Well hello hello my beautiful Scorpios how are you my gorgeous ones? So this
is going to be a very active sky this month it's gonna feel very differently
than it has felt it like in the last summer that it was like all retrograde
we are now having planets move forward this energy is changing. The biggest
thing is that Jupiter is moving changing signs into its own sign so it's gonna be
very differently but for you guys it's great because it's moving from your
first house Jupiter's been in your first house for a year now it's moving to your
second house where it's the money you earn the value you keep the valuables
you have around right so Jupiter is going to expand that house Jupiter is
the teacher the Guru he likes to expand the house he's in the great thing is
he's going into the sign that he loves that he feels comfortable in that he
will bless really really well in so welcome welcome all of you thank you so
much for watching my name is Cindy I am the modern day spiritual advisor I use
multiple modalities including Astrology, Tarot, Spirit Medium, Hypnotherapy all kinds
of stuff to help you on your path so I almost forgot my intro. So my
gorgeous ones because we have such an active sky and a lot of things going on
I'm not going to go deep into a lot of stuff but because I wanted to cover
kind of everything just little bits I will be doing the Venus retrograde
series after I finished these and then I will be doing the Pluto series we talked
a little bit about Pluto last month in the October if you haven't seen that you
might want to go see that and then I'm going to do December's okay
so let's get started so we have a lot to go through you can always pause this
video rewind it if I say something too fast so let's start so November first
right off the bat we already have Venus retrograde Venus has been in your sign
and it retrograde it it is now going to be moving into Libra so if you look here
it's been in your sign Scorpio right here and ah November first you have the
Sun here and you have Venus moving into your 12th house which
is in Libra okay you have Jupiter still here and it's
going to be leaving in a week or so so with Venus retrograde you know
retrograde they're about amending revising editing reorganizing so there
was something because it's in your first house and your 12th house so it's like
the conscious the a lot of areas of your life is your first house but it's also
like your consciousness where the twelfth house is your subconsciousness
so between the 12th and the six that would be the conscious and subconscious
but it's also in your first house the things that are on your path the things
that you see right so maybe you were revising Venus has to do with love luck
or money right so maybe you're trying to figure out how to make more money or
maybe this money wasn't going well or maybe it was a love interest maybe you
were reading a love interest whatever this is you've been sort of dealing with
it some of you the end of September some of you in October some of you got
glimpses of it at the mid to end September but now that it's moving into
your 12th house this is completions so the 12th house is not only completions
but it has to do with your past present future lives code so it could have to do
with past lives if you believe that or not but it also has to do with your past
present and future lives as well okay so what happens in that 12th house is that
things can come through they're a person the love of your life can come through
there things that you wanted to be on your path for you to experience can come
through there but the biggest thing is especially with Venus here the biggest
thing is that you could be working on this money or this love or this whatever
this is that you're working on with Venus you could be doing it behind the
scenes where people don't see where it's sort of private okay that happens in the
12th house as well so Venus will go direct in mid-november
and again I'll have the retrograde series well I'll explain all that to you
guys so that happens on the first and also on the first mercury
my one of my favorites mercury goes into it changes signs and goes into your
second house so mercury is gonna be in your second house of Sagittarius that's
a very optimistic house right now for you it's a very higher learning kind of
house because that's Sagittarius trying to get to the bottom the nitty
Gritty trying to really make it practical and so mercury comes with the
message but because Jupiter see right here where it is conjunct Jupiter which
means it's speaking to Jupiter where it's conjunct Jupiter I feel like
whatever you've been working on this last year with Jupiter Mercury's gonna
give you a message about this okay so some of you can feel it just kind of
depends on what you've been working on this whole year as it leaves Scorpio
Jupiter leaves Scorpio it's gonna gift you something Jupiter is gonna gift you for
your growth that you've done Jupiter behaves very differently in Scorpio than
it does in Sagittarius in Scorpio the lessons we had to learn some of them had
to come through pain some of them had to come through tension some of them chaos
a little crisis right and so with all that growth this is I feel like this
mercury is this message of a gift coming to you okay
so all that happens on the first then on the six I told you it's gonna be a busy
month then on the sixth the North node and the South node change signs so
wherever the North node is the South node is always opposite so the North
node is going to change signs into cancer which means the South node is
going to change change signs and be here in Capricorn okay so the North node
being in your ninth house your ninth house is about higher education is about
the mystical the occult astrology philosophy for travel a bigger
understanding it is the Sagittarius house and it is the Jupiter house so in
that house as the North node moves into that house for over a year and a half
it's probably 17, 18, 19 months that you you'll be focused
more on or the opportunities of your North node will be coming upon you okay
and the next so where you were focused on other things in the past or this past
year and a half over a year and a half in your so it would be in your tenth
house or eight alot 12 11 10 yeah so now the North node moves into your ninth
house which means you will be more focused things will come about more with
that understanding you may be dealing with foreign people or foreign lands
where your south node so in this area this is your third house so maybe like
if you work in the media or if you're dealing with siblings or if you're
dealing with neighbors or if you're dealing with co-workers if you've been
doing that like over the year and a half and everything's kind of because that's
sort of a busy house it's a Gemini house it's a really busy house it has to do
with communication and media but it has to do with your siblings and neighbors
and co-workers and sort of the communication that goes on in that house
that now is going to be your South node which means that it's going to be harder
for you to get to those things you're going to be more focused on your ninth
house those and by more focused I mean opportunity things that come in your
life where you're gonna be more focused on it on that area of your life instead
of that third house okay so that happens on these six and I will do a snore that
south-north node series and go into it really deeply
okay then on the seventh we have the New Moon we have the New Moon in your sign
so this is all I think gifting from Jupiter this is all that work that
you've been doing all year you're you're going to be receiving some stuff and I
don't think it's just this month like I just feel like because when Jupiter goes
into the second house it really produces for you it really produces your value
your valuables your the money you earn but not just the money earned what makes
you feel valuable like if you've been working on buying a house you've been
working on buying a car if you've been working on buy it whatever like whatever
makes you feel valuable as Jupiter expands in this house
it makes room for you in this house to be able to receive these things but
you've already worked on that in your first house make sense
so on the seventh we have the New Moon in your sign we know new moons are about
new beginnings we can have fate, destiny, miracles, coming
through there it is in your sign so you will feel it the most okay and I always
have the new moon full moon series videos for you each month where I'll go
over it even more deep about what's going on but you know this energy you'd
like the investigator you're the Private Eye you can have the money you want like
you're very ambitious and you can get what you want so the new moons going to
come into yours the new moons gonna happen in your sign but also on that day
we have Uranus so Uranus is in retrograde but it is
moving back into Aries okay so its retrograde going into Aries it's
changing signs as well so Uranus changing signs and going into Aries
excuse me that's gonna be in your sixth house so remember what I was saying
about your twelfth house being your subconscious being like the things that
come on your path being the past present future lives these are the things that
you wanted to experience these are the completions you're wanting to have in
this life this is the connection between you and other worlds you and your higher
self you it's Spirit/ God/ Oneness right and so the six house is the opposite
where the twelfth house is your subconscious the six house is your
conscious the sixth house is where you have sort of your freewill
these are the issues and the lifestyles that you can change where you kind of
see it and you make the changes right so with the uranus moving in there
something is going to be changing in your daily activity it comes to shift
something uranus when it shifts something it does it so that it can
liberate you it does it so that you can feel better so it's going to shift
something in this house or it's gonna rework something in this house and I
feel like it comes with the new moon okay so that's gonna be happening on the
seventh see we just got started then on the eighth mm-hmm Jupiter moves into
your second house so Jupiter on the eighth
it's gonna have the moon on it so I feel like something emotional is coming for
you guys and it's not conjunct like I like it with mercury but you may get an
indication of something and it's going to be optimistic it's going to be a good
thing even though even though the moon is there I feel like the the emotion
that you receive is lighter it's better it's a sort of relief is what I'm
feeling and that comes with mercury the moon excuse me where it can be the moon
and Jupiter so that's going on on the 8th Jupiter will be in your second house
for a year just like it was in your house for a year then on the 16th to the
16th we have Mars moving out of Aquarius and into Pisces and this is going to be
happening in your fifth house your fifth house is your fifth house is about the
things that you create from your heart it's about your love affairs it can be
about your children as well because it's the things that you create right so with
Mars moving into this house there is some movement coming in this house for
some of you because Neptune's in there when it's speaking to Mars I kind of
feel like somebody you're gonna meet someone if you're single if you're ready
if you know what I'm hearing - even those of you that have been through like
some yeah trauma like trauma with a past love I feel like this is like somebody
could be coming through here for you which is kind of odd because I haven't
felt that for any other sign but yours okay so Mars is coming in here I feel
action I feel things are gonna change for you in this house I feel like maybe
a new love affair comes for you in this house and then at some point in
mid-november we'll go over that do Neptune is going direct so this house
that you've been amending and revising and really working
it feel like when when they conjunct you're gonna get clear about what you
should do and Mars is gonna help you do it that makes sense in your fifth house
so on the 16th that's when Mars goes into that house
but also on the 16th this is when Venus goes direct so Venus again is in your 12
12 house that's one of the only planets that produce in that house so you could
be receiving some love some money a relationship of some sort coming through
that 12 house because once it finishes retrograding and you've worked on what
you needed to work on or completed some things I feel like it can produce for
you so you can also be receiving money but you could be receiving love in this
house as well you could be receiving also like epiphanies and dreams but I
feel like this is more physical I'm feeling physical for you guys so that
happens on the 16th and on the 17th as Venus goes direct mercury retrograde so
mercury is gonna retrograde in your second house so in the second house
remember you're growing here but it's not gonna be like because Jupiter's in
here it's not going to be like when Jupiter was in your side we're had to be
through pain and chaos and some sort of tension this is a different type of
growth so I feel like when mercury retrograde is here it will retrograde
and there'll be some amending and revising about the news that you get
about maybe it's paperwork that you need to redo maybe it's another contract that
you have to do maybe maybe you're getting a position like that's the news
is that you get a bigger position because this is the money you earn in your
second house and then maybe when mercury retrogrades it's delayed a little bit
because you have to like restart some paperwork or maybe the position gets
pushed back to another month or something something's going on here we
have to amend so that's on the 17th then on the 19th we have this grand water
trine this is in your sign so the Sun is going to be in your sign Chiron is going
to be in Pisces and this North node is going to be in cancer so I feel like
there's some clarity grand trines are about a divinely guided gift being
brought to you and this is going to be felt on an emotional level right
with the Sun and the North node this is about your path clearing up your path
Chiron has to do with that old wound that just won't heal that you're trying
to work through that you're ultimately understand and release right so there
have there's something to do with you and then this house so this is two three
four five so this fifth house of something that you're creating six seven
eight nine and then your belief system okay so there's something that's going
to clear up that's going to help you move forward on your path because it's
your North node and the Sun clearing it up and Chiron something having to do
with I did it this way before but maybe now I'm gonna do it this way and I see
it really clearly that makes sense okay so that's on the 19th
then on the 22nd you have the full moon so 22nd for some 23rd for others for me
it's the 23rd so there so you have this full moon in Gemini so this full moon
tonight is going to be in your eighth house in the eighth houses other
people's money or other or shared resources so it's maybe your partner
with this full moon you know full moons are about releasing letting go of what
no longer serves you so that fate destiny miracles those things can come
into your life but also when we're talking about a full moon we're talking
about the sun shining extra light on this moon so that it can clear something
up in this house so maybe you didn't know what was going to happen with
shared resources maybe an inheritance maybe alone a grant whether you were
gonna get that or maybe your husband or wife is working on a job trying to get a
job or get a raise and maybe you didn't know and then maybe at this full moon
something gets cleared up and they do get it or they don't get it and they go
to another place or you do get this maybe you have to let go of one part of
this inheritance to get this other inheritance I don't know it's something
that you're needing to release so that you can receive the benefits of it of
something else and move forward that makes sense
okay so again I'll have the full moon video then on the 24th or 25th depending
on where you are in the world this will round out the the month
Neptune goes direct so this is where I was talking about the Neptune and Mars
are going to be together Neptune and Mars don't usually work well together
but they can so in this house that's what I was talking about they can work
well they can if you balance this energy okay and this is going to be in your
second third fourth fifth house of creativity so if you it could be one way
or the other it can be because remember Mars is about me Neptune is about whee
but if you put them together it's like thinking about a public figure or a like
a football player that's really popular or a public figure you're an actor or
musician or something like that they have the Mars about me but they have to
sort of balance that out with what they give to the world they still want to
keep part of themselves but they want to give to the world as well does that make
sense so they can sort of balance that out this is something that you're
creating this is also because Neptune and Mars are together I feel like some
of you're going to meet somebody here so because it's Mars and Neptune it's like
maybe you meet this person the this person that's going to be in your life
for a while and you meet them through a bigger group or it could be in the
beauty industry it's something like that so that rounds out the 24th or 25th so
that runs out the month so let's pull some cards and I did shuffle these
before but I'll shuffle them again in front of you guys well you can't see
them but shuffle them again in front of you guys
so what do we have for Scorpio and November to start November
what's going on that's the most important thing that they need to know
about where they're at in November
okay so in November I see that you have the ten of swords so the ten of swords
is all about being overwhelmed and just tired so I feel like a lot of you are
tired you're overwhelmed do you feel like too many things are coming at you
you feel like everything that's coming at you is just too harsh and so you're a
little like frozen like you just it's not like it's like you don't have it
within you it's just like you feel it doesn't matter which way I go it's not
the right thing to do right it feels like it's just not the right thing to do
so I'd rather just stay here right that's what I'm feeling I'm feeling like
a lot of pressure so what's their advice in this situation mmm some of you need
to let go some people so I have the king of swords
so spirits advice in this situation with you feeling overwhelmed I see two ways
because I'm a swords I'm a Gemini sun and Aquarius ascending so Gemini I mean
us swords know how to let people go when they need to but also swords know how to
do one thing at a time one thing at a time one thing at a time forget about
the rest just do one thing at a time what like get focused and do one thing
at a time that's what I'm seeing so part of their advice I'm feeling if you're so
overwhelming that you don't know which way to go just do the first step and
then you ask what's the first step well whatever is pulling you to be the first
step is the first step and then you're thinking well if I take the first step
then these others will be denied but guess what the other ones are all being
all of it's being denied because you're you're frozen so if you just take one
step it doesn't matter which step just take a step get the energy flowing and
then you'll become clearer and be able to let go of some things that you need
to let go of but also be able to finish out the one task and then finish out the
next one then finish up the next one and you'll be led in that direction as you
as the energy begins to flow you begin to get some things in you'll begin to
get some clarity and get the ball rolling right so for
others of you I feel like this is an actual person that you need to let go of
I feel like and because he's a king it's not gender specific for me the King to
me means they're a Gemini Aquarius or Libra okay so I feel like this person
that's kind of being bratty they're there maybe taking too much from you but
you've allowed it but or maybe that you keep going back to them or they keep
coming back to you and their advice is that it's time to and some of you I feel
like this person isn't even there like this has just been a while ago but you
have this thing where you've kept them yeah like you kept them and it's
overwhelming and it's caused other areas of your life I don't use this word very
often but it's caused other areas of your life to get blocked
I guess because maybe that's the way you guys see it because I'm feeling like
until this is released these other areas won't release as well does that make
sense so their advice is get out of your heart and into your head so balance
these two out the heart in the head okay to be able to make the decision
releasing somebody doesn't mean you will forever cut them out releasing somebody
means you bid them good will and allow them to go on their journey so that you
may as well does that make sense okay so how does this end for the month I have
the seven of cups I love the seven of cups for you guys so
the seven of cups is about opportunity opportunity opportunity some of you I
will say this person I just heard doesn't have to be a lover it can be
like a boss or somebody influential it's it's yeah it could it doesn't or it
could even be family so it's not necessarily a lover but whatever this is
a situation or this person hasn't because you're holding on to this anger
holding on to this thing or holding on it's causing these other areas not to go
forward yeah okay so let me get back to the seven of cups sorry so the seven of
cups is about opportunity opportunity opportunity those seen and unseen so it
looks like by the end of the month you will be feeling better of course we
talked about Jupiter being in your second house now the sun's gonna go in
your second house mercury is gonna be in your second house it is gonna be
retrograde for a little bit but you're gonna be receiving some news and then
you're gonna be working on things so remember that there are upwards for you
once the ball gets rolling that are going to be seen and unseen and by that
I mean and this is what I always tell the quarians if somebody gives you an
opportunity take it if it's not for you it will fall through if it's not on your
path it'll fall through take it anyway because that's telling the universe
that's on your higher-self that's telling God/ Source/ Oneness. I'm going for
it I trust and I believe and I'm going for it and I'm gonna keep the energy
going so take it anyway and then if it's not for you trust that it's just going
to fall through and it usually does when it's not for you okay so my gorgeous
ones I hope I helped I hope I mentioned that I probably didn't but I don't
remember now I'm trying to remember what I needed to remember oh sorry
so in November the highest viewed video for December will get a full Celtic
spread and a full astrological reading I don't know why my brain is like going
but a full Celtic spread and a full astrological reading so whatever sign is
the most viewed for November's video in December we'll get a full Celtic Tarot
spread and if you haven't seen mine because I know there's a lot of you
people go look at the Gemini's they had a full Celtic spread and or you and so
you'll get that and an astrological a full astrological work we'll go day by
day look at the aspects and the squares and the trends and all of that okay so I
love you love you please be sure to LIKE share and subscribe and don't
forget to click that Bell because I'm going to be putting out videos the
titles are going to be necessarily what you would normally see so you'll know
when they're released I
For more infomation >> Scorpio November 2018 * Tarot Readings & Astrology * Jupiter Brings Abundance! - Duration: 27:48.-------------------------------------------
Jane sit so high on the tree need relax save power to give a baby soon coming - Duration: 3:42.
How much do you have to run to burn off Halloween candy? - Duration: 1:36.
Why You Should Close Unused Online Accounts - Duration: 2:05.
Halloween English Challenge in Shibuya, Tokyo 🎃 | FROM JAPAN - Duration: 3:38.
They will get more difficult!
You're really quick at this!
The next one is...
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
no that was fine!
Just have some confidence!
I wonder how you say in Japanese...
Vampire is... "kyuketsuki!"
Vampire from The Vampire Cafe
it's the other way around
Ok, in Japanese it is...
"zugaikotsu" (skull)
It's the most difficult one!
You were perfect so you get to eat something good!
It's a foreign food but I think it tastes good
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