For more infomation >> 6 Diet Tips to Help You Prevent Osteoporosis - Duration: 4:16.
First day of the International MBA, what should you expect? - Duration: 2:43.
It has been 12 years
since I graduated from university in Japan
Since then, I have worked for five different companies
and projects that have sent me all around the world
I have experienced both success and failure
but I started to feel settled and I wasn't ready to be
I wanted to continue expanding my potential
not only in business but also
in my contribution to society
and to get out of my comfort zone
I wanted to pave the way for my ongoing personal growth
instead of just sitting around hoping that success will come to me someday
but the decision to do an MBA didn't come lightly
I am 35 years old, will I get along with the cohort?
As I haven't studied for many years
will I be capable of keeping up in class?
I recently got married,
how will my wife adapt to life in Lyon
as well as me constantly being busy with the program?
Well, so far...
I can tell you this.
The diversity in my cohort is extraordinary
My classmates come from all over the world
all different professional backgrounds and all ages
My biggest surprise?
We all have the same fears
But my story is just beginning
my fear has now turned to excitement
and I'm eager to experience what is to come
Funny Babies Try Broccoli First Time - Baby Reaction Video - Duration: 3:57.
Thanks for your supporting! We always create hot and interesting video. Let's discover!
【デレステ/CGSS MV】 Nothing but You (シンセサイズ・ハーモニーver.) 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:24.
#BRIC18 guest workout from RowingWOD - Duration: 8:08.
hello it's cam here from RowingWOD and today something quite special we're
going to go through a workout with something in mind towards the end of the
year as you may or may not know the British Rowing Indoor championships are
back and they're here in December the event was fantastic last year
there's team events there's a sprint event but there's also the Blue Ribbon
2k 2,000 meters for time is the Olympic distance and any rower whether on the
machine or on the water always knows what their 2k time is so if you are
entering at the British Rowing Indoor Championships this year I will highly
recommend just seeing where you are and doing that 2k pitting yourself against
the best in the country and sometimes even the best in the world today go
workout for you and it's quite a simple one but there's quite a lot of stuff
going on behind it I want to talk through the workout in a minute and
specifically what you should be paying attention to as you go through it and
just before you attack the workout what we do with this workout is figure out
where you are and I'll explain about that in a minute and then try and plot a
pathway to give you the fastest - K towards the end of the year at the
Indoor Championships so let's look at the workout it's really straight forward
four rounds of a 500 meter interval with one minute rest between easy however
what we want to look at first of all is what are you trying to do with this I
want you to go from A to B as fast as you possibly can so that means that you
should have your best time across all four intervals and your fastest average
speed or your average split or your average wattage whatever that average it
is across all four intervals that's what we're after doesn't matter about the
rate so whether it's high rate up to 30 to 34 strokes a minute medium rate
whatever works best for you to give you the best
speed I want you to also use the interval rest wisely so there's only a
minute there it's not enough time to fully recover but it is enough time just
to loosen up those soft tissues it's also enough time just have a quick swig
of water and to mentally refocus now let's talk about the warm-up for this
even though it's quite a short workout you should be spending a bit of time on
the warmup so the first thing that I like to do is
to ensure that the body is prepared for growing mobility wise so the three main
culprits thoracic spine hamstrings and hip flexors make sure you've got good
range of motion there if you want to hit a foam roller and get that thoracic
spine moving do that if you want to just make sure that those hip flexors are
moving nicely you've got that good pelvic Rock over with a hamstring
flexibility then do that spend a good ten fifteen minutes on this making sure
that your body's primed remember that rowing movement is not that common for
the human body and so we need especially people who are new to the machine we
need to prime it ready to go so once you've done that I'd like you just to do
a bit of a general warmup depending on how you're feeling on the
day a minute or maybe a minute and half maybe even two minutes of low-level work
just getting that metabolic system working and then just in dispersed back
with some rest 30 seconds a minute may be working is that kind of one-to-one
work to rest ratio and just until you feel quite sweaty until you further your
breathing and the engine is just starting to get going next I want you to
look at some more specific intensity so if you started at the low rate I want
you to build up the rate to where you probably do this workout so maybe moving
through the gears but 10 or 15 strokes getting up to that race rate so whether
that's twenty eight strokes a minute or thirty two strokes a minute whatever
you're going to do in the workout you should be stein build there lastly just
do a couple practice starts very important for this workout is that only
the first interval is done as a standing start with the machine stop the handles
stop so you can a few practice starts maybe five strokes
and nothing more than that just to figure out what you're gonna be doing in
that first interval then if you wanted you don't feel quite ready enough you
can go and do another birds just back down at race pace and then you should be
rarely go take a couple two three minutes of rest to make sure you're nice
and cleared from all that metabolic stress just getting your head in a good
headspace and then attack the workout so pacing what we want to do is I said
first interval off the start nice and fast getting into a really high pace but
you want to be finishing that first 500 meters not with a big sprint start at
the end but rather is a nice high level race pace so you rose through the line
then intervals two and three that middle thousand of the 2k I want you to first
have the Machine already working so it should be spinning along as the rest
goes from 3 to 1 and then 500 pings up again so get that machine working and
try and hit a nice high pace through the middle 2 & 3 500 meter intervals finally
the last 500 meters again starting with the wheel moving and then you can add on
that last 250 300 meter big sprint Shriner add as much pace as you possibly
can and really make sure that you should row through the line so wait until the
meters are completely gone before you stop throwing good as a rough rule of
thumb where do I start if you've never done this workout before you can use
your 2k as a bit of a guide so here's a bit of a trick between 10 or 12 splits
sorry 10 or 12 seconds faster than your toupee split so 10 seconds faster is two
and a half splits quicker than you give you an example if I was doing a
two-minute pace two and a half splits quicker would be
150 seven and a half if I was doing a 1:40 pace 137
would be to the hospice quicker so roughly 10 or 12 seconds per two K
faster for this workout than your actual 2k if you've got no idea what your two
playtime is that's totally cool as well just try and place this workout to get
the best score from A to B so first meter all the way until the last meter
of that your total 2,000 and just see where you are and we can use that as a
guide later on in the training phase so to recap for 500 meter intervals with
one-minute rest in between you can program the monitor so it's set
automatically for you which is great warm up appropriately get the body
moving get the engines whirring and then dialing what kind of pace you're gonna
do for the workout pacing make sure you don't go off too hard but also make sure
you don't leave everything for the last 100 meters and speed don't worry if
you've not done one before this will be your benchmark happy days but if you
have done a 2k just keep your mind maybe 10 or 12 seconds faster than what you
would do for a 2k is what you roughly want to be aiming for for this workout
finally make sure you signed up for the British Rowing Indoor Championships I
think it's going to be a fantastic event if you haven't doubled in a 2k before I
highly recommend it it's fantastic and we can't wait to see you and all over
the community there at the event enjoy the workout check us out on the RowingWOD website
and we'll see you there enjoy
Assalamualaikum everyone Welcome back to my Channel
This is Mujahid, Agar Subscribe nai karey Channel ku
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Aaj apan ek beemari k barey me baat karingey, Maybe
Aaploga uski chapet me agayeich hungey, Soncho! Soncho
Konsi beemari hungi, Soncho Bhai
Jaandoh Maich boldetau! PUBG......
Khatarnaak Beemari hai yaro ye, Kitte ki Logaa
Shikar Hogaye Uske
Jider bole udar Phailgayi ye Beemari, India Bole toh India
Puri Duniya me Phailewi hai ye
Khelne walau ku toh Kuch b Faraq ni padra ye Beemari se
magar Khelrai so Walau k Dil k khareeb jo logaa hai na?
Unlogo ki Dil'aa Barabar Tut Jaarai
Amma-BAWA Betey se pareshan.... Biwi shohar
Se Pareshan,,, GF-BF se Pareshaan
Malik- Naukar se pareshaan, Boss- Employee Se
pareshaan, Teacher'aa student se pareshan
Pareshani ki adda bangayi duniya, BAIGAN KI MERI!!!
Bachey toh Bachey, Bachau se Acha Bachiyaa khelrai
ye Game, Ghar me Pakatey so Masalau k
naama yaad ni hungey, Apne Bachyau ku, College k
Schollau k kitabau me k answeraa Nai Yaad Hungey
Magar konsi gun me konsey Goliyaa lagtey Barabar Malum hogaya
WAH! Baji WAH! WAH!!!
But Game Khelney Waley Bachiya Rehtey Zaroor Cute
Ye baat toh Mannaich Padta Dekho, Loogaa
Beemari se Bachtey Phirtey, Magar ye beemari ku
Khushi se Apnalerai, Craze toh itta hogaya
Mobile ki Dukan pe jake, Kuch ni toh Kuch, PUBG Chalti kya
Bhai Ye mobile me Barabar Puchlerai
Bro! Ye mobile me PUBG Chalti kya Bro!
Bolo na Bro!
Chalti b Daudti b Maut Daldeti Bro!
Toh Bro! Thaili me pack kardo na Bro!
Bro! Toh bill Bhardo na Bro!
Ye game itti important hogayi k, Exam se pehle ye game
Khelke Agar nai gaye toh Exam acha ni jata, Sooney se pehle
Khelke ni soye toh Sukoon ki Neend nai aati, Neend se
uthtey ki agar nai kheley toh Din Kharab Jata, Agar
apka BF ya Apke Shohar aapse door rehtey
aur unku Jaldi neend aajari bolke sojarai
Toh Samajjao! Samajjao! uno, Hallu apku sulake
Hallu apna Dusra Pyar, Yaani k PUBG k sath
Time Guzaarney waley hai, Aajkal Kitte ki
breakupau ki wajah hai ye Game, PUBG me Goliyaa kam
Ghar me Shohar-Biwi, GF-BF, Bawa-Betey k
Beech me zyada chalrai isku leke
Aur toh suno, Soney pe Suhaaga, Ye game jeetney ku
Chicken Dinner Boltey,
Yaaro, Wo bicharey chicken ku kaiku laye hungey beechme? Uney
Pehleich Chicken Gunya, Bird Flu jaise, Ujaad beemariyau se
badnaam hoke hai, Uski kya ghalti thi ki bicharey Chicken ki
Amma- Bawa k gaaliyaa manzoor, GF k
sath Ladhayi Manzoor, Biwi ki narazgi Manzoor
Ye toh chordo... Mayyat! Mauta me be
b dekha mai, Logau ku ye Khelrai so
Ye game itti important hogayi aajkal k logau k wastey
Jaisa k Biryani me Gosht, Andey me
Zardi, Nahari me Paye, Kawab me
Haddi, Bandoq me Goli, Dil me Gurda
Arii! Baigan ye Kya bolderau mai? Khair!
Ab end karingey, Kaisi dikhi video niche comment
section me me bolo aur konsey konsey topics pe banana
aise videos, Wo b zara boldo, SUBSCRIBE! b kardo!
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Bhot Farmaishaa karderau nai mai b? Magar Jandoh
Kya karsaktey? Itta toh karo bolke bolich saktau mai
Chalo phir Allahafiz, See you in My Next Video
LVX Premium Travel Light by Murran Billi | Unboxing & How to Use - Duration: 3:53.
Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!
Popeye so lucky to King Achap comfort her,Achap looking for other monkey want fihgt - Duration: 10:10.
Candy corn: Yum or yuck? - Duration: 0:33.
Season 4 Episode 5: You Scratch My Back - Duration: 20:52.
Funny Buddy play game | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 8:49.
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Sharing Our Dream With You - Duration: 8:14.
it's too dear haha so we're at the cabin so I surprised Taylor yesterday about
coming up here she thought we were going camping and surprised a lot cabin up
here on the edge of a mountain top and look at this video
it's amazing Taylor wanted to go look around the property and I kinda did -
she thinks we're going to walk around she doesn't know that they have
four-wheelers here so I'm going to grab before we like best surprise her again
and we're gonna ride around the property on the four-wheeler
hey check it arrived yeah
you want to check out the blind yeah since we've been on the property we've
seen deer two raccoons and then we saw how many Turkey did we see four or five
Turkey pretty cool this is a blind so it's got three
windows on each side and then each window has a counterweight and so you
can slide up the window slide it down and shoot a deer and provide meat for
your family yeah and we're probably like 100 yards from their house be kind of
nice to just walk out here so the blind is right over there under the tree and
then over here there's a tree stand up there and you got a carabiner with the
press ik not right there so you can slide up as you're climbing the ladder
if you fall down I'll catch ya so one thing we were talking about the other
day was when you're climbing down don't hold your hand on top of the press ik
not because if you were to fall it would just slide down with you
so instead as you're climbing down you know slide the press ik a little bit of
ways take a few more steps slide it a little bit more but don't keep your hand
on the Rope above the press ik not yeah it's a good tip might save your life
come on chief
find them
- cheap
you will make that noise again Wow
if you ever wonder where balloons go when people let him go fly up into the
air this is where they go we've been out on different wilderness
trails and like back on the ranch that we used to live we would find balloons
like this all the time all over the place it kind of makes me mad because
they I don't know if everybody lets me go on purpose but some people will let
it bloom just go it's like oh yeah it's gone but it doesn't just disappear like
it lands somewhere and it kind of changes your experience when you're out
in nature and then you like see something shiny and just garbage plastic
we're gonna take it back and throw it in the garbage she just saw three whitetail
deer just running through the forest right over there and he had a trail cam
on a tree back there so we stopped in front of the trail cam and posed for a
little bit so hopefully when he checks his cameras I'll have a picture of us
it's a little sniffily out here you having fun yeah it's cool to see the
property it's like a bigger property than I thought it was one thing he said
was to stay on the trails because if you get off the trails you could get lost
pretty easy and I'm up top there's definitely a lot of places you could
take a four-wheeler if you want it to but you know it's not on the trails and
so I can see how if you just started exploring you could end up not finding
your way back but Chiefs been running alongside us this whole entire time and
we've been gone for how long it's been an hour
giving chief a little break we were to get a property of our own probably be up
on top of a mountain kind of like this log cabin the cool view and it's close
enough to a city that like you could just drive in and get groceries and
stuff but we are talking about this it'd be really cool to have a place like this
to be able to host like retreats and stuff like that you're thinking it'd be
really cool to do I you tuber retreat and just invite a bunch of youtubers
come and have a retreat a marriage like we can have a bunch of like married
couples come do you like a retreat for Taylor's business whatever we could
think of we could do a subscriber retreat that would be like a dream for
us it'd be so cool to have a place like this one to live at but then also to use
it to bless other people would be really fun all right chief you ready to go back
push the subscribe button all the way in if you haven't done so already hit down
some more button down below and we'll see you in the next one hats off to you
it's that fun so you gonna keep the balloon you know yeah little souvenir
yeah alright Rach
Are you irrational? Yes, I am! - ¿Eres irracional? ... Si, lo soy! - Duration: 2:57.
Let me try to explain in less than 2 minutes
why we say we are irrational.
Because, trust me,
it´s not only your mother-in-law, your boss, the crazy politician on duty or your neighbor
You and I, too make irrational decisions.
Daniel Kahneman in his book Think Fast and Slow
explains the functioning of the brain
based on two different systems of thinking:
System 1 and System 2.
System 1 is fast and unconscious.
And it´s based on emotions, associations, and intuitions.
It´s the one that gets activated when, for example,
you jump off the sidewalk when one of those new scooters
comes at full speed and risks to run over you
or when a dog greets you effusively and you feel as patting him.
System 1 exists because for thousands of years
homo sapiens needed to survive in the savanna
for which the evolution of the brain has
prioritized speed over quality for our decisions.
On the other hand, System 2
is a controlled, analytical and logical system
It activates when you write a business email
or when I ask you how much is 15 multiplied by 28
These two systems are in permanent communication
And while system 1 is dominant when making decisions,
System 2 must continuously deliberate on
the ideas and suggestions of his brother the system 1
validating their veracity,
which its what happens most the times,
and then justifying them rationally.
That's the reason why we usually think
we make rational decisions
because they have been justified and validated
by our analytical and reflective system.
Notwithstanding this, science now tells us
that the vast majority of our decisions are irrational from the begining.
This is the snippet for today
around one of the key concepts of behavioral economics
And for today I'm leaving in the comments below
a link to the index and a chapter of my book #QuieroDecidirYo
which is now available in all digital platforms and bookshops.
And let me end up by asking...
You... what have you learned today?
Animals Are Awesome - Duration: 16:34.
Animals Are Awesome
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