Church Jesus Built" by calling
us toll-free, at 1-triple-eight-886-8632. That's 1-triple-eight-886-8632. Or you can
go online at beyondtoday.tv or write to us at the address shown on your screen [Beyond
Today, PO Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254].
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When Julius Dein Popped Bubbles In Front Of Some Cops His Next Move Left Them Totally Dumbstruck - Duration: 6:48.The video shows two police officers, fully armed, watching as the young man calmly steps
in front of them.
From off-screen someone blows bubbles, and the man casually stretches out his hand to
pop them.
But his next move leaves both cops shaking their heads in amazement.
The man in the video is Julius Dein, a 24-year-old British street magician and social media star.
He was visiting the city of Newcastle in northern England to show some of his best tricks to
members of the public.
And Dein subsequently posted a compilation video of highlights to his YouTube channel,
where he has more than half a million subscribers.
The video, entitled "How to impress a girl with magic tricks," shows Dein performing
some of his favorite illusions.
In one scene, he transforms a £10 note into a credit card.
Later in the video, he turns a packet of M&Ms into Skittles, as two young women look on
It's just one of many online videos starring Dein, who was born in London in 1994.
In an interview with The Jewish Chronicle, Dein revealed that his interest in magic began
when he was just ten years old, after he went with his grandpa to see a show by the Young
Magicians Club.
Even though he was still at school, Dein soon began performing his own tricks.
As a teenager, Dein was showing off his magic tricks in London's Camden Town when an audience
member approached him to ask whether he performed at parties.
"I printed off some paper business cards and handed them out at a 40th birthday party,"
Dein explained.
"Business just spiraled."
After leaving school, Dein proceeded to study at King's College London.
And as part of his International Relations degree, he spent a year studying abroad at
Incredibly, Dein went on to perform for stars including Katy Perry and Kelly Rowland during
his time in the U.S.
It was while he was in Los Angeles that Dein started to upload videos to social media.
And in just two years, he's already gained 20 million followers.
Thousands subscribe to his YouTube channel, where he posts footage of his impressive street
magic tricks including the "invisible chair."
Dein is also known for his pranks and social experiments.
In one of his videos, which has more than 900,000 views, he can be seen trying to convince
music fans that a pair of electric toothbrush heads can be used in place of Apple earbuds.
Some of them are duped by the trick and can even be seen inserting the objects into their
In another video, Dein carried out a "homophobia experiment" on the London Underground.
He asked two friends to pose as a gay couple while he shouted offensive slurs, in a bid
to test how people would react.
Several commuters can be seen standing up to Dein, with some even telling him to get
off the train and leave his fellow passengers alone.
Another of Dein's social experiments sees him on the streets of Brixton in south London,
trying to hold the hands of strangers.
Filmed while he was still at university, the prank tests people's reactions to a seemingly
harmless gesture.
Dein told TalkRadio, "It's such an innocuous action, and it expresses the natural human
In Dein's video, some people are confused or find the prank funny once they realize
they're being filmed.
But others respond angrily.
The magician told the London Evening Standard at the time, "There were scary moments.
That's what drives the prank."
But in an interview with Jewish News in 2017, Dein revealed that he planned to move away
from prank videos and instead concentrate more on magic tricks.
While saying that the pranks had been a hit with younger audiences and had helped him
to grow his social media fan base, Dein stated that his "real passion" still lay with
And his latest video in Newcastle, England, is definitely more concerned with light-hearted
tricks and illusions.
Dein can be seen impressing members of the public by effortlessly hooking a key onto
a piece of string, producing a Rubik's Cube from thin air and making a coin pass through
a girl's top as she looks on incredulously.
Dein has said that he first began performing magic because he enjoys this type of startled
In an interview with Business Insider, he stated that the reactions to his tricks were
"like a drug."
Dein added, "I love pushing the boundaries of possibility."
Occasionally, some of his stunts will go slightly wrong, however.
In the Newcastle video, Julius can be seen inserting a coin into a box of Tic Tacs, only
for the lid to almost immediately fall off.
But he reacts with characteristic good humor, still managing to leave his audience laughing.
Dein says he was inspired by performers such as David Blaine during his younger years.
But it was the rise of YouTube and other online outlets that made him decide on a different
Dein told Jewish News, "Seeing people making careers out of magic and social media inspired
me to move in that direction."
In a 2017 YouTube interview, Dein said that magic was his way of communicating.
"I think that's why people fall in love with magic and become magicians," he explained.
"Because they can relate to people and talk to people in a way that's very unique."
Dein also uploads videos of his tricks to Instagram, where he has more than three million
He says the majority of his fans are based in the U.S. and Mexico, and some of his recent
posts show him entertaining crowds in Hawaii and Mexico City.
Nonetheless, he told British newspaper the Evening Chronicle that Newcastle had been
an "awesome" place to show off his tricks.
Dein has previously said that bringing magic to an online audience can be a difficult task.
He told Business Insider, "Magic isn't very cool… it's difficult to make it relatable."
But as his latest video shows, the young magician has plenty of tricks up his sleeve to keep
audiences entertained.
Anki - Our Escape (Lyrics) feat. Mouse - Duration: 5:13.This is our escape
This is our escape
This is our escape
Come inside
Take me to that place
Open Eyes
This is our escape
Come inside
we can stay the same
Open Eyes
This is our escape
Come inside
This feeling never stays
Open Eyes
This is our escape
Come inside
Take me to that place
Open Eyes
This is our escape
Come inside
we can stay the same
Open Eyes
This is our escape
Come inside
This feeling never stays
Open Eyes
Free LinkedIn Lead Generation Training Call - Duration: 2:27.Hey everybody at Steve Rosenbaum. I am getting ready for today's free LinkedIn
training call it's happening in just a couple hours I want to tell you about
something that I just read and it was brilliant. It's from Josh Steimle and
he laid out his connection strategy how he amassed 30,000 connections on
LinkedIn. That's the maximum LinkedIn allows. They won't let you have any more 30,000. He has a
four-tiered strategy for doing this. It's brilliant stuff. In fact I'm going
to share it today on my LinkedIn training. Then we're going to talk
about why connections by themselves are not important enough. What you
really need to be concerned about is lead qualification. Once you meet those
people on LinkedIn then what do you do? How do you take them from being a
connection to being a qualified lead? Somebody who's ready willing and able to
buy from you. We will talk about that today. It's Important stuff and it's on the free
LinkedIn training coming up in just a couple hours. I'll put a link below. Go to
SteveRosenbaum.com/litraining. The link will be below. Now if you missed
yesterday's free training, well, you're not totally out of luck. Because I put
some highlights on that same page SteveRosenbaum.com/litraining and you'll
see some highlights. You will see "What success looks like". This is 12 days
of LinkedIn activity that I did that amounted to over an eight hundred
percent increase in people looking for me on LinkedIn. You'll see the graphs
just skyrocket and you'll see exactly how I did that so if you want to do
something like that for yourself, you can. Obviously I can't promise you'll get
the same results but I can promise that your activity will go up and people will
find you and people will love you. So go to SteveRosenbaum.com/litraining
take a look at that you'll also see a cool tool that I use for my messaging.
How I make it simple to message people and how I spend just 15 minutes a day on
LinkedIn and generate a whole lot of activity. I'll even share with you my
entire messaging library. So here's what you need to do. Join me today for the
free link in training. We're going to talk about leads, connections and lead
qualification. Also, if you want to see the replays
and the highlights from yesterday go to SteveRosenbaum.com/litraining.
We'll see you later inside of the LinkedIn training
Aranda - Satisfied Lyrics Cover on Subtitles / Description - Duration: 3:30.Welcome I'm LeoRocker the broadcaster in this radio,
please turn on subtitles on the video,
and the next rock band is coming Aranda with the song " Satisfied " with the lyric Cover
I no I never wanna see you smile, And I never wanna see you satisfied
If the sun came up tomorrow, and you lived in a perfect place,
that just wouldn't be good enough for you
You could have a happy family, money, and the perfect face,
but that wouldn't be good enough for you,
enough for you...
And I no I never wanna see you smile,
and I never wanna see you satisfied on a Sunday morning, never moving on
I no I never wanna see you die, but I never wanna see you satisfied,
Are you satisfied? Oh!
Are you satisfied? How it came and went,
satisfied when I pay your rent,
will you ever regret, all the things you said
satisfied oh!
I crashed and burned a thousand times, just to be your friend,
but you gave me nothing in return
you played on my obsession for you,
until the bitter end,
I can't believe I got, what you deserved,
what you deserved
I no I never wanna see you smile,
and I never wanna see you satisfied,
Are you satisfied? oh!
Are you satisfied? How it came and went,
satisfied when I pay your rent,
will you ever regret, all the things you said
Are you satisfied? oh!
Are you satisfied? in another man's bed, Satisfied you left me all but dead,
How dare you ever deny, all the things I did
Satisfied ah!
I no I never wanna see you die,
but I never wanna see you satisfied...
and remember It's the rock, It's the life,
It's your rock station, see you later
「車世界」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:18.-------------------------------------------
40 Years With You: WCAU-TV (May 1988) - Duration: 58:55.-------------------------------------------
The 8 Deadly Moves To Secure The Bag In Any Negotiation - How To Close Big Deals Easily - Duration: 8:21.hi guys I'm about to show you eight deadly moves to secure the bag in any
negotiation what's good people now in my life I have closed loads of deals and I
have a ton of experience dealing with all types of personalities
I know exactly what makes people want to give you the bag when it comes to
closing deals is crucial that you first understand the importance of value and
how it is derived value is usually something that makes someone happy makes
them get something done faster easier or cheaper always ask yourself what value
are you providing and is it worth the price that you're asking for in what way
are you contributing to the progress of your clients life of business if you
have been having problems to close the deals and secure the bag then don't
worry I'm gonna give you eight powerful moves that will help you close any deal
with ease so please use these tactics with integrity because they do work and
they are powerful so strategy number one you need to first create a win-win
situation with a solid product or service that actually offers great value
right because this is actually the foundation of all good business deals
having a solid product or service to offer will allow you to talk and promote
your service with confidence and pride people are usually buying the person
rather than the product or the service itself so it's crucial that you are
coming from a place of true authenticity otherwise it will eventually show
strategy number two your energy introduces yourself before you speak so
as humans we have a good sense of you know when it comes to detecting the type
of viable energy somebody's vibrating and when someone is angry upset
ashamed jealous embarrassed confident happy
or sad is very difficult for them to hide it so you must be able to control
your state and radiate a positive and enthusiastic vibe whenever you enter in
the interaction with a potential client you must always radiate an aura of
success and excellence if you really want to secure the deal
people don't just want to make money they want the feeling of accomplishment
and pride that you get when you achieve a goal and if you portray that then they
will want you but if you portray a negative vibe then it will create doubt
in the mind of your prospect and cause them to fear your proposal and they
could bail on you no matter what has happened in your life that may induce
negative emotions you must never bring that to the
interaction strategy number three is flattery a compliment or two can go a
long way it can really soft on a person's heart and make them like you
find something positive about their appearance or personality that stands
out and make sure you tell them how much you admire it strategy number four
commonalities try and make a connection to them by finding more about their life
try to see if there's anything in common you have with them so that you can start
to build rapport and mutual respect for each other strategy number five
credibility give them a picture of what it is you do and how you will make how
it will you know make them happy from happen for them
how many pressures come previous clients do you have how well does your product
or service perform in comparison to similar offerings from competitors tell
them what you have managed to accomplish in your life so far in regards to the
product or service you're offering them strategy
number five follow up following up is crucial and is a critical component to
closing deals not every deal is closed on the first email the first meeting or
phone call and sometimes it requires you to be in contact with that person for
several weeks or even months so you must be persistent until they give you a very
clear no and tell you they'll never be interested strategy number six show
empathy show empathy is a key component in convincing your client that you
understand why they need your help in the form of your product or service
clients usually want to make sure that what you're offering is a perfect match
for what they need so they're always looking for a cue that you understand
their needs usually only family members are
empathetic towards each other and when you show empathy it can create an
instant bond that they'll never forget it's simply because the people of the
world usually don't care strategy number seven know your fa Q's an FAQ is a
frequently asked question and they are common questions people potential
clients will ask you to find out more about what you offer you must be aware
of what these common questions are and be prepared to give a detailed and
articulate answer to sure that you have a good knowledge base of your business
strategy number eight don't show desperation and neediness I understand
that you need money but when you chase money and act needy it will scare your
client away and they'll feel like you're trying to take their money without
giving them anything in return your goal is to stay level-headed and always
maintain an abundance mindset where you portray a vibe that you're already
making good money and you don't need it
your offerings should always be perceived as something that is of higher
value and many people also want your offering so there's no need to pressure
someone into buying what you have now if you implement all eight of these in your
meetings you will significantly increase your chances of closing the deal but
there are even better strategies that can turn you into a highly effective
business person now this is a 100 percent free 10 step action plan right
to become the greatest version of yourself how to strategically implement
new habits behaviors and actions to better yourself following a simple 10
step formula now this work for me guys just go to growth masters dot live fill
out the form and get your copy right what you got to do is go to
Chris Messina: 'Sharp Objects' Meets High Expectations Of Book | TODAY - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
How to Paint a Face with Acrylics - Duration: 7:05.Hi everyone!
Today I'll show you how I paint faces in acrylics.
So, when I'm painting a face I usually start by finding a reference photo.
It might be from a stock photo site or a photo I've taken myself.
A free stock photo site I like to use is pexels.com.
Then I use the grid method to sketch the face and I'll link to another video of how I do
this part, if you want to try it.
I then transfer the sketch onto my painting surface, which might be canvas, canvas board,
watercolor paper or cardboard.
There are many different ways to transfer a sketch, but I mostly use graphite transfer
You can also sketch directly onto the painting surface, but if you have to erase a lot while
sketching, it might not be good for the paper or canvas.
Now, let's get to the actual painting.
I start with the skin and then continue with the eyes, eyebrows and mouth after the skin
is done.
For the skin tone, I use a warm red, yellow, browns and white and add blue for the shadows.
Most of the acrylic paints I use are Crelando paints from Lidl and they don't state which
pigments they use so I can't be sure what they are, but comparing to my watercolors
the browns would be yellow ocher, burnt sienna and especially for darker skin tones also
I don't have any formula on the amounts.
I just add more yellows if the mix turns out too red or add more white if it's too dark
and vice versa.
It's better to mix a bigger amount of paint and store it in the pot you can close, if
you think you might continue the painting later or just need the same color mix for
touch ups.
If I mix the mid-tone first, I can then add more white to make a different mix for the
highlights and add blue or umber to make a color mix for the shadows.
Since acrylics dry fast, I find it hard to blend the darker and lighter skin tones together
and I often work in layers instead.
Starting with covering the whole face in a mid tone, I can then add layers of the darker
mix for the shadows and the lighter mix for the highlights.
I blend them outwards by first laying on the thick color with no water or only a little
water on the brush, just the paint.
Then I rinse the brush in water or use a different brush and dip it in water to make it wet and
blend out the edges while the paint is still wet until there's no sharp line or edge visible.
Using too much water to blend out the skin tone might lead to the paint peeling off,
when it's dry.
I've never had this happen, but if you have that problem, you might want to get a medium
to achieve that same transparency to the paint that I've done with water here.
Matt medium is transparent acrylic paint so mixing that with a color will make it less
opaque and let you blend out the color gradually without using water or using less water.
As for where the shadows and highlights go, you can look at the reference photo or decide
on a light source and let that determine, where the light would hit and which areas
would be left in shadow.
I might color in the eyelids here too, or leave them white if I plan on doing a heavy
eye-makeup look later on.
Once I'm pretty happy with the skin tone, I start working on the eyes, eyebrows and
lips or mouth in no particular order going back and forth and I might go over the skin
again in the process too.
I color in the iris with a flat color and the pupil in black and then add highlights
with opaque white acrylic paint.
I have a big bottle of white by Plus color, because I found I use white a lot.
I actually used it a lot more for crafts and stuff before I discovered gesso, but back
to eyes.
I paint circular highlights and sometimes a white line on the pupil and the iris to
make the eyes look more lively.
I don't leave the whites of the eyes completely white, but usually add a transparent blue
tone close to the eyelids, but this could be any other color that suits the color scheme
of your painting.
And of course I add pink in the corner of the eye.
You might even add a bit of a white highlight in the corner of the eye.
As for the eyebrows, I color them in with a light version of the tone I want them to
be and then add individual hairs over it with a darker tone and a smaller brush.
I fill in the lips with a base color and add highlights and shadows on top of it.
I often make the upper lip a bit darker since it's usually in the shade unless the light
is coming from underneath.
I add a soft highlight in the middle of the lower lip and add darker lines or white lines
on top of it leaving the base color to show through and blending the lines into the base
color in the edges.
I add shadows in the corners of the mouth and between and under the lips.
I leave the eyelashes for last after the eyes and eye-makeup are done and paint them on
individually with the smallest brush I have, which is a size 1 round brush.
To set the portrait in the background better, I might also add a few strokes of the background
colors into the shadows or highlights of the face and blend them out the same way I did
with the skin tones to give the face a bit of a colored glow and I also do the same thing
with the blush on the cheeks.
I'll link to the art supplies I use, if you want to check them out and I'm also planning
on making a video about my acrylic painting supplies specifically, so I'll link to that
once it's done.
Both of these paintings are for previous YouTube Artists Collective themes and you can check
out the whole process videos, if you'd like to know more about the paintings.
I'll link them below or somewhere on the video.
Thank you so much for watching and see you next week!
I'm posting two videos a week at the moment.
A real time ASMR art video with relaxing drawing or art supply sounds on Tuesdays and a speed
painting or a small art tutorial like this on Fridays.
10 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day - Duration: 3:57.
18 Amazing Lip Art Ideas and Lipstick Tutorials Just for You 💄💋 💄 - Duration: 10:05.Like Share & Subscribe
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Obama to Dems: 'You are right to be concerned' about Trump - Duration: 3:57.Obama to Dems: 'You are right to be concerned' about Trump
Former President Barack Obama told Democrats on Thursday night that they are right to feel concerned about the state of the country under President Trump's leadership.
Obama made some of his most direct comments about the current administration yet at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills, Politico reported Thursday.
"Do not wait for the perfect message, don't wait to feel a tingle in your spine because you're expecting politicians to be so inspiring and poetic and moving that somehow, 'OK, I'll get off my couch after all and go spend the 15-20 minutes it takes for me to vote,'" Obama said.
"Because that's part of what happened in the last election.
I heard that too much," he added. .
The outlet noted that Obama never said Trump's name in public but talked about his presidency.
"Fear is powerful," Obama said.
"Telling people that somebody's out to get you, or somebody took your job, or somebody has it out for you, or is going to change you, or your community, or your way of life — that's an old story and it has shown itself to be powerful in societies all around the world.".
"It is a deliberate, systematic effort to tap into that part of our brain that carries fear in it," he added.
Obama said the majority of Americans want to see stories of hope and strength, rather than the country being divided.
"The majority of the country doesn't want to see a dog-eat-dog world where everybody is angry all the time," he said.
He added that Democrats and Republicans tell "different stories.
"There's a fundamental contrast of how we view the world," Obama said.
"We are seeing the consequences of when one vision is realized, or in charge.".
The former commander in chief also touched on the deadly shooting that happened Thursday afternoon at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Md.
, which left five people dead.
Politico reported that Obama said he was left "heartbroken" but hoped it would be a rallying call for gun control legislation.
Trump, who often has a combative relationship with the press, tweeted about the shooting on Thursday.
"Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland," the president wrote.
"My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.".
First Bank In Focus - Christy Industrial Holdings - Duration: 2:36.You can't grow a business without very good people.
My goal was always to hire people better at their job than I am - and I've been fairly
successful at that.
Most of the people that work in here, whatever they're doing, they do better than I do.
I work for Christy Industrial Holdings, which is a privately-held St. Louis-based company
focused on the industrial ceramic markets.
The various businesses that we hold include mining concerns, manufacturing, and distribution.
You'd be very hard-pressed to find an application or an area that you go throughout your daily
life in that industrial ceramic products are not prevalent.
The defining feature of Christy, to me, is adding value for customers and solving problems
for customers.
We started in 1922.
It's our 96th year.
We've spent all these years trying to develop a team and my goal is that each year that
comes about, our teammates are better today than they were last year.
And, so, far and away finding and retaining talent is, for my case as the CEO, is the
most important job that I have.
We came up with our mission statement and that is that we're going to do our work as
a pleasing offering to God, we're going to treat people the way we want to be treated,
and that doing business with somebody that's going to treat you the way you wish to be
treated is an attractive thing.
Here's who Christy is.
Here's the mission and here's the values, here's the code of conduct.
If you can get on board with that, then we're interested.
And with that, most people that will resonate with.
I first called in to this company over 20 years ago.
I learned a little bit about their business; business has changed a lot in those 20 years.
I think one of the things that we value more than anything else is the people that are
behind the company; their ethics, their morals, their values, and their honesty.
In working with Jim, Sandy's been able to get us the financing set up in the way that
we need to be able to achieve those goals.
It's great to be with a bank that supports the need for a company to invest in the future.
We've never felt the need to cut important expenses that build for the future just to
meet a quarterly number.
And with our relation with Christy - well, we've been around a hundred years and they've
been around the same time, we'd like to see what the next hundred years looks like.
Melanie and Ryan - Duration: 8:19.(light instrumental music)
- My name is Melanie Stone,
I live in DuPont, Washington
and I recently started a non-profit called PARCS,
P-A-R-C-S, and it stands for partnerships aligning
recreation parks and community services.
Basically it started through Facebook and three residents
just willing and able to make the effort to get things done.
And so far we have.
Our goals are to renovate the historic community center
over in Historical Village.
I would love to see a spray park for Luke
and the other kids to use, along with the city
I want to build additional recreational facilities
but primarily a community center.
Really just the opportunity to engage more of DuPont
and be inclusive of all the different groups that live here.
When I was little, my mom and I would go to parks
and my mom would pick out someone in the park
who was around my same age and say to me
to go over there and introduce myself and say,
hi my name is Melanie, do you want to play with me.
And that's what I did, and that's what I pretty much
continue to do to this day.
You know, I'm not afraid to talk to people,
introduce myself, and I want Luke to be the same way.
And so just like my mom did with me, I do with him.
Except Luke is so outgoing and social,
and has been for, I mean he's only two and a half,
and he's just, he just loves to engage with people
and so he on his own, without me even saying anything,
will just find a kid on the playground and say,
do you want to play with me?
And so without even really having to instill it in him,
somehow we did and he just does it on his own.
Having these outdoor spaces and the parks
allows him to you know, increase his communication skills
even more and socialize and it really just makes it
an engaging you know, way to get to know people.
Being that it is a smaller community,
the parks and the spaces help to really
get people to engage with other people.
Do what it takes to get the job done, go big or go home.
Ryan is amazing and he's the hardest working,
most devoted, giving, caring person.
Super patriotic, he went active-duty after 9/11.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- Saved three people's lives, no.
Four people's lives.
Just recently got officer of the month.
He's a devoted father that while you know,
other guys on their days off and in between waking up
and going to work would be off doing their own thing,
he's with me and Luke, you know,
- Yep, my little boy.
- Going with us to the park and grocery shopping,
and doing honey-do lists and does it all
with a smile on his face.
He was so shy when we first met.
He couldn't, yeah, he was so, so shy.
- Quiet, reserved, right.
You only spoke when you're spoken to.
- Yeah, and then there's me, where I'm like,
go up to anybody.
That's thanks to my mom, but together for 15 years
and married for 12 and together for a third of our lives.
- Yeah.
- [Melanie] Then he proposed six months after we met?
- [Ryan] It was a rush 'cause I was going to Iraq.
- And then he deployed to Iraq for a year.
- The first time I met her, like I said,
it was not even three weeks
and I was like, I'm gonna marry her.
Right, because there's something special about her.
Not just attractive, but super intelligent.
Never settles for less than what she wants.
And she'll always get it no matter what.
Not in like, a spoiled manner,
but she's so driven with her visions
that she creates what she sees.
It's almost like a super power to me.
Nothing really surprises me anymore.
Like the PARCS DuPont thing, she's like,
I want this for the community, I want this for Luke,
why don't we have this?
Well let me go find out.
I'll talk to the mayor and figure this out.
You know, you just don't email a mayor, well Melanie does.
So that's the kind of person that's,
she's above and beyond, not to downplay
or downsize anybody else, but she's above and beyond
any person that I've met or ran into that,
in those qualities and values, you know,
ultimately help us reach our goals, and it's super.
But I don't think they have an award for her.
I like the tight-knit and the close, where you know Dave
and you know Bill and Sarah and John,
and just everybody knows everybody.
And you walk down the street, everybody waves at you.
People still hold doors open for each other here.
There's a common courtesy and there's a respect.
I think there's also, there's a certain set of values
in a smaller community.
- [Melanie] You know, you know your neighbors.
You, it's the kind of community that you can go next door
and ask to borrow a cup of sugar.
- Just go next door and meet your neighbor.
Because it's just by taking that initial step,
you're gonna open up a new relationship or new connection
and then within, if you do that on either side
of your house, you have two opportunities
for even more happiness or more feeling
of like togetherness, I guess.
But if you don't take that step, you're never gonna know.
If you just shut your door, shut your blinds,
get in your car and leave, and then come back
then I mean, nobody knows you.
And you don't know anybody.
So it opens you up for more opportunity, more connection,
and I think ultimately, I think since we've been here,
Mel can probably attest to it, but it's more happiness.
I just feel happier here.
- Mm hm, yeah.
Sammy loves it here, Luke loves it here,
you're not gonna reach your full potential or reach
your success or your goal by just thinking about something.
So like Ryan said, get out and meet your neighbor,
get our and try a class that you wouldn't be used to doing.
You know, get out and just get involved.
Volunteer for something.
And so if you're a more shy or reserved person,
I think that's probably the easiest way to start
is just volunteer at an event that they say they need help.
It's a small-knit kind of country feel community,
but it's right next to I-5.
It's just a city that has a million things to offer.
And it's, life is what you make it,
so we have decided to put down our roots here,
in our forever home, and we're gonna try
and make it even better than, what do they say?
Leave it better than you found it.
And you know, DuPont set the bar to begin with,
but you know, through PARCS and our volunteer work,
and helping in the community, we just,
that's what we hope to do.
- From the deer to the neighbors to just, the walking paths
and schools and, it's awesome.
Just really awesome here.
- Yeah.
- Hashtag blessed.
I'll say one thing.
Be the change that you want to see.
And whether it's your community, your family,
your career, life, whatever it is, be that change.
So take action.
And just do it.
Otherwise you're not gonna make a difference.
(light instrumental music)
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