Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

this video I'm gonna be sharing with you three reality Tran surfing secrets that

will help you to resonate with the reality that you want this can be an

absolute game changer when it comes to the law of attraction and this can help

you really achieve what you want in life

welcome back to another video my name's Aaron and I know people to expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you

those three reality trans surfing ideas that I think can revolutionize the whole

way you go about manifesting what you want and at the core that's what reality

Tran surfing is reality Tran surfing is more of a lifestyle it's a way for

seeing the world that is completely different than that of the original

stereotypical way of going about it now the thing is is of course with the law

of attraction we can still get the results that we want with the law of

attraction but many times it comes with a lot of resistance because the

underlying basis of that of the law of attraction is that this is where I am

and I want to be over here so I'm gonna do these things and then I'll eventually

be right where I want to be now with reality Tran surfing it's more so about

understanding that we are here whatever we want is over here but this is

resonating at a certain frequency so what we can do is just simply feel at

that resonance now knowing that as we do so as we live from this authentic core

we begin to shift more and more to the reality that we want so it's about

having this understanding that there's this gap and we can instead fill in the

gap by just choosing the experiences that we want to have it comes with this

more lighter understanding for how reality works now if you haven't heard

me talk about reality transfer from before I'm gonna explain it a little bit

reality Tran surfing has to do with understanding that there is an infinite

number of parallel realities that exist so there's a version of you doing

exactly what you want to be doing doing and being in the relationship that you

want to be in being in certain type of city and a certain type of house any

possible one that you can imagine that reality exists

right now it's simply vibrating at a different frequency so when you get to

your heart when you get to the core of who you are

that's when things happen in a powerful way because then you start to shift

through these parallel realities to the higher life line of what you want to

experience so in every moment we are actually shifting through different

parallel realities because there's an infinite number of frames that exist so

this is a parallel reality this is this is separate one separate one they all

look very similar our memory may be able to tie them all together but the idea is

that they're all different parallel realities and that what we think of as

movement is actually the shifting through different parallel realities so

knowing this can be very powerful because then we become aware of okay

it's more so about how can I shift to the possibility that I want to

experience how can I make that goal more probable the question never is is this

possible the question is is it probable and you make it probable with your

energy so how you feel the focus that you have those things will mold the

understanding of how you are resonating and as you do that you're shifting

through different parallel realities now choice is also a very powerful part of

the process so there's a part of reality Tran surfing that it's kind of like if

you just simply start to set more intentions in your life you will start

to experience more of what you want in your life set more intentions what does

that mean I intend to dot dot dot I intend to go to the gym and have a great

workout I intend to go to this place and connect with people at a deep level I'm

gonna get on a phone conversation a minute I intend to connect to the person

that I'm talking to on the other end set more intentions for how you'd like

things to happen and you start to then increase the probability that you do

experience that reality now there's another part of reality Tran surfing

that's about what is called pendulums now pendulums we can think of as thought

structures these are social conditioning so we think thoughts and when we think

these thoughts we think that they are just something that we think and that's

it thoughts that we have we may not physically see them but they exist

in an energetic type way now when we are thinking of certain thoughts when we are

thinking of certain beliefs we aren't just thinking them and they're gone we

think them and they remain in a larger field of energy so what happens is when

many people are thinking of similar thoughts we add to this grid of energy

around the planet that makes it easier to think those thoughts again so many

times you may be thinking yo I'm having these thoughts about this political

thing or what's going on at this situation and there's a lot of other

people thinking about the same thing then what happens is as many times you

say I'm having my own thoughts when really you're having the thoughts of the

pendulum the pendulum is a thought structure that is created by many people

they didn't have to be many people there's pendulums when you go into work

I remember at my old job before I did YouTube full-time I would go into work

and there was a lot of pendulums there was these things like Oh people were you

know didn't want to talk to certain managers or like this hierarchy inside

of it of hierarchy of politics almost within the structure and there was like

there's just different things that went on to where you had to kind of know how

to observe them not to get reacting to it because in a way it was kind of like

living in a high school because people were gossiping and talking about things

there's different cliques being aware of that because when you're aware of it it

didn't I haven't as much power over you so reality transfer if you think of it

as trans surfing the word itself means to shift through what is called the

space of variations to shift through the different parallel realities reality

Tran surfing is when you are shifting through parallel reality to parallel

reality consciously and with reality transiting it's about flow it's about

knowing that you don't have to try so hard one of the main parts of reality

Tran surfing is called decreasing importance any time we give something a

lot of importance we put it on a pedestal and we create resistance around

it instead see it as natural for you to be experiencing what you want see it as

natural for you to be the kind of person that you prefer to be see that as

natural because as that it's a part of your self-image everything begins to

change it's only when we're creating from a paradigm of I'm not worthy of

that if you've ever had it where you had a crush on someone

you put him on a pedestal the moment you did that it messed everything up because

then they feel that they're like oh they feel that resistance they feel that

potential so there's in a way in our reality there are these balancing

factors and anytime you make something very important what that's telling the

universe is I'm not ready for this this is this is more than I can handle so

what the universe says is okay it balances it out and it doesn't do it in

a mean way it does it because that's the energy it's all vibration this is just

the amount of vibrational resonance and when we become aware of that we can then

see oh I'm feeling the lack of this I'm feeling like I really really want this

to go well and because I'm putting it on a pedestal I'm creating resistance

instead I'm gonna let it go let go of the outcome see it as natural for you to

experience what you want no you're good either way get to the core of your heart

because when you do that everything begins to change so I think that was a

no there's a little bit of longer explanation reality Tran surfing but if

I don't explain it then I go into these three things and you're kind of what's

really transforming to begin with so reality Tran surfing is one of the most

powerful processes I've ever found for manifesting I've been applying it my own

life things have happened easier than ever I'm talking about people reaching

out to me I'm talking the growth of my business I'm talking about me as a

personal growth within me I'm becoming much more just clear as to how I can

connect more to my heart how I can let go and allow things to happen because

I'm shifting through parallel realities rather than trying and creating a

resistance to do everything so I encourage you to give it a go the three

things that I'm talking about in this video I think you can easily apply the

first one has to do with treating everything in your life as a choice so

when we're shifting through different parallel realities what determines which

parallel reality we shift to well it has to do with our feeling that is an aspect

of it has to do with what we are doing so it has to do with the action has to

do with what we're thinking so all of these three things are actually very

intermingled as well as you're thinking a lot of thoughts and you're thinking in

a certain momentum you may start to feel a certain way which then propels you to

take a certain amount of action but nonetheless pay attention to what

choices you are making because you do not have to create your own reality that

is an outdated idea with creating your reality that

I struggle and that implies that your ego has to do everything it is not your

job to create your own reality it is your job to choose the reality that you

want because there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist you can

experience whichever one you choose to and what you choose to experience will

depend upon the level of action the level of thought and level of emotion

that you have now here's a hack to this whole process treat everything in your

life as if you chose it everything because the moment you do this is the

moment you take yourself out of the victim type mode and believe me I say

that sometimes and sometimes people are like well is easy for you to say buddy

you on YouTube doing this for a living and all of that stuff but I've been

through a lot of pain I'm not gonna get into it but if you've been watching my

videos and you know that my childhood I went through a lot of pain and when I

was having the perspective that that pain in the past happened to me I

created a lot of resistance within my own energy but the moment I shifted that

to instead of that happened to me that happened for me I integrated the

experience in a way I looked at that experience and I treated it as if I

chose it because by treating it as if I chose it I then gained this ability to

choose my response to it now the one thing we always have the ability to

choose is that of our state of being it is how we respond to the things that

happen to us so start to pay more attention to that how are you responding

to things in your life and then start to choose something new you see the thing

is is certain choices you made have been very comfortable they're familiar oh I

can eat the same thing I did yesterday because that's just who I am that's the

kind of food that I eat but what if that's just a familiar set of pattern

this familiar set of neuro somatic connections in the brain that have so

consistently been wired in a way that it's familiar but let me ask you a

question what if you made a new choice what if you made a new choice in at

first it seemed a little bit scary a little bit unfamiliar but the more you

did that the easier it became and the more you started to create a momentum in

the direction of what you want that's how simple change in your life can be is

recognizing it's gonna feel unfamiliar for a minute but the moment you start to

wire it in is the moment it becomes just who you naturally are that's the ability

you have you have the ability to choose everything in your life you don't have

to create it you only try to create things from the egoic perspective I must

do everything and believe me I haven't been there before and I'm still there

sometimes I'm not enlightened I saw have an ego and what happens is that

sometimes I'm trying to do everything things don't happen to the blueprint in

my mind eyes create resistance so what do I do I treat the situation as if I

chose it and I focus more on my state of being always bring it back to your heart

and then let go of the outcome when you let go of the outcome everything in your

life will begin to change and you make it so much easier for the things to

happen in your life you don't have to try so hard

manifestation can be so much easier than you are making it this is more about a

lifestyle of flowing through the different space of variations flowing

through the different parallel realities and you can connect to it whenever you

want by making once again the choice to actually do so so the second way that

you can experience what you want and resonate with the parallel reality that

you want using reality Tran surfing this is like a secret of reality Tran surfing

is understanding that of what is called external intention there's two types of

intention mainly internal intention this is I have the intention to go to the gym

today and to have a good workout are the tension to make a video today and have a

great time editing it put on some music in the background just really enjoy the

process and that's my inner intention however there's also what it's called

outer intention outer intention is when your intention leaks up

to the intention of other people or to a larger whole

this is a unique idea because maybe we haven't heard it many times before but

this is the the key to why giving is the secret to fulfillment when you give you

are expanding your energy and when you give to other people you are linking up

with their inner intentions so I make videos that's my inner intention an

outer intention is I want to help people to transform their life outer intention

many times is it much more powerful than that of inner intention so what I do is

I set the intention knowing that I am linking up with other people's inner

intention because I'm making these videos from a sense of inner and outer

intention I'm making these videos because it will help me grow as a person

and then at the same time I'm making videos because it will help other people

grow and other people's intention is to grow so I'm using both sides of that so

think of it like this you can have certain personal desires there's also a

desire of the universe there's also a desire of other people and when you

start to link yourself up to it everything starts to change this is when

you change the question is what can I do what can I get - what can I give you

start to tap into a larger stream of energy and things will manifest much

easier because you are helping the unified whole we're all connected what I

do to you I do to another aspect of myself this is a deeper level of

metaphysics this is a deeper level of understanding but I believe it's one of

the reasons why the people who give the most value end up getting a lot in

return whether that's abundance whether it's

emotional fulfillment whatever you want to call it I come at this with the

awareness that you are another version of me and together we're connected so

what's good for you is also good for me the more I can give you the more that

comes back to me but I'm not doing it because I think that if I give you more

I'm gonna you know at a certain level just become more successful that is a

part of the ego that is part of the inner intention nothing wrong with it

but it's this awareness that we're connected as well so what's good for you

it's good for me so think about this you want to create in your life

you want to attract this person into your life okay you want to track two

persons your life that's an inner intention but here's something else

that's a kawaii and not many people think about there's somebody else that

wants to attract you into your life just like you might want to attract a certain

type of money into your life with reality Tran surfing by the way normally

money isn't the goal the money is the side effect of the goal the goal should

be connected your heart however imagine you want to attract money into your life

but imagine also money wants to attract to you because you resonate with the

abundance money wants to come to you because you are in such an abundant

state that you just vibrationally resonate with it you see it's a

different idea it's a different perspective but I promise you that if

you begin to apply this into your life you'll notice that things happening to

you than ever you'll notice that you really begin to tap into a larger stream

of energy things will happen for you because you are aligning with the

intention of the unified whole so start to set the intention say how can I add

value to you how can I add value to other people knowing that other people

are another version of me so the other part of this I wanted to see how I wrote

it down to make sure that I have it right is this understanding that every

possible variation that you want to experience exists this is the third one

the third one is similar to the other one I was talking about where it's about

knowing that you choose what you want your life but this is really about

having and wiring this understanding that what you want already exists

because anything that you can possibly imagine exists right here in the present

moment we look to the past and say this happened in the past it happened in the

now it was just from a different point of view the only moment that exists is

this moment right now and you are shifting through these different

variations these different parallel realities I go like this right now I'm

shifting through millions of parallel realities and if that seems hard to

believe imagine that one little variable is different I go like this there's a

dog that's moving in a different direction just attack

those are all separate realities even if I am looking the exact same like this

the dog switches its head a little bit that's a separate reality there are

billions of parallel realities that exist as I go like this right now all

right now in this present moment now I don't have to create all of them like I

was saying in the first one I choose them but really allow yourself to know

that that reality exists right now and the more you become aware of it the more

you put yourself into the thought process of that version of you knowing

that is who you really are the more things in your life will begin to change

so know that this is about resonance and resonance with resonance comes awareness

so you can begin to do is to close your eyes to imagine yourself as the best

version of you imagine yourself doing exactly what you want to be doing in

life imagine yourself expressing yourself in a powerful way imagine your

body language how people respond to you imagine the kind of relationships that

you have imagine all of these things because it is not far-fetched it exists

right now simply at a different frequency if you're not perceiving it so

guess what all you got to do is start to live as that version of you and who are

you because that seems scary how do I live as that version of me is that not

who I really am is that not the authentic part of myself who you think

you are is just a set of neurosynaptic connections that in your brain of prior

reference experience that says this is who I am not I'm not saying that we're

not more than that I believe we are immortal spiritual beings having a

temporary human experience what I'm saying is who you think you are is

nothing but a familiar set of thought patterns and when you realize that you

can say okay cool I'm going to be the best version of myself by imagining what

that would be imagining that self-image imagining how I carry myself imagining

the kind of relationships that I have imagining my kind of body language that

I have and I'm going to embody that and it will feel a little bit fake at first

because then you're walking around confidently and you go this isn't Who I

am I'm faking it but guess what the only reason you're the person that may walk

with a not so confident body language is because it's familiar it's not who you

are you are more than your body you are more than the familiar neurosynaptic

connections in your brain you are more than you could possibly imagine and when

you will become aware of this you can then shift everything it's about the

awareness and that's where the power is so with that I'm trying to encourage you

to know that you are not the result of your past you are who you choose to be

in the present moment and you can choose right now make the choice right now that

by the end of the day today you will see a new reflection in your life regardless

of what that reflection is you will feel the way that you prefer you will choose

how you respond to your environment make that choice right now you're gonna start

to see things through new eyes because as you do so I promise you everything in

your life will begin to change that's how powerful this can be now one thing

I've also done is I've created a very powerful reality transfer fee meditation

that will help you to resonate with this self image that I'm talking about by

decrease in level of importance you are given to your manifestations that's what

blocked so many people that meditation I think could change your life it is

absolutely free it's in the top of description box below and I recommend

that you listen to it for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it I think it

will change your life and this is what is so powerful the resonance with the

parallel reality that you preferred so remember make the choices and realize

that you are choosing your reality not so much creating it you are choosing it

because it already exists you don't have to try so hard let the ego focus but

don't identify with the ego as you do that thing's becoming easier because

you're just shifting you're just shifting you're just shifting secondly

remember external intention outer intention how can you connect and

realize you can add value to other people and also what you want to

manifest also wants to manifest you thirdly remember there's an infinite

number of parallel realities that exist really wire it in that all of who you

think you are is a familiar set of neural synaptic connections in the brain

and the moment you become aware of that is the moment you can change it you

could choose something new something fresh and I encourage you right now that

use something fresh choose something new because you are much more than you could

possibly imagine so something else I'm gonna be doing as well it's more live

Q&A s on Instagram and if you want to ask me questions if you want to become a

part of some type of live meditation I'm gonna be doing you go out follow me on

Instagram also check me out on IG TV does I have

episodes there so we try to be doing it every single day every single day on IG

TV every single day on Instagram every single day on YouTube I'm all every day

for all three of these that's my way of communicating with you and we can

interact okay we can interact here in the comments section we can interact on

IG TV in comments we can interact live on Instagram when I go live so we got

all these ways of interacting I'm excited to do that with you so follow me

on Instagram if you haven't already let's connect and yeah so I got for you

guys today so what that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel

free to like this video if you guys are like this subscribe if you haven't

already hit the little notification gear so you could say oh yeah I could see

Aaron's daily videos every single day I could see his videos I could see his

videos every single day on Instagram I could these videos every day on

Instagram TV all of these things every single day just got subscribe so with

that being said see you in the next vid please much love and namaste

For more infomation >> 3 Reality Transurfing Secrets for RESONATING with the Reality You Want - Duration: 23:34.


Common Mistakes Brands Make With UGC Campaigns - Duration: 5:39.

- Hi, I'm CJ Bruce, founder and CEO of ChuckJoe.

Today we're going to talk about common mistakes

that people make when setting up UGC campaigns.

(upbeat music)

So to start, UGC stands for User Generated Content.

So these are campaigns that people run

when they want to have certain products shared,

things shared using a hashtag,

and really generate a bunch of engagement

as well as content from the general public, usually.

So these are things like, you're gonna share a post,

tag a friend, use the hashtag for a chance to win.

So the number one most common thing that people do

is have way too big of an ask.

So you have to think about the bare minimum entry.

Usually, when we're running campaigns like this

we try to think about what are people already doing

in their day where they could just use the hashtag

to have it be a part of the campaign,

a part of the conversation, or maybe a slight tweak,

slight variation in their day-to-day activities.

So for example, if you are a food brand

and say you have a beverage product

that you want to get people to share

for a chance to win a month's supply.

Rather than saying, okay, come up

with a creative craft project where you take

thirty empty bottles and you need

to build a birdhouse out of it.

No one's going to do that, way too much work,

no one's going to do that.

Silly idea also, but, anyway.

The other aspect would be,

and this is assuming that you have product

on the shelves and people that are buying the product,

and to advertise to existing customers

and just say share a photo of how you enjoy

your fill-in-the-blank beverage during your day

using hashtag blank for a chance to win something amazing.

So in that example, people already using the product

at some point during the day.

So you're just asking them to take a photo,

use the hashtag, and then that goes into a prize

in the contest that will incentivize them

to be a part of it.

So really thinking about who's your target customer,

what's their day-to-day like, and how can you

add value to that and incorporate your campaign

so it's not forcing them to do a bunch of other work.

Another mistake that people make

really firmed up as an opportunity

is thinking about what's the prize value

in relation to what you're asking them to do?

So going back to my first example,

if we did want someone to build a birdhouse

out of these bottles, if we were to say

give them a car, right?

Much larger value, much more likely

that they're going to put in extra effort

for a chance to win that.

So just thinking through,

okay what are we asking people to do?

What's the value of something that they can win?

Do those things make sense?

Do they even out?

Right, people are willing to do a lot more work

for a much higher value prize.

And value is not just dollar amount,

it could also be how valuable is this perceived

in their life?

Is this going to make their life better?

Is it something that you know

your target audience really wants?

All things to think about when crafting these campaigns.

Another aspect of UGC campaigns

that brands often make a mistake with

is having a prize that is only product, your product.

So especially for food brands,

when you have a lower price product,

to get to that prize value that we're talking about,

if you say want to have a $250 value

and your product costs $5, that's a ton of product

that people probably don't want.

So getting out of the mindset of

the only thing you can give away

as a part of a UGC campaign is your product,

you can partner with other products,

non-competitive products and brands,

you can offer gift cards,

really a wide variety of other things

that you can do that again, at the end of the day,

you just want to get your audience to participate,

and so thinking about what value can you offer them?

What are they going to be interested in?

Always include your product as a part of this, of course,

but not necessarily having it be the only thing

that you're giving away.

So it's a really good way to help incentivize

especially if you want them to do more work

than just sharing a standard photo.

Another mistake that brands make

when running UGC campaigns

is not pre-seeding the contents,

meaning having posts ready to go

as soon as the campaign launches.

So rather than opening it up and saying,

okay everybody share using our hashtag,

uh it's going to be great, look at all these entries,

there aren't any entries.

So before you even make the contest public,

make sure that you seed it with some content.

So this could be at the very lowest end,

just working with your staff, your team,

you yourself if you're a solopreneur,

and just creating some of those initial posts

so that when it goes live, and people

check the hashtag, there's something there

and you're also giving them a sense

of what you're looking for.

So that's one way to do it.

Another great way to do it is to work with influencers.

So when you first launch the campaign

have some influencers that you've worked with

ahead of time so that you know,

okay we're going to launch on x date,

and they are in sync with you in your planning

so that that day they all post a content.

The influencer strategy is a really strong one,

because one, you're going to get some awesome content

from those influencers that goes up,

and then you're also reaching their audiences,

and you should structure it so that they're

then calling out what the contest is,

what they need to share, all the requirements,

all those pieces, and then you instantly

have an audience to participate,

as well as some great content

that seeds the overall campaign

so that anywhere you're announcing it

people can go and check the hashtag

and they'll see some great content in there.

So those are just a few tips

on setting up and running a successful UGC campaign

through the lens of common mistakes that brands make.

So hope you have a great day,

and always reach out to us if you have any questions

or want to set up a consultation.


For more infomation >> Common Mistakes Brands Make With UGC Campaigns - Duration: 5:39.



you see the thing about chasing a product and what the product is the

product is money the product is a house the product is a

car the thing about chasing a product the

product can always change and if your performance is always based upon the

product what happened when the products changed and you don't take pride in what

you do but to think about loving the process everybody wants to prize but

nobody loves the process everybody wants to be a champion but nobody's willing to

put in the work that it takes to be a champion everybody wants to hold up the

trophy and say man I did it but nobody's willing to put in the work that it takes

to do it I love the process I love the thought of working for what I wallet and

I firmly believed you never supposed to wish for it more than you're willing to

work for it your expectations never supposed to exceed yeah but a lot of

people they wish and they're not willing to work and the great thing about right

life has a funny way of testing all of us and seeing how bad we really want

what it is that we say we want because the thing I know about people people can

talk to talk and people do it very well but life is going to hit you with a

certain level of opposition life is going to hit you with a certain level of

that bursty and life is going to say to you you said you wanted it now let's see

how bad you really but the great thing about it if you love

the process when our position in that percy hex you want the way of embracing

it and using it not only for yourself you will use it to make everybody that's

connected to you stronger because your vision has to be larger than yourself if

everything that you do is just about doing for your personal gain something's

gonna come up against you that's gonna be a lot tougher than you this is just

about to the moment you hit it you're gonna quit and give up every time you

see the reason people quit they don't take pride in what they do the harder

you work the harder it is to surrender and I'm not just talking about business

I'm talking about winning simultaneously in every aspect of life I'm not

concerned with a person that does well in one aspect of their life and they can

hang their hat there say man I've made a lot of money you made a lot of money

you're a public success but your private area what good is it making a lot of

money you don't want to go home to your family what good is it to make a lot of

money you don't take care of your kids what good is it you're a public success

with your private value and so how can we win simultaneously and take pride in

everything that we do I have been working my whole life and what I didn't

understand my being determined to change something by being committed to it and

what commitment is commitment is staying true to what you said you were going to

do long after the mood that you have said it in has left you see people think

commitment is saying yes I'll do it on the days when they feel good but I've

been committed to everything that I ever started in my life and I never stopped

and I never quit it and so by being committed to everything that I started I

finished it if not the certain type of spirit it built the certain type of

mentality and built the certain type of individual and so now I couldn't quit

even if I wanted to I couldn't lay in the bed even if I wanted to I couldn't

stop even if I wanted to I had too much sweat equity in my life and everything

that I was doing because I understood my existence wasn't about me I went from me

to we long time ago I understood the process is more important than the

product it wasn't about the house me what I made it to the NFL not

everything consequent doing God's plan for my life but I was going to fall in

love with that process because I understood by falling in love that

process it was going to turn me into a machine you see a lot of people need

things to get motivated a lot of people need a little extra money to get

motivated a lot of people need you know whatever the case may be a little bonus

to get motivated I mean anything but rested my body and life and every day I

wake up I understand I got two children depending on me understand I got a wife

depending on me I understand I got a world that needs me the reason I go out

life with the passion in the dill then I go at it with it's because I understand

every day of my life it's somebody in the world that is depending on me it may

not be you and if it's just about you you're in trouble because let me tell

you you're gonna hit something in life that's a lot toughening you and it's

gonna test your world it's gonna test your heart if it's just about you and if

it's just about the product it will crush you every day I get up I

understand it's somebody in a free world that's looking at me to see if I'm gonna

keep going and so I can't quit you see the thing we have to understand about

everything that we're a part of first and foremost it's a blessing by God and

when it's a blessing you can't help but to give everything you got to it my life

got saying I'm not spared my life almost died the doctor came to me on the field

it was on one knee and he grabbed my wrist and he said son you don't have a

post I don't even know how you're still living and my last doctor's visit they

came to me they said sorry inky johnson you would never be able to use this or

on my hand again and you're like I said no disrespect to you doc but I will use

this arm in his hand every day for the rest of my life by the way that I live

my life every day I'm gonna impact someone's life every day I'm gonna

empower someone every day I'm gonna inspire someone every day I'm gonna

encourage something but truth be told we all know that we're stronger together

and that's in every aspect of life whether it be sports whether it be

business whether it be a marriage whether it be a family we're always

stronger together is kind of like the Planet of the Apes

when Cesar and his guys ever going crazy they were going bananas and Caesar stood

back on the hill and she was trying to calm him down they wouldn't calm down

they won't listen to him and the way he got their attention was for not the way

he got the attention he picked up a piece of straw one silly piece of straw

seems to picked up one silly piece of straw and he held up in one of them he

picked up one story broke and then he picked up two ends through the straw and

breathe and what he was telling them along we can do nothing together strong

unstoppable can change the world thank you for your time I greatly

appreciate it god bless you

For more infomation >> HOW BAD YOU REALLY WANT SUCCESS INKY JOHNSON | MOTIVATION | Millionaire Mind - Duration: 5:52.


Simply Ming The Healthy Fry Ceramic Nonstick Air Fryer - Duration: 17:36.

For more infomation >> Simply Ming The Healthy Fry Ceramic Nonstick Air Fryer - Duration: 17:36.


Demi Lovato's concert, Tell me you love me tour, Bologna, 27/06/18 - Duration: 20:46.

Good morning. Today is the 27th of June and so I'm going to go to the Demi Lovato's concert and I'm so happy!

Me and my mum have already arrived in Bologna. We had some difficulties during the trip so I couldn't film until now

So first of all we are going to visit Bologna 'cause I don't think I have ever been here

Then we are going to our hotel and in the evening, as y'all already know, we're going to the Demi Lovato's concert.

already speaking in English... 😂

Just repeating in Italian what I've just said in English...

And nothing, now I'm going to visit Bologna with y'all☺️

My lunch: shrimps with potatoes, salad and mayonnaise and a peach tea as drink.

and now a coconut, blueberry and white chocolate ice cream 😋

This kitten is just TOO cute 😍

I love this kitten!

Perfect, now we have just arrived in our room, and there the light is so weird, also 'cause my cell phone is senile😂

And nothing, so we have just visited Bologna, and I have filmed some videos for you, even if not many and I'm sorry.

Then we took the train and we arrived in Casalecchio di Reno, a small hamlet near Bologna, where we have taken this room.

And now I'm going to do the room tour for you

And now it's 4.15 p.m. so we still have a lot of time 'cause the concert starts at 9.00 p.m.

Now we are going to rest a little, and then we are going to get ready for the concert ☺️

After that I think we'll go out at about 6:30 p.m. and I think we'll eat something here to be at the arena at about 7.00 p.m.

So we can enter quietly, calmly and maybe we'll buy something of Demi

And nothing, for now we are staying here and as I told you we are going to rest a little

And I really can't wait anymore for the concert!!😍 I'm realizing only now! Because, I don't know, in these days I was very busy and so I didn't even realize that this day was really coming!😍

I'm soo excited! I can't really wait anymore!!!😍

Here we go with the room tour!

This is the entrance door,

And here there's a mirror

Then, here we have this piece of furniture with lots of drawers

Why isn't the focus working??

oh, alright

Here are some things that we bring, like this big rucksack

ok, here there's a lamp

Here they have already brung us some sweets and now I think I'll eat one of them

Maybe this one. I think it's a muffing. I'm a bit hungry.

Here we have an another mirror. I love this room 'cause we have lots of mirrors!

Here there is a T.V. that I don't think we are going to have enough time to watch.

Here we have a bedside table, and this is our bed, which is a double bed

There we have an another bedside table.

I don't understand what is this but it's pretty.

And this room is all about shades of green apple color, that I like so much, and I know that it doesn't make sense but I think this color is kinda relaxing!😂

And nothing, so this is our room. It is so pretty, even if it is a bit little, but it's ok 'cause we are going to stay here only one night.

This is the bathroom door, and even this door is green apple!

I don't know how to open it! How can I open this door? (I was asking it to my mum, lmao 😂)

Oh, ok!😂 And nothing, the bathroom is little and here we have an another mirror!

And yeah, this place is really pretty, even if not big.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that today on newsstands I found this magazine with Ariana Grande as protagonist, and so I bought it. It's so beautiful!

and I feel a bit like a treacherous that I'm going to the Demi Lovato's concert and I bought something about Ariana😂

but it's ok 'cause at the Arena I think I'll buy something of Demi☺️

And yeah, this magazine is really beautiful and now I think I'll read it. I think it tell about Ariana Grande's new album, 'cause I have already read something.

Ok, perfect. I'm sorry if it's a bit dark, but I didn't know where to film, 'cause the light is so weird here

Anyway we rested a bit and I have already finished to get ready. It's only 6.20 p.m

So now I'm going to show you what I'm wearing. I wear an a bit short skirt with a beautiful open on the backT-shirt, so it's an outfit suitable for a concert, but still modern.

My make-up is the make-up that I wear everyday, so it isn't strong.

And now I'm waiting for my mum to finish to get ready, and then I think we'll eat something here and after that we are already going to go at the Arena, so we can do everything calmly.

and yeah, I'm soo excited!!!😍

And so this is my outfit. I can't show you the full outfit 'cause the place where the long mirror is it's too dark!

It's there, that corner it's too dark! so you couldn't see almost anything!

And nothing, so this is my outfit and now maybe I'll show you some pictures that I'm going to ask my mum to take, so you can see the full version.

And I'm sorry for the mess here but it's the only way I found to show you the outfit with a video, while I'm going to show you the full outfit with the shoes in these pictures...

Now, on my nails I have this very beautiful Essence nail varnish. I like it so much 'cause it's simple, it's really shimmer and I think it's really elegant!

And I usually like dark colors on my nails, but this is particularly fascinating! I don't know.. I think it is so!

Now we are going to the concert and look at the beautiful landscape with the clouds!😍

And we are a little worried 'cause there is a really strong wind, and I'm wearing the skirt so I have to hold it! But ok😂

We're already in the arena! There is a mess! While we were waiting to enter it started to rain and it was a mess 'cause we had not got an umbrella

But I'm SOO HAPPY anyways!😍😍

Are you sure that the concerts starting at 9.00 p.m.? (asking to my mum) My mum's answer: YES! Me: ok perfect, the concert is starting at 9.00 p.m.😍

Anyway, I bought a Demi's band as a memory, and after the concert I'm going to show it to you, 'cause here there isn't much light and above all there isn't much space.

anyway our places are comfortable, 'cause here I'm the last in the line so there is nobody preventing me the view!

and yeah, there is the stage. I'm soon excited!😍 there is still more than one hour away, so I don't know what we are going to do.

Probably you'll not hear (instead yes yeyyy!😂) but this is Joy, the support artist.

I'm just getting mad! lmaooo!

I'm really getting mad!!😍

yeah, it's me singing, lmao. Demi left us sing this part!😍

I really adore!!!

Dance break (I'm sorry the visual is so bad! This phone of mine... ): )

It's me singing again!😂

And another time!😂 Demi left us sing the whole first strophe😍

We made the Italian flag with torches!😍

Ok, here we are back in our room! The return journey wasn't without adventures!

And nothing. About the concert... I'm still so happy that I went to the concert and that I saw Demi, but Demi was REALLY SO tired! I think it was her worst concert in this tour (but of course it was still very good!)

She was really so tired! Poor baby ): We can't blame her! She's on tour since February and she sings every night! And she also had swollen vocal chords about two weeks ago.. poor baby ):

Then it seemed that she completely recovered and now she's tired again.. ):

I really hope she gets better soon! It's a shame that it happened right at my concert! But it's ok.. I'm still so happy that i went to her concert!☺️

And nothing, now I'm going to tell you the adventures that we had to overcome during this evening!

So, first of all it started to rain when we were waiting to enter in the arena

And I didn't tell you that before they recommended us a way to reach the arena on foot, but it was just on the road! with all the cars! and I was wearing the skirt.. so.. ok, I let you imagine😂

Then we entered in the arena and, as you know, the bottles must be without plugs, after what happened at the end of Ariana Grande's concert in the Manchester arena.. ):

and so we bought the bottle and we left it near our seat. We went 5 minutes to the toilet and when we came back there was a lake under our seats 'cause someone overthrowed our bottle...

On the way back we were looking for a taxi but we couldn't find it, and the bus doesn't reach the place that we needed to reach, so we had to come back on foot, alone on the dark streets!

And so my mum was really scared, more than me, and so now she's reassuring.

And nothing, luckily we are save in our room now.

And I really hope that Demi will recover as soon as possible, and I'm sorry that she was that tired right at my concert.

I swear that even when she came back after the illness she didn't sound that tired as today!

I'm not saying her voice was bad, it was really good! She's Demi and she's always amazing! But it was pretty obvious that she was trying to give the minimum.. (it's obviously right that she's trying to not damage her voice.. I'm just saying I'm sorry that it happened right at my concert)

And yeah.. my hair has slightly curled 'cause it was still raining when we went on the way back

And I don't think I'll continue to vlog tomorrow, 'cause we aren't going to do anything interesting. We are going to come back in Milan soon.

I really hope I'll sleep well tonight, 'cause I usually don't sleep well in new beds..

so.. what can I say? I hope that you liked this video, if it is so don't forget to leave a like and a comment, share this video and subscribe to my channel. Comment down below and let me know if you love Demi too

Follow me on social media. You can find my nicknames in the description.

and the last thing.. I'm going to the sea on the 30th of June, so my channel is going stop for a little time and I'm so sorry 'cause I have just restarted to post videos. I'll try to post many videos and other covers when I come back in Milan. I hope you are happy!

Guys I have just realized that maybe it isn't clear that I'm so happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to go to the Demi's concert, even if her voice wasn't on top. The most important thing is that I saw this incredible singer live! It was incredibly amazing!

I forgot to show you the band I bought! It's so beautiful on both sides! On this side is written the date of the concert, Demi Lovato with various photos of her and Tell me you love me world tour.

On the other side, that is the side that I prefer, is still written the date of the concert and then there are some photos of the Sorry Not Sorry video that is one of my favorite songs, so I love it so much! This side of the band is all about shades of purple

And nothing, so I bought is as a memory of this amazing day!😍

The last thing that I haven't told you yet, is that Samantha Frison (a famous Italian youtuber) was next to me at the concert!😍 and she's so thin, omg! But she is really beautiful!

And nothing, so now I send you lots of kisses. See ya, I love you😍

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato's concert, Tell me you love me tour, Bologna, 27/06/18 - Duration: 20:46.


「Hasu Takahashi」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 「Hasu Takahashi」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.


「James Doll」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 「James Doll」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.


CHOCOLATE SOUFFLÉ RECIPE-How to make a light chocolate soufflé - Duration: 3:37.

Hello « les amis » it's pierre, welcome back in my French kitchen!

Today I'm want to prove you that french pastry is not as difficult as you can think.

I'm going to show you how to create an excellent chocolate souffle.

That dessert is made with only two things…creamy base and egg whites, that's it!!

Dead simple

and It takes only 20 min to make it

If you don't want your « soufflé » to get stuck in the mold, brush it with soft

butter and coat it with caster sugar.

For the chocolate creamy base you can start to melt 100g of chocolate in a water bath.

During that time you can start to crack your eggs.

Put 3 egg whites in a cup and one yolk in another cup.

Put aside your chocolate and mix in a pastry bowl one yolk and one teaspoon of cornstarch.

Turn on the heat on medium and place a sauce pan with 100g of whole milk

When you can see tinny little bubbles you can put your milk on the cornstarch and yolk


Stir it and warm it until you reach a simmer.

Put it over your chocolate and stir until you have a smooth and glassy texture.

In a mixer, add 3 egg whites and whisk them slowly at first.

after 1 min increase the speed and add 30g of sugar in three times.

That's the texture we are looking for, in France we call that a bird beak…

« Un bec d'oiseau »

Now, the final part of this recipe, we are going to mix the egg whites with the creamy base.

Let's fill the molds

By the way it's not a mold, it's just a cup

And this goes straight to the oven during 16 min at 180 Celsius or 360 Fahrenheit

Put a pinch of sea-salt…that's the secret.

It's light and there is a strong taste of chocolate…it's very good.

That's it for today, thank you for watching this video, don't forget to subscribe to

my channel… see you for another recipe « à bientôt ciao! »

For more infomation >> CHOCOLATE SOUFFLÉ RECIPE-How to make a light chocolate soufflé - Duration: 3:37.


Beautiful Floral Long Dresses With Sleeves | New Arrival - 2018 - Duration: 2:42.

cheap floral dresses

best floral dresses

beautiful floral dresses

For more infomation >> Beautiful Floral Long Dresses With Sleeves | New Arrival - 2018 - Duration: 2:42.


Student Care Network: Your Wellbeing. Your Care. - Duration: 0:54.

I was really overwhelmed by the combination of work, of social life.

Stress can be anything from you're so anxious you can't even start your

homework to you're crying and you don't know why. Being so far away from home

definitely is one of the challenging parts of coming to college. At Vanderbilt

especially, like we're always doing so much and there's always a lot going on,

and I feel like they're very little times we actually like just stop and

breathe. It was putting a lot of strain on me, mentally and emotionally. It felt like

too much, and I didn't know where to go. Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? We care

Vanderbilt Student Care Network. We're here to provide a holistic network of

resources to help you find the best care. Your wellbeing. Your care.

For more infomation >> Student Care Network: Your Wellbeing. Your Care. - Duration: 0:54.


「Isora Tanaka」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 「Isora Tanaka」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:21.


Why fit in when you were meant to stand out - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Why fit in when you were meant to stand out - Duration: 7:35.


Home Remedies for Pinworms - Duration: 3:44.

The thought of being infected by worms can be a little scary

but humans suffering from worm infestations are common.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

pinworm is the most common type of human worm infections in the United States .

These worms are thin, white and ¼ to ½ inch in length.

It is common in children between the ages of 5 and 10.

Also, people who live in institutions and those who have regular

close contact with individuals in these groups are at a higher risk.

In some cases, a pinworm infection may not cause any symptoms.

However, you may have symptoms like frequent itching of the anal area

restless sleep due to anal itching; pain, rash or other skin irritation around the anus

and the presence of pinworms in the area of the anus or stool.

Additional symptoms include irritability, restlessness, abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite.

A pinworm infection is highly contagious and one becomes infected by unintentionally ingesting

or inhaling pinworm eggs

which are usually deposited onto a surface or object by an infected person

Pinworms can also spread through eating contaminated foods, such as undercooked meats like beef, pork or fish.

The cycle of infection begins with the ingestion of the eggs.

the eggs remain in the intestine until they hatch and mature.

The presence of these eggs in the body means you are suffering from a pinworm infestation.

Delaying treatment can put those around you at risk for this highly contagious infection

If you or other family members are plagued by the formidable parasites

you can use some home remedies to quickly put a stop

to the problem and prevent the parasites from coming back.

Here are the top 5 home remedies to treat a pinworm infection.

Caution: Consult your doctor if your symptoms persist and blood is present in your urine or stool.

1. Good Hygiene

To treat and prevent pinworms from spreading, you must make adjustments to your personal hygiene and home care.

In fact, a good regimen of hygiene and household cleaning

can help you completely eliminate the pinworm eggs and prevent the infestation from spreading.

2. Raw Garlic

Garlic is an excellent remedy for pinworms

The organosulfur compound allicin that is present in it works against intestinal worms.

Its antiparasitic nature can help kill any existing eggs

and prevent female pinworms from laying more eggs

Not just pinworms, garlic is effective at getting rid of roundworms and hookworms, too.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut has antibacterial and antiviral properties that may help get rid of a pinworm infection.

It also acts as a very strong antiparasitic agent that helps expel parasites from your body

and boosts your immune system to fight them.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

You can use pumpkin seeds for treating pinworms.

The compound curcurbitin in pumpkin seeds has antiparasitic properties

It can paralyze the pinworms and prevent them from holding on to the intestinal walls

so they can easily be eliminated from the body.

5. Indian Lilac

Indian lilac, also known as neem, is another effective remedy to deal with pinworms.

It has antiparasitic properties that help kill intestinal worms like pinworms

Not just that, it also helps remove the toxins they leave behind.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies for Pinworms - Duration: 3:44.


Should You Take a Summer Break from the Market? - Duration: 2:59.

If you've been an investor for any length of time, or even if you've just watched

financial television, you've probably heard someone talk about a trading strategy known

as "sell in May and go away".

Essentially, this strategy suggests that you should take profits or at least increase your

cash holdings sometime around the end of May, and then wait until sometime around the beginning

of September to look for opportunities to buy back in.

Since May has just ended, I thought this might be an interesting topic to talk about today.

Now, most historical sources would say that this strategy is an American adaptation of

an old English expression "Sell in May and go away, and come back again on St. Leger's


This was based on a tradition in old England in which bankers would go on vacation out

to the countryside in May, and then not come back to the city of London until mid-September.

So, the Americanized version, which is "Sell in May and go away, and come back again on

Labor Day" is based on a seasonal belief that trade volumes and often market performance

slow down during the summer months when schools let out and families go on vacation.

But is there a valid basis for that trend and if so, is it a good strategy to employ?

Well, like anything that's often passed off as conventional wisdom, I think it's

always wise to check the data yourself.

So, I took a look.

I took a look at the period of time between Memorial Day and Labor Day every year since

1950 and here's what I found.

While the S&P 500 went up in 50 out of those 67 years, even the period between Memorial

Day and Labor Day was up about 45 of those years, and so that means 90% of the time when

the market was having a pretty good year, it was also having a pretty good year between

Memorial Day and Labor Day.

So, if over a 67 year period, there were really only 5 years where if the market was doing

well, it would have been smart to sell in May, it seems like there isn't much truth

to that strategy.

But, another old expression says, "there's two sides to every coin".

So, when I dug a little bit deeper, I found that while indeed there were gains in most

of those years, those gains were significantly lower.

Now what I mean by that more specifically, the average yearly return over that 67 year

period was about 13%, but the average return for the period between Memorial Day and Labor

Day was only about 1%.

So that means while the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day was not generally a losing

period, it was a period of significant underperformance.

And that means most of the market's gains usually happen from September through May,

and not the other way around.

So perhaps this strategy has some merit after all.

Let me leave you with this.

Look, no strategy, no indicator and no pattern should ever be used as a sole basis for your


But as one more tool in a more comprehensive trading plan, it looks like there might be

more to a summer vacation, than just a lot of hot air.

For more infomation >> Should You Take a Summer Break from the Market? - Duration: 2:59.


bangladeshi crazy football supporter - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> bangladeshi crazy football supporter - Duration: 2:07.


Piranha - Electric Feel - Duration: 3:46.

All along

The Western front

People line up

To receive

She got the power

In her hand

To shock you

Like you won't believe

Saw her in the


With the voltage running

Through her skin

Standing there

With nothing on

She gonna teach me

How to swim

I said

Ooh, girl!

Shock me

Like an Electric eel

Baby girl

Turn me on

With your

Electric feel

I said

Ooh, girl!

Shock me

Like an Electric eel

Baby girl

Turn me on

With your

Electric feel

All along

The Eastern shore

Put your circuits

In the sea

This is what

The world is for

Making electricity

You can feel it

In your mind


You can do it

All the time

Plug it in

And change the world

You are my

Electric girl

I said

Ooh, girl!

Shock me

Like an Electric eel

Baby girl

Turn me on

With your

Electric feel

I said

Ooh, girl!

Shock me

Like an Electric eel

Baby girl

Turn me on

With your

Electric feel

Do what you feel now!

Electric feel now!

Do what you feel now!

Electric feel now!

Do what you feel now!

Electric feel now!

Do what you feel now!

Electric feel now!

Do what you feel now!

For more infomation >> Piranha - Electric Feel - Duration: 3:46.


「車世界-Report」| 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 「車世界-Report」| 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:16.


「車世界-Channel」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> 「車世界-Channel」 | 2017年 トヨタ MAKE FOR YOU 新型車発売 モデルチェンジ情報 まとめ - Duration: 10:18.


Homescapes Level 776 - How to complete Level 776 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:05.

"Homescapes gameplay"

"Homescapes game"


For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 776 - How to complete Level 776 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:05.


Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain welcomes Naby Keita to Liverpool in Melwood meeting - Duration: 2:27.

 Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain welcomed Liverpool new boy Naby Keita to the club this week as the Guinean midfielder was shown around the Melwood training complex

 Keita completed a £53m move from RB Leipzig to Anfield, with the deal agreed last summer, and was officially unveiled this week, with the 23-year-old handed Steven Gerrard's iconic No

8 jersey.  While most of Keita's new Liverpool teammates are still on holiday or at the World Cup, Oxlade-Chamberlain has begun rehabilitation after suffering knee ligament damage at the end of last season

 While Keita was being shown around the Melwood changing room – where he will sit in between No

15 Daniel Sturridge and No.18 Alberto Moreno – he briefly spoke to Oxlade-Chamberlain as he was getting out of the shower

 Oxlade-Chamberlain immediately introduced himself and engaged in some small talk, saying: 'Hey you alright? You OK? Nice to meet you

Welcome!'  Keita replied in kind, asking Ox how he was doing, to which he replied: 'Yeah not bad

Not as good as you, but I'm OK. Soon!'  Oxlade-Chamberlain is not expected to return to first-team action before the end of the year, but he was upbeat about his progress in an interview with England's YouTube channel

 Asked about his recovery, he explained: 'I'm good. Just hobbling along back to the house right now

 'I saw the surgeon just now today. He's happy with everything so we're moving in the right direction

It's just going to obviously be a long process, and a boring one, but that's life


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