CHILLBAKA & GALAR (A4F9) - ALL IS YOU - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me ft. Big Sean | COVER By. HALLEY - Duration: 2:08.As long as you love me
As long as you love me
I'm under pressure,
seven billion people in the world trying to fit in
Keep it together
Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning
But hey now, you know, girl,
We both know it's a cruel world
But I will take my chances
As long as you love me
we could be starving
We could be homeless,
we could be broke
As long as you love me
I'll be your platinum, ill be your silver, ill be your gold
As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me
As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me
Ill be your soldier
fighting every second of the day for the change girl
Ill be your Hova,
you can be my Destiny's Child on a stinger
So don't stress, don't cry,
oh we don't need no wings to fly
Just take my hand
As long as you love me
we could be starving, We could be homeless, we could be broke
As long as you love me
I'll be your platinum, ill be your silver, ill be your gold
As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me
As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me
KARAOKE | Có Anh Rồi Mất Anh | Mai Fin - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
KPKitchen Silicone Muffin & Cupcake Pan Set Review Video - Duration: 1:59.So I was tired of using these [metal pans]
when I was making muffins.
Like half of the muffin or the cupcake would stick to
them and they're just a hassle to clean.
So, I started giving these silicone muffin pans [a try]
and actually the first ones
that I bought a while back they weren't
real silicone and you can just see by
pinching them. If they stay white
then they're not real silicone.
They're silicone blend.
But these by KPKitchen are a 100% pure silicone.
It's LFGB standard.
And you're probably wondering what that means
it's actually a European standard which is a higher
standard than American standard.
They are also BPA-free.
They're super easy to clean.
You don't have to worry about scrubbing them and
metal flicking off when you use like a metal pan.
KPKitchen also has a bonus, because
they not only come with
this 12-[cup] one but they also come with
a 24[-cup] mini one.
And I just wash them by hand but you can put them
in the dishwasher, too. They're dishwasher safe.
But the whole reason that I prefer these
over the metal pan is that
they're non-stick.
The muffins, they just easily pop out and
you don't have to saturate them with grease or spray.
And when you're using the metal pan,
you know usually have to
wedge them out first and then ice them
but I can just ice them in here. Because the
kids can go by and they pop right out.
Like I did not spray anything in here,
they just pop right out.
And when I'm making like a heavier liquid like a
pumpkin pie mixture muffin, then I
usually put them on a baking pan just
for the extra stability.
These weren't that heavy - but right now they
are because I put the icing on them. But yeah i definitely
recommend this quality by KPKitchen.
Like i said real silicone and they are an also
awesome alternative to metal muffin pans.
I TRAVELED FOR 12 HOURS! BUT IT WAS WORTH IT (+Turkish Food) - Duration: 6:41.-------------------------------------------
You Are The Reason - Calum Scott | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:37.YOU ARE THE REASON (KARAOKE VERSION)
How to set up an attribution model in OWOX BI Attribution - Duration: 4:00.On the OWOX BI dashboard, at the bottom of the "Attribution" block, click "Create model".
Then, provide access to your Google BigQuery project.
And choose a user behavior data source.
As a source, you can use Google Analytics session data stored in Google BigQuery via OWOX BI Pipeline.
Also, it can be data exported with BigQuery Export for Google Analytics 360 or custom events data.
Click "Create model" and you'll be redirected to the model settings page.
Model settings are in the "Settings" tab on the model page.
A conversion window is a time period before the conversion.
Here, we recommend you use the period shown in the "Time Lag" report in Google Analytics.
The next setting is "Assign value to all traffic channels".
By default, the value is assigned to all traffic channels.
To effectively distribute your ad budget, exclude the traffic sources where you can't control the budget directly.
The value of the sources you choose to ignore will be assigned to the previous source in the funnel.
After setting up the calculation parameters, set up the steps of your conversion funnel.
To the right of each step's name, there is a drop-down menu. In it, you can edit, add, disable, and delete the step.
Let's add a step to our funnel.
In this window, you can set the step's name and the conditions by which the sessions will be attributed to this step.
We're going to add a "Product category" step.
Select "Page" > "contains" > type in "catalog" as value.
You can also set additional conditions using "AND" and "OR" buttons.
After you changed the settings, don't forget to save.
You can use the "Preview funnel" button to check if everything is set up correctly.
Once you are sure everything is set up, click "Calculate model" to start the calculation.
The transactional window setting will appear.
Choose the period within which the conversion values will be distributed. Click "Run calculation".
Now, you can see the parameters of each step in the funnel visualized as colored charts.
"Probability" (grey chart) shows how many users came to this step from the previous one in the funnel.
The arrows show the probability of moving from the current step to others.
The green chart shows the share of conversion value.
Now, go to the "Results tab".
Here, you can see the results of your attribution model calculation in a BigQuery dataset and Smart Data reports.
To make sure you always work with relevant data, automate the calculations by scheduling them.
Click "Set up schedule" on your attribution model page.
Here, you can set days of the month, days of the week, and hours when the calculation will automatically start.
Set the auto-launch time and the transactional window, then click "Save".
That's it. Now you know how to create and set up a funnel-based attribution model in OWOX BI Attribution.
How to make a paper fairy Doll | Quilled Fairy Doll - Duration: 11:03.Hello friends,
Noor and kiran here, We welcome you to our channel
Today we are going to make this quilled Fairy Doll,
here is a final look of it,
look at that. Isn't it very beautiful ?
First of all We want to thank all of you who helped us in reaching 590 subscribers
We need your help reaching 1000 subscribers
this Fairy doll tutorial was requested by our dearest
subscribers Stefy Silvia and Rama kant
We hope you will like this
If anyone has a request, you can now post a request at
our website and we will work on it right away.
I have put the link in the description of this video
We have added the closed captions to this video,
so If you haven't already turned on closed captions
here is how you can do it Click on the 3 dots at the top
then click on captions
and then choose your desired language
if you have not subscribed to our channel please do it now
the required item for making this fairy doll
we need a liquid glue, a paint brush
a quilling template , quilling needle,
quilling tool, beads, scissors
we are using our custom made quilling strips
its length is 297mm
and its width is 5mm,
so basically to
make the doll we need
twenty four yellow strips
, twenty five pink strips,
eleven brown strips,
and twenty one skin colored strips.
ok now let's make this fairy doll
to start off with the neck we are
using three skin colored strips and
then combining with
another 10 yellow strips.
simply to make disk out of it.
in the description of this video we
have added quick jumps for accessing different sections.
please keep in mind that we are
using 297mm long strips.
if you are using normal quilling strips ,
you might need lesser strips than we used.
now we are using five yellow and
five pink strips alternatively to make this design.
seal it off with the glue.
ok now to make the body shape,
we are using our figures to make a cone shape.
gluing the base so it won't get distorted,
ok now we are making
the arms for the doll.
for arms we are using one yellow,
one pink strip alternatively,
overall we used two yellow and two pink strips for one arm.
Again making the cone shape,
but this time it will be a little bit longer.
watch till the end as we have shown
our funny moments, while making this tutorial.
also if you find any bloopers in our other videos we will add
them in our next videos.
ok we made two arms, and we will
glue it to the body.
As you can see we used a glue gun
because it takes some time to dry the normal glue.
You can use white glue if you want.
ok, now to make hands, we are
using two skin colored strips.
we made two hands.
Now we are making the wand,
magic wand for the fairy and for
it we used one skin colored strip
excuse me!!
glue it on the hand from above
and below to make it look like it is
passing through the hand
attaching the bead at the top,
now it's time to put the hand under the arms,
now we are going to make the
front face of the doll, and for that
we used 13 skin colored strips all
rolled together to make a tight coil.
now we will make a dome shape.
seal it with the glue, and for the
back part of the head, we will use
eight brown color strips to make it
look like hairs
that why we used brown color.
again we will make a dome shape and
glue it together with the front part of the head.
now for the hair bun, we used two
brown strips,
glue it with the back of the hairs.
and now making some hairstyle for
the fairy doll,
we are using a brown strips, and making small shapes like wedge shapes,
glue it on the face
to make it look like a flick hairstyle.
now we are making the curly hair
coming out of the side of the fairy hairs,
the head is almost done, next
we will make the blushes and then eyes ,
now attach it on the top of her neck
bringing a little bit charm to the fairy,
we added a necklace.
using a scissor we fringed the strip
and attached it at the front of the neck.
to make the wings for the fairy
we used two shapes of different sizes.
for bigger shapes we used three strips
all glued together. and its diameter is 3.5 cm
and for the smaller shape we will use
two strips as you will see, two strips
glued together, make a lose coil, and
put it in 2.4 cm circular shape.
pull the center to the side and squeeze
it to make a leaf shape. glue both
shapes together. we had already made another set.
now finally gluing the beads at the back of the wings,
and lastly gluing the wings at the back of the doll.
and our fairy doll is complete,
thanks for watching, i hope you like our video.
Seth Meyers To Trump: 'Dude, Get A Therapist!' - Duration: 2:45.Seth Meyers offered some advice to President Donald Trump on "Late Night" Thursday
"Oh my God, dude, get a therapist!" Meyers said. What provoked Meyers was Trump's campaign rally in North Dakota on Wednesday night, the president's third rally in a week
"Now, we've been calling these rallies public therapy sessions, but it was never more true than it was last night," Meyers said
"Watch as Trump airs his deepest insecurities about not being seen as smart, rich or popular
" "And I thought that was so brilliant, I said, 'Oh, I am so smart. I am the smartest person
'" Trump said in the clip. "Trump is like a guy at a bar who acts as his own wingman," Meyers added
"'My buddy thinks you're cute. He's smart and handsome and popular ― and he's me
'" Check out the video above to see what Meyers thinks is Trump's greatest obsession
RELATED. Seth Meyers Agrees With Trump: 'If You Don't Vote It Doesn't Matter' Seth Meyers Rips Trump's 'Malignant Narcissism' and Lies Seth Meyers On Immigration: A Little Sympathy For The Apostle Paul Seth Meyers Asks Trump: How Do You Get In A Fight With Canada? Download BEFORE YOU GO PHOTO GALLERY Trump Wax Figure Visits U
S. Embassy In London Carla Baranauckas Reporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction MORE: Donald Trump Seth Meyers Late Night With Seth Meyers
Seven Tips to Relieve Muscle Soreness After a Run - Duration: 8:36.Seven tips to relieve muscle soreness after a run
All runners experience soreness at one point or another whether you just started running
Recently or you've been running for decades you are probably familiar with the muscle soreness that often accompanies running
some people encounter this muscle pain
because they haven't run before or it's just plain been a while since they last 20 if
Your muscles aren't used to running
They're going to let you know that you're pushing them past the limit that they have become comfortable with even
seasoned runners will experience soreness after a particularly long run or a run on more difficult terrain than they are used to
You will definitely notice a difference in your post run experience
If you are accustomed to running on flat terrain and you decide to challenge yourself by running up a steep hill
Even your shoes can play a huge role in how you feel after a run?
Whether your shoes have become too worn out or you just got a new pair that isn't quite working for you
This can lead to some major repercussions
after a run
Soreness is nothing to be ashamed of but that doesn't mean that it's something that runners. Enjoy
that's why it is valuable to have a few tricks up your sleeve to minimize muscle soreness to make your
Experience as a runner more enjoyable
most of these tips
Particularly those involving diet and nutrition can be applied throughout the day and are even more beneficial when utilized
regularly rather than just in short spurts
Obviously you won't spend much time sleeping throughout the day
But it is important to get a good night's rest on a consistent basis. Of course, something is better than nothing
So even if you aren't following these tips on a regular basis
They are definitely still useful right after a run one. Keep yourself hydrated
staying hydrated is crucial to having a quick recovery from a run in fact according to
HTTP colon slash slash water Dusk's dot-gov slash Adya slash property dot
html' our muscles are 79 percent water when you run without upping your intake of water and
You mussels have a harder time recovering and this leads to increased soreness for longer periods of time
The best thing you can do for your mussels is stay hydrated all the time
It has a common rule of thumb that if you want to know the average amount of water your body needs
You should divide your weight by two and that's how many ounces you need to drink. For example if you a
150 pounds you would divide that by two and discover that you should be drinking 75 ounces of water a day
Aside from just drinking water. You want to replenish your electrolytes?
because electrolyte levels become depleted during a strenuous workout and
Maintaining proper electrolyte levels is key to staying hydrated
If you are a fan of guider aid
Powerade or propel those are some great options if you prefer to go the more natural route
Coconut water is a fantastic source of electrolytes. Just remember that these drinks are also high in sugar
So it's not wise to drink them on a regular basis
If you aren't exercising too much sugar can be hard on the pancreas if you aren't exercising enough to use it quickly
To eat lean protein eating plenty of protein will also aid in your recovery after a run
In fact, the main purpose protein serves in your body is to repair damaged tissues
Knowing that it's probably easy to see why
Including protein in your diet is important for reducing and even preventing muscle soreness
There are lots of quick and easy sources of protein
Some popular favorites for runners are tuna peanut butter cottage cheese and eggs
Not only are these foods quick and convenient to eat, but they give your muscles a good dose of protein to aid in healing
Chicken and turkey are great options. If you have a little more time on your hands for preparation if you are vegan
Granola Lendl's legumes and whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta can give you the protein that you need
Also, let's not forget the aforementioned peanut butter, which is a favorite for vegans
vegetarians and meat eaters alike
keep in mind that many high-protein foods come with their own set of drawbacks as far as heart health goes
For example eating a large steak will give you protein
But at what cost compared to an egg or a serving of lentil soup 3 eat foods that will reduce
Inflammation, you're probably already familiar with the fact that inflammation can cause all kinds of ailments in your body
Muscle soreness is one of those pesky problems. That is very common among runners
Hippocrates has been quoted as saying let food by thy medicine and let medicine be thy food in this case
following the advice of your mom to eat your fruits and vegetables can do a lot to decrease the amount of
Inflammation and muscle soreness that you experience in conjunction with running
Whole grain foods are also a great way to go if you are trying to reduce
Inflammation in your body, of course. There are plenty of over-the-counter medicines that you can easily get to reduce inflammation
but over time the use of these medicines can take a toll on your body, so
Hippocrates probably knew what he was talking about when he shared those famous words of wisdom
For get a good night's rest
this bit of advice might seem almost too simple to worry about
But in reality most people aren't getting as much sleep as they need and your sleep time plays a big role in muscle repair
While your mind is relaxing your body is busy repairing muscles that may have been damaged throughout the day the average
athlete should get at least eight hours of sleep for proper recovery and could even benefit from short naps during the day to
supplement their nighttime sleep 5
Give your muscles a good stretch aside from making sure that your body is getting the hydration and nutrients that it needs
Stretching is probably the next most important thing you can do to reduce muscle soreness
Most people have come to agree that rather than stretching before running
You want to get a little bit of a warm-up walk or light running before stretching?
Even more crucial is making sure that you stretch after you run
If you have the time do some yoga or pilates after a year on
These types of exercises are fantastic for stretching your muscles and strengthening them at the same time
You will be amazed with the results and your body will thank you six
Underestimate the power of rice to reduce swelling for those of you who have never heard this acronym before rice is a commonly used
abbreviation for a few simple steps to help with sore muscles
This is particularly useful where there is noticeable swelling involved rest
We already talked about getting plenty of sleep
But sometimes it is important to just give that muscle arrest from the work that it has been doing recently
Ice and ice pack can also help to reduce swelling and pain
Compression whether you wear compression socks or just wrap the area in a bandage
Compression is a useful tool for keeping swelling to a minimum when you are dealing with a sore muscle
Elevate elevating an arm or leg can also do a lot to reduce swelling 7 get a massage or use a foam roller
Most people know that getting a massage is a fantastic way to help muscles heal
It's true that a massage can be painful when your muscles are sore
But the end results are well worth it
If you don't have the time or money for a massage a foam roller is a great option
You can buy them at your department store in the athletics department for around
$20 and you can use them over and over again rather than paying for a massage every time you experience muscle pain
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