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GPS from series Motivation - Duration: 1:05.It's a cosmos,
our home,
You know what is not in the universe?
Here are not the terms "up" and "down".
Thus there are not top and bottom,
there are not higher and lower.
For all there
is only its coordinate,
GPS coordinate in space and time.
There is no higher and lower
Only its coordinate in space and time.
It's amazing
All the best
FabScraps Film Friday easy layered scrap cards + GIVEAWAY - Duration: 14:28.-------------------------------------------
Cleaning Customers You Can't Please - Duration: 9:07.Customers you can't please.
Oh yes, we all have some of those.
Let's talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by
and the great news is that spring and summer
is here, so we go outside and we have plants and yards in our gardens we need an irrigation
system that we can count on, because as that sun blasts the summer heat on us we want to
make sure that we are able to water our plants and our yards accordingly.
Now, if your sprinkler is not working and you need some irrigation help, you can find
some help on
There are a bunch of landscapers, and people who do spring clean and irrigation repair
They'll come out to your house and they'll fix whatever your problem is.
Okay, on to today's show, which is from a house cleaner who has customers she can't please.
Here's what she has to say.
Speaker 2: Hi Angela, my question today is when you go to clean for a client and you
do the very best that you can and you feel good about the job that you have done, but
the client comes in and starts nitpicking and claiming that certain things don't look
like they got a clean, et cetera, et cetera, and they are just so unhappy even though the
house looks wonderful, what do you do?
Do you knock off some of the cost of the cleaning price, or do you stick with the price that
you have estimated for that job?
Angela Brown: All righty, so that's a very interesting question, and it comes down to
a couple of different things.
Do you give their money back?
First and foremost the answer is no.
If you have a satisfaction guarantee, that's going to require that you either come back
and clean the things that the customer is not satisfied with, or it means that you give
all their money back.
Now, my suggestion is that you give all their money back.
And in our company I prefer to give all their money back for a couple of reasons.
If I'm just coming back to re-clean, that's easier, that lets my people off my hook.
It's no big deal, we don't have to clean so great.
If a customer calls and they catch something we missed, we'll just come back and re-clean
it, it's no big deal.
But if the customer knows that we are going to give all their money back, there's a little
bit of guilt in there as well.
Well, you did a pretty good job, no, no, no, if you're not satisfied with the work that
we do, because our reputation is based on it, we want to give all of your money back.
And the customer will say, "Well no, no, no, let me pay you something."
No, no, no, we work for our reputations, and we work for money to pay our families.
If our work does not meet your standards, I want you to have your money back.
So, what happens is that it forces our people to be diligent in the work that they do,
and it forces our customers to show up and say okay, so this was a human error.
I don't want to call them and make them feel bad, I do want to bring something up, but
I want this to be remedied.
Now, back to your original question about customers you can't please.
Okay, so right up front there are a bunch of customers you can't please no matter what.
They can't please themselves.
And so, their lives are made of mystery, and if you find customer like this, or you stumble
upon them, or by chance end up with one, cut them loose as soon as possible because they
will just spin their wheels making your life miserable and wreaking havoc.
The customers that we have that we can't please no matter what we do, it doesn't matter what
you do, you cannot please them.
So, call it a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just know that there are some people like that.
There are some people in your lives that you don't clean for, and they're like that as well.
So, we just know people like that.
Right, now, the next thing I want to talk about is I want to talk about how you're setting
up your business with your customer.
So, when you come to your customer's house, you've got to have a worksheet.
And I talk a lot about the worksheet, not because I want to sell you a copy of my free
worksheet, because it's free, you can download it free and you can edit it and use it, and
I want you to because it does so many things in your business.
Here's what it does, when you get to the customer's house and you're doing the initial walk through
with the customer, I give my customer a worksheet and I have a worksheet.
As we walk through the house together they can see the tasks
and the chores that my company does.
And you can say is there anything on this list in this room that is not important to you.
And they can say well you know what, the blinds are not a priority to me, and I can cross
through the blinds.
Because if time is of the essence, which it is in a house cleaning business, if I have
to make a choice on a particular day, hey we're running really short on time because
I had to spend more time elsewhere, I may not do the blinds that day, because the customer
already told me that is not their priority.
But, if you don't have that conversation with the customer, and you skip the blinds, and
then you go home and you say the house looks lovely and the customer comes in and they
run their hands over the blinds and they're like oh my goodness there's dust, well then
you owe them something.
Either a re-clean or their money back.
Whatever your satisfaction guarantee says.
Now, the reason I bring this up is this, what you've checked off on your checklist is what
activates your satisfaction guarantee.
So, what you're saying is I got to your house today, there was a bunch of stuff strewn around.
I cleaned up all the stuff, and I did all the tasks that I was requested to do,
today we did not get to your blinds.
And so, we will throw that into next week's rotation.
That's what you're saying.
We did not do your blinds today, because we ran out of time with whatever.
Then, when the customer comes home and they see the dust on the blinds, they're like hmm,
maybe I should pick up after myself so that I don't leave so much work for the house cleaner,
because they didn't get to the blinds today.
So, it's two people working together.
Never do you just come in and you're the house cleaner and you're the only one that does the work.
You and the homeowner are a team.
If I'm your house cleaner and I come to your house and I clean your house, I did my job,
and now when I leave, you have to do your job.
You have to wash the dishes every night, you have to wipe down the counters in the bathroom
when I'm not here.
There are things that you have to pick up after yourself when I'm not here.
You have your own chores.
And so you can't just leave the stuff for the house cleaner, because there's no way
the house cleaner's going to get through it.
Now, I know house cleaning companies that are like we do everything at your house every
time we come, and I think wow, that's ludicrous because not everything needs to be done every
single time, nor do we have time to do everything every single time, because different levels
of messiness happen at different times based on what's going on in the person's life.
So, when I get to your house and I have my check sheet, my check sheet is what determines
what I get done that day, based on your priorities.
So, if a customer is never easy to please because they're nitpicking things, here's
my guess of what happened.
You did not clarify what you were doing when you came to their house, and you had a series
of priorities that you did, and you walked away and said yeah, the house looks great.
And then the customer came home and they had a different set of priorities, and they looked
at the house and they were like holy cow, I had spent all this money and a house cleaner
came to my house and I can't tell what they did.
It's not that you didn't do a great job, it's that you did a different set of priorities
than the customer's set of priorities.
Does that makes sense?
So, what you want to do is you want to make sure that your priorities and the customer's
priorities are in alignment, and that this is marked off on your check sheet, because
if I hire somebody two weeks from now, they've got to have this check sheet that says these
are the priorities.
In the vent that you get in a pinch and you have to make a decision that we are not going
to be able to do something today at this particular customer's house, you are able to skip the
blinds today, today only.
And at a different customer's house it might be something else.
And so if you skip the blinds at every customer's house, you're screwed, because to some people
that's really important.
They open the blinds every day when they have their morning coffee, and if there's dust
on them, you don't get paid.
So, my suggestion to you is do you really have a customer that's really difficult to please?
Or is it that you haven't clarified what is important to the customer?
Because if you have a customer that's impossible to please, it's impossible to work for them.
Say goodbye and move along and go find some nice customers.
There are guards of people out there that need house cleaning, and there's a multitude
of really nice easy to work with people.
So, don't punish yourself working for the miserable ones that make your life miserable.
Just don't do that, just move and let somebody else clean their house.
All right, that's my two cents for today and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Wealthy and Healthy: Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) can help you tbecome wealthy - Duration: 1:55.To become healthy and wealthy both requires similar efforts and time
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Investing Rs. 5000 every month can become 2.81 crores in 30 yrs. at assumed growth of
To achieve all your long term financial goals stop worrying and start investing through
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$uicideboy$ - Mannequins Are My Best of Friends 3D - Duration: 1:57.[Lil' Lonely] ridin' down the block in a lac
got a glock in my lap
as i holler "where y'at?"
no fear of attack because i know his peers ain't got his back
creeping and i'm peepin
now the tank out of gas
head home to the seventh ward
the ride there was fast
at last
walking into the house i know the moment passed
then i look into the mirror
noticed shattered glass
looking like a spider web caused by a blast
[$lick $loth] trappin' out the pine box
hades got the block hot
heron in my shoe box
noddin' with a blood clot
used to sell that dope but still never had no money
slangin' to fill my habits addict servin' up a junkie
i, i find it funny when i start to tip toe with the reaper
he start to running cause i usually start to beg and plead him
to take my soul, take my life, take my last breath
he never did so i took his and i manifest
Tej I Love You Best whatapp status Sai Dharam Tej - Duration: 0:31.Subscribe channel
How to apply an acrylic undercoat to door tutorial - Duration: 7:05.Hi I'm Barry here we have three panel doors and this first door this is one
that we installed when the set was first built but in fact it's not actually a
panel door okay so all it's a flush door that we've put these panels on okay and
the grain of the timber flows upwards like that
okay so there's slight bit of confusion about how you'd sort of lay that off and
we've gone in different directions with the muntins and the rails so let's just
have a look at this door over here this is one that we wood grained yesterday
and this is out doors are constructed it really does give a good example of it so
if you look at the muntins which is these sections here okay so you can see
that the grain and the way that the doors constructed the grain runs upwards
and then on the rails to go across there okay you can see that the Timbers goes
in that direction and then the the Stiles at the very end again they go
vertically so we're going to do some various different coats on these doors
that we've got we're going to do an acrylic undercoat and gloss on this side
with a brush the other side we're going to do acrylic undercoat and gloss with a
roller and then on the other side of this we're going to use a solvent based
or an oil base whichever one you want to call it on this side and we're going to
see the difference after a few weeks if it goes yellow and the finish that we
can actually get and the different preparation methods and a different way
we actually lay it off okay there's a difference of method of application so
on this first door here we've prepped it up now we've rubbed it down we've dusted
it all off of tack ragged at all so we're just really ready to put a coat of paint
on it we've got some acrylic primer undercoat so we're going to put a couple
of coats of that on it and then we're going to finish it off with some Dulux
quick drying gloss okay and it says on the on the back of the tin that
we should be applying two coats of this so we'll have a go see
right this is gonna look awful on the first coat okay so we're not going to do
the edges but we if you look at the previous video you'll see how they do the
edges and we're just going to go just on with the flats just for demonstration
purposes right again this is going to look this is and not look particularly
good initially okay well that's what you're gonna this is what the faced
against it so the first part we're gonna do is obviously the panel's so gonna do
the panels okay just very very quickly and then again the muntins just as the
previous video then the rails and then we're going to finish off with the
Stiles okay we're going to see brushwork and we're going to see maybe the odd
little dry edge as well but we'll see where we get away to it right don't be
afraid to put paint on okay so just gonna go quickly and with this this is
how quick it goes okay and I picked white just so you can see
the change in the color okay just gonna let that settle down a minute
same with this one make sure you get right into these corners
now I've done two - excess out the brush we keep saying. Lay it off nice and
gently just with the tips of the brush
and then we layoff upwards
just be wary of these or like thick edges around here they can go off and
dry pretty quickly so you can just sort of scuff them a little bi
Excess out the brush again I'm going to lay off right the way through the rails to the
very top okay so keep a nice straight line
might need to stand on something- I think I do
so you can see how got a straight line there a straight line there just the
same as we've got it here with this style and these rails here and the same
of the straight line there okay just the same between the muntin and the rail
there so this is definitely going to need another undercoat this is what
happens when you change colors
okay right so again as we said it's not gonna look brilliant the first coat but
we'll give it another coat once that's dry, we'll denib it in between just
with a little bit of them abrasive- dust it all off and then we put another
undercoat on it and then two coats of gloss. Right that's the first coat on
that's all nicely dried now just denibbed it just with a little bit of just
worn wet and dry okay so it just takes this just take the little
nibs out there just might be in the paint I've dusted it off
I've tack ragged it off so again there's no dust on it so we're just ready to put
our second coat of undercoat on okay and you'll notice there'd be a
dramatic difference in this now how the door looks when it's finished so we just
run a quick coat on it okay exactly the same process as before
and even now straight away you can see how much better it's covering. Again,
leave them to settle down just for a minute just for the paint to set just a
few seconds this makes it easier for when you laying off ok don't use a book
that's too small this is a two and a half inch Lucas you wouldn't really want
to use an inch brush and you're not getting enough paint on
right that's the second coat of undercoat on the door and I'm just going
to put two coats of glass on the top of that but I'm much happy with it I think
it looks a lot better, a lot more solid and that's how you paint a panel door
[5 minutes] Fastest way to withdraw your earnings from Upwork Philippines - Duration: 7:36.Hey, guys! Dennis here again with another video and welcome to Unbox Solution Channel.
If you are not subscribed yet please click the subscribe button
and the bell icon to receive a notification whenever I uploaded the new tutorial video.
So today we will be discussing what is the fastest way on how to withdraw
your earnings from Upwork. So here you can see I have a balance here
and today is June 27 at 1:32 p.m. so we will time it, how fast it will be so
first as usual click on the get paid now button and we will be choosing PayPal
because that's the fastest way actually but after using PayPal we will be
transferring the money to Gcash. So I will be choosing my PayPal account
and just an information there is a $2 Upwork fee for using PayPal. So this is the amount
that we will be receiving. So just click on the button "Get Paid Now"
So as of 1:33 p.m. June 27, we initiated the withdrawal requests. So just close that
and let's check our PayPal. So this is my PayPal account that I used earlier.
Click on login and also while waiting we can also check our email because Paypal will
be sending an email. Also, Upwork sent a confirmation email that the payment
has been requested and it will be initiated. So while waiting out,
here you can see on my paypal, it's already there as of 1:34 p.m. so for the matter of
2 minutes, the payment or the money is already on
our PayPal account we can check our history to make sure. Where is our
history? A payment last June 6 that's the transfer, it seems the history still not
here, but as we can see the money is already there. Oh there you can see the
Upwork payment received 106 and as of June 27 which is today June 27 2018
As I've said earlier, you will also receive an email from PayPal confirming the
transfer from Upwork. So you can see the amount there the payment that you
received from Upwork. So for 2 minutes you got the money and now we will
transfer the money to Gcash. For us to withdraw it on any bancnet ATM here in
the Philippines. So here on my cellphone, so by the way if you have any question
you can message me on that's my messenger account
or you can go to for a frequently asked questions
I'm logging into my Gcash account now
So as you can see my balance in Gcash is only 22.88 pesos.
So to cash in from PayPal to Gcash
So you can see my balance here on my paypal account and here is my Gcash account
So to cash in from PayPal to transfer that money from PayPal Gcash
just click on cash in and by the way make sure that your PayPal is already
connected your Gcash account so choose PayPal to Gcash. So here you can see my
balance is when that's the amount the same as this one so here. S first click
or check the currency or from where the money will be coming from and since Gcash
has no charge for cashing in from PayPal just type in the whole amount here.
So you the full PayPal balance. Then click on next to confirm the payment or
the cash in and by the way before I complete the transfer transaction I have
a brand new channel the WordPress Developers channel for those who
want to build their own website or to create a website we have lots of
tutorials on that channel you can click the link below I will be putting a link
there so you can check my other channel make sure to check it out
ther are lots of tutorial about WordPress on WordPress Developers Channel
so now let's confirm this one. So Paypal is processing, so now is 1:30 p.m. the
same date June 27 and the cash in via PayPal is completed so you will also
receive a message from 2882 or Gcash and if we check here
we will also receive an email from PayPal that the payment has been
successfully completed that's 100 close that so let's check our Gcash account
again oh there the money so automatically converted to Philippine
pesos even though it is on USD and if we refresh our PayPal account
that's 1:39 p.m. the same day to make sure that we are on the same page so we
can see it's zero here on my PayPal account since we already withdraw it on
Gcash and you can also see the transaction here. So since the money is
already on my Gcash account using my Gcash physical MasterCard I can withdraw
the money on any bancnet ATM nationwide. So that's all for today. Again my name is Dennis
thank you for watching and have a great day!
Passive Income Machine Review (GOOD OR BAD?) - Duration: 18:52.hey what's up guys Roberto here again and you join me on the 27th of June it's
another hundred degree day here in Albuquerque it's crazy hot outside I'm
on my way to pick up my wife but I wanted to let you know what I thought
about passive income machine that's why you're here right you want to know what
Trevor Carr and Paul Nicholls new product is all about so it's about
building your own passive income recurring income each and every single
month using Paul's exact business methods that have taken him like five
years to build up right so I've just finished going through it myself and as
always is it any good well that's for you to decide I'm gonna show you
everything you need to know so that you can make a decision for yourself and so
let's go ahead and jump in to my passive income machine review
alright guys I'm back so here we are on the sales page of passive income machine
and here you're gonna see the video you know here's Trevor car he's gonna give
you his little spiel on the product and let's scroll down I want to show you the
other guy behind this this is Paul Nichols and here's Trevor car and
there's two guys behind passive income machine now it says here in their
headline it says attention would you like to start every month with $2,000 in
passive income read on for details on how to do this fast and easy now this
figure right here is going to be his top-line figure for what he averages at
the top-end okay now Paul Nichols you know averages in between 500 to 2,000
dollars doing this stuff and that's without really putting in that much work
because he focuses on several projects right so he's got very limited time but
let's see here the bullet points it says it's fast and easy to get started this I
would say is fast right it can work fast and it will work fast if you follow the
instructions easy that's subjective right that's up to you and that's up to
you know what skill sets you bring to the table and how well they're teaching
method works for you right now they're teaching method is like a whiteboard
you know whiteboard as if you're in a classroom I particularly like that it's
not too bad for me Paul Nichols himself he goes into like a whiteboard style
method of teaching and step by step and Trevor car here has a little bit of a
different style but I found it easy to understand I did go through the course
myself that's how I know here what I'm telling you so never before revealed so
that is actually one of the rare cases that this is true okay for me I was
really really happy to find that in side of Trevor cars training I found a
really cool tactic to do all of this stuff free on it was so so cool I mean
I've never seen it and I think that you're gonna find that it's very very
valuable easy to do now having said that this is a two in one product okay so
there's 16 modules on the inside and the first 10 modules 1 through 10 are Paul
Nicholls training ok and then modules 11 to 16 I believe are Trevor's right so
you get really two trainings for the price of one I think that that's pretty
good value for the money right now it's not a too high price but let's keep on
going here so 100% newbie friendly this again I would say be careful when you
hear this sort of thing that's 100% newbie friendly because that really
depends on how well they teach it to you right and also not only that but it
depends on how much action you take okay so there's at least two factors there
about how newbie friendly it's going to be for you right so and I'm gonna show
you the members area here in a little bit so you can see for yourself the
thing that I really liked is that Paul Nichols does teach you how to do this
method with a website but then also Trevor Carr teaches you how to do it
without one okay and all the rest of these bullet points you know um I found
to be you know true you know of course here passive I would say that that you
know is gonna I wouldn't say it's as much passive because it's gonna require
some work on your end remember anything good in life and especially anything
great in internet marketing is going to require some work from your part okay
now passive that could mean you know you're working on the couch from your
laptop people have different interpretations of passive right that's
what I'm getting at so what is a passive income machine so passive income machine
is all about setting up recurring income sites membership sites very very
fast and very easy now you have to keep in mind that this is how Paul built up
over the span of five years his recurring income business okay and on a
bad month he pulls in five hundred bucks on a decent month he does two thousand
so it's not bad right for a little bit of work so here we're gonna take a look
at some of Paul's results right so you see all these different payments coming
in of you know recurring payments from his membership sites right it's super
super easy to understand and it's super cool that I mean he's not doing much
yeah you know I think he regularly goes to the beach goes to the gym works out
and he's got this money coming in right I think that's that's pretty cool you
know a lot of people that you talk to will tell you that one of the best ways
to get recurring income is either to get an affiliate product promote it right
and that product have a recurring angle or set up a membership site now of
course membership sites gonna be most profitable because you own the site it's
100 percent your profit so that's that you know it's got a 30-day money-back
guarantee and right now it's at 995 when I looked at it earlier it was I think at
nine bucks it will be going up to I think about 13 bucks or more so if
you're thinking of just jumping in on it I would go ahead and get I get in on it
before it keeps on going up so that's that right okay so let's go ahead and
jump in to the members area because that's what I want to show you so you
know what you're getting yourself into right as I said at the beginning of this
video I'm gonna show you everything you need to know and then you make a
decision for yourself and see if it's for you or not right so here we are on
the members area and this is Trevor car here right and he's you know gonna give
you another little spiel here about what you need to do next after you invest and
here we are so this is what its gonna look like I would say that I like this
members area it's late pretty well pretty easy to understand
and let's see so I want you to keep in mind that chapter one chapter two all
these chapters here are Paul Nichols training okay and all of these videos
are about twenty to forty minutes it's a lot of content on how to set up
recurring income every single month using membership sites now it's going to
be using you know your own products so do keep that in mind
but it's very simple you can make you know he's gonna teach you exactly how to
do it you know it's setting up very very simple products they don't have to be
complicated so don't let that stop you um so all these videos are about twenty
to thirty minutes long now I did take some notes on them and let's see so here
obviously chapter one is going to be the intro and then chapter two is going to
be about how to protect your content right this is a huge issue when it comes
to membership sites you need to know how to protect your content otherwise you're
not gonna be making much money right so that's a really in-depth video and then
chapter three is going to be about how to think about going about creating your
membership sites so you have to remember that this is the way Paul has built up
over the span of five years how to build passive income machines as he calls them
right so you have to get kind of behind the scenes and inside his head about how
he goes about planning the structure which is really important in my opinion
right if you don't have a structure you're gonna be all over the place it's
not gonna work out all that great right so it's worth the while to sit down
really and you know think about how it is that you're gonna set up your content
your site all that stuff right and then a chapter four is gonna be all about
WordPress and how to set it up using WordPress with plugins and let's see
insecurity so he definitely goes into a lot about secure
here on this one and again as I said I think security is very important you
need to know how to take care of your content otherwise people are gonna rip
you off or you're gonna find your content stolen somewhere on the web it's
happened to me before with the previous product that I released and yeah it it's
it's not good you want to protect your content right so the next is going to be
creating content for your site right and this is where he gets into how you can
use products it's a very clever way to use products to funnel people into your
site I really thought this one was a lot of value it's like a 40-minute video so
do take notes on this stuff okay this is like a class you really need to be
paying attention and taking notes on on these videos and let's see I'm gonna go
ahead and skip ahead a little bit to Chapter eleven right and that this is
where Trevor cars training comes into play
and I want you to keep in mind that Paul Nichols training is a very long-term
strategy right it's not for someone that's looking to make you know thousand
dollars overnight this is really something that you can set up right now
and start making money pretty fast but this is a strategy that's gonna take
some work on your part okay so do keep that in mind it's not for you know the
get-rich-quick crowd as they say you know so keep that in mind now with
Trevor's training I was really thrown back because I mean I was really
throwing back with Paul Nichols training but Trevor Carr really showed an angle
that I've never seen before and I really think that you're gonna have a lot of
ease with this setting it up right because number one it's free and number
two it you can set it up so superfast okay I used one of these websites that
he talks about in here and I was just blown away with how easy it is to set up
everything that Paul Nichols talks about here just in a slightly different way
okay it's still just as profitable but it's really really interesting okay and
these videos are a little shorter about in between ten and twenty five minutes
and it's solid content I would say that if you're someone that's looking to
build a long-term business and something that's gonna stay over the years this is
a good approach for you to look into right because remember without cash flow
you don't have a business right and so that's what Paul really is teaching you
here about how to set up passive recurring income guaranteed each and
every single month if you take a look at some of the biggest guys online
they all have membership sites right when I first came online with internet
marketing I came across a guy called King human right now if you look at him
he's one of the most successful internet marketers online now what does he have
he has his own membership site called a king human elite right and he uses again
I think a very similar approach to this but this is a really really easy to
understand and easy to follow process okay so if you would want to get going
as fast as possible I would recommend you start with Trevor's training because
this is gonna be free it's fast and it works I mean he shows his results in
here guys made over two hundred thousand
dollars okay so he's got the the proof to back it up so that's that super
valuable training so the last thing I want to show you in my passive income machine review is the bonuses right so
I want to show you this of course you got your you know your money back
guarantee you got some results here for the recurring payments that they've had
you know going to talking a little bit here about what it is but more
importantly I want to show you some exclusive bonuses that I want to throw
in for you to make passive income machine that much better if you're
interested in picking it up right so again passive income machine is all
about setting up membership sites to bring in recurring income each and every
single month right so I put together some bonuses are going to help you with
that process right so inside passive income machine he talks about how using
blog content very simple again don't get scared
he talks about how using blog content can be very powerful for driving members
into your site okay so it's very easy to do and I wanted to add to that a little
bit by adding this bonus here okay about how to build up a blog with authority
now you know it goes into how to do proper keyword research how to build
Authority in which platform you should be using you're gonna get it you know
free of charge when you pick it pick up passive income machine through me the
second course is going to be membership site Pro you know all these are
exclusive custom bonuses put together by myself and again you know it's about how
to map out your idea and your site which platforms you can use aside from the
ones that you're taught on the inside of passive income machine the pages the
membership scripts which is really important the software's and how to set
it all up in a very easy to understand video you're gonna get it again you know
free of charge when you invest into passive income machine through my page
right so and then the last one is going to be a Zhan s3 hosting now I see a lot
of people asking questions about how to use this and he'll admit I'm not a pro
with it either but a Amazon s3 hosting is probably the most affordable hosting
that you can use right so you're gonna be setting up your sites you're gonna
have to get hosting right now I want to help save you some money by
teaching you how to use Amazon s3 hosting right it's definitely the
cheapest hosting that I've seen and it's got Amazon behind it right how you can't
go wrong with that so that's that check it out you know let's see the last thing
I want to talk to you about very last thing in my passive income machine review I already said that but the last
thing is going to be the funnel okay so after you invest if you decide to jump
in on this of course you're gonna get hit with upsells right it's internet
market but here's what you're gonna get so the
first OTO is going to be 12 done-for-you products okay so as I said
inside of passive income machine you're gonna get taught how to use very simple
products such as PDFs to drive members into your site right
so in this OTO you're gonna get 12 of those completely done for you for 97
bucks you know if that's within your budget which is within your wheelhouse
go for if not hey don't worry about it you already saw how extensive the
membership area for the front end you already is so that's that and then the
second upsell is going to be case studies okay and advanced training
that's gonna go for 27 bucks and then the third upsells going to be license
rights okay so that's what you're gonna get the license rights are 47 bucks
again not necessary because this is all very very in-depth and it has everything
you need right so okay and let's see so that's that my opinion on this is I
think it's it's a great great product I would say that the techniques that
Trevor teaches you alone are worth the 9 bucks that you're gonna spend on that
product right it's really really cool stuff I learned a lot from it myself
I've never seen a method like that because it's it's I mean it's awesome
it's free and it's easy to get started with so yeah if you're interested go
ahead and jump in and you're gonna hit this button right here or this button up
here and of course you get your 30 days money back if you're not satisfied or if
you find that it's not for you hey no problem get in touch with Paul or Trevor
and they'll give you your money back you know
easy as pie so go ahead jump in and I wish you all the best
Do you really know about gender? / San Francisco LGBT Pride - Duration: 11:20.I'm mainly going to talk in English today
For those people who have no idea what LGBT is, I will speak in Japanese for some parts
Can't say this phrase...
In Japan, we hear only gay, bisexual, and homosexual
LGBT is so complicated that you can't explain with few words
In Japan, although some LGBT comedians are getting popular, it is still not widely acceptable by the society
7.6% of Japanese are part of LGBT, which is pretty surprising!!
In this video, I can't explain everything about LGBT.
One thing that I really want you guys to remember is
Men, women, masculine, feminine
Society created these words to easily categorize people, so that, there can be many exceptions!
When you meet somebody from LGBT community, you should not deny them but try to learn what you didn't know from them!
Xombie: Dead on Arrival [Chapter 5: The Exhibit, Reel One] - Duration: 4:23.Your lizard broke my dog
You are a variant
A what?
Hmm, not a very smart variant
Come with me
Who are you?
Quickly before she frees herself
So if she is a zombie too, why does she look so... you know... and you look so... well?
Men always let themselves go, sweetheart
Even the dead ones
Here patch him up. I have a few questions for Queen Tut over here
You flatter me
So let me get this straight. You're a reanimated Egyptian mummy on loan from the British government
Permanent loan as it were and not a mummy exactly
It wasn't unheard of for an egyptian king to have the living buried with him
Wives, slaves, cats left to die of either heat or starvation
How thoughtful
If I were a royalty, my insides would have been extracted, my brain taken out through my nose with a sharp metal hook
Obviously, I wasn't treated to such a procedure
How about a name? Were you treated to that?
Not my given name obviously after all we don't remember those, do we?
And what if anything shall I call the three of you?
The girl is Zoe, the dog Cerberus
I'm Dirge
A mournful lyric. Very poetic
Mind filling me in on this variant business?
There isn't much you shouldn't already know
Try me
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